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盐阜平原地处苏北平原东部.全新世以来,由于海面变化使本区地理空间结构经历了三个阶段的演化:早全新世,海面上升,本区成为浅海环境,空间结构较为单一.中全新世,海面稳定,古砂堤发育,砂堤两侧形成了泻湖与浅海的二元结构,其西侧的里下河区成为封闭的泻湖,而东部仍以浅海为主.晚全新世,海面下降,本区完成了由海到陆的演变过程,形成了盐阜平原地理空间三元结构的格局:北部为黄淮平原的一部分;西部里下河地区湖泊沼泽面积不断缩小,演变为里下河平原;而东部海岸东迁,形成广袤的滨海平原.  相似文献   

江苏建湖庆丰剖面全新世气候变迁和海面变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文报道了江苏建湖庆丰剖面全新世地层研究新结果,提出了新的年代地层格架,建立了1万年来具有较高精度与分辨率的年均温与海面变化曲线.研究结果表明,金新世气温与海面均经历过7次明显的暖、冷与高、低波动;高温期出现于8.5~4.0kaBP间,当时年均温普遍高于现今0.8~1.7℃;高海面时期出现于7.5~4.0kaBP间,其中最高海面时期(6.5~4.0kaBP)海面可高于现今2~3m;气候变迁与海面变化均兼具区域性与金球性特征.  相似文献   

辽宁沿海分布有丰富的泥炭资源,主要为埋藏泥炭,属于低位型的草本泥炭。按其成因可分为泻湖型、河漫滩型和沟谷型泥炭三种类型。在整个全新世时期均有泥炭形成,可分为早、中、晚全新世三个发育期,中全新世是辽宁沿海泥炭发育的最盛时期;沉积速率为0.25~1.1mm/a。全新世海侵,约在距今6000~7000a达到最大范围;近五千年来海面在下降过程中有波动和相对稳定时期。  相似文献   

上海马桥地区全新世中晚期气候变化、海面变化和古洪水   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张芸  朱诚  史威 《海洋科学》2002,26(1):54-58
研究了上海马桥遗址,分析气候变化、海面变化对古洪水的影响和控制作用。整个马桥遗址剖面有3个文化断层:良诸文化层之下、马桥文化层下部与良渚文化层之间,唐宋文化层与马桥文化层之间,代表了3个洪水泛滥和海侵过程。第1次洪水发生在6150aB.P.与4400aB.P.之间,此时气候温暖湿润,海面为最高海面;第2次洪水发生在3900~3250aB.P.期间,气温较高且为高海面;马桥文化后的第3次洪水期(2450~2000aB.P.),气候干凉且为低海面。  相似文献   

对我国沿海全新世海面变化研究的讨论   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
薛春汀 《海洋学报》2002,24(4):58-67
距今6 000a的高海面及其后海面波动论点的主要依据是对渤海西岸贝壳堤、华南海岸海滩岩和珊瑚礁、天津市宁河县俵口牡蛎礁剖面和江苏北部建湖县庆丰剖面的研究,然而这些资料无法证明高海面和海面波动,因为珊瑚礁、牡蛎礁、贝壳堤、海滩岩和潮滩沉积物都不能提供古海平面的精确信息.  相似文献   

采用粒级-标准偏差方法对青藏高原东北部共和盆地全新世KE (开额)泥炭沉积剖面进行了系统的分析,发现63~252 μm (63~112和112~252 μm)的粒度敏感组分可以作为区域冬季风强度变化的替代性指标,并据此重建了全新世共和盆地冬季风演化历史。结果表明:10.0~8.5 cal.kaBP冬季风逐渐减弱,8.5~7.1 cal.kaBP冬季风明显增强,7.1~3.8 cal.kaBP冬季风强度最低,3.8~0.5 cal.kaBP冬季风波动式增强,0.5 cal.kaBP以来冬季风强度迅速降低;对比研究发现,区域冬季风演变历史与青藏高原和中国东部季风区及季风边缘区不同研究载体记录的气候变化过程具有良好的可比性。同时,发现区域全新世7次明显的冬季风增强时期与极地冰心和北大西洋深海沉积记录的寒冷事件具有明显的一致性,可能说明区域气候变化与全球气候变化在动力机制上有着内在的联系。  相似文献   

本文根据泥炭层的~(14)C测年数据和孢粉分析结果,并结合有关海平面变化资料,对福建沿海晚第四纪泥炭的形成期及其与相应的古气候、古海面变化的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In the present paper, the Holocene sea level changes and coastline shifts in Zhejiang, China are discussed, based on the ancient coastline evidence related with sea level changes and 21 14C dat-ings of shell, peat or mud and wood samples along the Zhejiang coast. The development of Zhejiang coastline during the Holocene period can be divided into four stages. A lot of data of historical period and modern times have shown that tracing coastline shifts back to its source, we have to consider tremendous effects of man's activities besides natural factors, such as elevation and subsidence of the earth crust, sea level changes, supply of sediment, and littoral hydrodynamics.  相似文献   

Holocene deposits exhibit distinct, predictable and chronologically constrained facies patterns that are quite useful as appropriate modern analogs for interpreting the ancient record. In this study, we examined the sedimentary response of the Po Plain coastal system to short-term (millennial-scale) relative fluctuations of sea level through high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic analysis of the Holocene succession.Meters-thick parasequences form the building blocks of stratigraphic architecture. Above the Younger Dryas paleosol, a prominent stratigraphic marker that demarcates the transgressive surface, Early Holocene parasequences (#s 1–3) record alternating periods of rapid flooding and gradual shoaling, and are stacked in a retrogradational pattern that mostly reflects stepped, post-glacial eustatic rise. Conversely, Middle to Late Holocene parasequences (#s 4–8) record a complex, pattern of coastal progradation and delta upbuilding that took place following sea-level stabilization at highstand, starting at about 7 cal ky BP. The prominent transgressive surface at the base of parasequence 1 correlates with the period of rapid, global sea-level rise at the onset of the Holocene (MWP-1B), whereas flooding surfaces associated with parasequences 2 and 3 apparently reflect minor Early Holocene eustatic jumps reported in the literature. Changes in shoreline trajectory, parasequence architecture and lithofacies distribution during the following eustatic highstand had, instead, an overwhelming autogenic component, mostly driven by river avulsions, delta lobe switching, local subsidence and sediment compaction. We document a ∼1000-year delayed response of the coastal depositional system to marine incursion, farther inland from the maximum landward position of the shoreline. A dramatic reduction in sediment flux due to fluvial avulsion resulted in marine inundation in back-barrier position, whereas coastal progradation was simultaneously taking place basinwards.We demonstrate that the landward equivalents of marine flooding surfaces (parasequence boundaries) may be defined by brackish and freshwater fossil assemblages, and traced for tens of kilometers into the non-marine realm. This makes millennial-scale parasequences, whether auto- or allogenic in origin, much more powerful than systems tracts for mapping detailed extents and volumes of sediment bodies.The Holocene parasequences of the Po coastal plain, with strong age control and a detailed understanding of sea-level variation, may provide insight into the driving mechanisms and predictability of successions characterized by similar depositional styles, but with poor age constraint, resulting in more robust interpretations of the ancient record.  相似文献   

通过对海南岛海岸带野外考察,在文昌市铜鼓岭石头公园观察到高程为30m的海平面遗迹,在东方市黄流镇观察到高程为25~35m的海平面遗迹,在三亚市鹿回头观察到高程为2.5m的海平面遗迹。综合研究前人在该区关于海平面变化的研究成果,得出如下几点初步认识:(1)南海及其周缘地区中全新世以来海平面呈下降趋势,海平面最高位置出现在7000a左右、高于现代海平面3m左右的位置;(2)南海中全新世以来海平面遗迹所揭示的古海平面高程的差异性是古海平面本身持续下降和该区地壳差异性垂直运动共同作用的结果;(3)南海及其周缘地区中全新世期间中央海盆及其西缘的珠江口、红河、湄公河和昭披耶河4个河流三角洲地区为构造沉降区,而南海周缘的台湾岛、雷州半岛、印支半岛、南马来半岛、爪哇岛和苏拉威西岛6个地区为构造抬升区,抬升幅度最大的地方在台湾岛。  相似文献   

过去海平面变化特征对认识现代海平面变化过程和预估未来情景具有重要科学和现实意义。海滩岩作为热带和亚热带地区海岸潮间带特有的沉积岩,是海岸变迁和古海平面高程的重要标志物。然而,由于存在海滩岩形成后动力条件发生变化、采用的测年方法不同以及海平面高程估算和分析误差等问题,基于海滩岩的过去海平面重建结果依然存在较大争议和不确定性。我们分析和总结了南海北部中晚全新世海滩岩重建海平面的进展,以及在海平面研究中存在的问题和潜在机遇,从海滩岩的形成年代与海滩岩形成后高程产生变化等方面进一步量化研究海滩岩重建海平面变化的不确定性。同时,通过对南海北部海南岛东部沿岸的3块原生珊瑚礁(1块大型块状滨珊瑚和2块滨珊瑚微环礁)进行高精度高程测量和铀系测年,共获得6个海平面数据,结合冰川均衡调整模型(Glacial Isostatic Adjustment,GIA)和ICE-5G模型结果,对基于海滩岩重建的南海北部中晚全新世海平面的可靠性进行比较和评估。以上不确定性分析和研究结果表明,通过年代与高程校正后,海平面重建结果准确性进一步提高。研究结果可为以其他海平面标志物重建的过去海平面的不确定性分析和可靠性分析提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2005,214(4):365-387
On the Vietnam Shelf more than 1000 miles of shallow high-resolution seismics were analyzed to unravel post-glacial evolution in a tropical, siliciclastic environment together with 25 sediment cores from water depths between 21 and 169 m to determine stratigraphy, distribution and style of sedimentation. Fourty-seven samples were dated with the AMS-14C technique.The shelf was grouped into three regions: a southern part, a central part, and a northern part. On the broad Southern Shelf, sedimentation is influenced by the Mekong River, which drains into the SCS in this area. Here, incised valley fills are abundant that were cut into the late Pleistocene land surface by the Paleo-Mekong River during times of sea level lowstand. Those valleys are filled with transgressive deposits. The Holocene sedimentation rate in this low gradient accommodation-dominated depositional system is in the range of 5–10 and 25–40 cm/ky at locations sheltered from currents. The Central Shelf is narrow and the sedimentary strata are conformable. Here, numerous small mountainous rivers reach the SCS and transport large amounts of detrital sediment onto the shelf. Therefore, the Holocene sedimentation rate is high with values of 50–100 cm/ky in this supply-dominated depositional system. The broad Northern Shelf in the vicinity of the Red River Delta shows, as on the Southern Shelf, incised valleys cut into the Pleistocene land surface by paleo river channels. In this accommodation-dominated shelf area, the sedimentation rate is low with values of 5–10 cm/ky. Where applicable, we assigned the sampled deposits to different paleo-facies. The latter are related to certain intervals of water depths at their time of deposition. Comparison with the sea-level curve of [Hanebuth, T.J.J., Stattegger, K., Grootes, P., 2000. Rapid flooding of the Sunda Shelf; a lateglacial sea-level record. Science, 288: 1033–1035.] indicates subsidence on the Central Shelf, which is in agreement with the high sedimentation rates in this area. In contrast, data from the Northern Shelf suggest tectonic uplift that might be related to recent tectonic movements along the Ailao Shan–Red River Fault zone. Data from the Southern Shelf are generally in agreement with the sea-level curve mentioned above.  相似文献   

王龙  王张华  李翠玉 《海洋学报》2022,44(9):109-123
重建高质量的全新世相对海平面变化曲线,可为海岸带人类社会科学预测及应对未来海平面上升风险提供重要的地质历史依据和长时间尺度的数据参考。目前已发表了多条福建海岸带全新世相对海平面变化曲线,然而已有曲线反映的相对海平面变化历史存在较大差异,甚至是矛盾结果。同时,相对海平面长期变化机制及影响因素也不明确。本研究收集、整理了福建沿海已发表的全新世相对海平面数据,对已有数据的年代、高程、指示意义等属性信息进行重新检查和校正,根据国际方法体系,建立了该区域一个标准化的全新世“相对海平面数据库”,共包括海平面数据183个。在此基础上,采用“变量误差–综合高斯(EIV-IGP)”统计学模型,提出了一条新的福建沿海全新世相对海平面变化曲线。并应用“冰川–水均衡调整”(GIA)理论,开展了相对海平面变化GIA模拟。最后,综合相对海平面变化地质记录及GIA模拟结果,得出以下结论:(1)福建沿海距今11.28~7.08 cal ka,相对海平面由(–23.55±6.94)m快速连续上升至(–1.51±1.80)m;距今7.08~4.08 cal ka,相对海平面由(–1.51±1.80)m缓慢上升至约(1.09±1.38)m;距今3.48 cal ka前后,相对海平面高于现代海平面约(1.35±1.23)m;此后,波动下降并逐渐接近现代位置;(2)“冰川–水均衡调整”作用是福建全新世相对海平面变化的主要长期作用机制;距今11.28~7.00 cal ka,相对海平面变化主要受冰盖融水控制;距今7.00 cal ka以来,“水均衡调整”作用逐渐占据主导;(3)福建沿海中–晚全新世(距今6.75~0.16 cal ka)期间,存在高于现今海面位置的“高海平面”现象;不同于传统构造运动主导观点,研究认为GIA引起的“陆地掀斜”和“海洋虹吸”作用,可能是该区域“高海平面”现象产生的主要原因;(4)福建沿海全新世相对海平面变化,存在一定程度的空间差异。不同岸段之间的沉积物压实、差异性构造运动和潮差变化等非GIA因素,可能是这一现象产生的重要原因。  相似文献   

乐清湾大型底栖动物群落及其与环境因子之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解和掌握乐清湾大型底栖动物群落及其与环境因子的相关性,于2015年1月、3月、5月、8月和10月开展了5个航次的大型底栖动物和环境因子的调查。结果表明,1月、3月和5月3个月份的群落结构和空间分布均较为接近,优势群落的主要特征种为薄云母蛤和不倒翁虫;8月和10月的优势群落不明显,主要群落特征种有不倒翁虫、双形拟单指虫、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕、小头虫、中蚓虫属一种等。丰度/生物量曲线(ABC曲线)分析表明5月的群落结构较稳定,1月、3月、8月和10月均处于不同程度的扰动状态,其中8月的受扰动程度最大。BVSTEP分析表明亚硝酸盐是乐清湾大型底栖动物群落各月份差异的主要环境驱动因子,盐度和氨氮分别是影响乐清湾3月和5月大型底栖动物群落结构的主要环境因子。典范对应分析(CCA)表明水温对乐清湾大型底栖群落特征种时空分布影响最大,其次是盐度、溶解氧、含氮营养盐和pH等。通过CCA排序图发现大部分群落特征种分布在含氮营养盐较低的水域,表明高浓度的含氮营养盐已经对乐清湾的大型底栖动物产生了负面影响。  相似文献   

象山港分区水交换数值研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
姚炎明  彭辉  杜雅杰  刘莲 《海洋学报》2014,36(1):126-130
在验证良好的三维斜压潮流数学模型的基础上,将象山港划分成7个海区,以7种不同的溶解态保守性物质为示踪剂,建立对流-扩散型的海湾水交换数值模型,采用关联矩阵法来描述各区之间以及各区与外海之间的水交换特性。通过不同示踪剂的浓度分布,计算了15、30、45、60和80d的水交换矩阵。由各时刻水交换矩阵可知,在象山港的7个子区中与湾外水的水交换速度最快的为Ⅰ区,最慢的为Ⅶ区。Ⅲ区(西沪港)、Ⅵ区(黄墩港)和Ⅶ区(铁港)内水体与湾外海水之间的水交换速度缓慢,但与区域外水体之间的交换速度要明显快于其他几个海区。从水交换矩阵可以看出西沪港、黄墩港和3个内港之间相互交换的海水量很小。  相似文献   

Holocene cheniers in the Yangtze Delta, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nineteen cheniers formed in the middle and late Holocene have been distinguished and studied.

In fair weather the wave action along the Yangtze Delta is weak, with a wave height of 0.5–1.0 m and average wave energy of 0.127 erg/s. However, in late summer and early autumn the coastal area is usually swept by typhoons, which sometimes are extremely violent. The development of cheniers is mainly controlled by these strong typhoons. As a result, a number of the sedimentary characteristics of the cheniers are related to the typhoon-generated high-energy environment.

Moreover, the study shows that the top elevation of a fully developed chenier indicates the spring high water level during a violent typhoon (11–12 on the Beaufort scale).  相似文献   

利用近70 a来19个不同年份的水深地形资料,基于GIS技术进行数字化冲淤分析,结合实测水文泥沙资料和人类活动,探讨椒江山溪性强潮河口河床冲淤调整过程。研究表明,近70 a来无论是在河床纵横剖面还是在平面上,冲淤调整经历了较明显的四个阶段,可是平面上比纵横剖面上的平均冲淤速率更趋于整体性:(1)以自然作用为主,处于缓慢冲刷状态,冲刷区占65.4%,全区年均冲刷速率为 23 cm/a,年均冲刷量为537×10 4 m3;(2)受支流永宁江上游建库蓄水影响,从缓慢冲刷转为较明显的淤积状态,淤积区占662%,全区年均淤积速率为22 cm/a,年均淤积量为504×10 4 m3;(3)受航道整治完成的部分工程作用,由淤积又转为轻微冲刷状态,冲刷区占626%,全区年均冲刷速率为18 cm/a,年均冲刷量为414×10 4 m3;(4)受航道和支流永宁江的综合整治作用,从轻微冲刷朝加速冲刷方向发展,冲刷区占715%,全区年均冲刷速率为56 cm/a,年均冲刷量为1308×10 4 m3。这在某种程度上意味着椒江山溪性强潮河口河床冲淤调整受人为影响比受自然影响大。  相似文献   

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