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论社会共同价值观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会共同价值观是社会共同体之所以能存在和发展的凝聚力、它指导社会共同体及其成员的前进方向、它还规范和约束社会共同体成员的思想和行动以形成社会共同体的合力。社会共同价值观是在一定历史时期的特定社会共同体中各社会阶层的社会成员普遍认同并持有的价值观。社会共同价值观具有普遍性、结构性、稳定性等特征,具有凝聚功能、导向功能和规约功能。社会共同价值观具有理论体系的形式、文化形式、社会心理的形式等存在形式。  相似文献   

正理想信念是人们世界观、价值观和人生观在奋斗目标上的集中体现,是将未来的目标蓝图视为最高价值,统摄自己的精神生活,并将这一蓝图的实现当作自己的精神寄托,为之自觉追求、矢志不渝。理想信念教育是指社会的执政者将自己的政治主张、思想观念、发展蓝图通过一定的方式传输给社会成员,使之成为全社会成员共同目标和行为依据的过程。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央提出"四个全面"战略布局,强调要协  相似文献   

企业文化是在一定的社会历史条件下,企业生产经营和管理活动中所创造的具有该企业特色的精神财富和物质形态。它包括文化观念、价值观念、企业精神、道德规范、行为准则、历史传统、企业制度、文化环境、企业产品等。其中价值观是企业文化的核心。  相似文献   

公共支出预算是政府在一个财政年度内为满足公共需要,提高给社会成员大体均等的公共服务所需开支计划,是政府财政活动及公共财政预算的一个重要组成部分。它反映了政府活动的范围,方向和政策,也决定了公共支出的流量和流向。按照市场经济的一般理论,政府负责的事项和活动范围主要是通过介入“市场失效”领域,运用财政分配手段,满足社会共同需要,而不属于社会共同需要的事务和领域则一般应由市场去调节和供给。一般而言,社会共同需要是指那些代表社会共同利益,必须由政府集中供给的事务,这是确定政府和财政职能的基本依据,也是界定公共支出供…  相似文献   

正绿水青山等自然资源是生态文明建设的载体,与人类社会共同构成相互依存的系统。生态建设科学之路、家园建设和谐之美,离不开我们对自然资源合理开发之态,也离不开我们对自然资源虔诚保护之度!我们需要更深入地了解和珍惜山水林田湖草生命共同体,探寻人与自然和谐共生之道。  相似文献   

欧美耕地保护的做法与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耕地保护作为一个公众目标已得到世界各国普遍认可.耕地为社会提供丰富的非生产性功能,包括农田耕作的传统文化、开放空间、农村独特景观、生物栖息、空气与地下水净化等公共自然福利的社会功能,也包括巨大的生态功能.耕地的这些社会功能和生态功能为社会公众共同分享,表现出明显的消费的非排他性,非竞争性和不可分割性,是典型的公共物品,鉴于人们传统上对耕地生产的经济功能认识,所以,把耕地界定为准公共物品.既然耕地保护是为r保障全社会对耕地社会功能、生态功能的共同分享,那么耕地保护理应是全社会的责任.  相似文献   

耕地保护作为一个公众目标已得到世界各国普遍认可。耕地为社会提供丰富的非生产性功能,包括农田耕作的传统文化、开放空间、农村独特景观、生物栖息、空气与地下水净化等公共自然福利的社会功能,也包括巨大的生态功能。耕地的这些社会功能和生态功能为社会公众共同分享,  相似文献   

企业文化是美国的管理学家于上世纪80年代初提出的。企业文化通常指企业的环境或个性.是指在一定社会历史条件下.企业在生产管理活动中创造的物质文化和精神文化的总和。它包含了企业价值观,行为准则、道德规范、员工的责任感和荣誉感等内容。  相似文献   

海岛行政价值观是海岛实践活动主体对海岛行政系统存在价值的基本看法和根本观点。海岛行政价值观是价值观认知主体和外界条件相互作用的结果,主要包括形成过程及其影响因素两部分。海岛行政价值观的形成过程是海岛行政价值观主体对海岛行政价值的内化过程,表现为价值感知、理解、认同、选择、整合等主观认知过程。海岛行政价值观形成的影响因素既包括海洋实践活动、海洋经济基础等决定性因素,也包括海岛行政主体意识和海岛行政客体状况等内部影响因素,还包括海洋文化、海洋国际环境、海洋历史传承和海洋地理位置等外部影响因素。海岛行政价值观的形成需要从海洋政治、经济、文化、历史等方面采取措施进行创造性干预,充分发挥价值观的服务、指导和修正作用。  相似文献   

保护耕地是当今世界实现可持续发展战略目标的一个共同关注的热点。纵观世界各国耕地保护的动因,可以归纳为四个方面:一是食物安全。二是耕地为社会提供的公共自然福利功能。除了生产农产品外,耕地还给人类提供各种各样的非生产性功能,如农田耕作传统文化、开放空间、农村独特景观、生物栖息、空气与地下水的净化,这些功能具有强烈的外部性,为社会公众共同享受,且不能通过市场规律调节,人们对这种公共自然福利的需求,  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学以"社会哲学"为主体,马克思主义政治经济学和科学社会主义也以研究现实社会为出发点和归宿,核心内容是对社会结构、社会过程和社会形态更替的研究。整个马克思主义理论是以"社会哲学"为视角研究现实社会问题,而研究的目的是为了解决社会问题,使人类社会发展到理想的共产主义社会。"社会哲学"与历史唯物主义不可分,讨论当代新出现的社会问题,是在自觉地运用马克思主义的"社会哲学"。  相似文献   

随着不动产统一登记工作的开展,各地不动产登记历史疑难问题日益显现,特别是老旧小区的不动产登记历史遗留问题,不仅给群众带来了极大不便,也给不动产登记工作带来了很大困扰,在一定程度上影响了社会稳定,制约了社会经济的发展。因此,为妥善化解矛盾和问题、保护群众合法权益、维护社会和谐稳定、促进社会经济高质量发展,加强对老旧小区不动产登记历史遗留问题的研究力度,显得尤为重要。本文通过对菏泽市区存在不动产登记历史遗留问题的老旧小区进行走访调研,查找问题、剖析原因,针对性提出了一些对策建议,以期为各地妥善化解老旧小区不动产登记历史遗留问题提供参考。  相似文献   

Labor migration to urban centers is a common phenomenon in the Panxi region of the southwestern mountainous region of China, mainly owing to inadequate livelihood capital in rural areas. Numerous studies have been conducted to explore the relationship between labor migration and its causes, such as individual and family characteristics, but few studies have focused on livelihood capital. This paper examines the impact factors on labor migration employment location selection and duration from a household livelihood capital perspective. A case study of 279 households from 10 villages in the area was carried out in February 2016. We used both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the data. On the basis of the 279 questionnaires, the proportion of households with non-labor migration is 48.4%, whereas households with labor migration within a local city and migration across regions account for 28.7% and 22.9%, respectively. Social, financial, and human capitals are the primary factors that influence migrants’ employment location choice positively. Among them, social capital has a significant impact on both migration within a local city and across regions; each of the regression coefficients is 1.111 and 1.183. Social, human, and financial capitals also have a positive impact on the duration of labor migration, and similarly, social capital is the highest coefficient with 2.489. However, physical capital only partly impacts labor migration across regions, whereas the impact of labor migration within a local city, and the duration, are not significant. Furthermore, the impact of household natural capital on migration space and time are all negative relationships, especially for labor migration across the regions and duration, with coefficient scores of 4.836 and 3.450, respectively. That is to say, a laborer is inclined to migrate within a local city for a short term, or not migrate at all, if natural capital is abundant. Our analysis results show that household livelihood capital has a strong spatio-temporal impact on labor migration.  相似文献   

国家社会经济统计地理信息系统的设计与实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了国家社会经济统计地理信息系统的设计与实现思路,提出了以空间数据为集线器统一集成社会经济统计数据的方法,并探讨了国家社会经济统计地理信息系统对GIS技术应用和统计信息产业化的影响。  相似文献   

Straits are ideal models to investigate the bacterial community assembly in complex hydrological environments. However, few studies have focused on bacterial communities in them. Here, comparable bacterial communities in costal shallow Bohai Strait(BS) and oceanic deep Fram Strait(FS) were studied. The Shannon and Chao1 indices were both higher in BS than in FS. The relative abundances of the classes Deltaproteobacteria and Bacilli and the family Halieaceae were higher in BS than in FS, in contrast to the families OM1_clade and JTB255_marine_benthic_group, revealing typical characteristics of bacterial communities in coastal and oceanic regions. Cluster analysis based on the Bray-Curtis index showed that samples were clustered by depth layer in FS and BS, indicating that structures of bacterial communities would diff er with increasing water depth in straits. Additionally, the cluster relationships among samples in abundant and rare communities were both similar to those in entire communities. However, the dissimilarities among samples showed a descending order as rare communities, entire communities and abundant communities. Network analysis indicated that the BS network was obviously more complex than the FS network. Filamentous bacteria Desulfobulbaceae exhibited high degree values in BS but not in FS, indicating key roles of Desulfobulbaceae in the BS. Our study provides different and common evidences for understanding microbial ecology in coastal shallow and oceanic deep straits.  相似文献   

As an effective livelihood approach to alleviate poverty without rural population migration, ethnic tourism has become the primary choice of economic development in ethnic areas worldwide in addition to traditional livelihood approaches. This article applies the theories of livelihood to study the community evolution driven by tourism livelihood and examine three mountainous tourism communities in different stages of tourist area life cycle. Drawing on the methods of GIS spatial analysis, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, this article proposes a sustainable livelihood framework for ethnic tourism to explore the evolution of ethnic tourism communities by identifying changes in livelihood assets (natural, financial, social, cultural and human capitals) in the process of tourism development. The results show that the development of ethnic tourism has led to changes in the increase of building land, and the diversification of land use functions with a trend of shifting from meeting local villagers' living needs to satisfying tourists, income composition and uneven distribution of tourism income spatially. Ethnic tourism also led to the deterioration of traditional social management structure, collapse of neighboring relationship, the over- commercialization and staged authenticity of ethnic culture, as well as the gradual vanish of agricultural knowledge with a trend of increasing modern business knowledge and higher education. In addition, these changes, involving livelihood assets from natural, economic, human, social and cultural aspects are interrelated and interactive, which form new evolution characters of ethnic community. This study reveals the conflicts over livelihood approaches which have formed new vulnerabilities to impact on sustainable evolution of ethnic communities. This research provides implications for achieving the sustainable development of ethnic communities with the driving force of tourism livelihood.  相似文献   

运用法制给律师一个准确定位是法治社会发展的需要,也是发挥律师作用的重要前提。我国现行律师法将律师定位于为社会提供法律服务的执业人员,对律师职业定位不准确,造成律师社会地位低下,缺乏社会责任感,容易造成律师角色失败。社会需求和价值取向决定着律师角色的社会定位,我国的律师法对律师权利义务的制度设计应成为律师定位和发挥其作用的法律保障。  相似文献   

随着矿业由发达国家向发展中国家的渗透、发展,矿业界所面临的当地公众关系、社会政治压力和环境保护等。社会问题也日趋扩大和严重,矿业公司从勘探阶段就建立良好的公司—公众关系,已成为国际勘探项目是否成功的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

China′ s urban reforms have brought social progress and development, but a comprehensive national system of social welfare (for example, unemployment insurance, pensions, medical care and public housing) for new migrants from rural areas is lacking. One of the most remarkable changes in Chinese cities in the last decade was a change in social " equality", with the rise of new poverty both in individual communities and some social groups in urban society. However, there is little social assistance and public infrastructure for the migrants. Governments or communities or individual should pay attention to the control of new urban poverty and new slums. This paper consider that it is necessary to launch a successful policy, which include mainly: 1) accommodating urban growth through low-cost investment projects; 2) urban economy depends heavily on successful macroeconomic policy; 3) to broaden the three channels linking adjustment to the incidence of urban poverty; 4) to restructure urban economic based on the high or new technology; 5) to coordinate relationship between urban economic growth and environment management for sustainable development of Beijing′ s metropolitan fringe.  相似文献   

中国县域农村贫困的空间模拟分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中国县级行政区划为研究单元,从自然和社会经济因素中选取贫困的影响因子,建立评价指标体系,利用GIS空间分析和 BP人工神经网络,模拟各县域的自然致贫指数和社会经济消贫指数,并在分析贫困内在形成原因的基础上,明晰了空间贫困的分布特征。结果显示:自然因素是现阶段中国县域主要的致贫原因,全国县域自然致贫指数的分布呈现出明显随纬度和经度地带性分布的规律,自北而南、自西而东逐次呈带状排列分布。社会经济因素对贫困起到一定的缓解作用,全国县域社会经济消贫指数的空间分布较为破碎,各省区内部县域社会经济消贫指数的变异系数均大大高于自然致贫指数的变异系数。全国贫困压力指数以“黑河-百色”一线为界,东中西差异显著,呈现“大分散、小聚集”的空间分布格局。本文识别的贫困县与国家确定的重点扶贫县在空间上具有较高的重合性。  相似文献   

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