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Recently, several countries have conducted projects to explore and develop natural gas hydrate, which is one of the new alternative energy resources for the future. In Korea, a five-year national research project was initiated in 2000. As part of this project, a seismic survey was performed in the East Sea of Korea to quantify the potential magnitude and distribution of natural gas hydrates. Multi-channel seismic data and core samples have been acquired and recovered in the survey area. Analysis of seismic data show clear bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs), seismic blank zones (or wipe-out zones) with velocity pull-up structure, and pock-marks. In this study, we present the results of seismic surveys which indicate the existence of natural gas hydrates in Korean offshore areas. These results will be applied to select areas for coring (or drilling) and detailed exploration such as 2D seismic survey with long offset or 3D seismic in the future.  相似文献   

Supplies of conventional natural gas and oil are declining fast worldwide, and therefore new, unconventional forms of energy resources are needed to meet the ever-increasing demand. Amongst the many different unconventional natural resources are gas hydrates, a solid, ice-like crystalline compound of methane and water formed under specific low temperature and high pressure conditions. Gas hydrates are believed to exist in large quantities worldwide in oceanic regions of continental margins, as well as associated with permafrost regions in the Arctic. Some studies to estimate the global abundance of gas hydrate suggest that the total volume of natural gas locked up in form of gas hydrates may exceed all known conventional natural gas reserves, although large uncertainties exist in these assessments. Gas hydrates have been intensively studied in the last two decades also due to connections between climate forcing (natural and/or anthropogenic) and the potential large volumes of methane trapped in gas hydrate accumulations. The presence of gas hydrate within unconsolidated sediments of the upper few hundred meters below seafloor may also pose a geo-hazard to conventional oil and gas production. Additionally, climate variability and associated changes in pressure-temperature regimes and thus shifts in the gas hydrate stability zone may cause the occurrence of submarine slope failures.Several large-scale national gas hydrate programs exist especially in countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, India, and New Zealand, where large demands of energy cannot be met by domestic supplies from natural resources. The past five years have seen several dedicated deep drilling expeditions and other scientific studies conducted throughout Asia and Oceania to understand gas hydrates off India, China, and Korea. This thematic set of publications is dedicated to summarize the most recent findings and results of geo-scientific studies of gas hydrates in the marginal seas and continental margin of the Asia, and Oceania region.  相似文献   

Seismic character of gas hydrates on the Southeastern U.S. continental margin   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Gas hydrates are stable at relatively low temperature and high pressure conditions; thus large amounts of hydrates can exist in sediments within the upper several hundred meters below the sea floor. The existence of gas hydrates has been recognized and mapped mostly on the basis of high amplitude Bottom Simulating Reflections (BSRs) which indicate only that an acoustic contrast exists at the lower boundary of the region of gas hydrate stability. Other factors such as amplitude blanking and change in reflection characteristics in sediments where a BSR would be expected, which have not been investigated in detail, are also associated with hydrated sediments and potentially disclose more information about the nature of hydratecemented sediments and the amount of hydrate present.Our research effort has focused on a detailed analysis of multichannel seismic profiles in terms of reflection character, inferred distribution of free gas underneath the BSR, estimation of elastic parameters, and spatial variation of blanking. This study indicates that continuous-looking BSRs in seismic profiles are highly segmented in detail and that the free gas underneath the hydrated sediment probably occurs as patches of gas-filled sediment having variable thickness. We also present an elastic model for various types of sediments based on seismic inversion results. The BSR from sediments of high ratio of shear to compressional velocity, estimated as about 0.52, encased in sediments whose ratios are less than 0.35 is consistent with the interpretation of gasfilled sediments underneath hydrated sediments. This model contrasts with recent results in which the BSR is explained by increased concentrations of hydrate near the base of the hydrate stability field and no underlying free gas is required.  相似文献   

The passive northern continental margin of the South China Sea is rich in gas hydrates, as inferred from the occurrence of bottom-simulating reflectors (BSR) and from well logging data at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drill sites. Nonetheless, BSRs on new 2D multichannel seismic reflection data from the area around the Dongsha Islands (the Dongsha Rise) are not ubiquitous. They are confined to complex diapiric structures and active fault zones located between the Dongsha Rise and the surrounding depressions, implying that gas hydrate occurrence is likewise limited to these areas. Most of the BSRs have low amplitude and are therefore not clearly recognizable. Acoustic impedance provides information on rock properties and has been used to estimate gas hydrate concentration. Gas hydrate-bearing sediments have acoustic impedance that is higher than that of the surrounding sediments devoid of hydrates. Based on well logging data, the relationship between acoustic impedance and porosity can be obtained by a linear regression, and the degree of gas hydrate saturation can be determined using Archie’s equation. By applying these methods to multichannel seismic data and well logging data from the northern South China Sea, the gas hydrate concentration is found to be 3–25% of the pore space at ODP Site 1148 depending on sub-surface depth, and is estimated to be less than values of 5% estimated along seismic profile 0101. Our results suggest that saturation of gas hydrate in the northern South China Sea is higher than that estimated from well resistivity log data in the gas hydrate stability zone, but that free gas is scarce beneath this zone. It is probably the scarcity of free gas that is responsible for the low amplitudes of the BSRs.  相似文献   

The Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments at lease block Green Canyon 955 (GC955) in the Gulf of Mexico include sand-rich strata with high saturations of gas hydrate; these gas hydrate accumulations and the associated geology have been characterized over the past decade using conventional industry three-dimensional (3D) seismic data and dedicated logging-while-drilling (LWD) borehole data. To improve structural and stratigraphic characterization and to address questions of gas flow and reservoir properties, in 2013 the U.S. Geological Survey acquired high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) seismic data at GC955. Combined analysis of all available data improves our understanding of the geological evolution of the study area, which includes basin-scale migration of the Mississippi River sediment influx as well as local-scale shifting of sedimentary channels at GC955 in response to salt-driven uplift, structural deformation associated with the salt uplift, and upward gas migration from deeper sediments that charges the main gas hydrate reservoir and shallower strata. The 2D data confirm that the sand-rich reservoir is composed principally of sediments deposited in a proximal levee setting and that episodes of channel scour, interspersed with levee deposition, have resulted in an assemblage of many individual proximal levee deposit “pods” each with horizontal extent up to several hundred meters. Joint analysis of the 2D and 3D data reveals new detail of a complex fault network that controls the fluid-flow system; large east-west trending normal faults allow fluid flow through the reservoir-sealing fine-grained unit, and smaller north-south oriented faults provide focused fluid-flow pathways (chimneys) through the shallower sediments. This system has enabled the flow of gas from the main reservoir to the seafloor throughout the recent history at GC955, and its intricacies help explain the distributed occurrences of gas hydrate in the intervening strata.  相似文献   

In the last decades gas hydrate occurrence along the Chilean continental margin has been well documented. In order to better define the seismic character of the hydrate-bearing sediments, we performed a detailed velocity analysis by using the pre-stack depth migration on part of multichannel reflection seismic line RC2901-734 located offshore Coyhaique.  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic reflection data from the continental margin of western India suggest the potential presence of fluid expulsion features, which may or may not be associated with gas hydrates. No typical bottom simulating reflector was observed on the reflection seismic section. As a result we look for other evidence in seismic sections in a small corridor of the western continental margin of India in order to establish the presence of gas hydrates. We study features including venting through the seafloor, pockmarks, sea floor collapse, faults acting as migration paths for fluid flow, transparent gas-charged sediment, reduction in amplitude strength, diapirism and mud-volcano. Presence of all these gas-escape features on a seismic section implies the probable presence of methane within the zone of hydrate stability field.  相似文献   

The Ulleung Basin, East (Japan) Sea, is well-known for the occurrence of submarine slope failures along its entire margins and associated mass-transport deposits (MTDs). Previous studies postulated that gas hydrates which broadly exist in the basin could be related with the failure process. In this study, we identified various features of slope failures on the margins, such as landslide scars, slide/slump bodies, glide planes and MTDs, from a regional multi-channel seismic dataset. Seismic indicators of gas hydrates and associated gas/fluid flow, such as the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR), seismic chimneys, pockmarks, and reflection anomalies, were re-compiled. The gas hydrate occurrence zone (GHOZ) within the slope sediments was defined from the BSR distribution. The BSR is more pronounced along the southwestern slope. Its minimal depth is about 100 m below seafloor (mbsf) at about 300 m below sea-level (mbsl). Gas/fluid flow and seepage structures were present on the seismic data as columnar acoustic-blanking zones varying in width and height from tens to hundreds of meters. They were classified into: (a) buried seismic chimneys (BSC), (b) chimneys with a mound (SCM), and (c) chimneys with a depression/pockmark (SCD) on the seafloor. Reflection anomalies, i.e., enhanced reflections below the BSR and hyperbolic reflections which could indicate the presence of gas, together with pockmarks which are not associated with seismic chimneys, and SCDs are predominant in the western-southwestern margin, while the BSR, BSCs and SCMs are widely distributed in the southern and southwestern margins. Calculation of the present-day gas-hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) shows that the base of the GHSZ (BGHSZ) pinches out at water depths ranging between 180 and 260 mbsl. The occurrence of the uppermost landslide scars which is below about 190 mbsl is close to the range of the GHSZ pinch-out. The depths of the BSR are typically greater than the depths of the BGHSZ on the basin margins which may imply that the GHOZ is not stable. Close correlation between the spatial distribution of landslides, seismic features of free gas, gas/fluid flow and expulsion and the GHSZ may suggest that excess pore-pressure caused by gas hydrate dissociation could have had a role in slope failures.  相似文献   

The presence of gas hydrate in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea), inferred by various seismic indicators, including the widespread bottom-simulating reflector (BSR), has been confirmed by coring and drilling. We applied the standard AVO technique to the BSRs in turbidite/hemipelagic sediments crosscutting the dipping beds and those in debris-flow deposits to qualitatively assess the gas hydrate and gas concentrations. These BSRs are not likely to be affected by thin-bed tuning which can significantly alter the AVO response of the BSR. The BSRs crosscutting the dipping beds in turbidite/hemipelagic sediments are of low-seismic amplitude and characterized by a small positive gradient, indicating a decrease in Poisson’s ratio in the gas-hydrate stability zone (GHSZ), which, in turn, suggests the presence of gas hydrate. The BSRs in debris-flow deposits are characterized by a negative gradient, indicating decreased Poisson’s ratio below the GHSZ, which is likely due to a few percent or greater gas saturations. The increase in the steepness of the AVO gradient and the magnitude of the intercept of the BSRs in debris-flow deposits with increasing seismic amplitude of the BSRs is probably due to an increase in gas saturations, as predicted by AVO model studies based on rock physics. The reflection strength of the BSRs in debris-flow deposits, therefore, can be a qualitative measure of gas saturations below the GHSZ.  相似文献   

Small amounts of free gas in interstitial sediment pores are known to significantly lower compressional (P-) wave velocity (Vp). This effect, combined with moderately elevated Vp from the presence of gas hydrates, is usually thought to be the cause for the often observed strong negative reflection coefficients of bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) at the base of gas hydrate stability (BGHS). At several locations however, weak BSRs have been observed, which are difficult to reconcile with a presence of gas in sediment pores. We here present a rock physics model for weak BSRs on the Hikurangi Margin east of New Zealand. Thin sections of a fine-grained mudstone sample from a submarine outcrop in the vicinity of a weak BSR show macroscopic porosity in the form of fractures and intrafossil macropores. We apply the Kuster-Toksöz theory to predict seismic velocities for a rock with water-saturated interstitial micropores and gas or hydrates in macroscopic pore space simulating fractures or compliant macropores. We match field observations of a weak BSR with a reflection coefficient of −0.016 with two end-member models; (1) rocks with gas hydrate-filled voids with a concentration of <4% of bulk sediment overlying water-filled voids, or (2) fully gas-saturated voids at a concentration of <2% beneath water-filled voids. A natural system is likely to consist of a combination of these end-members and of macroporosity filled with a mixture of water and gas or hydrate. Our results suggest weak BSRs may be caused by gas hydrate systems in fractures and macropores of fine-grained sediments with fully water-saturated interstitial pore space. Gas may be supplied into the macroscopic pore space by diffusion-driven short-range migration of methane generated within the gas hydrate stability field or, our favoured model based on additional geologic considerations, long-range advective migration from deeper sources along fractures.  相似文献   

In the Shenhu area of the northern South China Sea (SCS), canyon systems and focused fluid flow systems increase the complexity of the gas hydrate distribution in the region. It also induces difficulties in predicting the hydrate reservoir characteristics and quantitatively evaluating reservoir parameters. In this study, several inversion methods have been executed to estimate the velocities of strata and gas hydrate concentrations along a profile in the Shenhu area. The seismic data were inverted to obtain the reflection coefficient of each stratum via a spectral inversion method. Stratigraphic horizons were then delineated by tracking the inverted reflectivities. Based on the results of spectral inversion, a low-frequency velocity field of the strata was constructed for acoustic impedance inversion. Using a new iterative algorithm for acoustic impedance inversion, reflection coefficients were converted into velocities, and the velocity variations of the strata along a 2D seismic line were then obtained. Subsequently, gas hydrate saturations at well SH2 were estimated via the shale-corrected resistivity method, the chloride ion concentration method and three different rock physics models. The results were then compared to determine the optimal rock physics model, and the modified Wood equation (MWE) was found to be appropriate for this area. Finally, the inverted velocities and MWE were used to predict the distribution and concentrations of gas hydrates along the seismic line. The estimated spatial distribution of gas hydrates is consistent with that from sonic logging and resistivity data at well SH2, and with the drilling results. Therefore, this method is applicable in areas with no well data, or with few wells, and provides an effective tool for predicting and evaluating gas hydrates using seismic data.  相似文献   

Argo is an international project that is deploying profiling drifters in all of the oceans of the world, with the exception of the Arctic Ocean. Though still in its implementation phase the Argo array is now supplying an impressive amount of data which offers new opportunities to assess and monitor the environmental status of many regions of the world oceans. Recently, changes in the Gulf of Alaska have been documented by other means that suggest large changes in the T/S relationships and related changes in nutrient supply and productivity. This paper examines these unusual changes to demonstrate the use of the Argo database to determine the physical status of an ecosystem. While the methods of analysis are general, they are here specifically applied to the N.E. Pacific Ocean. We show how it is possible to monitor the baroclinic geostrophic circulation fields in near real-time and correlate these changes with alterations in the stratification of the upper water column.  相似文献   

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