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新疆春夏季大气降尘分析   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
梁云  刘新春  何清  霍文  李军 《中国沙漠》2008,28(5):992-994
  在新疆沙尘暴主要发生区布设了22个大气降尘观测点,对2007年春夏季大气降尘总量进行监测。分析表明:南疆大气降尘总量远高于北疆,塔里木盆地的高值中心位于盆地偏南部;将大气降尘与气象要素进行相关分析,表明大气降尘与降水量呈负相关关系,大气降尘与沙尘天气发生日数存在正相关关系。  相似文献   

沙漠-绿洲过渡带天然植被具有良好的防风阻沙效益,对绿洲内部农田起到重要生态保护作用。在新疆策勒沙漠-绿洲过渡带流沙地、半固定沙地、绿洲边缘固定沙地6个不同植被覆盖度样地风蚀、风积变化观测基础上,结合地表风速数据,探讨流沙地、半固定沙地、固定沙地不同植被覆盖度和地形下地表风蚀风积变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:流沙地表现出较强烈的地表风蚀;半固定沙地整体表现出强烈的地表风积;固定沙地上植被覆盖度越高、植株越高和排列方式越均匀、整体地势越低,单位面积风积量也就越大、风蚀量越小,风蚀主要发生在灌丛沙堆的上风向、侧翼、背风风向的裸低凹沙地表面,较高沙堆侧翼的地表风蚀量最大。植被覆盖度与单位面积风蚀量呈多项式或指数函数关系递减,植被覆盖度与单位面积风积量不呈函数分布,说明除了植被覆盖度外,植株类型、高度、排列方式、地形等都会对地表风积量产生一定影响。  相似文献   

运用MODIS时间序列数据,以干旱区和田绿洲为例,在对2002年、2004年SMVC-NDVI(Seasonal Maximum Value Composite NDVI)图进行分类后,通过对土地覆盖变化类型多度、重要度和评价等级的计算,将干旱区绿洲的生态环境强烈变化区定位于低草和中草的界限,并以此提取了过渡带生态环境变化的预警线。结果表明:从2002—2004年,预警线呈现整体缩小趋势,说明绿洲整体的生态环境在这3 a内有所退化,向恶性发展。通过对以气候因子为主的自然和人类活动因素定量分析后,认为预警线对干旱区荒漠绿洲脆弱生态环境的连续实时监测和可持续性发展研究具有很好的指示作用。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地大气降尘变化特征及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用哈密、塔中与和田沙尘暴观测站2005—2008年大气降尘观测资料,结合铁干里克、民丰等18个大气降尘监测点2007年4月以来的大气降尘、沙尘天气等观测资料,分析了塔里木盆地大气降尘变化特征,同时分析了影响大气降尘浓度变化的主要因素。结果表明:①2005—2008年3站中哈密大气降尘量最少,其次为和田,塔中的大气降尘量最多; 2006年是4 a中降尘量最多年份,其次为2005年,2008年相对较少。②春夏季是大气降尘集中季节,秋季略大于冬季。塔里木盆地中部最高,南部及西南部的站点降尘明显高于盆地的东部和西部。③在沙尘暴季节,无论是5月还是6月,2007年大气降尘量基本上都高于2008年。④2007年5月和6月,除盆地东面的哈密、铁干里克以及西缘的阿拉尔3站外,其他18个站沙尘天气较多。沙尘天气是塔里木盆地大气降尘量高的主要因素,沙尘天气越多,大气降尘量越高。  相似文献   

应用环境磁学方法对北疆昌吉地区和南疆阿克苏地区大气降尘的磁学特征进行对比研究。结果表明:2012年春夏季昌吉地区大气降尘样品磁性矿物以磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿为主,阿克苏地区样品除受到磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿主要控制外,还含有更多赤铁矿等高矫顽力磁性矿物。两地降尘样品都以假单畴颗粒PSD和多畴颗粒MD为主。昌吉地区大气降尘样品的磁性矿物含量明显高于阿克苏地区。阿克苏地区大气降尘样品以天然降尘为主,强磁性矿物含量较低;昌吉地区降尘样品人为源输入强度高,磁学信号强。大气降尘的磁学特征包含大量环境信息,可以作为粉尘环境监测的重要手段。严格控制工业污染物排放,合理规划工业布局,依旧是治理城市大气污染的重要措施。  相似文献   

沙漠及绿洲不同覆被下大气CO2浓度的梯度变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
运用美国生产的开环气体交换系统LI-6400便携式光合作用测定系统,研究了沙漠及绿洲不同覆被下大气CO2浓度的梯度变化。结果表明,2001年巴丹吉林沙漠南缘大气CO2浓度为366μmol·mol-1,秋季大气CO2浓度梯度在1~ 10m高度范围内为0,CO2浓度与气温呈线形正相关,相关系数为0.87;与空气相对湿度呈线形负相关,相关系数为 -0.86。秋季绿洲区CO2浓度高于沙漠区,人类活动向大气排放CO2,是绿洲区CO2浓度高于沙漠区的主要原因。绿洲不同覆被类型其CO2浓度梯度明显不同,影响CO2浓度梯度的主要因素为:人类活动、覆被变化、气象因子。覆被变化研究得出,杨树林初秋光合作用最强时在10m高度范围内CO2浓度可降低22μmol·mol-1;另外得出,降雨能够明显降低空气CO2浓度。  相似文献   

新疆绿洲变化与资源配置协调性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
绿洲是干旱区最重要的人地关系地域系统,绿洲面积的扩张给资源配置的协调性带来了巨大的挑战。以新疆各绿洲为研究单元,运用GIS技术和数理统计方法对新疆1990—2015年绿洲面积变化的时序特征和空间差异进行分析,通过计算研究区水资源负载指数、单位面积耕地水资源弹性指数、人口弹性指数和经济弹性指数,探讨新疆绿洲变化的资源配置协调性。结果表明:(1)新疆绿洲面积呈扩大趋势,扩张速度呈现出明显的波动性和阶段性特征。(2)绿洲面积扩张与单位面积耕地水资源变化的协调关系以绿洲扩张为主,各地区单位面积耕地水资源占有量不断减少。(3)新疆绿洲面积扩张与人口增长的协调性指数都小于1,各地区人口增长速度大于绿洲面积扩张速度,绿洲面积扩张与人口增长的协调性较低。(4)新疆4个研究区各个时期的经济弹性指数均大于1,说明新疆经济发展速度高于绿洲面积扩张速度,其中,天山北坡对新疆经济发展贡献最大。  相似文献   

风成沉积一般为多峰态粒度分布,不同峰态往往指示不同的沉积分选作用。这种分选作用形成的粒度特征是否具有稳定性可以通过现代大气降尘观测进一步证实。本研究通过对策勒绿洲两次大气降尘11个位置3 m和0.5 m高度样品粒度特征进行分析,试图揭示风成沉积粒度特征的稳定性。结果表明:两次大气降尘粒级范围都集中在0.4—250 μm,不同高度的大气降尘都显示典型的双峰态粒度分布特征,其中粗粒峰态众数为67—75 μm,细粒峰态众数12—21 μm。粗粒峰态和细粒峰态各自在不同位置和不同高度上都表现出稳定一致的粒度分布特征,这表明大气降尘在近地表空间上经历稳定一致的沉积分选作用。因此,风成沉积粒度特征适合用于指示区域沉积动力环境,多峰态分离分析可能获得更加明确的环境信息。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地南缘于田绿洲近50a来气候变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于于田气象站48 a(1960—2007年)逐月平均气温和降水量数据,借助小波分析、人工神经网络等方法研究了塔里木盆地南缘于田绿洲近50 a来在全球气候变暖的背景下气候变化的特征和总体趋势。结果表明,二维小波系数图可以清楚地显示出气候变化在不同时间尺度上的演变特征,并能对未来的气候演变趋势做出定性估计。小波方差图显示于田绿洲逐月平均气温存在4 a为主的短周期和以11~13 a为主的长周期;逐月降水存在以7 a为主的短周期和以准12 a、27 a左右为主的长周期。RBFN(Radial Basis Function Network)模型预测的结果显示,该区2008—2012年降水量的变化处于相对高值期,气温变化处于相对低值期。近50 a于田绿洲气候总体趋于暖湿。  相似文献   

新疆三工河绿洲土地利用变化系统动力学仿真   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
从小区域(乡域)尺度出发,综合考虑人口、经济、技术、市场等主要人文因素对绿洲土地利用变化的驱动作用,建立系统动力学(SD)模型,并以天山北麓三工河流域为例,用1978—1998年的实际数据验证了模型的适用性和可靠性,在此基础上,模拟和分析了三种发展模式下本区域1998—2050年土地利用变化过程,结果表明:SD方法对于乡域尺度的土地利用变化研究是适宜的;三种模式下土地利用变化规律表现出明显的差异性,人口、经济、技术、市场等因素对本区域土地利用变化具有显著驱动作用。  相似文献   

During the course of a major sandstorm from April 17 to April 23, 2008 in the Taklimakan Desert, data pertaining to the mass concentrations of different-sized atmospheric particulate matter were observed continuously with Grimm 1.108, Thermo RP 1400a, TSP, and CAWS-600 instruments. The results showed that: (1) during the entire sandstorm process there were some differences between the daily mean particle concentration peaks and the hourly mean particle concentration peaks because the actual sandstorm lasted for only about 4 hr, whereas more particles were accumulated in the floating dust days before and after the actual sandstorm; (2) the intensity of the sandstorm was enhanced with the increase of wind speed, and this was related to the peak mass concentrations of atmospheric particulate matter; the wind speed directly affected the concentration of atmospheric particulate matter: the higher the wind speed, the higher the mass concentration (>0.23 μm was 39,496.5 μg/m3, and >20.0 μm was 5,390.7 μg/m3); (3) the concentration changes of PM10 and TSP were also related to the course and intensity of the sandstorm; and (4) the mass concentration of atmospheric particulate matter had the following sequence during the dust weather: clear day < floating dust < floating and blowing dust < sandstorm. Temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure are important factors affecting the strength of storms, which could also indirectly affect the concentration change of atmospheric particulate matter.  相似文献   

We investigated how dustfall flux (DF) and dust particle size (DPS) were affected by geomorphic conditions, wind speed, and precipitation using data from 27 sites in northern China. The sites with the greatest DF and greatest median diameter of dustfall (MDD) were primarily in desert regions and had extensive mobile sands. DF and MDD were lowest in agricultural regions, which had low levels of coarse particles because of human land use and high vegetation coverage that restrained blowing sand. DF values were higher and MDD values were lower in the western agricultural region than in the eastern agricultural region because the former is closer to desert regions and contains more fine dust that has traveled far. In regions with extensive desertified lands, DF values were lower than those in desert regions, and MDD values were greater than in agricultural regions, possibly due to coarsening of soil texture by desertification processes combined with higher vegetation coverage and soil moisture than in desert regions, thereby restraining blowing sand. Although high DF and MDD always coincided spatially with strong winds and low precipitation, the strong winds and low precipitation did not always mean high DF and MDD. High DF also coincided temporally with periods of low precipitation, but low precipitation did not always mean high DF. Thus, although the spatial trends in DF and DPS were controlled mostly by geomorphic conditions, and monthly trends in DF were controlled mainly by wind speed, weak wind and high precipitation can restrain the blowing sand at certain times and locations. Seasonal changes in DPS may be controlled simultaneously by geomorphic conditions, meteorological factors, and distance from source areas, not solely by the winter monsoon.  相似文献   

2007年春季沙尘暴对辽宁中部城市群空气质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据大气降尘量和可吸入颗粒物PM10 、PM2.5、 PM1的观测资料,分析了2007年春季发生于我国北方的两次沙尘暴天气过程对辽宁中部城市群空气质量的影响。结果显示,沙尘天气使各城市大气降尘量与可吸入颗粒物PM10和PM2.5的质量浓度明显增高,空气质量明显下降。在3月31日和5月7日的两次沙尘暴过程中,城市群的大气降尘量比当月日平均值分别增加了1.5倍和2.5倍,各城市PM10的日均质量浓度比沙尘出现前一日分别增加了0.2~2.6倍和1.5~3.8倍。3月31日除铁岭和鞍山空气质量状况为良外,均达到轻微污染程度;5月7日鞍山达严重污染程度;沈阳、辽阳、本溪、铁岭和抚顺的空气质量均为中度污染或中度重污染。沙尘暴期间1.0~10.0 μm的粗粒子为影响辽宁中部城市空气质量的主要成分,其小时平均质量浓度最大时是沙尘出现前的10~30倍。  相似文献   

Dust and environment in the Southern High Plains of North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continuous measurements of dust reveal the intermittent nature of dust events within the Southern High Plains of North America. Dust events appear as sudden peaks that project outward from a much lower background dust concentration. The measured dust record appears to follow a regular annual cycle with most dust events occurring in spring and considerably fewer during other seasons. The annual dust cycle reflects seasonal changes in environmental factors such as wind speed, surface cover, and moisture conditions. Most dust events are associated with a combination of strong winds, negligible surface cover, and dry conditions, all of which occur most frequently during the spring season. Wind speed alone is found to be an imperfect indicator of dust levels in the Southern High Plains because of the moderating effects of other important environmental factors such as humidity and surface cover. However, if one limits consideration to dry and bare conditions, dust concentration exhibits a positive correlation with daily wind speeds above 4 m s−1and a negligible correlation for light winds.  相似文献   

On coordinated development of oasis and environment in arid area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Formation and evolution of oasisBoth physical environment and human activities influence the formation and evolution of oasis. Natural oasis is a kind of ecological landscape formed mainly by water without human intervention. Its prosperity and adversity primarily depends on the flow direction and discharge of a river. With the increment of intensity of human activities, however, great changes have taken place in oasis in arid area. The evolution of oasis has been transformed from the contr…  相似文献   

FU Xiao-feng  LI Zhe 《地理学报》2001,11(1):117-121
Based upon the formation and evolution of oasis and the factors restricting the coordinated development of oasis economy and environment, this paper presents a goal of the development in coordination. It suggests that the sustainable survival and development of oasis could be ensured only if the oasis-desert and water source ecology are managed in a combined way to form a macro system. In light with the above mentioned, the approach to the development of economy and environment of oasis in arid area should depend upon the establishment of an oasis ecological and economic system, which suits the arid environment and promotes the efficiency of resource configuration, stabilizes economic increment and benefits ecological development.  相似文献   

近40 a新疆土地利用及其绿洲动态变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
贺可  吴世新  杨怡  王丹  张寿雨  尹楠 《干旱区地理》2018,41(6):1333-1340
利用1972-2015年Landsat MSS/TM/OLI以及CBERS遥感影像数据,得到近40 a新疆土地利用时空数据,综合分析新疆土地利用及其绿洲的动态变化与动因。结果表明:新疆土地不断开垦、耕地面积不断扩大,已达到了相当的数量规模;土地的开垦与撂荒成为新疆乃至我国西北干旱地区土地利用变化最重要的特征,耕地撂荒与土地开垦的比率逐期下降,土地利用效率不断提高;城镇居民建设用地持续扩大;近40 a里,绿洲面积逐步扩大,面积占比由8.18%上升到9.93%;人工绿洲面积及占比也逐步增大,目前一半以上的绿洲面积为人工绿洲。气候的暖湿变化,以及政策、人口、社会经济、科技等要素成为新疆土地利用变化的动因。本文还提出了在关注各类土地数量变化的同时进一步开展土地开发的质量变化与评估研究。  相似文献   

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