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The Legs Lake shear zone is a crustal‐scale thrust fault system in the western Canadian Shield that juxtaposes high‐pressure (1.0+ GPa) granulite facies rocks against shallow crustal (< 0.5 GPa) amphibolite facies rocks. Hangingwall decompression is characterized by breakdown of the peak assemblage Grt + Sil + Kfs + Pl + Qtz into the assemblage Grt + Crd + Bt ± Sil + Pl + Qtz. Similar felsic granulite occurs throughout the region, but retrograde cordierite is restricted to the immediate hangingwall of the shear zone. Textural observations, petrological analysis using PT/PMH2O phase diagram sections, and in situ electron microprobe monazite geochronology suggest that decompression from peak conditions of 1.1 GPa, c. 800 °C involved several distinct stages under first dry and then hydrated conditions. Retrograde re‐equilibration occurred at 0.5–0.4 GPa, 550–650 °C. Morphology, X‐ray maps, and microprobe dates indicate several distinct monazite generations. Populations 1 and 2 are relatively high yttrium (Y) monazite that grew at 2.55–2.50 Ga and correspond to an early granulite facies event. Population 3 represents episodic growth of low Y monazite between 2.50 and 2.15 Ga whose general significance is still unclear. Population 4 reflects low Y monazite growth at 1.9 Ga, which corresponds to the youngest period of high‐pressure metamorphism. Finally, population 5 is restricted to the hydrous retrograded granulite and represents high Y monazite growth at 1.85 Ga that is linked directly to the synkinematic garnet‐consuming hydration reaction (KFMASH): Grt + Kfs + H2O = Bt + Sil + Qtz. Two samples yield weighted mean microprobe dates for this population of 1853 ± 15 and 1851 ± 9 Ma, respectively. Subsequent xenotime growth correlates with the reaction: Grt + Sil + Qtz + H2O = Crd. We suggest that the shear zone acted as a channel for fluid produced by dehydration of metasediments in the underthrust domain.  相似文献   

High‐pressure (HP) granulites and eclogitized metagabbro are exposed along an orogen‐parallel high‐P belt that was developed at c. 1050–1020 Ma in the NE Grenville Province. Among these rocks, mafic granulites derived from a Labradorian anorthosite suite of the Lelukuau terrane contain garnet, Al‐Na diopside, and, depending on bulk composition, plagioclase and kyanite. Moreover, the distribution of phases is influenced by the original igneous texture. For instance, in high XMgO leucocratic varieties, garnet porphyroblasts nucleated together with kyanite in An‐rich cores of plagioclase domains whereas in low XMgO rocks garnet occurs together with clinopyroxene within formerly igneous ferromagnesian domains and kyanite is missing. In contrast, garnet pseudomorphs after igneous plagioclase in melanocratic varieties display evidence of earlier corona development. Metamorphic textures are consistent with a two stage evolution: (a) development of garnet and Al‐Na‐diopside (Cpx1) under high‐P metamorphic conditions, concomitant with elimination of plagioclase in the mesocratic to melanocratic varieties; and (b) partial loss of Al‐Na from Cpx1 resulting in production of new andesitic plagioclase, and growth of new clinopyroxene (Cpx2) after garnet and quartz in leucocratic to mesocratic rocks consistent with decompression. Widespread equilibrium textures between garnet‐Pl2‐Cpx2 and/or reset Cpx1 are consistent with development at the thermal peak. Estimated P–T conditions for the presumed thermal peak fall in the range 1500–1800 MPa and 800–900 °C and are comparable to those recorded by eclogitized gabbros from other parts of the high‐P belt of the NE Grenville province. Low jadeite content of clinopyroxene from the HP granulites is attributed to the low bulk Na2O/(Na2O + CaO) of these rocks relative to common basaltic compositions. Scarcity of apparent retrograde textural overprint in both the HP granulites and the eclogites suggests fast subsequent cooling, consistent with extrusion of the high‐P belt towards the foreland shortly after the metamorphic peak.  相似文献   

A combined geochronological, geochemical, and Nd isotopic study of felsic high-pressure granulites from the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, northern Saskatchewan, Canada, has been carried out through the application of integrated electron microprobe and isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) techniques. The terrane investigated is a 400 km2 domain of garnet–kyanite–K–feldspar-bearing quartzofeldspathic gneisses. Monazite in these granulites preserves a complex growth history from 2.6 to 1.9 Ga, with well-armored, high Y and Th grains included in garnet yielding the oldest U–Pb dates at 2.62 to 2.59 Ga. In contrast, matrix grains and inclusions in garnet rims that are not well-armored are depleted in Y and Th, and display more complicated U–Pb systematics with multiple age domains ranging from 2.5 to 2.0 Ga. 1.9 Ga monazite occurs exclusively as matrix grains. Zircon is typically younger (2.58 to 2.55 Ga) than the oldest monazite. Sm–Nd isotope analysis of single monazite grains and whole rock samples indicate that inclusions of Archean monazite in garnet are similar in isotopic composition to the whole rock signature with a limited range of slightly negative initial Nd. In contrast, grains that contain a Paleoproterozoic component show more positive initial Nd, most simply interpreted as reflecting derivation from a source involving consumption of garnet and general depletion of HREE's. Our preferred interpretation is that the oldest monazite dates record igneous crystallization of the protolith. The ca. 2.55 Ga dates in zircon and monazite record an extensive melting event during which garnet and ternary feldspar formed. Very high-pressure (> 1.5 GPa) metamorphism during the Paleoproterozoic at 1.9 Ga produced kyanite from garnet breakdown, and resulted in limited growth of new monazite and zircon. In the case of monazite, this is likely due to the armoring and sequestration of early-formed monazite such that it could not participate in metamorphic reactions during the high-pressure event, as well as the depletion of the REE's due to melt loss following the early melting event.  相似文献   

Granulite facies orthogneiss of the Arthur River Complex (ARC) at Milford Sound, western Fiordland records a complex Early Cretaceous magmatic and orogenic history for the Pacific Gondwana margin that culminated in the emplacement and burial of a dioritic batholith, the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO). Enstatite-bearing mafic to intermediate protoliths of the ARC and WFO intruded the middle to upper crust. The early deformation history of the ARC is preserved in the Pembroke Granulite, where two-pyroxene S1 assemblages that reflect P <8 kbar and T  >750 °C were only patchily recrystallized during later deformation. S1 is cut by garnet-bearing, leucogabbroic to dioritic veins, which are cut by distinctive D2 fractures involving anorthositic veins and garnet–diopside–plagioclase-bearing reaction zones. These zones are widespread in the ARC and WFO and record conditions of P ≈14 kbar and T  >750 °C. Garnet–clinopyroxene-bearing corona reaction textures that mantle enstatite in both the ARC and WFO reflect Early Cretaceous burial by approximately 25 km of continental crust. Most of the ARC is formed from the Milford and Harrison Gneisses, which contain steeply dipping S4 assemblages that envelop the Pembroke Granulite and involve garnet, hornblende, diopside, clinozoisite, rutile and plagioclase, with or without kyanite. The P–T history of rocks in western Fiordland reflects pronounced Early Cretaceous convergence-related tectonism and burial, possibly related to the collision and accretion of island arc material onto the Pacific Gondwana margin.  相似文献   

Distinctive lithological associations and geological relationships, and initial geochronological results indicate the presence of an areally extensive region of reworked Archaean basement containing polymetamorphic granulites in the Rauer Group, East Antarctica.
Structurally early metapelites from within this reworked region preserve complex and varied metamorphic histories which largely pre-date and bear no relation to a Late Proterozoic metamorphism generally recognized in this part of East Antarctica. In particular, magnesian metapelite rafts from Long Point record extreme peak P–T conditions of 10–12 kbar and 100–1050°C, and an initial decompression to 8 kbar at temperatures of greater than 900°C. Initial garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite assemblages contain the most magnesian (and pyrope-rich) garnets ( X Mg= 0.71) yet found in granulite facies rocks. A high-temperature decompressional P–T history is consistent with reaction textures in which the phase assemblages produced through garnet breakdown vary systematically with the initial garnet X Mg composition, reflecting the intersection of different divariant reactions in rocks of varied composition as pressures decreased. This history is thought to relate to Archaean events, whereas a lower-temperature ( c. 750–800°C) decompression to 5 kbar reflects Late Proterozoic reworking of these relict assemblages.
The major Late Proterozoic ( c. 1000 Ma) granulite facies metamorphism is recorded in a suite of younger Fe-rich metapelites and associated paragneisses in which syn- to post-deformational decompression, through 2–4 kbar from maximum recorded P–T conditions of 7–9 kbar and 800–850°C, is constrained by geothermobarometry and reaction textures. This P–T evolution is thought to reflect rapid tectonic collapse of crust previously thickened through collision.  相似文献   

The Mary granite, in the East Athabasca mylonite triangle, northern Saskatchewan, provides an example and a model for the development of non-migmatitic gneissic texture. Gneissic compositional layering developed through the simultaneous evolution of three microdomains corresponding to original plagioclase, orthopyroxene and matrix in the igneous rocks. Plagioclase phenocrysts were progressively deformed and recrystallized, first into core and mantle structures, and ultimately into plagioclase-rich layers or ribbons. Garnet preferentially developed in the outer portions of recrystallized mantles, and, with further deformation, produced garnet-rich sub-layers within the plagioclase-rich gneissic domains. Orthopyroxene was replaced by clinopyroxene and garnet (and hornblende if sufficient water was present), which were, in turn, drawn into layers with new garnet growth along the boundaries. The igneous matrix evolved through a number of transient fabric stages involving S-C fabrics, S-C-C' fabrics, and ultramylonitic domains. In addition, quartz veins were emplaced and subsequently deformed into quartz-rich gneissic layers. Moderate to highly strained samples display extreme mineralogical (compositional) segregation, yet most domains can be directly related to the original igneous precursors. The Mary granite was emplaced at approximately 900 °C and 1.0 GPa and was metamorphosed at approximately 750 °C and 1.0 GPa. The igneous rocks crystallized in the medium-pressure granulite field (Opx–Pl) but were metamorphosed on cooling into the high-pressure (Grt–Cpx–Pl) granulite field. The compositional segregation resulted from a dynamic, mutually reinforcing interaction between deformation, metamorphic and igneous processes in the deep crust. The production of gneissic texture by processes such as these may be the inevitable result of isobaric cooling of igneous rocks within a tectonically active deep crust.  相似文献   

Variability in accommodation and sedimentation rates within a basin generates significant deviations in the along-strike stratal stacking patterns of systems tracts. This variability can lead to coeval depositional units that record the juxtaposition of transgressive (retrogradational) and regressive (progradational) stratal stacking patterns. In scenarios where transgressive and regressive units are deposited concurrently, challenges arise when attempting to correlate and place systems tracts into a sequence stratigraphic framework. In these scenarios, the maximum flooding surface records a high level of diachroneity, with the position of the surface variable throughout the stratigraphic column. In this study, Viking Formation (late Albian) deposits in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, central Alberta, Canada, preserve significant along-strike variability of palaeoshorelines that developed in response to autogenic processes as well as allogenic controls that were active during deposition. Specifically, structural reactivation of Precambrian basement structures during Viking deposition led to significant variability in depositional environments along the palaeoshoreline. The incremental basement reactivation of the Precambrian Snowbird Tectonic Zone influenced sedimentation patterns and the creation of anomalous zones of accommodation in localized areas of the basin. Across fault boundaries and within the anomalously thick strata, both progradational and retrogradational stacking patterns occur within broadly contemporaneous deposits, complicating the correlation of stratigraphic units. While the concomitant deposition of transgressive and regressive units has been documented in a number of modern marine analogues, the concept is rarely applied to ancient successions. By identifying along-strike variabilities in shoreline geometries and incorporating the autogenic and allogenic controls that were active during deposition, a more accurate sequence stratigraphic framework can be proposed.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1597-1634
The Miocene Chalcatzingo trondhjemitic volcanic field, sited along the southern margin of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, is a newly discovered locality with deep-seated crustal xenoliths that provide fundamental petrologic information on the nature of the unexposed metamorphic basement. The volcanic field lies along the eastern edge of the Cretaceous Guerrero-Morelos platform, which juxtaposes the Guerrero and Mixteco terranes of southern Mexico. Xenoliths consist of high temperature to ultra-high temperature metapelites as well as mafic and quartzofeldspathic gneisses, all of which show evidence of multiple granulite to amphibolite facies metamorphism and ductile deformation. A detailed petrologic study of representative xenoliths indicates a metamorphic evolution that apparently followed a clockwise pressure–temperature path leading from biotite-sillimanite1/kyanite(?)-quartz assemblages (M1) to the assemblage plagioclase-garnet-sillimanite2-rutile/ilmenite (M2) with a peak at ~9–11 kbar and >870°C. These conditions were followed by rapid uplift to <6 kbar and >800°C, which produced the decompression assemblage spinel-cordierite-sillimanite3-corundum ± orthopyroxene ± quartz (M3) before shallow emplacement of the xenolith-bearing trondhjemitic magma. Three possible sources for the xenoliths are considered: (1) early Mesozoic metasediments buried in the middle crust; (2) Precambrian lower crust; and (3) subducted Cenozoic sediments trapped in the mantle wedge. Based on the deep-seated, polymetamorphic nature of the xenoliths, the Nd depleted mantle model age of an orthogneissic xenolith, and on regional tectonostratigraphic considerations, we suggest that the xenolith source was Proterozoic continental crust. Although old zircon inheritance in the host trondhjemite is minimal, it may be explained by a lack of interaction of the magma with the traversed lithosphere. Studies of Palaeogene shallow intrusions exposed 140 km west of Chalcatzingo in the Guerrero terrane (Pepechuca plug) and 80 km southeast of that place in the Mixteco terrane (Puente Negro dikes) reveal the presence of similar very high-grade aluminous xenoliths. However, these magmas were probably generated by partial melting of Triassic–Jurassic metasediments of the Guerrero terrane underplated by basaltic magmas in Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous times or from Precambrian crust assimilated by underplated mafic magmas of Oligocene age, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract The Ruby terrane is an elongate fragment of continental crustal rocks that is structurally overlain by thrust slices of oceanic crust. Our results from the Kokrines Hills, in the south-central part of the Ruby terrane, demonstrate that the low-angle schistose fabric formed under high- P /low- T conditions, at peak conditions of 10.8-13.2 kbar and 425-550° C, consistent with the rare occurrence of glaucophane. White mica 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages from these blueschists indicate that the metamorphism occurred prior to 144 ± 1 Ma. The blueschist facies assemblages are partially replaced by greenschist facies assemblages in the eastern Kokrines Hills. In contrast, in the central and western Kokrines Hills, upper amphibolite to lower granulite facies metamorphism associated with extensive late Early Cretaceous plutonism has completely overprinted any evidence of an earlier high- P/T metamorphic history. Deformation accompanying the plutonism produced recumbent isoclinal folds in the plutonic rocks and pelitic gneisses of the wallrock; decompression reactions in the pelitic gneisses suggest that the deformation occurred during exhumation. Thermochronological data bracket the time of intrusion and cooling below 500° C between 118 ± 3 and 109 ± 1 Ma.
Our data from the schists of the Ruby terrane support the general assumption of many authors that the Ruby terrane was subducted beneath an oceanic island arc. This tectonic history is similar to that described for other large continental crustal blocks in northern and central Alaska, in the Brooks Range, Seward Peninsula and Yukon-Tanana Upland. The current orientation of the Ruby terrane at an oblique angle to these other crustal blocks and to the Cordilleran trend is due to post-collisional tectonic processes that have greatly modified the original continental margin.  相似文献   

高压基性麻粒岩出露在柴北缘HP/UHP变质带的绿梁山地区,它主要呈透镜体状分布在石榴蓝晶(夕线)黑云片麻岩中。岩石学和矿物学数据显示高压基性麻粒岩经历了多阶段变质历史,早期可能经历了榴辉岩相变质作用(p>15kbar),以石榴子石中保留的少量绿辉石为特征;高压麻粒岩组合(Grt-Cpx-Pl-Qtz±Amp±Rt-Ilm)为退变质作用产物,其形成的变质条件为p=9.6~13.5kbar,T=730~870℃。晚期的变质反应以围绕石榴子石和后成合晶生成斜方辉石的为特征,形成的p-T条件为6.2~8.5kbar和720~860℃。高压基性麻粒岩中的锆石SHRIMP测定共获得两组年龄,分别为(448±3)Ma和(421±5)Ma。结合锆石阴极发光和矿物包体研究,前者代表高压麻粒岩阶段的变质年龄,后者代表晚期与斜方辉石形成有关的中低压麻粒岩阶段的变质年龄。这些年龄结果显示麻粒岩相变质作用持续了大约27Ma,这可能与早古生代祁连地块与柴达木地块碰撞作用所引起的地壳加厚和后来的热松驰有关。  相似文献   

沈其韩  耿元生  宋会侠 《岩石学报》2014,30(10):2777-2807
本文重点介绍我国显生宙造山带中麻粒岩的地质特征、岩石类型、P-T轨迹、变质时代及其形成的大地构造背景。我国显生宙造山带主要包括阿尔泰造山带、南天山-西南天山造山带、西昆仑造山带、东昆仑造山带、阿尔金-柴北缘造山带、北秦岭造山带、南秦岭勉略造山带、东秦岭-桐柏-大别造山带、班公湖-怒江造山带和喜马拉雅中东段造山带。这些造山带中麻粒岩的围岩有许多为蛇绿岩套或蛇绿混杂岩带,部分为副片麻岩和花岗质片麻岩,并一起经历了麻粒岩相变质改造,造山带中大多出现一种高压麻粒岩,有的与榴辉岩并存,但少数造山带中(例如阿尔泰造山带)多种压力类型麻粒岩并存,既有低-高压泥质麻粒岩、中低压基性麻粒岩、高压基性和长英质麻粒岩,又有高温-超高温泥质麻粒岩。变质时代除个别为新元古代晚期外,变质时间多为加里东、海西、印支、燕山、喜山期。麻粒岩的P-T轨迹除西天山木札尔特河低压麻粒岩具逆时针轨迹,反映大陆弧构造环境外,其它都是具有等温降压(ITC)特点的顺时针轨迹,形成的大地构造环境大部分为洋陆俯冲碰撞环境,少部分为陆-陆碰撞环境。目前显生宙造山带中麻粒岩的研究大多数尚在起步阶段,少数研究较详细,不少造山带中麻粒岩的类型和变质时代以及形成的构造背景还不清楚,有待深入研究,新的麻粒岩产地有待发现。  相似文献   

西藏林芝地区林芝岩群麻粒岩及时代讨论   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
林芝地区雅鲁藏布江大峡谷西侧的尼洋河、雅鲁藏布江河谷地带,广泛出露有属冈底斯岩浆弧基底岩系的林芝岩群。笔者等在2001—2004年进行1:25万林芝县幅区域地质调查中,于雅鲁藏布江东岸的里龙及西岸扎西绕登一带,在林芝岩群下部中高级变质基性岩中新发现呈透镜状、饼状、瘤状、长条状、豆荚状等零星分布的麻粒岩。初步研究,化学成分具有富MgO,高CaO,低TiO2、K2O,Al2O3/TiO2比值接近20,与世界上典型玄武质科马提岩特征相似;稀土总量较底,类似于中—基性火山岩;原岩可能为一套富镁的超镁铁—镁铁质火山岩系。时代属古元古代。  相似文献   

Abstract The E-W-trending Kohistan terrane in the NW Himalaya is a sandwich of a magmatic arc between the collided Karakoram (Asian) and Indian plates. The southern part of the Kohistan arc is principally made up of amphibolites derived from volcanic and plutonic rocks of Early Cretaceous age. Gabbroic relics in the amphibolites display calc-alkaline character, and their mineralogy is similar to low-P plutonic rocks reported from modern and ancient island arcs. The largest of these relics, occurring along the southern margin of the amphibolite belt near Khwaza Khela, is subcircular in outline and is about 1 km across. It consists of cumulate gabbros and related rocks displaying a record of cooling and crustal thickening. Primary olivine and anorthite reacted to produce coronas consisting of two pyroxenes +Mg-Fe2+-Al spinel ± tschermakitic hornblende at about 800° C, 5.5–7.5 kbar. This thermotectonic event is of regional extent and may be related to the overthrusting of the Karakoram plate onto the Kohistan arc some 85 Ma ago, or even earlier. Later the gabbros were locally traversed by veins containing high-P assemblages: garnet, kyanite, zoisite, paragonite, oligoclase, calcite, scapolite and quartz ° Chlorite ° Corundum ± diopside. Formed in the range 510–600° C, and 10–12 kbar, these suggest further thickening and cooling of the crust before its uplift during the Tertiary. This paper presents microprobe data on the minerals, and discusses the tectonic implications of the coronitic and vein assemblages in the gabbros.  相似文献   


Intermediate orthogranulites were collected on the western flank of the Galicia bank during the Galinaute II cruise in 1995. The petrography of these rocks reveals two types of granulites. The first type is hydrous granulites with K-feldspar + plagioclase + quartz + orthopyroxene + hornblende + garnet + biotite + opaque + zircon + apatite assemblage. Both hornblende and orthopyroxene define a weak foliation plane. A late deformation event is expressed by some fractures cross-cutting the foliation. The second is anhydrous granulites with K-feldspar + plagioclase + quartz + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + opaque + zircon + apatite assemblage. The rocks display a granoblastic texture and are affected by brittle deformation as testified by the development of numerous microfractures. The P-T conditions (7 ± 1 Kbar, 750 ± 50 °C) calculated from two representative samples demonstrate that the rocks equilibrated under granulite facies conditions. Ar-Ar dating gives Precambrian ages ranging between ca. 2500–2000 Ma for the amphibole from the hydrous granulite and 1600–1500 Ma for the core of the K-feldspar from the anhydrous and hydrous granulites. A younger age of 900 Ma is obtained from the recrystallized rims of the K-feldspar from the two samples. These data indicate that the granulitic rocks in the Galicia Bank had already been exhumed and cooled below ca. 140–400 °C (blocking T° for K-feldspar) in Precambrian times (900 Ma). Given the very well preserved granulitic minerals assemblage of the rocks, the granulites behaved as competent and metastable boudins during their exhumation. The granulitic samples were previously interpreted as fragments of the lower continental crust sampled by the main detachment fault during Cretaceous rifting, but they were part of an upper continental crust from the Precambrian. Geochronological data and petrological assemblages suggest that the granulite blocks in the Galicia Bank probably were derived from the North Armorican Domain (northern part of France) where a Precambrian terrain outcrops. The opening of the Bay of Biscay could be responsible for the scattering of the Precambrian terrain and may explain the presence of the granulitic blocks on both sides of the Bay of Biscay. During the subduction of Europe below the Iberian peninsula the granulite blocks were transported southward and incorporated into a Cretaceous conglomerate forming the accrecionary prism on the Northern Iberia Margin. The granulite facies blocks found on the Galicia Bank represent another example of Gondwanian relics supporting the idea that the West European plate belonged to the West African craton during the Proterozoic. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

The Arthur River Complex is a suite of gabbroic to dioritic orthogneisses in northern Fiordland, New Zealand. The Arthur River Complex separates rocks of the Median Tectonic Zone, a Mesozoic island arc complex, from Palaeozoic rocks of the palaeo‐Pacific Gondwana margin, and is itself intruded by the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss. New SHRIMP U/Pb single zircon data are presented for magmatic, metamorphic and deformation events in the Arthur River Complex and adjacent rocks from northern Fiordland. The Arthur River Complex orthogneisses and dykes are dominated by magmatic zircon dated at 136–129 Ma. A dioritic orthogneiss that occurs along the eastern margin of the Complex is dated at 154.4 ± 3.6 Ma and predates adjacent plutons of the Median Tectonic Zone. Rims on zircon cores from this sample record a thermal event at c. 120 Ma, attributed to the emplacement of the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss. Migmatitic Palaeozoic orthogneiss from the Arthur River Complex (346 ± 6 Ma) is interpreted as deformed wall rock. Very fine rims (5–20 µm) also indicate a metamorphic age of c. 120–110 Ma. A post‐tectonic pegmatite (81.8 ± 1.8 Ma) may be related to phases of crustal extension associated with the opening of the Tasman Sea. The Arthur River Complex is interpreted as a batholith, emplaced at mid‐crustal levels and then buried to deep crustal levels due to convergence of the Median Tectonic Zone arc and the continental margin.  相似文献   

From July 1996 to August 1997 the TOR project operated 130 seismographs in North Germany, Denmark and South Sweden, with the aim of collecting signals from local, regional and teleseismic earthquakes. This data set is particularly interesting since the seismic antenna crosses the most significant geological boundary in Europe, the Tornquist Zone, which in the northern part is the border between the Baltic Shield and the younger European lithosphere. Previous studies have shown significant physical changes in the crust and upper mantle across this transition zone, including two independent teleseismic tomographic studies of the TOR data set. But these two studies disagree on the orientation of the slope of the transition. Both studies used an iterative linearized inversion method. We will in this work Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 27 July 2005 present an inversion based on Bayesian statistics, where the solution space is examined in order to study a very large number of tomographic solutions and to examine the solution uniqueness and uncertainty. The method is applied to measurements of 3345 relative teleseismic P-phase travel times from 48 teleseismic earthquakes with good azimuthal coverage with respect to the great circle arc of the TOR array. We find the lithospheric transition to be a north east inclination of around 30° to 45° off vertical.  相似文献   

Abstract Spinel-quartz-cordierite and spinel-quartz are found as relic prograde assemblages in Fe-rich granulites from the Araku area, Eastern Ghats belt, India. Subsequent reactions produced orthopyroxene + sillimanite in the former association and garnet + sillimanite in the latter. The first reaction is univariant in the FMAS system, but is trivariant in the present case because of the presence of Zn and Fe3+ in spinel. The second reaction also has high variance because of Zn and Fe3+, but also because of the presence of Ca in garnet. Thermobarometry shows that the metamorphic conditions were approximately 950° C and 8.5 kbar and the fo 2 was near the NNO buffer. In Fe-rich bulk compositions and low- P -high- T conditions of metamorphism, two of the univariant reactions around the invariant point [Sa], namely (Sa, Hy) and (Sa, Cd), change topology due to reverse partitioning of Fe-Mg between coexisting garnet and spinel. An alternative partial petrogenetic grid in the system FMAS is constructed for such conditions and is applied satisfactorily to several sapphirine-free spinel granulites. It is shown that bulk composition ( X Fe and Zn) exerts greater control on the stability of spinel + quartz than fo 2. The effect of the presence of Zn and Fe3+ in spinel on the proposed grid is evaluated. Reaction textures in the Araku spinel granulites can be explained from the petrogenetic grid as due to near-isobaric cooling.  相似文献   

Although ophiolitic rocks are abundant in Anatolia (Turkey), only in rare cases have they experienced high‐grade metamorphism. Even more uncommon, in Anatolia and elsewhere are high‐grade meta‐ophiolites that retain an oceanic lithosphere stratigraphy from upper crustal mafic volcanic rocks through lower crustal gabbro to mantle peridotite. The Berit meta‐ophiolite of SE Turkey exhibits both features: from structurally higher to lower levels, it consists of garnet amphibolite (metabasalt), granulite facies metagabbro (as lenses in amphibolite inferred to be retrogressed granulite) and metaperidotite (locally with metapyroxenite layers). Whole‐rock major and trace‐element data indicate a tholeiitic protolith that formed in a suprasubduction setting. This paper presents new results for the metamorphic PT conditions and path of oceanic lower crustal rocks in the Berit meta‐ophiolite, and an evaluation of the tectonic processes that may drive granulite facies metamorphism of ophiolite gabbro. In the Do?an?ehir (Malatya, Turkey) region, granulite facies gabbroic rocks contain garnet (Grt)+clinopyroxene (Cpx)+plagioclase (Pl)+corundum (Crn)±orthopyroxene (Opx)±kyanite (Ky)±sapphirine (Spr)±rutile. Some exhibit symplectites consisting of Crn+Cpx, Ky+Cpx and/or coronas of garnet (outer shell) around a polygonal aggregate of clinopyroxene that in some cases surrounds a polygonal aggregate of orthopyroxene. Coronitic and non‐coronitic textures occur in proximity in mm‐ to cm‐scale layers; corona structures typically occur in plagioclase‐rich layers. Their formation is therefore related primarily to protolith type (troctolite v. gabbro) rather than P–T path. Phase diagrams calculated for a kyanite‐rich granulite, a plagioclase‐rich non‐coronitic granulite, and a plagioclase‐rich coronitic granulite (taking into account changes in effective bulk composition during texture development) predict peak conditions of ~800°C, 1.1–1.5 GPa; these conditions do not require invoking an unusually high geothermal gradient. In the coronitic metagabbro, reaction textures formed along the prograde path: Crn–Cpx symplectites grew at the expense of garnet, sapphirine and plagioclase. Peak conditions were followed by isobaric cooling of ~150°C. Hornblende–plagioclase thermometry results for host amphibolite (Hbl+Pl±Crn±Grt±relict Cpx) indicate retrograde conditions of 620–675°C and 0.5–0.8 GPa accompanied by infiltration of H2O‐rich fluid. This anticlockwise P–T path differs from an isothermal decompression path previously proposed for these rocks based on the presence of symplectite. Metamorphism of the ophiolitic rocks was driven by closing of the southern Neotethys Ocean, as oceanic lithosphere was obducted (most SE Anatolian ophiolites) or underthrust (Berit meta‐ophiolite). This was followed by subduction of a continental margin, driving cooling of the Berit granulite after the thermal peak at depths of ~40 km.  相似文献   

In the Pulur complex, NE Turkey, a heterogeneous rock sequence ranging from quartz-rich mesocratic gneisses to silica- and alkali-deficient, Fe-, Mg- and Al-rich melanocratic rocks is characterized by granulite-facies assemblages involving garnet, cordierite, sillimanite, ilmenite, ±spinel, ±plagioclase, ±quartz, ±biotite, ±corundum, rutile and monazite. Textural evidence for partial melting in the aluminous granulites, particularly leucosomes, is largely absent or strongly obliterated by a late-stage hydrothermal overprint. However, inclusion relations, high peak PT conditions, the refractory modes, bulk and biotite compositions of the melanocratic rocks strongly support a model of partial melting. The melt was almost completely removed from the melanocratic rocks and crystallised within the adjacent mesocratic gneisses which are silica-rich, bear evidence of former feldspar and show a large range in major element concentrations as well as a negative correlation of most elements with SiO2. Peak conditions are estimated to be ≥800 °C and 0.7–0.8 GPa. Subsequent near-isothermal decompression to 0.4–0.5 GPa at 800–730 °C is suggested by the formation of cordierite coronas and cordierite–spinel symplectites around garnet and in the matrix. Sm–Nd, Rb–Sr and 40Ar/39Ar isotope data indicate peak conditions at 330 Ma and cooling below 300 °C at 310 Ma.  相似文献   

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