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This paper presents a three-dimensional (3-D) numerical model to simulate morphological changes in alluvial channels due to bank erosion. A method for the simulation of bank erosion is established. This is incorporated into a 3-D mathematical model for turbulent flow and non-uniform, non-equilibrium sediment transport. This model is applied to simulate morphological changes in the Shishou bend of the middle Yangtze River in China, where serious bank erosions occurred during the last two decades. The double-layer sediment structure of the riverbank on the middle Yangtze River is taken into account in the bank erosion module. Both cohesive and non-cohesive bank material in the different layers are considered. The bank erosion module also includes other factors affecting the rate of bank erosion, such as the longitudinal length of failed bank, the thickness of each layer in the double-layer structure, and the erosion-resisting effect of cohesive material from the top layer of failed bank. A locally-adaptive grid system is proposed to efficiently simulate the lateral migration of alluvial channel due to bank erosion. The predictive capability of the 3-D model is examined by laboratory data. Simulated processes of bank erosion agree with field observations in the Shishou bend during the period of October 1996–October 1998, and the bank erosion module plays a significant role in simulating morphological changes of the study reach. In addition, the equivalent channel-forming discharge, which is defined as a constant discharge that can create the same amount of bank erosion in an alluvial channel as that created by natural runoff processes during the same period of time, is proposed to improve calculation efficiency for feasibility studies.  相似文献   

The present work explores relations between stream power,braiding intensities and bank erosion in certain stretches of the Brahmaputra River.In this paper,an objective approach is presented to enable quantitative assessment of spatio-temporal behaviour of channel braiding process of the Brahmaputra River by using the Plan Form Index and corresponding estimation of stream power to establish a behavioural pattern of variability of potential energy expenditure.The braiding index is compared for discrete years to understand the morphological behaviour.Subsequently,a real time estimation of stream power for certain stretches of Brahmaputra River is done in order to analyse its variability in braiding intensity and bank erosion.The paper presents the dynamic behaviour of the channel pattern of the Brahmaputra River System in Assam valley of India over a time span of 18 years.The procedure addresses the selection of input parameters from digital satellite images,comprising scenes for the years 1990,1997 and 2007 with specific dates,from Dhubri near Indo-Bangladesh Border to Upper Assam.Deployment of GIS technique has been made to extract the required parameters to derive Plan Form Indices for the entire study reach.Stream power estimation is done for corresponding latest floods and for corresponding dates of image scenes.The study indicated that due to consistent aggradation of riverbed inducing temporal declination of stream power,there is an occurrence of wide spread braiding.This in turn incurs substantial yearly land loss due to bank erosion,caused by flow concentrations due to temporal evolution of multiple channels in the Brahmaputra River.  相似文献   

River banks are important sources of sediment and phosphorus to fluvial systems, and the erosion processes operating on the banks are complex and change over time. This study explores the magnitude of bank erosion on a cohesive streambank within a small channelized stream and studies the various types of erosion processes taking place. Repeat field surveys of erosion pin plots were carried out during a 4‐year period and observations were supplemented by continuous monitoring of volumetric soil water content, soil temperature, ground water level and exposure of a PEEP sensor. Bank erosion rates (17·6–30·1 mm year?1) and total P content on the banks were relatively high, which makes the bank an important source of sediment and phosphorus to the stream, and it was estimated that 0·27 kg Ptot year?1 ha?1 may potentially be supplied to the stream from the banks. Yearly pin erosion rates exceeding 5 cm year?1 were mainly found at the lower parts of the bank and were associated with fluvial erosion. Negative erosion pin readings were widespread with a net advance of the bank during the monitoring period mainly attributed to subaerial processes and bank failure. It was found that dry periods characterized by low soil water content and freeze–thaw cycles during winter triggered bank failures. The great spatial variability, in combination with the temporal interaction of processes operating at different scales, requires new tools such as 3‐D topographical surveying to better capture bank erosion rates. An understanding of the processes governing bank erosion is required for riparian management using vegetational measures as root size and structure play different roles when it comes to controlling bank erosion processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on data from the middle Yellow River basin, a wind-water two-phase mechanism for erosion and sediment-producing processes has been found. By using this mechanism, the extremely strong erosion and sediment yield in the study area can be better explained. The operation of wind and water forces is different in different seasons within a year. During winter and spring, strong wind blows large quantities of eolian sand to gullies and river channels, which are temporally stored there. During the next summer, rainstorms cause runoff that contains much fine loessic material and acts as a powerful force to carry the previously prepared coarse material. As a result, hyperconcentrated flows occur, resulting in high-intensity erosion and sediment yield.  相似文献   

River confluences and their associated tributaries are key morphodynamic nodes that play important roles in controlling hydraulic geometry and hyporheic water exchange in fluvial networks. However, the existing knowledge regarding hyporheic water exchange associated with river confluence morphology is relatively scarce. On January 14 and 15, 2016, the general hydraulic and morphological characteristics of the confluent meander bend (CMB) between the Juehe River and the Haohe River in the southern region of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China, were investigated. The patterns and magnitudes of vertical hyporheic water exchange (VHWE) were estimated based on a one‐dimensional heat steady‐state model, whereas the sediment vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) was calculated via in situ permeameter tests. The results demonstrated that 6 hydrodynamic zones and their extensions were observed at the CMB during the test period. These zones were likely controlled by the obtuse junction angle and low momentum flux ratio, influencing the sediment grain size distribution of the CMB. The VHWE patterns at the test site during the test period mostly showed upwelling flow dominated by regional groundwater discharging into the river. The occurrence of longitudinal downwelling and upwelling patterns along the meander bend at the CMB was likely subjected to the comprehensive influences of the local sinuosity of the meander bend and regional groundwater discharge and finally formed regional and local flow paths. Additionally, in dominated upwelling areas, the change in VHWE magnitudes was nearly consistent with that in Kv values, and higher values of both variables generally occurred in erosional zones near the thalweg paths of the CMB, which were mostly made up of sand and gravel. This was potentially caused by the erosional and depositional processes subjected to confluence morphology. Furthermore, lower Kv values observed in downwelling areas at the CMB were attributed to sediment clogging caused by local downwelling flow. The confluence morphology and sediment Kv are thus likely the driving factors that cause local variations in the VHWE of fluvial systems.  相似文献   

三峡工程运用后长江中游荆江河段河床持续冲刷,局部河段崩岸频发,影响河道内悬沙输移与河床形态调整.本研究采用实测长程河道地形及固定断面地形资料,确定了2002-2018年荆江河段的主要崩岸区域,估算了崩岸土体的泥沙总量,进而定量分析了河岸崩退对河床调整的影响.计算结果表明:荆江段累计河岸崩退体积约为2.0亿m3,约占该河...  相似文献   

River channel sedimentation in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River can be affected by both changes in sea level and changes in solid discharge from the upper river. To evaluate dynamic changes of sedimentation and erosion in the Jiangsu reach of the Yangtze River (about 330 km in length) from 1959 to 2003, databases were designed and constructed using a digital elevation model (DEM) of channel topography based on the Jiangsu River Relief Map for 1959, 1970, 1985, 1992, and 2003. The results indicated that the main course of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province had experienced an obvious switch from sedimentation to erosion status around 1985 because of the decreasing amount of solid load from the upper parts of the river channel after that year. The sedimentation process in the main course of the Jiangsu reach of the Yangtze River demonstrated the propulsive process of ‘downstream‐ward aggradations.’ Between 1985 and 2003, the erosion rate of the lower segment was greater than those of the middle and upper segments; this is probably because both channel flow and tide current had influenced the lower segment. When channel flow combines with tide current in the same direction, channel erosion can be intensified, especially if there is a solid load shortage in the channel. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bank retreat involving a combination of fluvial erosion and bank collapse has been found to be a major contributor to sediment transport, lateral migration, and planform evolution of meandering rivers.Previous studies have largely examined the general mechanism of cantilever bank failure. However, the composite process of beam(toppling) failure caused by shear failure of the lower part composed of noncohesive soil remains poorly understood. The current paper investigates the diversity and coupli...  相似文献   

The wide range of studies describing the role of bank erosion in fluvial sediment supply have mostly lumped amounts of bank erosion into coarse temporal units, such as years. This paper investigates sediment yields from individual bank erosion events within the upper River Severn, UK (basin area 380 km2). Manual erosion pins and photo-electronic erosion pins were used to estimate bank erosion, and turbidity meters were used to determine suspended sediment transport. At the annual time-scale, the silt-clay fraction of bank-derived sediment accounted for an equivalent of 17 per cent of the suspended load, increasing to an average of 38 per cent at the monthly timescale, and then to an average of 64 per cent at the event timescale. This research highlighted that for an upland catchment, bank erosion was an important supply of suspended sediment, and that for some flood events bank erosion can supply more sediment than is transported. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riverbank retreat along a bend of the Cecina River, Tuscany (central Italy) was monitored across a near annual cycle (autumn 2003 to summer 2004) with the aim of better understanding the factors influencing bank changes and processes at a seasonal scale. Seven flow events occurred during the period of investigation, with the largest having an estimated return period of about 1·5 years. Bank simulations were performed by linking hydrodynamic, fluvial erosion, groundwater flow and bank stability models, for the seven flow events, which are representative of the typical range of hydrographs that normally occur during an annual cycle. The simulations allowed identification of (i) the time of onset and cessation of mass failure and fluvial erosion episodes, (ii) the contributions to total bank retreat made by specific fluvial erosion and mass‐wasting processes, and (iii) the causes of retreat. The results show that the occurrence of bank erosion processes (fluvial erosion, slide failure, cantilever failure) and their relative dominance differ significantly for each event, depending on seasonal hydrological conditions and initial bank geometry. Due to the specific planimetric configuration of the study bend, which steers the core of high velocity fluid away from the bank at higher flow discharges, fluvial erosion tends to occur during particular phases of the hydrograph. As a result fluvial erosion is ineffective at higher peak discharges, and depends more on the duration of more moderate discharges. Slide failures appear to be closely related to the magnitude of peak river stages, typically occurring in close proximity to the peak phase (preferentially during the falling limb, but in some cases even before the peak), while cantilever failures more typically occur in the late phase of the flow hydrograph, when they may be induced by the cumulative effects of any fluvial erosion. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream bank erosion rates measured over a two-year period on a moorland and a forested stream in the Institute of Hydrology's Balquhidder Paired Catchments in central Scotland were compared. Bank erosion rates are generally higher on the mainstream of the moorland catchment and highest in wintger on both streams. Bank erosion is correlated with the incidence of frost: minimum temperatures measured on stream banks of the forested stream were an average of 3·7°C higher than on stream banks both outside the forest and on the moorland stream. This makes the incidence of frost on forested stream banks half as frequent. Volumes of material eroded from the mainstreams were combined with bulk density measurements and it is estimated that erosion of the mainstream banks is contributing 1·5 and 7·3 per cent of the sediment yield of the forested and moorland catchments, respectively. Analysis of the vertical distribution of erosion on the banks of both streams suggests an undercutting mechanism which is more pronounced in the moorland stream. The influence of trees on bank erosion and possible implications for the management of forest streams are discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lateral migration is an important form of morphological changes on the Middle Yangtze River (MYR), particularly for the lower Jingjiang reach. The Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) has substantially reduced sediment supply to the downstream river channels since its impoundment in June 2003. The scientific understanding of how decrease of sediment influences the processes of bank erosion and channel adjustments is complex and limited. In the present paper, the morphological responses in a typical meandering and island-braided river segment of the MYR to the filling of the TGR were investigated by a 3-D morphodynamic model. The potential of the 3-D model has been demonstrated by the observed data. The morphological evolutions in the Shishou bend during the first 12 years of the TGR impound-ment were predicted. The effects of the TGR operation on the planform evolutions in the study reach were analyzed based on the simulated results. Sediment load is decreased by 75%due to the early filling of the TGR. The magnitude of bed degradation with less sediment load due to the TGR operation is increased compared with the pre-dam situation. Qualitatively, the overall planform evolution trends in the Shishou bend after the TGR operation are similar to that without the TGR operation. The magnitude of lateral migration has been increased in some part of the channel bend, where the morphological response of the TGR operation exhibits more lateral migration rather than vertical degradation. Scouring at the bank toe enhances bank failure. Decrease of sediment load and weak bank anti-scour ability as well as the significant helical flow can be responsible for intensified bank erosion in the channel bend.  相似文献   

Repeated surveys of a short channelized reach of the North Nashwaaksis Stream near Fredericton, N.B. over the period 1971-1981 provide the basis for evaluating the type and magnitude of some physical and botanical changes in the study reach. In 1967 a 200 m reach of the stream was shortened by about 10 per cent by cutting a new channel through a pasture. The original channel was protected by a dense growth of shrubs along its banks. The average width of the top of the channel in the channelized reach widened from 11 m to 17 m in response to a major flood in 1973. Rough estimates indicate that as much as 78 per cent of the published suspended-sediment load associated with the flood could reasonably have been derived from the banks in this short channelized reach. During the 1973 flood, a mid-channel bar was formed in the portion of the channel which experienced the most widening. Subsequent to the flood, the mid-channel bar was first colonized by sedges, and then by alders. By 1981, the width of the low flow channel in the channelized reach was about the same as that for the unmodified upstream reaches. This case study provides useful information for those planning channelization projects on small to intermediate size streams in humid temperate areas.  相似文献   

Studying the characteristics of runoff and sediment processes and revealing the sources of sediment provide key guidance for the scientific formulation of relevant soil erosion protection measures and water conservancy development plans. In the current study, the flow and sediment data of five hydrological stations on the main stream of the Fu River Basin (FRB) from 2007 to 2018 were selected to identify flood events, explore the variation of sediment transport along the FRB, and clarify the sediment sources. The results found that the Jiangyou–Fujiangqiao section is the main source of sediment in the FRB during the flood season. The runoff volume and sediment load during flood events in the Jiangyou–Fujiangqiao section accounted for 35% and 145% respectively of that of Xiaoheba station. These results combined with the change of the sediment load before and after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake (May 12) show that the sediment in this section mainly comes from the Fu River tributary–the Tongkou River watershed. The calculation results for the sediment carrying capacity of the Fu River show that the main stream was in a state of erosion in theory. However, according to the calculation results for the interval sediment yield during flood events, the sediment load at the Xiaoheba station was smaller than that at the Shehong station upstream. The analysis indicates that this was not because of sediment deposition in the river channel, but because of sand mining in the river channel and sediment interception by water conservancy projects. If heavy rainfall occurs in the FRB, the sediment accumulated upstream will move downstream with the resulting flood, and the sediment yield in the FRB may further increase. These research conclusions can provide reference information for improving the prediction and management ability of soil and water loss in the FRB and scientific regulation of the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new approach to calculating the erosion and deposition values of floodplain lake basins, the erosion–deposition index (EDI). The EDI is a sum of the basin geometry indices (BGIs), which can be calculated for a separate cross section of the lake. The distribution of processes within the basin was investigated in two selected floodplain lakes with the use of BGIs. Field research was carried out in the Bug River valley from 1 November 2006 to 31 October 2011. The highest erosion was observed in the lakes located close to the parent river. Deposition processes were observed in lakes with high inflow of groundwater. The results showed that EDI values of 48 out of the 71 floodplain lakes ranged from ?0.2 to 0.2. Spatial distribution of erosion and deposition processes within the lake basins resulted from a velocity of water inflowing or flowing through the basin. This was observed especially in contrafluent–confluent lake. Inflow of rivers water via upstream crevasse occurred later than via downstream one, but energy of flowing water was higher, which favoured erosion of this part of the lake basin. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To investigate the sources of particulate organic matter (POM) and the impact of Three Gorges Dam (TGD), two large lakes and erosion processes on determining the composition and flux of POM in low water discharge periods along the middle and lower Changjiang, suspended particulate samples were collected along the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) in January 2008. Organic geochemistry of bulk sediment (particulate organic carbon, organic carbon to nitrogen molar ratio (C/N), stable carbon isotope (δ13C) and grain size) and biomarker of bulk sediment (lignin phenols) were measured to trace the sources of POM. The range of C/N ratios (6.4–8.9), δ13C (?24.3‰ – ?26.2‰) and lignin phenols concentration Λ8 (0.45 mg/100 mg OC‐2.00 mg/100 mg OC) of POM suggested that POM originated from the mixture of soil, plant tissue and autochthonous organic matter (OM) during the dry season. POM from lakes contained a higher portion of terrestrial OM than the mainstream, which was related to sand mining and hydropower erosion processes. A three end‐member model based on δ13C and Λ8 was performed. The results indicated that soil contributed approximately 50% of OM to the POM, which is the dominant OM source in most stations. POM composition was affected by total suspended matter (TSM) and grain size composition, and the direct OM input from two lakes and channel erosion induced OM. The lower TSM concentration in January 2008 was mainly caused by seasonal variations; the impact from the TGD in the dry season was relatively small. A box model indicated that more than 90% of the terrestrial OM transported by the Changjiang in January 2008 was from the middle and lower drainage basins. Channel erosion induced OM, and contributions from Poyang Lake were the major terrestrial OM sources in the dry season. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analysis of observational data suggests salt exchange in a sinuous coastal plain estuary is significantly impacted by counter-rotating residual horizontal eddies formed by channel curvature in meandering channels. The parts of adjacent eddies that advect material downstream follow the deep part of the channel where the flow continually criss-crosses from one side of the channel to the other and follows a relatively unimpeded trajectory to the sea. On the other hand, the parts of adjacent eddies that advect material upstream cross the channel at a different location where it encounters a series of shoals. In this case, the resulting upstream transport of salt is relatively inefficient and retards the rate at which salt can disperse upstream into the estuary. The strength of these circulations is modulated by the spring/neap cycle, allowing for a stronger gravitational mode of exchange to develop near neap tides, but has minimal impact on the length of the salt intrusion. It is suggested that the impeded upstream salt transport accounts for the observation that an impulse of river discharge advects a given isohaline 10 km downstream in 20 days, but that after the impulse, 70 days are required to return the isohaline to a similar position, counter to the notion of a simple dependence of intrusion length on river discharge.  相似文献   

三峡工程运用后,长江中游荆江河段持续冲刷,床沙与推移质、悬移质泥沙不断交换,从而造成该河段床沙发生不同程度的调整,对长江中下游河床演变及非平衡输沙机理的研究具有重要影响.在新水沙条件下,总结分析了沙波运动特性及床沙交换方式,引入Markov三态转移概率及非均匀沙隐暴系数,得到基于状态转移概率的沙质河段床沙级配调整的计算模型.研究结果表明:(1)20092014年,沙市站年内床沙中值粒径有先增大后减小的趋势,而监利站年内床沙中值粒径则先减小后增大,且荆江河段年际床沙中值粒径总体呈上升趋势,粗化程度约为6.9%~9.3%;(2)20092014年,沙市站床沙组成中粒径d<0.062 mm的泥沙所占比重不变,0.062 mm≤d<0.25 mm的泥沙所占比重逐年减少(累计减少11.4%),d≥0.25 mm的泥沙所占比重逐年增加(累计增加11.4%),而监利站床沙组成均存在波动性变化;(3)荆江河段床沙转换为推移质的概率随着泥沙粒径的增大而增大,床沙转换为悬移质的概率随着泥沙粒径的增大而减小,而推移质和悬移质转换为床沙的概率均随着泥沙粒径的增大而增大,河床发生冲刷粗化时泥沙输移的主要形式为悬移质(概率为81%~87%),而淤积细化时床沙补给主要来源于推移质(概率为8%~12%).通过验证,本文概率模型的计算结果与实测资料符合较好,能够应用于长江中游沙质河段年际床沙粗化及年内床沙级配调整过程预报,为进一步开展三峡工程下游非均匀悬移质泥沙沿程恢复机理的研究提供理论基础.  相似文献   

姜星宇  姚晓龙  徐会显  张路 《湖泊科学》2016,28(6):1283-1292
反硝化(Denitrification,DNF)和硝酸盐异化还原为氨(Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium,DNRA)是硝酸盐异养还原的2个主要途径.反硝化被认为是彻底去除水体氮负荷的主要过程;而硝酸盐异化还原为氨则将水体中的硝态氮转化为氨氮.2个过程均以硝酸盐为电子受体,并存在相互竞争关系.这2个过程的研究对理解湿地氮转化以及指导湿地氮污染修复具有重要意义.运用无扰动沉积物柱样流动培养、15NO-3-N同位素示踪实验,并采用氨氧化-膜接口质谱仪联用(OX/MIMS)测定氨氮同位素产物的方法,对鄱阳湖碟形湖湿地、巢湖重污染河流湿地、巢湖重污染湖泊湿地3种类型湿地沉积物-水界面的硝酸盐异养还原过程进行研究,结果表明存在显著差异.3种类型湿地DNF速率的范围为(6.36±2.57)~(99.98±14.05)μmol/(m2·h),DNRA速率的范围为(0.51±0.45)~(79.82±6.08)μmol/(m2·h).在3种类型湿地中,随着氮污染程度加重,DNF和DNRA速率均显著增加,且DNRA过程在总的硝态氮异养还原中所占的比重不断增大,说明较高的硝酸盐负荷、较高的沉积物有机质含量更有利于DNRA过程的竞争.而对反硝化方式的进一步研究发现,巢湖重污染河流、湖泊湿地主要以非耦合反硝化为主导过程,而鄱阳湖碟形湖湿地则更倾向于以硝化过程耦合控制的反硝化为主.  相似文献   

Based on data from 35 stations on the tributaries of the Yellow River, annual specific sediment yield (Ys) in eight grain size fractions has been related to basin‐averaged annual sand–dust storm days (Dss) and annual precipitation (Pm) to reveal the influence of eolian and fluvial processes on specific sediment yield in different grain size fractions. The results show that Ys in fine grain size fractions has the highest values in the areas dominated by the coupled wind–water process. From these areas to those dominated by the eolian process or to those dominated by the fluvial process, Ys tends to decrease. For relatively coarse grain size fractions, Ys has monotonic variation, i.e. with the increase in Dss or the decrease in Pm, Ys increases. This indicates that the sediment producing behavior for fine sediments is different from that for relatively coarse sediments. The results all show that Ys for relatively coarse sediments depends on the eolian process more than on the fluvial process, and the coarser the sediment fractions the stronger the dependence of the Ys on the eolian process. The YsDss and YsPm curves for fine grain size fractions show some peaks and the fitted straight lines for YsDss and YsPm relationships for relatively coarse grain size fractions show some breaks. Almost all these break points may be regarded as thresholds. These thresholds are all located in the areas dominated by the coupled wind–water process, indicating that these areas are sensitive for erosion and sediment production, to which more attention should be given for the purpose of erosion and sediment control. A number of regression equations were established, based which the effect of rainfall, sand–dust storms and surface material grain size on specific sediment yield can be assessed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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