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An interpretation of the type, size, and location of the source of the Aleutian earthquake on April 1, 1946, which was characterized by the highest intensity (I = 4), is proposed. The earthquake source is a subvertical reverse fault striking along the island arc and dipping at an angle of 85° toward the deep-sea trench. The reverse fault is located in the lower part of the island slope, within the eastern termination of the Aleutian terrace. The western end of the reverse fault is located in the area of the Krenitsyn Islands (λ ∼ 165°W), where the pattern of isobaths changes, and an abrupt widening of the shelf part of the Fox Islands takes place. Large (M S ∼ 7) shocks, preceding the 1946 earthquake, occurred here in 1940, 1942, and 1944. Structural inhomogeneities in the island slope in the area of the Sanak Islands (λ ∼ 162°W) determine the eastern edge of the source-reverse fault, whose length within the specified boundaries is about 200 km. The mean magnitude of the earthquake corresponding to such a source is ∼8.3. According to the regular relation between the rupture length and the mean movement, the vertical displacement of the ocean floor in the source region could attain 5–6 m. A significant vertical displacement of the ocean floor over its large length (∼200 km) was responsible for the high tsunamigenic ability of this earthquake. A favorable combination in the source area of the topographic and other conditions necessary for the tsunami formation could additionally contribute to an increase in the intensity of the tsunami. The earthquake of April 1, 1946, in the Fox Islands, as well as the tsunamigenic earthquakes of March 9, 1957, in the Andreanof Islands and February 4, 1965, in the Rat Islands, does not belong to the class of “slow” earthquakes.  相似文献   

The December 26, 2004 Sumatra–Andaman Island earthquake, which ruptured the Sunda Trench subduction zone, is one of the three largest earthquakes to occur since global monitoring began in the 1890s. Its seismic moment was M 0 = 1.00 × 1023–1.15 × 1023 Nm, corresponding to a moment-magnitude of M w = 9.3. The rupture propagated from south to north, with the southerly part of fault rupturing at a speed of 2.8 km/s. Rupture propagation appears to have slowed in the northern section, possibly to ∼2.1 km/s, although published estimates have considerable scatter. The average slip is ∼5 m along a shallowly dipping (8°), N31°W striking thrust fault. The majority of slip and moment release appears to have been concentrated in the southern part of the rupture zone, where slip locally exceeded 30 m. Stress loading from this earthquake caused the section of the plate boundary immediately to the south to rupture in a second, somewhat smaller earthquake. This second earthquake occurred on March 28, 2005 and had a moment-magnitude of M w = 8.5.  相似文献   

Earthquake source parameters, seismological, geological, geophysical, geodetic, and macroseismic data are reported for the source zone of the Tohoku earthquake (M = 9) that occurred on March 11, 2011 near the eastern coast of Honshu Island. The seismotectonic position of the seismic source situated in the western Pacific active margin, distribution of epicenters and hypocenters of the main shock, foreshocks and aftershocks, features of the focal mechanism solutions, and directions of the horizontal and vertical offsets of the Island surface were studied to focus attention on the nature of deformation in the Honshu Region. The obtained data make it possible to establish intraplate and interplate components in the complex source of the earthquake. Relationships between seismic and geodetic manifestations were investigated. The Tohoku earthquake was suggested to be a great lithospheric structure.  相似文献   

The electric and magnetic variations observed during the earthquake of March 11, 2011 that occurred in the Pacific close to the northeastern coast of Honshu Island in Japan are analyzed. The variations in the electric voltage were measured at the decommissioned submarine telecommunication cable laid on the bed of the Sea of Japan. The neighboring observatories recorded the anomalous geomagnetic variations during the studied time interval; the sources and spatial location of these anomalies are studied. The seismic signals were identified from the seismograms recorded by the broadband seismometer STS-2 at the nearest seismic station.  相似文献   

An interpretation of the type, size, and interrelations of sources is proposed for the three large Aleutian earthquakes of March 9, 1957, May 7, 1986, and June 10, 1996, which occurred in structures of the Andreanof Islands. According to our interpretation, the earthquakes were caused by steep reverse faults confined to different structural units of the southern slope of the Andreanof Islands and oriented along the strike of these structures. An E-W reverse fault that generated the largest earthquake of 1957 is located within the Aleutian Terrace and genetically appears to be associated with the development of the submarine Hawley Ridge. The western and eastern boundaries of this source are structurally well expressed by the Adak Canyon in the west (~177°W) and an abrupt change in isobaths in the east (~173°W). The character of the boundaries is reflected in the focal mechanisms. The source of the earthquake of 1957 extends for about 300 km, which agrees well with modern estimates of its magnitude (M w = 8.6). Because the earthquake of 1957 caused, due to its high strength, seismic activation of adjacent areas of the Aleutian island arc, its aftershock zone appreciably exceeded in size the earthquake source. Reverse faults that activated the seismic sources of the earthquakes of 1986 and 1996 were located within the southern slope of the Andreanof Islands, higher than the Aleutian Terrace, outside the seismic source of the 1957 earthquake. The boundaries of these sources are also well expressed in structures and focal mechanisms. According to our estimate, the length of the 1986 earthquake source does not exceed 130–140 km, which does not contradict its magnitude (M w = 8). The length of the 1996 earthquake source is ~100 km, which also agrees with the magnitude of the earthquake (M w = 7.8).  相似文献   


The electric and magnetic variations observed during the earthquake of March 11, 2011 that occurred in the Pacific close to the northeastern coast of Honshu Island in Japan are analyzed. The variations in the electric voltage were measured at the decommissioned submarine telecommunication cable laid on the bed of the Sea of Japan. The neighboring observatories recorded the anomalous geomagnetic variations during the studied time interval; the sources and spatial location of these anomalies are studied. The seismic signals were identified from the seismograms recorded by the broadband seismometer STS-2 at the nearest seismic station.


We study the surface deformation associated with the 22 December 1999 earthquake, a moderate sized but damaging event at Ain Temouchent (northwestern Algeria) using Interferometric Satellite Aperture Radar images (InSAR). The mainshock focal mechanism solution indicates reverse faulting with a NE–SW trending rupture comparable to other major seismic events of this section of the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary. Previously, the earthquake fault parameters were, however, poorly known because no aftershocks were precisely determined and no coseismic surface ruptures were observed in the field. Using a pair of ERS data with small baseline and short temporal separation in the ascending orbit we obtained an interferogram that shows the coseismic surface displacement field despite poor coherence. The interferogram measures four fringes and displays an ellipse-shaped lobe with ∼11 cm peak line-of-sight displacement. The elastic modeling using a boundary element method (Poly3Dinv) indicate coseismic slip reaching up to 1 m at 5 km depth on the N 57° E trending, dipping 32° NW Tafna thrust fault. The geodetic estimate of seismic moment is 4.7 × 1017 N m. (Mw 5.7) in is good agreement with seismological results. The elliptical shape of the surface displacement field coincides with the NE–SW trending Berdani fault-related fold. The consistency between the geological observations and InSAR solution shed light on the precise earthquake location and related Tafna fault parameters.  相似文献   

An interpretation of the parameters of earthquake sources is proposed for the two large earthquakes in the Rat Islands of February 4, 1965 (M W = 8.7), and November 17, 2003 (M W = 7.7–7.8), based on the analysis of focal mechanisms, the manifestation of aftershocks, and the specific features of the geological structure of the island slope of the Rat Islands. The source of the earthquake of 1965 is a reverse fault of longitudinal strike, with a length of ~350 km. It is located in the lower part of the Aleutian Terrace and probably is genetically connected with the development of the Rat submarine ridge. The westward boundary of the earthquake source is determined by the Heck Canyon structures, and the eastward boundary is determined by the end of Rat Ridge in the region of λ ~ 179°E–179.5°E. The source of the earthquake of 2003 is a steep E-W reverse fault extending for about 100 km. It is located in the eastern part of the Rat Islands, higher on the slope than the source of the earthquake of 1965. The westward end of the earthquake source is determined by Rat Canyon structures, and the eastward end is an abrupt change in isobaths in the region of λ ~ 179°E. According to the aftershock hypocenters, the depth of occurrence of the reverse fault could reach ~60 km. According to our interpretation, on the southern slope of the Rat and Near islands, there is a complex system of seismogenic faults that is caused by tectonic development of different structural elements. The dominant types of faults here are reverse faults, as in other island arcs. During earthquakes, reverse faults oriented along the island arc and also faults that intersect it exhibit themselves. The reverse faults of northeastern strike that intersect the arc characterize the type of tectonic motions in a series of canyons of the western part of the Aleutian Islands.  相似文献   

Groundwater responses at 15 monitoring wells on Jeju Island were observed in relation to the magnitude 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake off the Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan, on 11 March 2011, at 14:46:23 h local time (05:46:24 h UTC time). In coastal areas, the groundwater level responses to the earthquake were oscillatory at 12 wells, and the range of the maximum groundwater level changes was 3–192.4 cm. The response durations were approximately 1–62 min. The relationship between the maximum groundwater level changes and the response durations displayed a high correlation coefficient (r = 0.81). Groundwater temperature changes were also observed at 7 of 12 wells 3–10 min after the seismic wave arrived, and the range was from 0.01 °C to 1.20 °C. In mid‐elevation areas, the groundwater level changes appeared in three different forms: oscillatory, spiky and persistent. The groundwater temperature changes were also observed at two wells. One indicated decreasing and recovering temperatures, and the other exhibited rising and persistent temperatures. The primary temperature changes occurred 5–6 min after the earthquake and 2–3 min after the seismic wave arrived. In addition, the electrical conductivities at the depth of the transition zone were monitored, and the responses to the earthquake appeared at all three wells. Although the electrical conductivity and temperature changes were not well understood, groundwater inflow and mixing were likely caused by the earthquake, and the responses were various and site specific. The responses to the earthquake were closely related to the hydrogeological characteristics at each monitoring well, and a more detailed hydrogeological characterization is needed to understand the mechanisms related to earthquakes in general. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The October 21, 1766 earthquake is the most widely felt event in the seismic history of Trinidad and Venezuela. Previous works diverged on the interpretation of the historical data available for this event. They associated the earthquake either with the Lesser Antilles subduction zone, with strike-slip motion along El Pilar fault, or with intraplate deformation at the edge of Guyana shield. Isoseismal areas are proposed after a new search and analysis of primary and secondary sources of historical information. Two of the largest earthquakes of the twentieth century which occurred in the region, the 1968 (M S 6.4, h = 103 km), and the 1997 (M W 6.9, h = 25 km) events, for which both intensity data and instrumentally determined source parameters are available, are used to calibrate the isoseismal areas and to interpret them in terms of source depth and magnitude. It is concluded that the large extent of intensity values higher than V is diagnostic of the depth (85 ± 20 km) of the 1766 source, and of local amplifications of ground motion due to soft soil conditions and to strong contrasts of impedance at the edge of Guyana shield. It is proposed that the event occurred either in slab, or close to the bottom lithospheric interface between the Caribbean and South American plates (∼11°N; ∼62.5°W). The value of the magnitude is estimated at 6.5 < M S < 7.5 depending on the source depth and on the decay of ground motion as a function of distance. Deep and intermediate depth earthquakes can induce important casualties in Trinidad, Venezuela, and Guyana, possibly more damaging than those induced by shallower earthquakes along the strike of El Pilar Fault.  相似文献   

The source parameters of the Bohai Sea earthquake, July 18, 1969 and Yongshan, Yunnan earthquake, May 11, 1974 were determined by full — wave theory synthetic seismograms of teleseismic P waves. P+pP+sP wereform were calculated with WKBJ approximation and real integral paths. One — dimensional unilateral, finite propagation source was also considered. By trail — and — error in comparing the theoretical seismograms with the observational ones of WWSSN stations, the source parameters were obtained as follow: for Bohai earthquake, φ=195°, δ=85°, λ=65°,M o=0.9×1019Nm,L=59.9km.V R=3.5km/s, ∧ R =160°; for Yongshan earthquake, φ=240°, δ=80°, ∧=150°,M o=1.3×1018Nm,L=48.8km,V R=3km/s, ∧ R =−10°, where φ is strike, δ dip angle, λ slip angle,M o seismic moment,L rupture length,V R rupture propagation speed. As III type fractures the faulting propagated along the fault planes, and ∧ R is the angle from the strike to the propagation direction. Yongshan earthquake showed complexity in its focal process, having four sub—ruptures during the first 60 seconds. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 1–8, 1991.  相似文献   

Seismotectonic regionalization of the Kamchatka subduction zone was carried out by retrospective analysis of the temporal sequence and locations of earthquake occurrence and an examination of relationships between the earthquake hypocenters and morphostructures in the continental slope of eastern Kamchatka. Ten segments separated with earthquake-generating strike-slip faults have been identified in the overthrusting (overhanging) margin of the Sea-of-Okhotsk plate in the zone where the Pacific and the Sea-of-Okhotsk plates interact orthogonally. Two to three earthquake-generating thrust blocks have been identified within these segments. This type of subduction is consistent with the keyboard-block model of L.I. Lobkovskii and B.V. Baranov. We put forward a model involving segmentation and generation of thrust blocks due to nonuniform coupling between the subducted Pacific plate and the overhanging Sea-of-Okhotsk plate. According to this model, both segmentation and the formation of thrust blocks are caused by nonuniform plate coupling due to unevenness in the relief of the plunging plate. The thrusts have relief expression as underwater highs and terraces, which indicate that a tsunami-generating earthquake can occur at this location. The highest rate of occurrence for magnitude 7 or greater earthquakes is found at the sharp bend of the Pacific plate, where the subduction angle is 10°–12° instead of 50°–51°, corresponding to a frontal (tectonic) arc, which can be traced by a positive free-air gravity anomaly and by an isostatic anomaly.  相似文献   

Breakthrough point source model, extended earthquake source model is used to calculate more seismic source parameters in this paper. We express seismic source using higher degree moment tensors, to reduce a large number terms originally presenting in higher degree moment tensor representation, Haskell rupture model is used. We inverted the source parameters of Mani earthquake in Tibet using broad-band body wave of 32 stations of Global Seismograph Network (GSN), the results show that it is a strike-slip fault, rupture direction is 75° , rupture duration is 19 s, the fault plan is f =77° , d =88° , l =0° , the auxiliary plane is f =347° , d =90° , l =178° , and the fault dimension is 47 km′ 28 km. These results will give new quantitative data for earth dynamics and have practical meaning for seismic source tomography research.  相似文献   

Source mechanism and source parameters of May 28, 1998 earthquake,Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On May 28, 1998, a moderate size earthquake of mb 5.5 occurred offshore the northwestern part of Egypt (latitude 31.45°N and longitude 27.64°E). It was widely felt in the northern part of Egypt. Being the largest well-recorded event in the area for which seismic data from the global digital network are available, it provides an excellent opportunity to study the tectonic process and present day stress field occurring along the offshore Egyptian coast. The source parameters of this event are determined using three different techniques: modeling of surface wave spectral amplitudes, regional waveform inversion, and teleseismic body waveform inversion. The results show a high-angle reverse fault mechanism generally trending NNW–SSE. The P-axis trends ENE–WSW consistently with the prevailed compression stress along the southeastern Hellenic arc and southwestern part of the Cyprean arc. This unexpected mechanism is most probably related to a positive inversion of the NW trending offshore normal faults and confirms an extension of the back thrusting effects towards the African margin. The estimated focal depth ranges from 22 to 25 km, indicating a lower crustal origin earthquake owing to deep-seated tectonics. The source time function indicates a single source with rise time and total rupture duration of 2 and 5 s, respectively. The seismic moment (M o) and the moment magnitude (M w) determined by the three techniques are 1.03 × 1017 Nm, 5.28; 1.24 × 1017 Nm, 5.33; and 1.68 × 1017 Nm, 5.42; respectively. The calculated fault radius, stress drop, and the average dislocation assuming a circular fault model are 7.2 km, 0.63 Mpa, and 0.11 m, respectively.  相似文献   

The results of the comparative analysis of parameters of the Tohoku earthquake (Honshu Island, Japan) of March 11, 2011, 05:46 UTC and its aftershocks are presented.  相似文献   

On 11 March 2011 a subsea earthquake off the north-eastern coast of Honshu Island, Japan generated a huge tsunami which was felt throughout the Pacific. At the opposite end of the Pacific Ocean, on the south-east coast of Australia, multiple reflections, scatterings and alternate pathways lead to a prolonged and complicated response. This response was largely unaltered in crossing the continental shelf but was then transformed by bay resonances and admittances. These effects are described using data from tide recorders sparsely spread over 1,000 km of the coast. Some new adaptations and applications of time-series analysis are applied to separate tsunami waves that have followed different pathways but contain the same spectral components. The possible types of harbour response are classified and illustrated. Despite its small height in this region, the tsunami put several swimmers at serious risk and generated strong harbour oscillations, which should be considered when generating future warnings.  相似文献   

An interpretation of the occurrence conditions and source parameters is proposed for the catastrophic earthquake of December 26, 2004, in the northwestern part of the Sunda island arc. The interpretation is based on the analysis of spatial distributions of aftershock epicenters and regions subjected to destructive tsunamis, seismicity manifestations in the NW part of the Sunda island arc in the past century, and locations of large tsunami sources of historical earthquakes off the Sumatra Island coast. The source parameters of the December 26, 2004, earthquake are compared with the reliably established main characteristics of sources of the largest tsunamigenic earthquakes in island arcs of the Pacific Ocean. According to the proposed interpretation, the December 26, 2004, earthquake source is a steep reverse fault striking NW and dipping toward the Indian Ocean. The source, ~450 km long, is located in front of the NW termination of Sumatra Island, in the southern part of the Nicobar Islands. Possible positions and sizes of large potential seismic sources in the NW part of the Sunda island arc are suggested.  相似文献   

The Litang fault zone (LFZ) is an important active fault within the northwestern Sichuan sub-block. To-gether with the Garzê-Yushu, Xianshuihe, and An-ninghe fault zones on its northern, eastern and south-eastern sides, the LFZ constitutes the lateral extrusion tectonic system in the southeastern part of the Qing-hai-Tibetan Plateau[1,2] (Fig. 1). According to instru-mental records, historical recordings and field investi- gation, an earthquake (Ms7.3) occurred on its middle to south se…  相似文献   

Introduction In the probability analysis method of seismic risk considering time-space inhomogeneity of seismic activity and adopted commonly in China (State Seismological Bureau, 1996) (called in-homogeneous distribution model for short), the division of seismic statistical regions, delimitation of potential seismic sources and estimation of seismicity parameters are the main links that affect significantly the estimation of ground motion parameters of a site. HUANG and WU (2005) studied …  相似文献   

The giant Tohoku-Oki earthquake of 11 March 2011 in offshore Japan did not only generate tsunami waves in the ocean but also infrasound (or acoustic–gravity) waves in the atmosphere. We identified ultra-long-period signals (>500 s) in the recordings of infrasound stations in northeast Asia, the northwest Pacific, and Alaska. Their source was found close to the earthquake epicenter. Therefore, we conclude that in general, infrasound observations after a large offshore earthquake are evidence that the surface and the floor of the sea have been significantly vertically displaced by the earthquake and that a tsunami must be expected. Since infrasound is traveling faster than the tsunami, such information may be used for tsunami early warnings.  相似文献   

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