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In the Castle Creek study area, a vertically dipping, 2.5 km-thick succession of basin-floor to base-of-slope Neoproterozoic rocks are superbly exposed. In part of that outcrop, inner-bend (point-bar) deposits of sharp-based, laterally accreting sinuous channels are exposed, of which one is described in detail (Isaac Channel unit 2.2—IC2.2). IC2.2 is up to 13 m thick and extends laterally for at least 400 m. Lateral-accretion deposits, or simply lateral accretion deposits (LADs), are inclined at 7–12° toward the channel base and are about 120–140 m long. Grain size changes little obliquely upward along an individual LAD, or vertically upward through the channel-fill. LADs consist of two repeating and interstratified kinds: coarse-grained LADs consisting of strata up to granule conglomerate, and fine-grained LADs composed of thin- to medium-bedded finer-grained turbidites. In the lower part of the channel-fill, strata consist only of amalgamated coarse-grained LADs composed of decimetre-thick beds composed of very coarse sandstone/granule conglomerate that grade upward to medium sandstone. Tractional sedimentary structures are absent and fine-grained strata, specifically mudstone, occur only as isolated patches of intraclast breccia. In the upper part of the channel-fill, however, LADs consist of a rhythmic interfingering of coarse- and fine-grained LADs. Coarse-grained LADs consist of 2–3 bed-thick packages that are separated and then pinch-out rapidly into fine-grained LADs. Close to their up-dip pinch-out these coarse strata consist commonly of poorly sorted, ungraded very coarse sandstone/granule conglomerate overlain abruptly by planar-laminated or medium-scale (dune) cross-stratified, medium-grained sandstone. Fine-grained LADs are composed of mudstone interbedded with thin- and medium-bedded Tbcd and Tcd turbidites that obliquely downward and become truncated as the super- and subjacent coarse-grained LADs amalgamate.The rhythmic intercalation of coarse- and fine-grained LADs is interpreted to be related to temporal changes in the nature of sediment deposition along the point-bar of a deep-marine sinuous channel. Following failure along the cut-bank margin (outer bend), deposition of coarse-grained sediment on the point-bar (inner bend) occurred in order to re-establish an equilibrium channel geometry, and thereby equilibrium sediment transport conditions (i.e. sediment bypass). Once equilibrium was re-established deposition of finer, thinner-bedded strata of the succeeding fine LAD resumed. These strata represent deposition from the dilute tail region of flows that for the most part had already transited that particular channel bend and transported the bulk of its coarse sediment further down-dip. This history of alternating coarse and fine-grained sedimentation was repeated several times in the channel bend as it migrated laterally. Moreover, in coarse LADs, the restricted occurrence of tractional sedimentary structures close to their up-dip pinch-out suggests that although suspension deposition may have dominated over much of the lateral accretion surface, it was succeeded, at least on the upper part of the lateral accretion surface, by sediment reworking and bed-load transport, possibly related to elevated turbulent stresses caused by mixing along the sharp density interface in a strongly stratified turbulent flow.Although seemingly similar to LADs reported from fluvial point-bars, deep-marine LADs of the Windermere exhibit many important differences. Some of these differences are likely related to the differences in the mode of sand (and coarser) sediment transport in deep-marine versus non-marine environments, specifically, suspension versus bed load, respectively. In addition, fundamental differences in the flow structure between subaqueous suspension currents and open-channel flows most probably exert an additional first-order control contributing to these differences.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the Upper Miocene Upper Mount Messenger Formation, Taranaki Basin, to characterize its architecture and interpret its environmental evolution. Analysis of stratal architecture, lithofacies distributions, and paleotransport directions over the 250 m thick formation shows the outcrops provide a nearly dip parallel section displaying the lateral relationships between contemporaneous channel-levee and overbank depositional environments. At least five 30–40 m thick upward fining units are recognized in the north-central parts of the outcrop and are interpreted as large-scale overbank avulsion cycles. Each unit consists of thick- to medium-bedded predominantly planar laminated sandstone turbidites at the base that fine upward into thin- to very thin-bedded, planar laminated and ripple cross-laminated mud-rich turbidites. The units are traceable laterally over a distance exceeding 3 km where they are cut by channels that show basal mudstone draped by medium- to thin-bedded sandstone, and onlapped by thick-bedded planar laminated sandstone at the margin. The channels are separated by tapered packages of medium- to thin-bedded turbidites containing climbing-ripple cross-lamination interpreted as levees. The individual channel-levee and overbank avulsion cycles formed through four stages: 1) a channel avulsion spread sand into the overbank as an unconfined splay, 2) preferential scouring in one area of the splay led to development of a channel with small levees that prograded across the splay, 3) a deep incision followed by abandonment of the channel deposited a mud lining. Alternatively, the mud lining was formed during the first stage as the downdip portion of the channel was abandoned. 4) The channel filled at first by thick-bedded planar laminated and then by climbing-ripple cross-laminated sand. At this time, the growth of constructional levees progressively limited sand into the overbank. Ratios of Bouma division thicknesses calculated over a stratigraphic interval present a new method to distinguish deep-water depositional environments.  相似文献   

The Ebro Fan System consists of en echelon channel-levee complexes, 50×20 km in area and 200-m thick. A few strong reflectors in a generally transparent seismic facies identify the sand-rich channel floors and levee crests. Numerous continuous acoustic reflectors characterize overbank turbidites and hemipelagites that blanket abandoned channel-levee complexes. The interlobe areas between channel complexes fill with homogeneous mud and sand from mass flow and overbank deposition; these exhibit a transparent seismic character. The steep continental rise and sediment “drainage” of Valencia Trough at the end of the channel-levee complexes prevent the development of distributary channels and midfan lobe deposits.  相似文献   

The Ebro Fan System consists of en echelon channel-levee complexes, 50×20 km in area and 200-m thick. A few strong reflectors in a generally transparent seismic facies identify the sand-rich channel floors and levee crests. Numerous continuous acoustic reflectors characterize overbank turbidites and hemipelagites that blanket abandoned channel-levee complexes. The interlobe areas between channel complexes fill with homogeneous mud and sand from mass flow and overbank deposition; these exhibit a transparent seismic character. The steep continental rise and sediment “drainage” of Valencia Trough at the end of the channel-levee complexes prevent the development of distributary channels and midfan lobe deposits. Margin setting represents fan and/or source area  相似文献   

High-resolution multichannel 2-D and 3-D seismic data, primarily from upper fan reaches of near-seafloor channel-levee systems on the Niger Delta slope and in the Arabian Sea, reveal a high level of detail and architectural complexity. Several architectural elements are common to each system examined in this study. They include inner levees, outer levees, erosional fairways, channel-axis deposits, rotational slumps blocks, and mass transport deposits. Although the scale of individual systems varies significantly, similarities in first-order architectural elements and their configurations suggest that common depositional processes are involved regardless of scale differences.Most of the channel-levee systems examined in this study are characterized by a basal erosional fairway that is bordered by outer levees of varying thickness. Together these elements define the base and margins of the channel-belt, where channel-axis deposits and inner levees are the dominant architectural elements. Vertical, sub-vertical, and lateral stacking patterns of sinuous and/or meandering channels create seismic facies that range from narrow to wide zones of high amplitude reflections (HARs) with chaotic to continuous and shingled to horizontal reflections. Some HARs appear as isolated or stacked asymmetric to symmetric u- and v-shaped reflections, referred to here as channel-forms. Channel-belts evolve within the confines of the scalloped erosional fairway walls (flanked by outer levee), and are similar in morphology to meander-belts in fluvial systems, but commonly have a greater component of vertical aggradation. Detailed study of one particular channel-levee system on the Niger Delta slope shows a period of incision followed by three distinct phases of channel development during its aggradational history. Each fill phase corresponds to a different channel stacking architecture, planform geometry, and nature of terrace development, with important implications for reservoir architecture. In some cases, multiple phases of inner levee growth are observed, each intimately linked to the channel migration and aggradation history. Channel sinuosity evolves dynamically, with some meander loops undergoing periods of accelerated meander growth at the same time that others show little lateral migration.  相似文献   

The Mississippi Fan is a large, mud-dominated submarine fan over 4 km thick, deposited in the deep Gulf of Mexico during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene. Analysis of 19,000 km of multifold seismic data defined 17 seismic sequences, each characterized by channel, levee, and associated overbank deposits, as well as mass transport deposits. At the base of nine sequences are a series of seismic facies consisting of mounded, hummocky, chaotic, and subparallel reflections, which constitute 10–20% of the sediments in each the sequences. These facies are externally mounded and occur in two general regions of the fan: (1) in the upper and middle fan they are elongate in shape and mimic the channel's distribution; (2) in the middle fan to lower fan they are characterized by a fan-shaped distribution, increasing in width downfan. These facies are interpreted to have formed as disorganized slides, debris flows, and turbidites (informally called “mass transport complexes”). Overlying this basal interval, characteristic of all sequences, are well-developed channel-levee systems that constitute 80–90% of the fan's sediments. Channels consist of high amplitude, subparallel reflections, whereas the flanking levee sediments appear as subparallel reflections that have high amplitudes at the base changing upward to low amplitude. The vertical change in amplitude may reflect a decrease in grain size and bed thicknesses. Overbank sediments are characterized by interbedded subparallel to hummocky and mounded reflections, suggesting both turbidites from the channel, as well as slides and debris flows derived both locally and from the slope updip.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous Tres Pasos Formation of southern Chile records a slope system characterized by >800 m of paleo-bathymetric relief. Channel deposits are exposed in an outcrop 2.5 km long by 125 m thick and are located in proximity to the toe of a slope clinoform. Exquisite exposures of channel strata offer a unique opportunity for high-resolution analyses of channel stacking patterns and provide insight into the evolution of conduits that transport sediment from continents to the deep ocean.Eighteen slope channels, or channel elements, are present in the strata studied. They are 6–15 m thick and comprised of stacked turbiditic sedimentation units. Channel fills are characterized by a gradational transition from amalgamated sandstone-rich facies in the channel axes to thinly interbedded sandstone and siltstone at the channel margins over distances of 10–30 m. These elements are generally considered to be ∼300 m wide and were formed by punctuated periods of incision and sedimentary bypass, followed by in-filling by collapsing turbidity currents. Out-of-channel deposits consist primarily of fine-grained facies, which are typically covered by vegetation in the study area.The channel strata of the mapped portion of the Tres Pasos Formation can be grouped into three channel complexes 25–70 m thick. Complexes are differentiated based on the preservation of siltstone-dominated deposits (bypass drapes and channel margin), which persist across the entire outcrop belt and coincide with shifts in channel stacking pattern. The oldest four channel elements (channel complex 1) are characterized by the highest lateral offsets, relative to one another. These are interpreted to record the most unconfined channel-stacking pattern present. As the channel system evolved (channel complexes 2 and 3), channel elements began to stack on top of one another, due to the increased confinement imparted on the slope channel system. The amount of vertical offset between successive channel elements preserves the record of channel aggradation as well as erosional degradation. The greatest vertical offset observed is associated with the oldest channels; as the system matured, vertical offset decreased. This decrease in vertical offset is coincident with the decrease in lateral offset of channels. The lateral offset decrease is attributed to establishment of constructional confinement and is the consequence of increased focusing of successive channel-initiating gravity flows. As confinement establishes, channels are predisposed toward underfilled conditions upon abandonment. The capture of channel-initiating currents along channel abandonment relief fairways focused incision and resulted in increased erosion and decreased vertical offset. The consequence of these conditions is an upward increase in channel element amalgamation.The organized stacking of slope channels observed in the Tres Pasos Formation is comparable to that of seismically imaged channel-levee or entrenched slope valley systems. By analogy to these 3-dimentionally constrained systems, a portion of the poorly exposed out-of-channel facies in the Tres Pasos Formation is attributed to aggradational internal levee deposits. The facies insight derived from the studied outcrop provides insight into analogous hydrocarbon-bearing units from numerous continental margins.  相似文献   

We present a series of experiments that investigate the morphology of sediment deposits within sinuous submarine channels of different sinuosity (S = 1.14–1.94) and planform (symmetric and asymmetric bends), generated by bedload-dominated turbidity current flows. Flows were generated by releasing dense saline gravity currents over a mobile sediment bed through pre-formed sinuous channels. Flows had a basal-outwards helicity and produced a characteristic bed morphology with point bars downstream of the bend apex at the inside of bends and scour at the outside of bends. An increasing loss of fluid through overspill with increasing channel sinuosity results in a decreasing magnitude of cross-stream velocity downstream, a decreasing amount of erosion and deposition, and decreasing transverse slopes of in-channel deposits. Basal fluid from within the channel is transported over the outer-levee at bends, implying that proximal outer-bend levee deposits will have similar sediment composition to that within the channel. More deposition of coarse material might be expected on levees and in overbank regions close to higher amplitude bends. No simple relationship was observed between superelevation and sinuosity, probably due to changes in the relative influences of downstream velocity and bend curvature on centrifugal force and inertial run-up. In the channel with the tightest initial bend curvature, overspill fluid from Bend 1 re-entered the channel at Bend 2, dominating flow characteristics and disrupting the basal-outwards helicity observed in the other channels. Higher sinuosity channels and those with shallow regional and levee slopes are thus more likely to have a higher proportion of anomalous flow and sedimentation patterns due to the influence of overspill fluid re-entry into the channel. The results of this investigation are combined with published observations to enable the synthesis of a new model for sedimentation in sinuous submarine channels.  相似文献   

Sinuous deep-water channels display a wide range of geometries and internal architectures. Most modern examples have been documented from large passive-margin fans, supplied by major rivers carrying huge volumes of dominantly fine-grained sediments, e.g. Amazon, Mississippi, Zaire, Bengal, Indus, Rhône and Nile Fans. However, similar examples have also been documented from tectonically active margins, e.g. Magdalena Fan. In most cases, modern sinuous channels comprise the core element of laterally extensive channel–levee systems that often aggrade significantly above a low-gradient (0.1–0.5°) fan surface; individual channels may extend downslope for 100s of kilometres. Typically, channels are subject to frequent avulsions, with only one channel active at any given time. Present highstand conditions have ensured that activity in many modern sinuous channels is much reduced due to the disconnect between fluvial feeder system and canyon head, and some have even been heavily modified or destroyed by major mass-transport deposits. Exceptions include Zaire Fan, where recent activity has provided useful insights into flow processes.The majority of detailed studies relating to sinuous channels in the subsurface originate from offshore west Africa, where channels typically occur within incisional (confined) slope–channel complexes and often represent the latter stages of channel complex fill. Both dominantly aggradational and laterally migrating styles are recognised, while modern seafloor channels in this region display a similar incisional character, e.g. Cap Timiris Canyon. Morphologic expression of sinuosity is harder to recognise at outcrop, but there are an increasing number of documented examples of lateral accretion deposits, representing point-bar growth, that are currently thought to be diagnostic of sinuous channel forms. Sinuous channel lateral migration, and point-bar growth, appears to be driven by sustained flow of fluvial-sourced (probably hyperpycnal) low-density turbidity currents, although there does appear to be variation in energy conditions, with some outcrop examples showing switches in erosive and depositional phases of activity.Previous studies have frequently focussed on the obvious gross planform morphologic similarities between fluvial and deep-water sinuous channels, e.g. nature of sinuosity, presence of point bars and cut-off loops. However, we suggest here that the differences between submarine and river channels are of greater significance, in terms of geometry, flow processes, migration style and deposit character. Sinuous deep-water channels typically form initially by a moderate amount of incision followed by rapid initial bend growth (associated with bypass of sediment). Channels that show significant aggradation then reach a point where there is a near cessation of planform movement (ossification), and growth is dominated by vertical aggradation. A new process model is proposed for this developmental sequence that synthesises observations and experiments that were previously paradoxical.  相似文献   

The seismic geomorphology and seismic stratigraphy of a deep-marine channel-levee system is described. A moderate to high-sinuosity channel trending southeastward across the northeastern Gulf of Mexico basin floor, and associated depositional elements are well imaged using conventional 3D multi-channel seismic reflection data. Depositional elements described include channels, associated levees, a channel belt, avulsion channels, levee crevasses, frontal splays, sediment waves, and mass transport complexes. Distinguishing morphologic and stratigraphic characteristics of each depositional element are discussed. These deposits are presumed to be associated with repeated deep-marine turbidity flows and other mass transport processes.  相似文献   

The Middle to Upper Jurassic Todagin assemblage in northwestern British Columbia, Canada, was deposited in the Bowser Basin above arc-related rocks of the Stikine terrane. Sedimentary structures indicate that a variety of gravity flow processes were involved in transport and deposition in deep-water slope environments. At Mount Dilworth, laterally continuous and channelized turbidites are interbedded with and overlain by mass-transport deposits in which sedimentary clasts are supported in a mudstone matrix. More than 50% of the succession consists of mass-transport deposits, indicating significant slope instability. A 300 m thick mass-transport complex exposed near the top of the succession is interpreted to result from tectonic activity, which triggered a major change in sediment supply from a local source area. At Todagin Mountain, a channel complex displays three successive channel-fills with associated overbank sedimentation units. Mass-transport deposits are rare, and confined to channel axes. Channels 1 and 2 are characterized by 40-50 m thick, ungraded pebble clast-supported conglomerate while the uppermost Channel 3 contains graded beds and occasional traction structures. The gradual change from erosive and amalgamated channel deposits at the base, to more aggradational channels at the top, is related to elevation of the equilibrium profile. Creation of accommodation favored aggradation on the mud-dominated slope succession and construction of well-developed channel-levee systems. The vertical succession exposed at Todagin Mountain is consistent with normal progradation of the slope under high sedimentation rates. In the Mount Dilworth area, extensional faulting associated with development of the restricted Eskay rift in the early Middle Jurassic produced a dissected basement above which the Todagin assemblage was deposited. These structures were inverted during collision of the Stikine and Cache Creek terranes, and likely played a major role in the stratigraphic evolution of the deep-water architectures.  相似文献   

DSDP Leg 96 drilled four sites in a channel-levee-overbank system on the Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico, approximately 300 km from the present Mississippi River Delta in water depths of about 2500 m (Sites 617, 620, 621 and 622). Apart from the uppermost 20–25 cm of Holocene marly foraminiferal ooze in most of the drilled sites, the entire cored intervals are in the Pleistocene Ericson Y Zone. Eight sedimentary facies are recognized: (1) biogenic oozes and muddy oozes; (2) calcareous muds; (3) clays and muds; (4) silty muds and muddy silts; (5) silt-laminated muds; (6) silts and sands; (7) muddy gravels and pebbly muds, and (8) gravels. Sediment accumulation rates on this part of the fan during the Wisconsin glaciation were as much as 11 m/1000 yrs, although most of the sediments probably accumulated from discrete, geologically instantaneous events. Site 621 and Site 622 are located within a prominent channel, Site 617 on an adjacent levee, and Site 620 in overbank deposits approximately 18 km northeast from the channel sites. In this part of the fan, there is one prominent high sinuosity channel, asymmetric in cross section and flanked by levees with probable ridge-and-swale topography. Near these drill sites, the channel width is 3–4 km and its bathymetric relief ranges from 25–45 m. Downfan, the dimensions of the channel decrease. Site 617 (to 191.2 m sub-bottom) and Site 620 (to 422.7 m sub-bottom) mainly comprise fine-grained, thin-bedded turbidites, with Site 617 tending to be slightly coarser grained and showing considerably more evidence of wet-sediment deformation. Site 621 (to 214.8 m sub-bottom), in the channel axis near the deepest part of a meander, contains mainly muds with a downhole increase in the silt content above 195 m sub-bottom, where pebbly muds overlie clean gravel that was obviously washed during core-retrieval and probably was a sandy gravel or gravelly sand. Site 622 (to 208 m sub-bottom) shows similar lithologies to Site 621 although the sediments generally contain more silt, and towards the base of the hole become thoroughly laminated silts and sandy silts: pebbles within muds and silts occur at 199 m sub-bottom. Based on overall grain size trends over tens of metres, the channel sites show ill-defined fining-upward sequences, whereas the levee and overbank sites show coarsening-upward sequences, although the upper part of Site 617 is a fining-upward sequence. Biogenic components of sediments at the channel sites are dominated by shallow-water benthic foraminifera derived from the continental shelf, with the coarser grained clastic intervals containing reworked late Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria from the Upper Mississippi River Valley. The levee and overbank sites have a larger percentage of Quaternary radiolaria, pelagic algal cysts, and more planktonic foraminifera than the channel sites. Seismic reflection profiles across this most recent fan channel show high-amplitude reflectors in the lower part of the channel fill, thought to correspond to the coarsest grained channel lag deposits. Isopach maps show that the lag deposits are up to 6.5 km wide, slightly more than 200 m thick, and that the northernmost meander belt has migrated about 2 km laterally, 1.2 km downfan, and has climbed 175 m stratigraphically (Kastens and Shor, 1985; Sterling et al., 1985). Evolution of the meander belt shows features common to point-bar migration in high sinuosity fluviatile systems. While the location of Sites 617, 620, 621 and 622 have been drilled within a middle fan environment, the width/depth ratios and the fact that this channel is a single conduit in this part of the fan, perhaps suggest a more appropriate comparison with many inner or upper fan environments that have been described in the literature.  相似文献   

Two scales of levee confinement are commonly recognised from submarine channel-levee systems on the seafloor and in the subsurface. Large-scale external levees bound the entire system whilst smaller-scale internal levees bound individual thalweg channels within the channel-belt. Although thin beds are commonly identified in core and well logs, their origin, and consequently their stratigraphic significance is currently poorly understood. This knowledge gap stems, in part, from the lack of unambiguously identified outcrop analogues of channel-levees, and in particular the lack of identifiable internal and external levees. Here we report from two exhumed channel-levee systems where both scales of confinement can be recognised: the Rosario Fm. of Baja California, and the Fort Brown Fm. of South Africa. A suite of characteristic sedimentary features are recognised from internal and external levees respectively: internal levees are characterised by structures indicative of complexity in the waxing-waning style of overspill, interactions with topography and flow magnitude variability; in contrast, external levees are characterised by structures indicative of simple surge-like waning flows, relatively uniform flow directions, laterally extensive beds, and a lack of erosive events. Using these observations, together with published literature, we propose a simple nomenclatural scheme for levee sub-environments, and criteria to differentiate between levee sub-environments in core or outcrop.  相似文献   

The Pab Formation consists of deltaic and turbiditic sediments which were deposited during the Late Maastrichtian on the Indo-Pakistani passive margin. The margin geometry has been restored in the Pab Range from a regional transect 120 km long. Two superposed turbiditic systems onlap the slope carbonates and completely pinch-out southward. The lowest turbiditic system (Lower Pab) is a sand-rich basin floor fan, which consists of sand-rich channel complexes distally passing to lobes northward. This basin floor fan is overlain by a mud-rich slope fan formed during the subsequent sea-level rise, which drowned the shelf. The upper turbiditic system (Upper Pab) is a sand-rich slope fan, formed during the progradation of a deltaic system in the shelf setting. It consists of prograding tabular lobes passing upward to conglomeratic channels, and thins out northwards. The Lower Pab turbiditic system consists of three channel complexes (LP1, 2, 3) organised in a backstepping succession. Each channel complex has a multi-storey internal architecture, resulting from the amalgamation of several individual turbiditic channels. Five major facies associations have been determined in the LP3 channel complex. FA-1 corresponds to polygenic and monogenic debris-flows, FA-2 to high-density gravelly or sandy turbidites, FA-3 to by-pass deposits, FA-4 to thin-bedded turbidites (spill-over lobes and levees) and FA-5 to hemipelagites. The downstream evolution of the LP3 channel complex can be studied from canyon to mid-fan settings. Where it is confined in the canyon, the channel complex is 50 m thick and 1 km large, and shows a high sand/shale ratio. The development of overflow deposits is limited and occurs only at the top of the channel complex. At the canyon mouth, the channel complex is still deeply incised but overflow deposits start to expand laterally as a result of the decreased confinement. By-pass facies here are well-developed, and are related to hydraulic jump processes. In the mid-fan setting, the channel complex widens and the sand/shale ratio decreases. Erosion at the channel base is less developed, whereas internal and external levees are well-developed. Spill-over lobes form the last stage of the channel complex infill. The internal geometry of the channel complexes is a result of a complex interaction between lateral confinement, by-pass and lateral migration processes.  相似文献   

The ˜4000 m thick and ∼20 Myr deep-water sedimentary fill of the Upper Cretaceous Magallanes Basin was deposited in three major phases, each with contrasting stratigraphic architecture: (1) the oldest deep-water formation (Punta Barrosa Formation) comprises tabular to slightly lenticular packages of interbedded sandy turbidites, slurry-flow deposits, and siltstone that are interpreted to record lobe deposition in an unconfined to weakly ponded setting; (2) the overlying, 2500 m thick and shale-dominated Cerro Toro Formation includes a succession of stacked conglomeratic and sandstone channel-fill deposits with associated finer-grained overbank deposits interpreted to record deposition in a foredeep-axial channel-levee system; (3) the final phase of deep-water sedimentation is characterized by sandstone-rich successions of highly variable thickness and cross-sectional geometry and mudstone-rich mass transport deposits (MTDs) that are interpreted to record deposition at the base-of-slope and lower slope segments of a prograding delta-fed slope system. The deep-water formations are capped by shallow-marine and deltaic deposits of the Dorotea Formation.These architectural changes are associated with the combined influences of tectonically driven changes and intrinsic evolution, including: (1) the variability of amount and type of source material, (2) variations in basin shape through time, and (3) evolution of the fill as a function of prograding systems filling the deep-water accommodation. While the expression of these controls in the stratigraphic architecture of other deep-water successions might differ in detail, the controls themselves are common to all deep-water basins. Information about source material and basin shape is contained within the detrital record and, when integrated and analyzed within the context of stratigraphic patterns, attains a more robust linkage of processes to products than stratigraphic characterization alone.  相似文献   

The Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphic record of the Peri-Adriatic basin (eastern central Italy) is well exposed along the uplifted western margin of the basin and consists of a series of coarse-grained slope canyon fills encased in a thick succession of hemipelagic mudstones. This study deals with the detailed sedimentology, stratal architecture, and sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of two of these submarine canyon-fills (namely CMC1 and CMC2) exposed at Colle Montarone. These strata contain widespread evidence of gravity-driven sedimentation processes, with high- and low-density turbidity currents, slumps and cohesive debris flows being responsible for most of the sediment transport and deposition. Beds are organised into four recurrent lithofacies, each corresponding to a specific deep-water depositional element: (i) clast-supported conglomerates (channel complexes); (ii) thin-bedded sandstones and mudstones (levee-overbank); (iii) very thinly-bedded mudstones (tributary channels); (iv) pebbly mudstones and chaotically bedded mudstones (mass-transport complexes).  相似文献   

Quantifying the characteristics of the turbidity currents that are responsible for the erosion, lateral migration and filling of submarine channels maybe useful for predicting the distribution of lithofacies in channel fill and levee reservoirs. This paper uses data from a well-studied submarine channel in Amazon Fan in an attempt to reconstruct the velocity, thickness, concentration, duration, recurrence rates and vertical structure of turbidity currents in this long sinuous channel. Estimates of flow conditions are derived from the morphology of the channels and the characteristics of the deposits within them. In particular, the availability of information on the sediment distribution with respect to the channel topography at the time of deposition allows for insights into the vertical structure of the flow, a key property that has been so far poorly understood. Integration of flow constraints from well and seismic data or from detailed analysis of outcrop with numerical flow models is a critical step toward a complete understanding of the flow and associated deposits. Turbidity currents in sinuous submarine channels, exemplified by Amazon Channel, are found to last for tens of hours and occur on a regular, quasi-annual basis. Model results suggest that these flows had, on average, velocities ranging from 2 to 4 m/s in the canyon/upper fan which decreased to 0.5–1 m/s in the lower fan, travelling in excess of 800 km. The model turbidity currents were subcritical over most of the channel length, indicating a low degree of water entrainment and low rate of deceleration down the channel. The formation of such long, sinuous channels is intrinsically associated with frequent, long-duration, subcritical turbidity currents carrying a silt-dominated sediment load.  相似文献   

Six submarine slope canyons in an area of the northwestern Mediterranean, offshore from the Ebro River and Delta, were surveyed with bathymetric swathmapping (SeaBeam) and mid-range side-looking sonar (SeaMARC I). All of the canyons have slightly winding paths with concave-upwards gradients that are relatively steep shallower than 1,200 m. Two major types of canyons are identified on the basis of their morphologic character at the base of the slope; Type-I canyons lead to an unchannelled base-of-slope deposit and Type-II canyons are continuous with channel-levee systems that cross the rise.Four Type-I canyons were surveyed in the area. Two of these are broad, U-shaped, steep (average gradients of 1:14), do not indent the shelf, and terminate downslope at debris-flow deposits. These two canyons, the most northern in the area, have rounded heads with extensive gullies separated by knife-edge ridges. Relief of the canyon walls is about equal on both sides of the canyons, although the right-hand walls (looking downslope) are generally steeper. The other two Type-I canyons in the area are similar in that they do not indent the shelf, but they are much smaller and shallower and coalesce before terminating in the base-of-slope region. The two Type-II canyons that feed leveed-channels are U-shaped with flatter floors, longer profiles and gentler gradients than Type-I canyons. They are closer to the Valencia Valley and have relatively small cross-sectional areas.We propose a four-stage evolutionary sequence to explain the development of the canyons observed in this section on the prograding Ebro margin. During the initial stage, slumping and erosion on the slope creates a network of small gullies. During the next stage, headward growth of one (or more) gully leads to a major indentation of the shelf. This is the critical factor for developing a channel that will incise the slope and provide a major conduit for moving sediment to the basin. Stage 3 is characterized by the development of a continuous channel accompanied by levee growth across the lobe. In the final stage, the channel-levee system becomes inactive either through destruction by mass wasting, infilling of the channel, or loss of the major sediment source.  相似文献   

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