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The gas hydrate petroleum system at the 2009 Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project Leg II (JIP Leg II) Green Canyon 955 (GC955) site shows a complex seismic amplitude and waveform response of highly negative and positive amplitudes with continuous and discontinuous character within inferred gas-hydrate- and gas-bearing sand reservoirs. Logging-while-drilling (LWD) data obtained during JIP Leg II and conventional 3-D seismic data allowed for the identification of thick highly concentrated hydrate layers by integrating rock physics modeling, amplitude and thin layer analysis, and spectral decomposition. Rock physics modeling with constraints from three JIP LWD holes allowed for the analysis of variations in acoustic amplitude characteristics as a product of hydrate saturation, gas saturation, and reservoir thickness. Using the well log-derived acoustic models, thick highly concentrated gas hydrate with and without underlying free gas accumulations have been identified. These results suggest that thick highly concentrated gas-hydrate-bearing sand units (with thicknesses greater than half of the seismic tuning thickness and gas hydrate saturations greater than 50%) underlain by gas can be differentiated from sands containing only gas, but thin gas-hydrate-bearing sand units with low gas hydrate concentrations (with thicknesses less than half of the seismic tuning thickness and gas hydrate saturations less than 50%) are difficult to identify from post-stack seismic amplitude data alone. Within GC955, we have identified six zones with seismic amplitude anomalies interpreted as being caused by gas hydrate deposits with variable lateral extent, thickness and saturation, and in some cases overlying free-gas-bearing intervals. Synthetic seismic images produced from well-log- and model-derived velocity and density distributions mimic similar reflection characteristics in the corresponding field seismic data.  相似文献   

Gases were analyzed from well cuttings, core, gas hydrate, and formation tests at the BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well, drilled within the Milne Point Unit, Alaska North Slope. The well penetrated a portion of the Eileen gas hydrate deposit, which overlies the more deeply buried Prudhoe Bay, Milne Point, West Sak, and Kuparuk River oil fields. Gas sources in the upper 200 m are predominantly from microbial sources (C1 isotopic compositions ranging from −86.4 to −80.6‰). The C1 isotopic composition becomes progressively enriched from 200 m to the top of the gas hydrate-bearing sands at 600 m. The tested gas hydrates occur in two primary intervals, units D and C, between 614.0 m and 664.7 m, containing a total of 29.3 m of gas hydrate-bearing sands. The hydrocarbon gases in cuttings and core samples from 604 to 914 m are composed of methane with very little ethane. The isotopic composition of the methane carbon ranges from −50.1 to −43.9‰ with several outliers, generally decreasing with depth. Gas samples collected by the Modular Formation Dynamics Testing (MDT) tool in the hydrate-bearing units were similarly composed mainly of methane, with up to 284 ppm ethane. The methane isotopic composition ranged from −48.2 to −48.0‰ in the C sand and from −48.4 to −46.6‰ in the D sand. Methane hydrogen isotopic composition ranged from −238 to −230‰, with slightly more depleted values in the deeper C sand. These results are consistent with the concept that the Eileen gas hydrates contain a mixture of deep-sourced, microbially biodegraded thermogenic gas, with lesser amounts of thermogenic oil-associated gas, and coal gas. Thermal gases are likely sourced from existing oil and gas accumulations that have migrated up-dip and/or up-fault and formed gas hydrate in response to climate cooling with permafrost formation.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Gas Hydrates Joint-Industry-Project (JIP) Leg II drilling program confirmed that gas hydrate occurs at high saturations within reservoir-quality sands in the GOM. A comprehensive logging-while-drilling dataset was collected from seven wells at three sites, including two wells at the Walker Ridge 313 site. By constraining the saturations and thicknesses of hydrate-bearing sands using logging-while-drilling data, two-dimensional (2D), cylindrical, r-z and three-dimensional (3D) reservoir models were simulated. The gas hydrate occurrences inferred from seismic analysis are used to delineate the areal extent of the 3D reservoir models. Numerical simulations of gas production from the Walker Ridge reservoirs were conducted using the depressurization method at a constant bottomhole pressure. Results of these simulations indicate that these hydrate deposits are readily produced, owing to high intrinsic reservoir-quality and their proximity to the base of hydrate stability. The elevated in situ reservoir temperatures contribute to high (5–40 MMscf/day) predicted production rates. The production rates obtained from the 2D and 3D models are in close agreement. To evaluate the effect of spatial dimensions, the 2D reservoir domains were simulated at two outer radii. The results showed increased potential for formation of secondary hydrate and appearance of lag time for production rates as reservoir size increases. Similar phenomena were observed in the 3D reservoir models. The results also suggest that interbedded gas hydrate accumulations might be preferable targets for gas production in comparison with massive deposits. Hydrate in such accumulations can be readily dissociated due to heat supply from surrounding hydrate-free zones. Special cases were considered to evaluate the effect of overburden and underburden permeability on production. The obtained data show that production can be significantly degraded in comparison with a case using impermeable boundaries. The main reason for the reduced productivity is water influx from the surrounding strata; a secondary cause is gas escape into the overburden. The results dictate that in order to reliably estimate production potential, permeability of the surroundings has to be included in a model.  相似文献   

印度国家天然气水合物计划(NGHP01)于2016年实施第1次钻探,证实了天然气水合物在印度大陆边缘的广泛分布。选择位于克里希纳-戈达瓦里盆地(KG盆地)的NGHP01-07D和NGHP01-15A钻孔,基于测井数据和岩心样品估算天然气水合物饱和度,分析天然气水合物赋存状态并探讨其形成机制。基于各向同性介质模型利用电阻率和声波测井计算NGHP01-15A钻孔的天然气水合物饱和度为0. 2%~33. 0%,平均值为9. 6%,在NGHP01-07D钻孔利用电阻率计算获得的天然气水合物饱和度高于岩心氯离子异常和气体释放获得的结果,但是基于各向同性岩石物理模型利用声波测井计算的天然气水合物饱和度与岩心结果一致,平均值为5. 0%。前人研究认为NGHP01-10D钻孔中天然气水合物以相对较高饱和度富集在高角度裂隙中。结合前人研究结果推断在克里希纳-戈达瓦里盆地存在3种不同的天然气水合物储层,即泥岩中砂质夹层各向同性储层、泥质/粉砂质高角度低连通性的低饱和度裂隙储层和泥岩中高角度高连通性的高饱和度裂隙储层,并提出对应的3种天然气水合物储层模型。  相似文献   

High-quality logging-while-drilling (LWD) downhole logs were acquired in seven wells drilled during the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project Leg II in the spring of 2009. Well logs obtained in one of the wells, the Green Canyon Block 955 H well (GC955-H), indicate that a 27.4-m thick zone at the depth of 428 m below sea floor (mbsf; 1404 feet below sea floor (fbsf)) contains gas hydrate within sand with average gas hydrate saturations estimated at 60% from the compressional-wave (P-wave) velocity and 65% (locally more than 80%) from resistivity logs if the gas hydrate is assumed to be uniformly distributed in this mostly sand-rich section. Similar analysis, however, of log data from a shallow clay-rich interval between 183 and 366 mbsf (600 and 1200 fbsf) yielded average gas hydrate saturations of about 20% from the resistivity log (locally 50−60%) and negligible amounts of gas hydrate from the P-wave velocity logs. Differences in saturations estimated between resistivity and P-wave velocities within the upper clay-rich interval are caused by the nature of the gas hydrate occurrences. In the case of the shallow clay-rich interval, gas hydrate fills vertical (or high angle) fractures in rather than filling pore space in sands. In this study, isotropic and anisotropic resistivity and velocity models are used to analyze the occurrence of gas hydrate within both the clay-rich and sand dominated gas-hydrate-bearing reservoirs in the GC955-H well.  相似文献   

The northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) has long been a focus area for the study of gas hydrates. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, work focused on massive gas hydrates deposits that were found to form at and near the seafloor in association with hydrocarbon seeps. However, as global scientific and industrial interest in assessment of the drilling hazards and resource implications of gas hydrate accelerated, focus shifted to understanding the nature and abundance of “buried” gas hydrates. Through 2005, despite the drilling of more than 1200 oil and gas industry wells through the gas hydrate stability zone, published evidence of significant sub-seafloor gas hydrate in the GoM was lacking. A 2005 drilling program by the GoM Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project (the JIP) provided an initial confirmation of the occurrence of gas hydrates below the GoM seafloor. In 2006, release of data from a 2003 industry well in Alaminos Canyon 818 provided initial documentation of gas hydrate occurrence at high concentrations in sand reservoirs in the GoM. From 2006 to 2008, the JIP facilitated the integration of geophysical and geological data to identify sites prospective for gas hydrate-bearing sands, culminating in the recommendation of numerous drilling targets within four sites spanning a range of typical deepwater settings. Concurrent with, but independent of, the JIP prospecting effort, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) conducted a preliminary assessment of the GoM gas hydrate petroleum system, resulting in an estimate of 607 trillion cubic meters (21,444 trillion cubic feet) gas-in-place of which roughly one-third occurs at expected high concentrations in sand reservoirs. In 2009, the JIP drilled seven wells at three sites, discovering gas hydrate at high saturation in sand reservoirs in four wells and suspected gas hydrate at low to moderate saturations in two other wells. These results provide an initial confirmation of the complex nature and occurrence of gas hydrate-bearing sands in the GoM, the efficacy of the integrated geological/geophysical prospecting approach used to identify the JIP drilling sites, and the relevance of the 2008 BOEM assessment.  相似文献   

The Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well was drilled within the Alaska North Slope (ANS) Milne Point Unit (MPU) from February 3 to 19, 2007. The well was conducted as part of a Cooperative Research Agreement (CRA) project co-sponsored since 2001 by BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc. (BPXA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to help determine whether ANS gas hydrate can become a technically and commercially viable gas resource. Early in the effort, regional reservoir characterization and reservoir simulation modeling studies indicated that up to 0.34 trillion cubic meters (tcm; 12 trillion cubic feet, tcf) gas may be technically recoverable from 0.92 tcm (33 tcf) gas-in-place within the Eileen gas hydrate accumulation near industry infrastructure within ANS MPU, Prudhoe Bay Unit (PBU), and Kuparuk River Unit (KRU) areas. To further constrain these estimates and to enable the selection of a test site for further data acquisition, the USGS reprocessed and interpreted MPU 3D seismic data provided by BPXA to delineate 14 prospects containing significant highly-saturated gas hydrate-bearing sand reservoirs. The “Mount Elbert” site was selected to drill a stratigraphic test well to acquire a full suite of wireline log, core, and formation pressure test data. Drilling results and data interpretation confirmed pre-drill predictions and thus increased confidence in both the prospect interpretation methods and in the wider ANS gas hydrate resource estimates. The interpreted data from the Mount Elbert well provide insight into and reduce uncertainty of key gas hydrate-bearing reservoir properties, enable further refinement and validation of the numerical simulation of the production potential of both MPU and broader ANS gas hydrate resources, and help determine viability of potential field sites for future extended term production testing. Drilling and data acquisition operations demonstrated that gas hydrate scientific research programs can be safely, effectively, and efficiently conducted within ANS infrastructure. The program success resulted in a technical team recommendation to project management to drill and complete a long-term production test within the area of existing ANS infrastructure. If approved by stakeholders, this long-term test would build on prior arctic research efforts to better constrain the potential gas rates and volumes that could be produced from gas hydrate-bearing sand reservoirs.  相似文献   

Through the use of 2-D and 3-D seismic data, several gas hydrate prospects were identified in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea and thirteen drill sites were established and logging-while-drilling (LWD) data were acquired from each site in 2010. Sites UBGH2–6 and UBGH2–10 were selected to test a series of high amplitude seismic reflections, possibly from sand reservoirs. LWD logs from the UBGH2–6 well indicate that there are three significant sand reservoirs with varying thickness. Two upper sand reservoirs are water saturated and the lower thinly bedded sand reservoir contains gas hydrate with an average saturation of 13%, as estimated from the P-wave velocity. The well logs at the UBGH2–6 well clearly demonstrated the effect of scale-dependency on gas hydrate saturation estimates. Gas hydrate saturations estimated from the high resolution LWD acquired ring resistivity (vertical resolution of about 5–8 cm) reaches about 90% with an average saturation of 28%, whereas gas hydrate saturations estimated from the low resolution A40L resistivity (vertical resolution of about 120 cm) reaches about 25% with an average saturation of 11%. However, in the UBGH2–10 well, gas hydrate occupies a 5-m thick sand reservoir near 135 mbsf with a maximum saturation of about 60%. In the UBGH2–10 well, the average and a maximum saturation estimated from various well logging tools are comparable, because the bed thickness is larger than the vertical resolution of the various logging tools. High resolution wireline log data further document the role of scale-dependency on gas hydrate calculations.  相似文献   

Fluvial sands host excellent oil and gas reservoirs in various fields throughout the world. However, the lateral heterogeneity of reservoir properties within these reservoirs can be significant and determining the distribution of good reservoirs is a challenge. This study attempts to predict sand distribution within fluvial depositional systems by applying the Continuous Wavelet Transformation technique of spectral decomposition along with full spectrum seismic attributes, to a 3D seismic data set in the Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand. Full spectrum seismic attributes such as root mean square and coherency help to effectively map fluvial systems down to certain depth below which imaging is difficult in the intervals of interest in this study. However, continuous wavelet transform used in conjunction with other attributes by applying visualization techniques of transparency and RGB can be used at greater depths to extract from 3D seismic data useful information of fluvial depositional elements. This workflow may help to identify different reservoir compartments within the fluvial systems of the Gulf of Thailand.  相似文献   

In 2006, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) completed a detailed analysis and interpretation of available 2-D and 3-D seismic data, along with seismic modeling and correlation with specially processed downhole well log data for identifying potential gas hydrate accumulations on the North Slope of Alaska. A methodology was developed for identifying sub-permafrost gas hydrate prospects within the gas hydrate stability zone in the Milne Point area. The study revealed a total of 14 gas hydrate prospects in this area.In order to validate the gas hydrate prospecting protocol of the USGS and to acquire critical reservoir data needed to develop a longer-term production testing program, a stratigraphic test well was drilled at the Mount Elbert prospect in the Milne Point area in early 2007. The drilling confirmed the presence of two prominent gas-hydrate-bearing units in the Mount Elbert prospect, and high quality well logs and core data were acquired. The post-drill results indicate pre-drill predictions of the reservoir thickness and the gas-hydrate saturations based on seismic and existing well data were 90% accurate for the upper unit (hydrate unit D) and 70% accurate for the lower unit (hydrate unit C), confirming the validity of the USGS approach to gas hydrate prospecting. The Mount Elbert prospect is the first gas hydrate accumulation on the North Slope of Alaska identified primarily on the basis of seismic attribute analysis and specially processed downhole log data. Post-drill well log data enabled a better constraint of the elastic model and the development of an improved approach to the gas hydrate prospecting using seismic attributes.  相似文献   

Many gas seepages, temperature, pressure, salinity, anoxic environment and high source gas potential of the Black Sea indicates that the Black Sea might have huge potentials for biogenic and thermogenic gas hydrates. However, the last important parameter to consider gas hydrate as an energy source is the type of sediments. Coarse marine sands are considered as good hydrate reservoirs because of high porosity and high permeability. Only very limited data is available related to the types of lithology of the Black Sea sediments. Hence, in this study, the literature data (especially the drilling and coring data of DSDP Leg 42B program) about gas seepages, temperature gradient, pressure gradient, salinity, anoxic environment and high source gas potential, and the types of the sediments in the Black Sea were investigated and analyzed. Although gas seepages, temperature gradient, pressure gradient, salinity, anoxic environment and high source gas potential of the Black Sea are appropriate for producible gas hydrate reservoirs, the sediments of the Black Sea appear to be generally fine grained with high clay content. Sandy-silt and silty sand layers in turbidites of the Black Sea might be potential producible hydrate reservoirs but these sediments are fine. As well as turbidites, separate thin sand layers might be potential gas hydrate reservoirs as an energy source in the Black Sea.  相似文献   

Gas hydrate was discovered in the Krishna–Godavari (KG) Basin during the India National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 1 at Site NGHP-01-10 within a fractured clay-dominated sedimentary system. Logging-while-drilling (LWD), coring, and wire-line logging confirmed gas hydrate dominantly in fractures at four borehole sites spanning a 500 m transect. Three-dimensional (3D) seismic data were subsequently used to image the fractured system and explain the occurrence of gas hydrate associated with the fractures. A system of two fault-sets was identified, part of a typical passive margin tectonic setting. The LWD-derived fracture network at Hole NGHP-01-10A is to some extent seen in the seismic data and was mapped using seismic coherency attributes. The fractured system around Site NGHP-01-10 extends over a triangular-shaped area of ∼2.5 km2 defined using seismic attributes of the seafloor reflection, as well as “seismic sweetness” at the base of the gas hydrate occurrence zone. The triangular shaped area is also showing a polygonal (nearly hexagonal) fault pattern, distinct from other more rectangular fault patterns observed in the study area. The occurrence of gas hydrate at Site NGHP-01-10 is the result of a specific combination of tectonic fault orientations and the abundance of free gas migration from a deeper gas source. The triangular-shaped area of enriched gas hydrate occurrence is bound by two faults acting as migration conduits. Additionally, the fault-associated sediment deformation provides a possible migration pathway for the free gas from the deeper gas source into the gas hydrate stability zone. It is proposed that there are additional locations in the KG Basin with possible gas hydrate accumulation of similar tectonic conditions, and one such location was identified from the 3D seismic data ˜6 km NW of Site NGHP-01-10.  相似文献   

We discuss the reservoir formation mechanisms in volcanic gas reservoirs within a volcanostratigraphic framework, with a focus on the Huoshiling Formation of the Wangfu fault depression in the Songliao Basin, China. The volcanic sequences are divided, from large to small, into the volcanic cycle (VC), cooling unit set (CUS) and cooling unit (CU). The CU is the basic volcanogenic stratigraphic unit and the CUS is a superposition of cooling units which may be recognized on seismic profiles.The Huoshiling Formation consists of two volcanic cycles and one volcanic-sedimentary cycle. The formation mechanisms of volcanic reservoirs include three processes based on the strata's evolution. First, CUs formed and primary pore spaces developed near cooling surfaces. Second, CUSs and VCs formed and parasyngenetic and secondary pore spaces developed around the crater or caldera, especially near the weathering surface. Lastly, numerous dissolved pores and structural fractures formed during burial and concentrated near the fault belt. CUs, volcanic edifices and structural systems controlled the formation of volcanic reservoirs. The overlapping crater-proximal crater region and the faulted area were centres of reservoir formation. In the Huoshiling Formation, CUS 6-CUS 8 and CUS 13 are the major horizons where volcanic reservoirs developed, forming dissolution reservoirs and structurally fractured reservoirs for natural gas accumulation.  相似文献   

海洋天然气水合物稳定带气烟囱结构中存在被水合物充填的裂隙, 表明在自然条件下沉积物中曾发生过流体压裂以及相关的流体流动和水合物形成。在水合物稳定带内实施人为的流体压裂工程, 并联合其他方法(如降压或注热)进行水合物开采, 有望提高开采效率。水合物稳定带内, 无论是自然条件下发生的流体压裂过程, 还是人为实施的流体压裂工程, 都存在水合物反应和沉积物裂隙变形之间的耦合响应。当前, 已有不少数值程序对水合物反应与沉积物弹塑性变形的耦合过程进行了定量研究, 但尚没有数值程序能够计算水合物反应和离散裂隙变形之间的耦合过程。文章将TOUGH+Hydrate程序、IC-FERST和Solidity两者的耦合程序进行了进一步耦合, 为水合物稳定带内的流体压裂计算提供了一种耦合计算方法, 同时通过一个算例初步验证了该耦合计算方法的可行性。验证结果表明, 该耦合计算方法经进一步改进后有望应用于定量研究水合物稳定带内的裂隙变形和水合物反应过程。  相似文献   

The Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments at lease block Green Canyon 955 (GC955) in the Gulf of Mexico include sand-rich strata with high saturations of gas hydrate; these gas hydrate accumulations and the associated geology have been characterized over the past decade using conventional industry three-dimensional (3D) seismic data and dedicated logging-while-drilling (LWD) borehole data. To improve structural and stratigraphic characterization and to address questions of gas flow and reservoir properties, in 2013 the U.S. Geological Survey acquired high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) seismic data at GC955. Combined analysis of all available data improves our understanding of the geological evolution of the study area, which includes basin-scale migration of the Mississippi River sediment influx as well as local-scale shifting of sedimentary channels at GC955 in response to salt-driven uplift, structural deformation associated with the salt uplift, and upward gas migration from deeper sediments that charges the main gas hydrate reservoir and shallower strata. The 2D data confirm that the sand-rich reservoir is composed principally of sediments deposited in a proximal levee setting and that episodes of channel scour, interspersed with levee deposition, have resulted in an assemblage of many individual proximal levee deposit “pods” each with horizontal extent up to several hundred meters. Joint analysis of the 2D and 3D data reveals new detail of a complex fault network that controls the fluid-flow system; large east-west trending normal faults allow fluid flow through the reservoir-sealing fine-grained unit, and smaller north-south oriented faults provide focused fluid-flow pathways (chimneys) through the shallower sediments. This system has enabled the flow of gas from the main reservoir to the seafloor throughout the recent history at GC955, and its intricacies help explain the distributed occurrences of gas hydrate in the intervening strata.  相似文献   

天然气水合物目前已经成为世界范围的一个研究热点,而我国的天然气水合物研究起步则相对较晚,通过阅读国内外有关文献,总结了天然气水合物在海底的分布特征,聚集和形成机制,产状及其形成机理,甲烷羽的形成过程,天然气水合物在沉积物中的聚集位置通常有两种情况:一是较浅的沉积物(海底以下几米)中,受控于泥底辟,泥火山,断层等;二是较深的沉积物(海底以下几十米,甚至更深)中,受控于流体,当断层延伸至海底时,通常在水合物聚集处的上部发现甲烷羽,天然气以溶解气,游离气或分子扩散的形式运移,在温,压适宜的沉积物中,即水合物稳定带内聚集并形成水合物,水合物的形成过程是:最初形成晶体,呈分散状分布于沉积物中,之后逐渐聚集,生长成结核状,层状,最后形成块状,在细粒的浅层沉积物中,通常以较慢的速度生长,形成分散状的水合物;而在粗粒沉积物中,水合物通常呈填隙状,并且这种产状可能位于较深层位中,我国南海在温度,压力,构造条件,天然气来源等方面都能满足天然气水合物的形成条件,并且在南海也发现了一些水合物存在的标志,如似海底反射层(BSR)以及孔隙水中氯离子浓度的降低。因此,天然气水合物在我国南海海域可能有很好的前景。  相似文献   

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