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电离层残差法探测与修复周跳特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
严悦 《地理空间信息》2010,8(4):118-120,123
载波相位观测值中的周跳进行探测和修复一直是GPS精密定位数据处理中的一个十分重要的问题。主要讨论基于双频探测的电离层残差法,编制了相应程序,并通过实例分析了在不同采样率条件下探测与修复周跳效果,针对其探测盲区提出了解决方案。  相似文献   

Water and suspended sediment fluxes are considered during the period 2000–2008 in a region including the full Amazon River from the confluence of the Negro River to Santarém, the end part of the Solimões River, and the lower part of the Madeira River. Three types of data are used: water discharge estimated from field measurements, and suspended sediment obtained from field measurements and derived from MODIS satellite data. A generalized least square method including a propagating term is developed in order to propagate the signal upward and downward the river. The approach is introduced and tested. Several experiments are considered in order, first, to estimate the ability to propagate the signal from stations located before the confluences of Negro and Madeira Rivers to stations located on the Amazon River; second to investigate the possibility to propagate the signal along the Amazon River which dynamics is coupled with floodplains dynamics; and third to produce optimal solutions of water and sediment fluxes. For each experiment, the influence of field and satellite data is compared. The approach is efficient in the upper part of the region of study where the Solimões, the Negro and the Madeira Rivers meet and fails in the lower part of the region where interactions between Amazon River and floodplains play an important role on the fluxes’ dynamics. The optimal experiment includes in situ and satellite data from all the stations available and is used to analyse the recent evolution of suspended sediment flux along the Amazon River and its interaction with the large coupled floodplains. A high accumulation rate is observed during the 2000–2002 period, followed by decreasing rates until 2005 and by increasing values in 2006 and 2007. Our results suggest that floodplains extending along a river reach of 390 km-long between Itacoatiara and Óbidos trap about 15% of the suspended sediment flux passing at Óbidos. The simulated deposition rate is of about 0.3 Mt km−1 yr−1 corresponding to an accretion rate of about 27 mm yr−1.  相似文献   

We tested how accurately image data from the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) sensor vs. the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) predict the land cover of Lonicera maackii in the forest understory, taking advantage of this invasive shrub's extended leaf retention in the fall when the canopy is leafless. Percent cover of L. maackii in 20 woodlots in southwestern Ohio was regressed on values for spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) derived for each image. The land cover of L. maackii was best explained by the Simple Ratio (SR) using TM data (R 2 = 0.537). The regression results for SVIs from TM vs. ALI suggest that the ALI image was acquired too late in the fall to accurately detect this invasive shrub.  相似文献   

Himalayan glaciers and their mass balance are poorly sampled through direct mass balance measurements. Thus, based on Landsat datasets of ETM+ (2000), ETM+ (2006) and TM (2011), mass balance studies of 32 glaciers was carried out using accumulation area ratio (AAR) method in the Tirungkhad river basin, a tributary of Satluj River, located in western Himalayan region. The overall specific mass balance was negative varying from ?27 cm (2000) to ?41 cm (2011). Out of 32 glaciers, 27 glaciers (81.2 %) showed negative mean mass balance and 5 glaciers (18.7 %) showed positive mean mass balance. Mean of specific mass balance for the year 2000, 2006 and 2011 was found to be ?48 cm, ?55 cm and ?0.61 cm respectively, in case of glaciers with negative mass balance while in case of glaciers with positive mass balance, it was 0.67 cm (2000), 0.56 cm (2006) and 0.47 cm (2011). The investigations suggested a loss of ?0.034 km3 of glacial ice for 2000, 0.036 km3 for 2006 and 0.038 km3 for 2011 respectively. The negative mass balance of the glaciers since 2000 correlates well with the increasing trend of annual mean temperature and decreasing trend of precipitation (snow water equivalent (SWE) and rainfall). Based on Mann Kendall test the temperature and SWE trends were significant at 95 % confidence level, however, the rainfall trend was insignificant.  相似文献   

Seagrasses ecosystems are fragile yet highly productive ecosystems of the world showing declining trend throughout the world due to natural and anthropogenic pressures. Effective conservation and management plan is thus required to protect these resources, to aid with conservation need mapping and monitoring of seagrasses using high resolution remote sensing data is very much required. Hence, the present study was made to record the seagrass aerial cover in the Lakshadweep islands using IRS P6 LISS IV satellite data. The suitability of LISS IV sensor for seagrass mapping was tested for the first time with an overall accuracy of 73.16%. The study found an area of 2590.2?ha of seagrasses in Lakshadweep islands with 1310.8?ha and 1279.4?ha dense and sparse seagrass cover respectively. The study recommends the use of LISS IV data for mapping the shallow water seagrasses, as mapping efficiency increases nearly 4 times more than the LISS III data, as the former (LISS IV) picks up the small patches of seagrasses and delineates the coral and reef vegetation patches from seagrass class.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the capacity of vegetation indices derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) reflectance products to characterize global savannas in Australia, Africa and South America. The savannas were spatially defined and subdivided using the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) global ecoregions and MODIS land cover classes. Average annual profiles of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, shortwave infrared ratio (SWIR32), White Sky Albedo (WSA) and the Structural Scattering Index (SSI) were created. Metrics derived from average annual profiles of vegetation indices were used to classify savanna ecoregions. The response spaces between vegetation indices were used to examine the potential to derive structural and fractional cover measures. The ecoregions showed distinct temporal profiles and formed groups with similar structural properties, including higher levels of woody vegetation, similar forest–savanna mixtures and similar grassland predominance. The potential benefits from the use of combinations of indices to characterize savannas are discussed.  相似文献   

By using satellite imagery, the recognition and evaluation of various phenomena and extraction of information necessary for the planning of land resources or other purposes are easily accomplished. The purpose of this study is to compare the efficiency of seven commonly used methods of monitored classification of satellite data to evaluate land use changes using TM and OLI Landsat, IRS, Spot5 and Quick Bird bands as well as different color combinations of these images to detect agricultural land, residential areas and aquatic areas using object-oriented processing. Digital processing of satellite images was carried out in 1998 and 2016 using advanced methods. Training samples were extracted in five user classes by eCognition software using segmentation scale optimization, different color combinations and coefficients of shape and compression. The appropriate segmentation scale for arable land, human complications and the blue areas were, respectively, 50, 8 and 10. Then each image was classified separately using seven methods and extracted samples, and efficiency of each classification method was obtained by calculating two general health and Kappa coefficients. The results show that the accuracy of each classification method and the neural network with a total accuracy of 94.475 and Kappa coefficient of 92.095 were selected as the most accurate classification method. These results show that the sampling of educational samples with proper precision of the classes in the images and dependency probability of each satellite images pixel can be useful in classifying group available in helpful area.  相似文献   

利用UTCSR发布的2003-01~2013-07GRACE RL05月平均重力场模型,分析比较了高斯滤波、各向异性滤波、扇形滤波和维纳滤波,并结合去相关滤波在反演南极地区冰盖质量变化方面的差异。通过计算得到以下结论:①基于121组重力场模型阶方差分布得到维纳滤波与半径为300 km的高斯滤波效果最为接近,说明300 km滤波半径完全可以满足质量变化信号的提取;②在一定范围内,提高滤波半径能提高反演结果信噪比,建议南极区域的滤波半径为500 km;采用相同滤波半径,不同空间滤波算法计算的质量变化率基本一致,在南极区域可以选取任一滤波方法;③与其他算法相比,去相关滤波算法能在一定程度消除球谐系数中存在的系统误差,改善反演结果。  相似文献   

Talakadu is a well known historic place situated on bank of the river Cauvery in Mysore district of Karnataka. The place is close to concave side of a prominent meander where large amount of sand has accumulated. It is believed that after construction of a reservoir upstream, sand was exposed to wind action burying the structures of Ganga dynasty and other later kingdoms. A number of buried sites have been identified by archaeological excavations conducted so far. Presently the area forms sand dunes with thick plantation cover. Analysis of RADAR data (fine beam RADARSAT and ENVISAT ASAR) led to identifying a hitherto unknown buried channel through the Old Talakadu town adjoining the excavated archaeological sites. The study suggests that RADAR penetration through the plantation canopy seems to have occurred as observed by comparing with corresponding optical data of LISS-IV. Below the canopy, sand and shrubs on top of the channel (topographically low area) are acting as smooth surface providing dark tone on radar imagery. During field validation GPS was extensively used to navigate through the forest canopy and locate the buried channel, excavated archaeological sites as well as other anomalous patterns. Synergistic application of optical (RESOURCESAT-1 LISS-IV and CARTOSAT-1 & 2) and radar (fine beam RADARSAT and ENVISAT ASAR) data led to identifying remote sensing based guides for archaeological exploration. Integration of known archaeological sites with the identified anomalous patterns was done in GIS environment. This study adds on to the knowledge base of the site and compliments already known information and suggested new areas for further archaeological exploration.  相似文献   

主要讨论如何将GPS、GLONASS和Galileo系统集成到天线阵列接收机中,如何与无线传感器网络集成,实现数据传输的自动化,并利用无线传感器网络自组网、自适应等特点,实现节点定位,将GNSS天线阵列接收机的几何监测功能与传感器的物理监测功能结合起来,实现地面/地下、几何/物理的三维立体自动化监测。  相似文献   

Soil moisture estimation from satellite earth observation has emerged effectively advantageous due to the high temporal resolution, spatial resolution, coverage, and processing convenience it affords. In this paper, we present a study carried out to estimate soil moisture level at every location within Enugu State Nigeria from satellite earth observation. Comparative analysis of multiple indices for soil moisture estimation was carried out with a view to evaluating the robustness, correlation, appropriateness and accuracy of the indices in estimating the spatial distribution of soil moisture level in Enugu State. Results were correlated and validated with In-Situ soil moisture observations from multi-sample points. To achieve this, the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), based on digital elevation data, the Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) and an improved TVDI (iTVDI) incorporating air temperature and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were calculated from ASTER global DEM and Landsat images. Possible dependencies of the indices on land cover type, topography, and precipitation were explored. In-Situ soil moisture data were used to validate the derived indices. The results showed that there was a positive significant relationship between iTVDI versus TVDI (R = 0.53, P value < 0.05), while in iTVDI versus TWI (R = 0.00, P value > 0.05) and TVDI versus TWI (R = ?0.01, P value > 0.05) no significant relationship existed. There was a strong relationship between iTVDI and topography, land cover type, and precipitation than other indices (TVDI, TWI). In situ measured soil moisture values showed negative significant relationship with TVDI (R = ?0.52, P value < 0.05) and iTVDI (R = ?0.63, P value < 0.05) but not with TWI (R = ?0.10, P value > 0.05). The iTVDI outperformed the other two index; having a stronger relationship with topography, precipitation, land cover classes and soil moisture. It concludes that although iTVDI outperformed other indices (TVDI, TWI) in soil moisture estimation, the decision of which index to apply is dependent on available data, the intent of usage and spatial scale.  相似文献   

Satellite sensors have provided new datasets for monitoring regional and urban air quality. Satellite sensors provide comprehensive geospatial information on air quality with both qualitative remotely sensed imagery and quantitative data, such as aerosol optical depth which is the basic unknown parameter for any atmospheric correction method in the pre‐processing of satellite imagery. This article presents a new method for retrieving aerosol optical thickness directly from satellite remotely sensed imagery for short wavelength bands in which atmospheric scattering is the dominant contribution to the at‐satellite recorded signal. The method is based on the determination of the aerosol optical thickness through the application of the contrast tool (maximum contrast value), the radiative transfer calculations and the ‘tracking’ of the suitable darkest pixel in the scene. The proposed method that needs no a‐priori information has been applied to LANDSAT‐5 TM, LANDSAT‐7 ETM+, SPOT‐5 and IKONOS data of two different geographical areas: West London and Cyprus. The retrieved aerosol optical thickness values show high correlations with in‐situ visibility data acquired during the satellite overpass. Indeed, for the West London area a logarithmic regression was fitted for relating the determined aerosol optical thickness with the in‐situ visibility values. A high correlation coefficient (r2= 0.82; p= 0.2) was found. Plots obtained from Tanre et al. (1979, 1990) and Forster (1984 ) were reproduced and estimates for these areas were generated with the proposed method so as to compare the results. The author's results show good agreement with Forster's aerosol optical thickness vs. visibility results and a small deviation from Tanre's model estimates.  相似文献   

In the framework of a prospecting survey on the atoll of Aitutaki (Cook Islands) undertaken by the SOPAC, IFREMER has been charged with a pilot project, the purpose of which was to assess the use of remote sensing (SPOT) in the geomorphologic and bathymetric cartography of an atoll lagoon. The results of this project are presented according to two chapters. The first chapter proposes a numerical method for decorrelating the original variables and computing a textural parameter, which can be used to provide a map easy to interpret as far as geomorphologie studies are concerned. The second chapter proposes a method for inverting the relationship between radiometry and bathymetry, with a fit based on in situ measurements, resulting in the achievement of a bathymetric model for Aitutaki's lagoon.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the importance of spatial location of pixels in terms of row-column as an additional explanatory variable in classification along with available spectral bands of remotely sensed data. In view of this, a forward step-wise variable selection algorithm is used to select significant bands/variables and build an optimal model to extract the maximum accuracy. Author performed a case study on the area of town of Wolfville acquired by LANDSAT 5 TM data containing six 30 m resolution spectral bands and pixel location as an additional variable. Data are classified into seven classes using three advanced classifiers i.e. classification and regression trees (CART), support vector machines (SVM) and multi-class Bayesian additive classification tree (mBACT). Traditionally, it is assumed that addition of more explanatory variables always increase the accuracy of classified satellite images. However, results of this study show that adding more variables may sometimes confuse the classifier, that is, if selected carefully, fewer variables can provide the more accurate classification. Importance of row-column information turns out to be more beneficial for mBACT followed by SVM. Interestingly, spatial locations did not turn out to be useful for CART. Based on the findings of this study, mBACT appears to be a slightly better classifier than SVM and a substantially better than CART.  相似文献   

本文阐述了卫星网与地面网联合平差中Bursa模型所确定的参考椭球中心位置与Молоденский和Veis两个模型所确定的参考中心几何意义上的差别,导出了三个模型转换参数之间的变换矩阵,进而证明了以上三个模型在确定转换参数的联合平差中的等价性。指出三个模型方程状态上的差异对联合平差及坐标系统转换的最后结果和精度来说,并无丝毫影响。  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of analysis of the data obtained by the method of computer-aided visual interpretation of satellite images used for identification of changes in land cover within the framework of the Image and CORINE Land Cover 2000 (I&CLC2000) Project (jointly managed by the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy). These data are also relevant in cartography. Land cover changes identified by the method mentioned may contain mistakes caused by over- or underestimation. The paper describes these mistakes. Overestimation (technical change) of the extent of land cover change is caused by adding the residual polygons (smaller than 25 ha) to neighbouring polygons. Underestimation is caused by the fact that discernible changes concerning areas larger than 5 ha which showed up in objects with areas smaller than 25 ha were not identified and, consequently, not included in either CLC90 or CLC2000 data layers; e.g. Dutch CLC_change database users' accuracy indicates an overestimation of 8.8% whereas the comparison of net change indicates a small, insignificant underestimation. In spite of the problems referred to, caused by overestimation or underestimation, the datasets on land cover changes in Europe for the 1990s and the year 2000 (± one year) can also be used for the compilation of land cover change maps at the regional, national and European levels.  相似文献   

The Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research in Davos (SLF) provides snow depth maps for Switzerland on a spatial resolution of 1 km × 1 km. These snow depth maps are derived from snow station measurements using a spatial interpolation method based on the dependency of snow depth and altitude. During a winter season the number of operating snow stations varies and the area-wide snow depth interpolation becomes increasingly difficult in spring. The objective of the study is to develop an operational and near-real time method to calculate snow depth maps using a combination of in situ snow depth measurements and the snow cover extent provided from space borne observations. The operational daily snow cover product obtained from the polar-orbiting NOAA-AVHRR satellite is used to gain an additional set of virtual snow stations to densify the in situ measurements for an improved spatial interpolation. The capacity of this method is demonstrated on selected days during winter 2005. Cross-validation tests are conducted to examine the quantitative accuracy of the synergetic interpolation method. The error estimators prove the decrease in error variance and increase of overall accuracy pointing out the high capacity of this new interpolation method that can be run in near real-time over a large horizontal domain at high horizontal resolution. A solid method for snow–no snow classification in the processing of the satellite data is essential to the quality of the snow depth maps.  相似文献   

针对海面与航空重力测量重复测线精度评估公式在使用过程中存在的差异性问题,根据测量平差理论,推出了一组形式统一的重复测线内符合精度评估公式,并提出了使用方面的建议。  相似文献   

以地形地貌特征复杂、观测站点分布稀疏不均匀的四川省为研究区,引入地形因子(坡度和坡向)和植被指数,采用顾及空间关系非平稳性的(混合)地理加权回归克里格模型((mixed)geographically weighted regression Kriging,(m)GWRK)进行月尺度平均气温插值方法及精度分析研究。针对不同季节和不同地区,将(m)GWRK插值结果与基于全局回归的回归克里格(regression Kriging,RK)插值结果进行对比。结果表明,RK、GWRK、mGWRK回归关系的决定系数R2分别为0.795、0.922、0.911,均方根误差分别为0.83℃、0.64℃、0.55℃,表明GWRK、mGWRK对目标变量的解释能力以及插值精度都优于RK;GWRK、mGWRK相对于RK对月平均气温插值的改进具有季节与地区差异,冬半年的改进大于夏半年,在地形地貌变化大的地区改进大于地形地貌变化小的地区。  相似文献   

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