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Comparatively little is known about net aggradation on alluvial fans, despite fan construction wherever sediment-delivery rates from uplands exceed sediment-removal rates from receiving basins. In January 1983, 20 alluvial fans in the forested Cascade foothills, northwest Washington, experienced net aggradation in response to debris torrents and stream floods triggered by intense warm rains falling on antecedent snow. Five trenches were excavated to 5 m depth on the Mills Creek fan to place the 1983 event in temporal perspective. The deposits reflect normal streamflow, hyperconcentrated streamflow and debris torrent (flow) conditions. One trench revealed residues of 7 events since 1720 BP. Net rates of Holocene aggradation, based on sediments overlying late Pleistocene fluvioglacial deposits, average 0.42 m ka-1. Net rates for later Holocene time range from 2.17 m ka-1 since 1720 BP to 2.36 m ka-1 since 430 BP. These recent rates exceed the local value for the entire Holocene and rates for humid temperate fans elsewhere. This suggests that accelerated aggradation may characterize later Holocene times, a view that contrasts with the widespread belief that the later Holocene has been dominated by fan-head incision and net degradation. More comparative data are needed to test this observation. Locally, large debris-producing events in 1917 and 1983 are consistent with later Holocene recurrence intervals and thus appear to be independent of timber harvesting. [Key words: alluvial fan, debris torrent, debris flow, streamflow, Washington.]  相似文献   

Variations in the coupling of sediment transfer between different parts of a fluvial catchment, e.g., hillslope to axial stream, can hamper understanding but are an integral part of the geomorphological record. Depositional environments respond to a combination of land use, climate, storms (floods), and autogenic conditioning. The distribution of sediment in the upland landscapes of NW England is out of equilibrium with contemporary climate and geomorphological processes; more a function of peri- and paraglacial mobilisation of glacigenic deposits. Soil and vegetation development after deglaciation have interrupted any progression toward sediment exhaustion with sediment release controlled largely by extrinsic perturbation, with late Holocene anthropogenic activity, climate and extreme hydrological events the likely candidates. This paper presents a new radiocarbon-dated Holocene geomorphological succession for the River Hodder (NW England), alongside evaluating new palaeoecological and geoarchaeological data to discern the impacts of human activity. These data show a late Holocene expansion in human occupation and use of the landscape since the Iron Age (700–0 cal. B.C.), with more substantial changes in the character and intensity of upland land use in the last 1300 years. The geomorphological responses in the uplands were the onset of considerable and widespread hillslope erosion (gullying) and associated alluvial fan development. Interpretation of the regional radiocarbon chronology limits gullying to four, more extensive and aggressive phases after 500 cal. B.C. The downstream alluvial system has responded with considerable valley floor deposition and lateral channel migration that augmented sediment supply by remobilising the existing floodplain terraces and led to the aggradation of a series of inset alluvial terraces. The timing of these changes between states of aggradation and incision in alluvial reaches reflects the increased connectivity between the hillslope and alluvial systems. Aspects of both the regional climate and land use histories are conducive to increasing discharge and sediment flux, but the region wide lowering of erosion thresholds appears a key driver conditioning these sediment-rich conditions and producing a landscape that was more susceptible to erosion under lower magnitude flows.  相似文献   

Schmidt‐hammer exposure‐age dating (SHD) was applied to three flood berms in upper Vetlestølsdalen, southern Norway, using a local, high‐precision calibration curve that takes account of the colluvial origin of fluvial boulders in the youngest berm, which was deposited during the August 1979 flood. Precision of SHD dating for this berm was estimated as ±210 years, whereas predicted ages of the two older berms were 3195 ± 435 and 3405 ± 340 years, and subsections of the oldest berm yielded age ranges of ~900 years. The results demonstrate the feasibility of high‐precision SHD in the context of boulder landforms deposited by high‐magnitude floods, the requirement of a large sample of R values in the face of high natural variability, the necessity of an appropriate calibration curve to ensure accuracy, the usefulness of floods of known age for testing and improving calibration curves, and the potential effects of boulders of colluvial origin on R values (especially the susceptibility of young surfaces to roughness variations). The dated berms indicate a return period of ~1000–1500 years for floods of the magnitude of the 1979 flood event in the upper catchment. Thus, the long‐term persistence of flood boulder berms in the landscape has potential for reconstructing Holocene flood history and palaeohydrology from the geomorphic legacy of the most extreme Holocene floods.  相似文献   

河西走廊平原区全新世河流阶地对气候变化的响应   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
李有利  杨景春 《地理科学》1997,17(3):248-252
河西走廓的古洋河,黑河,北大河和疏勒不可在平原发育了两级阶地,根据^14C测年数据,低阶地形成于5.57-3.15kaB.P.,高阶地形成于11-8kgB.P.,在8-6kaB.P.之间为河流下切期。  相似文献   

Distinguishing tectonic from climatic controls on range-front sedimentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Geologic and chronometric studies of alluvial fan sequences in south-central Australia provide insights into the roles of tectonics and climate in continental landscape evolution. The most voluminous alluvial fans in the Flinders Ranges region have developed adjacent to catchments uplifted by Plio-Quaternary reverse faults, implying that young tectonic activity has exerted a first-order control on long-term sediment accumulation rates along the range front. However, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of alluvial fan sequences indicates that late Quaternary facies changes and intervals of sediment aggradation and dissection are not directly correlated with individual faulting events. Fan sequences record a transition from debris flow deposition and soil formation to clast-supported conglomeritic sedimentation by ∼30 ka. This transition is interpreted to reflect a landscape response to increasing climatic aridity, coupled with large flood events that episodically stripped previously weathered regolith from the landscape. Late Pleistocene to Holocene cycles of fan incision and aggradation post-date the youngest-dated surface ruptures and are interpreted to reflect changes in the frequency and magnitude of large floods. These datasets indicate that tectonic activity controlled long-term sediment supply but climate governed the spatial and temporal patterns of range-front sedimentation. Mild intraplate tectonism appears to have influenced Plio-Quaternary sedimentation patterns across much of the southern Australian continent, including the geometry and extent of alluvial fans and sea-level incursions.  相似文献   

甘青地区中晚全新世植被变化与人类活动   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
史前时期人类对环境的影响是近几年来国际研究的热点。在甘青地区,全新世的孢粉资料比较多。但在中晚全新世,该区人类对环境的影响作用及其程度仍不清楚,许多孢粉分析资料中并没有充分考虑人类活动的影响。本文选取孢粉分辨率较高、代表性较好的青海湖、兰州、秦安大地湾三地的资料,着重研究了其中乔木成分的变化。分析发现,孢粉组合中乔木成分的变化与气候变化的趋势并不一致。通过对考古及历史资料的分析,笔者认为,该区的植被很早就受到人类活动的影响。自全新世中期,本区植被中的乔木成分波动下降。5000-3000a BP期间,史前农业对植被的影响较大。3000-2000a BP期间,植被略有恢复。2000a BP以后,人为影响加剧,植被中乔木成分迅速下降。研究者认为,依赖孢粉资料重建中晚全新世的气候变化历史应当慎重。  相似文献   

In the Solway Firth — Morecambe Bay region of Great Britain there is evidence for heightened hillslope instability during the late Holocene (after 3000 cal. BP). Little or no hillslope geomorphic activity has been identified occurring during the early Holocene, but there is abundant evidence for late Holocene hillslope erosion (gullying) and associated alluvial fan and valley floor deposition. Interpretation of the regional radiocarbon chronology available from organic matter buried beneath alluvial fan units suggests much of this geomorphic activity can be attributed to four phases of more extensive gullying identified after 2500–2200, 1300–1000, 1000–800 and 500 cal. BP. Both climate and human impact models can be evoked to explain the crossing of geomorphic thresholds: and palaeoecological data on climatic change (bog surface wetness) and human impact (pollen), together with archaeological and documentary evidence of landscape history, provide a context for addressing the causes of late Holocene geomorphic instability. High magnitude storm events are the primary agent responsible for gully incision, but neither such events nor cooler/wetter climatic episodes appear to have produced gully systems in the region before 3000 cal. BP. Increased gullying after 2500–2200 cal. BP coincides with population expansion during Iron Age and Romano-British times. The widespread and extensive gullying after 1300–1000 cal. BP and after 1000–800 cal. BP coincides with periods of population expansion and a growing rural economy identified during Norse times, 9–10th centuries AD, and during the Medieval Period, 12–13th centuries AD. These periods were separated by a downturn associated with the ‘harrying of the north’ AD 1069 to 1070. The gullying episode after 500 cal. BP also coincides with increased anthropogenic pressure on the uplands, with population growth and agricultural expansion after AD 1500 following 150 years of malaise caused by livestock and human (the Black Death) plagues, poor harvests and conflicts on the Scottish/English border. The increased susceptibility to erosion of gullies is a response to increased anthropogenic pressure on upland hillslopes during the late Holocene, and the role of this pressure appears crucial in priming hillslopes before subsequent major storm events. In particular, the cycles of expansion and contraction in both population and agriculture appear to have affected the susceptibility of the upland landscape to erosion, and the hillslope gullying record in the region, therefore, contributes to understanding of the timing and spatial pattern of human exploitation of the upland landscape.  相似文献   

Varnish microlamination (VML) dating is a correlative age determination technique that can be used to date and correlate various geomorphic features in deserts. In this study, we establish a generalized late Quaternary (i.e., 0–300 ka) varnish layering sequence for the drylands of western USA and tentatively correlate it with the SPECMAP oxygen isotope record. We then use this climatically correlated varnish layering sequence as a correlative dating tool to determine surface exposure ages for late Quaternary geomorphic features in the study region. VML dating of alluvial fan deposits in Death Valley of eastern California indicates that, during the mid to late Pleistocene, 5–15 ky long aggradation events occurred during either wet or dry climatic periods and that major climate shifts between glacial and interglacial conditions may be the pacemaker for alteration of major episodes of fan aggradation. During the Holocene interglacial time, however, 0.5–1 ky long brief episodes of fan deposition may be linked to short periods of relatively wet climate. VML dating of alluvial desert pavements in Death Valley and the Mojave Desert reveals that pavements can be developed rapidly (< 10 ky) during the Holocene (and probably late Pleistocene) in the arid lowlands (< 800 m msl) of these regions; but once formed, they may survive for 74–85 ky or even longer without being significantly disturbed by geomorphic processes operative at the pavement surface. Data from this study also support the currently accepted, “being born at the surface” model of desert pavement formation. VML dating of colluvial boulder deposits on the west slope of Yucca Mountain, southern Nevada, yields a minimum age of 46 ka for the emplacement of these deposits on the slope, suggesting that they were probably formed during the early phase of the last glaciation or before. These results, combined with those from our previous studies, demonstrate that VML dating has great potential to yield numerical age estimates for various late Quaternary geomorphic features in the western USA drylands.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic, geomorphic, and paleoecological data were collected from upland watersheds in the Great Basin of central Nevada to assess the relationships between late Holocene climate change, hillslope processes and landforms, and modern channel dynamics. These data indicate that a shift to drier, warmer climatic conditions from approximately 2500 to 1300 YPB led to a complex set of geomorphic responses. The initial response was massive hillslope erosion and the simultaneous aggradation of both side-valley alluvial fans and the axial valley system. The final response was fan stabilization and axial channel incision as fine-grained sediments were winnowed from the hillslope sediment reservoirs, and sediment yield and runoff processes were altered. The primary geomorphic response to disturbance for approximately the past 1900 years has been channel entrenchment, suggesting that the evolutionary history of hillslopes has produced watersheds that are prone to incision. The magnitude of the most recent phase of channel entrenchment varies along the valley floor as a function of geomorphic position relative to side-valley alluvial fans. Radial fan profiles suggest that during fan building, fan deposits temporarily blocked the flow of sediment down the main stem of the valley, commonly creating a stepped longitudinal valley profile. Stream reaches located immediately upvalley of these fans are characterized by low gradients and alternating episodes of erosion and deposition. In contrast, reaches coincident with or immediately downstream of the fans exhibit higher gradients and limited valley floor deposition. Thus, modern channel dynamics and associated riparian ecosystems are strongly influenced by landforms created by depositional events that occurred approximately 2000 years ago.  相似文献   

本文根据天池考察,并采集坝体上下层的堆积物,与山崩,滑坡,冰碛,泥石流,雪崩崖麓堆积物进行比较,就天池地区的自然环境,天池成因争论的实质和天池坝形成的古地理环境提出一些看法。  相似文献   

A unique, continuous, fan‐shaped belt of sandy landforms in the central‐eastern Mazovian Lowland, Central Poland has been investigated using a multiproxy dataset of sediment physical properties and chronological framework. Although there are several previous studies of similar fan‐like forms elsewhere in Central Poland, this central‐eastern part has not been investigated in detail. A combined methodological approach, using grain‐size distributions, the roundness, surface character and microtexture of quartz grains, and the mineral composition of the light and heavy fractions, indicate a predominantly aeolian origin for the fan‐like forms. Overlying them are dunes, the sediment within which is derived mainly from the fan‐like forms. Two main aeolian phases are distinguished based on luminescence ages: (1) between around 15 and 16 ka, possibly correlated with the Pomeranian Phase of the last (Vistulian) glaciation in Poland, and representing a phase with a poorly recorded deflation event; and (2) around 12 ka, associated with the Younger Dryas onset, when fresh, non‐aeolian material was delivered to the system. Overall, the palaeoenvironmental pattern of the fan‐like forms is controlled by the Upper Pleistocene aeolian trends.  相似文献   

In the Lake Guillaume-Delisle area of subarctic Québec, storm-generated alluvial fans have been active sporadically throughout the Holocene. In this study, we propose that the persistence of late-lying snowpatches in fan catchments during Holocene cold episodes promoted alluvial fan activity by lowering the precipitation threshold required to trigger a torrential event. This hypothesis was tested by characterizing the depositional processes responsible for alluvial fan formation below snowpatches, and by reconstructing the Holocene alluvial fan activity. Stratigraphic and sedimentary analyses conducted on seven alluvial fans revealed that they were deposited by torrential activity leading to waterlaid, transient, or hyperconcentrated deposition. The chronology of the storm-generated alluvial fans — based on 22 radiocarbon dates — indicates that torrential activity was enhanced during the cooler Late Holocene (i.e., after ca. 3500 cal. yr BP). Snowier winters and cooler summers were beneficial to nival activity, allowing the persistence of larger snowpatches throughout the summer and fall seasons. Rainfall-induced thaw of such snowpatches during rainstorm events is inferred to have contributed to alluvial fan activity by increasing water availability. Three peaks of alluvial activity occurred during the Late Holocene (2950–2750, 1900–1400, and 800–300 cal. yr BP) and are indicative of increased storminess resulting in higher fan activity. Increased fan activity during cooler episodes was concurrent with increased runoff activity in the immediate pronival area. This stresses the importance of nivation below snowpatches and pinpoints the role of nivation in enhancing geomorphological activity during period of cooler and more humid climate in subarctic environments.  相似文献   

Presented are the results from pedolithological investigations and reconstructions of the naturalclimatic events in the Early Holocene (radiocarbon age 10.3?8 ka; calendar age 11.7?8.8 ka) on the coast of Middle Baikal, based on data obtained by studying the structure, composition and properties of subaerial deposits and soils in terrestrial sections. A study was made of the numerous soil profiles and sections of geoarchaeological sites. The investigation revealed common features in the layered structure of the Early-Holocene portion of the terrestrial sections and evidence of climate warming represented by buried soils, signals of a cooling in the form of cryogenic fissures, and signals of drying in the form of aeolian drifts and evidence of deflation. It is shown that the Early Holocene was the time of cardinal changes in the nature of subaerial sedimentation (calcareous deposits were replaced by noncalcareous deposits) and the pedogenesis. Considerable cold storage from inherited permafrost and humidification of soils and earth materials with moisture from the thawing of permafrost were responsible for the specific character of soil formation, and for the spread of forest vegetation under a rather low atmospheric humidity. The phases of climate warming were accompanied by an intensification of soil formation with the production of soils of two types: early boreal, and boreal. Deluvial, colluvial and sometimes (in Priol’khonie) aeolian deposits accumulated during the cooling phases (Late Preboreal and Late Boreal). Small cryogenic fissures were generated. The issues of man’s adaptation to the cardinally changed natural conditions at the turn of the Pleistocene and Holocene and over the course of the Early Holocene are associated with the problem of Baikal’s water level and human settlement on its shores. The Lake Baikal stage at the end of the Late Neopleistocene was lower than at present; during the Early Holocene it was rising to reach at the late-boreal period the present-day level (or even exceeded it). The rises of Baikal’s stage at the Mid- and Late-Holocene period were causing scouring and destruction of the Early-Holocene sites that were located at lower elevations.  相似文献   

Quaternary evolution of Cedar Creek alluvial fan, montana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cedar Creek alluvial fan is a textbook example of an alluvial fan because of its fan shape with smooth, concentric contours and excellent symmetry. Similar planimetric shapes have been used to infer uniform fan deposition; however, Cedar Creek alluvial fan is composed of four fan deposits of Quaternary age, Qf1 (oldest) to Qf4 (youngest), indicating that fan deposition was nonuniform in both time and space. Field studies indicate that deposition of Cedar Creek alluvial fan is related to glaciofluvial outwash activity during the Pleistocene and upper-fan entrenchment and lower-fan deposition during the Holocene.Qf1 and Qf2 deposits are sub-horizontally bedded, clast-supported sandy gravels uniformly imbricated upfan. Comparison of soil profiles developed in these deposits to radiogenically-dated chronosequences within the region indicates that Qf1 and Qf2 are correlative with Bull Lake and Pinedale-age deposits, respectively. These relationships are substantiated by physical correlation of Qf1 and Qf2 with Bull Lake and Pinedale moraines, respectively, in the Cedar Creek drainage basin. The sedimentology and timing of Qf1 and Qf2 indicate deposition in high-energy, proglacial, braided streams. Furthermore, the present morphology of Cedar Creek alluvial fan was established largely during aggradation of Qf1 and Qf2 when sediment supply to the fan was sufficient to activate 60% to greater than 90% of the total fan area. During Bull Lake glaciation, the apex of Qf1 deposition formed the apex of Cedar Creek alluvial fan as Qf1 covered more than 90% of the present fan area. During Pinedale glaciation, Qf2 deposition shifted downfan; Qf2 is inset into Qf1 above the intersection point, but below the intersection point it eroded and/or buried Qf1 as it activated as much as 60% of the fan area.Qf3 and Qf4, comprising 21% of the fan area, are inset into Qf2 in the lower fan area. Soil development in Qf3 and Qf4 deposits indicate episodic deposition and entrenchment beginning in early Holocene and continuing to present. A post-glacial decrease in sediment supply to Cedar Creek alluvial fan is indicated by sediment storage within the Cedar Creek drainage basin. Decreased sediment supply to the fan resulted in upper-fan entrenchment of Qf2 and deposition of Qf3 and Qf4 in the lower-fan area.  相似文献   

Mapping of late Quaternary geomorphic surfaces, and analysis of the soils and sediments buried within them, provides evidence for the history of a small study area within the Red Valley physiographic zone, Black Hills, South Dakota. Geomorphic thresholds for this grassland system are correlated with periods of major climatic change. Well-developed soils dating to the late Pleistocene and early Holocene (14,000 to 9000 yr B.P.) suggest more mesic conditions and geomorphic stability. A mid-Holocene Altithermal (ca. 8000 to 4500 yr B.P.) denudation almost completely stripped the landscape of earlier Holocene sediments and soils. A prolonged, mid-Holocene (ca. 4500 to 3600 yr B.P.) mesic period of landscape stability and soil development followed, but was abruptly terminated around 3600 yr BP. Late Holocene conditions approached stability about 1200 yr BP. After this time, alluvial terrace surfaces remained stable, while alluvial fans experienced periods of stability punctuated by midslope aggradation.  相似文献   

Soils and alluvial sediments in two wadi systems provide preliminary evidence of intense prehistoric soil erosion in the Plateau of Central Jordan. Magnetic susceptibility, color, secondary carbonate morphology, and soil structure suggest that, at the end of the Pleistocene, red Mediterranean soils (terra rossa soils) extended into areas that today are dry steppes on desert fringes. The chronological correlation between alluvial depositional events and cultural phases in the context of climatic change in the Levant suggests that climatic fluctuations at the end of the Pleistocene, which were characterized by gradual drying and warming, triggered several consecutive cycles of soil erosion. There is also evidence to suggest that the advent of early farming in the early Holocene played an important role in the continuation of soil erosion processes. The results of this preliminary research suggest that studies of ancient soil erosion in this region, red Mediterranean soils are a useful chronological and pedological datum to be correlated with alluvial and colluvial deposits. [Key words: soil erosion, alluvial sequences, red Mediterranean soils, Levant, Jordan, Middle East, soil properties.]  相似文献   

青藏公路纳赤台地区融冻褶皱及其古气候意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王绍令  边纯玉 《地理研究》1993,12(1):94-100
昆仑河及其主要支流的Ⅳ—Ⅰ级阶地发育着融冻褶皱,其形成时代为两期:晚更新世末期(距今20725—14041年),全新世中期(距今约3000年)。它际志着本区在晚更新世末期为连续多年冻土区,年平均气候较今低5—6℃;在全新世新冰期时为岛状多年冻土区,年平均气温较今低2.5—3.0℃。  相似文献   

Geometric, hydraulic, and sediment characteristics in arid badlands near Borrego Springs, California, are examined in relation to precipitation events of varying magnitude and frequency. The longitudinal and cross profiles of five ephemeral channels occupying a 2.5 km2 catchment were surveyed under pre-and post-storm conditions during the February 1976-December 1978 period. Such arid region channels offer the opportunity to observe and explain rates and methods of profile change under different flow types in a short period of time. Catchment responses to light winter events include substantial lags between initial precipitation and channel runoff, the limited downstream movement of small slugs of sediment, high losses of discharge into channel alluvium, and prolonged mass movement of debris from adjacent hillslopes into the channels following the storm events thus promoting aggradation along certain channel reaches. Responses to intense summer storms include explosive channel and hillslope runoff and localized scour and fill, both during and following such events, thereby promoting substantial aggradation and erosion along portions of the channels. Although ephemeral flow conditions may produce channel profiles which are distinct from those in perennial streams, the evaluation of the methods of sediment transport and the storage of debris in arid catchments offer useful explanation for other environments.  相似文献   

中原地区晚全新世以来的环境变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
施少华  杨怀仁 《地理学报》1992,47(2):119-129
本文利用丰富的历史资料和树木年轮资料,恢复了我国中原地区晚全新世2000余年以来的环境变化,建立了2200余年的降水变化序列。划分了晚全新世以来本地区的干湿和冷暖期。受晚全新世以来的季风环流的影响,本地区环境变化的基本模式是暖湿与冷干对应。然而,在小冰期时期特别是17世纪下半叶以后,这种模式有所改变,即冷湿对应。其主要原因作者认为有二:一是小冰期时期天气系统超常不稳定,这是由于地球气候系统的内外因素改变造成的;二是小冰期时夏季风锋面南移至中原一带,增加了本地区的降水。最后还讨论了晚全新世以来本地区季风变化的过程、机制以及它们所带来的环境变化。并提出了未来环境变化的可能趋向。  相似文献   

A typhoon in 1993 induced major aggradation along Oyabu Creek, a steep, gravel bed mountain stream in Kyushu, Japan. Processes of sediment reworking are inferred from a 7-year monitoring program that measured adjustments to channel cross-sections, the longitudinal profile, and the extent/distribution of bedrock outcrops along a 3-km study reach. Over time, the reach adopted a riffle and pool structure, with notable increase in the area of exposed bedrock on the bed. This adjustment process was characterised by progressive reduction in sediment storage change per unit flow. The relaxation pathway following disturbance induced by the typhoon was shaped by the magnitude and frequency of subsequent rainfall events, the capacity of these events to transport available sediments, and physical linkages between reaches. Adjacent subreaches demonstrated differing relaxation pathways in response to these influences, induced by spatial and temporal variability in threshold conditions along the channel. Longer-term evidence indicates that responses to major disturbance, such as the 1993 typhoon, occur as ‘cycles’ of around 20-year duration. A relaxation period of 7 years is required to attain a quasi-equilibrium bed configuration and rate of sediment flux. The timeframe of cycles is considered to reflect changes to hillslope–channel bed coupling, marking the period required to generate sufficient sediment stores to reactivate phases of aggradation and subsequent degradation.  相似文献   

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