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Zooplankton metabolic rates, determined from electron transfer system (ETS) activity, were studied at two seamounts (Seine: 34°N, 14°W, summit depth ∼170 m; Sedlo: 40°N, 27°W, summit depth ∼750 m) in the northeast (NE) Atlantic during three cruises in November 2003, April 2004 and July 2004. ETS activity and respiratory carbon demand were measured for samples taken at seamount and open-ocean locations in order to probe the hypothesis of locally enhanced seamount productivity. ETS activity and biomass revealed no consistent diel patterns of feeding activity and vertical migration at Seine and Sedlo Seamounts. Spatial differences of biomass-specific ETS activity were observed at both seamounts and coincided with differences in food abundance and quality. At Seine Seamount in April 2004, biomass-specific ETS activity was on average higher at the seamount locations compared to the open ocean, though the enhancement was of a lower magnitude than spatial and temporal variability and had no apparent influence on zooplankton respiratory carbon demand or biomass. A persistent pattern of reduced zooplankton biomass above the summit location at Seine Seamount in April 2004 and July 2004 resulted in a local reduction of respiratory carbon demand. At Sedlo Seamount in November 2003, large spatial differences in biomass-specific ETS activity observed at the seamount locations resulted in a large range of respiratory carbon demand at the seamount, but were not reflected in zooplankton biomass. The depth-integrated (0–150 m) median respiratory carbon demand of the zooplankton community estimated from day and night hauls was 2.1 mg C m−2 d−1 at Seine Seamount (range: 0.3–6.3) and 2.9 mg C m−2 d−1 at Sedlo Seamount (range: 1.6–12.0). The sporadic nature and low magnitude of locally higher zooplankton respiration rates at the seamounts, which did not result in locally higher zooplankton standing stock biomass, lead us to reject the hypothesis that locally enhanced seamount productivity provides an autochthonous food supply to the resident faunas at Seine and Sedlo Seamounts. Instead, we conclude that the faunas at both seamounts are more likely supported by advection of food from the surrounding ocean.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution patterns of zooplankton biomass in relation to local and large‐scale hydrographical and biological driving forces were studied at Ampère and Senghor, two shallow seamounts in the subtropical and tropical NE Atlantic, respectively. The study includes a first assessment of the taxonomic composition and an estimation of the respiratory carbon demand of the zooplankton community. Zooplankton was sampled during three cruises at the seamount and open ocean reference sites in May and October 2009 and in December 2010. Zooplankton standing stocks and the corresponding respiratory carbon demand were about six times higher at Senghor than at Ampère, with mean stocks of 24.7 and 4.6 g·m?2, respectively, in the upper 1000 m. Mean respiratory carbon demand in the epipelagic zone was calculated as 61.4 mg·C·m?2·day?1 for Senghor and 9.6 mg·C·m?2·day?1 for Ampère. At neither site were differences between seamount and open ocean sites significant. However, horizontal surveys across Ampère Seamount show clear differences between day and night distributions and a reduced biomass above the summit. Across Senghor, zooplankton biomass increased from the SW to the NE flank, with the highest concentrations in the subsurface layer of the chlorophyll maximum and just above a strong oxycline. The zooplankton community at Ampère Seamount reflects the oligotrophic character of the NE Atlantic subtropical gyre, whereas the nutrient‐rich waters of the cyclonic tropical gyre at Senghor support a higher biomass. This difference in the zooplankton biomass between the two seamounts can be attributed to the large‐scale hydrographical features governing the productivity regimes rather than to regional seamount effects.  相似文献   

We have studied the epipelagic (0–100 m) metabolic balance between gross and net community production (Pg, Pn) and community respiration (Rd) around two seamounts (Seine: 34°N, 14°W; Sedlo: 40°N, 27°W) located in the subtropical northeast Atlantic. We looked for local effects causing seamounts to increase community production and/or community respiration with respect to the surrounding open ocean. Comparatively, Seine presented similar average living plankton biomass—chlorophyll a (Chl) and particulate proteins (Pt)—but higher Pg, due to higher Rd, presumably the result of organic matter loading from the NW Africa upwelling system, as supported by field results and satellite imagery. Nevertheless, the large temporal and spatial variability at each seamount make the average differences non-significant. Temporal variability in P, Rd and Chl was evident around the two seamounts. Sedlo showed higher Rd, Chl and Pt during winter, but higher Pn in summer. Seine presented higher Pt, Chl and Pn during spring, but higher Rd in summer. On average, the metabolic balance was heterotrophic (Rd>Pg) during all the sampling periods and at most stations of the two seamounts. Both Sedlo and Seine, showed higher Rd with respect to average values reported for the global ocean. A clear seamount effect on phytoplankton was only observed in Seine during spring, when Chl and Pt were enhanced at the summit of the seamount. Our results suggest that, rather than increasing primary production significantly, the two seamounts could act as trapping mechanisms for organic matter, favoured by the development of Taylor Columns on the top of the seamounts. Nevertheless these effects seem to be of a lower magnitude than changes caused by temporal or regional variability, questioning the role of these seamounts as hot-spots of productivity in the oceans.  相似文献   

On the basis of the data of oceanographic survey in the East China Sea in four seasons during 1997~2000 (23°30′~33°00′N,118°30′~ 128°E), the variation of total biomass and diet biomass of zooplankton and their spatial-temporal distribution and relationship with the fishing ground of Engraulis japonicus are approached and analyzed. The results show that the average biomass is 65.32 mg/m3 in four seasons, autumn (86.18 mg/m3) being greater than summer (69.18 mg/m3) greater than spring (55.67 mg/m3) greater than winter (50.33 mg/m3). The average value of diet zooplankton hiomass is 40.9 mg/m3.The trends of horizontal distribution both in the total biomass and the diet biomass of zooplankton are similar. The high biomass region (250~500 mg/m3) is very limited, only accounting for 1% of the investigation area. Seasonal variation of the biomass is very remarkable in the west and north parts of East China Sea coastal waters (29°30'N,125°E). The horizontal distribution of diet zooplankton depends on the abundance distribution of crustacean. The distribution of diet zooplankton is related to the fishing ground of Engraulis japonicus and the high-density area of young fish and larval. In spring, the central fishing ground of Engraulis japonicus (>100 kg/h) and the high-density area of young fish and larval (>100 individuals per net) are located at the same place of high-density (100~250 mg/m3)area of diet zooplankton in the middle-southern part of East China Sea or the edge of its waters.  相似文献   

东海浮游动物生物量分布特征   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
徐兆礼  晁敏  陈亚瞿 《海洋学报》2004,26(3):93-101
根据1997~2000年东海海域23°30'~33°00'N,118°30'~128°00'E分别进行4个季节的海洋调查资料,对东海区浮游动物总生物量及饵料生物量的数量变动,时空分布及与鱼渔场关系作了分析.结果表明,四季总生物量均值为65.32mg/m3,其中秋季大于夏季大于春季大于冬季;饵料浮游动物生物量均值为40.9mg/m3,约占总生物量的60%,其中秋季大于夏季大于冬季大于春季.总生物量与饵料生物量平面分布趋势基本一致,高生物量(250~500mg/m3)区分布范围极小,一般占总调查面积的1%~4%.东海北部近海125°00'E以西,29°30'N以北水域生物量季节变化最明显.饵料浮游动物生物量平面分布取决于甲壳动物丰度的分布.饵料浮游动物生物量与鳀鱼中心渔场及其仔、稚鱼高密集区分布存在着较好的对应关系,春季鳀鱼中心渔场(>100kg/h1)和仔、稚鱼高密集区(≥100尾/网)位于东海中南部(28°00'~29°30'N)饵料浮游动物最高生物量(100~250mg/m3)密集区内或边缘水域.  相似文献   

DistributionofzooplanktonbiomassinthesoutheasternEastChinaSea¥WangChunsheng;HeDehua;LiuHongbin;YangGuanming;MiaoYutianandYuHo...  相似文献   

On the basis of the data of oceanographic survey in the East China Sea in four seasons during 1997-2000 (23°30'~33°00'N, 118°30'-128°E), the variation of total biomass and diet biomass of zooplankton and their spatial-temporal distribution and relationship with the fishing ground of Engraulis japonicus are approached and analyzed. The results show that the average biomass is 65.32 mg/m3 in four seasons, autumn (86.18 mg/m3) being greater than summer (69.18 mg/m3) greater than spring (55.67 mg/m3) greater than winter (50.33 mg/m3). The average value of diet zooplankton biomass is 40.9 mg/m3. The trends of horizontal distribution both in the total biomass and the diet biomass of zooplankton are similar. The high biomass region (250-500 mg/m3) is very limited, only accounting for 1% of the investigation area. Seasonal variation of the biomass is very remarkable in the west and north parts of East China Sea coastal waters ( 29°30'N,125°E). The horizontal distribution of diet zooplankton depends on the  相似文献   

Three seamounts flanking the oceanic island of Bermuda were sampled for hydroids. Collecting was undertaken by submersible (SDL-1) and by dredge at depths between 48 and 107 m on the summits of Argus and Challenger banks. A shallower collection (<20 m) from the pilings of a tower on Argus Bank was made using SCUBA. Major bottom types on both banks were aggregations of rhodoliths, limestone reefs, and areas of calcareous sand. Hydroids were ubiquitous, but quite sparse, on firm substrata. None was collected on sandy bottoms. Of 45 species identified from the two oceanic banks, over half (25) were found on both. On Bowditch Seamount, samples were obtained at depths between 1285 and 1381 m by dredge and grab. Of four species found, only one (Filellum serratum) occurred in shallower collections from Argus and Challenger banks. Most species (43 of 48) from the three seamounts have been reported elsewhere in the Western Atlantic Tropical region, and many (38 of 48) are known from Bermuda. No endemics were discovered, and no relicts or exotics were recognized. Gonophores in >70% of the species are fixed sporosacs instead of free medusae. This conforms with a hypothesis that invertebrates of oceanic islands and seamounts tend to have short-lived pelagic larval stages, ensuring the greatest retention and conservation of propagules.  相似文献   

DistributionofbiomassofzooplanktonintheKuroshioareaoftheEastChinaSea¥MengFan;ChenShiqunandWuBaoling(FirstinstituteOfOceanogra...  相似文献   

Trends in the abundance, diversity and taxonomic composition of ‘live’ (rose Bengal stained) foraminiferal assemblages (0-1 cm layer, >63-μm fraction) were analysed in replicate multiple corer samples collected at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (48° 50’ N, 16° 30’ W, 4850 m water depth) over a 13-yr period (1989-2002). Total densities were significantly higher in 1996-2002 compared to 1989-1994, a change coincident with a spectacular rise in the density of the holothurian Amperima. However, total densities exhibited no significant relation to seasons or any significant correlation with modelled organic matter flux, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, Amperima densities, or megafaunal assemblage composition. Over the same period, species richness and diversity measures decreased and dominance increased, although not significantly. Multivariate analyses revealed three assemblages represented by samples collected in 1989-1994, 1996-July 1997 and October 1997-October 2002. These reflected temporal changes in the densities of higher taxa and species. Trochamminaceans, notably a small undescribed species, increased from 5-9% (1989-1994) to 29-40% (1996-2002) of the assemblage with a corresponding rise in absolute abundance. Species of Hormosinacea and Lagenammina also tended to increase in density from 1996/1997 onwards. Rotaliids, dominated by Alabaminella weddellensis and Epistominella exigua, showed a bimodal distribution over time with peak densities in May 1991 (32%) and September 1998 (28%) and lowest densities in 1996-1997. Responses by these species to seasonal phytodetritus inputs probably explain the relative abundance of E. exigua, and to a lesser extent A. weddellensis, in 1989 and 1991 when phytodetritus was present. A qualitative change in the phytodetrital food, repackaging of food by megafauna, increased megafaunal disturbance of the surficial sediment, or a combination of these factors, are possible explanations for the dominance of trochamminaceans from 1996 onwards. The miliolid Quinqueloculina sp. was virtually absent in multicore samples (0-1 cm, >63-μm fraction) from 1989-1994, peaked in September 1996 (22%) when degraded phytodetritus was present on core surfaces, was less common in March 1997, and thereafter was relatively uncommon. However, horizontally sliced box-core samples (0-5 cm, >250-μm fraction) revealed that large specimens were more abundant in March 1997, and also were concentrated in deeper sediment layers, than in September 1996. We suggest that Quinqueloculina sp. migrated to the sediment surface in response to a 1996 flux event, grew and reproduced, before migrating back into deeper layers as the phytodetrital food became exhausted. Overall, the abyssal time-series revealed decadal-scale changes among shallow-infaunal foraminifera, more or less coincident with changes in the megafauna, as well as indications of shorter-term events related to seasonally-pulsed phytodetrital inputs.  相似文献   

全球三大洋海山钴结壳资源量估算   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
钴结壳具有Co、Ni、Cu和Mn及其他金属的潜在矿产资源和储存在结壳层中古环境信息的双重意义。与深海多金属结核和热液硫化物矿床相比,具有较高Co、Ni和Pt含量的海山钴结壳有可能成为商业勘探的潜在目标。为合理地估算出全球三大洋海山钴结壳资源量,基于我国西太平洋海山钴结壳拖网采样调查资料和对太平洋海山钴结壳资源分布规律和钴结壳矿区圈定参数指标的深入研究,按海山不同高度、不同洋壳年龄赋予不同结壳厚度,进而计算出全球三大洋海山钴结壳分布面积为3 039 452.14km2和干结壳资源量为(1 081.166 1~2 162.332 2)×108 t。太平洋海山钴结壳分布面积为2 123 087.12km2和干结壳资源量为(513.244~1 026.488)×108 t,大西洋海山钴结壳分布面积为512 509.74km2和干结壳资源量为(116.503 2~233.006 4)×108 t,印度洋海山钴结壳分布面积为403 855.28km2和干结壳资源量为(81.484 9~162.969 8)×108 t。三大洋海山钴结壳的Mn、Co、Ni和Cu金属量分别为(138.848 0~277.696 0)×108 t,(3.967 6~7.935 2)×108 t、(2.793 6~5.587 2)×108 t和(0.825 1~1.650 2)×108 t。根据钴结壳的Co含量、Co通量和厚度相关分析,所赋予的钴结壳厚度占理论推测厚度的6.10%~12.20%,这与Ku等得出"钴结壳生长时间约占其整个生命史4%"的认识非常相近。三大洋海山钴结壳实测厚度与赋值厚度对比分析表明,太平洋海山钴结壳赋值厚度平均值为1.87cm,实测厚度平均值为1.77cm,相对误差为5.35%,大西洋和印度洋相对误差分别为18.18%和23.23%。研究数据表明按海山高度和洋壳年龄所赋的钴结壳厚度基本合理,估算出的钴结壳资源量基本可靠。本文首次估算出三大洋海山钴结壳资源量,为整个海盆和三大洋海山钴结壳资源量估算提供了新方法。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2005,29(5):461-469
Fisheries management in the NE Atlantic has recently adopted a precautionary approach to setting catch limits. This has been accompanied by the development of more complex and multi-species modelling tools for predicting stock size and structure. The scientific community are now being asked to provide an ‘ecosystem-based approach’ to fisheries management. In this paper, we consider the science needs of this shift to a consideration of more complex systems to include both ecological and socio-economic components. At present, this involves use of the precautionary approach and multi-species management regimes, but will need to include multi-annual quota assessment, ‘stake-holder’ involvement and marine protected areas. How will these approaches sit together and how will science support them? As an example, we will consider what management of the North Sea demersal fishery may involve in 20 years time.  相似文献   

Most of the Southeast Atlantic Ocean is abyssal, and global bathymetries suggest that only ~3.2% of the areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ; also known as the high seas, as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea [UNCLOS]) are shallower than 2 500 m. This study mapped bathymetry and characterised substrates in selected seamount summit areas, including several that have been or may become fishing areas. The southernmost location, the Schmitt-Ott Seamount, has exposed volcanic bedrock with surrounding flats covered by thin biogenic sediments and/or coral rubble that appears ancient. At Wüst, Vema, Valdivia and Ewing seamounts the basaltic base appears to be overlain by coral caps and other coral substrates (sheets, rubble). Adjacent summit plains have biogenic sediments of varying thickness. Vema has a flat, roughly circular summit, <100 m deep, with the shallowest point being a 22-m-deep summit knoll; the upper slopes have ancient coral framework, but the summit has a mixture of coralline and volcanic rock and coarse sediments, including extensive areas with coralline algae and kelp forests. Valdivia Bank is a 230-m-deep, flat, rocky area (~11 × 5 km), protruding steeply from the extensive multi-summit Valdivia subarea of the Walvis Ridge. The distribution of past fisheries in the Convention Area of the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO) was considered in relation to the new information on bathymetry and substrate.  相似文献   

Temporal variability in deep-sea polychaete assemblages was assessed at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory, NE Atlantic, over a 9-year period (eight cruises between August 1989 and September 1998). The polychaete communities were characterized by large number of individuals (abundance) and high family richness. The highest abundances occurred in the upper 1 cm sediment layer (53.2% of total abundance). The most abundant families were the Cirratulidae, Spionidae, Opheliidae and Paraonidae. Surface deposit feeders were the dominant trophic group (67.4% of total abundance). Significant temporal variability was evident in polychaete abundance with significant differences in polychaete abundance between sampling periods (cruises; p<0.01). Stepwise increases in abundance in September 1996 and March 1997 coincided with similar increases in abundance in large invertebrates (megafauna) in the same area (known as the ‘Amperima Event’ after a species of holothurian that increased in abundance by over three orders of magnitude). Similar patterns were observed for abundances across different layers of the sediment, main families and trophic groups showing significant differences between cruises (p<0.05). A comparison of samples taken (1) before the ‘Amperima Event’ (1989–1994) and (2) during the ‘Amperima Event’ (1996–1998) showed significant differences in the polychaete abundance in the upper 3 cm of the sediment. There were significant differences in some trophic groups (predators, deposit feeders and burrowers) and the dominant families (Cirratulidae, Spionidae and Opheliidae). Not all elements of the polychaete community showed a response (e.g. the Paraonidae). Changes in surface deposit feeders were particularly evident. The temporal variability is likely to be related to seasonal and interannual variability in organic matter input. Greater food supply in some years may allow the growth and development of deposit-feeding polychaetes.  相似文献   

象山港冬季浮游动物的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2002年12月象山港海区的浮游动物种类组成和数量分布特征及其与环境的关系进行了研究。结果表明,象山港海区出现浮游动物44种,可以划分为4个生态类群,其中近岸低盐性类群的种类较多,其优势种有真刺唇角水蚤Labidoceraeuchaeta、驼背隆哲水蚤Acro-calanusgibber、中华哲水蚤Calanussinicus、中华假磷虾Pseudeuphausiasinica和拿卡箭虫Sagittanagae等,半咸水河口类群、暖水性外海类群和广盐暖水性类群的种数均较少。浮游动物生物量的分布趋势与丰度的一致。湾顶部水域浮游动物的生物量和丰度都出现最高值,从湾顶部往湾口方向,浮游动物的生物量和丰度均呈逐渐降低的趋势。象山港海区周日连续站观测的结果显示,夜间半日潮时浮游动物的生物量和丰度均高于白昼半日潮时,低平潮时浮游动物的生物量与丰度均出现了最高值。  相似文献   

Seamounts are thought to support special biological communities, and often maintain high standing stocks of demersal and benthopelagic fishes. Seamount fish fauna have been described in several studies but few works have included species taken below 600 m. The demersal fish assemblages of the Seine and Sedlo seamounts (northeast Atlantic) from the summits to 2000 m depth were investigated based on longline survey catch data, conducted as part of the OASIS project. A total of 41 fish species from 24 families were caught at Seine near Madeira, and 30 species from 19 families were caught at Sedlo north of the Azores. Both fish faunas have high affinities with the neighbouring areas of the Azores, Madeira and with the eastern North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Overall abundances and mean body weights were slightly higher at Sedlo seamount, appearing in conformity with the latitudinal effect of increasing species abundance and productivity from south to north. The differential influence of the Mediterranean Water at each seamount may contribute to explain (a) the differences found in vertical distribution of common species, which tend to distribute deeper at Seine, and (b) the observed changes in the species composition and dominance in deeper waters. Multivariate analysis revealed a vertical structure that is approximately coincident with the expected zonation of water masses at each seamount. Physiological tolerance to the prevailing vertical hydrological conditions may explain the species distribution and the large-scale vertical assemblage structure found. However, further ecological factors like productivity patterns affecting the amount and quality of the available food appear to shape the abundance, diversity or dominance patterns of functional groups within those main assemblages. At Seine, the species Trachurus picturatus dominated the catches, mainly at the shallower edge of the plateau, appearing consistent with the sound-scattering layer interception hypothesis [Isaacs, J.D., Schwartzlose, R.A., 1965. Migrant sound scatterers: interaction with the sea floor. Science 150, 1810–1813]. At both seamounts mesopelagic feeders (e.g., Beryx splendens) dominate the upper-slope assemblages (<800 m), while the mid-slope assemblages (800–1200/1300 m) and the lower-slope assemblages (>1300 m) were dominated by squaliform species (e.g., Centrophorus squamosus, Centroscymnus coelolepis, Etmopterus princeps) along with Mora moro or the Antimora rostrata. The lower abundance of C. squamosus observed at Seine may be a result of the fishing activities in the area, since the species is an important by-catch of the black-scabbard fish fishery in the Madeira archipelago. The slightly higher predominance of scavenger species at Seine in deeper assemblages may be the result of an ecological response favouring this functional group in lower productivity regimes. Especially relevant was the record of large reproductive aggregations of B. splendens and Epigonus telescopus found at the edge of the Sedlo plateau.  相似文献   

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