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This paper presents a new structural-stratigraphic approach to constrain the reservoir potential of the middle Miocene turbidite systems within the Monagas Fold-Thrust Belt (MFTB) and Maturín Sub-Basin (MSB) of eastern Venezuela. In the frontal anticline structures of the MFTB (Amarilis Area) light hydrocarbons have been produced from these turbidite systems which were deposited in a foreland basin with a complex tectonostratigraphic evolution.In order to predict the location of other analogous reservoirs we used the structural model presented in Part I (Parra et al., 2010) to developed a palaeo-topographic reconstruction at early-middle Miocene. We have then used this reconstruction to constrain the palaeogeography of the middle Miocene foredeep where the turbidites were deposited. The area considered has 5000 km2.By middle Miocene four regions are identified: 1) The southern basin margin dipped 1.5-2.5° north; 2) The foredeep axis had a southwest-northeast orientation. Within the foredeep the proto-structures of the MFTB created submerged highs that control the distribution of sediments; 3) The northern basin margin dipped 3-4° south; the coastline was controlled by the Pirital thrust sheet; 4) The main source of sediments was located towards the northwest on the Pirital thrust sheet and Serranía del Interior.Variations in shortening across the strike of the Pirital thrust were accommodated by a lateral ramp which controlled the location of a valley that acted as the main sediment pathway for the sediments that fed the turbidite system. This relationship between the thrust belt geomorphology and the location of turbidite sediment within the foredeep must be considered in order to assess the distribution of the Miocene turbidite reservoirs.  相似文献   

The Morichito piggyback basin (MPB) is a SW-NE-oriented depocenter in the Eastern Venezuelan Foreland Basin (EVFB). This piggyback basin formed by overlying the Pirital thrust during the middle to late Miocene as a result of oblique collision between the Caribbean and South-American Plates. The MPB covers an area encompassing approximately 1000 km2 between the Serrania del Interior range and the Pirital high, which is a hanging wall uplift along the Pirital thrust that acts as a confining barrier on the southern boundary of the MPB. Previous studies have tried to address the tectonostratigraphic significance of the MPB, but new biostratigraphic information and recently acquired 3D seismic data have allowed us to expand the understanding of this basin. The MPB occupies a relatively small area of the EVFB; however, the MPB contains a valuable stratigraphic record that can be used to unveil the timing of the main deformational events that took place in the EVFB.This work presents the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the MPB by defining four tectonostratigraphic sequences (T1-T4). Each sequence was defined on the basis of integration of well logs, biostratigraphy, and seismic geomorphological interpretations. T1 (24-16 Ma) (late Oligocene to middle Miocene), which was deposited in shallow-marine environments, extends to the south of the Pirital high beyond the boundaries of the MPB. T1 is equivalent to the early foredeep stage of the EVFB, having been formed when structural deformation and uplifting were already occurring to the north on the proto-Serrania del Interior range (∼24-16 Ma) and the Pirital thrust was active (∼22 Ma). T2 (16-11 Ma) (middle to late Miocene) is composed of alluvial-fan deposits derived from the proto-Serrania del Interior range. The geometry and internal configuration of T2 indicate that during this time the basin was transitioning from an open-foreland basin to a confined piggyback basin. During deposition of T2, the Pirital fault was active as an out-of-sequence thrusting event (16-∼11 ma). T3 (late Miocene) and T4 (early Pliocene to Recent), composed of shallow-marine and fluvial deposits, were deposited in an already restricted piggyback basin. The Pirital high was already in place during deposition of T3 (∼11-9.3 ma). T3 and T4 represent the final phases of MPB infilling, when tectonic activity and subsidence were at their lowest rates. MPB sedimentary infilling dates the activity of thrusting events in the proto-Serrania del Interior (∼24-16 Ma), timing of maximum deformation associated with the Pirital out-of-sequence thrusting event (16-∼11 Ma), timing of final emplacement of the Pirital high (∼11-9.3 Ma), and the beginning of tectonic quiescence (<5.2 Ma).  相似文献   

This paper presents a structural and stratigraphic analysis of the foreland-fold-belt of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin and the main conclusions about shale tectonic mechanisms in the area. The deformation of the foreland-fold-belt has been investigated analyzing the growth strata architecture preserved on the structure fold limbs. Three contractional episodes are proposed for the Eastern Venezuelan Basin: 1) Oligocene to middle Miocene, 2) late Miocene to Pliocene and 3) Pleistocene. The first episode produced contractional listric faults inside the shale and long displacement blind thrusts in the underlying Cretaceous units. The second episode produced the deformation of the Cenozoic strata into overlapping east-west-trending, convex northward anticlines that covers more than 200 kilometers in length and 40 kilometers wide, break-through normal faults product of a high sedimentary load that overcomes contraction and the formation of short-displacement blind thrusts in the underlying Cretaceous units. The last episode is related to an oblique compression and the formation of high angle extensional faults with dextral movement and NW-SE strike. The role of the shale tectonics in the evolution implies that shale deforms in two stages: 1) folding and 2) normal faulting of the crest of the anticline (Break through normal faulting). Folding controlled the sediment distribution during most of the Neogene strata, while the normal faulting of the anticlines represent basin potential for hydrocarbon. The best potential hydrocarbon plays in the basin are related to oblique-collision restricted basins and controlled by break-through normal faults and the presence of NW-SE strike faults that connect the HC source with the reservoirs. Results from this research imply that the role of sedimentation is fundamental for the overburden sand distribution and tectonic constrain of the folds.  相似文献   

The Garzón Massif, is an active Laramide style basement uplift flanked by the Upper Magdalena Valley (UMV) and the Putumayo Basin. In this paper we use new gravity, magnetic, well and seismic data for the first geophysical interpretation of the Garzón Massif. The Garzón/Algeciras fault has been previously interpreted as a right-lateral strike-slip fault. The new seismic, well, and gravity data demonstrates that the Garzón fault is also a low-angle (12–17°) Andean age fault thrusting PreCambrian basement 10–17 km northwestward over Miocene sediments of the UMV in a prospective footwall anticline.The new geophysical data as well as previous field mapping were used to produce the first gravity and magnetic maps and retrodeformable structural cross section of the northern Garzón Massif. The new model distinguishes for the first time distinct episodes of “thin-skinned” and “thick-skinned” deformation in the Garzón Massif. The model indicates approximately 43 km of Early to Middle Miocene shortening by “thin-skinned” imbricate thrusting contemporaneous with the uplift of the nearby southern Central Cordillera (∼9–16 Ma) and the main hydrocarbon expulsion event for the UMV and Putumayo Basin. This was followed by at least 22 km of Late Miocene (3–6 Ma) “thick-skinned” Andean shortening and 7 km of uplift on the symmetrical Garzón thrust and a SE-verging basement thrust fault zone. The Andean uplift interrupted and exposed the hydrocarbon migration pathways to the Putumayo Basin.3-D volume fracture analysis was used for the first time in this paper together with the first seismic and well data published for the Topoyaco and Miraflor structures to test closure models for the Topoyaco foothills. Intense fracturing is observed in the Topoyaco basement monocline from the near-surface to depths of over 3.5 km. The high level of fracturing permitted freshwater flushing and oil biodegradation and hydrocarbon escape. In contrast, the Miraflor-1 well, located just southwest of the Topoyaco block, tested light gravity oil and is sealed from groundwater flushing and biodegradation by a backthrust.  相似文献   

Large to middle-scale thrust structures are important reservoir plays for coal-derived hydrocarbons in the foreland basins of NW China, with both gas and some accompanying oil. In the Dabei Gas Field of the Kuqa Thrust, however, the oil and gas pools are vertically distributed in a quite unique way: (1) liquid oil and some dissolved gas are present in the Dawanqi Anticline with the reservoir at 300-700 m depth, forming the only oil field in the Kuqa Thrust; (2) gas and minor accompanying oil are found in the deep reservoir of the Dabei-1 and Dabei-2 thrust traps around 5000-6000 m depth; (3) an extremely dry gas pool is found in the Dabei-3 thrust trap where the depth of the reservoir is over 7000 m. Geochemical data suggest that the hydrocarbons in the Dawanqi Anticline and the Dabei thrust traps originated from a similar source, i.e. the underlying Jurassic coal measures, with some contribution from Jurassic lacustrine shales. The Jurassic source rocks did not start to generate oil until the Miocene (around the Kangcun Stage), and extended into the Pliocene (the Kuche Stage) with the main gas generation period in the Pliocene (the Kuche Stage) and the Quaternary. Because the traps formed relatively early, the Dabei-1 and Dabei-2 thrusts could trap some of the early generated oils, but most of the early charged oil was redistributed to the shallower Dawanqi Anticline during the Kuche Stage. The Dabei-3 thrust trap formed concurrently with major gas generation and thus could not trap liquid hydrocarbons. The difference in the vertical distribution of the hydrocarbon accumulations in the Dabei Gas Field resulted from a complex interplay of source variability, structural evolution of the basin and thermal maturation.  相似文献   

This study applies modern seismic geomorphology techniques to deep-water collapse features in the Orange Basin (Namibian margin, Southwest Africa) in order to provide unprecedented insights into the segmentation and degradation processes of gravity-driven linked systems. The seismic analysis was carried out using a high-quality, depth-migrated 3D volume that images the Upper Cretaceous post-rift succession of the basin, where two buried collapse features with strongly contrasting seismic expression are observed. The lower Megaslide Complex is a typical margin-scale, extensional-contractional gravity-driven linked system that deformed at least 2 km of post-rift section. The complex is laterally segmented into scoop-shaped megaslides up to 20 km wide that extend downdip for distances in excess of 30 km. The megaslides comprise extensional headwall fault systems with associated 3D rollover structures and thrust imbricates at their toes. Lateral segmentation occurs along sidewall fault systems which, in the proximal part of the megaslides, exhibit oblique extensional motion and define horst structures up to 6 km wide between individual megaslides. In the toe areas, reverse slip along these same sidewall faults, creates lateral ramps with hanging wall thrust-related folds up to 2 km wide. Headwall rollover anticlines, sidewall horsts and ramp anticlines may represent novel traps for hydrocarbon exploration on the Namibian margin.The Megaslide Complex is unconformably overlain by few hundreds of metres of highly contorted strata which define an upper Slump Complex. Combined seismic attributes and detailed seismic facies analysis allowed mapping of headscarps, thrust imbrications and longitudinal shear zones within the Slump Complex that indicate a dominantly downslope movement of a number of coalesced collapse systems. Spatial and stratal relationships between these shallow failures and the underlying megaslides suggest that the Slump Complex was likely triggered by the development of topography created by the activation of the main structural elements of the lower Megaslide Complex.This study reveals that gravity-driven linked systems undergo lateral segmentation during their evolution, and that their upper section can become unstable, favouring the initiation of a number of shallow failures that produce widespread degradation of the underlying megaslide structures. Gravity-driven linked systems along other margins are likely to share similar processes of segmentation and degradation, implying that the megaslide-related, hydrocarbon trapping structures discovered in the Namibian margin may be common elsewhere, making megaslides an attractive element of deep-water exploration along other gravitationally unstable margins.  相似文献   

Using recently gathered onland structural and 2D/3D offshore seismic data in south and central Palawan (Philippines), this paper presents a new perspective in unraveling the Cenozoic tectonic history of the southeastern margin of the South China Sea. South and central Palawan are dominated by Mesozoic ophiolites (Palawan Ophiolite), distinct from the primarily continental composition of the north. These ophiolites are emplaced over syn-rift Eocene turbidites (Panas Formation) along thrust structures best preserved in the ophiolite–turbidite contact as well as within the ophiolites. Thrusting is sealed by Early Miocene (∼20 Ma) sediments of the Pagasa Formation (Isugod Formation onland), constraining the younger limit of ophiolite emplacement at end Late Oligocene (∼23 Ma). The onset of ophiolite emplacement at end Eocene is constrained by thrust-related metamorphism of the Eocene turbidites, and post-emplacement underthrusting of Late Oligocene – Early Miocene Nido Limestone. This carbonate underthrusting at end Early Miocene (∼16 Ma) is marked by the deformation of a seismic unit corresponding to the earliest members of the Early – Middle Miocene Pagasa Formation. Within this formation, a tectonic wedge was built within Middle Miocene (from ∼16 Ma to ∼12 Ma), forming a thrust-fold belt called the Pagasa Wedge. Wedge deformation is truncated by the regionally-observed Middle Miocene Unconformity (MMU ∼12 Ma). A localized, post-kinematic extension affects thrust-fold structures, the MMU, and Late Miocene to Early Pliocene carbonates (e.g. Tabon Limestone). This structural set-up suggests a continuous convergent regime affecting the southeastern margin of the South China Sea between end Eocene to end Middle Miocene. The ensuing structures including juxtaposed carbonates, turbidites and shallow marine clastics within thrust-fold belts have become ideal environments for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. Best developed in the Northwest Borneo Trough area, the intensity of thrust-fold deformation decreases towards the northeast into offshore southwest Palawan.  相似文献   

The Kuqa foreland basin, adjacent to the South Tianshan Mountains, is a major hydrocarbon accumulation basin in Western China. The Kelasu structural belt is the focus for hydrocarbon exploration in the basin due to the presence of ramp-related anticline traps and a thick salt seal. The model of the Kelasu sub-salt structure is still contentious because of the structural complexity and poor seismic imaging below the salt layer. The area–depth–strain (ADS) method is applied to the southern part of the Kelasu Fault, a regional fault that cuts basement rocks. The ADS results are consistent with the seismic data, which indicate that both thin-skinned thrusting and basement-involved deformation occur within the Kelasu structure, with the Kelasu Fault acting as the boundary between the two regions of contrasting deformation. The ADS results also suggest that the depth of the lower detachment of the thin-skinned thrust belt is 9.5–10 km, which may correspond to the base of the Triassic. The Kelasu structure has undergone approximately 8.15–10.76 km of horizontal shortening in the east and 16.34 km in the west of the structure.  相似文献   

Differences in fluids origin, creation of overpressure and migration are compared for end member Neogene fold and thrust environments: the deepwater region offshore Brunei (shale detachment), and the onshore, arid Central Basin of Iran (salt detachment). Variations in overpressure mechanism arise from a) the availability of water trapped in pore-space during early burial (deepwater marine environment vs arid, continental environment), and b) the depth/temperature at which mechanical compaction becomes a secondary effect and chemical processes start to dominate overpressure development. Chemical reactions associated with smectite rich mud rocks in Iran occur shallow (∼1900 m, smectite to illite transformation) causing load-transfer related (moderate) overpressures, whereas mechanical compaction and inflationary overpressures dominate smectite poor mud rocks offshore Brunei. The basal detachment in deepwater Brunei generally lies below temperatures of about 150 °C, where chemical processes and metagenesis are inferred to drive overpressure development. Overall the deepwater Brunei system is very water rich, and multiple opportunities for overpressure generation and fluid leakage have occurred throughout the growth of the anticlines. The result is a wide variety of fluid migration pathways and structures from deep to shallow levels (particularly mud dykes, sills, laccoliths, volcanoes and pipes, fluid escape pipes, crestal normal faults, thrust faults) and widespread inflationary-type overpressure. In the Central Basin the near surface environment is water limited. Mechanical and chemical compaction led to moderate overpressure development above the Upper Red Formation evaporites. Only below thick Early Miocene evaporites have near lithostatic overpressures developed in carbonates and marls affected by a wide range of overpressure mechanisms. Fluid leakage episodes across the evaporites have either been very few or absent in most areas. Locations where leakage can episodically occur (e.g. detaching thrusts, deep normal faults, salt welds) are sparse. However, in both Iran and Brunei crestal normal faults play an important role in the transmission of fluids in the upper regions of folds.  相似文献   

The deep-water fold and thrust belt of the southern Niger Delta has prominent thrusts and folds oriented perpendicular to the regional slope that formed as a result of the thin-skinned gravitational collapse of the delta above overpressured shale. The thrust-related folds have grown in the last 12.8 Ma and many of the thrusts are still actively growing and influencing the pathways of modern seabed channels. We use 3D seismic reflection data to constrain and analyse the spatial and temporal variation in shortening of four thrusts and folds having seabed relief in a study area of 2600 km2 size in 2200–3800 m water depth. Using these shortening measurements, we have quantified the variation in strain rates through time for both fault-propagation and detachment folds in the area, and we relate this to submarine channel response. The total amount of shortening on the individual structures investigated ranges from 1 to 4 km, giving a time-averaged maximum shortening rate of between 90 ± 10 and 350 ± 50 m/Myr (0.1 and 0.4 mm/yr). Fold shortening varies both spatially and temporally: The maximum interval shortening rate occurred between 9.5 Ma and 3.7 Ma, and has reduced significantly in the last 3.7 Ma. We suggest that the reduction in the Pliocene-Recent fold shortening rate is a response to the slow-down in extension observed in the up-dip extensional domain of the Niger Delta gravitational system in the same time interval. In the area dominated by the fault-propagation folds, the channels are able to cross the structures, but the detachment fold is a more significant barrier and has caused a channel to divert for 25 km parallel to the fold axis. The two sets of structures have positive bathymetric expressions, with an associated present day uphill slope of between 1.5° and 2°. However, the shorter uphill slopes of the fault-propagation folds and increased sediment blanketing allow channels to cross these structures. Channels that develop coevally with structural growth and that cross structures, do so in positions of recent strain minima and at interval strain rates that are generally less than −0.02 Ma−1 (−1 × 10−16 s−1). However, the broad detachment fold has caused channel diversion at an even lower strain rate of c. −0.002 Ma−1 (−7 × 10−17 s−1).  相似文献   

Cenozoic eastward migration of the Caribbean plate relative to the South American plate is recorded by an 1100-km-long Venezuela-Trinidad foreland basin which is oldest in western Venezuela (65-55 Ma), of intermediate age in eastern Venezuela (34-20 Ma) and youngest beneath the shelf and slope area of eastern offshore Trinidad (submarine Columbus basin, 15.0 Ma-Recent). In this study of the regional structure, fault families, and chronology of faulting and tectonic events affecting the hydrocarbon-rich Columbus foreland basin of eastern offshore Trinidad, we have integrated approximately 775 km of deep-penetration 2D seismic lines acquired by the 2004 Broadband Ocean-Land Investigations of Venezuela and the Antilles arc Region (BOLIVAR) survey, 325 km of vintage GULFREX seismic data collected by Gulf Oil Company in 1974, and published industry well data that can be tied to some of the seismic reflection lines. Top Cretaceous depth structure maps in the Columbus basin made from integration of all available seismic and well data define for the first time the elongate subsurface geometry of the 11-15 km thick and highly asymmetrical middle Miocene-Recent depocenter of the Columbus basin. The main depocenter located 150-200 km east of Trinidad and now the object of deepwater hydrocarbon exploration is completely filled by shelf and deepwater sediments derived mainly from the Orinoco delta. The submarine Darien ridge exhibits moderate (20-140 m) seafloor relief, forms the steep (12°-24°), northern structural boundary of the Columbus basin, and is known from industry wells to be composed of 0.5-4.5 km thick, folded and thrust-imbricated, hydrocarbon-bearing section of Cretaceous and early Tertiary limestones and clastic rocks. The eastern and southern boundaries of the basin are formed by the gently (1.7°-4.5°), northward-dipping Cretaceous-Paleogene passive margin of South America that is in turn underlain by Precambrian rocks of the Guyana shield.Interpretation of seismic sections tied to wells reveals the following fault chronology: (1) middle Miocene thrusting along the Darien ridge related to highly oblique convergence between the Caribbean plate and the passive margin of northern South America; continuing thrusting and transpression in an oblique foreland basin setting through the early Pleistocene; (2) early Pliocene-recent low-angle normal faults along the top of the Cretaceous passive margin; these faults were triggered by oversteepening related to formation of the downdip, structurally and bathymetrically deeper, and more seaward Columbus basin; large transfer faults with dominantly strike-slip displacements connect gravity-driven normal faults that cluster near the modern shelf-slope break and trend in the downslope direction; to the south no normal faults are present because the top Cretaceous horizon has not been oversteepened as it is adjacent to the foreland basin; (3) early Pliocene-Recent strike-slip faults parallel the trend of the Darien ridge and accommodate present-day plate motions.  相似文献   

In recent years, exploration of the Lower Congo Basin in Angola has focused on the Neogene turbidite sand play of the Malembo Formation. Gravity tectonics has played an important role during deposition of the Malembo Formation and has imparted a well-documented structural style to the post-rift sediments. An oceanward transition from thin-skinned extension through mobile salt and eventually to thin-skinned compressional structures characterises the post-rift sediments. There has been little discussion, however, regarding the influence of these structures on the deposition of the Malembo Formation turbidite sands. Block 4 lies at the southern margin of the Lower Congo Basin and is dominated by the thin-skinned extensional structural style. Using a multidisciplinary approach we trace the post-rift structural and stratigraphic evolution of this block to study the structural controls on Neogene turbidite sand deposition.In the Lower Congo Basin the transition from terrestrial rift basin to fully marine passive margin is recorded by late Aptian evaporites of the Loeme Formation. Extension of the overlying post-rift sequences has occurred where the Loeme Formation has been utilised as a detachment surface for extensional faults. Since the late Cretaceous, the passive margin sediments have moved down-slope on the Loeme detachment. This history of gravity-driven extension is recorded in the post-rift sediments of Block 4. Extension commenced in the Albian in the east of the block and migrated westwards with time. In the west, the extension occurred mainly in the Miocene and generated allochthonous fault blocks or “rafts”, separated by deep grabens. The Miocene extension occurred in two main phases with contrasting slip vectors; in the early Miocene the extension vector was to the west, switching to southwest-directed extension in the late Miocene. Early Miocene faults and half-grabens trend north–south whereas late Miocene structures trend northwest–southeast. The contrast in slip vectors between these two phases emphasises the differences in driving mechanisms: the early Miocene faulting was driven by basinward tilting of the passive margin, but gravity loading due to sedimentary progradation is considered the main driver for the late Miocene extension. The geological evolution of the late Miocene grabens is consistent with southwest-directed extension due to southwest progradation of the Congo fan.High-resolution biostratigraphic data identifies the turbidite sands in Block 4 as early Miocene (17.5–15.5 Ma) and late Miocene (10.5–5.5 Ma) in age. Deposition of these sands occurred during the two main phases of gravity-driven extension. Conditions of low sedimentation rates relative to high fault displacement rates were prevalent in the early Miocene. Seafloor depressions were generated in the hangingwalls of the main extensional faults, ultimately leading to capture of the turbidity currents. Lower Miocene turbidite sand bodies therefore trend north–south, parallel to the active faults. Cross-faults and relay ramps created local topographic highs capable of deflecting turbidite flows within the half grabens. Flow-stripping of turbidity currents across these features caused preferential deposition of sands across, and adjacent to, the highs. Turbidite sands deposited in the early part of the late Miocene were influenced by both the old north–south fault trends and by the new northwest–southeast fault trends. By latest Miocene times turbidite channels crosscut the active northwest–southeast-trending faults. These latest Miocene faults had limited potential to capture turbidity currents because the associated hangingwall grabens were rapidly filled as pro-delta sediments of the Congo fan prograded across the area from the northeast.  相似文献   

During the latest Early Miocene a large drainage system developed in the Alpine-Carpathian Foreland transporting sediments through a prominent submarine canyon along the narrow corridor between the south-eastern Bohemian Massif and the Waschberg-Ždánice Unit. The canyon followed the Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep from Lower Austria towards the north and northeast into the Czech Republic. 3-D seismic data allow the mapping of this 600 m deep structure over a distance of 25 km and a width of 5 km. Despite its dimension, making it the largest submarine erosive and sedimentary structure of the Neogene Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep, this canyon has not been previously recognised. Herein, it is interpreted as shelf-indenting canyon that formed due to a combination of isostatic rebound along a terminating thrust front and sea-level change during the terminal Early Miocene.The canyon fill comprises reworked littoral deposits with a typical Early Miocene, tropical micro- and macrofauna. The exact timing of this refilling remains unclear. Smaller channel structures in surface outcrops, representing potential tributaries of the canyon, suggest a more or less synsedimentary filling soon after indention. Finally, the top part of the canyon was eroded around the Early/Middle Miocene boundary, probably related to a global 3rd order sea level drop, and caped by marine marls during the subsequent early Middle Miocene transgression. With the sudden onset of the subsidence of the Northern Vienna Basin during that time, the drainage system abruptly moved southward shedding its sediments into the newly opening Vienna Basin. This explains the rather abrupt abandonment of the huge canyon feature, whose fan deposits are unknown so far.  相似文献   

The petroleum system of the Kunsan Basin in the Northern South Yellow Sea Basin is not well known, compared to other continental rift basins in the Yellow Sea, despite its substantial hydrocarbon potential. Restoration of two depth-converted seismic profiles across the Central Subbasin in the southern Kunsan Basin shows that extension was interrupted by inversions in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene that created anticlinal structures. One-dimensional basin modeling of the IIH-1Xa well suggests that hydrocarbon expulsion in the northeastern margin of the depocenter of the Central Subbasin peaked in the Early Oligocene, predating the inversions. Hydrocarbon generation at the dummy well location in the depocenter of the subbasin began in the Late Paleocene. Most source rocks in the depocenter passed the main expulsion phase except for the shallowest source rocks. Hydrocarbons generated from the depocenter are likely to have migrated southward toward the anticlinal structure and faults away from the traps along the northern and northeastern margins of the depocenter because the basin-fill strata are dipping north. Faulting that continued during the rift phase (∼ Middle Miocene) of the subbasin probably acted as conduits for the escape of hydrocarbons. Thus, the anticlinal structure and associated faults to the south of the dummy well may trap hydrocarbons that have been charged from the shallow source rocks in the depocenter since the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

Xu  Junjie  Ren  Jianye  Luo  Pan 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2019,40(2):199-221

Gravitational collapse structures are commonly observed in shelf-margin deltas underlain by mobile shales. However, these structures are rarely accompanied by mud diapirs. This paper presents an updated study of the gravity-driven system in the West Luconia Deltas, a shelf-margin delta system, in the Kangxi Depression, southern South China Sea. Compared to the classical shale-detachment model, the syn-collapse deformation in the contractional domain in this study is accommodated mainly by thrust faults combined with mud diapirs rather than simply imbricated thrusts. Based on seismic interpretation and structural analysis, this gravity-driven system is divided into three domains, the extensional domain, the contractional domain and the transitional domain. All of these domains are intruded by mud diapirs. The quantitative analysis of the amounts of extension and contraction suggests that these structures mainly resulted from gravitational collapse rather than the tectonic compression. Quantification of the relative contributions of gravity spreading and gliding indicates that the gravitational collapse was mainly driven by gravity spreading. Two episodes of collapse are suggested by the analysis of the progradation of the West Luconia Deltas and the features of the syn-collapse structures. The first episode was minor and not accompanied by diapirism, whereas the second episode was major and accompanied by diapirism. The entire evolution of the GDS is divided into five stages: (1) the first episode of the gravitational collapse, lasted from the earliest Middle Miocene to the earliest Pliocene; (2) the deposition of an interval between the syn-collapse strata and the mobile shale, occurred in the Early Pliocene.; (3) the initiation of the second episode of the gravitational collapse, lasted from the Early Pliocene to the Late Pliocene; (4) the attenuation and basinward migration of the gravity-driven deformation, lasted from the Late Pliocene to the Early Pleistocene; and (5) the ending of the gravitational collapse, lasted from the Early Pleistocene to the present. The last four stages were accompanied by intensive diapirs which pierced the overlying strata and became targets for the hydrocarbon exploration.


Structural analysis of the Indian Merge 3D seismic survey identified three populations of normal faults within the Exmouth Sub-basin of the North West Shelf volcanic margin of Australia. They comprise (1) latest-Triassic to Middle Jurassic N-NNE-trending normal faults (Fault Population I); (2) Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous NE-trending normal faults (Fault Population II); and (3) latest-Triassic to Early Cretaceous N-NNE faults (Fault Population III). Quantitative evaluation of >100 faults demonstrates that fault displacement occurred during two time periods (210–163 and 145–138 Ma) separated by ∼20 Myr of tectonic quiescence. Latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (145–138 Ma) evolution comprises magmatic addition and contemporaneous domal uplift ∼70 km wide characterised by ≥ 900 m of denudation. The areally restricted subcircular uplift centred on the southern edge of the extended continental promontory of the southern Exmouth Sub-basin supports latest Jurassic mantle plume upwelling that initiated progradation of the Barrow Delta. This polyphase and bimodal structural evolution impacts current hydrocarbon exploration rationale by defining the nature of latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous fault nucleation and reactivation within the southern Exmouth Sub-basin.  相似文献   

利用海上钻井、地震等资料,重新认识南海珠江口盆地文昌B凹陷控凹边界南断裂构造变形史及动力学机制,探讨油气勘探意义。研究表明,渐新世—中新世,南断裂具有斜向伸展性质,在倾向剖面,断裂带发育挤压褶皱和破碎主位移带的构造样式;在走向剖面,相关地层呈"厚薄相间"分布。平面上,发育雁列式背斜与洼地共生、"马尾状"断裂体系和右阶斜列阶步断裂体系。斜向伸展动力学机制受控于区域伸展构造应力场与先存南断裂走向。南断裂渐新世—中新世斜向伸展变形,控制和影响了油气成藏要素、流体相态。  相似文献   

The East Sea (Japan Sea) is a semi-enclosed back-arc basin that is thought to preserve a significant record of tectonic evolution and paleo-climatic changes of Eastern Asia during the Neogene. We use here 2-D regional multi-channel seismic reflection profiles and borehole data from Expedition 346 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) to provide new constraints on the geological history of the Eastern South Korea Plateau (ESKP). The ESKP represents a structurally-complex basement high in the southwestern East Sea which formed during rifting of the back-arc basin. Our new observations show that the ESKP is composed of numerous horsts and grabens controlled by NE-trending normal faults. The acoustic basement is blanketed by Oligocene to recent sediments that have preferentially accumulated in topographic lows (up to 1.5 km thick) and have been cored during Expedition 346 at Site U1430 close to the southern margin of the ESKP. Seismic profiles in the ESKP reveal three units separated by regional unconformities. These seismic units closely correspond to IODP lithostratigraphic units defined at Site U1430, where biostratigraphic data can be used to constrain the timing of three main evolutionary stages of the ESKP. Stage 1 was related to rifting in the late Oligocene and middle Miocene, terminated by a regional uplift leading to an erosional phase in the middle Miocene. Stage 2 was associated with subsidence in the middle and late Miocene and uplift and accompanying erosion or non-deposition in the latest late Miocene. Stage 3 (Pliocene to present) recorded overall uniform hemipelagic-pelagic subsidence of the ESKP with short-lived tectonically-induced uplifts in the late middle Miocene and latest Miocene-early Pliocene. The three stages of evolution of the ESKP closely correlate to sedimentary changes since the Oligocene and suggest a direct control of regional/local tectonics on sedimentation patterns in the southwestern East Sea, with secondary influence of regional climatic and paleo-oceanographic processes.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the structural development of the Gunsan Basin in the central Yellow Sea, based on multi-channel seismic reflection profiles and exploratory well data. The basin comprises three depressions (the western, central, and eastern subbasins) filled with a thick (ca. 6000 m) Cretaceous to Paleogene nonmarine succession. It was initiated in the early Cretaceous due to intracontinental extension caused by oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate under the Eurasian plate and sinistral movement of the Tan-Lu fault. The basin appears to have undergone transtension in the late Cretaceous–Eocene, caused by dextral movement of the Tan-Lu and its branching faults. The transtension was accommodated by oblique intra-basinal normal faults and strike-slip (or oblique-slip) movement of a NE-trending bounding fault in the northern margin of the central subbasin. The entire basin was deformed (NE–SW contraction) in the Oligocene when tectonic inversion occurred, possibly due to the changes in strike-slip motion, from right- to left-lateral, of the Tan-Lu fault. During the early Miocene, extension resumed by reactivation of the pre-existing normal and transpressional faults. A combination of extension, uplift, and erosion resulted in differential preservation of the early Miocene succession. At the end of the early Miocene, extension ceased with mild contraction and then the basin thermally subsided with ensued rise in sea level.  相似文献   

The interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic reflection data complemented with gravity data allows the crustal architecture of the deepwater west Niger Delta passive margin to be defined. The data show that the area is underlain by oceanic crust that is characterised by a thickness of 5–7 km and by internal reflectivity consisting of both dipping and sub-horizontal reflectors. Some of the dipping reflections can be traced up to the top of the basement where they offset it across a series of minor to major thrust faults. Other internal reflections are attributed to extensional shear zones and possibly due to intrusions in the lower crust. The Moho can be correlated as a discrete reflection over >70% of the study area. It is generally smooth, but localised relief of up to 1 km is observed. The southeastern part of the study area is dominated by a zone of SW–NE striking basement thrusts.  相似文献   

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