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南极麦肯齐湾冰间湖的时空变化及主要影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2003—2009年AMSR-E日平均海冰密集度数据,对南极普里兹湾埃默里冰架前缘中西部的麦肯齐湾冰间湖进行了分析。针对冰架前缘冰间湖的特点,本文在阈值法和连通域法的基础上,提出了生长点法作为识别此类冰间湖的方法。研究发现,该冰间湖的开始时间为每年的3月中下旬,结束时间为每年的10月末到11月初,平均出现天数为226d。冰间湖的面积每天都发生变化,表现出天气尺度的变化特征。全年累计的冰间湖面积平均为(8.33±1.55)×105 km2。冰间湖最大面积为1.69×104 km2,出现在2004年。结合NCEP再分析数据中的日平均风速资料的分析发现,在6~8月,冰间湖的天气尺度变化主要是受风场的影响,冰间湖面积与离岸风速有很好的相关性。  相似文献   

The dense water formation process under polynya or lead is examined by numerical experiments using a three-dimensional non-hydrostatic model. Many numerical experiments on isolated convection in an initially homogeneous fluid have been performed for different sets of external parameters, in order to investigate a relationship between the convection process and the external parameters. The main focus is on the situation in which the horizontal length scale of disk-shaped buoyancy forcing (radius R) is comparable with the total water depth (H). The two dynamical regimes described in previous work—the baroclinically unstable convection and the baroclinically stable convection—are confirmed in the experiments. A horizontal shift of a convective chimney is important to a density anomaly in baroclinically stable convection. For the stable range, as R is reduced R/H < 0.7, a new regime is found, called “single-plume convection”, in which multiple convective plumes do not fully develop, and the density anomaly scale has nearly no dependency on R. This change of dependency on R is consistent with that derived by scaling analysis. The non-hydrostatic component is more significant than the hydrostatic one in the single-plume convection. The information obtained is useful for parameterizing dense water formation under ice cover in a numerical model with a large grid size; i.e., the newly formed water has a density anomaly independent of the polynya size smaller than the water depth, while the anomaly increases as the size exceeds the depth.  相似文献   

本文采用固定冰数据集和南极象海豹获取的现场观测数据集,分析了南极达恩利角固定冰附近局地高密陆架水的变化。结果表明:首先,达恩利角固定冰存在显著季节变化,对于达恩利角冰间湖及局地高密陆架水的生成都具有重要影响。其次,达恩利角固定冰在2000−2014年期间年际变化很小,无显著增减趋势。第三,达恩利角固定冰附近局地高密陆架水有两个显著来源:(1)3−4月,达恩利角固定冰快速生成时伴随着强烈的盐析作用,进而局地生成高密陆架水;(2)5月,达恩利角固定冰达到最大范围,局地盐析作用减弱至很小,而上游在冰架水抑制作用减弱后,麦肯基湾冰间湖海域的高密陆架水生成增强,能够向西北输运至达恩利角固定冰附近。本研究初步证明达恩利角固定冰除了维持达恩利角冰间湖存在的作用外,对局地高密陆架水生成也可能有重要影响,同时指出一条重要的水团输运路径,这有助于提高对达恩利角附近冰−海相互作用的理解,对该地区开展更多观测或模拟研究是必要的。  相似文献   

Possible source of the antarctic bottom water in the Prydz Bay Region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It has been inferred that the Prydz Bay region is one of the source regions of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) based on rather indirect evidence. In order to examine this inference, we investigate the hydrographic condition of the bay based mainly on XCTD data obtained during the Japanese Whale Research Program in the Antarctic (JARPA). The JARPA hydrographic data reveal Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), which is a salty, warm water mass approaching the shelf break, and capture Modified CDW (MCDW) intruding into the shelf water. AABW production requires mixing of CDW and cold shelf water saltier than 34.6 psu, which is a saltier type of Low Salinity Shelf Water (LSSW). Saltier LSSW is observed near the bottom over the shelf, being mixed with MCDW. We further identify saltier LSSW near the shelf break. This saltier LSSW appears close enough to unmodified CDW to be mixed with it over the continental slope, indicating a possible source of AABW in Prydz Bay.  相似文献   

Meso- or submeso-scale features of the Antarctic sea ice are investigated using the MOS-1/1b MESSR Images (spatial resolution of approximately 50 m) received at Syowa Station. Particular attention is paid to the ice bands and ice streamers in coastal polynyas. In the Antarctic Ocean, ice bands can be often seen not only at the ice edge but also in the ice interior zone throughout the year and they extend for hundreds of kilometers in the latitudinal direction. It is found that the width and spacing of ice bands tend to decrease from winter to summer. The width of ice band is about 2–6 km in August and September, and 0.1–0.7 km in December. The spacing of ice bands is about 3–10 km in August and September, and 0.1–2 km in December. In coastal polynyas, ice streamers, which are composed of new ice, are sometimes observed. In general, the row of the streamers is spaced at 0.5–2 km with a width of 0.1–1.0 km.  相似文献   

应用非结构网格有限体积海洋模型对平潭竹屿湾水交换能力和溢油扩散开展了数值模拟.水交换能力计算表明,竹屿湾大部分水域水体半交换时间小于1.0 d,平均滞留时间约3.0 d左右,水体冲洗时间为15.0 d,水交换能力较强. 48 h溢油扩散计算结果表明,油粒子扫海范围及运动路径与油粒子的释放时刻及风的作用紧密相关.静风条件...  相似文献   

普里兹湾附近绕极深层水和底层水及其运动特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
利用中国第15次南极科学考察科学考察队的CTD全深度观测资料(1998年11月至1999年2月),分析并讨论了普里兹湾以北的南大洋海域内,绕极深层水(CDW)和南极底层水(AABW)的物理特性及其空间分布.同时还与历史上其他学者的发现进行了比较.指出了在研究海域内,CDW在100~2000m之间从北向南扩展,其高温核(t>1.2℃)和高盐核(S>34.7)在75°E断面上最为深厚,向南扩展得最远;而AABW则在2500m以深由陆坡底部向北扩展,σθ>27.875的高密度水体在70°E断面上最为深厚,向北扩展得最远.此外还通过实测的CTD资料证实了CDW和AABW的经向环流特征,以及它们与迪肯流环(Deaconcell)、亚极地流环和深层流环的一致性.  相似文献   

The Formation and Circulation of the Intermediate Water in the Japan Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to clarify the formation and circulation of the Japan/East Sea Intermediate Water (JESIW) and the Upper portion of the Japan Sea Proper Water (UJSPW), numerical experiments have been carried out using a 3-D ocean circulation model. The UJSPW is formed in the region southeast off Vladivostok between 41°N and 42°N west of 136°E. Taking the coastal orography near Vladivostok into account, the formation of the UJSPW results from the deep water convection in winter which is generated by the orchestration of fresh water supplied from the Amur River and saline water from the Tsushima Warm Current under very cold conditions. The UJSPW formed is advected by the current at depth near the bottom of the convection and penetrates into the layer below the JESIW. The origin of the JESIW is the low salinity coastal water along the Russian coast originated by the fresh water from the Amur River. The coastal low salinity water is advected by the current system in the northwestern Japan Sea and penetrates into the subsurface below the Tsushima Warm Current region forming a subsurface salinity minimum layer. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

随着厦门高集海堤打开及东西海域清淤工程实施,厦门海域边界条件和水动力环境均发生了较大变化.根据最新边界条件、地形条件和水文泥沙条件,通过数学模型研究打开马銮湾对厦门东西海域的影响.研究结果表明大潮条件下,高集海堤打开后,高集海堤处产生自西向东的净潮量为3 930亿m3,西海域的水体交换能力显著增强;进一步打开马銮湾后,增加的涨、落潮总潮量平均4 560亿m3,增加的潮量分别通过鼓浪屿断面和五通断面进出西海域和同安湾,分配比例接近1∶1.马銮湾开口可以增加东西海域水体交换能力,但东西海域水质是否改善取决于马銮湾水质情况.  相似文献   

R. La  Ferla  A. Allegra    F. Azzaro    S. Greco  E. Crisafi 《Marine Ecology》1995,16(4):307-315
Abstract. This paper reports on the temporal distribution of microbial biomass, over a I-month survey during austral suinmer 1990. at two sampling stations in Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) by means of biochemical methodologies such as ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and LPS (lipopolysaccharides). Microbial estimates. derived from ATP measurements. showed an unstable temporal trend and a range characteristic for water with low or. seldom. moderate trophism. Biomass decreased with increasing depth. and photo-autotrophic organisms seem to dominate the whole microbial assemblage. The bacterial population, as derived from LPS determinations, did not show much variability and was well-correlated to other microbiological and chemical parameters. Our data showed that larger mic-roplankters were dominant. but that sometimes pico-sized organisms contributed about 60% to the microbial biomass; this emphasizes the 'still poorly-known' importance of microbes in Antarctic food webs.  相似文献   

大幅度的潮位变动对近岸景观和亲水性有较大影响,为此往往在湾口建闸控制湾内潮位变动,通过设置景观水位改善以上问题,但这将带来湾内的水动力及水体交换条件下降。本研究以马銮湾为例通过潮流数学模型模拟,研究湾口开闸孔数、开闸位置及不同景观水位与湾内水动力和水体交换的关系。利用湾口闸门调度,在湾内形成大尺度环流提高水体交换效率,对马銮湾景观水位和闸门调度方式提出了建议,有效地解决了湾内潮差减小引起水体交换效率减低的问题。  相似文献   

南极半岛周边海域水团及水交换的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用中国第34次南极考察于2018年1–2月在南极半岛周边海域获得的温盐、海流现场观测数据,分析了调查区域主要水团及水交换特征。结果表明,观测区域内主要存在南极表层水、绕极深层水、暖深层水、南极底层水、布兰斯菲尔德海峡底层水。威德尔海的暖深层水、威德尔海深层水通过南奥克尼海台东侧的奥克尼通道、布鲁斯通道和南奥克尼海台西侧的埃斯佩里兹通道进入斯科舍海,其中奥克尼通道的深层海流最强,流速最大可达0.25 m/s,密度较大的威德尔海深层水可以通过此通道进入斯科舍海;布鲁斯通道海流流速约为0.13 m/s,通过此通道的暖深层水位势温度较高;埃斯佩里兹通道海流流速约为0.10 m/s,通过此通道的暖深层水位势温度最低,威德尔海深层水密度最小。在南奥克尼海台东西两侧均观测到南向和北向的海流,但整体上来看,向北的海流和水交换更强。水体进入斯科舍海后,沿着南斯科舍海岭的北侧向西北方向流动,流速约为0.21 m/s。德雷克海峡中的南极绕极流仅有一部分向东进入斯科舍海南部海域,且受到向西流动的暖深层水、威德尔海深层水的影响,斯科舍海南部海域的绕极深层水明显比德雷克海峡中绕极深层水的高温高盐性质弱;受到南极绕极流的影响,南斯科舍海岭北侧的威德尔海深层水比南侧暖。南斯科舍海岭上的水体可能受到北侧绕极深层水、暖深层水,西侧陆架水,东侧冬季水的影响,因此海岭上水体结构较为复杂。  相似文献   

The dynamics controlling the response of the Baltic Sea to changed atmospheric and hydrologic forcing are reviewed and demonstrated using simple models. The response time for salt is 30 times longer than for heat in the Baltic Sea. In the course of a year, the Baltic Sea renews most of its heat but only about 3% of its salt. On the seasonal scale, surface temperature and ice-coverage are controlled by the atmospheric conditions over the Baltic Sea as demonstrated by e.g. the strong inter-annual variations in winter temperature and ice-coverage due to variations in dominating wind directions causing alternating mild and cold winters. The response of surface temperature and ice-coverage in the Baltic Sea to modest climate change may therefore be predicted using existing statistics. Due to the long response time in combination with complicated dynamics, the response of the salinity of the Baltic Sea cannot be predicted using existing statistics but has to be computed from mechanistic models. Salinity changes primarily through changes in the two major forcing factors: the supply of freshwater and the low-frequency sea level fluctuations in the Kattegat. The sensitivity of Baltic Sea salinity to changed freshwater supply is investigated using a simple mechanistic steady-state model that includes baroclinic geostrophic outflow from the Kattegat, the major dynamical factor controlling the freshwater content in the Kattegat and thereby the salinity of water flowing into the Baltic Sea. The computed sensitivity of Baltic Sea surface salinity to changes of freshwater supply is similar to earlier published estimates from time-dependent dynamical models with higher resolution. According to the model, the Baltic Sea would become fresh at a mean freshwater supply of about 60 000 m3 s−1, i.e. a 300% increase of the contemporary supply. If the freshwater supply in the different basins increased in proportion to the present-day supply, the Bothnian Bay would become fresh already at a freshwater supply of about 37 000 m3 s−1 and the Bothnian Sea at a supply of about 45 000 m3 s−1. The assumption of baroclinic geostrophic outflow from the Kattegat, crucial for the salinity response of the Baltic Sea to changed freshwater supply, is validated using daily salinity profiles for the period 1931–1977 from lightship Läsö Nord.  相似文献   

通过建立水动力学模型、物质输运模型和年龄模型,对渤海辽东湾潮汐驱动下的水动力状况和污染物输移扩散过程进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明,辽东湾海域入海径流对辽东湾整体流场和水交换过程影响不大,其主要影响集中在河口附近海域。在潮汐的驱动下,辽东湾内形成了复杂的环流结构,辽东湾南北海域分别存在顺时针、逆时针的环流,而辽东湾湾口又存在逆时针环流,使得水交换能力较弱,对辽东湾向外海的物质输运产生不利影响,湾顶附近海域的物质主要通过扩散过程与外海进行交换。年龄模型的计算结果表明,辽东湾河流入海污染物在河口附近停留时间较长,向远区的输运需要较长时间。入海污染物的影响具有局地性,对局部海域水质尤其是辽东湾湾顶的水质会产生不利影响。  相似文献   

The annual cycle of dissolved nutrients and the fugacity of CO2 (fCO2), calculated from the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and pH, was studied over a 14-month long period (December 1993 to February 1995) at a site in Prydz Bay near Davis Station, Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. Significant spring decreases in fCO2 began under the sea-ice in mid-October, when both water column and sea-ice algal activity resulted in the removal of nutrients and DIC and increased pH. Minimum fCO2 (<100 μatm) and lowest nutrient and DIC concentrations occurred in December and January. The low summer fCO2 values were clearly the result of biological activity. The seasonal depletion of dissolved nitrate reached 85% in mid-summer when chlorophyll-a concentrations exceeded 15 mg m−3. Oceanic uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, calculated from the fugacity difference and daily wind speeds, averaged more than 30 mmol m−2 day−1 during the summer ice-free period. This exchange replaced approximately half of the DIC consumed by biological activity. Apparent nutrient utilisation ratios (C/N/P) were close to Redfield values. In autumn fCO2 began to rise, continuing slowly well into winter, and reaching a maximum close to modern atmospheric values between July and September. This increase can be attributed to a combination of local remineralisation of organic carbon in the water column and the steady increase in the mixing depth of the water column. At first glance, this suggests that air–sea equilibration occurred in winter despite the sea-ice cover, perhaps by horizontal circulation from regions outside the pack ice, or through openings in the ice. However, the persistent 15 to 20% undersaturation of dissolved oxygen throughout the winter suggests an alternate explanation. The late winter fCO2 level may represent a characteristic established by global circulation, so that as a result of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, these Antarctic waters are in transition from being a winter-time source of CO2 to the atmosphere to becoming a sink. Our fCO2 observations emphasize the need to address seasonal variations in assessing Antarctic contributions to the oceanic control of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical properties in the brine and under-ice water were measured in Saroma-ko Lagoon on the northeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan, which is connected to the Sea of Okhotsk, during the period from mid-February through mid-March 2006. The brine within brine channels of the sea ice was collected with a new sampling method examined in this study. Salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), dissolved oxygen (DO), nutrients and oxygen isotopic ratio (δ18O) contained in the brine within brine channels of the sea ice and in the under-ice water varied largely in both time and space during the ice melt period, when discharge from Saromabetsu River located on the southeast of the lagoon increased markedly due to the onset of snow melting. The under-ice plume expands as far as 4.5 km from the river mouth at mid-March 2006, transporting chemical components supplied from the river into the lagoon. The under-ice river water was likely transported into the sea ice through well-developed brine channels in the sea ice due to upward flushing of water through brine channels occurred by loading of snowfalls deposited over the sea ice. These results suggest that the river water plume plays an important role in supplying chemical components into the sea ice, which may be a key process influencing the biogeochemical cycle in the seasonally ice-covered Saroma-ko Lagoon.  相似文献   

Water masses in the East Sea are newly defined based upon vertical structure and analysis of CTD data collected in 1993–1999 during Circulation Research of the East Asian Marginal Seas (CREAMS). A distinct salinity minimum layer was found at 1500 m for the first time in the East Sea, which divides the East Sea Central Water (ESCW) above the minimum layer and the East Sea Deep Water (ESDW) below the minimum layer. ESCW is characterized by a tight temperature–salinity relationship in the temperature range of 0.6–0.12 °C, occupying 400–1500 m. It is also high in dissolved oxygen, which has been increasing since 1969, unlike the decrease in the ESDW and East Sea Bottom Water (ESBW). In the eastern Japan Basin a new water with high salinity in the temperature range of 1–5 °C was found in the upper layer and named the High Salinity Intermediate Water (HSIW). The origin of the East Sea Intermediate Water (ESIW), whose characteristics were found near the Korea Strait in the southwestern part of the East Sea in 1981 [Kim, K., & Chung, J. Y. (1984) On the salinity-minimum and dissolved oxygen-maximum layer in the East Sea (Sea of Japan), In T. Ichiye (Ed.), Ocean Hydrodynamics of the Japan and East China Seas (pp. 55–65). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers], is traced by its low salinity and high dissolved oxygen in the western Japan Basin. CTD data collected in winters of 1995–1999 confirmed that the HSIW and ESIW are formed locally in the Eastern and Western Japan Basin. CREAMS CTD data reveal that overall structure and characteristics of water masses in the East Sea are as complicated as those of the open oceans, where minute variations of salinity in deep waters are carefully magnified to the limit of CTD resolution. Since the 1960s water mass characteristics in the East Sea have changed, as bottom water formation has stopped or slowed down and production of the ESCW has increased recently.  相似文献   

In the southwestern Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido we observed chemical components related to the carbonate system for 1 year from August 1997 to June 1998. Using the conservative components salinity and water temperature, we confirmed the existence of two water masses flowing into the intermediate layer of the Okhotsk Sea, the East Sakhalin Current Water (ESCW) which becomes denser by mixing of brine water, and the Forerunner of Soya Warm Current Water (FSWW) which becomes denser due to cooling of the saline Kuroshio water. The ΔNTCx values were calculated by comparing the ESCW and the FSWW with the Pacific Deep Water (PDW). The ΔNTCx values obtained are 100–110 μmol/kg and 70–100 μmol/kg for the ESCW and the FSWW off Hokkaido, respectively, which are considerably larger than that of the Kuroshio water. These large ΔNTCx values may be due to both low DIC concentration in the surface water and intense gas exchange under the cold and stormy winter conditions for the ESCW and the cooling of the FSWW as it flows northward. Since the flow rates of dense waters concerned with the ESCW and the FSWW have previously been estimated as 0.9 Sv and 0.2 Sv, respectively, the amount of atmospheric CO2 absorbed and transported to the intermediate layer turns out to be 3.9−4.1 × 1013 gC/yr. This flux is small on a global scale, but the flux divided by the surface layer of the Okhotsk Sea is 30 gC/m2/yr, which is 5 times greater than the mean absorption flux of anthropogenic CO2 in the world's oceans. It is thus considered that atmospheric CO2 is efficiently absorbed in the Okhotsk Sea. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

铁山湾建港前后水体交换能力的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
铁山湾是北部湾东北部较大的海湾,水深条件好,可用岸线长。为研究铁山湾建港工程前后湾内的水体交换能力,文章建立了平面二维的水动力模型以及平面二维对流—扩散模型,率定后水动力学模型模拟结果与实测结果吻合良好。运用二维对流—扩散模型计算了湾内不同区域的水体半交换时间,模拟结果表明:铁山湾的水体交换能力较强,工程前水体半交换时间为129天,海域的水体交换能力主要受铁山湾潮汐作用的影响。铁山湾潮汐作用较强,潮差较大,且铁山湾口门开阔,这都为铁山湾的水体交换提供了良好的条件。工程后铁山湾水体半交换时间为142天,工程前后铁山湾水体半交换时间仅相差13天,说明工程方案对铁山湾水体交换能力无重大影响。  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton primary production were studied using a high frequency sampling strategy in the external (ENW) and internal (INW) part of Arcachon Bay, during 2002 and 2003. In order to better assess the availability of nutrients and their relationship with phytoplankton primary production, nutrient variability was studied in relation to environmental conditions and phytoplankton production. During winter, when primary production rates were the lowest, nutrient concentrations were maximal but did not show excessive levels compared to highly urbanised areas. Seasonal and spatial variations of nutrient concentrations (especially DIN-nitrate + nitrite + ammonium- and Si) were largely influenced by Leyre River loads coupled with high tidal exchange with the Atlantic Ocean creating a nutrient gradient between the INW and ENW. By February, diatom growth leads to an early severe nutrient depletion in the entire bay. Examination of nutrient ratios showed that the potential limiting nutrient during spring was P in 2003, and Si in 2002. During summer 2003, N and Si concentrations reached their lowest values, and nutrient ratios revealed a N-deficient environment, more pronounced in the INW. The high Si:N ratios during this period might be explained by (1) important N-uptake by all autotroph communities and (2) benthic-pelagic coupling with high Si regeneration. This study shows that nutrient levels in Arcachon Bay seem to play an important role in the control of phytoplankton primary production rates during the productive period and explain their spatial, seasonal and inter-annual variability. Our estimates of annual integrated phytoplankton primary production (103 g C m−2 y−1) place this bay within the low to moderate phytoplankton primary production systems.  相似文献   

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