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《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1141-1147
Shenzhen, China's first special economic zone (SEZ), not only heralds the essence and evolution of the PRC's earlier domestic reform and global integration, but also demonstrates how urban spaces are rapidly produced in a socialist economy undergoing market transformation. This note identifies three such spaces: an economic space of globalization; a social space of exclusion and contestation; and a political space of governance.  相似文献   

Based on daily maximum and minimum temperature observed by the China Mete- orological Administration at 115 meteorological stations in the Yangtze River Basin from 1962 to 2011, the methods of linear regression, principal component analysis and correlation analysis are employed to investigate the temporal variability and spatial distribution of tem- perature extremes. Sixteen indices of extreme temperature are selected. The results are as follows: (1) The occurrence of cold days, cold nights, ice days, frost days and cold spell du- ration indicator has significantly decreased by -0.84, -2.78, -0.48, -3.29 and -0.67 days per decade, respectively. While the occurrence of warm days, warm nights, summer days, tropi- cal nights, warm spell duration indicator and growing season length shows statistically sig- nificant increasing trends at rates of 2.24, 2.86, 2.93, 1.80, 0.83 and 2.30 days per decade, respectively. The tendency rate of the coldest day, coldest night, warmest day, warmest night and diurnal temperature range is 0.33, 0.47, 0.16, 0.19 and -0.07~C per decade, respectively (2) The magnitudes of changes in cold indices (cold nights, coldest day and coldest night) are obviously greater than those of warm indices (warm nights, warmest day and warmest night). The change ranges of night indices (warm nights and cold nights) are larger than those of day indices (warm days and cold days), which indicates that the change of day and night tem- perature is asymmetrical. (3) Spatially, the regionally averaged values of cold indices in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Basin are larger than those in the middle and lower reaches. However, the regionally averaged values of most warm indices (except warm spell duration indicator) and growing season length in the middle and lower reaches are larger than those in the upper reaches. (4) The extreme temperature indices are well correlated with each other except diurnal temperature range.  相似文献   

"冰臼"与"壶穴"之争   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
李孟华  谢小康 《热带地理》1999,19(4):381-384
对目前见诸报端的“冰臼”之说进行了讨论, 认为目前广东范围内所见之“冰臼”实际上是现代流水地貌之“壶穴”, 并指出, 以“冰臼”作轰动效应来吸引游客, 发展旅游业是不够严谨的。  相似文献   

正初来广州的外地游客,偶尔会在地铁或公交车上听到两个广州人这样对话,"你住哪里?""我住河南!""哦,我住河北。"这样的对话或多或少会让不明就里的外地人摸不着头脑。其实游客没有听错,面前这两位也确确实实是地地道道的广州人,不过他们口中所说的河南河北并非我们通常意义所指的河南省河北省罢了。珠三角有一条出名的珠江,亦称为香江。本土的广州人喜欢称呼海珠区为河南,因其位于珠江河南岸。与之相对应,称珠江河北岸的荔湾区和越秀区为河北。20世纪50年代,市区已有8个区,分别是大东、永汉、惠福、太平、长寿、  相似文献   

尹国蔚 《热带地理》2003,23(1):94-96,F003
"天涯海角"被用来借指遥远的地方,一类为泛称,无具体地物为证;另一类为确指,有具体地物为证.有具体地物为证的这一类在中国的广西和海南各有一处.广西的"天涯海角"产生于宋代,海南的"天涯海角"产生于清代.两地均有被称为"天涯海角"的地理条件和个人因素,但海南产生"天涯海角"的社会环境因素远不如广西"天涯海角"充分,所以自宋至清末,吟咏广西"天涯海角"的诗文大量出现,而海南"天涯海角"迟至20世纪60年代才开始被外界广泛关注.  相似文献   

本文以"沙"为主人公,列举近年来与"沙"有关的高考试题,讲述风与沙、水与沙、风沙与水沙等地理"神奇故事",探究各种"沙"象的具体形成过程,从要素综合、地方综合、时空综合等三大视角,探究地理事象的原理与规律,以培养学生的综合思维,达成落实地理学科核心素养的目标.  相似文献   

中国科学院院士施雅风谈"冰臼"与"壶穴"   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
广东不具备形成古冰川的气候条件 ,因此不可能有“冰臼”存在 ;通过理论研究和实地考察 ,认为庐山不存在第四纪冰川 ;科学也必须打假 ,近年来有关广东“冰臼”的报道是失实的 ,利用“冰臼”论发展旅游业是一种误导行为 ,应消除由此所产生的不良社会影响 ;新闻报道应尊重事实 ,注重深入调查研究 ,类似“冰臼”报道的教训值得记取  相似文献   

1.造成土地资源的巨大浪费。 据统计,一个小城市(镇)万元工业产值所占 用土地比一个大城市高出80倍。 2.分散型的城市化和工业化,经济发展得不到 聚集经济的推动。 一是地域内的企业太少,无法进行分工和协 作;二是企业规模不大,缺乏规模经济效益;三是 企业建在村子里,基础设施、市场容量、劳动力素 质、信息流动、交通运输等外部条件不经济,限制 了企业的发展。 3.分散型的城市化和工业化,第三产业发展的  相似文献   

In order to provide better services to the members of Geographical Society of China (GSC) and geographers and engineers in China, and improve GSC's ability in hosting comprehensive aca- demic conferences, with the support of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), GSC established 7 regional divisions, representing different regions of China. In addition, GSC revised the annual conference organizing policies by hosting the comprehensive national aca- demic conference biannually. Instead of hosting annual national conferences, GSC organizes regional academic conferences. The new policy was initiated and executed in 2013. Up to now, 7 regional conferences have been successfully organized by the regional divisions in their areas. The 7 regional divisions are: Northern China Division, Northwest China Division, Northeast China Division, Southwest China Division, Central China Division, Southern China Division and Eastern China Division. The regional divisions promote the objectives of GSC through regional conferences and activities in their respective areas. The purpose is to build platforms extensively for academic exchange between geographers; collaborate with local geographical societies and integrate local resources; and unite all the regional academic organizations.  相似文献   

文章在论述当代发展的历史和未来发展趋势的基础上,探讨了科技对生产力发展的“第一”作用,即主要体现在感知效能,先导效能,资源产能,驱动效能,繁育效能,改造效能,防护效能,调控效能8个方面。认为;科技的第一作用既可扩展生产力的量,更能提高生产力质。但科技不是在单独发挥作用,是“第一”,不是“唯一”它必须和其它因素一起组合而发挥作用。科技的应用也要讲“科学”。  相似文献   

广西边境旅游依托边境的特殊区位和特色旅游资源得到稳步发展,“南博会”对广西边境旅游大发展是一个难得的机遇,借助“南博会”的联动效能,加快资源整合,建构边境旅游新三角,积极参与区域旅游协作,拓宽边境旅游发展空间,实现边境旅游的新跨越。  相似文献   

Community forest management in the Amazon has been subject to institutional changes because of a shift from government to governance. Although these changes aim to create opportunities for local communities, the effectiveness of new institutions remains arbitrary. In particular, the unpredictability of legislative outcomes—as one of the institutional changes—evokes discussion on how local people respond to new institutions. This article analyzes the effects of forest institutions at the local level. By using the concept of institutional bricolage, the article argues that institutions in practice work differently than intended.  相似文献   

Reindeer herding is a nature-based livelihood of the indigenous Sámi people in northern parts of Europe and Russia. During the last decades, reindeer herding has become a more significant issue in the context of the market economy: the livelihood has transformed toward entrepreneurship, and the subsidies demand growth in the scale of herding. According to the national administration, the market values are highlighted. However, for herders, market economies are only one part of their livelihood. Another important part is their experience of reindeer herding as a way of life; for many reindeer herders trust in their livelihood and the social relations associated with their way of life are of equal or greater importance than economic aspects. In this paper, the role of social trust in the changing process of reindeer herding is discussed. Inherited tacit and cultural knowledge, as a part of social capital, strengthen reindeer herders’ experience of trust.  相似文献   

The Three-River Headwaters Region (TRHR), which is the source area of the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Lancang River, is of key importance to the ecological secu- rity of China. Because of climate changes and human activities, ecological degradation oc- curred in this region. Therefore, "The nature reserve of Three-River Sou,'ce Regions" was established, and "The project of ecological protection and construction for the Three-River Headwaters Nature Reserve" was implemented by the Chinese government. This study, based on MODIS-NDVI and climate data, aims to analyze the spatiotemporal changes in vegetation coverage and its driving factors in the TRHR between 2000 and 2011, from three dimensions. Linear regression, Hurst index analysis, and partial correlation analysis were employed. The results showed the following: (1) In the past 12 years (2000-2011), the NDVI of the study area increased, with a linear tendency being 1.2%/10a, of which the Yangtze and Yellow River source regions presented an increasing trend, while the Lancang River source region showed a decreasing trend. (2) Vegetation coverage presented an obvious spatial difference in the TRHR, and the NDVI frequency was featured by a bimodal structure. (3) The area with improved vegetation coverage was larger than the degraded area, being 64.06% and 35.94%, respectively during the study period, and presented an increasing trend in the north and a decreasing trend in the south. (4) The reverse characteristics of vegetation cov- erage change are significant. In the future, degradation trends will be mainly found in the Yangtze River Basin and to the north of the Yellow River, while areas with improving trends are mainly distributed in the Lancang River Basin. (5) The response of vegetation coverage to precipitation and potential evapotranspiration has a time lag, while there is no such lag in the case of temperature. (6) The increased vegetation coverage is mainly attributed to the warm-wet climate change and the implementation of the ecological protection project.  相似文献   

浙江"块状经济"浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"块状经济"是一种集群经济,目前这种经济模式在我国东部沿海经济发达地区较为普遍.本文主要以浙江省的"块状经济"为例,试图从社会文化及经济的角度探讨"块状经济"的成因、特征及发展中的难题,希图为有意发展"块状经济"的区域提供有益的借鉴和思考.  相似文献   

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