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选取我国西南地区典型的水耕人为土剖面,模拟不同的水热条件,研究其诊断层土壤特性(pH、EC)的动态变化,并分析其与其他土壤理化性质的相关性.结果表明:(1)在不同的温度下,土壤的pH值有变化,但变化不显著.土壤的EC变化比较大,随着温度的升高,土壤的EC增大.(2)水耕熟化和发育程度较高的水耕人为土的电导率较高(土壤旱强碱性的除外),水耕表层的电导率比氧化还原层高.(3)土壤特性(pH、EC)与土壤粘粒含量呈正相关关系.(4)不同水热条件下水耕人为土土壤pH、电导率动态变化特征,可用动态变化函数方程进行拟合.研究结果对土壤系统分类定量指标建立有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

利用物理模拟方法再现顺层坡滑坡的形成机制;通过能量平衡法,导出了顺层坡发生溃屈破坏的临界坡长、隆起端位置等力学模型.  相似文献   

在本研究的第一部分已建立了数学模型的基础上,本文进行了有限元分析。应用Galerkin法进行了空间域的离散,应用差分法及Douglas-Dapont预报校正法完成了时间域的离散及非线性处理。然后用Fortran-77编写了计算机程序,实现了不同覆盖层下非匀质土壤水热分布的定量分析,并进行了田间实验验证。计算与验证结果表明:塑膜膜侧种植校膜中心种植在地温稍高含水量稍低的情况下,可节约用膜7%;透水率很低的纸张在改进耐久性的基础上可能在一定条件下作为塑膜的代用品。  相似文献   

陆恒  魏文寿  刘明哲  韩茜  洪雯 《地理研究》2011,30(7):1244-1253
利用snow fork雪特性分析仪测量天山积雪与雪崩研究站融雪期开阔地(站区内气象观测场)与雪岭云杉林下雪层含水率,分析季节性森林积雪融雪期雪层含水率垂直廓线和时间变化特征以及与气温的关系。结果表明:由于开阔地和林下积雪接受的太阳辐射、雪层密度和雪层污化程度等的不同,开阔地、树冠边缘及距树干1m处的雪层含水率垂直廓线特征、雪层含水率的日变化特征以及融雪期雪层含水率随时间的变化特征各异;雪层含水率受气温因子影响最大,融雪期雪层含水率随气温变化呈指数增加,由于开阔地和林下微气象条件的不同,三点雪层含水率对日均温、最高温、最低温、日较差以及逐时气温的响应也不同,且雪层含水率对气温的滞后效应也各异。  相似文献   

YAN Denghua  DENG Wei  HE Yan 《地理学报》2002,12(3):289-294
Based on the continuous monitoring data of hydrology and water quality in the period from 1972 to 1997, the responses of hydro-environment system to melt water in the Second Songhua River basin were derived. Because of melt water, the water quality in the Second Songhua River is good and changes very except that the contents of Hg and Mn in the water are higher. The contribution of melt water to the water fluxes in the Second Songhua River basin is distinct: the water flow in April increases remarkably, reaches the peak in the upper reaches. The pollutant contributions and water pollution indices (WPIs) of the Second Songhua River in April are high in the upper reaches while that in the lower reaches are low. The responses of hydro-environment system to melt water of that basin are affected by content of packed snow and the underlining surface systems.  相似文献   

Based on the continuous monitoring data of hydrology and water quality in the period from 1972 to 1997, the responses of hydro-environment system to melt water in the Second Songhua River basin were derived. Because of melt water, the water quality in the Second Songhua River is good and changes very except that the contents of Hg and Mn in the water are higher. The contribution of melt water to the water fluxes in the Second Songhua River basin is distinct: the water flow in April increases remarkably, reaches the peak in the upper reaches. The pollutant contributions and water pollution indices (WPIs) of the Second Songhua River in April are high in the upper reaches while that in the lower reaches are low. The responses of hydro-environment system to melt water of that basin are affected by content of packed snow and the underlining surface systems.  相似文献   

Coupled hydrological and atmospheric modeling is an efficient method for snowmelt runoff forecast in large basins. We use short-range precipitation forecasts of mesoscale atmospheric Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model combining them with ground-based and satellite observations for modeling snow accumulation and snowmelt processes in the Votkinsk reservoir basin (184,319 km2). The method is tested during three winter seasons (2012–2015). The MODIS-based vegetation map and leaf area index data are used to calculate the snowmelt intensity and snow evaporation in the studied basin. The GIS-based snow accumulation and snowmelt modeling provides a reliable and highly detailed spatial distribution for snow water equivalent (SWE) and snow-covered areas (SCA). The modelling results are validated by comparing actual and estimated SWE and SCA data. The actual SCA results are derived from MODIS satellite data. The algorithm for assessing the SCA by MODIS data (ATBD-MOD 10) has been adapted to a forest zone. In general, the proposed method provides satisfactory results for maximum SWE calculations. The calculation accuracy is slightly degraded during snowmelt periods. The SCA data is simulated with a higher reliability than the SWE data. The differences between the simulated and actual SWE may be explained by the overestimation of the WRF-simulated total precipitation and the unrepresentativeness of the SWE measurements (snow survey).  相似文献   

Based on the continuous monitoring data of hydrology and water quality in the period from 1972 to 1997, the responses of hydro-environment system to melt water in the Second Songhua River basin were derived. Because of melt water, the water quality in the Second Songhua River is good and changes very except that the contents of Hg and Mn in the water are higher. The contribution of melt water to the water fluxes in the Second Songhua River basin is distinct: the water flow in April increases remarkably, reaches the peak in the upper reaches. The pollutant contributions and water pollution indices (WPIs) of the Second Songhua River in April are high in the upper reaches while that in the lower reaches are low. The responses of hydro-environment system to melt water of that basin are affected by content of packed snow and the underlining surface systems.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the differences between the two snow cover data, the snow cover data of 884 meteorological stations in China from 1951 to 2005 are counted. The data include days of visual snow observation, snow depth, and snow cover durations, which vary according to different definitions of snow cover days. Two series of data, as defined by "snow depth" and by "weather observation," are investigated here. Our results show that there is no apparent difference between them in east China and the Xinjiang region, but in northeast China and the Tibetan Plateau the "weather observation" data vary by more than 10 days and the "snow depth" data vary by 0.4 cm. Especially in the Tibetan Plateau, there are at least 15 more days of "weather observation" snow in most areas (sometimes more than 30 days). There is an obvious difference in the snow cover data due to bimodal snowfall data in the Tibetan Plateau, which has peak snowfalls from September to October and from April to May. At those times the temperature is too high for snow cover formation and only a few days have trace snow cover. Also, the characteristics and changing trends of snow cover are analyzed here based on the snow cover data of nine weather stations in the northeast region of the Tibetan Plateau, by the Mann-Kendall test. The results show significantly fewer days of snow cover and shorter snow durations as defined by "snow depth" compared to that as defined by "weather observation." Mann-Kendall tests of both series of snow cover durations show an abrupt change in 1987.  相似文献   

隆冬异常升温北疆积雪提前融化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年1月下旬中期开始,新疆北部地区出现了一次异常的升温天气过程,1月27日~2月4日的9d中,北疆各地的43个气象站中,有14站的日最高气温突破同期历史极值,其中伊犁河谷的新源的日最高气温上升到13.3℃,突破同期历史极值3.0℃;有19站的9天平均气温突破同期历史极值,占总站数的44.2%。1月下旬本是新疆北部的积雪稳定积累期,但是2007年元月下旬异常升温天气的出现和持续,使北疆地区积雪提前融化,到2月初,北疆的博尔塔拉蒙古自治州、伊犁地区、乌鲁木齐市等地的积雪面积明显减少,乌鲁木齐地区的积雪覆盖度仅为25.84%,比15年同期平均值偏少5成。冬季是新疆增温幅度最大的季节,在气候变暖背景下,冬季极端天气气候事件的出现也越来越频繁,隆冬季节的异常升温造成气温偏高,使北疆地区的积雪提前融化。这些变化将对新疆水资源的时空分布产生重大影响,对当地生态环境将带来难以估测的影响。在全球气候变化背景下,更加需要加强对新疆等干旱地区极端天气气候事件的监测分析及其对生态环境、经济社会发展的影响等诸多领域的研究,使社会各界以积极的态度来科学客观地认识气候变化带来的后果,及早提出应对区域气候变化的对策,采取切实可行的措施减缓气候变化带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

基于高光谱数据的天山北坡积雪孔隙率反演研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
习阿幸  刘志辉  徐倩  张波 《干旱区地理》2015,38(6):1253-1261
以新疆天山北坡中段典型流域季节性积雪为研究对象,基于高光谱遥感监测技术,分析了融雪期积雪孔隙率与光谱反射率的相关性。采用偏最小二乘法(PLS)对相关性较高的波段进行压缩,并提取贡献率最高的前四个主成分,以此用来确定神经网络的隐含节点数、输入层、输出层的初始权值,建立PLS-BP模型进行积雪孔隙率反演研究。结果表明:当隐含节点数为3,模型的线性确定相关系数(R2)较高为0.9159,RMSE为0.04,相对误差为0.23。与传统偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)、主成分回归(PCA)建模方法相比,精度较高,所建定量模型可用于高光谱遥感反演积雪孔隙率。  相似文献   

Simulation and analysis of river runoff in typical cold regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is generally agreed that global warming is taking place, which has caused runoff generation processes and apparently total runoff amount changes in cold regions of Northwestern China. It is absolutely necessary to quantify and analyze earth surface hydrological processes by numerical models for formulating scientific sustainable development of water resources. Hydrological models became established tools for studying the hydrological cycle, but did not consider frozen soil or glacier hydrology. Thus, they should be improved to satisfy the simulation of hydrological processes in cold regions. In this paper, an energy balance glacier melt model was successfully coupled to the VIC model with frozen soil scheme, thus improving the models performance in a cold catchment area. We performed the improved VIC model to simulate the hydrological processes in the Aksu River Basin, and the simulated results are in good agreement with observed data. Based on modeling hydrological data, the runoff components and their response to climate change were analyzed. The results show: (1) Glacial meltwater recharge accounts for 29.2% of runoff for the Toxkan River, and 58.7% for the Kunma Like River. (2) The annual total runoff of two branches of the Aksu River show increasing trends, increased by about 43.1%, 25.95×106 m3 per year for the Toxkan River and by 13.1%, 14.09×106 m3 per year for the Kunma Like River during the latter 38 years. (3) The annual total runoff of the Toxkan River increased simply due to the increase of non-glacial runoff, while the increase of annual total runoff of the Kunma Like River was the result of increasing glacial (42%) and non-glacial runoff (58%).  相似文献   

Deng  Haijun  Chen  Yaning  Li  Yang 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):84-100
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Glaciers and snow are major constituents of solid water bodies in mountains; they can regulate the stability of local water sources. However, they are strongly...  相似文献   

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