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In situ carbonate U-Pb dating is gaining popularity, and it has great potential for application in petroleum geology.However, the low U content(<10 μg/g) and high common Pb content of carbonate minerals, along with the uneven distribution of U and Pb and the lack of matrix-matched reference material make carbonate U-Pb dating inaccurate and less successful, which limits the widespread application in geosciences. This study evaluated the limitations of in situ carbonate U-Pb dating and propose...  相似文献   

对地下水动力学特征的观测与研究,是地震前兆监测的重要方法之一。地下水动力学研究中,利用地下水测年方法,可以对地下水的补给、径流特征及更新能力作出定性和定量的分析。本文介绍了近年来国际上常用的地下水测年方法,总结了前人在该领域的主要研究进展,重点分析了地下水更新能力与地震前兆信息的关系、地下水运动规律与地震构造活动的关系以及地下水浅层补给与异常干扰排除的方法等。已有的研究成果表明,地下水年龄的测定与分析方法对于了解监测点映震能力、评价构造活动与地震活动程度以及在观测资料异常变化的现场核实等方面,可以发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper selected five typical Mesozoic intrusives from the Tongling metallogenic cluster (Xiaotongguanshan, Fenghuangshan, Xinqiao, Dongguashan, and Shatanjiao plutons), and made a systemic SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating for the five plutons, which produced an age range of 151.8±2.6- 142.8±1.8 Ma. This work put an accurate constraint on the formation age of the intrusives in the Tongling metallogenic cluster. These age data indicate that magmatic activity reached a peak during Late Jurassic. The intrusive sequence of magma is generally from quartz monzonite (porphyry) through monzonite to granodiorite to quartz monzodiorite to pyroxene monzodiorite to gabbro-diabase. The intrusives of different lithology differed in crystallization age, probably implying the intrusives in the Tongling area underwent an evolutional process of magma, which was closely related to geodynamical setting in the depths of the area. A dynamic model was presented for the origin of the igneous rocks in the study area as follows. The assembly between the Yangtze craton and the North China craton fini- shed at the end of T3, and then the stage of another compressional orogeny began in the Tongling area, i.e., Pacific dynamic system. Along with the subduction of the Izanagi plate underneath the Eurasian plate at J2-J3, NW-trending compression toward the East China continent was produced, and compres- sional deformation also took place, forming NE-trending fold and resulting in thickening of the crust in the Tongling area. High-density eclogite-facies rocks were produced in the low part of the crust, re- sulting in the delamination of mantle lithosphere and lower crust, and upwelling of materials in as- thenosphere. Decompression melting produced basaltic magma, and the materials in lower crust were heated by the underplating of the basaltic magma. Thus, melting of lower crust yielded granitic magma, which intruded along deep and large faults through various geological processes (J3-K1). The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of 151.8±2.6-142.8±1.8 Ma for intrusives in the Tongling area suggests that the de- lamination of lithosphere mantle and lower crust at least began at middle-late stage of Late Jurassic, resulting in sharp thinning of lithosphere and intense extension of middle-upper crust. Thus, a lot of decollements were produced between cover and cover, basement and cover, and middle and lower crust. This was structural layering or detachment of lithosphere in the Tongling area. Three concordant ages for old inherited cores of magmatic origin (747-823 Ma) indicated that there were obvious mag- matism in the Tongling area during Neoproterozoic, and a little more of the Neoproterozoic igneous source rocks participated in the formation of Mesozoic intrusives.  相似文献   

The petrographic characteristics of Jingshan "migmatitic granite" and the occurrence of the magmatic zircons indicate that the granite was formed by normal crystallization of felsic melts. All zircons in the granite have inherited cores and fine-scale oscillatory zoning rims of magmatic origin. It is realized that the granite was formed at 160.2±1.3 Ma through dating magmatic zircons. The generation of the granitic magma could be related to the lithospheric mantle and/or lower crust delamination after the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism (UHPM) in Triassic. Most inherited zircons yield the ages of 217.1±6.6 Ma, which is consistent with the peak UHPM in the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. Some of the inherited zircons (433-722 Ma) constitute a discordia line with the upper intercept age of 850+85/-68 Ma and a lower intercept age of 261+100/-140 Ma. These ages imply that the granite could be derived from the partial melting of the crustal materials of the South China Block that was intensively superimposed by t  相似文献   

LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircons from orthogneisses and amphibolite from the Central Zone of the Kunlun Orogen is reported in this paper. One orthogneiss sample has metamorphic zircons yielding weighted average 206Pb/238U age of 517.0 5.0/-6.0 Ma, and the other orthogneiss sample con- tains zircons with inherited magmatic cores giving three population 207Pb/206Pb ages of 955 Ma, 895 Ma and 657 Ma for the magmatic protolith, and metamorphic recrystallized rims with peak 206Pb/238U ages of 559 12/?17 Ma and 516 ± 13 Ma. The amphibolite yielded three populations of weighted average 206Pb/238U age of 482.0 10/?8.0 Ma, 516.2 ± 5.8 Ma and 549 ± 10 Ma for the metamorphic zircons. These dating results recorded the tectonothermal events that occurred in the early Paleozoic and the Pre- cambrian time. The records of the Cambrian magmatic-metamorphic event in the Qinling Orogen, the Altyn Tagh belt, north margin of the Qaidam Block and the Kunlun Orogen suggest that continental assembly probably occurred in the early evolutionary history of the Proto-Tethys.  相似文献   

凹山铁矿是宁芜火山盆地内重要的玢岩矿床之一.为进一步厘定该矿床的成矿年龄,分析其成矿动力学背景,本文对凹山铁矿含矿辉石闪长玢岩和磁铁矿样品进行了详细的稀土元素地球化学分析,并对辉石闪长玢岩样品进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄测定.测年结果显示凹山铁矿成矿母岩的形成时代为127.6±4.4 Ma,属早白垩世,该年龄可代表凹山铁矿床的成矿年龄.成矿岩浆源自于地幔或下地壳玄武岩;盆地岩石圈减薄诱发地幔成矿物质进入地壳,成矿时代对应岩石圈减薄的高峰期.  相似文献   

The NE-trended Mesozoic granodioritic intrusions are spatially and temporally associated with the copper multi-metal mineralization in southeastern Hunan Province, South China. U-Pb dating result of single-grained zircons of four samples respectively from Shuikoushan, Baoshan, western Tongshanling and eastern Tongshanling intrusions reveals that their crystallization age spans a range from 172 Ma to 181 Ma, which also represents the oldest age of the regional copper multi-metal mineralization. Some of the zircon grains give an upper intercept age of about 1753 Ma and 207Pb/206Pb apparent age of (1752 ± 4) Ma, implying the involvement of the pre-Cambrian metamorphic (possible Middle Proterozoic) basement in their genesis. The presence of such a kind of zircon grains in these granodiorites indicates either that the parental magmas were assimilated by basement rocks during magma ascent or that lower/middle crustal rocks were one of the important components during the melting process.  相似文献   

The basic dykes are widely distributed in the Tonghua area, among which the Chibaisong No.1 gabbro has attracted many geologists’ attention to the copper-nickel sulfide deposit within it. However, its formation time has been controversial all the time. Most geologists considered that it could be formed at the late Archean or the Paleoproterozoic[1]1), while some other geologists contended that it might be formed in early Yanshannian of Mesozoic2). The forming time of the basic dyke swarm i…  相似文献   

Granulites in the Dabie Mountains are mainly ob-served in northern Dabie complex zone. Huangtuling intermediate-acid granulites and Huilanshan mafic granulites in the Luotian dome are two famous out-crops (Fig. 1)[1]. It is important to know the genesis and metamorphic age of these granulites for under-standing tectonic evolution and exhumation history of the Dabie Mountains. Previous geochemical and geo-chronological work[2―8]1) on the Huangtuling granu-lites indicates that their protoli…  相似文献   

It is well-known that South China experienced suc- there are also the Indosinian granitoids in Jiangxi, cessively two important tectonic movements during Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and so on[4], most of Mesozoic time, i.e. Indosinian and Yanshanian move- them, in the mass, are fairly concentrated in Hunan ment[1], which yield widely-distributed granitoids and Province, in which the Indosinian granites outcrop abundant mineral resources[2]. Therefore, the geologic over an area of ca. 5000 k…  相似文献   

对出露马鞍桥金矿床中香沟二长花岗斑岩进行了单颗粒锆石U-Pb定年和岩石地球化学研究.结果表明,锆石的LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄值为(242.0±0.8)Ma,与前人确定的秦岭造山带的主造山时间((242±21)Ma)一致,显示香沟岩体可能和印支期华北与扬子板块的碰撞事件有关.香沟岩体以高硅富碱为特征,属于高钾钙碱性系列花岗岩类.香沟岩体高Al(Al2O3=14.49~15.61)和Sr(457.10~630.82μg/g)、亏损Y(<16μg/g)和HREE(Yb<0.45μg/g),并具有较高的Sr/Y(76.24~97.34)和(La/Yb)N(29.65~46.10)比值及强分异的稀土元素组成模式,其地球化学特征显示香沟岩体花岗岩类属于C型埃达克质(adakitic)岩石.岩石初始Sr同位素比值ISr=0.70642~0.70668,εNd(t)=-4.5~-4.0,TDM=1152~1220Ma.香沟岩体具有较低的εNd(t),ISr值和较高的TDM值,同时其Na2O/K2O接近1(Na2O/K2O=0.95~1.10),显示香沟花岗岩不是俯冲洋壳部分熔融形成的Ⅰ型埃达岩或底侵玄武质下地壳熔融所产...  相似文献   

Single zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and lithogeochemical studies have been performed on the Xianggou monzonitic granitic porphyry outcropped in the Ma'anqiao gold deposit.A weighted average U-Pb age of 242.0±0.8 Ma for Xianggou monzonitic porphyry has been obtained.This corresponds with the conclusions of previous studies indicating a syn-orogenic age (242±21 Ma) of the Qinling Orogenic Belt,suggesting that the formation of the Xianggou granite should be associated with the collisional event of the North China Plate and the Yangtze Plate in the Indosinian period.The Xianggou granite is characterized by the high silicon and alkali of high K calc-alkaline series granites.It is rich in Al (Al2O3=14.49%-15.61%) and Sr (457.10-630.82 ppm),poor in Y (16 ppm) and HREE (Yb0.45 ppm),and exhibits high ratios of Sr/Y (76.24-97.34) and (La/Yb)N (29.65-46.10),as well as strongly fractionated REE patterns.These geochemical characteristics suggest the Xianggou granite can be classified as C-type adakitic rock.The initial Sr isotope ratios for the Xianggou granite vary from 0.70642 to 0.70668,εNd(t) values from -4.54 to -3.98,and TDM values from 1152 Ma to 1220 Ma.The low εNd(t) and ISr and high TDM values,as well as Na2O/K2O ratios of the Xianggou granite are close to 1 (Na2O/K2O=0.95-1.10),indicating that it is not an I-type adakite formed by partial melting of the subducting oceanic crust,nor adakitic rock formed by melting of the underplated basaltic lower crust,but the product of partial melting of the nonunderplated basaltic thickened lower crust.Zircons from the Xianggou pluton have a homogeneous Hf isotopic composition with negative εHf(t) values (between -9.7 and -5.9,with an average of -6.9),indicating that the rock-forming materials were mostly extracted from the ancient crust,not from the depleted mantle.The Xianggou monzonitic granitic porphyry is rich in LILE and LREE and depleted in HSFE,HREE and Y;the composition of trace element and REE are similar to those of the syn-collisional granites.The geological and geochemical characteristics of the Xianggou granite reveal that it was a product of partial melting of the basaltic rocks from the thickened lower crust,triggered by continental collision,which occurred in the geodynamic background of continental-continental collision and shearing within the crust.The Xianggou granite was intruded in the compressive orogenic environment 242 Ma ago,but the gold mineralization occurred in the transitional environment of compression to extension around 170 Ma ago,lagging behind the intrusive age of the Xianggou granite by about 70 Ma.Meanwhile,the distribution of trace elements and REEs of the Xianggou monzonitic granitic porphyry is distinct from that of ores,suggesting the absence of direct genetic relationship between the Xianggou granite and gold mineralization.In contrast,the relatively high ore-forming elemental content of the Xianggou monzonitic granitic porphyry is due to the rock having experienced Au-bearing hydrothermal alteration.From the view of gold mineralization,considering the intrusive age,structural deformation,as well as alteration of the granite,we can conclude that the Xianggou pluton was a pre-ore-intrusion,whose intrusive age of 242 Ma constrains the lower time limit of gold metallogenesis.Following the intrusive event of the syn-collisional granitic porphyry and the intensively brittle-ductile shear deformation,large-scale fluid activity and gold mineralization took place.  相似文献   

A geochronological study of zircon U-Pb on the volcanic rocks from the stratotype section of the Qingshan Group within the Jiaozhou Basin, eastern Shandong Province, is presented. The zircons were analyzed using the method of in situ ablation of a 193 nm excimer laser system coupled with an up to date ICP-MS system. Among the three formations of the Qingshan Group, zircons recovered from the lowest part of the Houkuang Fm. were dated at 106±2 Ma (95% confidence, the same below), whereas those from the lower and upper parts of the Shiqianzhuang Fm. were given ages of 105±4 Ma and 98±1 Ma, respectively. A spatially decreasing trend for the Mesozoic magmatic timing from west to east in the province is observed through comparing the data of this study with those by previous works on the Qingshan volcanic lavas occurring at western Shandong and within the Yishu fault zone. The Qingshan volcanic rocks are constituent of the 'Shoshonite Province' in East China. Exposed at most provinces of central East China along the Tan-Lu fault and the Yangtze fault zones, these volcanic suites are characterized by shoshonite and high-K calcalkalic rocks in lithology and thought to be correlated with the partial melting of continental mantle in genesis. It is also shown that the Qingshan potassic volcanic suite from eastern Shandong basins is distinctly younger than those from other ar-eas of the shoshonite province. By contrary, ages of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic alkaline basalts, sourced by asthenospheric mantle, from both northern Huaiyan basin and northern Dabie belt along the Tan-Lu fault zone and from the Ningwu, Lishui and Luzong basins along the Yangtze fault zone are observably older than those occurring within eastern Shandong. The revealed temporal and spatial patterns in magmatism for the two types of volcanic suites make an important geochronological con-straint on the Mesozoic to Cenozoic dynamic evolution model of the subcontinental lithosphere in East China.  相似文献   

Suitability of unmetamorphosed nepheline for alkaline rock dating is examined. It is shown that only a considerable amount (more than 10%) of secondary minerals such as cancrinite, wischnewite, and sometime spreustein (1) can falsily the results of age determination from nepheline. The possible presence of excess argon in secondary minerals, though rather infrequent, should also be taken into account.  相似文献   

分布于湖南东北部的石蛤蟆岩体侵位于新元古代地层中。由微细粒斑状黑云母花岗闪长岩和细粒斑状黑云母二长花岗岩等两期侵入体组成。通过锆石SHRIM PU--Pb法测得岩体侵位年龄为157土2Ma(2d),MSWD=0.98,成岩时代为晚侏罗世。SiO2=68.26%~68.53%,K2O/Na2O=1.37~1.59,岩石属镁质、准铝质-微过铝质、高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列;岩石明显富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,Rb/Sr较低(0.40~0.56);乏REE较高(171.48~183.81),Eu为弱负异常(δEu=0.86~0.93),(La/Yb)N=27.11~45.87;具较高的eNd值(-5.11)和高T2DM(1.63Ga)。综合研究表明,石蛤蟆花岗岩为混合源高钾钙碱性花岗岩类(KCG),其花岗岩浆有大量幔源物质加入。讨论认为岩体形成于构造体制转换下的地球动力学背景,是造山晚期张弛作用下的产物。  相似文献   

The samples from the hidden Daqiling muscovite monzonite granite, which has recently been recognized within the Limu Sn-polymetallic ore field, have been analyzed for zircon U-Pb ages and whole rock geochemical and Nd-Hf isotopic compositions to discuss its genesis, source, and tectonic setting. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating indicates that the granite crystallized in the late Indosinian (224.8±1.6 Ma). The granite is enriched in SiO2 and K2O and low in CaO and Na2O. It is strongly peraluminous with the A/CNK values of 1.09–1.20 and 1.4 vol%–2.7 vol% normal corundum. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns show slightly right-dipping shape with strongly negative Eu anomalies (δEu =0.08–0.17). All samples show enrichment of LILEs (Cs, Rb and K) and HFSEs (U, Pb, Ce and Hf), but have relatively low contents of Ba, Sr and Ti. The zircon saturation temperatures (T zr) are from 711 to 740°C, which are slightly lower than the average value of typical S-type granite (764°C). The granite has negative ? Nd(t) and ? Hf(t) values, which change from ?9.1 to ?10.1 with the peak values of ?9.2 to ?9.0 and from ?3.7 to ?12.6 with the peak values of ?6 to ?5, respectively. The T DM C (Nd) and T DM C (Hf) values are 1.74–1.82 Ga with the peak values of 1.73–1.75 Ga and 1.49–2.04 Ga with the peak values of 1.5–1.6 Ga, respectively. These characteristics reveal that the source region of the granite is dominantly late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic crustal materials. Seven inherited magmatic zircons are dated at the age of 248.6±4.3 Ma, which suggests the existence of the early Indosinian granite in Limu area. These zircons have the ? Hf(t) values of ?6.7–?2.3, similar to those of the Daqiling granite, implying the involvement of the early Indosinian granite during the formation of the Daqiling granite. Inherited zircon of 945±11 Ma has the ? Hf(t) and T DM(Hf) values of 8.7 and 1.14 Ga, respectively, compatible with those of the Neoproterozoic arc magmatic rocks in the eastern Jiangnan orogenic belt. Therefore we inferred that Neoproterozoic arc magma might have been involved in the formation of the Daqiling granite, and that the Neoproterozoic arc magma belt and continent-arc collision belt between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks might have extended westsouthward to Limu region. It is proposed that the underplating of mantle materials triggered by crustal extension and thinning resulted in partial melting of crustal materials to form the Daqiling granite in the late Indosinian under post-collisional tectonic setting.  相似文献   

This paper examines the limitations and deficiencies of the current British archaeomagnetic calibration curve and applies several mathematical approaches in an attempt to produce an improved secular variation curve for the UK for use in archaeomagnetic dating. The dataset compiled is the most complete available in the UK, incorporating published results, PhD theses and unpublished laboratory reports. It comprises 620 archaeomagnetic (directional) data and 238 direct observations of the geomagnetic field, and includes all relevant information available about the site, the archaeomagnetic direction and the archaeological age. A thorough examination of the data was performed to assess their quality and reliability. Various techniques were employed in order to use the data to construct a secular variation (SV) record: moving window with averaging and median, as well as Bayesian statistical modelling. The SV reference curve obtained for the past 4000 years is very similar to that from France, most differences occurring during the early medieval period (or Dark Ages). Two examples of dating of archaeological structures, medieval and pre-Roman, are presented based on the new SV curve for the UK and the implications for archaeomagnetic dating are discussed.  相似文献   

小墨山岩体侵位于中元古代冷家溪群中,由两期侵人体组成,早期为粗中粒-中粒斑状黑云母二长花岗岩;末期为细粒黑(二)云母二长花岗岩。通过锆石SHRIMPU—Pb法测得岩体侵位年龄为122.5±2.1Ma(20),MSWD=1.9,成岩时代为早白垩世。主元素中,SiO2变化于67.20%~75.16%,K20含量高,且K2O〉Na2O,K2O/Na2O为1.16~1.72;ASI值变化于0.96~1.10之间,平均1.02,属准铝质-微过铝质、高钾钙碱性系列。岩石明显富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,Rb/Sr=0.27~15.13;Nb/Ta=15.9~17.1,为锶和铌亏损型。EREE总体较高,重稀土含量相对较高,轻重稀土分馏稍弱,∑Ce/∑Y为0.49~6.18,(La/Yb)。为0.66~15.54。有较高的εNd(t),为-6.8~-8.7;T2DM相对较小(1.47~1.62Ga)。综合研究表明,小墨山花岗岩石为壳源型富黑云母过铝花岗岩类(CPG),其成因应为下地壳物质和上地壳物质混合而成,与花岗岩底侵作用或注入地壳中的幔源岩浆有关,形成的构造背景为陆内挤压造山向非造山转换的后造山拉张环境,是在紧随侏罗纪挤压造山运动之后的构造松驰和拉张减薄条件下所形成。  相似文献   

The Nihewan Formation, consisting of thick fluvio–lacustrine sediments with abundant mammalian faunas and Paleolithic remains, is widely distributed in the Nihewan Basin, northern Hebei Province, China. In this study the fluvio–lacustrine sediments of the Nihewan Formation and the loess–paleosol sequence evident in the Haojiatai Section were dated by recuperated OSL (ReOSL) of fine-grained quartz (Wang, X.L., Lu, Y.C., Wintle, A.G., 2006a. Recuperated OSL dating of fine-grained quartz in Chinese loess. Quaternary Geochronology 1, 89–100.). The preliminary ReOSL dating results show that: (i) the loess–paleosol sequence in the upper part of the profile started to develop at about 128 ka ago; (ii) the unconformity separating the loess–paleosol from the underlying Nihewan Formation represents a sedimentation break of about 130 ka. On the basis of the ReOSL dates and related stratigraphic evidence it is proposed that the ancient Lake Nihewan dried shortly after about 266 ka.  相似文献   

The Dongjiahe ophiolite complex occurring in the western Bikou terrane that is composed chiefly of serpentinite, listwanitizational peridotite, gabbro, cumulus gabbro, and sub-alkaline meta-basalt, possesses a rock association of typical ophiolite sequence. The metaperidotite is depleted in light rare earth element (LREE), whereas the gabbro and meta-basalt from the studied ophiolite sequence, generated by the same parental magmas those have close affinity to the MORB (Mid-ocean ridge basalt), their REE and immobile elements patterns imply an ocean in the northern margin of the Yangtze plate during the Neoproterozoic period. The zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating for the gabbro yields a weighted mean age of 839.2±8.2Ma, suggesting that the basin occurred during the Neoproterozoic period.  相似文献   

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