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According to theory, stars more massive than 8 M must form while still accreting material from the surrounding parental cloud: at this stage radiation pressure should reverse the infall thus preventing further growth of the stellar mass. After illustrating the two models proposed to solve this problem (accretion and coalescence), we review the observational evidence pro/contra such models, focusing on the kinematics of the molecular gas where the massive (proto)stars are embedded as the best tool to shed light on the formation mechanism. Special attention is devoted to the phenomena of infall, outflow, and rotation, concluding that the recent detection of rotating disks in massive young stellar objects is the best evidence so far in favour of the accretion model.  相似文献   

利用青海站13.7 m毫米波望远镜对17个与星团成协的恒星形成区进行了~(12)CO(J=1-0)、~(13)CO(J=1-0)和C~(18)O(J=1-0)的同时成图观测.除了IRAS04547+4753,这些源均探测到较强的C~(18)O(J=1-0)的谱线发射.由于分子云的大小不同,有13个源观测到~(13)CO(J=1-0)谱线积分强度极大值的一半处,其他源因分子云延展范围较大,没有进行大面积的成图观测.基于观测数据,计算了各云核的谱线线宽、亮温度、尺度、密度和质量等,~(13)CO和C~(13)O云核的维里质量与局部热动平衡(LTE)质量之比分别为0.66和0.74,它们接近于维里平衡状态.为了从形态方面比较云核与星团,将谱线的积分强度图与2MASS的K波段图像叠加.同时,计算了与云核成协的星团的大小和质量,数据采用了2MASS的近红外点源测光结果.基于云核与星团的质量结果,计算了分子云的恒星形成效率,大致在10%~30%的范围.  相似文献   

By using the 13.7 m millimeter wave telescope of the Qinghai Station of Purple Mountain Observatory at Delingha, we have performed the mapping observations simultaneously at the (J = 1-0) lines of 12CO, 13CO and C18O towards respectively the 17 star forming regions associated with clusters. All of them show rather strong C18O emission, except IRAS 04547+4753. Because of the different sizes of molecular clouds, there are 13 regions being observed to the half maximum of 13CO integrated intensity, and the large-area mapping observation has not been made for the other 4 regions with rather large extents. Based on the observed data, the physical properties of molecular cores are calculated, such as the line width, brightness temperature, size, density and mass. The averaged ratios of the virial mass Mvir and local thermodynamic equilibrium mass MLTE of the 13CO and C18O cores are 0.66 and 0.74, respectively, suggesting that these cores are nearly at the virial equilibrium state. In order to compare the cores and clusters in morphologies, the contour maps of the integrated intensities of 13CO and C18O are overlaid on the K-band images of 2MASS. At the same time, the sizes and masses of the clusters associated with cores are calculated by adopting the photometric results of the near-infrared point sources in 2MASS database. Based on the derived masses of the molecular cores and clusters, the star formation efficiency (SFE) is calculated for the molecular clouds, and we find that it varies in the range from 10% to 30%.  相似文献   

We have conducted multi-epoch EVN observations of the 22.2 GHz water masers towards the high-mass young stellar object in AFGL 5142. With four observing epochs, spanning a time of 1 year, 12 distinct maser features have been detected and accurate values of the proper motions are derived for those persistent over three or four epochs. On the basis of their spatial distribution, the observed maser features can be divided into two groups. A model fit to the positions and velocities of the maser features of Group I, detected in the same region (within 500 mas) where the massive YSO should be located, demonstrates that these might arise on the surface of a nearly edge-on Keplerian disk, rotating around a massive young stellar object. The maser features of Group II, found at large distances from the YSO ( 1), have positions and line-of-sight velocities in agreement with the blue-shifted lobe of a large-scale molecular outflow, and might result from the interaction between the gas flowing away from the young stellar object and the ambient gas of the progenitor molecular core.  相似文献   

We present a numerical model of the action of a pulsar on its associated supernova remnant. The expansion of the blast wave in the progenitor star has first been considered until radiation pressure within the ejected material becomes negligible due to expansion. By assuming that expansion is ballistic and that the ejecta is opaque to the pulsar 's magnetodipole radiation, the model produces a radiation-filled cavity which grows around the pulsar and contributes to power the dynamics of the forming supernova remnant. The interface between the cavity and the ejecta has been modelled as a thin shell which, depending on the initial spin frequency of the pulsar, can sweep through the ejecta and reach the blast wave. Results for the evolution of the shell indicate that it may strike the front most part of the shocked gas some 60 years after the explosion. Such pulsar-supernova remnant interactions are proposed to form the base of a new subclassification of pulsar-filled supernova remnants. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present the results of our search for the stars kinematically related to the young star HD 166191 surrounded by a warm dust disk. Using data from the GAIA DR1, 2RXS, ALLWISE catalogues and confirming optical spectroscopy, we have identified five stars of age ~10 Myr with similar kinematics in a sky region of radius ~11° on the periphery of the Scorpius–Centaurus OB association. Simulations of their orbits into the past show that the HD 166191 group stars were not formed inside or on the nearest periphery of the Scorpius–Centaurus association and do not belong to the young kinematic groups known in its neighborhoods either. The age and motion of the HD 166191 group in the Galaxy are closest to those of the extended Corona Australis association (ext.CrA). Possible scenarios for the formation of these young associations are discussed.  相似文献   

利用Masachusets-StonyBrook的12CO的分辨率为47″的银道面巡天和IRAS的分辨率为15′的红外巡天图像资料,系统地进行了l=8°~38°,b=-1°~+1°天区内不同分子云演化阶段与恒星形成过程的对比研究.将上述天区划分成30个小区,通过图像处理,得到了每个小区的CO(1-0)和波长60μm上远红外发射的空间分布,计算出相应天区的分子云复合体的红外色温度和光深分布,结合IRAS红外点源和HII区星表,把分子云从年轻到年老的演化阶段分成四大类,分析了它们的主要特征以及与恒星形成过程的关系.文章最后对超致密HII区和原恒星候选体沿银经的分布,以及HII区和原恒星候选体与分子云成协的比例进行了统计研究,再次说明在银河系中恒星形成活动仍在不断地发生和进行.  相似文献   

报告在NGC7538中利用H2(2.12μm)发射线测新发现的两个喷流和18个近红外HH天体,在IRS1-3星云中观测到了强H2发射壳层结构环绕在星云的北边。星云中红外源的UV辐射场的外流活动都可能导致这一H2发射。在HRS1-3星云的南边和东边探测到了5个H2knots.在IRS1南边发现的H2喷流暗示该区域有一个南北向的外流,在IRS11星团的周围发现了9个H2hnots.在西北-东南方向和东  相似文献   

Following an extremely interesting idea (Schieber 1984), published long ago, the work function associated with the emission of ultra-relativistic electrons from magnetically deformed metallic crystal (mainly iron) at the outer crust of a magnetar is obtained using relativistic version of Thomas–Fermi type model for electron distribution around the nuclei in this region. In the present scenario, surprisingly, the work function becomes anisotropic; the longitudinal part is an increasing function of magnetic field strength, whereas the transverse part diverges.  相似文献   

向德琳 《天文学进展》1995,13(3):280-288
综述了作者通过^13CO观测示研究银河系分子云总体特征和展示大尺度结构,以及探测恒星形成区新成协天体。评述了研究结果及其应用和有关研究课题的深入与发展,并与同类工作作了比较。  相似文献   

We determine the mass function of young star clusters in the merging galaxies known as the "Antennae" (NGC 4038/9) from deep images taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on the refurbished Hubble Space Telescope. This is accomplished by means of reddening-free parameters and a comparison with stellar population synthesis tracks to estimate the intrinsic luminosity and age, and hence the mass, of each cluster. We find that the mass function of the young star clusters (with ages less, similar160 Myr) is well represented by a power law of the form psi&parl0;M&parr0;~M-2 over the range 104 less, similarM less, similar106 M middle dot in circle. This result may have important implications for our understanding of the origin of globular clusters during the early phases of galactic evolution.  相似文献   

Savanov  I. S. 《Astrophysics》2022,65(1):75-80
Astrophysics - Based on high-precision data from the archive of the TESS space mission, a study of the photometric variability of the brightness of TOI 1227, a young member of the Musca group with...  相似文献   

高扬  肖婷 《天文学进展》2020,(2):121-138
星系中气体转化为恒星的过程决定了星系的结构和演化,因此研究恒星形成最直接的原料——分子气体的含量、分子气体形成恒星的规律以及会受哪些物理机制的影响,对于理解星系的形成和演化具有重要意义。近年来,随着观测技术和设备(尤其是射电望远镜)的发展,天文学家可以在不同尺度上探测到越来越多星系的多种分子多种能级跃迁的谱线。首先,介绍了探测分子气体的多种方法和新的发现;然后基于CO巡天数据和致密分子气体数据,分别在统计上讨论了分子气体分布及分子气体含量与恒星形成率之间的紧密关系,并与小尺度上的恒星形成理论进行了比较;最后,结合影响星系演化的物理过程,讨论活动星系核、星系形态以及星系所处环境对分子气体的影响。  相似文献   

We present a 3d code for the dynamical evolution of a multi-phase interstellar medium (ISM) coupled to stars via star formation (SF) and feedback processes. The multi-phase ISM consists of clouds (sticky particles) and diffuse gas (SPH): exchange of matter, energy and momentum is achieved by drag (due to ram pressure) and condensation or evaporation processes. The cycle of matter is completed by SF and feedback by SNe and PNe. A SF scheme based on a variable SF efficiency as proposed by Elmegreen and Efremov (1997) is presented. For a Milky Way type galaxy we get a SF rate of ∼1 M yr-1 with an average SF efficiency of ∼5%. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The massive star forming region S 233 IR is observed in the molecular lines CO J = 2-1, 3-2, NH3 (1,1), (2,2) and the 870#m dust continuum. Four submillimeter continuum sources, labelled SMM 1-4, are revealed in the 870μm dust emission. The main core, SMM1, is found to be associated with a deeply embedded near infrared cluster in the northeast; while the weaker source SMM2 coincides with a more evolved cluster in the southwest. The best fit spectral energy distribution of SMM1 gives an emissivity of β = 1.6, and temperatures of 32 K and 92 K for the cold- and hot-dust components. An SMM1 core mass of 246 M⊙ and a total mass of 445 M⊙ are estimated from the 870μm dust continuum emission.SMM1 is found to have a temperature gradient decreasing from inside out, indicative of the presence of interior heating sources. The total outflow gas mass as traced by the CO J = 3-2 emission is estimated to be 35 M⊙. Low velocity outflows are also found in the NH3 (1,1) emission. The non-thermal dominant NH3 line width as well as the substantial core mass suggest that the SMM1 core is a “turbulent,massive dense core”, in the process of forming a group or a cluster of stars. The much higher star formation efficiency found in the southwest cluster supports the suggestion that this cluster is more evolved than the northeast one. Large near infrared photometric variations found in the source PCS-IR93, a previously found highly polarized nebulosity, indicate an underlying star showing the FU Orionis type of behavior.  相似文献   

This contribution reports on our first efforts to simulate a multiphase interstellar medium on a kiloparsec scale in three dimensions with the stars and gas modeled self-consistently. Starting from inhomogenous initial conditions, our closed box simulations follow the gas as it cools and collapses under its own self-gravity to form stars which eventually return material and energy back through supernovae explosions and winds. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tarasov  A. E. 《Astronomy Letters》2020,46(7):473-481
Astronomy Letters - Based on moderate-resolution spectra in the range 4200–5200 Å, we have studied B and Be stars in the young open star cluster NGC 581. The temperatures of the program...  相似文献   

王敏  杨戟  耿韬  朱留斌 《天文学报》2007,48(3):289-301
利用紫金山天文台青海观测站13.7 m毫米波望远镜对IRAS 23133 6050云核进行~(13)CO、C~(18)O、HCO (J=1-0)谱线观测.~(13)CO、C~(18)O、HCO 分子谱线辐射所对应的云核直径分别为4.0pc、2.1 pc、2.3 pc,质量分别为2.7×10~3M_⊙、0.9×10~3M_⊙、2.3×10~3M_⊙,气体平均密度分别为2.7×10~3 cm~(-3)、5.1×10~3 cm~(-3)、4.6×10~3cm~(-3).用幂律模型n(r)~~(-P)的形式分析了云核的密度分布,得到的指数p分别为1.75、1.56、1.48.分析发现,密度结构谱指数从云核的外部向内部逐渐变平坦.观测得到HCO~ 丰度为4.6×10~(-10),比暗云低一个数量级以上,比巨分子云也略低,而~(13)CO、C~(18)O的相对丰度比X_(13/18)为12.2,这与暗云11.8和巨分子云9.0~15.6的情况一致.该区域发现存在~(13)CO双极外流.由IRAS远红外光度和维里质量得到的光度质量比,分别为18.1,51.1、21.2.  相似文献   

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