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利用浅层人工地震方法对沈阳市城区的隐伏断裂构造进行了探测,经时间剖面,地质剖面的分析,并结合这一地区第四系地层的发育特征,确定F1、F2、F5、F9的最新活动时代为更新世,F6、F7的最新活动时代为中更新世,F10在第四纪期间没有活动。  相似文献   

应用浅层地震勘探法对宁夏吴忠地区北部的浅部地壳结构和隐伏活动断裂进行研究。结果表明,该区存在2条隐伏断裂,分别为银川主断层南段和新华桥断层。推测银川主断层南段为近SN走向的W倾正断层,断层下盘地层界面一般呈近水平状展布,而在断层上盘,T_Q及其以下的地层界面向断面方向倾伏并显示出逆牵引现象,断层向上错断了第四系内部。钻孔联合地质剖面及浅层地震探测结果共同揭示新华桥断层为一条走向NE,倾向SW的正断层,深、浅地震测线控制的新华桥断层延伸长度9 km左右,向上错断了第四系内部的T_(02)界面。  相似文献   

渭河盆地新生代以来断裂活动和沉积作用强烈,隐伏活动断裂发育,近EW向的桃川-户县断裂是其中之一。探明桃川-户县断裂在渭河盆地中的展布位置、结构特征以及晚第四纪活动性,对于当地的地震构造及强震危险研究具有重要意义。为此,文中依托"兴平活断层项目"布设了7条浅层地震测线,基于探测结果并结合已有的浅层和中深层地震剖面确定了桃川-户县断裂及其次级断裂在渭河盆地内的存在与隐伏位置。结果显示,桃川-户县断裂(F8)西与太白盆地南缘断裂相连,自周至县汤峪镇穿出秦岭北缘进入渭河盆地后隐伏于地表松散层之下;先呈NE走向斜穿周至县城,向E逐渐转向近EW走向,在周至和户县之间呈现局部朝N凸出的弧形展布,再向E至户县引镇附近与铁炉子断裂相接。另在周至北和户县北之间存在与F8断裂大致平行展布的反向次级断裂(DF3)。文中还揭示出在渭河盆地中段,秦岭北缘断裂、渭河断裂和桃川-户县断裂连同它们的分支断裂一起构成了1个大型的负花状结构断裂带;其中F8和DF3断裂及其次级断裂组成1个次级的负花状构造带。结合相关...  相似文献   

在大中型城市汇集的城市群及其邻近区域,利用高分辨地震折射探测方法开展城市活断层探测,对于开发利用城市地下空间、提升城市韧性、构建城市减灾参考模型和防范地震及地质灾害具有重要的科学和现实意义。文中运用正则化层析反演方法,对穿越京津地区的高分辨折射地震剖面进行走时成像,构建了控制京津地区的上地壳精细速度结构模型。结果显示,京津地区存在巨厚的沉积盖层,近地表速度低至1. 6km/s,结晶基底最浅埋深位于北京凹陷(约2km),最深位于武清凹陷(约8km),研究区不同构造单元的结晶基底埋深与结构性质主要受新生代期间的断陷沉降作用影响。文中还利用成像结果的速度差和地震记录的横向变化,对速度差异较大的断裂构造特征进行了分析研究,获得了研究区主要构造单元主控断裂的成像结果及其在上地壳的展布特征,为活断层探测中利用地震折射成像方法判定断层形态提供了参考。  相似文献   

工程场地高密度电法探测典型剖面的分析与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
梁久亮 《地震工程学报》2008,30(2):189-192,200
通过三个典型的实测案例说明高密度电阻率法在隐伏断裂探测中的具体应用.结合钻孔地质资料对实测反演剖面进行解释分析,探讨了隐伏断裂的判定与异常的排除,以及它们不同的电性特征和解译方法.  相似文献   

地震台阵是为了监测核爆而发展起来的一种地震观测系统。近年来, 地震台阵被推广到地球内部速度间断面的研究中并极大地推动了地震学的发展。本文主要介绍处理台阵资料的技术方法, 如聚束、倾斜叠加、N次根叠加、频率波数法以及相位加权叠加等, 并讨论各种方法的优缺点。在提取微弱但相关信号方面, 重点讨论相位加权叠加方法及现有的研究成果。结果表明, 这些方法都在不同程度上提高了记录的信噪比, 高质量的台阵数据使得地球内部速度结构的成像研究更加精细。  相似文献   

浅层直流电法探测隐伏断层可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过讨论断层不同表现形式的电性特征,对高密度电法与联合剖面法在隐伏断层探测中的应用可行性进行研究,并通过实例探讨了测试中应注意的问题、测试与解译方法。研究表明高密度电法及联合剖面法可以应用在隐伏断层探测中,但有一定的限制,主要源于断层的地质表现形式。  相似文献   

利用高精度的浅层地震勘探手段,探测出北京市立水桥附近的黄庄-高丽营隐伏断裂,并进行了地质解释。结果表明北京市立水桥附近区域的浅部速度模型为4层结构。第1层至第2层的介质深度从0~150m,P波速度从800~2000m/s,介质为第四纪或古-新近纪覆盖层;第3层至第4层的介质深度为130~300m,P波速度在2000~2500m/s以上,推测为泥岩、砂岩类的基岩区。黄庄-高丽营隐伏活断裂其浅部由东西2条近似平行、相距1300m、走向N23°E、倾向SE的断裂所组成,西断裂F2倾角22°,东断裂F1倾角67°,在634m深度归结成单条断层,构成分叉状结构;断层上盘埋深101m,下盘埋深109m,断距为8m,为断错T2,T3地层界面、带走滑分量的正断层型  相似文献   

西山断裂是乌鲁木齐河以西一条颇具规模的断裂构造,控制着西山岭南麓,断裂从永光煤矿到红光山南长约37 km。断裂形成于中更新世期间,但整条断裂的形成过程可能并非同步,具有西老东新的特点,最新活动时代为晚更新世中晚期,为逆冲运动性质,断面北倾。该断裂在四道岔附近主断层及发育的一部分次级断层被第四系覆盖,研究该隐伏段对于以后城市土层合理利用和断层基本特征判断具有一定意义。目前高密度电法是探测隐伏断层的一种重要的物探方法,通过高密度电法对乌鲁木齐西山断裂隐伏段的探测,确定该断层隐伏段的位置及地层构造形态,为西山断裂深入研究提供一定依据。  相似文献   

高密度电法基本原理与传统电阻率法相同,因此高密度电法也被称作是直流高密度电阻率法。近年来该方法被广泛的应用在重大工程场地的工程地质调查、坝基及桥墩选址、采空区及地裂缝探测等众多工程勘察领域。本文阐述了应用高密度电法对金州断裂普兰店一九寨段进行详细勘查,检验该方法的准确性、可靠性、适宜性及抗干扰能力。  相似文献   

Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) has been used to experimentally detect shallow buried faults in urban areas in the past a few years, with some progress and experience obtained. According to the results from Olympic Park, Beijing, Shandong Province, Gansu Province and Shanxi Province, we have generalized the method and procedure for inferring the discontinuity of electrical structures (DES) indicating a buried fault in urban areas from resistivity tomograms and its typical electrical features. In general, the layered feature of the electrical structure is first analyzed to preliminarily define whether or not a DES exists in the target area. Resistivity contours in resistivity tomograms are then analyzed from the deep to the shallow. If they extend upward from the deep to the shallow and shape into an integral dislocation, sharp flexure (convergence) or gradient zone, it is inferred that the DES exists, indicating a buried fault. Finally, horizontal tracing is be carried out to define the trend of the DES. The DES can be divided into three types-type AB, ABA and AC. In the present paper, the Zhangdian-Renhe fault system in Zibo city is used as an example to illustrate how to use the method to infer the location and spatial extension of a target fault. Geologic drilling holes are placed based on our research results, and the drilling logs testify that our results are correct. However, the method of this paper is not exclusive and inflexible. It is expected to provide reference and assistance for inferring the shallow buried faults in urban areas from resistivity tomograms in the future.  相似文献   

地震-电成像联合探测试验——以淄博市活断层探测为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在城市浅部活断层探测中,地震和电成像是2种主要的地球物理勘探手段。它们既可独立开展工作,也可在地质构造复杂地段进行联合探测,以更合理地解释探测区域的地质构造。文中利用电阻率和地震纵波速度之间的简单关系,进行了地震-电成像联合反演的初步探索。结果表明,通过参考电成像图像的电阻率分布,可获得合理的准二维地震波叠加速度模型,最终获得探测区域合理的地震时/深剖面,深化对地质构造的认识和提供合理的解释  相似文献   

The urban active fault survey is of great significance to improve the development and utilization of urban underground space, the urban resilience, the regional seismic reference modeling, and the natural hazard prevention. The Beijing-Tianjin metropolitan region with the densest population is one of the most developed and most important urban groups, located at the northeastern North China plain. There are several fault systems crossing and converging in this region, and most of the faults are buried. The tectonic setting of the faults is complex from shallow to deep. There are frequent historical earthquakes in this area, which results in higher earthquake risk and geological hazards. There are two seismicity active belts in this area. One is the NE directed earthquake belt located at the east part of the profile in northern Ninghai near the Tangshan earthquake region. The other is located in the Beijing plain in the northwest of the profile and near the southern end of Yanshan fold belt, where the 1679 M8.0 Sanhe-Pinggu earthquake occurred, the largest historical earthquake of this area. Besides, there are some small earthquake activities related to the Xiadian Fault and the Cangdong Fault at the central part of the profile.
The seismic refraction experiment is an efficient approach for urban active fault survey, especially in large- and medium-size cities. This method was widely applied to the urban hazard assessment of Los Angeles. We applied a regularized tomography method to modeling the upper crustal velocity structure from the high-resolution seismic refraction profile data which is across the Beijing-Tianjin metropolitan region. This seismic refraction profile, with 185km in length, 18 chemical explosive shots and 500m observation space, is the profile with densest seismic acquisition in the Beijing-Tianjin metropolitan region up to now. We used the trial-error method to optimize the starting velocity model for the first-arrival traveltime inversion. The multiple scale checker board tests were applied to the tomographic result assessment, which is a non-linear method to quantitatively estimate the inversion results. The resolution of the tomographic model is 2km to 4km through the ray-path coverage when the threshold value is 0.5 and is 4km to 7km through the ray-path coverage when the threshold value is 0.7. The tomographic model reveals a very thick sediment cover on the crystalline basement beneath the Beijing-Tianjin metropolitan region. The P wave velocity of near surface is 1.6km/s. The thickest sediment cover area locates in the Huanghua sag and the Wuqing sag with a thickness of 8km, and the thinnest area is located at the Beijing sag with a thickness of 2km. The thickness of the sediment cover is 4km and 5km in the Cangxian uplift and the Dacang sag, respectively. The depth of crystalline basement and the tectonic features of the geological subunits are related to the extension and rift movement since the Cenozoic, which is the dynamics of formation of the giant basins.
It is difficult to identify a buried fault system, for a tomographic regularization process includes velocity smoothing, and limited by the seismic reflection imaging method, it is more difficult to image the steep fault. Velocity and seismic phase variations usually provide important references that describe the geometry of the faults where there are velocity differences between the two sides of fault. In this paper, we analyzed the structural features of the faults with big velocity difference between the two sides of the fault system using the velocity difference revealed by tomography and the lateral seismic variations in seismograms, and constrained the geometry of the major faults in the study region from near surface to upper crust. Both the Baodi Fault and the Xiadian Fault are very steep with clear velocity difference between their two sides. The seismic refraction phases and the tomographic model indicate that they both cut the crystalline basement and extend to 12km deep. The Baodi Fault is the boundary between the Dachang sag and the Wuqing sag. The Xiadian Fault is a listric fault and a boundary between the Tongxian uplift and the Dachang sag. The tomographic model and the earthquake locations show that the near-vertical Shunyi-Liangxiang Fault, with a certain amount of velocity difference between its two sides, cuts the crystalline basement, and the seismicity on the fault is frequent since Cenozoic. The Shunyi-Liangxiang Fault can be identified deep to 20km according to the seismicity hypocenters.
The dense acquisition seismic refraction is a good approach to construct velocity model of the upper crust and helpful to identify the buried faults where there are velocity differences between their two sides. Our results show that the seismic refraction survey is a useful implement which provides comprehensive references for imaging the fault geometry in urban active fault survey.  相似文献   

The Daxing Fault is an important buried fault in the Beijing sub-plain, which is also the boundary fault of the structural unit between Langgu sub-sag and Daxing sub-uplift. So far, there is a lack of data on the shallow tectonic features of the Daxing Fault, especially for the key structural part of its northern section where it joins with the Xiadian Fault. In this paper, the fine stratigraphic classifications and shallow tectonic features of the northern section in the main Daxing Fault are explored by using three NW-trending shallow seismic reflection profiles. These profiles pass through the Daxing earthquake(M6¾)area in 1057AD and the northern section of the main Daxing Fault. The results show that seven strong reflection layers(T01—T03, TQ and T11—T13)are recognized in the strata of Neogene and Quaternary beneath the investigated area. The largest depth of strong reflection layer(T13)is about 550~850ms, which is interpreted as an important surface of unconformity between Neogene and Paleogene or basement rock. The remaining reflection layers, such as T01 and TQ, are interpreted as internal interfaces in Neogene to Quaternary strata. There are different rupture surfaces and slip as well as obviously different structural features of the Daxing Fault revealed in three shallow seismic reflection profiles. The two profiles(2-7 and 2-8)show obvious rupture surfaces, which are the expression of Daxing Fault in shallow strata. Along the profile(2-6), which is located at the end of the Daxing fault structure, a triangle deformation zone or bending fracture can be identified, implying that the Daxing Fault is manifested as bending deformation instead of rupture surfaces at its end section. This unique structural feature can be explained by a shearing motion at the end of extensional normal fault. Therefore, the Daxing Fault exhibits obviously different tectonic features of deformation or displacement at different structural locations. The attitude and displacement of the fault at the shallow part are also different to some extent. From the southwest section to the northeast section of the fault, the dip angle gradually becomes gentler(80°~60°), the upper breakpoint becomes deeper(160~600m), and the fault displacement in Neogene to Quaternary strata decreases(80~0m). Three shallow seismic reflection profiles also reveal that the Daxing Fault is a normal fault during Neogene to early Quaternary, and the deformation or displacement caused by the activity of the fault reaches the reflection layer T02. This depth is equivalent to the sedimentary strata of late Early-Pleistocene. Therefore, the geometry and morphology of the Daxing Fault also reveal that the early normal fault activity has continued into the Early Pleistocene, but the evidence of activity is not obvious since the late Pleistocene. The earthquakes occurring along the Daxing Fault, such as Daxing earthquake(M6¾)in 1057AD, may not have much relation with this extensional normal fault, but with another new strike-slip fault. A series of focal mechanism solutions of modern earthquakes reveal that the seismic activity is closely related to the strike-slip fault. The Daxing Fault extends also downwards into the lower crust, and may be cut by the steeply dipping new Xiadian Fault on deep seismic reflection profile. The northern section of the Daxing Fault strikes NNE, with a length of about 23km, arranged in a right step pattern with the Xiadian Fault. Transrotational basins have been developed in the junction between the northern Daxing Fault and the southern Xiadian Fault. Such combined tectonic features of the Daxing Fault and Xiadian Fault evolute independently under the extensional structure background and control the development of the Langgu sub-sag and Dachang sub-sag, respectively.  相似文献   

The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake occurred along the Longmen Shan fault zone, only five years later, another M7 Lushan earthquake struck the southern segment where its seismic risk has been highly focused by multiple geoscientists since this event. Through geological investigations and paleoseismic trenching, we suggest that the segment along the Shuangshi-Dachuan Fault at south of the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake is active during Holocene. Along the fault, some discontinuous fault trough valleys developed and the fault dislocated the late Quaternary strata as the trench exposed. Based on analysis of historical records of earthquakes, we suggest that the epicenter of the 1327 Tianquan earthquake should be located near Tianquan and associated with the Shuangshi-Dachuan Fault. Furthermore, we compared the ranges of felt earthquakes(the 2013 M7 Lushan earthquake and the 1970 MS6.2 Dayi earthquake)and suggest that the magnitude of the 1327 Tianquan earthquake is more possible between 6½ and 7. The southern segment of the Longmen Shan fault zone behaves as a thrust fault system consisting of several sub-paralleled faults and its deep structure shows multiple layers of decollement, which might disperse strain accumulation effectively and make the thrust system propagate forward into the foreland basin, creating a new decollement on a gypsum-salt bed. The soft bed is thick and does not facilitate to constrain fault deformation and accumulate strain, which produces a weak surface tectonic expression and seismic activity along the southern segment, this is quite different from that of the middle and northern segments of the Longmen Shan fault zone.  相似文献   

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