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This study investigates seismic interferometry in which the Green's function is estimated between two receivers by cross-correlation and integration over sources.For smoothly varying source strengths,the dominant contributions of the correlation integral come from the stationary phase directions in the forward and backward directions from the alignment of the two receivers.Gaussian beams can be used to evaluate the correlation integral and concentrate the amplitudes in a vicinity of the stationary phase regions instead of completely relying on phase interference.Several numerical examples are shown to illustrate how this process works.The use of Gaussian beams for the evaluation of the correlation integral results in stable estimates,and also provides physical insight into the estimation of the Green's function based on seismic interferometry.  相似文献   

以往的经验格林函数方法存在着两个问题:一是要求大小地震需满足"相似"或"准相似"条件,这就限制了经验格林函数方法的适用范围。二是对大地震断层面的位错不均匀性考虑得不充分,而实际上大地震断层的位错一般是不均匀的。本文在假定大小地震不满足"相似"和"准相似"以及大地震断层面位错不均匀的前提下,对经验格林函数方法进行了改进,并应用于卢龙地震的模拟,模拟的结果与记录符合得比较好,说明改进的经验格林函数方法可以用来估计场地地震动过程。  相似文献   

地震频发区域背景噪声提取格林函数的反褶积方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对云南这一地震频发区域记录到的地震背景噪声数据,设计了一种"最大值均一化"算法,该算法能有效地消除背景噪声中的地震信号、畸变信号及其它干扰信号。应用此算法对记录到的背景噪声数据进行预处理,对处理后的数据利用多窗谱反褶积计算方法可获得其具有较高信噪比和保留了相对幅值信息的格林函数。  相似文献   

High-speed train seismology has come into being recently. This new kind of seismology uses a high-speed train as a repeatable moving seismic source. Therefore, Green's function for a moving source is needed to make theoretical studies of the high-speed train seismology. Green's function for three-dimensional elastic wave equation with a moving point source on the free surface is derived. It involves a line integral of the Green's function for a fixed point source with different positions and corresponding time delays. We give a rigorous mathematical proof of this Green's function. According to the principle of linear superposition, we have also obtained the Green's function for a group of moving sources which can be regarded as a model of a traveling high-speed train. Based on a temporal convolution, an analytical formula for other moving sources is also given. In terms of a moving Gaussian source, we deal with the issue of numerical calculations of the analytical formula. Applications to modelling of a traveling high-speed train are presented. We have considered both the land case and the bridge case for a traveling high-speed train. The theoretical seismograms show different waveform features for these two cases.  相似文献   

从江苏省数字地震台网2011年的宽频带记录数据中, 选取了不同背景噪声区域下的两组不同台间距的台站(A, B每组4个台站), 两组台站的平均台间距分别为44.6和30.5 km. 首先, 运用滑动窗互相关技术, 测量出各台站对间背景噪声互相关格林函数随时间的偏移量ΔDSi-Sj, 然后通过奇异值分解来求解由ΔDSi-Sj与系数矩阵构成的超定方程, 从而计算出单个台站的时钟误差ΔSi;并引入协方差矩阵来估计不同置信水平下计算结果的误差范围. 计算结果表明, 除去明显的钟差误差(>3 s)外, 8个台站的时间误差平均均方根为0.4215 s, AB两组台站在置信水平为95%时的时间误差范围分别为±0.4544 s和±0.4283 s; 而采用HYPOSAT定位方法对2010—2011年江苏地区的地震进行定位, 得到的平均走时残差约为0.386 s. 两者的计算精度基本相当, 表明基于背景噪声互相关格林函数计算出的单台时间误差是可信的.  相似文献   

本文采取将经验格林函数法与随机有限断层法相结合的方式,突出体现了各自方法的优点,通过经验格林函数法确定地震震源参数,用随机有限断层法计算参数、检验其合理性。利用1998年新疆阿图什M6.9级地震的肘L4.7级余震记录,合成了这次地震的最大余震Ms6.0级地震的加速度记录,并将合成的结果与实际记录在频域和时域做了对比,分析研究了地震动特征和这次最大余震的可能破裂特征。同时对经验格林函数法需进一步改进的方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper,the dispersion curves of the Rayleigh wave and Love wave were extracted from the seismic noise records of 25 broadband stations of the Fujian Seismic Network, and inverted for the lithosphere velocity structure. Furthermore,the velocity model was verified by the seismic explosion observations. Our results indicate that the resolution of the lithosphere velocity structure obtained by this method is good in the shallow part,but in the deep part,inversion accuracy for the wave velocity structure is low,which is caused mainly by the small inter-station distance chosen in the paper. Thus the wave dispersion curves have high accuracy in the short-period part,but the warp of the wave dispersion curve in long-period part is large. Considering the results from both the noise inversion and the traditional inversion,we finally present a new velocity model,and the theoretical travel time calculated with the new model matches the explosion travel time very well.  相似文献   

巴振宁  梁建文 《地震学报》2014,36(4):571-583
针对层状半空间中沉积谷地对斜入射瑞雷波的三维散射问题, 采用直接刚度法计算自由场波场, 以层状半空间中移动斜线均布荷载动力格林影响函数求解三维散射波场, 建立了求解该问题的间接边界元方法. 通过与已有结果的比较, 验证了该方法的正确性, 并以均匀半空间以及弹性基岩上单一土层场地中沉积谷地为例进行了计算分析. 研究结果表明: 层状半空间与均匀半空间中沉积谷地对瑞雷波的散射存在显著差别; 层状半空间中瑞雷波的振动模态对沉积附近位移幅值有着重要影响; 土层刚度和厚度等参数也对沉积附近位移幅值大小及空间分布有着显著的影响.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe wave propagation problems in saturated soil are very important for the civil engineering, geophysics and seismology. Biot (1956,1962) established the theory of wave propagation in saturated soil firstly, and hereafter many researchers have used Biot theory to study wave propagation problems in saturated soil. By using integral transform and potential function method, Philippacopoulos (1988) studied the Lamb(s problem of a vertical point force applied to the surface of saturate…  相似文献   

利用中国大陆中东部地区以国家台网为主的100个分布均匀的宽频带地震台记录到的21个月的连续波形数据, 经过单台数据处理和互相关叠加计算后, 由时频分析法提取了研究区各台站对间瑞雷波的格林函数. 为了检验经验格林函数的可靠性和稳定性, 对沿部分路径的经验格林函数和频散曲线进行了质量评估. 检测结果表明, 自21个月叠加的台站对间背景噪声中提取的经验格林函数与实际的地震面波一致, 提取的格林函数可靠. 此外, 统计了使用从3—21个月不同长度数据叠加后, 经验格林函数信噪比大于10的频散曲线数目. 结果表明, 至少要使用12个月的数据才能提取到信噪比足够大, 数目足够多, 可用于反演面波速度结构的经验格林函数; 12个月的叠加时长, 可以保证30 s以下周期的频散曲线在时间上稳定.  相似文献   

This paper develops a well function applicable to extraction of groundwater or soil vapor from a well under the most common field test conditions. The general well function (Perina and Lee, 2006) [12] is adapted to soil vapor extraction and constant head boundary at the top. For groundwater flow, the general well function now applies to an extraction well of finite diameter with uniform drawdown along the screen, finite-thickness skin, and partially penetrating an unconfined, confined, and leaky aquifer, or an aquifer underneath a reservoir. With a change of arguments, the model applies to soil vapor extraction from a vadose zone with no cover or with leaky cover at the ground surface. The extraction well can operate in specified drawdown (pressure for soil vapor) or specified flowrate mode. Frictional well loss is computed as flow-only dependent component of the drawdown inside the extraction well. In general case, the calculated flow distribution is not proportional to screen length for a multiscreen well.  相似文献   

2013年四川芦山MS7.0地震 强地面运动模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
药晓东  章文波 《地震学报》2015,37(4):599-616
运用经验格林函数法模拟2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震的近场强地面运动. 在拟合过程中, 首先参考前人远场反演结果给出的滑动量分布特征和主震波形的包络线特征, 确定强震动生成区的大致范围和数量; 然后利用Somerville等提出的地震矩与凹凸体面积的经验关系式确定强震动生成区细小划分的初值, 继而利用遗传优化算法确定以上二者的最优值及其它震源参数. 将数值模拟波形与实际地震观测记录在时间域和频率域分别进行比较, 结果显示, 在所选取的30个观测台站中, 多数台站的数值模拟结果与实际观测结果符合得很好, 特别是大于1 Hz的高频部分. 断层面上有两个强震动生成区, 其位置与前人反演的滑动量集中分布区相一致, 而且强震动生成区规模比Somerville等获得的标度率估计值要小.   相似文献   

近源时间域电磁场具有信号强、探测深度大、精度高等优点,但传统勘探电磁场理论中偶极子近似在近源会引起较大误差,导致这一优势的发挥受到了制约.开展直接时间域电磁场解析式研究,是解决这一问题的途径之一.本文提出在点电荷微元假设下,引入时域格林函数,求取瞬变电磁场时间域解析解.采用积分运算法,把电磁场阻尼波动方程的求解问题转化为求其格林函数积分形式解的问题;建立辅助路径解决奇点问题,利用复分析中的约当引理、留数定理和广义函数等理论和方法,推导计算出时间域格林函数的时空四重广义积分.得到达朗贝尔方程的直接时域格林函数精确解析式,与传统方法“比拟”出的公式具有相同的形式,验证了本文推导的时域格林函数解析公式的正确性;推导出扩散方程的直接时间域解析解.通过与时变点电荷源时间域的电磁响应近似表达式进行对比,得出本文所推导的公式计算精度较高的结论;建立了全空间回线源瞬变电磁场问题的直接时间域求解公式.为解决全场区瞬变电磁场精细探测直接时域解析问题提供了基础理论.  相似文献   

高铁运行会引起铁轨的震动,从而产生地震波向地下介质中传播,通过研究该地震波可对高铁沿线的地质情况进行持续监测.与常规地震勘探中的震源相比,高铁地震中的震源较为复杂,为移动震源,而地震干涉技术可以通过地震记录间的相互干涉,消除震源的影响,因此可利用地震干涉技术对高铁地震信号进行处理并成像.本文通过分析研究,总结出地震干涉方法在处理高铁地震数据时的关键技术问题:不同于常规地震干涉中先干涉后叠加的干涉成像方式,高铁地震移动源的特点使得干涉顺序变为先叠加后干涉,由此带入了大量震源串扰噪声;初步提出两种解决高铁地震干涉成像的思路:通过对高铁地震信号的处理,使高铁变相"提速"或"降速",给出了"提速"或"降速"后各自的成像思路,并给出了数据处理的技术设想.  相似文献   

通过重构用于确定视震源时间函数有效持续时间的判别函数,对提取视震源时间函数的PLD方法进行了改进;利用合成资料和实际资料,验证了改进后PLD方法的可行性和稳定性.将PLD方法应用于2005年克什米尔MW7.6地震及其11个余震的1887条记录,在84个台站处获得了这次地震的视震源时间函数.分别平均从不同台站的P波、S波、Rayleigh波和 Love波中得到的视震源时间函数,获取了主震的平均视震源时间函数.对视震源时间函数的分析表明,2005年克什米尔MW7.6地震的持续时间大约为25 s,这是一次“急始型”地震,总体上表现为圆盘形破裂.但有迹象表明,破裂在初期有向西北方向发展的单侧传播趋势.  相似文献   

The regularization method was used to invert the source-time function of four larger aftershocks of the Luquan, Yun-nan,M s = 6.1 earthquake of April 18, 1984. Near-field digital accelerograms were used in the inversion. Instead of calculating synthetic seismograms theoretically, an accelerogram of smaller earthquake was used as an empirical Green’s function. The results obtained showed that the source-time function of smaller aftershock was usually a simple pulse, while that of larger events was more or less complicated. The rupture velocities and the average particle velocities of the aftershocks were determined. All the results were in good agreement with the result estimated from the present seismic source theory. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 22–31, 1993. This study is supported by the Western Yunnan Experimental Site for Earthquake Prediction and the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

IntroductionSince the late 1970s, the quickly developed global digital seismograph network has been providing high quality recordings of large earthquakes in global scale, based on which digital seismology has made great progress. Compared with large earthquakes, moderate and small sized shocks have more frequent occurrence, and comprise clues to geological tectonics and tectonic stress field in a region. Preceding and following a large earthquake, usually occur numbers of small events that im…  相似文献   

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