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半拉格朗日平方守恒计算格式的研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
陈嘉滨  季仲贞 《大气科学》2001,25(6):837-846
作者研究了一种新的显式平方守恒的半拉格朗日计算格式.该格式是欧拉空间平方守恒格式在半拉格朗日空间的推广和发展,并采用了守恒插值方法.此外,还给出这种格式在一维原始方程上的应用.  相似文献   

关于半拉格朗日半隐式大气模式的时步问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论半拉格朗日半隐式大气模式中时步的限制,展示时步过大时用一般的首尾两点平均方案计算非线性源汇项的严重误差,提出精确的源汇项计算格式并作了特例计算和比较,讨论了被模拟的大气过程和波动的特征对时步的要求,指出柯朗数NC=C·△t/△X是大气模式时空步长匹配的重要参数.指出云降水和大气化学过程特征时间对相应的正定变量的计算时步的限制.  相似文献   

半拉格朗日、半隐式欧拉方程组大气数值模式研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了一个具有较高时间积分效率的三维弹性大气数值模式。其中,控制方程为能够描述大气非静力及可压缩性的欧拉方程组,时间积分采用了高效率的“半拉格朗日、半隐式”方案。通过引用一个简化的“云物理过程”参数化方案,针对大气中深厚湿对流过程的若干问题进行了数值试验,结果表明,模式能够对该过程中的一些基本和复杂现象进行有效地模拟。试验结果还表明,动力学框架具有很好的稳定性,能够实现高效率的时间积分,它还具有较好的频散特性,保证了空间计算的精度,从而完好地描述了风暴的形态。  相似文献   

张红亮  沈学顺  苏勇 《气象学报》2022,80(2):280-288
CMA-GFS采用的是传统的二时间层半隐式半拉格朗日时间积分方案(SISL).拉格朗日平流速度和非线性项需要采用时间外插进行计算,在急流轴附近等梯度大值区会造成计算不稳定,甚至积分中断现象.文中通过构造预估-校正半隐式半拉格朗日时间积分方案(SISL/P-C),以减少时间外插的影响;半隐式系数由原来的0.72减小到0....  相似文献   

变步长显式完全平方守恒差分格式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王斌  季仲贞 《气象学报》1995,53(3):299-305
综合隐式完全平方守恒差分格式和显式瞬时平方守恒差分格式的优点,针对一类非线性发展方程构造了一种通过自动调节时间步长来保持平方守恒性的显式差分格式。它基于加小耗散的思想,但又与小耗散法有所不同。本文取的耗散项不是一般的人工耗散,而是取能够弥补由于时间离散所产生的截断误差的所谓(时间)协调耗散。因此,该格式具有较高的时间精度。在数值试验中,该类格式可取得满意的效果。  相似文献   

张旭  黄伟  陈葆德 《气象学报》2015,73(3):557-565
将两时间层稳定外插方案(Stable Extrapolation Two-Time-Level Scheme,SETTLS)引入GRAPES区域模式,并将其用于上游点和非线性项的时间外插计算。对线性项采用二阶精度的非中央权重时间平均,并取等温参考大气的温度大于实际大气平均温度,以保证半隐式积分方案的稳定性。原GRAPES时间积分方案对线性项做一阶非中央权重时间平均,对参考大气的选择并无限制,而为保证稳定性,须取较大的非中央权重系数,但非中央权重系数会对低波数波动产生较强的衰减作用。理想试验结果表明,相比原GRAPES半隐式半拉格朗日(SISL)时间积分方案,新SISL时间积分方案计算稳定且对波动的衰减作用较弱。  相似文献   

半隐式半拉格朗日动力框架的动能谱分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
大量的观测事实表明自由大气动能谱与波数之间满足如下关系:在大尺度区域满足E∝k -3关系,过渡到中尺度区域表现为E ∝ k -5/3 关系。数值模式动能谱是测量模式动力框架的耗散的直接度量,而耗散对模式的性能有着重要影响,因此动能谱是研究和评估模式动力框架的非常规的有效方法。文中使用基于半隐式半拉格朗日动力框架的全球/区域一体化模式GRAPES进行数值模拟试验,然后计算GRAPES模式的动能谱并与实际观测得到的大气动能谱比较,得到GRAPES模式能够很好地复制出实际大气动能谱的分布特征,包括从大尺度区域的E ∝ k -3 关系向中尺度的E∝k-5/3 关系的过渡特征。并且发现GRAPES模式存在最大有效时间步长,当时间步长小于最大有效时间步长时,模式动能谱随时间步长增大而逐渐衰减;当时间步长大于最大有效时间步长时,模式动能谱随时间步长增大而虚假增长。同时通过与实际大气动能谱比较,发现模式动能谱在5Δx波长附近开始明显衰减,因此将5Δ x 波长定义为GRAPES模式的最高有效分辨尺度;当空间分辨率提高与时间步长等相协调时,中小尺度模式动能谱向中小尺度延伸而更接近实际大气动能谱;当空间分辨率提高与时间步长等不相协调时,中小尺度模式动能谱存在较大误差,相应的大尺度模式动能谱亦存在较大误差。此外,时间步长对模式spin up过程有着重要的影响,较小时间步长时,spin up过程能够很好发展出合理的动能谱结构,在物理空间上表现为模式能够在spin up时间内生成和发展出合理的中小尺度系统;而较大时间步长时,spin up过程很难发展出合理的动能谱结构,在物理空间上表现为模式未能在spin up时间内生成和发展出合理的中小尺度系统。最后,GRAPES模式动能谱与WRF模式动能谱具有一致性,GRAPES全球中期模式能够完美地模拟出大尺度的 E ∝ k -3动能谱特征。综上所述,本文通过研究GRAPES模式动力框架的动能谱得到了一些有意义的结果,为进一步研究、完善、优化和应用模式提供了科学的指导,可见动能谱是评估模式动力框架的有效方法。  相似文献   

王军  陈嘉滨 《大气科学》2000,24(4):493-508
在作者过去提出的完全非内插半拉格朗日格式的基础上,针对半拉格朗日格式由于内插带来预报场人为的光滑性问题,进一步发展了这种计算格式,证明了此格式的计算稳定性。为检验这种新的计算格式的性能,在一维和二维问题上进行了应用。在一维问题中采用了一维无粘Burgers方程(方程中有突变点);二维问题采用了浅水波方程,同时将这些计算结果与Ritchie方案及欧拉方案或一般半拉格朗日内插方案的计算结果进行了比较,发现新格式消除了内插和预报场的人为光滑,并且计算精度有一定程度的提高,这为以后将此格式推广到全球谱模式打下了基础。  相似文献   

强迫耗散非线性发展方程准完全平方守恒格式的构造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从描述大气和海洋运动的强迫耗散非线性发展方程出发,对强迫耗散非线性大气和海洋方程组显式差分格式的计算稳定性进行了分析,构造了一类强迫耗散性发展方程的显式准完全平方守恒差分格式,理论分析和数值试验证明,这类显式准完全平方守恒差分格式是计算稳定的.值得推广应用。  相似文献   

紧致平方守恒格式的构造和检验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
季仲贞  李京  王斌 《大气科学》1999,23(3):323-332
为了适应气候和环境数值模拟的需要,本文在原有的显式平方守恒格式和紧致差分格式的基础上,研究构造出高阶紧致的平方守恒格式。文中给出格式的具体构造方法,也给出格式平方守恒性的严格证明。具体算例的计算表明,新构造的格式既提高了计算精度,又有良好的计算稳定性,并且适合推广应用于众多的大气、海洋和环境问题的数值模拟和预测问题。  相似文献   

Designed for grid point systems, the traditional semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit scheme is not mass-conserving and can lead to significant solution errors. In the present study, a finite-volume semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit scheme (hereafter “FVSLSI”) is designed for the Yin-Yang mesh and tested in a barotropic shallow water model in the spherical coordinate system. Three test cases, i.e. the advection of a solid body, a steady state nonlinear zonal geostrophic flow and the deformation flow, are simulated to compare the performance of the FVSLSI with that of the traditional semi-Lagrangian scheme (hereafter “SL”) from perspectives of shape preservation, mass conservation, normalized bias, and convergence rate. Results indicate that the FVSLSI performs better than the SL in mass conservation and shape preservation. The bias by the FVSLSI is smaller than that by the SL, while the rate of convergence by the FVSLSI is larger than that by the SL. The FVSLSI also allows large time step. Therefore, the FVSLSI is suggested to be distributed to communities that are developing atmospheric/oceanic models.  相似文献   

A positivity-preserving conservative semi-Lagrangian transport model by multi-moment finite volume method has been developed on the cubed-sphere grid. Two kinds of moments(i.e., point values(PV moment) at cell interfaces and volume integrated average(VIA moment) value) are defined within a single cell. The PV moment is updated by a conventional semi-Lagrangian method, while the VIA moment is cast by the flux form formulation to assure the exact numerical conservation. Different from the spatial approximation used in the CSL2(conservative semi-Lagrangian scheme with second order polynomial function) scheme, a monotonic rational function which can effectively remove non-physical oscillations is reconstructed within a single cell by the PV moments and VIA moment. To achieve exactly positive-definite preserving, two kinds of corrections are made on the original conservative semi-Lagrangian with rational function(CSLR)scheme. The resulting scheme is inherently conservative, non-negative, and allows a Courant number larger than one.Moreover, the spatial reconstruction can be performed within a single cell, which is very efficient and economical for practical implementation. In addition, a dimension-splitting approach coupled with multi-moment finite volume scheme is adopted on cubed-sphere geometry, which benefitsthe implementation of the 1 D CSLR solver with large Courant number.The proposed model is evaluated by several widely used benchmark tests on cubed-sphere geometry. Numerical results show that the proposed transport model can effectively remove nonphysical oscillations and preserve the numerical nonnegativity, and it has the potential to transport the tracers accurately in a real atmospheric model.  相似文献   

A flux-form semi-Lagrangian transport scheme(FFSL) was implemented in a spectral atmospheric GCM developed and used at IAP/LASG.Idealized numerical experiments show that the scheme is good at shape preserving with less dissipation and dispersion,in comparison with other conventional schemes.Importantly,FFSL can automatically maintain the positive definition of the transported tracers,which was an underlying problem in the previous spectral composite method(SCM).To comprehensively investigate the impact of FFSL on GCM results,we conducted sensitive experiments.Three main improvements resulted:first,rainfall simulation in both distribution and intensity was notably improved,which led to an improvement in precipitation frequency.Second,the dry bias in the lower troposphere was significantly reduced compared with SCM simulations.Third,according to the Taylor diagram,the FFSL scheme yields simulations that are superior to those using the SCM:a higher correlation between model output and observation data was achieved with the FFSL scheme,especially for humidity in lower troposphere.However,the moist bias in the middle and upper troposphere was more pronounced with the FFSL scheme.This bias led to an over-simulation of precipitable water in comparison with reanalysis data.Possible explanations,as well as solutions,are discussed herein.  相似文献   

GRAPES区域模式水汽平流方案的比较与改进   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
与欧拉显式时间差分方法相比,GRAPES区域模式采用半隐半拉格朗日时间差分方案可增加时间步长且不影响稳定性,而且模式积分可有较高的计算效率和准确性。半拉格朗日法需要用到内插算法来预测下一时刻的值,对于水汽场的内插值来说,常常会造成预报值的过饱和或者是负值,需要进行特殊处理。比较GRAPES模式的准单调半拉格朗日方案(QMSL)和高精度正定保形方案(PRM),分析模式的降水预报、形势预报,同时初步总结了两方案的优缺点。在参考LCSL(Linear Constraint Semi-Lagarangain)方案的基础上,改进QMSL方案,通过连续试验运行,表明新方案基本稳定可靠,对于降水预报、形势预报有一定的改进,在台风预报试验中也有良好的表现。  相似文献   

A 3D dynamic core of the non-hydrostatic model GRAPES(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System) is developed on the Yin-Yang grid to address the polar problem and to enhance the computational efficiency. Three-dimensional Coriolis forcing is introduced to the new core, and full representation of the Coriolis forcing makes it straightforward to share code between the Yin and Yang subdomains. Similar to that in the original GRAPES model, a semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian scheme is adopted for temporal integration and advection with additional arrangement for cross-boundary transport. Under a non-centered second-order temporal and spatial discretization, the dry nonhydrostatic frame is summarized as the solution of an elliptical problem. The resulting Helmholtz equation is solved with the Generalized Conjugate Residual solver in cooperation with the classic Schwarz method. Even though the coefficients of the equation are quite different from those in the original model, the computational procedure of the new core is just the same. The bi-cubic Lagrangian interpolation serves to provide Dirichlet-type boundary conditions with data transfer between the subdomains. The dry core is evaluated with several benchmark test cases, and all the tests display reasonable numerical stability and computing performance. Persistency of the balanced flow and development of both the mountain-induced Rossby wave and Rossby–Haurwitz wave confirms the appropriate installation of the 3D Coriolis terms in the semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian dynamic core on the Yin-Yang grid.  相似文献   

The recent progresses in the research and development of (NWP) in China are reviewed in this paper. The most impressive achievements are the development of direct assimilation of satellite irradiances with a 3DVAR (three-dimentional variational) data assimilation system and a non-hydrostatic model with a semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit scheme. Progresses have also been made in model physics and model application to precipitation and environmental forecasts. Some scientific issues of great importance for further development are discussed.  相似文献   

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