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Cenozoic eastward migration of the Caribbean plate relative to the South American plate is recorded by an 1100-km-long Venezuela-Trinidad foreland basin which is oldest in western Venezuela (65-55 Ma), of intermediate age in eastern Venezuela (34-20 Ma) and youngest beneath the shelf and slope area of eastern offshore Trinidad (submarine Columbus basin, 15.0 Ma-Recent). In this study of the regional structure, fault families, and chronology of faulting and tectonic events affecting the hydrocarbon-rich Columbus foreland basin of eastern offshore Trinidad, we have integrated approximately 775 km of deep-penetration 2D seismic lines acquired by the 2004 Broadband Ocean-Land Investigations of Venezuela and the Antilles arc Region (BOLIVAR) survey, 325 km of vintage GULFREX seismic data collected by Gulf Oil Company in 1974, and published industry well data that can be tied to some of the seismic reflection lines. Top Cretaceous depth structure maps in the Columbus basin made from integration of all available seismic and well data define for the first time the elongate subsurface geometry of the 11-15 km thick and highly asymmetrical middle Miocene-Recent depocenter of the Columbus basin. The main depocenter located 150-200 km east of Trinidad and now the object of deepwater hydrocarbon exploration is completely filled by shelf and deepwater sediments derived mainly from the Orinoco delta. The submarine Darien ridge exhibits moderate (20-140 m) seafloor relief, forms the steep (12°-24°), northern structural boundary of the Columbus basin, and is known from industry wells to be composed of 0.5-4.5 km thick, folded and thrust-imbricated, hydrocarbon-bearing section of Cretaceous and early Tertiary limestones and clastic rocks. The eastern and southern boundaries of the basin are formed by the gently (1.7°-4.5°), northward-dipping Cretaceous-Paleogene passive margin of South America that is in turn underlain by Precambrian rocks of the Guyana shield.Interpretation of seismic sections tied to wells reveals the following fault chronology: (1) middle Miocene thrusting along the Darien ridge related to highly oblique convergence between the Caribbean plate and the passive margin of northern South America; continuing thrusting and transpression in an oblique foreland basin setting through the early Pleistocene; (2) early Pliocene-recent low-angle normal faults along the top of the Cretaceous passive margin; these faults were triggered by oversteepening related to formation of the downdip, structurally and bathymetrically deeper, and more seaward Columbus basin; large transfer faults with dominantly strike-slip displacements connect gravity-driven normal faults that cluster near the modern shelf-slope break and trend in the downslope direction; to the south no normal faults are present because the top Cretaceous horizon has not been oversteepened as it is adjacent to the foreland basin; (3) early Pliocene-Recent strike-slip faults parallel the trend of the Darien ridge and accommodate present-day plate motions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new structural-stratigraphic approach to constrain the reservoir potential of the middle Miocene turbidite systems within the Monagas Fold-Thrust Belt (MFTB) and Maturín Sub-Basin (MSB) of eastern Venezuela. In the frontal anticline structures of the MFTB (Amarilis Area) light hydrocarbons have been produced from these turbidite systems which were deposited in a foreland basin with a complex tectonostratigraphic evolution.In order to predict the location of other analogous reservoirs we used the structural model presented in Part I (Parra et al., 2010) to developed a palaeo-topographic reconstruction at early-middle Miocene. We have then used this reconstruction to constrain the palaeogeography of the middle Miocene foredeep where the turbidites were deposited. The area considered has 5000 km2.By middle Miocene four regions are identified: 1) The southern basin margin dipped 1.5-2.5° north; 2) The foredeep axis had a southwest-northeast orientation. Within the foredeep the proto-structures of the MFTB created submerged highs that control the distribution of sediments; 3) The northern basin margin dipped 3-4° south; the coastline was controlled by the Pirital thrust sheet; 4) The main source of sediments was located towards the northwest on the Pirital thrust sheet and Serranía del Interior.Variations in shortening across the strike of the Pirital thrust were accommodated by a lateral ramp which controlled the location of a valley that acted as the main sediment pathway for the sediments that fed the turbidite system. This relationship between the thrust belt geomorphology and the location of turbidite sediment within the foredeep must be considered in order to assess the distribution of the Miocene turbidite reservoirs.  相似文献   

Using a mega-regional dataset that includes over 20,000 km of on- and offshore 2D seismic lines and 12 wells, we illustrate three different stages of fault formation and basin evolution in the Caribbean arc-South American continent collisional zone. Transpressional deformation associated with oblique collision of the Caribbean arc migrates diachronously over a distance of ∼1500 km from western Venezuela in Paleogene time (∼57 Ma) to a zone of active deformation in the eastern offshore Trinidad area. Each diachronous stage of pre-, syn-, and post-collisional basin formation is accompanied by distinct patterns of fault families. We use subsidence histories from wells to link patterns of long-term basinal subsidence to periods of activity of the fault families.

Stage one of arc-continent collision

Initial collision is characterized by overthrusting of the south- and southeastward-facing Caribbean arc and forearc terranes onto the northward-subducting Mesozoic passive margin of northern South America. Northward flexure of the South American craton produces a foreland basin between the thrust front and the downward-flexed continental crust that is initially filled by clastic sediments shed both from the colliding arc and cratonic areas to the south. As the collision extends eastward towards Trinidad, this same process continues with progressively younger foreland basins formed to the east. On the overthrusting Caribbean arc and forearc terranes, north-south rifting adjacent to the collision zone initiates and is controlled by forward momentum of southward-thrusting arc terranes combined with slab pull of the underlying and subducting, north-dipping South American slab. Uplift of fold-thrust belts arc-continent suture induces rerouting of large continental drainages parallel to the collisional zone and to the axis of the foreland basins.

Stage two

This late stage of arc-continent collision is characterized by termination of deformation in one segment of the fold-thrust belt as convergent deformation shifts eastward. Rebound of the collisional belt is produced as the north-dipping subducted oceanic crust breaks off from the passive margin, inducing inversion of preexisting normal faults as arc-continent convergence reaches a maximum. Strain partitioning also begins to play an important role as oblique convergence continues, accommodating deformation by the formation of parallel, strike-slip fault zones and backthrusting (southward subduction of the Caribbean plate beneath the South Caribbean deformed belt). As subsidence slows in the foreland basins, sedimentation transitions from a marine underfilled basin to an overfilled continental basin. Offshore, sedimentation is mostly marine, sourced by the collided Caribbean terranes, localized islands and carbonate deposition.

Stage three

This final stage of arc-continent collision is characterized by: 1) complete slab breakoff of the northward-dipping South American slab; 2) east-west extension of the Caribbean arc as it elongates parallel to its strike forming oblique normal faults that produce deep rift and half-grabens; 3) continued strain partitioning (strike-slip faulting and folding). The subsidence pattern in the Caribbean basins is more complex than interpreted before, showing a succession of extensional and inversion events. The three tectonic stages closely control the structural styles and traps, source rock distribution, and stratigraphic traps for the abundant hydrocarbon resources of the on- and offshore areas of Venezuela and Trinidad.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Cariaco is a marginal basin located between the Cariaco Basin and the Paria Gulf, offshore NE Venezuela, along a system of active right-lateral strike-slip faults. It is connected to the Caribbean Sea via a shallow 58-m-deep sill implying that the gulf was disconnected from the global ocean during eustatic lowstands. A dense grid of high-resolution reflection seismic profiles has been used to determine the overall tectonic structure of the gulf and to establish the seismic stratigraphy of its sedimentary infill. Six unconformity-bounded seismic–stratigraphic units were identified in the upper ~ 200 m of the sedimentary infill. Detailed seismic–stratigraphic and seismic-facies analysis allowed defining a series of sedimentary features that can be used as indicators of past sea or lake level in the Gulf of Cariaco: i) delta offlap breaks, ii) evaporites, and iii) erosional unconformities. Using accurate measurements of these various indicators at several locations in the gulf and a simple total subsidence model, a relative sea/lake-level history encompassing the last 130 kyr could be reconstructed. In periods of connection with the open ocean, reconstructed relative sea level correlates well with eustatic sea level. In times of disconnection, distinct lake-level fluctuations occurred, which sometimes resulted in total dessication of the gulf. Lake-level fluctuations appear to correlate with major Heinrich Events, stadials and interstadials. MIS 4, the LGM and the Younger Dryas were thus identified in the Gulf of Cariaco sedimentary record. The last reconnection to the Caribbean Sea occurred during MWP1b (around 11.5 kyr). The very good fit of the Cariaco sea/lake-level curve with the eustatic sea-level curves (both in terms of amplitude and of timing) underscores potential for future paleoclimate research of the sedimentary record contained in this marginal basin, despite its active tectonic setting.  相似文献   

The Anegada Passage (sensu lato) includes several basins and ridges from Southeast of Puerto Rico to the corner of the Virgin Islands Platform. Seabeam (Seacarib I) and Gloria long-range sidescan sonar surveys were carried out in this area. These new data allow us to propose an interpretation of the Anegada Passage.Most of the features described are related to wrench faulting:
(a)  St Croix and Virgin Islands Basins are pull-apart basins created in a right-lateral strike-slip environment based on their rhomboidal shape and seismic data (e.g. the flower structure). These two pull-aparts are divided into two sub-basins by a curvilinear normal fault in the Virgin Islands Basin and a right-lateral strike-slip fault in the St Croix Basin.
(b)  Tortola Ridge and a dog's leg shaped structure are inferred to be restraining bends between two right-lateral strike-slip faults.
(c)  We identified two ENE-WSW volcanic lineaments in the eastern area and one volcano lying between Virgin Islands and St Croix Basins.
(d)  As shown by the seismic activity main wrench motion occurs along the north slope of Virgin Islands Basin and through Anegada Passage. A branching of this main fault transmits the transtensional motion to St Croix Basin.

Optical transmissometer measurements were coupled with particulate organic matter (POM) observations to understand suspended sediment composition and distribution in the eastern Cariaco Basin during the rainy seasons of September 2003 and 2006. Our results suggest that nepheloid layers originating at the mouth of small mountainous rivers discharging into the eastern Basin are a major delivery mechanism of terrigenous sediments to the Basin interior. Intermediate nepheloid layers (INL) were observed near the shelf break (~100 m) and appear to effectively transport terrigenous material laterally from the shelf to deep waters, thereby providing a plausible supply mechanism of the terrestrial material observed in sediment traps. These findings highlight the importance of small, local rivers in the Cariaco Basin as sources of terrestrial material. In contrast, these nepheloid layers contained only limited POM. When this information is combined with published sediment trap POM data, it suggests that nepheloid layers may not be a primary mechanism for delivering terrigenous POM to the deeper waters of the basin during the rainy season. Rather, BNL may redistribute marine-derived POM from shallow waters to the Basin's interior by providing ballast materials, particularly during episodic events driven by wind and precipitation. Though we have determined that nepheloid layers play an important role in the seaward transport of particulate material in the Cariaco Basin, their composition and temporal variability have not been fully characterized. This is critical to understand lateral particle transport, since nepheloid layers constitute a significant source of sediment to the deep Cariaco Basin.  相似文献   

Eastward migration of the Caribbean plate relative to the South American plate has caused lithospheric loading along the northern margin of South America, which is recorded by an 1100-km-long foreland basin which is oldest in the west (Maracaibo basin, 65-55 Ma) and youngest in the east (Columbus basin, eastern offshore Trinidad, 15-0 Ma). The Orinoco River has been the primary source of sediment for the basin since early Miocene. We have integrated approximately 775 km of deep-penetration 2D seismic lines acquired in the area of eastern offshore Trinidad as part of the 2004 “Broadband Ocean-Land Investigations of Venezuela and the Antilles arc Region” (BOLIVAR) project, 8000 km2 of shallow industry 3D seismic data, and published industry well data from offshore eastern Trinidad. Active mud diapirism in the Columbus basin is widespread and is related to overthrusting and tectono-sedimentary loading of upper Miocene-lower Pliocene age mud. Analysis of the shallow 3D seismic data reveals the presence of extensive gravity-flow depositional elements on the Columbus basin slope and the deepwater area. These stacked gravity-flow deposits are characterized by mass-transport deposits at the base, turbidite frontal-splay deposits, leveed-channel deposits, and capped by fine-grained condensed-section deposits. Exploration targets in the deepwater area are located towards the center of the Columbus basin, where northeast-trending fault-propagation folds are important Plio-Pleistocene trap-forming elements. Deep basin wells drilled in recent years have proven that turbidites were transported into the deepwater Columbus basin during the Plio-Pleistocene. Analysis of these well results suggests that a deeper oil charge is present within the deepwater Columbus basin area. The primary uncertainty for this variable hydrocarbon system is whether fault or diapiric pathways connect or divert the petroleum charge at depth with shallower reservoir rocks.  相似文献   

Sufyan Sub-basin is an East-West trending Sub-basin located in the northwestern part of the Muglad Basin (Sudan), in the eastern extension of the West and Central Africa Rift System (WCARS). The trend of the Sufyan Sub-basin (E-W) is different from the general trend of Muglad Basin (NW-SE) and similar to Baggara basin in the west of Sudan and other basins in east Chad. The unique E-W trend, suggests that this Sub-basin originated by a mechanism different from Muglad Basin that is considered more extensional in origin. Five regional seismic lines are included to illustrate the structural and stratigraphic variation across the Sub-basin. Fault polygons maps for six horizons, four isopach maps, five cross-sections, and two associated kinematic models are presented in this study. Sufyan Sub-basin is characterized by rhombic geometry with three boundary faults; two of those faults exhibit dextral strike slip movement, with two depocenters at the western and eastern segments of the southern fault. Structural interpretation of Sufyan Sub-basin based on 2D seismic data highlights the style of strike-slip related structure. Negative flower structures, en-echelon faults, and rhombic geometry all suggest a significant component of a pull-apart transtensional movement in Sufyan Sub-basin. Other alternative scenarios for evolutionary history and the forming mechanism were introduced such as the oblique extension model. The Sufyan Sub-basin is believed to be highly affected by the Central African Shear Zone (CASZ). In this study, several transtension and oblique rift related features interpreted from Bouguer gravity map and seismic data are briefly described and illustrated. Based on this study, the favorable areas for hydrocarbon accumulation are the areas of flower structure and the areas that near to the two depocenters that controlled by the southern boundary fault.  相似文献   

The Eastern Venezuelan Basin (EVB) contains one of the largest hydrocarbon accumulations in the world. Main petroleum targets are buried structures of the Monagas Fold-Thrust Belt (MFTB) which forms the northeastern edge of the EVB. The objective of this study is to integrate the seismic and well data that has been acquired over the last 10 years across the MFTB and EVB, to create an updated structural model. Three regional cross sections 60-75 km long are presented across an area of 4000 km2.Five structural domains are described: Amarilis, Furrial, Jusepín, Cotoperí and Pirital. They are characterized by thrusts and high-angle reverse faults. Structural style changes along strike are related to variations in depth of detachment levels and to the strike-slip component of the deformation. We have estimated a shortening between 43 and 59 km that increases eastward over a distance of 40 km.The evolution of the MFTB is divided in four episodes based on stratigraphic, structural and thermal maturity evidences: (1) Oligocene-early Miocene initial movement of Pirital thrust. (2) Early Miocene simultaneous movement on Pirital, Furrial and Cotoperí thrusts. (3) Middle Miocene increases in velocity and change in geometry of Pirital thrust, during an out of sequence period of thrusting. (4) Late Miocene to Holocene minor thrust activity. This evolution is consistent with the oblique convergence between the Caribbean and South American plates and the convergence between North and South America that affected Eastern Venezuela during the Cenozoic.By analyzing the along-strike variations in structural style, new exploratory opportunities have been identified. Under the Orocual and Santa Bárbara fields two untested duplex structures are proposed; they were developed during the middle Miocene. Other prospective hydrocarbon traps are associated to oblique transpressive faults that create anticline structures.  相似文献   

Fifteen recent sediment samples from the offshore Orinoco Delta, Venezuela, were separated by sieving and pipette analysis into seven size fractions ranging from 4ø to 10ø, in 1 ø units. Total organic carbon was determined for each size fraction and the organic matter characterized by pyrolysis and pyrolysis-gas chromatography. The sediments average 0.98% organic matter with somewhat higher values nearshore. Nearshore sediments also had higher organic contents in the coarsest fractions and a decrease in organic matter from coarse to fine sediment fractions. Sediments from further offshore generally show the highest organic contents in the finer fractions. Pyrolysis showed a low bitumen content and confirmed that the kerogen was dominantly terrestrial and gas prone. The observed trends were attributed to sorting of organic matter by its physical characteristics, with the denser, coarse-grained material settling out nearshore and the Finer-grained material being carried further from shore and settling out with finer-grained sediments.  相似文献   

Previous GPS-based geodetic studies and onland paleoseismologic studies in Trinidad have shown that the 50-km-long, linear, onland segment of the Central Range fault zone (CRFZ) accommodates at least 60% of the total rate of right-lateral displacement (∼20 mm/yr) between the Caribbean and South American plates. 2D and 3D seismic reflection data from a 60-km-long and 30-km-wide swath of the eastern shelf of Trinidad (block 2AB) were used to map the eastern offshore extension of this potentially seismogenic and hazardous fault system and to document its deeper structure and tectonic controls on middle Miocene to recent clastic stratigraphy. Two unconformity surfaces and seafloor were mapped using 3D seismic data to generate isochron maps and to illustrate the close control of the CRFZ and associated secondary faults on small, clastic basins formed along its anastomosing strands and the east-west-striking North Darien Ridge fault zone (NDRFZ) that exhibits a down-to-the-north normal throw. Mapped surfaces include: 1) the middle Miocene angular unconformity, a prominent, regional unconformity surface separating underlying thrust-deformed rocks from a much less deformed overlying section; this regional unconformity is well studied from onland outcrops in Trinidad and in other offshore areas around Trinidad; 2) a Late Neogene angular unconformity developed locally within block 2AB that is not recognized in Trinidad; and 3) the seafloor of the eastern Trinidad shelf which exhibits linear scarps for both the CRFZ and the east-west-striking North Darien Ridge fault zone. Clastic sedimentary fill patterns identified on these isochron maps indicate a combined effect of strike-slip and reverse faulting (i.e., tectonic transpression) produced by active right-lateral shear on the CRFZ, which is consistent with the obliquity of the strike of the fault to the interplate slip vector known from GPS studies in onland Trinidad. The NDRFZ and a sub-parallel and linear family of east-west-striking faults with normal and possibly transtensional motions also contributed to the creation of accommodation space within localized, post-middle Miocene clastic depocenters south of the CRFZ.  相似文献   

Currently there is a strong interest in Cuba in improving the performance of the fisheries sector with respect to social, biological, and economic outcomes. Many important fishery resources appear to be overexploited, and previous fishery regulations have had mixed success in restoring fishery stocks. The current fishing pressure could also have adverse impacts on other valuable ecosystem services that support economic activities such as dive tourism and recreational fishing. A new State policy to expand cooperative enterprises to non-agricultural sectors provides an opportunity for fishery cooperatives to be created for the first time since the early years of the Cuban Revolution. This paper explores the potential ecological, social, and economic benefits of adopting fishery cooperatives as a co-management scheme for Cuba's marine fisheries. It concludes that well-designed fishery cooperatives can offer substantial benefits to the management of the fishery sector. Based on an analysis of the relative success of fishing cooperatives worldwide, guidelines are provided for the design of fishery cooperatives in Cuba.  相似文献   

The Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins in the northwestern South China Sea preserve a large volume of Cenozoic sediments. However, their sources are still remain controversial and need a further research. This paper uses discriminant diagrams and bivariate plots of major, trace and rare earth elements, combined with heavy mineral data and detrital zircon U-Pb ages to determine the provenance, source area weathering and tectonic setting of the Upper Miocene to Pliocene sediments in the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins, offshore South China Sea. The sandstone samples used in this study are characterized by four features: (i) The studied sandstones are first-cycle deposits, no recycling processes are recorded in these sediments, and there is a low degree of weathering conditions in the source areas. (ii) The sandstones from the DF fan, LD fan and Central Canyon System may have a similar source, being derived from an old upper continental crust mainly composed of felsic igneous source rocks. (iii) Detrital zircon U-Pb ages suggest that Central Vietnam is likely to be the dominant source of the DF fan, LD fan and Central Canyon System. (iv) The tectonic setting of the sandstones in the DF fan, LD fan and Central Canyon System belongs to the continental island arc (CIA) or the active continental margin (ACM) fields.  相似文献   

Deep-water coarse-grained channels are embedded within a polygonal fault tier,and the polygonal faults(PFs) present non-polygonal geometries rather than classic polygonal geometry in plan view.However,PFs present differences when they encounter deep-water(coarse-grained vs.fine-grained)channels with different lithology,which has not been further studied to date.Three-dimensional(3D) seismic data and a drilling well from Beijiao sag of Qiongdongnanbasin,South China Sea were utilized to document t...  相似文献   

A method is proposed to estimate gas hydrate saturation from three dimensional (3-D) heterogeneous model of resistivity simulated using resistivity log. Pure gas hydrates are highly resistive compared to the host sediments, and their presence in the pore space of sediments increase the resistivity of the formation. The anomalous increase of resistivity is used as a proxy for the delineation of gas hydrates using the resistivity log. A 3-D heterogeneous resistivity model has been constructed from one dimensional resistivity log in Krishna Godavari (KG) basin, eastern Indian offshore. The simulated model contains all small scale variation in resistivity of the reservoir and maintains all properties associated with covariance, like root mean square fluctuation, characteristic scales and fractal dimension of the observed log. We have estimated volumetric hydrate saturation using the three dimensional simulated model. The porosity used for estimating hydrate saturation is calculated from the simulated density field generated using the observed density log. Estimated average gas hydrate saturation is about 9.84% of the pore volume over a 1000 m × 1000 m x 131 m cubic meters area.  相似文献   

The paper deals with original stratigraphic, petrographic and structural data concerning the evolution of the southern Apennines chain (Italy). The main Langhian to Pliocene deposits cropping out in the northern sector of the southern Apennines foreland basin system (Sannio-Irpinia area) have been studied and correlated in order to document the effects of tectonic changes on the evolution of sandstone detrital modes and stratigraphic architecture. The studied sandstone units can be grouped in five key intervals: a) Numidian Flysch, mostly formed by Langhian mature quartzarenitic deposits and conformable Serravallian post-Numidian successions, formed by arkosic and calciclastic arenaceous-pelitic beds (foreland depozones); b) Langhian to Tortonian San Giorgio Fm., mostly composed of quartzofeldspatic sandstones (foredeep depozone); c) Tortonian to Early Messinian, quartz-feldspatic and partly sedimentary-carbonatoclastic petrofacies, thrust-top successions (Vallone Ponticello, Villanova del Battista and San Bartolomeo fms.); d) Late Messinian quartzolithic to quartzofeldspatic sandstones (Torrente Fiumarella, Anzano Molasse and Tufo-Altavilla unit), which can be referred to infilled thrust-top basins; e) unconformity-bounded Pliocene quartzofeldspatic sandstone strata (wedge-top depozones), characterized by synsedimentary tectonic activity.Detrital modes of the Serravallian through Middle Pliocene sandstones of the southern Apennines foreland basin system testify clear provenance relations from the accreted terranes forming the southern Apennine thrust-belt. The studied clastics show almost the same blended (quartz-feldspatic) composition; this condition could be related to the tectonic transport over thrust ramp of source rocks, as suggested by the tectonic evolutionary model. This study, dealing with sedimentary provenance analysis and tectonostratigraphic evolution, provides an example of the close relations between clastic compositions and foreland basin system development in southern Apennines.  相似文献   

Using the new high-quality 3D seismic data, this paper addresses the salt structures in the KL11 area of the Laizhouwan depression in the southern offshore Bohai Bay basin. In the study area, the salt in the Sha-4 Member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation thickened, and then formed an S–N trending salt wall, which changes shape regularly along its trend from salt diapir to salt pillow. The change in thickness of the suprasalt layers record five growth phases of the salt wall from the Eocene to the Quaternary: (1) early diapirism, (2) active diapirism, (3) passive diapirism, (4) relative structural quiescence, and (5) arching. The evolution of the salt structures was mostly governed by the multi-phase compression induced by the dextral strike-slip of the Tan–Lu fault, which formed a restraining bend in the study area. There was an original passive stock in the south, which was later tectonically squeezed by E–W compression and became a diapir. As the shortening propagated to the north from the original stock, the salt pillow was created in the north. Relative structural quiescence then followed until the next phase of compression, which arched the thick roof of the salt wall.  相似文献   

We estimated horizontal velocities at 25 sites first surveyed in a 1901-1903 British Ordnance Survey triangulation and then resurveyed with GPS in 1994-1995 to identify Trinidad's principal active on-land faults, quantify fault-slip-rates, and test for elastic locking. Our best-fit single-fault elastic dislocation model put 12 ± 3 mm/yr of dextral strike-slip on the Central Range Fault (1-2 km locking depth), an apparently aseismic active fault. The estimated motions also showed statistically insignificant horizontal motion (2.2 ± 1.8 mm/yr of right-slip; 2.7 ± 2.0 mm/yr of N-S shortening) on the eastward on-strike extension of the El Pilar Fault, known to be the active transform fault in Venezuela. Repeat GPS measurements made between 1994 and 2005 at two sites spanning the island north to south showed a 14 ± 3 mm/yr eastward (plate-motion-parallel) dextral velocity differential, consistent with our best-fit historic (1901-1995) fault-slip-rate. Paleoseismology trenching demonstrates that the Central Range Fault cuts <5000-year-old sediment and is capped by ∼550-year-old sediment, suggesting that it may be locked and may have ruptured at least once during this time interval. About ∼5 mm/yr of slip could be taken up on the Los Bajos Fault and additional faults in the offshore south of Trinidad. The existing 1901-1995 and 1994-2005 geodetic data alone cannot resolve whether the Central Range Fault is essentially creeping (≤1-2 km locking depth) or locked to a more standard depth of 10 km.  相似文献   

采用TOMAWAC模型模拟近岸40年的波浪要素。波谱计算采用36个方向,模拟波周期范围为1.5~29 s,并对极值波况进行分析。统计了1979—2018年间有效波高的年极值,算得百年一遇的有效波高,发现百年一遇波高由北往南总体呈现增大趋势:渤海和黄海的百年一遇的波高不超过10 m;东海百年一遇的波高在15~22 m之间;南海北部百年一遇波高的范围比较大,靠近台湾部分最大达到了22 m,海南岛西部较小,在10~15 m之间。引用SET值相关指标对极端波浪的发生次数、持续时间和强度进行分析,发现渤海、黄海北部、台湾海峡以及南海西北部极端事件频繁发生,平均每年有5~7次,台湾岛西南部极端事件的平均历时最大,达到了32 h。  相似文献   

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