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In previous publications, the relationship between the Sirte Abyssal Plain as foreland and the Mediterranean Ridge as accretionary complex was considered to be simple: the foreland is undeformed, the accretionary complex consumes the foreland, the Messinian evaporites control the internal structure of the growing complex. The compilation of our own and published data results in a more complex tectonic pattern and a new geodynamic interpretation. The Sirte Abyssal Plain is imprinted by extensional tectonics which originated independently from and prior to the approaching process of accretion. The structural setting of the pre-Messinian and Messinian Sirte Abyssal Plain is responsible for the highly variable thickness of Messinian evaporites. The foreland setting in the Sirte Abyssal Plain also controls the internal structure of the Mediterranean Ridge, at least between the deformation front and Bannock Basin, following sediment deformation within the accretionary wedge with a dominating inherited SW-NE orientation. The taper angle of the post-Messinian Mediterranean Ridge is unusually small compared with other accretionary wedges. In the studied area, within a distance of about 45 km from the deformation front, there is no appreciable dip in the décollement. Therefore, the slope of the outer 45 km of the Mediterranean Ridge is considered to be caused only by gravitational spreading of Messinian evaporites deposited on the slope of pre-Messinian accretionary wedge. As a consequence, the Mediterranean Ridge underlying such slope is interpreted to belong to the foreland. The allochthonous evaporites overlie autochthonous evaporites of the Sirte Abyssal Plain. The NE-dipping décollement (and thus of the true tectonically driven deformation front) is expected to initiate at about the present position of Bannock Basin. The Sirte Abyssal Plain, the adjacent Cyrene Seamount and neighbouring seafloor relief on the African continental margin are considered to be the product of tectonic segmentation of the continental crust.  相似文献   

Continental collision between Iranian and Arabian plates resulted in the formation of the Zagros fold–thrust belt and its associated foreland basin. During convergence, pre-existing faults in the basement were reactivated and the sedimentary cover was shortened above two different types of basal decollement (viscous/frictional). This led to heterogeneous deformation which segmented not only the Zagros fold–thrust belt but also its foreland basin into different compartments resulting in variation in facies, thickness and age of the sediment infill.Based on this concept, a new tectono-sedimentary model is proposed for one of the most important syn-tectonic sedimentary unit, the Gachsaran salt in the Zagros foreland basin. In this proposed model, it is argued that differential propagation of the deformation front above decollements with different mechanical properties (viscous versus frictional) results in along-strike irregularity of the Zagros deformation front whereas movement along pre-existing basement faults leads to development of barriers across the Zagros basin. The irregularity of the deformation front and the cross-basin barriers divided the Zagros foreland basin into six almost alternating sub-basins where Gachsaran salt and its non-salt equivalents are deposited. In the salt sub-basins, two different processes were responsible for the deposition of Gachsaran salt: (1) evaporation, and (2) dissolution of extruding Hormuz salt and its re-precipitation as Gachsaran salt. Re-precipitation was probably the most significant process responsible for the huge deposit of Gachsaran salt in the extreme south-east part of the Zagros foreland basin.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of the Albian to Campanian foreland basin adjacent to the northern Canadian Cordillera are based on outcrop and well log correlations, seismic interpretation, and reconnaissance-level detrital zircon analysis. The succession is subdivided into two tectonostratigraphic units. First is an Albian tectonostratigraphic unit that was deposited on the flexural margin of a foreland basin. At the base is a shallow marine sandstone interval that was deposited during transgressive reworking of sediment from cratonic sources east of the basin that resulted in a dominant 2000–1800 Ma detrital zircon age fraction. Subsequent deposition in a west-facing muddy ramp setting was followed by east-to-west shoreface progradation into the basin.Near the Albian–Cenomanian boundary, regional uplift and exhumation resulted in an angular unconformity at the base of the Cenomanian–Campanian tectonostratigraphic unit. Renewed subsidence in the Cenomanian resulted in deposition of organic-rich, radioactive, black mudstone of the Slater River Formation in a foredeep setting. Cenomanian–Turonian time saw west-to-east progradation of a shoreface-shelf system from the orogenic margin of the foreland basin over the foredeep deposits. Detrital zircon age peaks of approximately 1300 Ma, 1000 Ma, and 400 Ma from a Turonian sample are consistent with recycling of Mississippian and older strata from the Cordillera west of the study area, and show that the orogen-attached depositional system delivered sediment from the orogen to the foreland basin. A near syndepositional detrital zircon age of ca. 93 Ma overlaps with known granitoid ages from the Cordillera. After the shelf system prograded across the study area, subsequent pulses of subsidence and uplift resulted in dramatic thickness variations across an older structural belt, the Keele Tectonic Zone, from the Turonian to the Campanian.The succession of depositional systems in the study area from flexural margin to foredeep to orogenic margin is attributed to coupled foreland propagation of the front of the Cordilleran orogen and the foreland basin. Propagation of crustal thickening and deformation toward the foreland is a typical feature of orogens and so the distal to proximal evolution of the foreland basin should also be considered as typical.  相似文献   

The Vallecitos syncline is a westerly structural extension of the San Joaquin Basin. The Vallecitos oil field, comprised of eight separate areas that produce from Cretaceous and Paleogene reservoirs, accounted for 5.4 MMB of oil and 5.6 BCF associated of gas through 2010. However, exploration for oil and gas in the Vallecitos area is challenging due to structural complexity and limited data. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether source rocks are actively generating petroleum in the Vallecitos syncline and to improve our understanding of burial history and timing of hydrocarbon generation. We conducted biomarker analysis on twenty-two oil samples from the Vallecitos syncline. Source-related biomarkers show two genetic groups of oil, which originated from two different source rocks. These results differ from earlier published interpretations in which the Kreyenhagen Formation is the only source rock in the Vallecitos syncline, and suggest that the Cretaceous Moreno Formation in the syncline also is an active source rock.Stratigraphic evidence and modeling suggest that late Cenozoic episodes of erosion due to folding and uplift removed significant overburden on the flanks of the syncline. To better understand the petroleum systems and clarify the total active source rocks in the area, 2D burial histories were generated through the Vallecitos syncline. A published cross-section through the deepest part of the syncline was selected to conduct thermal history, basin evolution, and migration analyses. The 2D model results indicate that the lower Kreyenhagen Formation has various maturities within the formation at different locations in the present-day syncline. The basal part of the Kreyenhagen Formation is in the dry gas window and maturity decreases away from the central part to the flanks. It remains immature along shallow portions of the present-day flanks. In contrast, the basal part of the Moreno Formation achieved extremely high maturity (past the gas generation zone) but is in the oil generation zone on the flanks of the syncline at shallow depth. All of our geochemical and 2D model results suggest that there are two active source rocks in the Vallecitos syncline. Accordingly, we propose that there are two active petroleum systems in the Vallecitos syncline.  相似文献   

This study is the first attempt which provides information regarding the bulk and quantitative pyrolysis results of the Chia Gara Formation from the Kurdistan region, northern Iraq. Ten representative early-mature to mature samples from the Chia Gara Formation were investigated for TOC contents, Rock Eval pyrolysis, pyrolysis-GC and bulk kinetic parameters. These analyses were used to characterize the petroleum generated during thermal maturation of the Chia Gara source rock and to clarify the quantity of the organic matter and its effect on the timing of petroleum generation.Pyrolysis HI data identified two organic facies with different petroleum generation characteristics; Type II–III kerogen with HI values of >250 mg HC/g TOC, and Type III kerogen with HI values < 100 mg HC/g TOC. These types of kerogen can generate liquid HCs and gas. This is supported by the products of pyrolysis–gas chromatography (Py–GC) analysis of the extracted rock samples. Pyrolysis products show a dominance of a marine organic matter with variable contributions from terrestrial organic matter (Types II–III and III kerogen), and produces mainly paraffinic-naphthenic-aromatic low wax oils with condensate and gas.Bulk kinetic analysis of the Chia Gara source rock indicates a heterogeneous organic matter assemblage, typical of restricted marine environments in general. The activation energy distributions reveal relatively broad and high values, ranging from 40 to 64 kcal/mol with pre-exponential factors varying from 2.2835 E+12/sec to 4.0920 E+13/sec. The predicted petroleum formation temperature of onset (TR 10%) temperatures ranges from 110 to 135 °C, and peak generation temperatures (geological Tmax) between 137 °C and 152 °C. The peak generation temperatures reach a transformation ratio in the range of 42–50% TR, thus the Chia Gara source rock could have generated and expelled significant quantities of petroleum hydrocarbons in the Kurdistan of Iraq.  相似文献   

Using a mega-regional dataset that includes over 20,000 km of on- and offshore 2D seismic lines and 12 wells, we illustrate three different stages of fault formation and basin evolution in the Caribbean arc-South American continent collisional zone. Transpressional deformation associated with oblique collision of the Caribbean arc migrates diachronously over a distance of ∼1500 km from western Venezuela in Paleogene time (∼57 Ma) to a zone of active deformation in the eastern offshore Trinidad area. Each diachronous stage of pre-, syn-, and post-collisional basin formation is accompanied by distinct patterns of fault families. We use subsidence histories from wells to link patterns of long-term basinal subsidence to periods of activity of the fault families.

Stage one of arc-continent collision

Initial collision is characterized by overthrusting of the south- and southeastward-facing Caribbean arc and forearc terranes onto the northward-subducting Mesozoic passive margin of northern South America. Northward flexure of the South American craton produces a foreland basin between the thrust front and the downward-flexed continental crust that is initially filled by clastic sediments shed both from the colliding arc and cratonic areas to the south. As the collision extends eastward towards Trinidad, this same process continues with progressively younger foreland basins formed to the east. On the overthrusting Caribbean arc and forearc terranes, north-south rifting adjacent to the collision zone initiates and is controlled by forward momentum of southward-thrusting arc terranes combined with slab pull of the underlying and subducting, north-dipping South American slab. Uplift of fold-thrust belts arc-continent suture induces rerouting of large continental drainages parallel to the collisional zone and to the axis of the foreland basins.

Stage two

This late stage of arc-continent collision is characterized by termination of deformation in one segment of the fold-thrust belt as convergent deformation shifts eastward. Rebound of the collisional belt is produced as the north-dipping subducted oceanic crust breaks off from the passive margin, inducing inversion of preexisting normal faults as arc-continent convergence reaches a maximum. Strain partitioning also begins to play an important role as oblique convergence continues, accommodating deformation by the formation of parallel, strike-slip fault zones and backthrusting (southward subduction of the Caribbean plate beneath the South Caribbean deformed belt). As subsidence slows in the foreland basins, sedimentation transitions from a marine underfilled basin to an overfilled continental basin. Offshore, sedimentation is mostly marine, sourced by the collided Caribbean terranes, localized islands and carbonate deposition.

Stage three

This final stage of arc-continent collision is characterized by: 1) complete slab breakoff of the northward-dipping South American slab; 2) east-west extension of the Caribbean arc as it elongates parallel to its strike forming oblique normal faults that produce deep rift and half-grabens; 3) continued strain partitioning (strike-slip faulting and folding). The subsidence pattern in the Caribbean basins is more complex than interpreted before, showing a succession of extensional and inversion events. The three tectonic stages closely control the structural styles and traps, source rock distribution, and stratigraphic traps for the abundant hydrocarbon resources of the on- and offshore areas of Venezuela and Trinidad.  相似文献   

本文从南太平洋地区区域构造演化出发,开展盆地类型划分和石油地质条件分析,了解不同类型盆地的油气成藏特征,并分析油气分布规律和资源潜力,以期对未来油气勘探开发国际合作选区提供借鉴。研究表明:(1)南太平洋地区经历了亨特-鲍恩造山运动、澳大利亚板块与南极洲板块分离、塔斯曼海扩张及珊瑚海扩张、巴布亚新几内亚地区的洋壳俯冲和弧-陆碰撞作用,最终形成了澳大利亚东部南缘和海域及新西兰地区以裂谷盆地为主、澳大利亚东部内陆以克拉通盆地为主的包括晚二叠世-三叠纪前陆盆地、古近纪-新近纪前陆盆地、古近纪-现今弧前盆地和弧后盆地6种盆地类型;(2)澳大利亚内陆南缘和东部海域以及新西兰地区裂谷盆地分布广泛,裂谷盆地油气最为富集,但内陆和海域有所差异,内陆南缘裂谷盆地油气资源丰富且石油与天然气的比值约为2:1,而东部海域裂谷盆地因油气成藏条件差,尚无油气发现;(3)根据盆地的剩余可采储量和远景资源量对南太平洋地区的资源潜力进行分析,认为白垩纪-古近纪裂谷盆地和古近纪-新近纪前陆盆地油气资源潜力最大,并优选出吉普斯兰(Gippsland)、塔拉纳基(Taranaki)和巴布亚(Papua)3个有利盆地。  相似文献   

We employ an integrated subsurface dataset, including >400 m of drill cores and three-dimensional (3D) seismic-reflection data from >530 km2 of the Tertiary Molasse foreland basin system in Austria, to characterize turbidite-system architecture across structurally complex foredeep-margin and wedge-top depocenters and to interpret the influence of tectonic deformation and submarine topography on hydrocarbon-reservoir quality and distribution. Turbidite-system architecture and depositional processes were correlated with associated topographic features in order to identify zones of preferential sediment gravity-flow convergence or divergence. Zones of flow convergence facilitate flow acceleration and accumulative flow behavior, whereas zones of flow divergence facilitate deceleration and depletion. Zones of preferential flow convergence include narrow (<2 km) and steep (<20°) foredeep-margin slope channels along thrust front-segmenting tear faults, and steep, unchannelized piggyback-basin and foredeep margins (local gradients as great as 40° across piggyback-basin margins). The foredeep-margin gradient is exaggerated principally by tectonic deformation that post-dates turbidite-system development, based on a paucity of growth strata. Piggyback-basin-margin gradients are exaggerated as a result of deformation synchronous with and following turbidite-system development, judging from the presence of growth strata. Slope-channel topography facilitated the development of relatively coarse-grained, amalgamated turbidite reservoirs, whereas unchannelized basin-margin topography facilitated deposition of fine-grained, chaotic non-reservoirs. Zones of preferential flow divergence are flat (<1°), unconfined (i.e., large in comparison to sediment gravity flows) piggyback-basin floors, which facilitated the development of relatively coarse-grained, non-amalgamated, upward fining turbidite reservoirs, stratigraphically partitioned by fine-grained mass transport-complex deposits. The results of this study elucidate the influence of foredeep-margin and wedge-top tectonic deformation and topography on turbidite-system and associated reservoir character and distribution across the Molasse foreland basin system in Austria, and can be applied to oil and gas exploration in analogous, structurally complex settings.  相似文献   


To help the decision making regarding where to locate new observation instruments on the seafloor, we examined the detectability of interplate earthquakes and slow slips in the Nankai subduction thrust in Japan using seafloor observation instruments. Here, the detectability is defined as the smallest magnitude of the interplate fault slip detected by the assumed observation points based on crustal deformation simulation. In the detectability analyses, we considered the effect of sensor drifts that are particularly associated with seafloor observations. In addition, we introduced high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) finite element modeling of crustal deformation to consider the effect of the topography and 3D heterogeneous crustal structure around the Nankai Trough. The results of the detectability analyses show that introducing new seafloor stations for tilt observation in the Nankai region should increase the detectability of small- or medium-sized interplate earthquakes and slow slips significantly. Based on the obtained results, we also discuss the advantage of both the existing and the new observation instruments in detecting interplate fault slips.


This paper shows the evolution of time-constrained two-dimensional scaled analogue models of doubly vergent thrust systems in the presence of syntectonic sedimentation. Two sets of experiments were considered: (1) the addition of a syntectonic layer composed of a polymer and overlying sand in the prowedge; and (2) the addition to the previous condition of a progradational sedimentary load. Results from the first set of experiments indicate that the foreland fold-and-thrust belt has a strong relationship with the competence of the syntectonic layers. When the competence is low, the deformation produces tight asymmetric detachment-folds. As the competence increases, the fold-and-thrust belt shows break-trough folds with longer and better defined foreland-vergence. Results from the second set of experiments indicate that structural vergence is determined by the sense of progradation of the syntectonic layers, and in the case of strong aggradation at the prowedge, extension and reactive diapirism form contemporaneously with the contraction. Three end-members are proposed for mountain front thrust systems formed in the presence of syntectonic polymer and sand sedimentation: (1) outcropping fold-and-thrust belt sequence, in the case of no syntectonic sedimentation; (2) long displacement blind-thrust sheets, in the case of under-filled basins and (3) short displacement blind-thrust sheets, in the case of over-filled basins. All results indicate that ductile units at the base of syntectonic layers increase the displacement of the underlying frontal thrusts at the prowedge, and reduce the critical taper. Results also indicate that at very high sedimentary rates and hyper-critical taper conditions the prowedge collapses. Conclusions drawn from this research may be applied as an analogue to foreland evolution and to evaluate hydrocarbon generation, migration, and entrapment in thrust belts in areas where seismic imaging is generally poor.  相似文献   

Upper Carboniferous sandstones make one of the most important tight gas reservoirs in Central Europe. This study integrates a variety of geothermometers (chlorite thermometry, fluid inclusion microthermometry and vitrinite reflection measurements) to characterize a thermal anomaly in a reservoir outcrop analog (Piesberg quarry, Lower Saxony Basin), which is assumed responsible for high temperatures of circa 300 °C, deteriorating reservoir quality entirely. The tight gas siliciclastics were overprinted with temperatures approximately 90–120 °C higher compared to outcropping rocks of a similar stratigraphic position some 15 km to the west. The local temperature increase can be explained by circulating hydrothermal fluids along the fault damage zone of a large NNW-SSE striking fault with a displacement of up to 600 m in the east of the quarry, laterally heating up the entire exposed tight gas sandstones. The km-scale lateral extent of this fault-bound thermal anomaly is evidenced by vitrinite reflectance measurements of meta-anthracite coals (VRrot ∼ 4.66) and the temperature-related diagenetic overprint. Data suggest that this thermal event and the associated highest coalification was reached prior to peak subsidence during Late Jurassic rifting (162 Ma) based on K-Ar dating of the <2 μm fraction of the tight gas sandstones. Associated stable isotope data from fluid inclusions, hosted in a first fracture filling quartz generation (T ∼ 250 °C) close to lithostatic fluid pressure (P ∼ 1000 bars), together with authigenic chlorite growth in mineralized extension fractures, demonstrate that coalification was not subject to significant changes during ongoing burial. This is further evidenced by the biaxial reflectance anisotropy of meta-anthracite coals. A second event of quartz vein formation occurred at lower temperatures (T ∼ 180 °C) and lower (hydrostatic) pressure conditions (P ∼ 400 bars) and can be related to basin inversion. This second quartz generation might be associated with a second event of illite growth and K-Ar ages of 96.5–106.7 Ma derived from the <0.2 μm fraction of the tight gas sandstones.This study demonstrates the exploration risk of fault-bound thermal anomalies by deteriorating entirely the reservoir quality of tight gas sandstones with respect to porosity and permeability due to the cementation with temperature-related authigenic cements. It documents that peak temperatures are not necessarily associated with peak subsidence. Consequently, these phenomena need to be considered in petroleum system models to avoid, for example, overestimates of burial depth and reservoir quality.  相似文献   

The abundance of carbonate minerals in rocks is an important element for petroleum geochemists, geologists and engineers to consider during hydrocarbon exploration and production. Carbonate minerals can be related to the depositional environments of the source rocks and hence the type of organic matter that can be subsequently modified through diagenetic processes. The total carbonate content in shales can also be used to deduce their fracability as reservoir rock for shale gas/oil extraction. At present, mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the most widely used technique in the oil and gas-related petrophysical and geochemical laboratories for identifying and quantifying carbonate minerals in rock samples. In contrast, the use of the total mineral carbon content parameter MinC (%) from Rock-Eval analysis has been limited despite (1) the parameter's effectiveness as demonstrated through instrument and methodology development; and (2) the presence of a large volume of Rock-Eval results due to its widespread use in the oil and gas industry.In this study, we acquired XRD and Rock-Eval analytical results on over nine hundred rock samples ranging from Ordovician to Cretaceous age from four petroleum sedimentary basins in Canada. Least-squares regression analyses produce empirical equations with R2 values greater than 0.92 for the correlations between XRD total carbonate contents and the Rock-Eval MinC (%) values of six different suites of samples. This indicates that the MinC (%) values generated by Rock-Eval 6 and other instruments of similar capability can be used with confidence for estimating the amounts of total carbonates in sedimentary rock samples. While the correlation between the two types of carbonate content measurements is geology-specific, a global linear regression model (R2 of 0.97) based on the large combined data set has been proposed for approximating the total carbonate abundances based on Rock-Eval MinC (%) values.  相似文献   

The Kuqa foreland basin, adjacent to the South Tianshan Mountains, is a major hydrocarbon accumulation basin in Western China. The Kelasu structural belt is the focus for hydrocarbon exploration in the basin due to the presence of ramp-related anticline traps and a thick salt seal. The model of the Kelasu sub-salt structure is still contentious because of the structural complexity and poor seismic imaging below the salt layer. The area–depth–strain (ADS) method is applied to the southern part of the Kelasu Fault, a regional fault that cuts basement rocks. The ADS results are consistent with the seismic data, which indicate that both thin-skinned thrusting and basement-involved deformation occur within the Kelasu structure, with the Kelasu Fault acting as the boundary between the two regions of contrasting deformation. The ADS results also suggest that the depth of the lower detachment of the thin-skinned thrust belt is 9.5–10 km, which may correspond to the base of the Triassic. The Kelasu structure has undergone approximately 8.15–10.76 km of horizontal shortening in the east and 16.34 km in the west of the structure.  相似文献   

We describe (1) bedding-parallel veins of fibrous calcite (beef) and (2) thrust detachments, which we believe provide good evidence for fluid overpressure in source rocks for petroleum. Our examples are from the surface or subsurface of the Magallanes-Austral Basin, which lies at the southern tip of South America. There, the best source rocks for petroleum are of Early Cretaceous age. In the central parts of the basin these source rocks have become overmature, but at the eastern edge, onshore and offshore, they are today either immature or in the oil window.In Tierra del Fuego, the foothills of the Andes consist mainly of sedimentary rocks, which have undergone thin-skinned thrusting. In the Vicuña area (Chile), Early Cretaceous source rocks have reached the surface above thrust detachments, which are visible on seismic data and well data. At the surface, we have found calcite beef, containing hydrocarbons (solid and/or fluid), in the Rio Jackson and Vicuña formations, which have reached the wet gas window. In the Rio Gallegos area (Argentina), the source rocks have not reached the surface, but seismic and well data provide good evidence for thin-skinned thrusting above flat-lying detachments in Early Cretaceous source rock, where it is in the early oil window. In contrast, there is little or no deformation where the source rock is still immature. Thus the deformation front coincides with the maturity front. Next to the central parts of the basin, where the source rocks have reached the surface within the Andes proper, they have undergone low-grade metamorphism. Within these source rocks, we have found beef veins, but of quartz, not calcite. To the east, within the foreland basin, seismic and well data provide evidence for a few compressional structures, including thin-skinned detachments in the deeply buried source rock. Finally, in the northern part of the basin (Santa Cruz province, Argentina), where it is shallower, the source rocks have reached the surface in the foothills, above a series of back-thrusts. At Lago San Martín, the source rocks have reached the oil window and they again contain calcite beef.In conclusion, where we have examined Early Cretaceous source rocks at the surface, they contain either calcite beef (if they have reached the late oil window or wet gas window) or quartz beef (if they are overmature). Independent evidence for overpressure, in the form of source-rock detachments, comes from subsurface data, especially at the southern end of the basin, where the source rocks are not overmature and deformation is relatively intense. Thus we argue that hydrocarbon generation has led to overpressure, as a result of chemical compaction and load transfer, or volume changes, or both.  相似文献   

Naga fold thrust belt is an emerging destination for petroleum exploration in eastern India. It is a thin skinned FTB where new initiatives are being taken after a long gap of initial discoveries. In absence of sufficient drilling or quality seismic data in the southern part of the fold thrust belt, fluid pressure regimes remain largely speculative. Using the concept and the formulation for efficient coefficient of basal friction, we have revisited the method and concept of pressure-dependent Coulomb wedge theory for thin skinned thrust belts for deriving the fluid pressure ratio in Naga fold thrust belt. The efficient coefficient of basal friction on the decollement and the fluid ratio of Naga fold thrust belt are estimated to be 0.22 and 0.85 respectively. This indicates an overpressure situation in the wedge. This method of estimating basal friction and fluid pressure is more case-specific and can be obtained from the data of thrust initiation angle and thrust spacing.  相似文献   

Assessing oil in place and the proportion of oil that is producible are two critical measurements in evaluating liquid rich unconventional well and play economics. Current methodologies to evaluate Oil-In-Place (OIP) include log calculated estimates, petroleum systems charge modeling, and direct geochemical measurements.The standard open system programmed pyrolysis method has been modified to remove a broader range of thermally extracted free and adsorbed hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons in liquid rich unconventional plays. The added isotherms with a relatively low temperature start results in additional free hydrocarbon S1 peaks. The extra S1 peaks are used to assist in evaluating in-situ hydrocarbon quality. Examination of as received and post solvent extracted programmed pyrolysis data from replicate samples indicates a significant amount of solvent extractable free hydrocarbon is not captured in the S1 and rolls over into the S2 peak. This observation suggests the S1 peak may not represent total oil in place less evaporative losses.This paper examines a new multi-step high resolution on-column thermal extraction system to provide an inexpensive screening tool to map zones of higher in place oil and evaluate chemical characteristics which can be used to assist in estimating productivity. The thermal extraction unit is coupled to a flame ionization detector (FID) by a short uncoated capillary column to generate a high resolution thermal extraction profile (thermogram) with four temperature fractions. The area under each thermal peak provides direct measurements of volatized hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon compounds. Examination of individual compounds within each thermal fraction demonstrates multi-step thermal extraction is not a simple fractional distillation but also is impacted by inorganic and organic interactions. If we assume each thermal fraction represents oil compounds with increased complexity, then one can use peak area ratios to estimate in-situ fluid make-up and the proportion of in-situ oil that can be considered producible with completions enhancement.  相似文献   

The deeply buried reservoirs (DBRs) from the Lijin, Shengtuo and Minfeng areas in the northern Dongying Depression of the Bohai Bay Basin, China exhibit various petroleum types (black oil-gas condensates) and pressure systems (normal pressure-overpressure) with high reservoir temperatures (154–185 °C). The pressure-volume-temperature-composition (PVTX) evolution of petroleum and the processes of petroleum accumulation were reconstructed using integrated data from fluid inclusions, stable carbon isotope data of natural gas and one-dimensional basin modeling to trace the petroleum accumulation histories.The results suggest that (1) the gas condensates in the Lijin area originated from the thermal cracking of highly mature kerogen in deeper formations. Two episodes of gas condensate charging, which were evidenced by the trapping of non-fluorescent gas condensate inclusions, occurred between 29-25.5 Ma and 8.6–5.0 Ma with strong overpressure (pressure coefficient, Pc = 1.68–1.70), resulting in the greatest contribution to the present-day gas condensate accumulation; (2) the early yellow fluorescent oil charge was responsible for the present-day black oil accumulation in well T764, while the late blue-white oil charge together with the latest kerogen cracked gas injection resulted in the present-day volatile oil accumulation in well T765; and (3) the various fluorescent colors (yellow, blue-white and blue) and the degree of bubble filling (Fv) (2.3–72.5%) of the oil inclusions in the Minfeng area show a wide range of thermal maturity (API gravity ranges from 30 to 50°), representing the charging of black oil to gas condensates. The presence of abundant blue-white fluorescent oil inclusions with high Grain-obtaining Oil Inclusion (GOI) values (35.8%, usually >5% in oil reservoirs) indicate that a paleo-oil accumulation with an approximate API gravity of 39–40° could have occurred before 25 Ma, and gas from oil cracking in deeper formations was injected into the paleo-oil reservoir from 2.8 Ma to 0 Ma, resulting in the present-day gas condensate oil accumulation. This oil and gas accumulation model results in three oil and gas distribution zones: 1) normal oil reservoirs at relatively shallow depth; 2) gas condensate reservoirs that originated from the mixture of oil cracking gas with a paleo-oil reservoir at intermediate depth; and 3) oil-cracked gas reservoirs at deeper depth.The retardation of organic matter maturation and oil cracking by high overpressure could have played an important role in the distribution of different origins of gas condensate accumulations in the Lijin and Minfeng areas. The application of oil and gas accumulation models in this study is not limited to the Dongying Depression and can be applied to other overpressured rift basins.  相似文献   

We apply the concept that sedimentary basins can be classified according to their structural genesis and evolutionary history to the Tertiary rifts of the Pannonian Basin of Eastern Europe.We have approached the classification by breaking the basins down into the cycles or stages that they comprise. This approach helps us to understand the basin evolution better and allows us to compare the basins more easily. The drivers that define the cycles of basin history are (1) basin-forming tectonics, (2) sedimentary processes, and (3) basin-modifying tectonics.We link common elements of petroleum systems and plays to these natural cycles or stages in basin evolution to improve the prediction of which plays could be expected to occur in a particular basin or region.This concept is constructed through several steps. These steps are (1) to identify standard evolutionary patterns related to geodynamic drivers, (2) to group the basins with similar tectono-stratigraphic evolution and correlate these with petroleum system development, (3) to relate basin trap types to basin history and (4) to calculate characteristic hydrocarbon maturation zones by thermal modeling.We present an application to the Pannonian Basin System of Eastern Europe, an area formed by Miocene back-arc extension and affected by compressional reactivation during its late-stage evolution. The sub-basins of the Pannonian Basin System appear to have experienced comparable magnitudes of deformation, to have developed similar trap types and to have experienced a characteristic hydrocarbon maturation history in a way that supports play prospectivity.  相似文献   

We investigated the deformation in the accretionary wedge associated with subducted seamounts in the northern Manila Trench by combining observations from seismic profiles and results from laboratory sandbox experiments. From three seismic reflection profiles oriented approximately perpendicular to the trench, we observed apparent variations in structural deformation along the trench. A number of back-thrust faults were formed in the accretionary wedge where subducted seamounts were identified. In contrast, observable back-thrusts were quite rare along the profile without seamounts, indicating that seamount subduction played an important role in deformation of the accretionary wedge. We then conducted laboratory sandbox experiments to investigate the effects of subducted seamounts on the structural deformation of the accretionary wedge. From the analog modeling results we found that seamount subduction could cause well-developed back-thrusts, gravitational collapse, and micro-fractures in the wedge. We also found that a seamount may induce normal faults in the wedge and that normal faults may be eroded by subsequent seamount subduction. In addition, we constrained the crustal structure of the South China Sea plate from modeling free-air gravity data. The dip angle of the subducting plate, which was constrained by hypocenters of available earthquakes, increased from south to north in the northern Manila Trench. We found a laterally heterogeneous density distribution of the oceanic crust according to the gravity data. The density of subducted crust is ~2.92 g/cm3, larger than that of the South China Sea crust (2.88 g/cm3).  相似文献   

Thermal history, petroleum system, structural, and tectonic constraints are reviewed and integrated in order to derive a new conceptual model for the Norman Wells oil field, and a new play type for tectonically active foreland regions. The thermal history recorded by Devonian rocks suggests that source rocks experienced peak thermal conditions in the Triassic–Jurassic, during which time oil was likely generated. After initial oil generation and expulsion, the Canol Formation oil shale retained a certain fraction of hydrocarbons. The shallow reservoir (650–350 m) is a Devonian carbonate bank overlain by the Canol Formation and resides within a hanging wall block of the Norman Range thrust fault. Both reservoir and source rocks are naturally fractured and have produced high API non-biodegraded oil. Thrust faults in the region formed after the Paleocene, and a structural cross-section of the field shows that the source and reservoir rocks at Norman Wells have been exhumed by over 1 km since then.The key proposition of the exhumation model is that as Canol Formation rocks underwent thrust-driven exhumation, they crossed a ductile–brittle transition zone and dip-oriented fractures formed sympathetic to the thrust fault. The combination of pore overpressure and new dip-directed subvertical fractures liberated oil from the Canol Formation and allowed for up-dip oil migration. Reservoir rocks were similarly fractured and improved permeability enhanced charging and pooling of oil. GPS and seismicity data indicate that strain transfer across the northern Cordillera is a response to accretion of the Yakutat terrane along the northern Pacific margin of North America, which is also the probable driving force for foreland shortening and rock exhumation at Norman Wells.  相似文献   

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