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The middle Jurassic Goradongar Formation exposed in Goradongar hill represents a mixed siliciclasticcarbonate succession with shales and limestones. They contain a large number of well preserved trace fossils. Total 44 ichnospecies of 31 ichnogenera; representing diverse ethology, were grouped in five ichnoassemblages (Planolites, Palaeophycus, Gyrochorte, Rhizocorallium and Arenicolites assemblage). These recurring ichnoassemblages represent the Cruziana ichnofacies and occasionally a mixed Skolithos-Cruziana ichnofacies. Patterns of diversity and density of the trace fossils reveal changes in bathymetry, oxygen level, trophic level and the sub-strate conditions at the time of deposition. These paleoenvironment and palaeo-oceanography changes are co-relatable to world-wide Bathonian-Callovian (middle Jurassic) deposits.  相似文献   

The Upper Callovian-Oxfordian strata of the Kachchh Basin, western India, record three positive excursions of phosphorus. They have been documented in three sections of the Chari Formation from different parts of the basin. Corroboration of field and petrographic data with trends of major and trace elemental data and elemental ratios of the strata revealed that these excursions were coeval with reduced chemical weathering in the source area and significant reduction of siliciclastic influx to the depositional sites. The study also revealed the intrabasinal source of P, and minor sea-level fluctuations and resultant episodic sediment recycling as the causative factors. Considering the geographic locations of the three sections, the phosphorus anomalies seem to be controlled by a regional and/or basin-scale process, if not linked with global signals. Temporal resolution of these anomalies suggests that the processes were episodic and related to short term climate/relative sea-level cycles, the durations of which could be unraveled with high-resolution biostratigraphic data.  相似文献   

Paper describes six species of neocheilostomine bryozoans occurring in the Middle Eocene-Early Miocene rocks of Western Kachchh, Gujarat, India. Taxa belong to the families Quadricellariidae Gordon, 1984, Vinculariidae Busk, 1852 and Poricellariidae, Harmer, 1926. Of these three species are new. These are Vincularia feddeni nov sp. Poricellaria waioriensis nov sp. and Poricellaria sakurkari nov sp. Two species, Nellia tenella (Lamarck, 1816) and Vincularia kutchensis (Tewari & Srivastava, 1967) already known from this region, are further reported here. Poricellaria complicata (Reuss, 1869)? is reported for the first time and indicates oldest record from India so far. Phylogenetic analysis using PAST programme indicates that Poricellariids and Vinculariids have not evolved from the same ancestor Nellia tenella (Lamarck, 1816)  相似文献   

Several new active fault traces were identified along Katrol Hill Fault (KHF). A new fault (named as Bhuj Fault, BF) that extends into the Bhuj Plain was also identified. These fault traces were identified based on satellite photo interpretation and field survey. Trenches were excavated to identify the paleoseismic events, pattern of faulting and the nature of deformation. New active fault traces were recognized about 1km north of the topographic boundary between the Katrol Hill and the plain area. The fault exposure along the left bank of Khari River with 10m wide shear zone in the Mesozoic rocks and showing displacement of the overlying Quaternary deposits is indicative of continued tectonic activity along the ancient fault. The E-W trending active fault traces along the KHF in the western part changes to NE-SW or ENE-WSW near Wandhay village. Trenching survey across a low scarp near Wandhay village reveals three major fault strands F1, F2, and F3. These fault strands displaced the older terrace deposits comprising Sand, Silt and Gravel units along with overlying younger deposits from units 1 to 5 made of gravel, sand and silt. Stratigraphic relationship indicates at least three large magnitude earthquakes along KHF during Late Holocene or recent historic past.  相似文献   

The study deals with the depositional environment of Jumara Dome sediments. The Jumara Dome is an important outcrop of Bathonian to Oxfordian sediments amongst the Kachchh Mainland exposures. On the basis of facies analysis three associations have been documented, namely, G-1 consisting of low energy facies comprising of cross-bedded sandstone, massive sandstone, grey shale and thin bedded sandstone, bioclastic — lithoclastic grainstone, bioclastic — lithoclastic packstone, microbioclastic packstone/wackestone, bioturbated laminated wackestone to mudstone and pelagic lime mudstone; G-II consisting of moderate energy facies comprising of laminated sandstone and grapestone or agglutinated grainstone; G-III consisting of high energy facies comprising of interbedded gypsiferous shale and sandstone/siltstone, oolitic grainstone to conglomerate and bioclastic grainstone. The facies associations reflect an ideal shallowing upward sequence representing slope, bioclast bar, lagoon and inner shelf. Presence of wide range of facies indicates that the rocks of the studied area were deposited during the fluctuating sea level, interrupted by the storms, in the shallow marine environment.  相似文献   

The detrital mineralogy as well as diagenetic characters of the Dhosa Sandstone Member of Chari Formation exposed at the Lerdome, south of Bhuj was studied. In order to assess the potential of the Dhosa Sandstone as a reservoir, it is substantial to understand the diagenetic processes that are controlled largely by post-depositional cementation and compaction in addition to framework composition and original depositional textures. The petrologic analysis of 33 thin sections was carried out to discern primary composition and diagenetic features including primary and secondary porosity patterns. Monocrystalline quartz dominates the detrital mineralogy followed by polycrystalline quartz. Among the polycrystalline variety recrystallized metamorphic quartz surpasses stretched metamorphic quartz in terms of abundance. Feldspars comprise microcline and plagioclase where the former is dominant over the latter. Orthoclase too comprises a very small percentage. Mica, chert, rock fragments, and heavies form the remaining detrital constituent in descending order of their constituent percentage. The diagenetic precipitates are mainly carbonate (8.30%) and iron (7.80%) followed by clay (0.66%) and silica (0.88%) that are minor constituent of the total cementing material. The main paragenetic events identified are early cementation, mechanical compaction, late cementation, dissolution, and authigenesis of clays. The overall reservoir quality seems to be controlled by compaction and authigenic carbonate cementation. The minus cement porosity average 29.4%. The porosity loss due to compaction is 21.92% and by cementation is 29.71%. The loss of original porosity was due to early cementation followed by moderate mechanical compaction during shallow burial. Preservation of available miniscule primary porosity was ascribed to dissolution of carbonates and quartz overgrowth which resisted chemical compaction during deep burial. The studied sandstones may have low reservoir quality owing to existing porosity of less than 9%. More carbonate dissolution and its transformation in dolomite in sub-surface condition and macro-fracture porosity may result in enhanced secondary porosity and good diagenetic traps.  相似文献   

176 vertical-component, short period observations from aftershocks of the Mw 7.7, 26 January, 2001 Kachchh earthquake are used to estimate seismic wave attenuation in western India using uniform and two layer models. The magnitudes (Mw) of the earthquakes are less than 4.5, with depths less than 46 km and hypocentral distances up to 110 km. The studied frequencies are between 1 and 30 Hz. Two seismic wave attenuation factors, intrinsic absorption (Qi− 1) and scattering attenuation (Qs− 1) are estimated using the Multiple Lapse Time Window method which compares time integrated seismic wave energies with synthetic coda wave envelopes for a multiple isotropic scattering model. We first assume spatial uniformity of Qi− 1, Qs− 1 and S wave velocity (β). A second approach extends the multiple scattering hypothesis to media consisting of several layers characterized by vertically varying scattering coefficient (g), intrinsic absorption strength (h), density of the media (ρ) and shear wave velocity structure. The predicted coda envelopes are computed using Monte Carlo simulation. Results show that, under the assumption of spatial uniformity, scattering attenuation is greater than intrinsic absorption only for the lowest frequency band (1 to 2 Hz), whereas intrinsic absorption is predominant in the attenuation process at higher frequencies (2 to 30 Hz). The values of Q obtained range from Qt = 118, Qi = 246 and Qs = 227 at 1.5 Hz to Qt ≈ 4000, Qi ≈ 4600 and Qs ≈ 33,300 at 28 Hz center frequencies, being Qt− 1 a measure of total attenuation. Results also show that Qi− 1, Qs− 1 and Qt− 1 decrease proportional to fν. Two rates of decay are clearly observed for the low (1 to 6 Hz) and high (6 to 30 Hz) frequency ranges. Values of ν are estimated as 2.07 ± 0.05 and 0.44 ± 0.09 for total attenuation, 1.52 ± 0.21 and 0.48 ± 0.09 for intrinsic absorption and 3.63 ± 0.07 and 0.06 ± 0.08 for scattering attenuation for the low and high frequency ranges, respectively. Despite the lower resolution in deriving the attenuation parameters for a two layered crust, we find that scattering attenuation is comparable to or smaller than the intrinsic absorption in the crust whereas intrinsic absorption dominates in the mantle. Also, for a crustal layer of thickness 42 km, intrinsic absorption and scattering estimates in the crust are lower and greater than those of the mantle, respectively.  相似文献   

The Middle-Upper Jurassic sandstones and shales of Ler dome (Chari and Katrol Formations), Kachchh, western India, have been analyzed for modal, bulk mineralogy and geochemistry to deduce their provenance, tectonic setting, source area weathering and palaeoenvironmental conditions. The detrital modes of Ler dome sandstones indicate that they were emanated from recycled orogen (uplifted shoulders of rift) and stable cratonic source in passive margin setting. Rapid deposition of sediments from a granitic source area can be predicted from feldspar abundance. A highly mature heavy mineral assemblage characterized in the form of high Zircon-Tourmaline-Rutile (ZTR) index also endorses these findings. The X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) data show the presence of clay minerals depicting moderate to extensive chemical weathering in an oxidizing environment with periodic cycles of transgression and regression. The chemical index of weathering, chemical index of alteration and plagioclase index of alteration suggest moderate to high and low to moderate weathering conditions for sandstone and shales, respectively, that took place in low to moderate relief. We postulate that Ler dome sediments are derivative of the eroded and weathered parts of the Aravalli craton located on east and northeast of the basin and the Nagarparkar Massif placed to the north and northwest.  相似文献   

Seismic source parameters of small to moderate sized intraplate earthquakes that occurred during 2002–2009 in the tectonic blocks of Kachchh Rift Basin (KRB) and the Saurashtra Horst (SH), in the stable continental region of western peninsular India, are studied through spectral analysis of shear waves. The data of aftershock sequence of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake (\(M_{w}\) 7.7) in the KRB and the 2007 Talala earthquake (\(M_{w}\) 5.0) in the SH are used for this study. In the SH, the seismic moment (\(M_{o})\), corner frequency \((f_{c})\), stress drop (\(\varDelta \sigma \)) and source radius (r) vary from \(7.8\times 10^{11}\) to \(4.0\times \)10\(^{16}\) N-m, 1.0–8.9 Hz, 4.8–10.2 MPa and 195–1480 m, respectively. While in the KRB, these parameters vary from \(M_{o} \sim 1.24 \,\times \, 10^{11}\) to \(4.1 \times 10^{16}\) N-m, \(f_{c }\sim \) 1.6 to 13.1 Hz, \(\varDelta \sigma \sim 0.06\) to 16.62 MPa and \(r \sim 100\) to 840 m. The kappa (K) value in the KRB (0.025–0.03) is slightly larger than that in the SH region (0.02), probably due to thick sedimentary layers. The estimated stress drops of earthquakes in the KRB are relatively higher than those in SH, due to large crustal stress concentration associated with mafic/ultramafic rocks at the hypocentral depths. The results also suggest that the stress drop value of intraplate earthquakes is larger than the interplate earthquakes. In addition, it is observed that the strike-slip events in the SH have lower stress drops, compared to the thrust and strike-slip events.  相似文献   

The present paper records for the first time the bryozoan fragments from 4 m core of the Godhra Formation (early Miocene) and from 4m core and 5 m core of the Chhasra Formation (early middle Miocene) of the Kachchh Offshore Basin, Western India. The Godhra Formation has presence of three bryozoans, viz., ?Crassimarginatella sp., Thalamoporella sp. and Vincularia sp. while the Chhasra Formation has presence of four bryozoans, namely, ?Margaretta sp., Steginoporella sp., ?Thalamoporella sp. and Vincularia sp.  相似文献   

The Kachchh Mainland Fault (KMF) is a major E–W trending seismically active fault of the Kachchh palaeorift basin whose neotectonic evolution is not known. The present study deals with the eastern part of the KMF zone where the fault is morphologically expressed as steep north facing scarps and is divisible into five morphotectonic segments. The Quaternary sediments occurring in a narrow zone between the E–W trending KMF scarps and the flat Banni plain to the north are documented. The sediments show considerable heterogeneity vertically as well as laterally along the KMF zone. (The Quaternary sediments for a northward sloping and are exposed along the north flowing streams which also show rapid decrease in the depth of incision in the same direction.) The deposits, in general, comprise coarse as well as finer gravelly deposits, sands and aeolian and fluvial miliolites. The Quaternary sediments of the KMF zone show three major aggradation phases. The oldest phase includes the colluvio-fluvial sediments occurring below the miliolites. These deposits are strikingly coarse grained and show poor sorting and large angular clasts of Mesozoic rocks. The sedimentary characteristics indicate deposition, dominantly by debris flows and sediment gravity flows, as small coalescing alluvial fans in front of the scarps. These deposits suggest pre-miliolite neotectonic activity along the KMF. The second aggradation phase comprises aeolian miliolites and fluvially reworked miliolites that have been previously dated from middle to late Pleistocene. The youngest phase is the post-miliolite phase that includes all deposits younger than miliolite. These are represented by comparatively finer sandy gravels, gravelly sands and sand. The sediment characteristics suggest deposition in shallow braided stream channels under reduced level of neotectonic activity along the KMF during post-miliolite time evidenced by vertical dips of miliolites and tilting of gravels near the scarps. The tectonically controlled incision and dissection of the Quaternary deposits is the result of neotectonic activity that continues at present day. The overall nature, sedimentary characteristics and geomorphic setting of the sediments suggest that the KMF remained neotectonically active throughout the Quaternary period.  相似文献   

The Kachchh region is the second most seismically active region in India after the Himalaya. One of the disastrous Indian earthquakes of the millennium was the Bhuj earthquake of January 26, 2001, which caused about 14,000 casualties and huge property damage. The main reason for such devastation is due to lack of earthquake awareness and poor construction practices. Hence, an increase in the knowledge and awareness, based on improved seismic hazard assessment, is required to mitigate damage due to an earthquake. Natural predominant ground frequencies have been investigated in the Kachchh region of western India using ambient vibrations. The horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio technique has been applied to estimate the predominant frequency at 126 sites. The ambient vibration measurements were conducted for about 1 h at each site in the continuous mode recording at 100 samples/s. We have validated the estimated predominant frequency with earthquake data recorded at six broadband stations in the region. It has been observed that geological time period has a significant effect on predominant frequency of the ground. The estimated predominant frequencies vary from 0.24 to 2.25 Hz for the Quaternary, 0.41–2.34 Hz for the Tertiary, 0.32–4.91 Hz for the Cretaceous, and 0.39–8.0 Hz for the Jurassic/Mesozoic. In the Deccan trap, it varies from 1.30 to 3.80 Hz. We found distinct variation of predominant frequencies of sites associated with hard rock and soft soil. The predominant frequencies were related to the thickness of the sediments, which are deduced by other geophysical and geological methods in the region. Our results suggest that frequencies of the region reveals the site characteristics that can be considered for studying the seismic risks to evolve a plan for disaster risk mitigation for the region.  相似文献   

Thirty-three black shale samples from four locations on the onland Kachchh basin, western India were analyzed to characterize organic carbon (OC), thermal maturity and to determine the hydrocarbon potential of the basin. Upper Jurassic black shales from the Jhuran Formation (Dhonsa and Kodki areas) are characterized by the presence of chlorite, halloysite, high \(T_{\mathrm{max}}\), low OC, low hydrogen index and high oxygen index. These parameters indicate the OC as type IV kerogen, formed in a marine environment. The rocks attained thermal maturity possibly during Deccan volcanism. Early Eocene samples of the Naredi Formation (Naliya-Narayan Sarovar Road (NNSR) and the Matanomadh areas) are rich in TOC, smectite, chlorite and framboidal pyrite, but have low \(T_{\mathrm{max}}\). These indicate deposition of sediments in a reducing condition, probably in a lagoonal/marsh/swamp environment. Organic carbon of the Naredi Formation of NNSR may be considered as immature type III to IV kerogen, prone to generate coal. Core samples from the Naredi Formation of the Matanomadh area show two fold distribution in terms of kerogen. Organic carbon of the upper section is immature type III to IV kerogen, but the lower section has type II to III kerogen having potential to generate oil and gas after attaining appropriate thermal maturity.  相似文献   

In large parts of the Kachchh Basin, a Mesozoic rift basin situated in western India, the Oxfordian succession is characterized by strong condensation and several depositional gaps. The top layer of the Early to Middle Oxfordian Dhosa Oolite member, for which the term ‘Dhosa Conglomerate Bed’ is proposed, is an excellent marker horizon. Despite being mostly less than 1 m thick, this unit can be followed for more than 100 km throughout the Kachchh Mainland. A detailed sedimentological analysis has led to a complex model for its formation. Signs of subaerial weathering, including palaeokarst features, suggest at least two phases of emersion of the area. Metre‐sized concretionary slabs floating in a fine‐grained matrix, together with signs of synsedimentary tectonics, point to a highly active fault system causing recurrent earthquakes in the basin. The model takes into account information from outcrops outside the Kachchh Mainland and thereby considerably refines the current understanding of the basin history during the Late Jurassic. Large fault systems and possibly the so‐called Median High uplift separated the basin into several sub‐basins. The main reason for condensation in the Oxfordian succession is an inversion that affected large parts of the basin by cutting them off from the sediment supply. The Dhosa Conglomerate Bed is an excellent example, demonstrating the potential of condensed units in reconstructing depositional environments and events that took place during phases of non‐deposition. Although condensed sequences occur frequently throughout the sedimentary record, they are particularly common around the Callovian to Oxfordian transition. A series of models has been proposed to explain these almost worldwide occurrences, ranging from eustatic sea‐level highstands to glacial phases connected with regressions. The succession of the Kachchh Basin shows almost stable conditions across this boundary with only a slight fall in relative sea‐level, reaching its minimum not before the late Early Oxfordian.  相似文献   

The whole sedimentary succession (ca 600 m thick) of Wagad area ranging in age from Callovian to Early Kimmeridgian has been divided in to three Formations namely Washtawa, Kanthkot and Gamdau in ascending order. Prograding Kanthkot Formation was frequently interrupted by transgressions. Field and petrographic investigations revealed that the Kanthkot Formation represents three fossiliferous marker beds corresponding to Transgressive sequence I; Transgressive sequence II and Transgressive sequence III. These transgressive sequences are composed of two lithounits: medium to coarse grained/gritty, graded to massive, sheetlike, fossiliferous calcareous sandstone (storm lag unit I) and fossiliferous mudrocks (swell lag unit II). The thickness of the unit I varies from 5 to 75 cm and contains mostly convexly oriented shell fragments and whole shell of Pelecypods, Cephalopods and Brachiopods. Unit II (5–15 cm) is distinguished by sheetlike, massive or laminated, yellowish colour, soft fossiliferous mudrocks. This unit is intercalated with moderately bioturbated sandy siltstone. Unit I is dominant over Unit II in the sequences.Study suggests that the transgressive units were deposited close to wave base by high energy storm flows followed by low energy marine swells during transgression. The intense storms played a major role in the distribution of siliciclastics and nonclastic materials. Storms are evidenced by the occurrence of two distinctly different types of units (storm lags and swell lags). High energy levels are characterized by sand dominated sequence, abundance of reworked sediment particles, high proportion broken shells with convex up orientation and erosional and sharp nature of basal contacts of units together with well preserved bioclasts. Sudden short term changes from high to low energy during transgression are explained by the occurrence of medium to coarse grained siliciclastics interbedded with moderately bioturbated mudrocks. Moderately bedded individual strata, high content of coarse clastics along with polished granule size quartz and abundance of comminuted shells indicate a significant change in depositional setting, possibly closure approach of the source of terrigenous fraction or source uplift. Synrift sedimentation in the present study is documented by an abundance of coarse clastics and an over all aggradational nature of transgressive sequences.  相似文献   

The Kundal area of Malani Igneous Suite consists of volcano-plutonic rocks. Basalt flows and gabbro intrusives are associated with rhyolite. Both the basic rocks consist of similar mineralogy of plagioclase, clinopyroxene as essential and Fe-Ti oxides as accessories. Basalt displays sub-ophitic and glomeroporphyritic textures whereas gabbro exhibits sub-ophitic, porphyritic and intergrannular textures. They show comparable chemistry and are enriched in Fe, Ti and incompatible elements as compared to MORB/CFB. Samples are enriched in LREE and slightly depleted HREE patterns with least significant positive Eu anomalies. Petrographical study and petrogenetic modeling of [Mg]-[Fe], trace and REE suggest cogenetic origin of these basic rocks and they probably derived from Fe-enriched source with higher Fe/Mg ratio than primitive mantle source. Thus, it is concluded that the basic volcano-plutonic rocks of Kundal area are the result of a low to moderate degree (< 30%) partial melting of source similar to picrite/komatiitic composition. Within plate, anorogenic setting for the basic rocks of Kundal area is suggested, which is in conformity with the similar setting for Malani Igneous Suite.  相似文献   

The Kachchh region of Western India is a pericratonic basin experiencing periodic high magnitude earthquakes events. In 2001 a catastrophic seismic event occurred at Bhuj measuring Mw = 7.7. The epicenters of both the 1956 and 2001 earthquakes were along the Kachchh Mainland Fault (KMF), proximal to the eastern end of the Northern Hill Range (NHR). The latter is a topographic expression of an active fault related fold on the hanging wall, and is controlled by a south dipping blind thrust.The present study deals with the eastern sector of NHR and uses optical dating to reconstruct the chronology of tectonically caused incisions. Along the backlimb of the NHR, incision ages on, channel fills and valley fill terraces progressively decrease from  12 ka to 4.3 ka. This age progression along with geomorphic evidences (decrease in topographic relief, drainage capture and drainage migration across the fold nose) suggests an active vertical and lateral fold growth along the KMF. Optical ages suggest that during the Late Holocene, the average uplift rate along the eastern NHR was 10 ± 1 mm/a. Recent GPS based estimates on crustal shortening are  12 mm/a.The KMF and the South Wagad Fault (SWF) represent the bounding faults of a transtensional basin that formed during the initial rifting. This basin is termed as the Samakhiali basin. The compressive stresses on account of structural inversion from normal to reverse phase resulted in lobate-shaped anticlines along KMF and SWF zone. These anticlines subsequently coalesced and formed linked and overlap segments. The present study suggests that eastward lateral deformation across the eastern portion of KMF has continued and has now resulted in its interaction with a left step over transfer fault called the South Wagad Master Fault (SWMF). This implies an increasing transpersional deformation of the Samakhiali basin. We therefore, suggest that the eastward NHR ridge propagation along KMF resulted in the thrust faulting on the south dipping SWMF resulting in the Bhuj 2001 event. The increasing strain on this basin may cause enhanced seismicity in the future along the eastern KMF and Wagad region.  相似文献   

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