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采用Yoshimitsu Okada及Steketee的断裂位错模型和汶川地震现有成果,通过坐标转换和合成矢量的方法将断裂位错模型用于映秀—北川断裂、灌县—安县断裂和北川—青川断裂组成的断裂系统的错动研究中,理论上计算龙门山近断裂地区的水平位移场(包括沿走向和垂直走向方向)和垂直位移场从震源到地表的分布.模型参数源于现有的研究成果和野外实地考察,计算得到的地表位移场与先前研究成果,包括GPS实测数据,具有的近似性表明了模型的正确性.但GPS只能测定地表水平和垂直变形,对于地下变形情况及其分布却无法描述;目前对于地下变形的研究主要基于对大量仪器记录的地震资料进行反演或通过野外观测进行推测;但是反演多集中于空间较大范围,这样虽可阐述断裂运动引起的大范围位移趋势,而对于震源附近空间介质位移的描述却略显粗糙;同时,野外观测误差较大.本文通过理论模型计算汶川地震中近断裂区域(距断裂50km)内的位移及分布.由计算发现在近断裂区域内垂直位移场和垂直走向方向位移场变化趋势一样,幅值都是从震源到地表逐渐减小;沿断裂走向方向的水平位移场从震源到地表逐渐变大,同时计算还表明位移场的变化在断裂上盘比下盘剧烈,余震分布主要集中于断裂上盘,这说明余震分布和位移剧烈程度存在某种相关性.  相似文献   

2004年苏门答腊大地震后,不同作者根据地震波和/或GPS观测,提出了不同的断层错动模型.在利用同震位移观测资料反演断层滑动模型时,由于使用半无限空间均匀介质模型或半无限空间分层介质模型,一般只能利用近场位移GPS观测约束,无法利用远场资料,这些模型有时差别颇大,如何区别这些模型的优劣是一个仍尚未解决的问题.本文采用等效体力有限元方法,在考虑地球球形和分层的条件下,对四个不同作者提供的2004年苏门答腊地震的断层滑动模型计算全球同震位移.由于采用了球形模型,所以不仅可以把四个模型的近场位移计算结果与GPS数据进行对比,而且可以把远场位移计算结果与GPS数据进行对比.我们发现,垂直位移对断层滑动模型的依赖性小于水平位移.四个模型计算的近场位移与GPS位移符合程度均较好,但是四个模型计算的远场位移与GPS位移符合情况有很大不同,其中Chlieh等(2007)模型在近场与远场符合程度均很好,是四个模型中最好的.另外还探讨了断层反演数据资料、断层几何模型以及地球模型对计算结果的影响.对于特大地震,全球同震位移观测与计算值吻合程度的好坏是衡量断层滑动模型的合理性的一个重要依据.  相似文献   

利用汶川地震前后的ENVISAT ASAR影像,采用交叉相关性方法对影像进行了亚像元级别的配准,获取了沿卫星斜距向和方位向上的同震形变图,对地震地表破裂带的分布及断层运动特性进行了分析.提取了沿北川-映秀断裂分布的长230 km的地震地表破裂带,以及沿灌县-江油断裂分布的长约65 km的地震地表破裂带.通过对两个方向地...  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal rupture process of the 2008 great Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Focal mechanism and dynamic rupture process of the Wenchaun M s8.0 earthquake in Sichuan province on 12 May 2008 were obtained by inverting long period seismic data from the Global Seismic Network (GSN), and characteristics of the co-seismic displacement field near the fault were quantitatively analyzed based on the inverted results to investigate the mechanism causing disaster. A finite fault model with given focal mechanism and vertical components of the long period P-waves from 21 stations with evenly azimuthal coverage were adopted in the inversion. From the inverted results as well as aftershock distribution, the causative fault of the great Wenchuan earthquake was confirmed to be a fault of strike 225°/dip 39°/rake 120°, indicating that the earthquake was mainly a thrust event with right-lateral strike-slip component. The released scalar seismic moment was estimated to be about 9.4×1020-2.0×1021 Nm, yielding moment magnitude of M w7.9–8.1. The great Wenchuan earthquake occurred on a fault more than 300 km long, and had a complicated rupture process of about 90 s duration time. The slip distribution was highly inhomogeneous with the average slip of about 2.4 m. Four slip-patches broke the ground surface. Two of them were underneath the regions of Wenchuan-Yingxiu and Beichuan, respectively, with the first being around the hypocenter (rupture initiation point), where the largest slip was about 7.3 m, and the second being underneath Beichuan and extending to Pingwu, where the largest slip was about 5.6 m. The other two slip-patches had smaller sizes, one having the maximum slip of 1.8 m and lying underneath the north of Kangding, and the other having the maximum slip of 0.7 m and lying underneath the northeast of Qingchuan. Average and maximum stress drops over the whole fault plane were estimated to be 18 MPa and 53 MPa, respectively. In addition, the co-seismic displacement field near the fault was analyzed. The results indicate that the features of the co-seismic displacement field were coincident with those of the intensity distribution in the meizoseismal area, implying that the large-scale, large-amplitude and surface-broken thrust dislocation should be responsible for the serious disaster in the near fault area. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2004CB418404-4) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40574025 and 40874026)  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake coseismic deformation field is inferred from the coseismic dislocation data based on a 3-D geometric model of the active faults in Sichuan-Yunnan region. Then the potential dislocation displacement is inverted from the deformation field in the 3-D geometric model. While the faults' slip velocities are inverted from GPS and leveling data, which can be used as the long-term slip vector. After the potential dislocation displacements are projected to long-term slip direction, we have got the influence of Wenchuan earthquake on active faults in Sichuan-Yunnan region. The results show that the northwestern segment of Longmenshan fault, the southern segments of Xianshuihe fault, Anninghe fault, Zemuhe fault, northern and southern segments of Daliangshan fault, Mabian fault got earthquake risks advanced of 305, 19, 12, 9.1 and 18, 51 years respectively in the eastern part of Sichuan and Yunnan. The Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault, Nujiang fault, Longling-Lancang fault, Nantinghe fault and Zhongdian fault also got earthquake risks advanced in the western part of Sichuan-Yunnan region. Whereas the northwestern segment of Xianshuihe fault and Xiaojiang fault got earthquake risks reduced after the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

本文利用1997—2008年5月的汶川M_w7.9地震前川滇地区GPS水平速度场数据,采用负位错理论反演了汶川M_w7.9地震前龙门山断裂带的闭锁程度.在顾及断层闭锁影响下,获得了龙门山断裂带区域震前十年间地壳应变率场.结果表明在汶川地震前龙门山断裂带高度闭锁,在地表以下0~25 km范围内其平均闭锁程度为0.972±0.222,滑动亏损速率约为3 mm·a~(-1).震前龙门山断裂滑脱层的高度闭锁为汶川地震深部同震破裂提供了能量基础;在顾及断层闭锁影响下,龙门山断裂带附近应变积累缓慢,断层附近区域最大主应变率约为3.4~9.6 nanostrain·a~(-1),最小主应变率约为-2.5~-7.1 nanostrain·a~(-1);断层西北侧有明显的应变积累.  相似文献   

本文利用“中国地壳运动观测网络(二期)”多个GPS连续观测站观测数据处理结果,将2013年4月20日四川芦山MS7.0地震区域参考框架同震水平位移与全球参考框架同震水平位移进行比较,结果表明两组框架解一致,说明两种参考框架均可当作位错参考框架,也即全球参考框架同震水平位移也可视为区域参考框架同震水平位移.区域参考框架下GPS连续观测站地震前的水平位移和同震水平位移结果表明,震前数年,SCTQ站西侧的GPS站构造运动十分显著,而该站水平位移却很小,即出现反常的闭锁.但该站的同震水平位移使其弹性回跳至正常构造水平位移水平,因此SCTQ站震前的位移闭锁是水平位移空间分布中的异常,是芦山MS7.0地震的前兆.水平位移时空变化表明,该站震前和震时位移完全符合里德的弹性回跳理论.区域参考框架中位移时间系列和同震水平位移的综合研究有助于对芦山地震地壳运动前兆的认识和解释.尽管本文未能直接采用其它GPS连续观测站的资料,但结合本文和其它研究结果可以证实,震中附近其它站地震前后的变化与SCTQ站类似.基于芦山地震前水平位移和同震水平位移及其与前兆关系的研究,本文进一步讨论了GPS监测网的布设、 数据处理和分析等问题.   相似文献   

本文利用2003—2011年的GRACE RL05数据提取了苏门答腊地震(Mw9.3)引起的震后重力变化,发现断层两侧震后重力变化速率存在明显差异,断层下盘总体变化率为0.55μGal/yr,断层上盘为0.16μGal/yr.基于子断层叠加的编程思想,本文将Tanaka的黏弹球体位错理论配套计算程序(简称黏弹位错程序)加以改造,克服了其近场计算精度不足(甚至错误)的缺陷,可用来研究大地震引起的近场震后位移与重力变化.本文利用改造后的黏弹位错程序计算了2004年苏门答腊地震(Mw9.3)产生的同震重力变化,计算结果在空间分布和量级上均与利用弹性位错程序计算获得的结果一致,验证了我们对黏弹位错程序进行改造的正确性.最后,结合GRACE卫星观测数据,本文利用Tanaka的黏弹位错理论研究了苏门答腊地区的地幔黏性因子.结果表明,该地区地幔黏滞性具有显著的横向差异,当发震断层上下两盘的地幔黏滞性系数分别取8×1018 Pa·s和1×1018 Pa·s时,模拟的震后重力变化在总体空间分布和变化趋势上与GRACE卫星观测结果更接近.  相似文献   

选取2004年12月26日印尼苏门答腊MW9.0地震的余震分布空间范围为研究区域,该区域位于缅甸小板块中部,纬度范围为2°N~15°N.根据USGS地震目录,研究了2004年印尼苏门答腊MW9.0地震前地震频次的时空变化,并分析了地震活动与地球自转的关系.结果显示:1)在余震区域范围内,地震频次自2000年开始出现了明显的上升趋势变化,反映了地震活动的增强过程,临近地震发生前,地震频次有一定幅度的回落;2)通过地震频次空间扫描,发现震前在震中附近区域地震活动增强显著;3)在1990~2004年的15年中,单位时间内发生的地震数在地球自转季节性变化减速时段与加速时段之比值rda在震前出现明显的上升过程:1998年~2002年rda缓慢上升,2002年底rda快速上升达最高值,之后,rda呈现下降趋势,直至苏门答腊MW9.0地震发生;4)2000年1月~2004年11月间,在纬度1°N~7°N的空间范围内的震中附近地区, 5.5级以上地震都发生在地球自转季节性变化减速时段内;5)地震活动累积年频次相对于其长期平均值的变化量ΔN与地球自转"十年起伏"变化关系表现为地球自转减速时ΔN上升,地震活动增强,加速时ΔN下降,地震活动减弱.这些现象并非偶然,可能预示着地球自转减速与苏门答腊MW9.0地震之间存在着某种联系,这些结果对地震孕育过程的认识和地震预测研究具有一定的价值.  相似文献   

2011年3月11日日本本州宫城县东海岸近海发生MW9.0级地震,本文在对GPS同震位移场分布及误差特征分析的基础上,反演了同震位错分布.误差分析结果表明震源北西向300 km、北北西向550 km、南西向700 km范围内的同震位移量值明显大于误差,可以为位错反演提供有效的地表位移约束.沿震源北西向GPS剖面结果和位错反演位移剖面结果均表明同震近场位移符合指数衰减特征.位错反演结果表明,日本9.0级地震最大同震位错为25.8 m,位于震中附近;位错量大于10 m的同震破裂集中在震中附近400 km范围内;日本海沟南段同震位错量相对较小,此次地震为日本海沟地区典型逆冲型地震.根据此次9.0级地震和该地区以往强震破裂空间分布特征,此次9.0级地震破裂既体现了强震原地复发的特点,又体现了强震破裂的填空性.  相似文献   

The preliminary research results of vertical deformation dislocation model of GongheM S =6.9 earthquake show that, the causative structure is a hidden fault with strike N60°W, dipping S47°W, which lies near the current subsidence center of Gonghe basin. The rupture length and width are 30km and 14km, the upper and lower bound depth of the fault in width direction are 3km and 17km respectively. The maximum coseismic and preseismic vertical deformation of GongheM S =6.9 earthquake are 247mm and about 100mm. The reasons why there existed rapid postseismic uplift are also given a tentative discussion. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 289–295, 1993.  相似文献   

Earthquake early warning system (EEWS) is one of the effective ways to mitigate earthquake damage and can provide few seconds to tens of seconds of advanced warning time of impending ground motions, allowing for mitigation measures to be taken in the short term. After the devastating Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, hundreds of M4-6 earthquakes occurred with depth range of 2–24 km. We explore a practical approach to earthquake early warning in Wenchuan area by determining a ground-motion period parameter τc and a high-pass filtered vertical displacement amplitude parameter Pd from the initial 3 s of the P waveforms of these aftershocks with M≥4.0. The empirical relationships both between τc and M, and between Pd and peak ground velocity PGV for the Wenchuan area are presented. The τc result shows that it is systematically greater for slow earthquakes, leading to a possible false alarm. The moment rate function is used to handle the fact that the Pd parameter alone miss the M=8.0 mainshock. These two relationships can be used to detect the occurrence of a major earthquake and provide onsite warning in the area around the station where onset of strong ground motions is expected within seconds after the arrival of the P wave. The robustness of onsite early warning can be increased by using multistation data when the station density is high or by combing τc and Pd as a single indicator.  相似文献   

The complete records of geoelectric resistivity before two earthquakes were analyzed, including 16 stations within 240 km around the Tangshan earthquake and 2 stations within 50–60 km from theM6.1 Datong earthquake. By eliminating various disturbances in the records and realizing the precursory anomalies to be reliable, the authors studied the distribution of the geoelectric precursor field, which proves to be physically related to the earthquake source stress field. Comparision of the sign distribution of coseismic resistivity changes with the solution of earthquake source mechanism indicates that, the coseismic resistivity changes are of opposite sign but similar spatial distribution with respect to the corresponding resistivity precursor changes. Therefore, from the resistivity observations we are of the opinion that the Tangshan earthquake is an elastic rebound process. A virtual dislocation model of geoelectric precursor for the Tangshan earthquake is proposed, in which the geoelectric precursors are supposed to be caused by the strain accumulation due to a virtual dislocation, which is opposite in sign to the actual slip taking place at the earthquake occurrence. Taking into account of the non-linear characteristics of the amplification factorK=(Δρ/ρ)/ɛ in a range of 10−7–10−5 strain changes, the theoretical distribution of geoelectric precursors for the Tangshan earthquake was calculated based on the theory of fracture mechanics and reasonably selected dislocation parameters. The results show that the semi-quantitative theoretical values are in good agreement with the observed, suggesting that the virtual dislocation model of the geoelectric precursor is appropriate to the Tangshan earthquake. Contribution No. 96A0023, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Science and Technology Department of SSB.  相似文献   

Large earthquakes cause observable changes in the Earth's gravity field, which have been detected by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). Since most previous studies focus on the detection of near-field gravity effects, this study provides the results from the medium- to far-field gravity changes caused by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake that are recorded within GRACE monthly solutions. Utilizing a spherical-earth dislocation model we documented that large-scale signals predominate in the global field of the coseismic gravity changes caused by the earthquake. After removing the near-field effects, the coseismic gravity changes show a negative anomaly feature with an average magnitude of -0.18×10-8 m·s-2 in the region ranging ~40° from the epicenter, which is considered as the "medium field" in this study. From the GRACE data released by Center for Space Research from August 2002 to December 2008, we retrieved the large-scale gravity changes smoothed with 3 000 km Gaussian filter. The results show that the coseismic gravity changes detected by GRACE in the medium field have an average of (-0.20€±0.06)×10-8 m·s-2, which agrees with the model prediction. The detection confirms that GRACE is sensitive to large-scale medium-field coseismic gravitational effects of mega earthquakes, and also validates the spherical-earth dislocation model in the medium field from the perspective of satellite gravimetry.  相似文献   

Taking the M2 wave as calibration signals, we extract the phase shifts of the water level relative to the Earth tide in the Zhouzhi well by utilizing the cross-correlation function. And we further obtain the apparent permeability variation in the aquifer of the Zhouzhi well in 2008. Comparison with the commonly used tidal analysis software Baytap-G shows that phase shifts obtained by cross-correlation function are more stable. The resulting apparent permeability of the Zhouzhi well aquifer fluctuates with time, indicating it is a dynamically controlled parameter. The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake caused the apparent permeability increasing drastically, which is interpreted as the combination effects of effective stress changes and the barriers removing in the flow channel due to seismic wave pressure pulse. After the Wenchuan earthquake, the effective stress began to recover and the impurities deposited gradually, causing the apparent permeability to decrease a month later and almost recover to the pre-earthquake level in six months.  相似文献   

不同模型下地震位错理论的对比 及其应用进展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对半空间和球位错理论在理论和应用研究方面的进展进行了综合评述, 讨论了地震位错理论在海啸方面的相关研究进展和位错理论与粒子群算法结合在断层反演方面的研究进展, 对比分析了不同位错模型的优缺点, 总结了位错模型在应用中的影响因素. 本文认为不同位错理论的应用受地球分层的影响最大, 其次是重力、 曲率的影响, 而受地形、 震源深度及断层倾角等因素的影响则较小, 在实际应用中应予以综合考虑.   相似文献   

本文主要以GPS、精密水准观测和卫星SAR遥感图像分析2008年汶川特大地震同震位移特征.GPS数据包括:(1)四川盆地和川西高原地区各类国家等级GPS网点复测;(2)沿破裂带国家天文大地网GPS复测.前者推算的同震位移测定精度优于2 cm,后者6~8 cm.SAR遥感资料包括:(1)ALOS 卫星升轨相位干涉图像,精度优于8 cm;(2)ALOS和ENVISAT卫星影像合成的三维位移图,精度优于0.5 m.同震位移场显示,断层下盘(四川盆地)变形总体呈扇形集中指向震中,断层上盘(龙门山)变形总体上呈逆时针旋转态势,最大的实测水平位移5.5 m.汶川、理县、茂县等地测站位移指向破裂带方向,而平武、青川等地测站逐渐转变为平行,乃至远离破裂带方向,与汶川地震逆冲兼走滑的破裂特征一致.断层上盘大幅隆升,下盘靠近断层的区域以下沉为主,远场表现为幅度很小的隆升,垂直升降区域间,有一条与龙泉山断裂带平行的升降过渡带,调节龙泉断层的应力状态.用实测变形场检验多个地震波破裂模型表明,近场(距离断层50 km) 模型形变准确度可达40~50 cm, 远场精度优于5 cm.  相似文献   

王敏 《地球物理学报》2009,52(10):2519-2526
2008年5月12日发生在四川汶川的大地震造成映秀—北川断裂和灌县—江油断裂同时破裂,分别形成了240多公里和70多公里的地表破裂带.本文以GPS观测获得的同震位移场为约束,反演地震破裂的空间分布.反演结果显示映秀—北川主破裂带倾向北西,沿破裂带的走向从南到北倾角逐渐变大,破裂断层的平均宽度在10~18 km左右.破裂断层的错动在南段以逆冲为主,在北段走滑分量逐步加大,右旋走滑成为断层破裂的主要特征.断层破裂最大段落错动量分别达到了7.8 m和7.4 m,恰好对应这次地震中地表破坏最为严重的映秀和北川地区.本次地震释放地震矩6.70×1020N·m,相应矩震级Mw=7.9.  相似文献   

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