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根据管道性能设计的理念,现行管道抗震设计规范规定现行输油气管道重要区段和一般区段的设防断层位移分别为预测的最大位移值和平均位移值,目前的断层位移估计方法一般给出的只是断层未来一百年的最大位移值,而不能给出平均位移值。针对此问题,本文综合国内外发震断层在地表的同震位错分布调查结果,总结分析了断层同震位错沿断层地表破裂走向的分布形态特点,并通过对实际震例中不同计算方法得到的平均位移进行对比分析,得到了断层的平均同震位错量与断层最大同震位错量的比值关系。基于国内外地震断层位移的大量数据,考虑一定的安全系数,本文建议采用预测断层最大位移值的2/3作为一般区段输油气管道的设防断层位移。   相似文献   

2011年3月11日日本本州宫城县东海岸近海发生MW9.0级地震,本文在对GPS同震位移场分布及误差特征分析的基础上,反演了同震位错分布.误差分析结果表明震源北西向300 km、北北西向550 km、南西向700 km范围内的同震位移量值明显大于误差,可以为位错反演提供有效的地表位移约束.沿震源北西向GPS剖面结果和位错反演位移剖面结果均表明同震近场位移符合指数衰减特征.位错反演结果表明,日本9.0级地震最大同震位错为25.8 m,位于震中附近;位错量大于10 m的同震破裂集中在震中附近400 km范围内;日本海沟南段同震位错量相对较小,此次地震为日本海沟地区典型逆冲型地震.根据此次9.0级地震和该地区以往强震破裂空间分布特征,此次9.0级地震破裂既体现了强震原地复发的特点,又体现了强震破裂的填空性.  相似文献   

余震精定位资料显示,芦山7.0级地震破裂面可能为弯曲程度较高的三维弯曲断层.相关研究显示,这种弯曲断层的位错方式和破裂面同震应力加卸载模式与普通平直断层有明显不同.文中采用无限半空间位错模型模拟显示,隐伏弯曲断层和平直逆断层引起的地表位移特征相似,但是弯曲断层引起的地表水平位移更接近区域整体的地壳缩短方向,缩短方向水平位移的量明显高于同等规模的平直逆断层,因此能更好地传递断层上盘大范围物质的水平运动.相对于平直断层,弯曲断层下盘水平位移随距离衰减十分明显.同等规模的弯曲断层导致的同震地表抬升小于平直逆断层或左旋逆断层引起的同震抬升,但能造成更明显的地表下降.由于地震规模较小,GPS等低密度空间分布的形变观测可能无法有效分辨芦山地震震源结构是否为弯曲断层.对震源结构的细节研究,还有待于利用高空间密度和高分辨率的形变观测资料.  相似文献   

2021年5月21日云南漾濞县城西侧发生MS6.4地震.文中以欧洲航空局升、降轨Senti-nel-1 SAR为数据源,基于D-InSAR技术获取了此次地震的InSAR同震形变场:升轨LOS(Line of Sight)向最大形变量约为0.07m,降轨最大LOS向形变量约为0.08m.以升、降轨同震形变场数据和GNSS...  相似文献   

2004年苏门答腊大地震后,不同作者根据地震波和/或GPS观测,提出了不同的断层错动模型.在利用同震位移观测资料反演断层滑动模型时,由于使用半无限空间均匀介质模型或半无限空间分层介质模型,一般只能利用近场位移GPS观测约束,无法利用远场资料,这些模型有时差别颇大,如何区别这些模型的优劣是一个仍尚未解决的问题.本文采用等效体力有限元方法,在考虑地球球形和分层的条件下,对四个不同作者提供的2004年苏门答腊地震的断层滑动模型计算全球同震位移.由于采用了球形模型,所以不仅可以把四个模型的近场位移计算结果与GPS数据进行对比,而且可以把远场位移计算结果与GPS数据进行对比.我们发现,垂直位移对断层滑动模型的依赖性小于水平位移.四个模型计算的近场位移与GPS位移符合程度均较好,但是四个模型计算的远场位移与GPS位移符合情况有很大不同,其中Chlieh等(2007)模型在近场与远场符合程度均很好,是四个模型中最好的.另外还探讨了断层反演数据资料、断层几何模型以及地球模型对计算结果的影响.对于特大地震,全球同震位移观测与计算值吻合程度的好坏是衡量断层滑动模型的合理性的一个重要依据.  相似文献   

周卓群  夏晨  李震  戚承志 《地震工程学报》2022,44(3):727-734,743
中国青海省门源县于2022年1月8日发生6.9级地震。依据该地震震源断层信息设置4种不同的位错分布模式,基于Okada提出的地表位移解析解分别计算4种模式下地表同震位移场,结合现场观测数据,探讨发震断层的滑动形式及其对周边地表产生的影响。结果表明,此次地震发震断裂初步判断主要为冷龙岭断裂西侧延伸至托莱山断裂,以左旋走滑断层为主,断层面上最大位错量达到4 m左右;震中西南侧向NE方向运动,东南侧向SE方向运动,西北侧和东北侧分别向NW以及SW方向运动;震中附近小范围区域产生了超过1.5 m的地表水平位移,破裂带上存在竖向地表位移超过0.5 m的区域;现场监测到局部产生最大约2.1~2.3 m的水平位错,以及部分区段垂直位错量最大达到0.7 m;以震中位置为中心,断层引起的地表位移影响范围达到约30 km×36 km,此范围内产生的地表位移大于0.1m。研究为此次地震的震后恢复工作以及此区域后续的工程设防等提供参考。  相似文献   

板内逆断层地震破裂的基本特征及分段标志研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对16 个板内逆断层地震的基本类型、构造环境、地震地表破裂尺度、几何形态、运动学特征及余震分布图像的研究分析,较系统地归纳了板内逆断层地震破裂的基本特征及分段标志.研究表明:(1) 逆断层破裂往往沿走向延伸较短,常表现为二维面状分布形态;(2) 地震断层未出露地表或仅有部分出露地表;(3) 逆断层地震破裂较走滑断层和正断层产生的地震破裂更为复杂,不仅表现在构成整体破裂带的各个单条破裂的力学性质差异方面,而且表现在几何结构方面.  相似文献   

本文利用GPS观测的1999-2007年汶川震前3期地表变形数据和2008年汶川同震地表变形数据,结合地震位错理论,通过高斯变换和坐标旋转建立断层模型,运用遗传算法,反演了龙门山断裂带断层震前3期和同震滑动参数。结果表明龙门山断层震前3期平均走滑位移为-5.39mm,倾向位移为2.66mm,与同震断层滑移相比较,发现震前断层的滑移趋势与同震断层滑移一致,均为逆冲兼右旋的挤压运动。比较震前3期逆冲方向的滑移量,发现逆冲滑移有加速的现象。并根据震前和同震的断层滑动量估算了汶川地震复发周期。  相似文献   

论延庆盆地北缘断裂带的分段与地震预测   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
程绍平  方仲景 《地震地质》1995,17(3):231-240
依据古地震学的断层习性资料,提出延庆盆地北缘断裂带5个段落的分段模型。各个段落的构造地貌学特征具有明显差异。4个主要不连续性形成段落边界:断层分叉和断层弯曲是非持久性段落边界,而凸出体和雁行断错是持久性段落边界。预期强震(M≥7)的发生时间在未来1000~2000a内,最有可能的地点为断层段落Ⅱ。  相似文献   

郯庐活断层的分段及其大震危险性分析   总被引:24,自引:13,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
李家灵  晁洪太 《地震地质》1994,16(2):121-126
郯庐活断层长360km,通过系统的填图可将其分为3个独立的活断层破裂段。对每段的几何形态、最新活动时代、大震复发间隔、现今活动状态以及分段障碍体等作了介绍,并对各段未来的大震危险性做了初步分析  相似文献   

在对毛毛山断裂带断错微地貌划分对比的基础上详细分析了其位移分布特征。结果表明,毛毛山断裂的水平位移和垂直位移均具较明显的分组现象和可公度性特点。在空间分布上具明显的互补性,从东到西水平位移具累积滑动亏损特征,垂直位移则具累积滑动补偿性,这反映了沿断裂带活动性质与活动强度的差异性和非均匀性。位移累积滑动亏损直接反映了断裂在一定时段内的特征滑动行为,是进行分段的重要依据  相似文献   

西秦岭北缘断裂破裂分段与地震危险性评估   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
根据最新地质考察和历史地震考证结果,西秦岭北缘断裂带从东到西可划分为宝鸡、天水、武山、漳县、黄香沟和锅麻滩共6个次级断裂段。上述断裂既具有单段破裂,又具有多段组合破裂的特征。利用时间相依的地震潜势概率评估方法,对这6个单段分别进行地震危险性概率评估,其中黄香沟段和漳县段发生单段破裂的可能性最大,天水段发生单段破裂的概率次之。若发生组合破裂,黄香沟段和漳县段组合破裂可能性大。同时,根据沿断裂带的b值扫描图像分析结果显示,黄香沟段和天水附近应力积累较高,这两个地区应是未来发生强震的主要段落,值得关注。  相似文献   

断块运动与活断层分段   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
断层作为断块的边界,其活动特征和断块运动密切相关。通过分析断块运动类型与断层活动及其分段的关系,以及断块运动与构造障碍的关系,论述了断块运动研究在活断层分段中的作用  相似文献   

大青山山前活动断裂带分段与潜在震源区划分   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
潜在震源区的划分主要包括潜在震源区范围的划定以及震级上限的确定,目前遵循地震构造类比和地震活动重复等原则。而活断层的分段特性也是潜在震源区划分时必须考虑的一个重要因素。大青山山前断裂带至今有3种不同的分段方案,文中比较分析了前人对大青山山前断裂带的分段,并在此基础上对大青山及山前盆地的潜在震源区作了新的划分。鄂尔多斯块体周缘被拉张性断陷盆地围绕,这些断裂系地震构造相似,且除呼包盆地外均有历史8级以上地震记录。文中将大青山山前断裂带与鄂尔多斯块体周缘断裂系进行了构造对比,特别是与华山山前断裂进行了断裂活动性定量对比,得出雪海沟到土左旗段的震级上限为8级,断裂两端潜源震级上限均为7.5级  相似文献   

In this study, we described a 14km-long paleoearthquakes surface rupture across the salt flats of western Qaidam Basin, 10km south of the Xorkol segment of the central Altyn Tagh Fault, with satellite images interpretation and field investigation methods. The surface rupture strikes on average about N80°E sub-parallel to the main Altyn Tagh Fault, but is composed of several stepping segments with markedly different strike ranging from 68°N~87°E. The surface rupture is marked by pressure ridges, sub-fault strands, tension-gashes, pull-apart and faulted basins, likely caused by left-lateral strike-slip faulting. More than 30 pressure ridges can be distinguished with various rectangular, elliptical or elongated shapes. Most long axis of the ridges are oblique(90°N~140°E)to, but a few are nearly parallel to the surface rupture strike. The ridge sizes vary also, with heights from 1 to 15m, widths from several to 60m, and lengths from 10 to 100m. The overall size of these pressure ridges is similar to those found along the Altyn Tagh Fault, for instance, south of Pingding Shan or across Xorkol. Right-stepping 0.5~1m-deep gashes or sub-faults, with lengths from a few meters to several hundred meters, are distributed obliquely between ridges at an angle reaching 30°. The sub-faults are characterized with SE or NW facing 0.5~1m-high scarps. Several pull-apart and faulted basins are bounded by faults along the eastern part of the surface rupture. One large pull-apart basins are 6~7m deep and 400m wide. A faulted basin, 80m wide, 500m long and 3m deep, is bounded by 2 left-stepping left-lateral faults and 4 right-stepping normal faults. Two to three m-wide gashes are often seen on pressure ridges, and some ridges are left-laterally faulted and cut into several parts, probably owing to the occurrence of repetitive earthquakes. The OSL dating indicates that the most recent rupture might occur during Holocene.
Southwestwards the rupture trace disappears a few hundred meters north of a south dipping thrust scarp bounding uplifted and folded Plio-Quaternary sediments to the south. Thrust scarps can be followed southwestward for another 12km and suggest a connection with the south Pingding Shan Fault, a left-lateral splay of the main Altyn Tagh Fault. To the northeast the rupture trace progressively veers to the east and is seen cross-cutting the bajada south of Datonggou Nanshan and merging with active thrusts clearly outlined by south facing cumulative scarps across the fans. The geometry of this strike-slip fault trace and the clear young seismic geomorphology typifies the present and tectonically active link between left-lateral strike-slip faulting and thrusting along the eastern termination of the Altyn Tagh Fault, a process responsible for the growth of the Tibetan plateau at its northeastern margin. The discrete relation between thrusting and strike-slip faulting suggests discontinuous transfer of strain from strike-slip faulting to thrusting and thus stepwise northeastward slip-rate decrease along the Altyn Tagh Fault after each strike-slip/thrust junction.  相似文献   

Complex geometrical structures on strike-slip faults would likely affect fault behavior such as strain accumulation and distribution, seismic rupture process, etc. The Xianshuihe Fault has been considered to be a Holocene active strike-slip fault with a high horizontal slip rate along the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. During the past 300 years, the Xianshuihe Fault produced 8 earthquakes with magnitude≥7 along the whole fault and showed strong activities of large earthquakes. Taking the Huiyuansi Basin as a structure boundary, the northwestern and southeastern segments of the Xianshuihe Fault show different characteristics. The northwestern segment, consisting of the Luhuo, Daofu and Qianning sections, shows a left-stepping en echelon pattern by simple fault strands. However, the southeastern segment(Huiyuansi-Kangding segment)has a complex structure and is divided into three sub-faults: the Yalahe, Selaha and Zheduotang Faults. To the south of Kangding County, the Moxi segment of the Xianshuihe Fault shows a simple structure. The previous studies suggest that the three sub-faults(the Yalahe, Selaha and Zheduotang Faults of the Huiyuansi-Kangding segment)unevenly distribute the strain of the northwestern segment of the Xianshuihe Fault. However, the disagreement of the new activity of the Yalahe Fault limits the understanding of the strain distribution model of the Huiyuansi-Kangding segment. Most scholars believed that the Yalahe Fault is a Holocene active fault. However, Zhang et al.(2017)used low-temperature thermochronology to study the cooling history of the Gongga rock mass, and suggested that the Yalahe Fault is now inactive and the latest activity of the Xianshuihe Fault has moved westward over the Selaha Fault. The Yalahe Fault is the only segment of the Xianshuihe Fault that lacks records of the strong historical earthquakes. Moreover, the Yalahe Fault is located in the alpine valley area, and the previous traffic conditions were very bad. Thus, the previous research on fault activity of the fault relied mainly on the interpretation of remote sensing, and the uncertainty was relatively large. Through remote sensing and field investigation, we found the geological and geomorphological evidence for Holocene activity of the Yalahe Fault. Moreover, we found a well-preserved seismic surface rupture zone with a length of about 10km near the Yariacuo and the co-seismic offsets of the earthquake are about 2.5~3.5m. In addition, we also advance the new active fault track of the Yalahe Fault to Yala Town near Kangding County. In Wangmu and Yala Town, we found the geological evidence for the latest fault activity that the Holocene alluvial fans were dislocated by the fault. These evidences suggest that the Yalahe Fault is a Holocene active fault, and has the seismogenic tectonic condition to produce a large earthquake, just like the Selaha and Zheduotang Faults. These also provide seismic geological evidence for the strain distribution model of the Kangding-Huiyuansi segment of the Xianshuihe Fault.  相似文献   

灵武断裂晚第四纪古地震及其破裂特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
在地质地貌调查基础上 ,对灵武断裂进行了古地震槽探揭露。结果显示 ,距今 2 8ka以来 ,灵武断裂上发生过 5期地表破裂型地震事件 ,时间大约分别在距今 ( 2 7 15± 0 778) ,2 0 0 ,( 13 0 7± 0 0 6) ,( 10 586± 0 0 5)和 6 0ka。根据 5期古地震事件的综合对比分析 ,发现断裂有分段组合破裂的特征 ,由此并结合槽探揭示的古地震同震位移等估计了古地震的震级  相似文献   

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