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Interest in factors controlling lacustrine source rock deposition has increased over the last few decades because this type of deposits contain significant petroleum resources. Generally, tectonic subsidence and climate are the two root causes as they control the accommodation potential, water column properties and sources of organic matter. In this study, coupling organic geochemical and elemental geochemical data, two potential source rocks, i.e., the Eocene Wenchang Formation (E2w) and Oligocene Enping Formation (E3e) were investigated. Two models were finally raised to explain deposition of the two set of source rocks according to their paleoclimatic and tectonic properties. The source rock potential shows a strong heterogeneity. The second member of the Eocene Wenchang Formation (E2w2) is characterized by high organic matter content and oil-prone kerogen type. In contrast, the first member of the Eocene Wenchang Formation (E2w1) and the Oligocene Enping formation (E3e) are characterized by low organic matter content and gas-prone kerogen type. The primary productivity and depositional environment exhibit notable differences between the two potential source rocks horizons and show an obvious variation from the depocenter to the slope and can be best explained by the coevolution of tectonic subsidence and climate. During the E2w depositional stage, low sediment supply led to mudstone deposited in deep lacustrine environment and resulted in underfilled lake basin. The low water inflow provided little terrigenous organic matter (low bicadinane, perylene and floranthene contents) and oxygen. Besides, the low area/depth ratio impeded the water circulation, thus resulted in shallow thermocline and anoxic-suboxic bottom environment (abundant dibenzothiophene and high C35/C3122S hopane ratios). Therefore abundant algae, which contributed to the high amorphous organic matter (AOM) content, can be preserved. The warm and wet climate (high Mn/Mg ratios) gave birth to autochthonous organism, such as dinoflagellates and Pavlova gyrans (abundant 4-methyl sterane). During the E3e depositional stage, the sufficient sedimentary supply resulted in expanding, shallow lacustrine and swamp environment. The higher area/depth ratio and high sediment supply made environment unstable and can be strongly influenced by external environment (broader range of Mn/Mg ratios). Enough terrigenous organic matter (TOM) was transported to the slope but little to the depocenter. The slightly hot and dry climate (low Mn/Mg ratios) led to decreasing autochthonous organism and evaporation environment. The shallow water depth and relative dry climate resulted in saline, suboxic-dysoxic acid bottom environment. The co-variation of organic and inorganic indexes indicates the combination is a valid method in reconstructing source rock depositional models.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Mukalla coals and other organic-rich sediments which are widely exposed in the Jiza-Qamar Basin and believed to be a major source rocks, were analysed using organic geochemistry and petrology. The total organic carbon (TOC) contents of the Mukalla source rocks range from 0.72 to 79.90% with an average TOC value of 21.50%. The coals and coaly shale sediments are relatively higher in organic richness, consistent with source rocks generative potential. The samples analysed have vitrinite reflectance in the range of 0.84–1.10 %Ro and pyrolysis Tmax in the range of 432–454 °C indicate that the Mukalla source rocks contain mature to late mature organic matter. Good oil-generating potential is anticipated from the coals and coaly shale sediments with high hydrogen indices (250–449 mg HC/g TOC). This is supported by their significant amounts of oil-liptinite macerals are present in these coals and coaly shale sediments and Py-GC (S2) pyrograms with n-alkane/alkene doublets extending beyond nC30. The shales are dominated by Type III kerogen (HI < 200 mg HC/g TOC), and are thus considered to be gas-prone.One-dimensional basin modelling was performed to analysis the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion history of the Mukalla source rocks in the Jiza-Qamar Basin based on the reconstruction of the burial/thermal maturity histories in order to improve our understanding of the of hydrocarbon generation potential of the Mukalla source rocks. Calibration of the model with measured vitrinite reflectance (Ro) and borehole temperature data indicates that the present-day heat flow in the Jiza-Qamar Basin varies from 45.0 mW/m2 to 70.0 mW/m2 and the paleo-heat flow increased from 80 Ma to 25 Ma, reached a peak heat-flow values of approximately 70.0 mW/m2 at 25 Ma and then decreased exponentially from 25 Ma to present-day. The peak paleo-heat flow is explained by the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea Tertiary rifting during Oligocene-Middle Miocene, which has a considerable influence on the thermal maturity of the Mukalla source rocks. The source rocks of the Mukalla Formation are presently in a stage of oil and condensate generation with maturity from 0.50% to 1.10% Ro. Oil generation (0.5% Ro) in the Mukalla source rocks began from about 61 Ma to 54 Ma and the peak hydrocarbon generation (1.0% Ro) occurred approximately from 25 Ma to 20 Ma. The modelled hydrocarbon expulsion evolution suggested that the timing of hydrocarbon expulsion from the Mukalla source rocks began from 15 Ma to present-day.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated assessment of total organic carbon, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, carbonate δ13C and δ18O, and total organic carbon δ13C record of Upper Sinemurian–Aalenian age from the Slyne Basin (well 18/25-1), offshore Ireland. Total organic carbon (up to 5.2 wt%) and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data highlights the Portree Shale Formation Equivalent (Lower–?Middle Toarcian) as a mature (Tmax ∼440 °C) source rock dominated by type II kerogens. This interval is more than 90 m thick.In a previously unexplored paleogeographical domain regarding stable carbon isotopes, the δ13C record shows positive values during the Upper Sinemurian, a negative trend followed by a minor positive trend during the uppermost Sinemurian–Lower Pliensbachian, a negative trend during the lowermost Lower Toarcian, and then the return to more positive δ13C values. Despite the biostratigraphic uncertainty, the coarse resolution of the dataset, and the complex assessment of diagenetic effects, we suggest that the δ13C record of the studied well records the Raricostatum Zone positive CIE, the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian Boundary Event, and the negative CIE associated with the T-OAE. The T-OAE positive CIE is not clearly defined in the obtained dataset. The slight post T-OAE negative CIE recovery to more positive values and the continuation of a relatively high organic content is coeval with a regional organic matter preservation interval observed in several Northern-European locations.These new datasets and their interpretation add to the understanding of the paleoenvironmental dynamics during the Early–?Middle Jurassic in the Northern European domain and opens new possibilities for hydrocarbon exploration in Ireland's offshore.  相似文献   

The origin of the fourteen major oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin, Bohai Bay basin was studied based on the results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis on more than 700 samples and biomarker analysis on 61 source rock samples and 87 oil samples. The three possible source rock intervals have different biomarker assemblages and were deposited in different environments. The third member of the Oligocene Dongying Formation (E3d3, 32.8–30.3 Ma in age) is characterized mainly by high C19/C23 tricyclic terpane (>0.75), high C24 tetracyclic terpane/C26 tricyclic terpane (>2.5), low gammacerane/αβ C30 hopane (<0.15) and low 4-methyl steranes/ΣC29 steranes (<0.15) ratios, and was deposited in sub-oxic to anoxic environments with significant terrigenous organic matter input. The first (E2s1, 35.8–32.8 Ma) and third (E2s3, 43.0–38.0 Ma) members of the Eocene Shahejie Formation have low C19/C23 tricyclic terpane and low C24 tetracyclic terpane/C26 tricyclic terpane ratios and were deposited in anoxic environments with minor terrestrial organic matter input, but have different abundances of 4-methyl steranes and gammacerane. The hydrocarbon-generating potential and biomarker associations of these three source rock intervals were controlled by tectonic evolution of the sub-basin and climate changes. Three oil families derived from E2s3, E2s1 and E3d, respectively, and three types of mixed oils have been identified. All large oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin display considerable heterogeneities in biomarker compositions and originated from more than one source rock interval, which suggests that mixing of oils derived from multiple source rock intervals or multiple generative kitchens, and/or focusing of oils originated from a large area of a generative kitchen, is essential for the formation of large oil fields in the Bozhong sub-basin. E2s3- and E2s1-derived oils experienced relatively long-distance lateral migration and accumulated in traps away from the generative kitchen. E3d3-derived oils had migrated short distances and accumulated in traps closer to the generative kitchen. Such a petroleum distribution pattern has important implications for future exploration. There is considerable exploration potential for Dongying-derived oils in the Bozhong sub-basin, and traps close to or within the generative kitchens have better chance to contain oils generated from the Dongying Formation.  相似文献   

Sedimentary heterogeneities are ubiquitous in nature and occur over a range of scales from core, reservoir to basin scales. They may thus exert significant influences on hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation. The sedimentary heterogeneities of the Permian Shanxi Formation in the Ordos Basin, China were modelled using Sedsim, a stratigraphic forward modelling program. The simulation results were then used to construct a 3D petroleum system model using PetroMod. The effects of sedimentary heterogeneities on hydrocarbon accumulations were evaluated by comparing the integrated Sedsim-PetroMod model with the classic 3D basin model. The Sedsim simulation shows that considerable sedimentary heterogeneities are present within the Shanxi Formation, as a result of the interplay of the initial topography, tectonic subsidence, base level change and sediment inputs. A variety of lithologies were developed both laterally and vertically within the Shanxi Formation at kilometre and metre scales, respectively, with mudstones mainly developed in the depositional centre, while sandstones developed in the southern and northern margin areas. A typical source-ward retrogradation is well developed within the Lower Shanxi Formation.A base-case classic 3D basin model was constructed to quantify the Permian petroleum system in the Ordos Basin. The geological and thermal models were calibrated using Vr and borehole temperature data. The source rocks of the Upper Paleozoic became mature (Ro > 0.5%) and high mature (Ro > 1.2%) in the late Triassic and late Jurassic, respectively, in the central and southern areas. During the Early Cretaceous, a tectonically induced geothermal event occurred in the southern Ordos Basin. This caused the source rocks to reach over maturity (Ro > 2.0%) quite rapidly in the early Late Cretaceous in the central and southern areas. All the source rock transformation ratios (TR) at present are greater than 70% in the P1 coal and P1 mudstone layers with TR values approaching 100% in the central and southern areas. The transformation ratios of the P1 limestone are close to 100% over the entire interval.In the base-case model, a large amount of hydrocarbons appear to have been expelled and migrated into the Shanxi Formation, but only a minor amount was accumulated to form reservoirs. In the model, the Shanxi Formation sandstone layer was set to be homogeneous vertically and there was no regional seal rocks present at the top of the Shanxi Formation. Therefore hydrocarbons could not be trapped effectively with only minor accumulations in some local structural highs where hydrocarbons are trapped both at the top and in the up-dip direction by the adjacent mudstone facies. In contrast, the integrated Sedsim-PetroMod model takes into account of the internal lithological and sedimentary facies heterogeneities within the Shanxi Formation, forming complex contiguous sandstone-mudstone stacking patterns. Hydrocarbons were found to have accumulated in multiple intervals of lithological traps within the Shanxi Formation. The results indicate that lithological distinctions, controlled by sedimentary heterogeneities in three dimensions can provide effective sealing in both the top and up-dip directions for hydrocarbon accumulations, with gas being mainly accumulated near the depocentre where lithological traps usually formed due to frequent oscillations of the lake level.  相似文献   

The Ordovician is the most important exploration target in the Tabei Uplift of the Tarim Basin, which contains a range of petroleum types including solid bitumen, heavy oil, light oil, condensate, wet gas and dry gas. The density of the black oils ranges from 0.81 g/cm3 to 1.01 g/cm3 (20 °C) and gas oil ratio (GOR) ranges from 4 m3/m3 to 9300 m3/m3. Oil-source correlations established that most of the oils were derived from the Mid-Upper Ordovician marine shale and carbonate and that the difference in oil properties is mainly attributed to hydrocarbon alteration and multi-stage accumulation. In the Tabei Uplift, there were three main periods of hydrocarbon accumulation in the late Caledonian stage (ca. 450–430 Ma), late Hercynian stage (ca. 293–255 Ma) and the late Himalayan stage (ca. 12–2 Ma). The oil charging events mainly occurred in the late Caledonian and late Hercynian stage, while gas charging occurred in the late Hercynian stage. During the late Caledonian stage, petroleum charged the reservoirs lying east of the uplift. However, due to a crustal uplifting episode in the early Hercynian (ca. 386–372 Ma), most of the hydrocarbons were transformed by processes such as biodegradation, resulting in residual solid bitumen in the fractures of the reservoirs. During the late Hercynian Stage, a major episode of oil charging into Ordovician reservoirs took place. Subsequent crustal uplift and severe alteration by biodegradation in the west-central Basin resulted in heavy oil formation. Since the late Himalayan stage when rapid subsidence of the crust occurred, the oil residing in reservoirs was exposed to high temperature cracking conditions resulting in the production of gas and charged from the southeast further altering the pre-existing oils in the eastern reservoirs. A suite of representative samples of various crude oils including condensates, lights oils and heavy oils have been collected for detailed analysis to investigate the mechanism of formation. Based on the research it was concluded that the diversity of hydrocarbon physical and chemical properties in the Tabei Uplift was mainly attributable to the processes of biodegradation and gas washing. The understanding of the processes is very helpful to predict the spatial distribution of hydrocarbon in the Tabei Uplift and provides a reference case study for other areas.  相似文献   

In some areas of the Murzuq Basin, SW Libya, the lower Silurian member comprises highly radioactive shales (Hot Shale), which are regarded as the most significant factor controlling petroleum generation in the basin. In this context, it was the goal of our project to study the distribution and maturity of the Hot Shale in the framework of basin evolution. Organic geochemical, organic petrological and basin modelling methods were used to obtain a more thorough understanding. Four wells from the northern and central part of the Awbari Trough have been selected for this study.  相似文献   

A Natural active oil seepage occurs at the intersection of the NW-oriented rift coastal fault and a NE-oriented cross fault which bound the southwest dipping Little Zeit tilted fault block at the southwestern side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Detailed surface geological mapping followed by subsurface mapping using aeromagnetic, seismic and borehole data of Ras El Ush oilfield (the nearest oil field to the seepage) provide a reliable hydrocarbon migration pathway model of the area.The proposed model suggests that hydrocarbons migrated upward at the intersection of a NE-oriented and the NW-oriented rift coastal faults where they found their way to the surface. The Nubia Sandstone occurs south of Ras El Ush oilfield in a trap door structure and probably entrapped some of the migrating hydrocarbons while a probable oil-water-contact at −1000 m which resulted into the migration of hydrocarbon through the damage zone of the northeast fault.The original oil in place of the predicted reservoir is estimated to be more than 47.5 MMBO which encourages the design makers for more investigation of this reservoir to increase its certainty and putting it in the plan of the future investments.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic marlstones (Mikulov Fm.) and marly limestones (Falkenstein Fm.) are the main source rocks for conventional hydrocarbons in the Vienna Basin in Austria. In addition, the Mikulov Formation has been considered a potential shale gas play. In this paper, organic geochemical, petrographical and mineralogical data from both formations in borehole Staatz 1 are used to determine the source potential and its vertical variability. Additional samples from other boreholes are used to evaluate lateral trends. Deltaic sediments (Lower Quarzarenite Member) and prodelta shales (Lower Shale Member) of the Middle Jurassic Gresten Formation have been discussed as secondary sources for hydrocarbons in the Vienna Basin area and are therefore included in the present study.The Falkenstein and Mikulov formations in Staatz 1 contain up to 2.5 wt%TOC. The organic matter is dominated by algal material. Nevertheless, HI values are relative low (<400 mgHC/gTOC), a result of organic matter degradation in a dysoxic environment. Both formations hold a fair to good petroleum potential. Because of its great thickness (∼1500 m), the source potential index of the Upper Jurrasic interval is high (7.5 tHC/m2). Within the oil window, the Falkenstein and Mikulov formations will produce paraffinic-naphtenic-aromatic low wax oil with low sulfur content. Whereas vertical variations are minor, limited data from the deep overmature samples suggest that original TOC contents may have increased basinwards. Based on TOC contents (typically <2.0 wt%) and the very deep position of the maturity cut-off values for shale oil/gas production (∼4000 and 5000 m, respectively), the potential for economic recovery of unconventional petroleum is limited. The Lower Quarzarenite Member of the Middle Jurassic Gresten Formation hosts a moderate oil potential, while the Lower Shale Member is are poor source rock.  相似文献   

This study investigates the source rock characteristics of Permian shales from the Jharia sub-basin of Damodar Valley in Eastern India. Borehole shales from the Raniganj, Barren Measure and Barakar Formations were subjected to bulk and quantitative pyrolysis, carbon isotope measurements, mineral identification and organic petrography. The results obtained were used to predict the abundance, source and maturity of kerogen, along with kinetic parameters for its thermal breakdown into simpler hydrocarbons.The shales are characterized by a high TOC (>3.4%), mature to post-mature, heterogeneous Type II–III kerogen. Raniganj and Barren Measure shales are in mature, late oil generation stage (Rr%Raniganj = 0.99–1.22; Rr%Barren Measure = 1.1–1.41). Vitrinite is the dominant maceral in these shales. Barakar shows a post-mature kerogen in gas generation stage (Rr%Barakar = 1.11–2.0) and consist mainly of inertinite and vitrinite. The δ13Corg value of kerogen concentrate from Barren Measure shale indicates a lacustrine/marine origin (−24.6–−30.84‰ vs. VPDB) and that of Raniganj and Barakar (−22.72–−25.03‰ vs. VPDB) show the organic provenance to be continental. The δ13C ratio of thermo-labile hydrocarbons (C1–C3) in Barren Measure suggests a thermogenic source.Discrete bulk kinetic parameters indicate that Raniganj has lower activation energies (ΔE = 42–62 kcal/mol) compared to Barren Measure and Barakar (ΔE = 44–68 kcal/mol). Temperature for onset (10%), middle (50%) and end (90%) of kerogen transformation is least for Raniganj, followed by Barren Measure and Barakar. Mineral content is dominated by quartz (42–63%), siderite (9–15%) and clay (14–29%). Permian shales, in particular the Barren Measure, as inferred from the results of our study, demonstrate excellent properties of a potential shale gas system.  相似文献   

Samples of argillaceous source rocks from three sub-members of the Shahejie Formation (Es) in the Dongying Depression, China, were collected to investigate the differences in hydrocarbon generation among the sub-members, which developed in fresh (Es32, Es33) and saline (Es41) water environments. Pyrolysis, XRD and thermo-XRD analyses were used to compare the characteristics of organic matter (OM), clay minerals and OM occurrences. Total organic carbon and hydrocarbon potential proxies suggest that the samples from Es33 were much better than the other two intervals, which agrees with previous studies. The characteristics of clay minerals suggest that the samples from Es41 have the most abundant illite, with a maximum illite percentage in mixed-layer illite-smectite (ISm), and the best crystallinity of ISm with a main stacking mode of R1.5. However, the stacking modes of ISm in Es32 and Es33 were primarily R0 and R1, respectively, and the crystallinity was relatively poor. Thus, the smectite illitization process was faster in Es41 than in the other two intervals, and a saline environment was a primary cause for the acceleration of the process. Moreover, OM occurrence indicates that the samples from Es41 had the lowest amount of interlayer OM, whereas Es33 had the largest amount. Therefore, the rapid illitization in Es41 caused abundant interlayer OM to be desorbed and discharged, which in turn caused the amount of residual interlayer OM in Es41 to be less than that in the other two intervals. Thus, the source rocks of Es41 made a more significant contribution to hydrocarbon generation than those of the other two units. In conclusion, the inconsistent illitization among these intervals was a major cause of the differences in hydrocarbon generation.  相似文献   

The Late Miocene Zeit Formation is exposed in the Red Sea Basin of Sudan and represents an important oil-source rock. In this study, five (5) exploratory wells along Red Sea Basin of Sudan are used to model the petroleum generation and expulsion history of the Zeit Formation. Burial/thermal models illustrate that the Red Sea is an extensional rift basin and initially developed during the Late Eocene to Oligocene. Heat flow models show that the present-day heat flow values in the area are between 60 and 109 mW/m2. The variation in values of the heat flow can be linked to the raise in the geothermal gradient from margins of the basin towards offshore basin. The offshore basin is an axial area with thick burial depth, which is the principal heat flow source.The paleo-heat flow values of the basin are approximately from 95 to 260 mW/m2, increased from Oligocene to Early Pliocene and then decreased exponentially prior to Late Pliocene. This high paleo-heat flow had a considerable effect on the source rock maturation and cooking of the organic matter. The maturity history models indicate that the Zeit Formation source rock passed the late oil-window and converted the oil generated to gas during the Late Miocene.The basin models also indicate that the petroleum was expelled from the Zeit source rock during the Late Miocene (>7 Ma) and it continues to present-day, with transformation ratio of more than 50%. Therefore, the Zeit Formation acts as an effective source rock where significant amounts of petroleum are expected to be generated in the Red Sea Basin.  相似文献   

The coupled tectonic and depositional history of extensional basins is usually described in terms of stratigraphic sequences linked with the activity of normal faults. This depositional-kinematic interplay is less understood in basins bounded by major extensional detachments or normal fault systems associated with significant exhumation of footwalls. Of particular interest is the link between tectonics and sedimentation during the migration of normal faulting in time and space across the basin. One area where such coupled depositional-kinematic history can be optimally studied is the Late Oligocene - Miocene Sarajevo-Zenica Basin, located in the Dinarides Mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This intra-montane basin recorded Oligocene – Pliocene sedimentation in an endemic and isolated lake environment. We use field kinematic and sedimentological mapping in outcrops correlated with existing local and regional studies to derive a high-resolution evolutionary model of the basin. The novel results demonstrate a close correlation between moments of normal faulting and high-order sedimentological cycles, while the overall extensional basin was filled by a largely uni-directional sediment supply from the neighbouring mountain chain. The migration in time and space of listric NE-dipping normal faults was associated with a gradual shift of the sedimentological environment. Transgressive-regressive cycles reflect sequential displacements on normal faults and their footwall exhumation, defining a new sedimentological model for such basins. This Early - Middle Miocene extension affected the central part of the Dinarides and was associated with the larger opening of the neighbouring Pannonian Basin. The extension was preceded and followed by two phases of contraction. The Oligocene - Early Miocene thrusting took place during the final stages of the Dinarides collision, while the post-Middle Miocene contraction is correlated with the regional indentation of the Adriatic continental unit. This latter phase inverted the extensional basin by reactivating the inherited basal listric detachment.  相似文献   

The quantitative characterization of carbon isotopes of n-alkanes is commonly carried out in organic geochemical studies. Possible controls on carbon isotopes include source organic matter, maturity, fractionation during oil expulsion and migration, and the mixing of different oils. In this study of the origin of crude oils in the western Pearl River Mouth Basin, the influences of all of these factors have been considered in reaching a conclusion. Carbon isotopes of n-alkanes in the crude oils, and the extracts of the two effective source rocks (the Wenchang and Enping formations) in the basin, exhibit clear differences. The Wenchang source rocks have heavy δ13C values that remain almost constant or become slightly heavier with increasing carbon number. The Enping source rocks have light δ13C values that become lighter with increasing carbon number. Two groups of oils in this area were identified based on the carbon isotopes of the n-alkanes; groupIoils are similar to extracts of the Wenchang source rocks. However, the groupIIoils are different from both the Wenchang and Enping source rocks and the carbon isotopic profiles of their n-alkanes exhibit a “V” feature with increasing carbon number. The results of artificial thermal maturation experiments indicate that, from the early stage to the peak stage of oil generation (with EasyRo between 0.64% and 1.02%), the δ13C values of n-alkanes in the pyrolysis oils become heavier by about 3‰ with increasing thermal maturity, but the shape of the carbon isotopic profiles are not significantly changed. Calculated δ13C values of n-alkanes in “mixed” artificial pyrolysis oils indicate that the mixture of oils generated from the same source rocks with different maturities could not change the carbon isotopic profile of the n-alkanes, however, a mixing of the Wenchang and Enping oils could give the “V” feature in the profiles, similar to the groupIIoils in this area. The groupIIoils appear to be mixed Wenchang and Enping oils, the latter being the dominant component in the mixture. We conclude that the source organic matter and the degree of mixing are the main factors controlling the carbon isotopic characteristics of n-alkanes in crude oils in the western Pearl River Mouth Basin.  相似文献   

Palynological and biomarker characteristics of organic facies recovered from Cretaceous–Miocene well samples in the Ras El Bahar Oilfield, southwest Gulf of Suez, and their correlation with lithologies, environments of deposition and thermal maturity have provided a sound basis for determining their source potential for hydrocarbons. In addition to palynofacies analysis, TOC/Rock-Eval pyrolysis, kerogen concentrates, bitumen extraction, carbon isotopes and saturated and aromatic biomarkers enable qualitative and quantitative assessments of sedimentary organic matter to be made. The results obtained from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and molecular biomarker data indicate that most of the samples come from horizons that have fair to good hydrocarbon generation potential in the study area. The Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene-Lower Eocene samples contain mostly Type-II to Type-III organic matter with the capability of generating oil and gas. The sediments concerned accumulated in dysoxic–anoxic marine environments. By contrast, the Miocene rocks yielded mainly Type-III and Type-II/III organic matter with mainly gas-generating potential. These rocks reflect deposition in a marine environment into which there was significant terrigenous input. Three palynofacies types have been recognized. The first (A) consists of Type-III gas-prone kerogen and is typical of the Early–Middle Miocene Belayim, Kareem and upper Rudeis formations. The second (B) has mixed oil and gas features and characterizes the remainder of the Rudeis Formation. The third association (C) is dominated by amorphous organic matter, classified as borderline Type-II oil-prone kerogen, and is typical of the Matulla (Turonian–Santonian) and Wata (Turonian) formations. Rock-Eval Tmax, PI, hopane and sterane biomarkers consistently indicate an immature to early mature stage of thermal maturity for the whole of the studied succession.  相似文献   

We estimated the composition of two food sources for the cultured pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii using stable isotopes and stomach content analysis in the coastal areas of the Uwa Sea, Japan. The δ13C values of oysters (−17.5 to −16.8‰) were intermediate between that of particulate organic matter (POM, −20.2 to −19.1‰) and attached microalgae on pearl cages (−13.0‰). An isotope mixing model suggested that oysters were consuming 78% POM (mainly phytoplankton) and 22% attached microalgae. The attached microalgal composition of the stomach content showed a strong resemblance to the composition of that estimated through the isotope mixing model, suggesting preferential utilization of specific components is unlikely in this species. These results indicate that P. fucata martensii feed on a mixture of phytoplankton and attached microalgae, and that the attached microalgae on pearl cages can serve as an important additional food source.  相似文献   

Deep sea drilling in the Central Gulf of California, a young and active spreading centre, shows that the high heat flow typical of these regions causes extensive alteration of sediment organic matter, especially near sills and above magma chambers where hydrothermal activity is concentrated. Even on the nearby passive margin, where there are no sills, heat flow is moderately high and hydrocarbon generation has begun in immature sequences. Migrating light hydrocarbons are detected especially where hydrothermal activity is concentrated. Thermogenic methane is more widespread, though not in the passive margin bordering the spreading centre. Despite the incidence of hydrocarbon generation and migration, the amounts of hydrocarbons involved are relatively small and apparently do not lead to commercially significant accumulations of petroleum.The organic matter in these sediments is mostly marine because the Gulf of California generally has low runoff from land and highly productive surface waters. Turbidites rich in terrigenous organic material are locally abundant in the mainly pelagic section in the Guaymas Basin. The highest concentrations of organic matter are found in laminated diatomites deposited on the Guaymas passive margin within the oxygen minimum zone.  相似文献   

Biodegradation and oil mixing in Silurian sandstone reservoirs of the Tarim Basin, one of the largest composite basins in China, were investigated by analyzing the molecular characteristics and stable carbon isotopic signatures of low-molecular-weight (LMW) saturated hydrocarbons and high-molecular-weight (HMW) asphaltenes. Detection of 25-norhopanes and 17-nortricyclic terpanes in most Silurian tar sands from the Tabei Uplift in the Tarim Basin suggests a much greater degree of biodegradation here than in the Tazhong Uplift. This explains the relatively more abundant tricyclic terpanes, gammacerane, pregnane and diasteranes in tar sands from the Tabei Uplift than in those from the Tazhong Uplift. Hence, care must be taken when assigning oil source correlations using biomarkers in tar sands because of the biodegradation and mixing of oils derived from multiple sources in such an old composite basin. Asphaltenes in the tar sands seem to be part of the oil charge before biodegradation, depending on the relative anti-biodegradation characteristics of asphaltenes, the similarity in carbon isotopic signatures for asphaltenes and their pyrolysates, and the consistent product distribution for flash pyrolysis and for regular steranes in asphaltene pyrolysates, regardless of whether the tar sands were charged with fresh oil. According to the relative distributions of regular steranes and the relatively abundant 1,2,3,4-tetramethylbenzene significantly enriched in 13C, the oil sources for asphaltenes in the tar sands might be related to lower Paleozoic marine source rocks formed in euxinic conditions. Nevertheless, the relatively low abundance of gammacerane and C28 regular steranes observed in asphaltene pyrolysates and residual hydrocarbons, within limited samples investigated in this work, made a direct correlation of oils originally charged into Silurian tar sands with those Cambrian source rocks, reported so far, seem not to be possible. Comparison of carbon isotopic signatures of n-alkanes in asphaltene pyrolysates with those of LMW saturated hydrocarbons is helpful in determining if the abundant n-alkanes in tar sands are derived from fresh oil charges after biodegradation. The limited carbon isotopic data for n-alkanes in LMW saturated hydrocarbons from the tar sands can be used to classify oils charged after biodegradation in the composite basin into four distinct groups.  相似文献   

Using the seismic profiles and analog modeling, this paper addresses the salt structures in the M and B blocks in the Southern Precaspian Basin. The salt structural features, the formation mechanism and the controlling factors of structural deformation are investigated and discussed systematically. The interpretation of the seismic profiles shows that typical salt-related structures include salt wall, (flip-flop) salt diapir, salt roller, salt pillow (dome), salt weld, salt withdrawal minibasin and drag structure (or drape fold). In addition, model results demonstrate that the gravity spreading driven by progradation and aggradation is probably the primary factor in controlling the formation of the salt structures in the research area. Due to the differential loading driven by progradation, passive salt diapir developed near the progradational front followed by the formation of intrasalt withdrawal minibasin bounded by two salt diapirs, and secondary reactive triangle salt diapir or salt pillow might form within the intrasalt withdrawal minibasin. Model results also indicate that the pattern of the subsalt basement has important influence on the formation and evolution of salt structures. Salt diapirs primarily developed along the margin of the subsalt uplift basement, where high shear deformation was induced by differential sedimentary loading between the uplift area and the slope area.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to distinguish between sources of the complex variety of Marennes-Oléron Bay suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) contributing to the tropho-dynamics of the Marennes-Oléron oyster farming bay. Basic biomarkers (Chl a, C/N and POC/Chl a ratios), carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes from SPOM were analyzed and the microalgae community was characterized. The sampling strategy was bimonthly from March 2002 to December 2003; samples were taken from an intertidal mudflat. Four main sources contributed to the SPOM pool: terrigenous input from rivers, neritic phytoplankton, resuspended microphytobenthos and periodic inputs from intertidal Zostera noltii meadows. Seasonal fluctuations were observed in both years of the study period: (1) SPOM collected in the spring of 2002 (δ13C = −25‰ to −23‰) was mainly composed of fresh estuarine inputs; (2) SPOM from the summer and fall of 2002 and 2003 was predominantly neritic phytoplankton (δ13C = − 22‰ to −19‰); (3) SPOM from the winter of 2002, spring of 2003 and winter of 2003 (δ13C = −21 to −23‰) was composed of a mixture of decayed terrigenous river inputs and pelagic phytoplankton, which was predominantly resuspended microphytobenthos. In the summer of 2003—the warmest summer on record in southern France and Europe—SPOM was particularly enriched for 13C, with δ13C values ranging from −14‰ to −12‰. Pulses in δ13C values, indicative of 13C-enriched decaying materials, extended into the fall. These were attributed to benthic intertidal inputs, including both resuspended microphytobenthos and Z. noltii detritus. Changes in SPOM sources in Marennes-Oléron Bay may lead to differences in the quality of the trophic environment available for reared oysters.  相似文献   

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