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Panamint Valley, in eastern California, is an extensional basin currently bounded by active, dextral-normal oblique-slip faults. There is considerable debate over the tectonic and topographic evolution of the valley. The least-studied structure, the Ash Hill fault, runs for some 50 km along the valley's western edge, and active strands of the fault continue south into the neighbouring Slate Range. Vertical displacement on the fault is valley-side up, creating topography that conflicts with the gross morphology of the valley itself. We use this topography, along with kinematic and geological markers, to constrain the Quaternary slip rate and orientation of the Ash Hill fault. The fault offsets all but the active channel deposits in the valley, and slickenlines indicate a strike-slip to dip-slip ratio of 3.5:1. An offset volcanic unit dated at 4 Ma provides a minimum slip rate of 0.3±0.1 mm yr−1, and a long-term strike-slip to dip-slip ratio of 5.2:1. Slip on the fault has warped a palaeolake shoreline within the valley. Simple elastic dislocation modelling of the vertical deformation of the shoreline suggests total fault slip of ≈60 m, valley-side up. The shoreline probably dates to 120–150 ka, implying a late Quaternary slip rate of 0.4–0.5 mm yr−1. We suggest two possible mechanisms for the apparently anomalous slip behaviour of the Ash Hill fault. The fault may be a listric structure related to the proposed low-angle fault underlying Panamint Valley. Alternatively, the Ash Hill fault is a high-angle fault, implying that the valley is currently bounded by high-angle dextral-slip faults. Lack of detailed subsurface information precludes any knowledge of the true relationships between the presently active faults.  相似文献   

The seismicity rate in the Mudurnu Valley of Turkey was studied using an earthquake catalogue that reports events homogeneously down to magnitude 2.3 for the years 1985–1989, and covers the area between latitudes 40.2° and 41.0°N, and longitudes 30.0° and 31.5°E. During this period the only two main shocks, M = 4.0 and M = 4.3, occurred on 1988 September 6 and 1988 December 9 within about 30km of each other. A highly significant seismic quiescence is evident in the area surrounding these main shocks, while the seismicity rate in the rest of the area covered by the catalogue remains constant. the quiescence becomes more pronounced the smaller the area around the main shocks that is studied. the smallest areas that can be studied contain about 60 earthquakes and have dimensions of approximately 25km on each side. the decreases in seismicity rates are 50–80 per cent depending on the volume and period used for defining the quiescence. the quiescence started in 1988 January and lasted about seven months, with approximately 4.5 months of normal activity separating it from the main shock of December. the precursor time of 12 months for an M = 4.3 main shock is similar to those observed in California. It is concluded that it is possible to resolve precursory quiescence before moderate and large earthquakes in the Mudurnu area with the existing seismograph network.  相似文献   

In Death Valley, California, an area of high aridity and great salinity, alluvial fans de scend into the zone of salt accumulation. When the rounded fan gravels come into contact with salt, some of which is sodium sulfate, they are rapidly shattered and reduced in size. Silt and clay are formed by this salt weathering process and this fine material may be subject to deflation processes.  相似文献   

This study explores the surface variability of alluvial fans from digital elevations model (DEM) derivatives generated from 1-m planimetric resolution airborne laser swath mapping data. Channel and interfluve dimensions of debris flow (DF) fans and fans generated from predominantly fluvial flows and some older debris flows (mixed flow [MF]) are extracted with the aid of a planimetric curvature classification. Significant differences are identified between the fan surface topography of DF and MF fans. MF fans tend to have smaller channel and interfluve widths, have smaller elevation differences between the crest of the interfluve and channel, and are more dissected than DF fans. The morphometric differences between the two fan classes can be explained by differences in the primary processes that develop the surficial features, but also the preponderance for secondary erosional processes acting on the MF fans.  相似文献   

The Racetrack Playa's unusual surface features known as sliding rocks have been the subject of an ongoing debate and several mapping projects for half a century, although the causative mechanism remains unresolved. Clasts ranging in volume from large pebbles to medium boulders have, unwitnessed, maneuvered around the nearly flat dry lake over considerable distances. The controversy has persisted partly because eyewitness accounts of the phenomenon continue to be lacking, and the earlier mapping missions were limited in method and geographic range. In July 1996, we generated the first complete map of all observed sliding rock trails by submeter differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) mapping technology. The resulting map shows 162 sliding rocks and associated trails to an accuracy of approximately 30 cm. Although anemometer data are not available in the Racetrack wilderness, wind is clearly a catalyst for sliding rock activity; an inferred wind rose was constructed from DGPS trail segment data. When the entire trail network is examined in plan, some patterns emerge, although other (perhaps expected relations) remain elusive: terrain analysis of the surrounding topography demonstrates that the length and morphology of trails are more closely related to where rocks rested at the onset of motion than to any physical attribute of the rocks themselves. Follow-up surveys in May 1998, May 1999, August 1999, and November 1999 revealed little modification of the July, 1996 sliding rock configuration. Only four rocks were repositioned during the El Niño winter of 1997–1998, suggesting that activity may not be restricted to winter storms.  相似文献   

Saline lake deposits are arguably the best source of mid- to low-latitude terrestrial paleoclimate data. Alternating clastic sediments and evaporites of different chemical composition have long been recognized as sensitive records of changes in inflow and aridity related to a variety of climate parameters. Several sources of paleotemperature information from a halite-bearing saline lake deposit are described here – pseudomorphs of a cold-temperature evaporite mineral, homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in halite, and stable-isotope compositions of fluid inclusions in halite. Examples of these paleoclimate data come from analysis of the lower half of a 185-m core drilled in Pleistocene saline lake deposits at Death Valley, California. Daily and seasonal temperature variations in saline lake waters create conditions for the appearance and disappearance of temperature-dependent mineral phases. In the Death Valley core, hexagonal-shaped halite crystals, probable pseudomorphs of the cold-temperature hydrous mineral, hydrohalite (NaCl2H2O), provide evidence of brine temperatures below about 0 °C. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in primary halite offer an actual (not proxy) record of surface-brine temperatures. Samples with primary fluid-inclusion textures are carefully selected and handled, and data are collected from single-phase aqueous-brine inclusions chilled to nucleate vapor bubbles. Temperature variations are observable at scales of individual halite crystals (hours to days), single halite beds (weeks to months or years), and multiples of beds to entire facies (hundreds to tens of thousands of years). A 18O/D stable isotope record from the minute quantities of brines in fluid inclusions in halite is accessible using a method recently developed at the University of Calgary. The stable isotope record from the Death Valley core, a complex response to climate variables including temperature, humidity, storm patterns or seasons, and inflow sources, compliments and expands the interpretation emerging from the stratigraphy and homogenization temperatures.  相似文献   

The Hunter Mountain fault zone strikes northwesterly, is right-lateral strike-slip, and kinematically links the northern Panamint Valley fault zone to the southern Saline Valley fault zone. The most recent displacement of the fault is recorded in the offset of Holocene deposits along the entire length of the fault zone. Right-lateral offsets of drainage channels within Grapevine Canyon reach up to 50 to 60 m. Initial incision of the offset channels is interpreted on the basis of geomorphic and climatic considerations to have occurred approximately 15 ka. The 50 to 60 m of offset during 15 ka corresponds to a right-lateral fault slip rate of 3.3–4.0 mm/year within Grapevine Canyon. Further to the north along the Nelson Range front, the fault is composed of two sub-parallel fault strands and the fault begins to show an increased normal component of motion. A channel margin that is incised into a Holocene surface that is between 10 and 128 ka in age is offset 16–20 m, which yields a broad minimum bound on the lateral slip rate of 0.125–2.0 mm/year. The best preserved single-event displacements recorded in Holocene deposits range from 1.5 to 2.5 m. In addition to faulting within Grapevine Canyon and the main rangefront fault along the southwest edge of Saline Valley, there also exist normal fault strands within the Valley that strike northeasterly and towards Eureka Valley. The northeasterly striking normal faults in the Valley appear to be actively transferring dextral slip from the Hunter Mountain fault zone north and east onto the Furnace Creek fault zone. Separations on northerly trending, normal faults within Saline Valley yield estimates of slip rates in the hundredths of millimeters per year.  相似文献   

Desert springs are biodiversity hotspots that are easily altered by anthropogenic activities. Little is known about the effects of human disturbance on desert springs, and scarce information exists describing the environmental effects of incrementally increasing disturbance. The objective of this research was to quantify the influence of incremental reductions in discharge on the physical and thermal characteristics of a desert springbrook. In this study, the physical characteristics of a desert springbrook include hydraulic attributes that influence habitat availability, such as wetted area, flow velocity, and water depth. Thermal characteristics refer to water temperature and temperature gradients. The research objective was accomplished through a combination of field experiments at Travertine Spring, Death Valley National Park, USA, and hydraulic/temperature modeling to: (1) quantify changes in physical characteristics of the springbrook channel and aquatic environment; (2) investigate the effects of reduced spring discharge on seasonal spatial temperature patterns; (3) delineate tipping points that exhibit a non-linear response to decreased flow. We found that the physical environment changed with small decreases in discharge. Thermal tipping points were also exhibited due to decreases in discharge, but the magnitude of these responses was a function of distance from the spring source, seasonality, and temperature.  相似文献   

The geological features now exposed at Mormon Point, Death Valley, reveal processes of extension that continue to be active, but are concealed beneath the east side of Death Valley. Late Cenozoic sedimentary rocks at Mormon Point crop out in the hangingwall of the Mormon Point low-angle normal fault zone, a fault zone that formed within a releasing bend of the oblique-slip (right-normal slip) fault zone along the east side of Death Valley. The late Cenozoic sedimentary rocks were part of the valley when the low-angle fault zone was active, but during late Quaternary time they became part of the Black Mountains block and were uplifted. Rocks and structures exposed at Mormon Point are an example of the types of features developed in a releasing bend along the margins of a major pull-apart structure, and in this example they are very similar to features associated with regional detachment faults. The oldest sedimentary rocks in the hangingwall of the Mormon Point low-angle fault zone dip steeply to moderately east or north-east and were faulted and rotated in an extensional kinematic environment different from that recorded by rocks and structures associated with younger rocks in the hangingwall. Some of the younger parts of the late Cenozoic sedimentary rocks were deposited, faulted and rotated during movement on the Mormon Point low-angle normal fault. Progressively, strata are less faulted and less rotated. The Mormon Point low-angle normal fault has an irregular fault surface whose segments define intersections that plunge 18°-30°, N10°-40°W, with a maximum of 22°, N22°W that we interpret to be the general direction of slip. Thus, even though Death Valley trends north, movement on the faults responsible for its formation was at least locally north-northwest. Gouge and disrupted conglomerates along the faults are interpreted to have formed either as adjustments to accommodate space problems at the corners of blocks or along faults that bounded blocks during their displacement and rotation. The younger units of the late Cenozoic sedimentary rock sequence and the geomorphic surfaces developed on them are rarely faulted, not rotated, and overlap the Mormon Point low-angle faults. Active faults cut Holocene alluvium north of the late Cenozoic rocks and form the present boundary between Mormon Point and the Black Mountains. The distribution of active faults defines a releasing bend that mimics the older releasing bend formed by the Mormon Point low-angle fault zone. Rocks and structures similar to those exposed above the Mormon Point low-angle fault zone are probably forming today beneath the east side of Death Valley north-west of Mormon Point.  相似文献   

<正> 经过20多年的改革与发展,首都的农业和农村经济发生了巨大变化,目前已进入一个新的发展阶段。调整农业产业结构、增加农民收入已成为新阶段农村工作的首要任务。而且随着我国加入WTO,国内市场与国际市场的全面接轨已势在必行,这既为我国农业和农村经济发展带来前所未有的机遇,也面临许多全新的挑战。面对这种新形势,要实现  相似文献   

Debris flows are a common event in mountainous environments. They often possess the greatest potential for destruction of property and loss of lives in these regions. Delimiting the spatial extent of potential damage from debris flows relies on detailed studies of the location of depositional zones. Current research indicates debris flow fans have two distinct depositional zones. However, the two zones were derived from studies containing detailed analyses of only a few fans. High resolution airborne laser swath mapping (ALSM) data is used to calculate profile curvature and surface gradient on 19 debris flow fans on the eastern side of Death Valley. The relationship between these parameters is assessed to 1) identify if debris flow fans are accurately represented by two depositional zones, and 2) to assess how these terrain parameters relate to one another at the individual fan scale. The results show at least three zones of deposition exist within the sampled fans. These zones do not hold consistent when individual fan morphometry is analyzed in conjunction with localized fan surface gradients. Fans with consistently shallower gradients exhibit numerous depositional zones with more subtle changes in profile curvature. Steeper gradient fans exhibit significantly fewer zones with more pronounced local changes in profile curvature. The surface complexity of debris flow fans is evident from these analyses and must be accounted for in any type of hazard studies related to these features.  相似文献   

The Hanaupah-Fan Shoreline Deposit (HSD) is an as yet undescribed occurrence of shoreline sediments of late Pleistocene Lake Manly in Death Valley, California. It is located in the southern part of Death Valley, at the northeastern periphery of Hanaupah Fan. The HSD is a gently sloping, WSW-ENE elongated ridge, about 600 m long, 165 m wide and 8 m high. Its surface extends from -12 to +28 m in elevation, i.e. it has a vertical range of 40 m. We interpret the deposit as a sediment body that extended from the Hanaupah Fan east into the lake. Rising lake level, and waves approaching both from the north and south eroded fan materials, and produced a sediment body with a complex architecture. Fetch for waves approaching from either direction was about 40 km. The sedimentary inventory consists of cross-stratified gravel beds of various size ranges, dipping towards the north, south, and east, and of horizontal berm gravel beds, and horizontal silt layers. A discordant gravel layer covers the entire surface of the deposit, probably produced by wave action during the last phase of lake regression. This uniform gravel layer forms a surface that is distinctly different from the surrounding fan surfaces. It is relatively fine grained, much better sorted, and densely packed. Rock varnish is very well developed, and imparts a dark color to the surface, which makes it easily recognizable on aerial photographs. No absolute age date is available as yet, but circumstantial evidence places the formation of the deposit at the peak of marine isotope stage 2 (Wisconsinan/Weichsellian glacial maximum)  相似文献   

In the past, heritage tourism has been associated with urban sites but there is now an acceptance of the application of this concept to rural areas. In the Clarence Valley in northern New South Wales there is potential for an extension of agritourism associated with working dairy farms to include safari tours to clusters of dairy heritage sites which are scattered throughout the area. Remnants of the old dairy industry, which began in the Clarence River Valley of New South Wales in the late nineteenth century, are scattered throughout the landscape. Over 300 dairy milking bails remain—ghosts of the former thriving industry when over 2000 dairy farms were operating. Concrete foundations of some creameries built in the 1890s can still be found, and three factory buildings still stand. These relics are disappearing quite rapidly and if the importance of the industry is to be recognised by future generations then it seems that some heritage conservation is overdue. At the same time, in order to survive in a post-deregulated economic environment, the remaining 10 dairy farmers in the Clarence Valley are diversifying their activities, with one form of pluriactivity being agritourism. Currently few of these farmers have entered this field but most of them see its potential to broaden their income base. Associated with agritourism at the farm level, the local government authorities see heritage tourism as a way of increasing employment in the region.  相似文献   

The outer Adriatic zones of the central Apennines (Italy) provide good conditions for analysing geometry and kinematics of the earliest normal faults, superposed onto the thrust belt. During the latest stages of thrusting onto the Adriatic foreland (late Pliocene–early Pleistocene), the outermost imbricates of the thrust belt were subjected to normal faulting, coeval with differential uplift. Crosscutting normal faults get younger towards the foreland, thus the easternmost normal faults record the latest stages of fault propagation and growth. The Caramanico fault, on the western flank of Mt. Maiella, is the largest outcropping normal fault of the outer zones. This high‐angle fault (dip > 70°) has cumulative offsets ≤ €4.2 km, and propagated with slip rates of 2.6 mm/year in a short time interval (≤ 1.6 Ma), concomitant with intense uplift of Mt. Maiella. In contrast with normal faults in a more internal position, the Caramanico fault maintains a high‐angle planar geometry, and does not reach the major basal detachment of the thrust belt. Thus the fault did not cause large extensional displacements; its major role was rather to accommodate ongoing components of vertical uplift of the overthickened thrust wedge. Downfaulting of the thrust belt on the western flank of Mt. Maiella represents the youngest end member of the same processes that have operated since 11 Ma in the Tyrrhenian hinterland, where large extensional strains and crustal thinning of the orogenic belt were achieved by long‐lasting activity of listric normal faults detached at lower crustal depths.  相似文献   

Research and development programs for improved productivity and profitability in horticulture have focused largely on understanding biophysical factors and production and harvest technologies. By contrast, relatively few studies focus upon the existing status of a rural community in terms of demographics, rationales and motivations underlying current farm management practices. Understanding such factors is increasingly important as pressures from climate change, globalised market forces, land-use competition and ageing workforces intersect on farms and for farmers. This paper explores experiences among macadamia growers in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia, with the aim to better understand and improve the targeting of development programs to meet grower needs and aspirations, for improved industry resilience. Results suggest that growers are a diverse, ageing demographic who came into the industry with a variety of skill sets. Noting a lack of previous farming experience for many growers, we highlight the need to consider information transfer and succession planning, along with aspirations to consolidate properties and skills. New engagement approaches are recommended, with tailored extension to different grower groups. To aid with this process, a classification tree was developed for the purposes of separating growers into groups with different support needs.  相似文献   

Sand dune movement in the Victoria Valley, Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We use vertical aerial photographs and LiDAR topographic survey data to estimate dune migration rates in the Victoria Valley dunefield, Antarctica, between 1961 and 2001. Results confirm that the dunes migrated an average of 1.5 m/year. These values are consistent with other estimates of dune migration from cold climate deserts and are significantly lower than estimates from warm deserts. Dune migration rates are retarded by the presence of entrained ice, soil moisture and a reversing wind regime. Dune absorption, merging and limb extension are apparent from the time-series images and account for significant changes in dune form and the field-scale dune pattern. Dune-field pattern analysis shows an overall increase in dune-field organization with an increase in mean dune spacing and a reduction in total crest length and defect density. These data suggest that dunes in other cold desert environments on Earth, Mars or Titan, that may also have inter-bedded frozen laminae, still have the potential to migrate and organize, albeit at lower rates than dunes in warm deserts.  相似文献   

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