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 The inertial coupling approach for the momentum transfer at the ocean–atmosphere interface, which is based on the assumption of a similarity hypothesis in which the ratio between the water and air reference velocities is equal to the square root of the ratio between the air and water densities, is reviewed using a wave model. In this model, the air and water reference velocities are identified, respectively, with the spectrally weighted phase velocity of the gravity waves and the Stokes velocity at the water roughness length, which are evaluated in terms of the dimensionless frequency limits in Toba's equilibrium spectrum. It is shown that the similarity hypothesis is approximately satisfied by the wave model over the range of wave ages encountered in typical sea states, and that the predicted values of the dimensionless surface drift velocity, the dimensionless water reference velocity, and the Charnock constant are in reasonable agreement with observational evidence. The application of the bulk relationship for the surface shear stress, derived from the inertial coupling hypothesis in general circulation modeling, is also discussed. Received: 6 January 2001 / Accepted: 28 June 2001  相似文献   

西北太平洋海气界面湍流热通量低频振荡强度的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所客观分析海气通量项目提供的1985~2006年日平均的湍流热通量及相关基本变量数据,通过小扰动方法和相关分析,详细讨论了西北太平洋湍流热通量低频振荡强度的特征.结果表明:(1)西北太平洋潜热低频振荡强度的空间分布主要受海气比湿差低频振荡强度(△q')和海气比湿差平均值(△q^-)的空间分布影响;感热低频振荡强度的空间分布主要受海气温差低频振荡强度(△T)的空间分布影响.(2)湍流热通量低频振荡强度冬季最强,夏季最弱.潜热低频振荡强度的季节变化受△q'强度季节变化、海表面风速低频振荡强度(U')季节变化、△q^-季节变化和风速平均值U^-季节变化共同影响;感热低频振荡强度的季节变化主要受△T强度季节变化和U^-季节变化的影响.(3)20°N以北海域和热带西太平洋,潜热(感热)低频振荡主要受大气变量q'a(Ta')和U'的影响,表现为海洋对大气强迫的响应;20°N以南的热带中东太平洋,qs'(Ts')的变化对潜热(感热)的低频振荡也有较大影响.  相似文献   

Based on the daily turbulent heat fluxes and related meteorological variables datasets (1985–2006) from Objectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes (OAFlux) Project of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), characteristics of low-frequency oscillation intensity of air-sea turbulent heat fluxes over the northwest Pacific are analyzed by linear perturbation method and correlation analysis. It can be concluded that: 1) the distribution of low-frequency oscillation intensity of latent heat flux (LHF) over the northwest Pacific is mainly affected by that of low-frequency oscillation intensity of anomalous air-sea humidity gradient (Δq′) as well as mean air-sea humidity gradient (), while the distribution of low-frequency oscillation intensity of sensible heat flux (SHF) is mainly affected by that of low-frequency oscillation intensity of anomalous air-sea temperature gradient (ΔT′). 2) The low-frequency oscillation of turbulent heat fluxes over the northwest Pacific is the strongest in winter and the weakest in summer. And the seasonal transition of low-frequency oscillation intensity of LHF is jointly influenced by those of low-frequency oscillation intensity of Δq′, low-frequency oscillation intensity of anomalous wind speed (U′), and mean wind speed (Ū), while the seasonal transition of low-frequency oscillation intensity of SHF is mainly influenced by those of low-frequency oscillation intensity of ΔT′ and Ū. 3) Over the tropical west Pacific and sea areas north of 20°N, the low-frequency oscillation of LHF (SHF) is mainly influenced by atmospheric variables q a ′ (T a ′) and U′, indicating an oceanic response to overlying atmospheric forcing. In contrast, over the tropical eastern and central Pacific south of 20°N, q s ′ (T s ′) also greatly influences the low-frequency oscillation of LHF (SHF). Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40675028) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB403600)  相似文献   

Measurements of the terrestrial heat flux at 76 localities along 2 profiles across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 19.5°N and 8.5°S latitude are presented. Two high heat-flow values were measured 800 to 1000 km east of the ridge crest at 8.5°S, but no high values were found at the ridge crest at this latitude. Detailed surveys and heat-flow measurements near the ridge crests on both profiles indicate that bottom topography influences the heat-flow variability. The average heat flow on both profiles, about 1.4 to 1.5 × 10−6 cal/cm2 sec, is close to the average for other ocean basins, in contrast to previous studies indicating lower heat flow for the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Natural convection in magmas at subliquidus temperatures is analyzed using Bingham plastic and power-law rheology models. Heat flux measurements were obtained at liquidus and subliquidus temperatures for degassed basaltic lava at atmospheric pressure. These measurements of heat flux ranged from 2 to 40 kW/m2 and were obtained using two different types of convective heat flux probes. The agreement between the two different instruments and the theoretical calculations is excellent. A noticeable change in the trend of the convective heat flux data is observed in the vicinity of the liquidus temperature. Subliquidus convective heat flux rates (6–15 kW/m2) are attractive for energy extraction applications.  相似文献   

Several topics discussed byBergeron (1954) are reviewed and compared with present-day positions. They are: conditions for formation; maintenance of the hurricane circulation; modification; and cyclones with hurricane winds outside the tropics.On some of these subjects, notably hurricane formation, Bergeron's views in many respects approach those of the present day. A rarely-occurring event is needed in the tropics besides the climatically favorable circumstances for formation. He postulated baroclinity in the form of a surface tropical front. If the baroclinity is shifted from the low to the upper troposphere, his and present-day viewpoints agree that release of baroclinic instability is the main mechanism of initial kinetic energy generation, in contrast to the CISK theory.Major additions can be made especially on the subject of the role of air-sea interaction in hurricane maintenance through downward momentum transport and establishment thereby of a thermal cyclostrophic wind which keeps the warm core in place. Furthermore, many new data exist on extratropical hurricanes; here, a serious research effort has still to be carried out in the future.  相似文献   

沉积物-水界面污染物迁移扩散的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
雷沛  张洪  王超  潘科 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1489-1508
污染物在沉积物-水界面的迁移扩散对研究其环境生物地球化学循环过程和评估水生态系统质量具有重要意义.本文回顾了关于沉积物-水界面的基本研究历程,重点介绍沉积物-水界面的垂向结构以及扩散边界层(DBL)的作用,展示污染物在沉积物-水界面的多维度分布(一维垂向、二维平面和三维立体)及其在沉积物-水界面的扩散过程,详细总结影响污染物在沉积物-水界面迁移扩散的环境因素(包括温度、溶解氧或氧化还原条件、pH值、离子强度或盐度、沉积物组成、共存污染物、溶解性有机质、水动力条件、生物扰动、微生物以及其他因素),讨论当前关于沉积物-水界面污染物扩散通量估算几种方法的优缺点,最后,对沉积物-水界面污染物扩散研究在未来发展需要关注的几个方面进行了展望.  相似文献   

Processes controlling the nitrogen (N) exchange between water and sediment in eutrophic Lake Sempach were studied using three different independent methods: benthic flux chambers, interstitial water data and hypolimnetic mass balances. The sediments released NH 4 + (1.1–16.1 mmoles m–2 d–1), NO 2 - (0.1–0.4 mmoles m–2 d–1) and dissolved organic N (<0.25 mmoles m–2 d–1). A net NO 3 - consumption (2.4–11.1 mmoles m–2 d–1) related to the NO 3 - concentrations in the overlying water was observed in all benthic chamber experiments. The flux of the reactive species NO 3 - and NH 4 + was found to depend on hydrodynamic conditions in the water overlying the sediment. For this reason, benthic chambers overestimated the fluxes of inorganic N compared to the other methods. Thus, in short-term flux chamber experiments the sediment may either become a sink or a source for inorganic N depending on the O2 concentration in the water overlying the sediment and the stirring rate. As demonstrated with a15NO 3 - experiment, nitrate-ammonification accounted for less than 12% of the total NO 3 - consumption. After six years of artificial oxygenation in Lake Sempach, a decrease in hypolimnetic total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) was observed in the last two years. The occurrence of dense mats of H2S-oxidizingBeggiatoa sp. indicated micro-aerobic conditions at the sediment surface. Under these conditions, a shorter distance between the ecological niches of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria, and therefore a faster NO 3 - -transport, can possibly explain the lowering of TIN by enhanced net denitrification.  相似文献   

The prevailing heat transfer processes—convection in the photosphere and wave propagation in the chromosphere—are principally different. Despite this fact, there is a direct link between these processes: it is precisely convective photospheric flows that excite intense Alfven waves in the chromosphere. A physical model explaining the effect of strong chromospheric and coronal heating is improved in this work. The model is based on synchronous propagation and interaction in the chromosphere of photospheric spicules and Alfven waves. The results of observations of the last decade and the analytical solution of the equations of magnetohydrodynamics are used. It is established that the heating of the solar atmospheric plasma proceeds not in the corona but in the upper chromosphere.  相似文献   

The results of first application of automated bottom station for studying chemical exchange across the water-bed interface (IO RAS lander) were obtained for the case of sediments in the northwestern Black Sea near Gelendzhik (Golubaya Bay). The lander is equipped with bottom chambers, sensors of environmental characteristics, and samplers, allowing fluxes of chemical elements through the water-bed interface to be determined directly. Bottom sediments were represented by organogenous silts containing hydrogen sulfide. The high activity of diagenetic processes resulted in a higher consumption of O2 by sediments (the flux from the bottom water was 130 mM/(m2/day), high fluxes of biogenic elements (P, Si,) and metals (Mn, Fe). At the same time, fluxes across the water-bed interface were evaluated based on the difference between concentrations of these elements in the near-bed and silt water (Fick’s law). The obtained data demonstrate the priority of direct measurements of fluxes (lander) over the calculation method. The first application of the lander suggests the need for methodological improvements both of engineering character and in chemical-analytical support.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物-水界面磷的迁移转化机制与定量研究方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
湖泊磷循环主要指磷在沉积物、上覆水和生物体间的迁移转化,而沉积物-水界面磷的迁移转化作为富营养湖泊磷循环的关键过程,备受关注.本文就国内外研究进展,综述了磷在上覆水、沉积物中的赋存形态和生物有效性,沉积物-水界面磷迁移转化的机制与定量研究方法.探讨沉积物性质、环境因子和生物特性对界面磷迁移的驱动机制,以及磷在浅水湖泊、深水湖泊中迁移转化机制的差异,指出现阶段迁移机制的研究多集中在单因素和定性化方面,而对多因素和定量化的研究还相对缺乏,未来可深入探究多因素耦合作用下磷的迁移规律.分析了野外调查、模拟实验、质量衡算和模型等研究方法的优缺点及适用情况,提出未来可将野外调查、模拟实验和模型法相结合,借助野外调查识别磷的迁移过程,模拟实验验证磷迁移的机制,并以野外调查和模拟实验的数据和结论为基础,构建模型量化具体迁移过程及其对湖泊磷循环的贡献,从而全面认识磷迁移转化规律.最后,提出了未来湖泊沉积物-水界面磷迁移研究需要关注的几个方面.  相似文献   

肖启涛  胡正华  张弥  王伟  肖薇 《湖泊科学》2021,33(2):561-570
外源引水等水力调控措施常用于湖泊水环境综合整治中,作为人类施加到湖泊显著的外界活动,其对湖泊甲烷(CH4)扩散通量的影响鲜有报道.贡湖湾作为"引江济太"工程长江来水进入太湖的第一站,其CH4通量变化是对水力调控的最好响应.基于2011年11月至2013年8月逐月的野外观测表明,贡湖湾平均CH4扩散排放量为0.073 m...  相似文献   

The maximum heat transfer possible from a sphere of magma ascending through a viscous lithosphere is estimated using a Nusselt number formulation. An upper bound is found for the Nusselt number by using the characteristics of a potential flow which, it is argued, is similar in the limit to a non-isothermal Stokes-flow in which the fluid (wall rock) viscosity is sensitive to temperature. A set of cooling curves are calculated for a magma ascending at a constant velocity beneath an island arc. If the magma is to arrive at the surface without solidifying its ascent velocity must be greater than about 5.8 × 10?3 cm s?1, for a magma radius of 1 km, and greater than about 2.7 × 10?5 cm s?1, for a magma radius of 6 km. If the magma begins its ascent crystal free it will generally become superheated over most of its ascent. Using essentially the same formulation as for heat transfer the mass transfer to or from a spherical body of magma ascending at these velocities is given approximately by ΔC ? ΔW/10, where ΔC is the change in weight percent of a component in the magma during ascent and ΔW is the compositional contrast of that component between the magma and its wall rock.  相似文献   

The nonlinear interaction of axisymmetric circulation and nonaxisymmetric disturbances in hurricanes is numerically studied with a quasigeostrophic barotropic model of a higher resolution. It is pointed out that the interaction may be divided into two categories. In the first category, nonaxisymmetric disturbances decay, the coordinate locus of maximum.relative vortic-ity (?)max is seemingly unordered, and the central pressure of hurricane rises; while in the second one, nonaxisymmetric disturbances develop, the locus of (?)max shows an ordered limit cycle pattern, and the central pressure falls remarkably. A succinct criterion is given to judge which category the interaction belongs to, i.e. the vortex beta Rossby number at the initial time Rβ< 1 belongs to the decaying category and Rβ> 1 to the developing one. Finally, practical applications of theoretical results of the rotational adaptation process presented by Zeng and numerical results in this paper to the hurricane intensity prediction in China  相似文献   

Erta'ale lava lake: heat and gas transfer to the atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data on uncontaminated samples of volcanic gases can be counted on the fingers of one hand, yet estimation of total volcanic gas flow cannot be made without such data. In this paper the flux of gas from the lava lake to the atmosphere is calculated by a heat budget based on the excess heat loss caused by combustion of H2 and CO and by the mass rate of loss of other gases on the basis of their ratios to H2 and CO in the unoxidized gas samples. The estimated rates of loss of H2O, CO2, SO2 and HCl are consistent with the rate of loss of heat if this heat is generated by crystallization and if the initial magma contains concentrations of gas appropriate for submarine basalt from oceanic ridges. The moderate activity of permanent degassing from the two active lava ponds studied gives a lower flux than that of other volcanoes.  相似文献   

为探讨水丝蚓(Tubificid worms)扰动对磷在湖泊沉积物-水界面间迁移的影响,选取太湖梅梁湾与大浦口两富营养化湖区为研究对象,通过室内培养实验,利用Rhizon间隙水采样器等技术,研究了水丝蚓扰动对太湖沉积物-水界面理化性质及溶解活性磷(SRP)在界面通量的影响.结果表明水丝蚓扰动能够增大表层沉积物含水率、氧化还原电位,减小间隙水中Fe2+浓度.水丝蚓没有显著改变梅梁湾间隙水中SRP浓度,同时促进了梅梁湾沉积物中SRP向上覆水的释放;但水丝蚓显著减小了大浦口间隙水中SRP浓度,并抑制了大浦口沉积物中SRP向上覆水的释放.水丝蚓扰动对磷在沉积物-水界面间迁移的不同影响可能是由沉积物中Fe2+含量差异较大造成的.  相似文献   

古小治  姜维华 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1518-1524
借助微氧电极测试技术对太湖贡湖湾试验区疏浚后的新生界面溶解氧动态进行一年的跟踪调研,分析溶解氧在新生微米级界面的分布特征、扩散通量以及界面附近有机质矿化速率.结果表明疏浚后半年内,溶解氧在表层沉积物的侵蚀深度增大,氧化层明显加厚.氧气在新生界面表层沉积物中呈指数下降,但衰减相对较缓.在连续一年的跟踪调查中发现,仅秋季新生界面附近溶解氧浓度明显高于对照,而在其他月份无差异.污染底泥疏浚后一个月内氧扩散通量及有机碳矿化速率下降最为明显,仅为疏浚前的13%,其他月份沉积物-水界面氧的扩散通量、氧气的消耗速率、有机碳的降解速率均有不同程度下降,疏浚后新生界面氧气交换速率下降以及由此导致的有机碳矿化过程变缓可能深刻影响界面生源要素的迁移过程.  相似文献   

Analyses of independent laboratory- and field-scale measurements from two sites on Sapelo Island, Georgia reveal heterogeneity in hydraulic parameters across the upland–estuary interface. Regardless of the method used (short-duration pumping tests, amplitude attenuation of tidal pumping data, sediment grain size distributions, and falling head permeameter tests), we obtain hydraulic conductivity of 10−4 m s−1 for the fine-grained, well-sorted, clean sands that make up the upland areas. Proximal to the upland–estuary boundary, the tidal pumping analyses and permeameter tests suggest that hydraulic conductivities decrease by more than two orders of magnitude, a result consistent with the presence of a clogging layer. Such a clogging layer may arise due to a variety of physical, chemical, or biological processes. The extent and orientation of the layers of reduced hydraulic conductivity near the upland–estuary boundary influence the nature of the aquifer's response to tidal forcing. Where the lower conductivity layer forms a relatively flat creek bank, tidal pumping produces a primarily mechanical response in the adjacent aquifer. Where the creek bank is nearly vertical, there is a more direct hydraulic connection between the tidal creek and the adjacent aquifer. The clogging layer likely contributes to the development of complicated flow pathways across the upland–estuary boundary. Effective flow paths calculated from tidal pumping data terminate within the marsh, beyond the boundary of the upland aquifer, suggesting a diffuse regime of groundwater discharge in the marsh. We postulate that, in many settings, submarsh flow may be as important as seepage faces for groundwater discharge into the marsh–estuary complex.  相似文献   

Supposing a leading role of free heat convection in the hydrothermal system above the magma chamber, a model of the hydrothermal system of the Akademii Nauk caldera in Kamchatka is suggested. The model is based on available geological, hydrogeological and geothermal data for the area. Three possible variants of the model are discussed. Based on temperature distribution data, the variant best corresponding to the natural conditions has been chosen. The period of hydrothermal system stabilization for all the variants is close to 7000–8000 years.  相似文献   

A comparative numerical investigation of transient temperature profile and pore-air velocities in horizontal rock block embankments are conducted using the “gravels model”, in which the embankment is composed of stones and air, and the “porous media model” respectively. As the velocities from the “gravels model” directly reflect the true flow of air and winter-time convection, in this paper it can be concluded that computational results from the “gravels model” are superior to the “porous media model”. In addition, the “gravels model” has the advantages of reflecting the effect of the dimensions and collocation of gravels upon the temperature fields. Therefore, the computation of the gravels embankment is mainly based on the gravels model. Simulation results show that in summer, a clockwise circulation of the pore-air extends throughout most of the embankment. However its motion is very weak that results in relatively straight horizontal isotherm lines. And heat transfer is mainly maintained through conduction. But in winter, the pore-air velocities are higher and multiple vortexes are formed in the embankment. Natural convection then becomes the dominant influence on the isotherm shapes within the embankment. The isotherms are complex and alternative upward and downward flowing plumes exist. The winter-time convection can further reduce the temperature of the foundation soil beneath the gravel embankment. In addition, the effects of the gravel dimensions within the embankment have been analyzed and compared in the gravels model. It shows that in winter, large stones, e.g. 200 mm, lead to stronger vortexes than those of small stones, say 60 mm. Consequently, the zone of low-temperature beneath the large-stone embankment extends deeper into the ground.  相似文献   

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