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对宽礁膜室内人工育苗和栽培的主要技术进行了初步研究,包括海区栽培、游孢子萌发、生长及苗网的运输与保存、日常管理等。并利用全人工育苗网帘进行了宽礁膜的海区栽培生产,干品单产达691.5 kg/km2。  相似文献   

综述了我国及广东省十多年来鱼虾种苗人工放流及人工鱼礁的投放情况,结合广东省广大海区的水温、盐度、pH值、海流、营养盐含量情况及天然饵料的种类、分布等,提出了除在大亚湾已设置了水产增殖站以外,还应该在广东东部的南澳和西部的湛江各设一个增殖站,会收到更大的效果。人工鱼礁应总结过去投放的经验,加强礁区管理,逐步解决投资与收益的关系问题,并进一步扩大投放人工鱼礁的地点和密度,把广东海区切实建成理想的海洋牧场。  相似文献   

施氏獭蛤人工育苗技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施氏獭蛤(Lutraria sieboldii Reeve)俗称象鼻螺,隶属瓣鳃纲(Lamellibranchia)、异齿亚纲(Heterodonta)、帘蛤目(Veneroida)、蛤蜊总科(Mactracea)、蛤蜊科(Mactridae)、獭蛤属(Lutraria),自然分布于热带、亚热带的海区,在我国主要分布在浙江、广东、广西和海南的部分沙或沙泥底质的海区。施氏獭蛤足部和水管非常发达,肉质鲜美,经济价值较高。其生长速度较快,一龄贝平均壳长可以达到6cm以上,养殖1.5a即可达到理想的商品规格,适于人工养殖。李琼珍等对大獭蛤的胚胎、幼虫及稚贝发育及盐度对大獭蛤胚胎发育的影响进行了研究,蔡英亚等对施氏獭蛤的生态进行了研究,但至今还没有关于施氏獭蛤人工育苗取得成功的报道。由于施氏獭蛤的自然资源有限,目前只是在广西和广东的部分地区进行小规模养殖,养殖所用的种苗绝大部分为天然苗种,种苗成为制约施氏獭蛤规模化养殖的瓶颈。为此,笔者2004年4月进行了施氏獭蛤人工育苗实验。  相似文献   

针对我国南海北部湾东部投放藻礁海域的海况条件,设计圆台型人工藻礁,以实现该海域马尾藻的人工增殖与移植。基于波流动力学理论,计算圆台型人工藻礁礁体不同海流速度下的作用力、抗滑移系数及抗翻滚系数,探讨礁体的稳定性。结果表明:在波、流共同作用下,礁体最大受力为171.8 N,最大作用力矩为49.64 N·m,抗漂移系数S1范围为2.88~25.09,抗倾覆系数R1范围为2.06~315.00,满足礁体稳定条件,礁体在该海域正常情况下不会发生漂移或倾覆现象。  相似文献   

2010年11月中旬在珠海东澳岛进行管角螺冬季育苗实验,结果表明:在东澳岛11~12月,水温21~24℃,管角螺可以交配、繁殖;在水温16.5~24℃,需45~50 d完成胚胎发育;在水温17~20.5℃,稚螺7 d后能主动摄食投喂的鲜活幼贝饵料,此阶段稚螺壳高日增长0.417 mm,壳宽日增长0.17 mm,体质量日增长0.01 g;刚孵化稚螺厣封壳保水功能不强,耐干露能力较差,温度越高,露空时间越短;细砂底质条件下,稚螺的壳高、壳宽、体质量生长显著高于无底质组(p值<0.05),成活率(75%)也高于无底质组(65%);经过75 d海区网笼培育,稚螺壳高日增长0.236 mm,壳宽日增长0.124 mm,体质量日增长0.033 g,在自然海区培育条件下,稚螺生长较快。  相似文献   

【目的】探究硇洲马尾藻(Sargassum naozhouense)幼孢子体附着的选择性及原生态位点固着人工藻礁对马尾藻海藻资源恢复效果。【方法】选用混凝土、黄泥砖、牡蛎壳、聚丙烯板、橡皮条、沥青等6种废弃物材质对硇洲马尾藻幼孢子体附着效果进行比较;将硇洲马尾藻于徐闻南山进行原生态位点投放,周年观察比较人工藻礁与自然藻礁生长差异,探究硇洲马尾藻资源恢复效果。【结果】(1)不同材质藻礁对硇洲马尾藻幼孢子体附着差异显著,附着效果依次为混凝土>黄泥砖>牡蛎壳>聚丙烯板>橡皮条,沥青完全没有幼孢子附着。(2)当年人工藻礁苗有性生殖苗较自然生态苗生长慢,第二年假根再生苗生长与自然苗生长无显著性差异。(3)人工藻礁苗成活率为29.2%,此后不出现消退死亡,并以假根再生维持种群的繁衍。【结论】混凝土是马尾藻原生态藻床恢复较理想的人工附着基,黄泥砖、牡蛎壳、聚丙烯板等废弃物也可用于天然硇洲马尾藻以及室内有性苗源的附着基。假根再生是马尾藻种群繁衍的主要方式,利用有性繁殖的幼孢子体附着于混凝土块上进行硇洲马尾藻原生态位点投放是短时间增加马尾藻资源的有效措施,可为硇洲马尾藻海藻资源恢复提供可行的方法。  相似文献   

1997年 7月开始进行尖紫蛤人工育苗的研究 ,1999年 11月培育出壳长 4 mm左右的幼苗近30万只 ,首次获得尖紫蛤人工育苗的成功  相似文献   

尖紫蛤的人工育苗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997年7月开始进行尖紫蛤人工育苗的研究,1999年11月培育出壳长4mm左右的幼苗近30万只,首次获得尖紫蛤人工育苗的成功。  相似文献   

江蓠是经济价值较高的一种海藻,是制造琼胶的重要原料,目前无论在国际市场或国内市场都非常畅销。其中细基江蓠(Gracilaria tenuistipitata)更是优良品种,是我国目前人工栽培的理想品种之一。它的特点是生长周期短、个体较大、含胶量高(约30%)。但种苗如何解决却是一个突出的问题。我们自1977年到1978年先后进行了潮间带采孢子培苗试验,即在潮间带筑小围堤,建立简易的苗圃,用贝壳、小石块、碎珊瑚及聚乙烯或维尼纶网片等做生长基,用洒孢子水法,使江蓠孢子附着萌发,培育成幼苗。实践证明,这种苗圃每亩浅滩所培养的江蓠幼苗,可供10亩左右的海区栽培江蓠使用。这和农业上的播种育秧、种植水稻的效果相似,可以向广大群众推广,以解决人工栽培江蓠的种苗问题。  相似文献   

中国鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)人工授精育苗的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用厦门海滩捕获的成熟雌雄中国鲎进行人工授精育苗试验,并对受精率、孵化率、幼鲎饲养成活率进行测定。结果表明,受精率为95%,孵化率为85%,幼鲎成活率为100%;1996年7月29日人工授精的鲎,至1997年7月11日仍健康生长,并已蜕第一次壳。说明中国鲎用人工授精的方法大量人工育苗是可行的。要提高受精率和育苗效果,应在5~6月为佳。  相似文献   

引进印度尼西亚大珠母贝人工育苗试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在雷州半岛海域水温24.0~30.0℃、盐度30.8~32.5、pH8.0~8.3条件下,以牟氏角毛藻,亚心形扁藻,牟氏角毛藻、亚心形扁藻和小球藻,天然混合藻等4种饵料,进行印度尼西亚产大珠母贝亲贝促熟培育试验。结果表明:不同饵料组合在亲贝促熟百分率、排精产卵率和受精率之间差异不显著(P>0.05);阴干温差流水刺激可以有效诱导亲贝排精产卵,优选幼虫和投放合适的采苗器可以提高幼虫的变态率。  相似文献   

通过对雷州半岛云水资源气候分布、云的宏观动力学和微观物理学、降水形成机制、人工增雨机制、冷云催化剂与暖云催化剂、播云方式与催化方法的研究和对外场试验的总结,表明:雷州半岛空中具有丰富的云水资源,有暖云降水机制、冷云降水机制和混态云“播种—供水”降水增强机制。人工增雨可进行静力催化和动力催化,使用的冷云催化剂为冰核和致冷剂,暖云催化剂为吸湿性巨核,适宜的人工增雨作业工具为飞机、火箭、地面AgI丙酮溶液燃烟发生器、气球携带AgI焰弹、增雨炮艇等,37高炮不适宜在雷州半岛使用。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, artificial propagation and breeding technique of marine fish in China have developed by way of increasing species and fry numbers, with special stress laid on valuable species. Large quantities of artificial fry can meet the needs of both marine cage culture and pond culture for most species. Experimental results obtained by scientists have been put into use in actual production.Fish fry production has entered a period of sustainable development. So far, at least 44 species (21 families) of marine fish have been successfully bred in China. The artificial fry number of large yellow croaker ( Pseudosciaena crocea) exceeded 300 million in 1999. The species whose artificial fry numbers have each surpassed 10 million annually are red drum ( Sciaenops ocellatus ), Japanese seabass ( Lateolabrax japonicus), cuneate drum (Nibea miichthioides ), spring spawning red seabream (Pagrosomus major ) and threebanded sweethp ( Plectorhynchus cinctus ). Millions of artificial fry are bred annually in the species of black porgy ( Sparus macrocephalus ), Russell‘ s snapper ( Lutjanus russeUi ), javelin gnmt ( Pomadasys hasta ), miiuy croaker ( Miichthys miiuy) and skewband gnmt ( Hapalogenys nitens ). The fish in the family Sciaenidae are the main species in artificial propagation and breeding. Some problems and prospects on marine fish culture and stock enhancement are also discussed and some proposals for sustainable development are put forward in this article.  相似文献   

To ensure the effectiveness of the operation of artificial precipitation enhancement, a potential region for the operation should be determined in advance.As cloud microphysical measurements needed for the determination of the potential region of cloud seeding are not available before the operation of routine precipitation enhancement, a new method based on the growth process of ice crystal is put forward for determining the potential region using the numerical weather prediction model output.The ice supersaturation, accumulated water vapor within minus temperature layer (≥9 mm), and upward water vapor transportation are adopted as criteria to determine the potential time, height and region of cloud seeding, and the real-time radar images are applied to make decisions on the seeding commanding.The criteria and Doppler radar images are studied in a case of precipitation enhancement characterized by significant water vapor supply from the north part of a tropical cyclone in the northwest Pacific, which shows that the ocean plays a crucial role in the advection transportation of water vapor to the potential region of the coastal area.The study presents a new method to determine the potential region of precipitation enhancement using macro-physical quantities under ice crystal growth environment.The method possesses a clear physical significance and can be readily applied with the required and easily predicted parameters.  相似文献   

中国江蓠的商品生产及其与对虾混养(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江湾和对虾混养预防虾病。试验和生产实践表明,江蒿和对虾混养能明显地改善虾池水质,防止对虾细菌性病害,除江南有一定产量外,可使对虾产量比单养增加60%以上。并论述了中国江蓠人工栽培的种类、生长条件和主要生产方式。  相似文献   

本文报道了为改变我国华南沿海目前在半咸淡水塘中进行地播式裁培细基江篱繁枝变种单产低的状况而进行的不同水层夹苗栽培和施肥增产试验,证明了越靠近水面江篱藻体生长越快,越接近底部藻钵生长越差,提出如果在水塘中单纯裁培江篱则水塘深度应保持20~30厘米,如果水深超过1米以上,则应采用浮筏式夹苗栽培,并在水中混养鱼虾等。浸泡施肥试验证明,在短短的40天裁培过程施肥藻体比不施肥藻体增产23%,说明了施肥的重要性。  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphisms(AFLP) markers were developed to assess the genetic variation of populations and clones of Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye(Scyphozoa,Rhizostomatidae).One hundred and seventy-nine loci from 56 individuals of two hatchery populations and two wild populations were genotyped with five primer combinations.The polymorphic ratio,Shannon’s diversity index and average heterozygosity were 70.3%,0.346 and 0.228 for the white hatchery population,74.3%,0.313,and 0.201 for the red hatchery population,79.3%,0.349,and 0.224 for the Jiangsu wild population,and 74.9%,0.328 and 0.210 for the Penglai wild population,respectively.Thus,all populations had a relatively high level of genetic diversity.A specific band was identified that could separate the white from the red hatchery population.There was 84.85% genetic differentiation within populations.Individual cluster analysis using unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean(UPGMA) suggested that hatchery populations and wild populations could be divided.For the hatchery populations,the white and red populations clustered separately;however,for the wild populations,Penglai and Jiangsu populations clustered together.The genetic diversity at the clone level was also determined.Our data suggest that there are relatively high genetic diversities within populations but low genetic differentiation between populations,which may be related to the long-term use of germplasm resources from Jiangsu Province for artificial seeding and releasing.These findings will benefit the artificial seeding and conservation of the germplasm resources.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of geo-economy, under the new situation of global economy, information network and China‘s entry into WTO, also with the holding of APEC (in 2001) and the International Exposition in the near future, the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta is striding toward the spectacular international multi-polar situation and becomes one of core regions with high-speed development. Facing the ocean and world all along, leading the progressive tides of the age and scintillating the splendor of the nation, she does advance with time. Through a long period of irrigation projects construction and intensive operation of lands in previous agricultural society, the artificial wetland ecosystem with a positive cycle had ever been formed in this region. At present, environmental pollution and urban expansion resulted from post-industrialization are being rectified. The delta will be the paradigm of industrial and agricultural modernization along the sustainable development road. With the rapid development of urbanization,she has been one of the regions with the highest density population and high urbanization level. Taking the Changjiang River estuary and the Hangzhou Bay as two parts, she is continuously strengthening and adjusting her interior structure, expanding mothball space and constructing the oriental modem ″logistics center“ to link the whole world. The butterfly-style urban system of the Changjiang River Delta is flying, probably engendering earthshaking “butterfly effect“.  相似文献   

目前,我国已研制出2000年、2010年两期30m分辨率全球地表覆盖数据集。为了保持该数据集的现势性,需要及时发现全球地表覆盖增量信息并更新相应数据。采用遥感影像、测绘数据提取全球地表覆盖变化信息的传统方式,存在费用高,不及时等问题。近年来众源地理数据迅猛发展,特别是由于众源轨迹数据具有免费共享、可靠性强与准实时等优点被广泛应用在交通道路信息提取的应用中。经分析我们发现轨迹数据与人造地表覆盖之间存在一定的对应关系,因此,本文研究提出了一种采用众源轨迹提取人造地表覆盖增量信息的方法。该方法首先对原始轨迹数据进行预处理,然后将轨迹数据栅格化,再依据轨迹点栅格覆盖比率进行人造地表覆盖数据粗提取并去除微小孔洞及独立栅格单元,最后将其与全球人造地表覆盖数据作栅格运算提取人造地表覆盖增量信息,并用纽约市实际轨迹数据验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

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