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高分辨率测深侧扫声纳 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
文中介绍了由中国科学院声学研究所和美国亚迪技术开发(上海)有限公司联合设计和制造的高分辨率测深侧扫声纳,它能够同时获得高分辨率的海底地形和地貌。该声纳由电子分机和分别安装在载体左右两侧的两条声纳阵组成,最大工作水深6000m。声纳阵由一条发射线阵和10条间距为λ/2的接收线阵组成,λ为声波波长,其中8条线阵接收声信号,两边的两条为哑元。声纳的多子阵海底自动检测-子空间拟合信号处理方法能克服水声信道多途和复杂海底的影响,正确检测到海底的直达回波。2003年11月和2004年7月,声纳在中国浙江千岛湖进行两次长时间的湖试,获得了高分辨率湖底等深线图和地貌图,正确检测出湖底边长为0.5m立方体目标的高度。 相似文献
侧扫声纳数据的格式转换及应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过读取Qmips和XTF两种声纳数据格式,将其转换成通用的图像格式,用于图像的显示、分析和处理。介绍了声纳数据格式转换为Tiff及GeoTiff的方法,以及与数据格式相关的地理信息内容的获取,转换后的图像因其格式的头信息不同而显示结果不同。 相似文献
侧扫声纳系统及其在海洋环境监测和保护中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
总结了侧扫声纳系统在海洋环境监测和保护中的应用,介绍了侧扫声纳基本工作原理及其发展情况,并且对其以后的发展进行了简单探讨。 相似文献
旁侧声呐在海底探测中的应用和工作船动态定位施工技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着海洋工程建设及海上事故和海难的增多,日益增加的海底障碍物给海上安全生产和航运带来了前所未有的挑战和安全隐患,需要进行海上搜寻和水下探摸与处理。旁侧声呐和动力定位船的配合使用是处理这类问题的最佳选择,但租用动力定位船费用昂贵,成本很高。而根据工作区的实际情况利用渔船改装的动态定位船操作简单,且费用低廉,被海洋工作者广泛采用。本文介绍了旁侧声呐在海底障碍物探测中的应用和渔船改装的GPS动态定位船进行水上定位的工作原理和施工方法。装备GPS导航软件的渔船可以指示船只的实时位置。通过改变锚绳长度来改变船只位置的动态定位技术适用于水下搜寻和探摸处理工作。 相似文献
Automatic Registration of TOBI Side-Scan Sonar and Multi-Beam Bathymetry Images for Improved Data Fusion 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Deep towed side-scan sonar vehicles such as TOBI acquire high quality imagery of the seafloor with very high spatial resolution but poor locational accuracy. Fusion of the side-scan sonar data with bathymetry data from an independent source is often desirable to reduce ambiguity in geological interpretations, to aid in slant-range correction and to enhance seafloor representation. The main obstacle to fusion is accurate registration of the two datasets.The application of hierarchical chamfer matching to the registration of TOBI side-scan sonar images and multi-beam swath bathymetry is described. This matches low level features such as edges in the TOBI image, with corresponding features in a synthetic TOBI image created by simulating the flight of the TOBI vehicle through the bathymetry. The method is completely automatic, relatively fast and robust, and much easier than manual registration. It allows accurate positioning of the TOBI vehicle, enhancing its usefulness as a research tool. The method is illustrated by automatic registration of TOBI and multi-beam bathymetry data from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. 相似文献
根据悬空海底管线治理后的水下结构特点,主要可分为非透空式和透空式两类,其在侧扫声呐探测图像上有着各自不同的反射特征,据此原理可采用侧扫声呐探测方法进行悬空海管治理效果的检测与评估。通过对实际工程中不同治理方式下悬空海管的声呐探测图谱进行总结与分析,揭示了采用侧扫声呐进行悬空海管治理检测的声学解译方法及应用效果。悬空海管在治理前,管线下方与海底面之间的空隙反映到声呐图谱上,表现为管线强反射与声学阴影区之间存在海底面透空反射。如果采用"拋填砂袋结合覆盖层"等非透空式方法治理,由于空隙被填充,声呐图谱上的透空反射会消失,且管线强反射图像会粗化,呈现颗粒状;如果采用"水下短桩支撑"等透空式方法治理,在声呐图谱上只是增加了水下短桩的反射特征,而声学透空反射仍然存在。 相似文献
针对利用侧扫声纳检测海底管道时因其检测声影图像模糊而导致管道悬空高度检测误差过大的问题,提出了侧扫声纳声波掠射角优化设计的思路及方法。阐述了利用侧扫声纳对海底管道进行检测的工作原理,并利用海底管道和海底底质反向散射强度的计算公式探讨了声波在海底的反向散射强度、侧扫声纳声影图像的质量以及声波掠射角的取值这三者之间的关系对海底管道悬空高度h计算精度的影响,从理论上确定声波掠射角最佳取值范围的存在。通过工程实例的现场检测与比对试验,获得了在本试验所处海域环境中利用侧扫声纳检测海底管道时声波掠射角的最佳取值范围,对于类似的海底管道检测工程具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
Typical of glaciated environments, the inner continental shelf of New Hampshire is composed of bedrock outcrops, remnants of glacial deposits (for example, drumlins), sand and gravel deposits, as well as muddier sediments farther offshore. A number of previous studies have defined the general trends of the New Hampshire inner shelf from the coarser deposits nearer the shore to the muddier outer basins. Most recently, a seismic survey (150 km of side-scan sonar and subbottom seismic profiles), as well as bottom sediment sampling (74 stations), has provided a detailed bottom map of the southern New Hampshire shelf area (landward of the 30-m contour). The surficial sediments within this area range from very fine sand to gravel. Bedrock outcrops are common. The seismic survey indicated several large sand deposits exceeding 6-8 m in thickness that occur relatively close to the coast. These sedimentary units, which are within 3 km of the shoreline, are composed of fine to medium sands. Examination of the general morphology and depositional setting indicates at least some of these features are probably relic ebb tidal delta shoals. However, a large eroding drumlin occurs between two of the sand bodies and may represent the source of these deposits. Additional work is needed to verify the origin of these sediment bodies. 相似文献