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The precious red coral Corallium rubrum (L., 1758) lives in the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Eastern Atlantic Ocean on subtidal hard substrates. Corallium rubrum is a long‐lived gorgonian coral that has been commercially harvested since ancient times for its red axial calcitic skeleton and which, at present, is thought to be in decline because of overexploitation. The depth distribution of C. rubrum is known to range from c. 15 to 300 m. Recently, live red coral colonies have been observed in the Strait of Sicily at depths of c. 600–800 m. This record sheds new light on the ecology, biology, biogeography and dispersal mechanism of this species and calls for an evaluation of the genetic divergence occurring among highly fragmented populations. A genetic characterization of the deep‐sea red coral colonies has been done to investigate biological processes affecting dispersal and population resilience, as well as to define the level of isolation/differentiation between shallow‐ and deep‐water populations of the Mediterranean Sea. Deep‐water C. rubrum colonies were collected at two sites (south of Malta and off Linosa Island) during the cruise MARCOS of the R/V Urania. Collected colonies were genotyped using a set of molecular markers differing in their level of polymorphism. Microsatellites have been confirmed to be useful markers for individual genotyping of C. rubrum colonies. ITS‐1 and mtMSH sequences of deep‐water red coral colonies were found to be different from those found in shallow water colonies, suggesting the possible occurrence of genetic isolation among shallow‐ and deep‐water populations. These findings suggest that genetic diversity of red coral over its actual range of depth distribution is shaped by complex interactions among geological, historical, biological and ecological processes.  相似文献   

Commercially harvested since ancient times, the highly valuable red coral Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) is an octocoral endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Eastern Atlantic Ocean, where it occurs on rocky bottoms over a wide bathymetric range. Current knowledge is restricted to its shallow populations (15–50 m depth), with comparably little attention given to the deeper populations (50–200 m) that are nowadays the main target of exploitation. In this study, red coral distribution and population structure were assessed in three historically exploited areas (Amalfi, Ischia Island and Elba Island) in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea) between 50 and 130 m depth by means of ROV during a cruise carried out in the summer of 2010. Red coral populations showed a maximum patch frequency of 0.20 ± 0.04 SD patches·m?1 and a density ranging between 28 and 204 colonies·m?2, with a fairly continuous bathymetric distribution. The highest red coral densities in the investigated areas were found on cliffs and boulders mainly exposed to the east, at the greatest depth, and characterized by medium percentage sediment cover. The study populations contained a high percentage (46% on average) of harvestable colonies (>7 mm basal diameter). Moreover, some colonies with fifth‐order branches were also observed, highlighting the probable older age of some components of these populations. The Ischia population showed the highest colony occupancy, density and size, suggesting a better conservation status than the populations at the other study locations. These results indicate that deep dwelling red coral populations in non‐stressed or less‐harvested areas may diverge from the inverse size‐density relationship previously observed in red coral populations with increasing depth.  相似文献   

We examined the response of four species of New Zealand marine algae (Ecklonia radiata, Apophlaea lyallii, Rhodymenia spp., Ulva lactuca) and a sea urchin (Evechinus chloroticus) to spatial variation in ultraviolet radiation (UV‐R) by examining the concentration of UV‐R absorbing compounds known as mycosporine‐like amino acids (MAAs). The purpose was to understand how, and the degree to which, local marine species could potentially respond to any future increases in incident UV‐R in the New Zealand marine environment. The research was undertaken in Doubtful Sound, where we observed a gradient of water column UV‐R transmission along the 40 km length of the fiord. We examined spatial differences in MAAs along the UV‐B gradient in the macrophytes and temporal changes in MAAs in sea urchin gonads. Among the algae, thallus MAA concentrations (nmol mg–1 protein) ranged from 12.5 to 87.8 in E. radiata, from 433.1 to 1446.4 in A. lyallii, 12.7 to 103.4 in Rhodymenia spp., but were not detected in U. lactuca. For E. chloroticus, gonadal MAA concentrations ranged from 83.9 to 224.3 nmol mg–1 protein spatially, and over the year from 1.85 to 14.12 nmol mg–1 dry weight (DW) depending on site and gametogenic cycle. Laboratory manipulations indicated that concentrations of MAAs in E. chloroticus gonads and eggs are influenced by diet. MAA concentration could be correlated with UV‐B intensities in two of the algal species. E. chloroticus MAA concentrations could also be correlated with UV‐B transmission, which we concluded was a reflection of the greater ingestion and accumulation of MAA‐rich macrophytes at those sites where higher ambient UV‐R induced greater MAA concentrations to occur in the algae. Given this, we suggest that one response of marine species to increases in UV‐B would be an increase in the synthesis and/or accumulation of MAAs for photoautotrophs and a dietary accumulation of those MAAs in E. chloroticus, an important herbivore in this system.  相似文献   

Sven Zea 《Marine Ecology》2011,32(2):162-173
The Caribbean sponge Cliona delitrix is among the strongest reef space competitors; it is able to overpower entire coral heads by undermining coral polyps. It has become abundant in reefs exposed to organic pollution, such as San Andrés Island, Colombia, SW Caribbean. Forty‐four sponge‐colonized coral colonies were followed‐up for 13 months to establish the circumstances and the speed at which this sponge advances laterally into live coral tissue and the coral tissue retreats. Cliona delitrix presence and abundance was recorded at seven stations to interpret current reef space and coral species colonization trends. The spread of C. delitrix on a coral colony was preceded by a band of dead coral a few millimeters to several centimeters wide. However, the sponge was directly responsible for coral death only when live coral tissue was within about 2 cm distance; coral death became sponge advance‐independent at greater distances, being indirectly dependent on other conditions that tend to accelerate its retreat. Cliona delitrix advanced fastest into recently killed clean coral calices; however, sponge spread slowed down when these became colonized by algae. The lateral advance of C. delitrix was slower than other Cliona spp. encrusting excavating sponges, probably owing to the greater depth of its excavation into the substratum. Cliona delitrix prefers elevated portions of massive corals, apparently settling on recently dead areas. It currently inhabits 6–9% of colonies in reefs bordering San Andrés. It was found more frequently in Siderastrea siderea (the most abundant local massive coral), which is apparently more susceptible to tissue mortality than other corals. Current massive coral mortality caused by C. delitrix could initially change the relative proportions of coral species and in the long‐term favor foliose and branching corals.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in live and dead coral cover were documented at three localities off the Costa Rican central Pacific coast first in 1992 during the aftermath of the 1991–1992 El Niño; again in the period between 1994 and 1995, and last in January 2001. Recovery of coral communities after the 1991–1992 El Niño was expressed by a significant increase (~40 %) in 1994 of live coral cover at one locality (Manuel Antonio). A subsequent decrease (~50 %) in response to the very strong 1997–1998 episode was recorded at Manuel Antonio and Ballena, mainly due to partial tissue mortality of branching (Pocillopora spp.) and massive (Porites lobata) corals. Mortality of entire colonies associated to that event was scarce and confined to branching and nodular (Psammocora stellata) corals. This species was not found at one locality (Cambutal) in the 2001 survey and it is presumed locally extinct. The recovery of this coral and others will depend on recruits from surviving colonies in deeper waters and other coral communities in the vicinity. Within sites at a given locality, contrasting results in live coral cover variability were found. This is partially due to distinct coral assemblages, coral growth, physical exposure to tidal regime, and, related to the latter, variable duration and intensity of the warming event. In general, predominant meteorological conditions at the studied area are conducive to solar radiation (UV) stress during El Niño years and are related to changes in the atmosphere‐ocean interactions in response to the warming events.  相似文献   

Effective conservation requires knowledge of the effects of habitat on distribution and abundance of organisms. Although the structure of coral reef fish assemblages is strongly correlated with attributes of reef structure, data relating reef types to fish assemblages are scarce. In this study we describe the influence of gross habitat characteristics and seasonality on coral reef fish assemblages of fringing and patch reefs in Kenya. Results showed that total fish abundance was not significantly different between the reefs; however, the fringing reef had higher species diversity during both the northeast (42 spp.) and southeast (36 spp.) monsoon seasons when compared to the patch reef. The more fished species (e.g. Siganus sutor and Lethrinus mahsena) were more abundant on the patch reef in both seasons. Statistical analysis indicated common species between the reefs were more abundant on the fringing reef. Seasons affected abundance of the more vagile species (S. sutor), whereas the reef‐attached sky emperor, L. mahsena was affected more by reef type than by seasons. No significant interaction effects of habitat and seasons were found, indicating independence of habitat and environmental variability in affecting fish assemblages on the reefs. Smaller sized fish dominated the fringing reef more than the patch reef, whereas the skewness index (Sk) indicated a normal‐sized frequency distribution on the patch reef. Trophic structure of the fishes varied more within than between reefs, whereas fish assemblage structure was affected more by seasons on the fringing reef. These results suggest that conservation measures such as marine protected area (MPA) design and setting should consider effects of reef morphology and environmental variability on coral‐reef fish assemblage structure.  相似文献   

Today, living banks of the coral Cladocora caespitosa appear to be restricted to a few Mediterranean locations and are threatened by the escalating impacts affecting coastal areas. In this study the exceptional occurrence of the Mediterranean coral C. caespitosa in the Columbretes Islands Marine Reserve (NW Mediterranean, Spain) is characterised in terms of spatial distribution, cover area, colony size and growth rates. The coral colonies form beds and banks in rocky bottoms within a semi‐enclosed bay that offers both hydrodynamic protection and high water exchange. The spatial distribution of the C. caespitosa colonies, from 5 to 27 m depth, is highly aggregated, depending on sea‐floor morphology and showing up to 80% of substrate coverage. The annual corallite growth rates obtained through the alizarin red staining method and x‐ray image analysis are similar, and range between 2.55 ± 0.79 mm and 2.54 ± 0.81 mm, respectively. The exceptional nature of these bioconstructions is due to their cumulative cover area, which is comparable in size to the largest C. caespitosa bioconstructions described to date in Mljet National Park (Croatia, Adriatic Sea).  相似文献   

By using TPA (12-tetra-decanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate) an artificial inducer for metamorphosis, it was possible to determine the effect of crude oil on settlement and metamorphosis of planulae of the soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens. In the absence of crude oil, TPA induced metamorphosis in 97% of these planulae. The effect of crude oil on metamorphosis and appearance of deformed primary polyps was concentration dependent. Only 50% of the planulae grown in experimental vessels with crude oil at a concentration of 0.1 ppm covering the bottom and walls of the vessels underwent metamorphosis when triggered by TPA. Of those planulae exposed to 100 ppm of the pollutant only 3% metamorphosed after being induced by TPA. Furthermore, oil film on the water surface was less toxic to the larvae than the crude oil covering the bottom and walls of the experimental vessels. Some of the oil treated planulae died, while others remained viable, looked normal, but did not metamorphose after being presented with TPA. These findings suggest that even at very low concentrations crude oil affects larvae of H. fuscescens preventing their settlement and metamorphosis. Therefore it is possible that oil spills affect coral recruitment by decreasing the viability and the settlement of coral planulae. This assay represents a new sensitive bioindicator to detect the impact of oil pollution on tropical and subtropical marine environments.  相似文献   

The species of Ophiuroidea that commonly occur on coral reefs can be found on different substrates and associated with other organisms including algae, sponges, and corals. This study evaluated the temporal variability of the ophiuroid fauna associated with the alga Amphiroa fragilissima on the Ponta Verde coral reef on the coast of Maceió in Alagoas, Northeastern Brazil. Replicate samples of algal substrate were collected at low tide during in the dry and rainy seasons, over a 10‐year period, from 1998–2007. Eight species of Ophiuroidea were identified, with a total of 8736 individuals associated with A. fragilissima. The most dominant and frequent species of Ophiuroidea were Amphipholis squamata and Ophiactis savignyi; all other species were rare. Cluster analysis and nMDS detected four groups, with two groups each occurring only in summer or winter periods, as well as other groups occurring in both periods.  相似文献   

New cold‐water coral (CWC) sites were recorded along the Apulian margin (Central Mediterranean). The species composition and depth distribution of CWCs were updated. A distribution of the CWC sites coincident with the course of the dense‐water masses that flow between the Southern Adriatic and Northern Ionian was confirmed. The faunal assemblages of five of these CWC sites were investigated and compared using experimental longlines during the spring–summer and autumn–winter seasons, between 2010 and 2014. Differences in ecological variables amongst the sites in each season were evaluated by means of a set of univariate and multivariate methods (analysis of variance, permutational multivariate analysis of variance, non‐metric multidimensional scaling). Although some differences were detected in relation to the different depths examined during spring–summer, the CWC sites showed similar features in terms of species richness and diversity as well as in the abundance of the same fish species (Galeus melastomus, Conger conger, Helicolenus dactylopterus, Merluccius merluccius, Phycis blennoides and Pagellus bogaraveo) most probably because of the distribution of adult specimens in structurally complex and heterogeneous habitats, which act as a potential ‘refuge network’ with respect to commercial fishing. The presence of maturing and mature individuals as well as post‐reproductive females indicates that these CWC sites also act as spawning areas, representing a potential ‘renewal network’ for the fish populations. The term ‘network’ used here refers to several similar subsystems (CWC sites) that play the same ecological role in a wider system (Apulian margin). These CWC communities need coherent conservation measures and management strategies according to the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries.  相似文献   

Decadal populations changes in four coral taxa and their patterns of association with algal symbionts (Symbiodinium spp. – 10 years of sampling) were examined on Kenyan back reefs over a period of climatic disturbances (1991?2009). Some of the better surviving taxa, Pavona and Pocillopora, were associated with variable temperature regimes and >50% of sampled colonies in these taxa had some of the more thermally tolerant Symbiodinium in clade D. In contrast, only around 35% of Acropora and no branching forms of Porites contained detectable levels of clade D, and both taxa experienced high levels of thermally‐induced mortality and poor recovery. Overall, however the relationship between Symbiodinium clade and population‐level success of coral hosts was not strong, and differential success inside and outside fisheries closures suggests that other factors, such as predation on corals, were also influential. Consequently, while Symbiodinium in clade D may contribute to the success of coral hosts across thermal disturbances, multiple ecological factors and additional biological traits also influence their long‐term survival.  相似文献   

During a research cruise carried out in April 2010, aimed at updating the knowledge on the biodiversity of the Santa Maria di Leuca (SML) cold‐water coral province (Mediterranean Sea), a facies of the sea pen Kophobelemnon stelliferum (Muller, 1776) was found on mud‐dominated bottoms. This finding represents a new species and a new habitat record from the SML coral province as well as a new bathyal facies in the whole Central Mediterranean Sea. The colonies were collected using an epi‐benthic sledge, at depths between 400 and 470 m. A significant positive relationship between polyp number and colony length was detected. Density of the colonies ranged from 0.003 to 0.038 N·m?2. Differences and affinities between Mediterranean and Atlantic occurrences of K. stelliferum are discussed.  相似文献   

Several long‐term studies have monitored populations of algal symbionts, Symbiodinium sp., in coral hosts over different temporal and spatial scales, and among multiple host species. The extension of these studies to include environmental pools of algal symbionts from sources such as the water column, sediments, free‐floating mucus mats and those settling on biofilms has only been studied by a few, yet has the potential to enhance our understanding of the dynamics and controls on symbiont populations. Adaptive changes in the coral symbiont complement rely either on the uptake of new strains from the environment or population expansion of rarer strains in the existing symbiont population. The relative scope for these alternative pathways of uptake is unknown. This study therefore examined spatial changes in Symbiodinium clades within the water column at two different time periods and compared these with other environmental pools (biofilms, sediments, and mucus mats) and those within the dominant reef‐building species at the study site, Acropora muricata. A diversity of algal symbiont clades were detected in environmental pools, with specific clades associated with different habitats. At an island scale, there was significant variation in clade composition between sites separated by 0.5–7 km, a result which was repeated for both sample periods encompassing different seasons (March 2009 and August 2010). Although no single environmental pool contained a Symbiodinium complement comparable to that of the host coral species investigated, the dominant coral Symbiodinium were available in combinations of the environmental pools, indicating that the coral has the potential to obtain its symbionts from a variety of environmental sources.  相似文献   

The genus Symbiodinium plays an essential role in the resistance and survival of reef‐building corals during temperature anomalies. Coral colonies inhabiting the Persian Gulf (PG) experience extended periods of different stresses. Kish Island is located in the harsh environment of the Northern PG with previously reported bleaching episodes. Samples of six coral species from Northwestern Kish Island were analysed by internal transcribed spacer 2 of ribosomal DNA to identify in hospite Symbiodinium populations. The results showed that lineage D of Symbiodinium was the most prevalent clade among different coral colonies, while clade C was only detected in symbiosis with a single coral species. However, the detected Symbiodinium subclades belonged to two host generalists. The predominance of the stress tolerant Symbiodinium trenchii and subclade C3 could suggest an acclimatization strategy to cope with the hostile environment of the PG.  相似文献   

In this study, Zooxanthellae density, chlorophyll a concentration, and mitotic index (MI) were measured in the coral Porites compressa obtained from coastal areas of the Persian Gulf in early February to September 2008. During the summer, zooxanthellae density declined by approximately 30% compared to the winter peak (3,607,849 ± 229,894, n = 15) and reached a minimum of 2,536,732 ± 169,776, n = 15. The highest value of chlorophyll a (0.828 ± 0.043 μg/cm2) was recorded in the south while the lowest (0.604 ± 0.048 μg/cm2) was measured in the north sampling site at the cold season. There was a higher level of MI in the warm season followed by cold > and temperate seasons. The MI were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the warm and cold seasons in comparison with the temperate season. Differences in response may be attributed to the drastic seasonal temperature changes. However, the significant decline found in the north sampling site indicates that anthropogenic stressors may adversely affect coral P. compressa. These results imply that there were negative impacts on coral P. compressa in our study site.  相似文献   

In this study we characterized the deep assemblages dwelling at 200–250 m depth on a large shoal off Capo St. Vito Promontory (Northwestern coast of Sicily, South Tyrrhenian Sea) by means of ROV‐imaging. Two assemblages of suspension feeders, dominated by the gorgonian Callogorgia verticillata and by the black coral Leiopathes glaberrima, together with a tanatocoenosis of the colonial yellow scleractinian coral Dendrophyllia cornigera, were examined. The three main species were significatively distributed into two areas corresponding to different habitat preferences: a more elevated hardground hosting black corals and a gently sloping, silted rocky bottom hosting the other coral species. The study area is subjected to a heavy pressure from the professional fishery, resulting in the mechanical damage of numerous colonies, some of which are then overgrown by various epibionts including a parasitic bioluminescent zoanthid, new for the Mediterranean fauna, and tentatively identified as Isozoanthus primoidus. In the Mediterranean Sea, these deep off‐shore rocky banks are widely known among recreational and professional fishermen due to their rich fish fauna. However, there has been still little effort into quantifying and characterizing the extent of the impact and its consequences on the benthic communities, which may represent, as in this case, only a partial picture of their original structure and extent.  相似文献   

Sex‐specific interactions involving competition for space between the dioecious alcyonacean soft coral Sarcophyton glaucum and the scleractinian coral Acropora robusta were assessed experimentally on Bald Rock, central region of the Great Barrier Reef. To examine this, plus inter‐clonal responses, one male colony of S. glaucum, known to produce sarcophytoxide as its predominant complementary (secondary) metabolite, was sectioned, producing 10 clones. The same was done for a female colony. These two sets of clones were then relocated to grids and placed in contact with Acropora clones. Relocated and non‐relocated controls were also monitored. High levels of tissue necrosis were observed in the hard coral under contact conditions with both the male and female clones after 20 days. The development of a protective polysaccharide layer in the alcyonacean was also observed. Differences observed in the concentrations of complementary metabolites within the two different S. glaucum colonies were related to sex. Both under competition and non‐competition conditions, females exhibited significantly higher concentrations of sarcophytoxide than males, and this increased with time. Fatty ester concentration was also higher in females than males, varying significantly through time, and falling dramatically just after spawning. Fatty ester concentrations decreased linearly through time in the male clones. When involved in competition for space, females possessed higher concentrations of fatty esters than males, both at the site of contact and in non‐contact sites, again, decreasing after spawning. No significant changes in sarcophytoxide levels were noted in the parental colonies, but such changes were observed in fatty esters, with the female producing higher concentrations until after spawning. The use of these two variates in the form of a ratio (sarcophytoxide concentration:fatty ester concentration) yielded a variable Rho (ρ) which was a more sensitive indicator of biochemical change than either of its components alone. These two sets of compounds appeared to have a negative association through time and varied highly significantly between sexes. The diterpene sarcophytoxide may be considered an allelopathic or stress metabolite, while the lipids act as energy storage metabolites.  相似文献   

Sponges are sessile organisms capable of colonizing diverse substrata. In the Caribbean, coral reefs have suffered a drastic decline, and branching corals of the genus Acropora have been widely decimated. On dead coral skeletons and around surviving tissue the settling of sessile organisms can be observed, sponges being common. In order to investigate whether or not sponges have a preference for a particular species of coral, or for specific microhabitats of the colonies, we evaluated species composition, cover, richness and diversity of sponges colonizing the dead parts of still live colonies of the branching corals Acropora palmata and Acropora cervicornis in five locations of the Tayrona National Natural Park in the Colombian Caribbean. Ten colonies of Ac. palmata were quantified in each of the five locations, and eight Ac. cervicornis colonies in each of two locations. Quantification was carried out using video taken within 0.625‐m2 photoquadrats. Seventeen sponge species were found, 13 of them associated with Ac. palmata and seven with Ac. cervicornis. Desmapsamma anchorata, Clathria venosa and Scopalina rutzleri were found to be common to all Ac. palmata locations, while De. anchorata occurred in the two Ac. cervicornis locations. On Ac. palmata, encrusting sponges dominated, while on Ac. cervicornis branched and lobed sponges predominated. Significant differences in sponge cover were not found among locations but were observed in the sponge species present. On Ac. palmata the species with highest cover were D. anchorata and Cla. venosa, while on Ac. cervicornis it was De. anchorata. The richness and diversity of sponges were low for both coral species, and their varying distribution can be attributed to the differences in available substrate for attachment, given coral colony morphology; for Ac. palmata, sponges predominated on the underside of the branches, semi‐cryptic areas and colony bases, whereas for Ac. cervicornis, they were located over the entire area of the cylindrical branches. Surviving colonies of Ac. palmata and Ac. cervicornis that are still erect offer additional microhabitats for reef sponges, some of which can be found directly interacting with live coral tissue, further threatening their recovery.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean endemic Cladocora caespitosa (Linnaeus, 1767) is a colonial scleractinian coral belonging to the family Faviidae and the only zooxanthellate coral from Mediterranean whose colonies may fuse in reef‐like structures (hermatypic). Recent surveys are focused on three locations where banks occur in the Adriatic Sea (Croatia): near Prvi? Island in the northern Adriatic, near Pag Island in the central Adriatic and in Veliko jezero (Mljet National Park) in the southern Adriatic. The C. caespitosa bank in Veliko jezero covers an area more than 650 m2 and is thus the largest bank of C. caespitosa found to date. The strong sea currents, which occur as a result of tidal exchange in the channel, appear to favour the growth of the bank. The goal of the study was to present the influence of major environmental factors upon the build‐up process of the coral bank. Biometrical parameters in the C. caespitosa colonies like diameter of the calyces, polyp ash free dry weight (AFDW), corallite linear growth rate and index of sphericity were investigated and compared from these three locations. The morphology of coral banks from the Adriatic Sea and the disposition of the biometrical values are affected by the sea currents, temperature and sedimentation.  相似文献   

The growing coastal development, dredging and dumping activities, overfishing and expansion of marine cage culture in Nha Trang Bay (NTB) of Central Vietnam since the beginning of the 2000s have resulted in a dramatic decrease of live coral cover. Surveys conducted in April–May 2013 and the same period in 2014 revealed that with an increase in distance from the outer part of the bay towards the mainland, the rivers’ influxes and dredged areas, coral cover decreased from 75% to 0.6% and species richness from 63 to 5, while the abundance of macroalgae increased from 0% to 56%. These changes correlate with differences in the concentration of suspended sediments on the same gradient. The abundance of the crown‐of‐thorns starfish Acanthaster planci and of the echinoid Diadema setosum significantly increased between the first estimation in 1998 and the survey in 2014, from 0 to 1.7 individuals (ind.) per 100 m?2 and from 50.8 to 94.5 ind. per 100 m?2, respectively, contributing to coral loss and intensive bioerosion of the reef framework in the bay. The large sizes of adult colonies of tabulate Acropora on the remote stations with negligible sedimentation and eutrophication loads were inconsistent with the assumptions that temperature‐induced coral bleaching or cyclones could be the major impacts in Nha Trang Bay. Analysis of the 16‐year thermal history of the bay did not reveal any instances in which the coral thermal bleaching threshold had been exceeded up to the present study. Seasonal upwelling, which occurs annually in the vicinity of Central Vietnam, may contribute to mitigation of thermal anomalies within NTB and to the maintenance of healthy coral communities on the remote reefs with relatively low anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

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