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A simple mixed-layer model is developed to describe evaporation into a convective planetary boundary layer (PBL). The model comprises volume budget equations for temperature and humidity, equations to describe transport through the surface layer which is treated as part of the lower boundary, and equations to describe entrainment at the top of the PBL. The ground surface is modelled as a canopy resistance. The model was integrated with canopy resistance, surface-layer resistance and available energy, (R n – G), input as given functions of time, and the simulated PBL was allowed to grow into an atmosphere with known temperature and humidity profiles.Two variants of the mixed-layer model were tested using data from the KNMI tower site at Cabauw in the Netherlands. These variants differed only in the formulation of entrainment: one used a formulation developed by Driedonks (1982) while the other was a simpler formulation. Simulated evaporation agreed very well with observations irrespective of which entrainment formulation was used, despite discrepancies between simulated and observed PBL height growth which were sometimes quite large for the simpler formulation. Sensitivity analysis of the model confirms that good PBL height-growth predictions are not always a prerequisite for good evaporation predictions.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Meteorology》1983,28(3):229-238
A simplified measurement of the soil evaporation (E) component of evapotranspiration (ET) is needed to obtain independent measurements of transpiration (T) and to evaluate the effects of E and T on ET. Our objective in this study was to evaluate the use of small lysimeters placed under a crop canopy to measure the E component. Lysimeters were constructed of rigid PVC pipe sections, 20.3 cm in diameter and 20, 10, or 5 cm long. Water loss from the lysimeters was recorded daily. The water content of the soil surrounding the lysimeters was measured gravimetrically from composite 1-cm-increment cores sampled daily. The results reported are for two drying cycles of 16 and 13 days in July 1975 and 1976. In order for the lysimeters to behave as the surrounding soil, the water content of the lysimeters must be higher than the soil outside to compensate for changes under the natural conditions due to plant uptake, drainage and upward flow. Since the lysimeters depend on a set of compensating factors to directly measure E, estimates of E from them should be used with caution. A better use of the lysimeters would be to establish a relationship between lysimeter E and the surface soil water content and then use surface water content measurements to infer E.  相似文献   

The correspondence between multiyear mean values of annual transpiration values derived with the Penman-Monteith methods using the coefficient of transpiration efficiency is demonstrated. It is suggested to take into account climate peculiarities in the region when estimating the transpiration with the Penman-Monteith method. In the mid-taiga sub-zone that is characterized by high moisture content, the stomatal resistance (conductance) of the leaf apparatus, when calculating the diurnal transpiration, can be taken as constant, independent of the meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

安康市农作物种植最佳结构模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑洪初  李敬云 《气象》1992,18(3):13-18
本文应用数理统计方法研究了历年农作物产量与气象条件的关系。采用逐步回归技术确定影响各种农作物产量的主要气象因子。研究了农作物种植对气候资源的适应性,建立了农作物种植最佳结构模型。为安康市农业宏观决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Summary Dryland agricultural cropping systems emphasize sustaining crop yields with limited use of fertilizer while conserving both rain water and the soil. Conservation of these resources may be achieved with management systems that retain residues at the soil surface simultaneously modifying both its energy and water balance. A conservation practice used with cotton grown on erodible soils of the Texas High Plains is to plant cotton into chemically terminated wheat residues. In this study, the partitioning of daily and seasonal evapotranspiration (E t) into soil and plant water evaporation was compared for a conventional and a terminated-wheat cotton crop using the numerical model ENWATBAL. The model was configured to account for the effects of residue on the radiative fluxes and by introducing an additional resistance to latent and sensible heat fluxes derived from measurements of wind speed and vapor conductance from a soil covered with wheat-stubble. Our results showed that seasonalE t was similar in both systems and that cumulative soil water evaporation was 50% ofE t in conventional cotton and 31% ofE t in the wheat-stubble cotton. Calculated values ofE t were in agreement with measured values. The main benefit of the wheat residues was to suppress soil water evaporation by intercepting irradiance early in the growing season when the crop leaf area index (LAI) was low. In semiarid regions LAI of dryland cotton seldom exceeds 2 and residues can improve water conservation. Measured soil temperatures showed that early in the season residues reduced temperature at 0.1 m depth by as much as 5°C and that differences between systems diminished with depth and over time. Residues increased lint yield per unit ofE t while not modifying seasonalE t and reducing cumulative soil water evaporation.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

在分析大、小兴安岭森林采伐对代表点种植业影响的基础上,对全省种植业的影响进行了分析。分析所用数学模型是根据全概率数学模型导出来的,分析结果客观、定量,可为合理布局种植业提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

马艳  陈尚  董海鹰 《暴雨灾害》2017,28(6):550-556

基于中尺度大气数值模式WRF,检验分析YSU和MYJ两种边界层参数化方案和分辨率分别为1 km(称为USGS)和500 m(称为MODIS)的两类下垫面资料对2014年5月9—12日青岛一次暴雨过程模拟的影响。分析表明, YSU和MYJ方案都能模拟出强降雨带的位置和强度,MYJ试验对大雨TS评分高达0.88,YSU对暴雨TS评分为0.65;和USGS试验相比,MODIS试验提高了暴雨的TS评分,提高率为6.2%,但对大雨仍易空报。YSU、MYJ和MODIS试验较好地模拟了2 m气温、10 m风向。YSU模拟的2 m气温准确率是降雨前优于降雨开始后,MYJ则相反;MODIS试验预报沿海地区气温偏高。和USGS相比,MODIS提高了近地面风速和风向的模拟精度。总体上,所有试验方案对所考虑气象要素的模拟,基本上是内陆站准确率高于沿海站,YSU优于MYJ,MODIS优于USGS。


蒸发波导模型常用来计算海上蒸发波导高度。为了认识当前不同蒸发波导模型之间的差异和方法,本文选取了目前使用广泛的4种蒸发波导模型(即P-J模型、Babin模型、NPS模型和伪折射率模型)进行对比和分析。本文首先探讨了在理想情况下它们对气象要素的敏感性,随后并利用我国南海近海大气层观测试验数据对比了这4种模型的蒸发波导高度计算结果。分析表明:相对湿度、风速和气—海温差的变化对4种模型的计算都有着较大的影响,特别是在不稳定层结状况下,4种模型计算得到的蒸发波导高度都随着相对湿度的增大而降低、随着风速的增大而增高。Babin模型和NPS模型计算的波导高度较为一致,伪折射率模型与前两种模型的计算结果存在差异,而P-J模型与其他3种模型存在较明显的偏差。基于南海气象数据的计算结果表明,不同蒸发波导模型在该海域蒸发波导的模拟结果略有不同,但4种模型计算得到的波导高度日变化变化趋势较为一致,波导高度极低值常出现在早晨,而极高值常出现在傍晚。  相似文献   

A simple formulation of the boundary layer is developed for use in large-scale models and other situations where simplicity is required. The formulation is suited for use in models where some resolution is possible within the boundary layer, but where the resolution is insufficient for resolving the detailed boundary-layer structure and overlying capping inversion. Surface fluxes are represented in terms of similarity theory while turbulent diffusivities above the surface layer are formulated in terms of bulk similarity considerations and matching conditions at the top of the surface layer. The boundary-layer depth is expressed in terms of a bulk Richardson number which is modified to include the influence of thermals. Attention is devoted to the interrelationship between predicted boundary-layer growth, the turbulent diffusivity profile, countergradient heat flux and truncation errors.The model predicts growth of the convectively mixed layer reasonably well and is well-behaved in cases of weak surface heat flux and transitions between stable and unstable cases. The evolution of the modelled boundary layer is studied for different ratios of surface evaporation to potential evaporation. Typical variations of surface evaporation result in a much greater variation in boundary-layer depth than that caused by the choice of the boundary-layer depth formulation.  相似文献   

Future climate changes, as well as differences in climates from one location to another, may involve changes in climatic variability as well as changes in means. In this study, a synthetic weather generator is used to systematically change the within-year variability of temperature and precipitation (and therefore also the interannual variability), without altering long-term mean values. For precipitation, both the magnitude and the qualitative nature of the variability are manipulated. The synthetic daily weather series serve as input to four crop simulation models. Crop growth is simulated for two locations and three soil types. Results indicate that average predicted yield decreases with increasing temperature variability where growing-season temperatures are below the optimum specified in the crop model for photosynethsis or biomass accumulation. However, increasing within-year variability of temperature has little impact on year-to-year variability of yield. The influence of changed precipitation variability on yield was mediated by the nature of the soil. The response on a droughtier soil was greatest when precipitation amounts were altered while keeping occurrence patterns unchanged. When increasing variability of precipitation was achieved through fewer but larger rain events, average yield on a soil with a large plant-available water capacity was more affected. This second difference is attributed to the manner in which plant water uptake is simulated. Failure to account for within-season changes in temperature and precipitation variability may cause serious errors in predicting crop-yield responses to future climate change when air temperatures deviate from crop optima and when soil water is likely to be depleted at depth.  相似文献   

1前言佳木斯市地处寒温带气候区,由于一年四季温差大、冬季结冰期长,最低气温低(可达-414℃),玻璃制的大型蒸发器一遇低温,易被冻裂,造成记录缺测。为了补充记录,曾用70高的小型蒸发器代替,但小型蒸发器只能测定特定环境下的蒸发量,不能直接用来代替水...  相似文献   

基于中尺度模式MM5下的海洋蒸发波导预报研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
焦林  张永刚  《气象学报》2009,67(3):382-387
蒸发波导是发牛在海气边界层的一种异常折射现象,由于其分布范围广、发生概率大,被认为是对海上电子设备影响最为显著的波导类型,成为各国海军竞相研究的焦点.然而由于其形成机制复杂,且在近岸沿海地区由于海陆分布不均,以及海岸地形和海陆风等因素的作用,会造成蒸发波导的近岸效应,这种效应会影响蒸发波导高度诊断的准确率.目前国内外蒸发波导诊断模式有P-J模式、MGB模式、NPS模式、Babin模式等,但其基本原理都足依赖Monin-Obukhov相似理论,只是用于确定近地层通量和特征尺度的方法不同,且仅适用于定常和水平均匀的开阔海域,并没有考虑到蒸发波导的近岸效应.针对这一问题,文中在Babin模式的基础上引入张强、胡隐樵的通量廓线关系(非线性修正冈子αν)与阵性风速ωg,从而将蒸发波导诊断模式的适用范围扩展到近岸沿海地区和甚低风速条件下.此外在中尺度模式MM5的基础上,耦合改进的Babin模式,发展建立了一个海洋蒸发波导高度预报模式,并对预报模式进行数值模拟,利用2002年5月25-26日福建平潭岛的海上大气实测数据与雷达探测结果对预报模式输出结果进行了验证.验证结果表明:在0~48小时内模式输出值与实测值拟和较好且变化规律一致,预报蒸发波导高度平均误差为0.193;且蒸发波导高度预报结果与雷达实际探测结果一致.  相似文献   

遥感能周期性地获取大范围的地表作物信息,通过适当的反演方法能够定量地提供作物在区域尺度上的生长状况;而作物生长模型可以在单点尺度上模拟出作物生长发育的动态变化,对作物长势以及产量变化的做出机理性解释。将遥感信息与作物生长模型结合能实现二者优势互补,已成为目前作物长势监测和估产研究中的重要方法。本文总结了遥感信息和作物生长模型结合的两种主要方法,即驱动法和同化法,介绍了两种方法的常用算法、优缺点及国内外的应用情况,同时总结了将二者结合的研究趋势以及目前研究中存在的一些问题,旨在为后续遥感信息与作物生长模型结合的研究提供一定理论参考。  相似文献   

Wind flows and forces in a model spruce forest   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Wind tunnel tests have been conducted on a 1:75 scale model of a Sitka spruce forest in a correctly scaled turbulent boundary-layer flow. 12000 tree models were manufactured with mass, flexibility and aerodynamic drag characteristics chosen to give dynamical similarity with typical 15 m trees in a 30ms–1 gale. To measure the dynamic response of a sample tree, set within this model forest, a miniature, fast response strain-gauge balance was designed and built. Linked to a computer for on-line data sampling, this balance provided measurements of the fluctuating along-wind and acrosswind components of the overturning moment at ground level, leading to values of mean and extreme moments and the frequency spectrum of the sway motion. Associated measurements of local wind flow characteristics were made with hot-wire anemometers and a laser anemometer. The response of the tree has the characteristics of classical lightly damped vibration and there is evidence that resonant sway motion increases the extreme overturning moments significantly above the values produced by wind gust forces alone.  相似文献   

利用江西省93个气象站观测资料,基于平流-干旱模型对1961—2019年江西省实际蒸发量进行估算,再进行气候倾向率、贡献率计算、敏感性分析和M-K检验等,分析蒸发量的时空变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:江西省蒸发量呈显著下降趋势,幅度为-5.47 mm/(10 a);蒸发量在1969年发生突变,突变后其下降趋势明显减弱;夏季蒸发量下降最为显著,秋季次之,春、冬两季不明显。蒸发量对风速变化表现为负敏感,对气温、水汽压、净辐射量变化表现为正敏感,且任意时段内蒸发量对气象因子变化的敏感程度均为净辐射量>气温>风速>水汽压。净辐射量变化是影响江西省夏季蒸发量变化的主导因子,但其他季节净辐射量变化是气温、净辐射量和风速的共同作用的结果。随着气候逐渐变暖,气温和风速等因素对蒸发量变化贡献的增加不容忽视。  相似文献   

Carbon storage and flow through forest ecosystems are major components of the global carbon cycle. The cycle of carbon is intimately coupled with the cycle of nitrogen and the flow of water through forests. The supply of water for tree growth is determined by climate and soil physical properties. The rate at which nitrogen mineralization occurs depends on climate and the type of carbon compounds with which the nitrogen is associated. Species composition, which is also affected by climate, can greatly influence the composition of carbon compounds and subsequently nitrogen availability. Climate change can therefore have a direct effect on forest ecosystem production and carbon storage through temperature and water limitations, and an indirect effect through the nitrogen cycle by affecting species composition. Model simulations of these interactions show that climate change initiates a complex set of direct and indirect responses that are sensitive to the exact nature of the project climate changes. We show results using four different climate-change projections for a location in northeastern Minnesota. Modeled forest responses to each of these climate projections is different indicating that uncertainties in the climate projections may be amplified further as a result of shifts in balance between positive and negative ecosystem feedbacks.  相似文献   

The influence of soil moisture on evaporation from a 6-m grass-covered lysimeter and from Class A pans was assessed for one summer using the -parameter of the Priestley-Taylor evaporation model appropriate for the individual surfaces computed on a daily basis. Net radiation over the pan was estimated from above-grass measurements using a correlation established between the two, using measurements made in the previous two summers. Changes in heat storage of the water were considered in the derivation of for the pan. A unique relationship for the particular conditions of the site was determined between the for the lysimeter and soil moisture, approaching 1.29 at soil moisture near field capacity, but decreasing to as low as 0.5 for dry soil. The corresponding relationship for the pan showed more scatter, but this was improved by using 5-day running means of evaporation and stratifying the data in terms of wind speed to yield a family of curves. Values for at wet soil conditions varied from 1.07 for 100 km day–1 wind run to 1.17 for 250 km day–1 wind run. For each curve, values of increased by about 20%; as the soil dried. The relationships may be used to reduce observed Class A pan evaporation to equivalent values for wet-soil conditions and to estimate near-surface soil moisture and actual evapotranspiration for this particular site. Extension of the technique to other areas requires derivation of similar relationships appropriate for those other locations  相似文献   

遥感数据与作物模型结合是当前农业信息技术应用研究的重要内容和发展趋势之一,能够解决单独利用遥感或作物模型无法解决的问题。为了开展大范围、区域性作物生长过程的模拟和产量预测,首先对作物模型WOFOST进行了订正和验证,使得调整后的模型适于模拟河南新乡县冬小麦生长;根据实际生产分三类情形模拟新乡县2002—2003年度冬小麦的生长发育状况;利用全生育期内能获取的Landsat-7 ETM+数据反演叶面积指数,结合WOFOST模型的模拟情况,确定每个像元对应的冬小麦的生长状况,从而在像元上实现了WOFOST模型对冬小麦生长的模拟;最后对照比较本研究方法的结果与当年新乡县冬小麦的统计情况,结果相近,验证了本文研究方法的技术可行性。  相似文献   

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