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《Urban geography》2013,34(2):139-172
Although welfare rolls have dropped considerably in recent years, most welfare recipients who find work are employed in low-wage, insecure jobs. The problem of "working poverty" is especially acute in large city-regions such as Los Angeles, where local labor market restructuring has created an expanding, low-wage economy, increasingly dependent on immigrant labor. This paper analyzes the employment outcomes of 6,931 women who completed the county's welfare-to-work program in 1996. I evaluate their earnings, labor market segmentation, and job stability. The results show that women were highly concentrated in low-wage service jobs and experienced high levels of turnover and unemployment. Many were unable to obtain employment in the formal labor market. I argue that the struggles of the working poor in a growing regional economy are explained not solely by human capital limitations, but by processes of local labor market restructuring that have contributed to widespread economic insecurity in Los Angeles County.  相似文献   

Using a case study approach, this article explores the potential to increase public transit ridership via the expansion of Unlimited Access (UA) from a university‐ or employer‐based program to a community‐based program. UA partners universities or employers with regional transit organizations to provide free or discounted public transit service to students as well as employees and, potentially, to local community residents. A case study on the only known UA program failure highlights the importance of equitable cost attribution as well as stakeholder coordination and dedicated operations funds to the long‐term success of community‐based UA programs.  相似文献   


Significantly more women than men are registered voters in the United States, and a higher proportion of women voters actually cast ballots on election day. Yet the 106th Congress (1999-2001) includes only 56 women members, 12% of the total membership of the House and Senate. Likewise, women hold only 22% of the total seats in state legislatures. The purpose of this article is to examine this paradox. It first examines the history of the women's movement in the United States. It then turns to an evaluation of women's progress in gaining elected office. Finally it considers three primary obstacles to women gaining equitable representation: solidarity among women, political culture, and the single-member district system now employed in the United States.  相似文献   

论国家公园的公益性、国家主导性和科学性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈耀华  黄丹  颜思琦 《地理科学》2014,34(3):257-264
国家公园作为一种严格保护并合理利用自然文化资源的可持续发展理念和举措而在全球得到普遍认可和蓬勃发展。国际上的国家公园因为国情不同而有多种体制模式,但是国家公园的根本特性是共同一致、必须维护的。公益性、国家主导性和科学性这三大特性是国家公园的根本特性,其中公益性是国家公园设立的根本目的,它包括了为公众利益而设、对公众低廉收费、使公众受到教育、让公众积极参与等方面,而国家主导性和科学性则是践行公益性的两大保障,前者要求国家确立、国家管理、国家立法、国家维护和爱国主义教育,后者则要求建立科学的国家公园体系、科学的规划、科学的分区和科学的经营利用等。中国国家公园的建立,面临着国情特殊、现行保护地多头管理、保护利用压力大等问题,应该利用风景名胜区等保护地开展试点,制定统一的中国国家公园标准,采用准入制度,并逐步探索统一的管理体系和法规体系,最终建立统筹管理的、中国特色的国家公园制度。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通的建设,提升了轨道沿线特别是站点附近的住宅房地产的价值,城市轨道交通沿线房地产开发亦成为当前城市规划与城市交通领域研究的热点。郑州城市轨道交通的建设,将会加快城市发展轴的成型,强化城市中心区功能,加快旧城更新和土地置换的步伐,并对沿线土地的升值产生巨大影响。借鉴国内外轨道交通对房地产影响的研究经验,从理论上分析了未来郑州轨道交通对沿线房地产的影响范围、影响时间及影响程度,并提出了未来郑州轨道交通沿线土地开发的策略,旨在为交通部门及房地产业相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):301-322
Homelessness remains highly stigmatized in U.S. society, with homeless persons seen by the public as mentally disabled, criminal, and socially deviant. This paper focuses on homeless women with children and argues that, in addition to the material deprivation of poverty, the sociospatial stigmatization of homeless women constitutes a primary obstacle to their reentry into mainstream, domiciled society. How does sociospatial stigma constrain homeless women with children as they navigate the transition between homeless and homed? How do these women deflect and circumvent the social and spatial boundaries defined by stigmatization? An analysis of semistructured interviews with eight women with children in Orange County, California, highlights the ways that the social identity of women as homeless is reinforced by social service agencies, potential employers, family, and friends, and illustrates how homeless women attempt to circumvent the negative attributes associated with homelessness.  相似文献   

Women faculty continue to experience academe differently than male faculty. A review of recent literature indicates that women's representation on university faculties has advanced slowly; women are less likely to be tenured or promoted compared to male faculty; and women faculty earn less than their male colleagues. A recurring theme is that the intellectual and social isolation of women faculty affects their research productivity. Gender stereotypes held by colleagues, departmental and college administrators, and students also contribute to the difficulties women face in the reappointment, tenure, and promotion process. A personal perspective on the reappointment process is provided in order to illustrate how isolation and naïvete regarding the social structure of academe can affect a woman's career advancement. The benefits of greater representation of women on university faculties are reviewed, and departmental and college administrators are reminded of the important role they play in ensuring future gender‐balanced faculties.  相似文献   

Women faculty continue to experience academe differently than male faculty. A review of recent literature indicates that women's representation on university faculties has advanced slowly; women are less likely to be tenured or promoted compared to male faculty; and women faculty earn less than their male colleagues. A recurring theme is that the intellectual and social isolation of women faculty affects their research productivity. Gender stereotypes held by colleagues, departmental and college administrators, and students also contribute to the difficulties women face in the reappointment, tenure, and promotion process. A personal perspective on the reappointment process is provided in order to illustrate how isolation and naïvete regarding the social structure of academe can affect a woman's career advancement. The benefits of greater representation of women on university faculties are reviewed, and departmental and college administrators are reminded of the important role they play in ensuring future gender-balanced faculties.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This geography of women's work in the less‐developed world is set in Tarija, Bolivia, a small city that has been dramatically changed by economic crisis and structural‐adjustment programs. Explored is the spatial component of women's economic activities in a low‐income barrio following the imposition of structural‐adjustment programs in the 1980s and 1990s. Women who pursue employment away from home must rely on other women. In particular, households that include more than one woman who is capable of handling important daily chores are more likely to have a woman engaged in income‐generating activities away from the home and the neighborhood. Women at home make it possible for other women to extend their economic activity into the broader community. These findings are important because they draw attention to women's reliance on other women, how women use space, and how they are constrained by spatial factors as they negotiate their daily lives.  相似文献   

This paper explores the question of how to promote cycling among women who face disproportionate mobility and accessibility barriers in rapidly urbanizing contexts by analyzing empirical findings from a multi‐method research study based in Solo, Indonesia. Building on and applying a combination of critical gender, geography, and development perspectives, it focuses on the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of women residing in low‐income neighbourhoods with little access to public transportation networks in Solo as an ‘indicator species for bike‐friendly cities’. Based on research and analytic findings, the paper further contemplates alternative policy and planning approaches to promoting cycling in more gender‐inclusive and responsive terms.  相似文献   

从时间与费用两个角度研究广州市地铁建设对公共交通可达性的影响及其影响的空间公平性。结果表明: 加权时间与费用可达性均形成“核心-外围”的空间格局。通地铁后,南部郊区加权时间可达性变化率较大,花都区变化率最低;加权费用可达性高变率地区集中在地铁沿线及边缘地区。不乘地铁情境下,CBD等时圈呈同心圆状,80%的居民在50 min以及2元钱花费内能到达最近的商业综合体。乘地铁情境下等时圈沿着地铁网络延伸与扩散,80%的居民在30 min以及5元钱以内能到达最近的商业综合体。无论是否乘坐地铁,出行时间的不公平程度都高于出行费用的不公平程度。番禺区的社区从地铁网络中时间可达性获益最多,最不公平的是白云区的社区,其绝对和相对变化较低;中心城区由于常规公交网络发达,地铁缩短的绝对出行时间较少,而变化率高。地铁对城市内中远距离出行性价比的影响最明显。  相似文献   

中国就业的空间模式及区域划分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王振波  朱传耿 《地理学报》2007,62(2):191-199
就业问题是中国乃至世界的重大社会问题, 关系到经济社会发展的各个方面。对中国就业空间分布进行区域划分有利于国家流动人口的引导、就业政策的制订以及和谐社会的建设。利用2000 年中国第五次人口普查数据, 采用主成分分析、聚类分析和统计分析方法, 对中国2343 个县(市)、市区的就业结构数据进行分析研究发现: ① 中国就业形成了连续型圈层、非连续型圈层、跳跃式圈层、混合型圈层、多核心圈层、带状等6 种就业空间模式; ② 中国就业区可划分为东部沿海、东北、京津、中部、西部等5 个就业区, 其中, 西部区可划分为陕甘宁青川渝、云贵藏和新疆等3 个就业亚区。  相似文献   

北京住宅郊区化与就业空间错位   总被引:38,自引:3,他引:35  
北京从20 世纪80 年代末开始出现郊区化,其住宅郊区化特点尤为突出。北京市住宅郊区化的驱动力与西方城市的郊区化相比既有相似之处又有明显差异,相似之处是:都是城市化水平不断提高与社会进步的必然结果,以及土地有偿使用制度的实施和城市规划的引导; 不同之处在于北京的住宅郊区化是一种被动的郊区化,居民本身并不想离开市区,但是旧城改造与市区内高昂的房价迫使居民不得不到郊区购房。随着住宅郊区化的大规模发展,北京也出现了居住与就业的空间错位问题,这种空间错位虽然与美国郊区化过程中空间错位有许多不同之处,但在本质上是一致的,都是出现居住与就业的空间分离,造成低收入阶层通勤的时间成本与经济成本增加,导致交通拥挤、社会隔离等社会问题。  相似文献   

地铁建设对城市交通可达性和服务业企业分布产生影响。以福州地铁一号线南门兜站、上藤站和秀山站为研究对象,运用整体分析、圈层分析、核密度估计等方法对这3个站点2014—2019年周边服务业企业进行研究。结果表明:地铁开通后带来站点周边交通便利程度上升,显著促进了传统服务业和现代服务业的发展,并在不同类型地铁站呈现明显的分异特征;地铁开通后,在时空维度上都存在服务业企业数量递增、业态规模逐渐扩大的发展规律;地铁站核心区的开发程度较之影响区和外围区不足;不同地铁站服务业集聚特征的共性影响因素为产业属性、服务业集聚效益和地铁的诱导。  相似文献   

刘望保  闫小培  谢丽娟 《地理研究》2012,31(9):1685-1696
中国城市处于由国家/集体分配体制为基础的计划经济向以市场调控为基础的市场经济转型的特殊时期,城市居民职住空间大规模重构。本文基于2001年、2005年和2010年家庭调查问卷,分析城市居民职住流动及其空间变化,总结城市居民职住流动对广州市社会空间重构的影响。改革开放以来广州市城市居民职住流动率大规模增加,且圈层差异明显,越往外围,职住流动率越高。城市居民的职住就近流动的特征明显,偏好于工作地附近就近选择居住地或在居住地附近就近选择工作地。地方政府应通过城市规划、就业制度改革和住房制度改革等手段来加强宏观调控,合理引导不同社会群体的职住区位选择,以减少居住空间分异和职住空间的过度分离。  相似文献   

芜湖市就业与居住空间匹配研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
焦华富  胡静 《地理科学》2011,31(7):788-793
借助偏离度指数分析法从宏观层面研究了芜湖市辖区的就业—居住空间匹配状况的变化特点,利用问卷调查数据,从微观角度分析了市区居民通勤的时间、距离、方式及费用。研究结果表明:芜湖市就业—居住空间匹配度趋于下降,核心区为服务业就业主导区,北部以制造业就业为主导功能,南部居住功能占主导,带来各区居住人口和就业人口的空间流动。居民通勤平均距离约为4km,平均时间约为25min,通勤方式以电动车、公交车为主。目前,居民对就业—居住地匹配状况的满意程度总体尚好,还需要采取措施以进一步提高满意度。  相似文献   

The lack of correspondence between traditional economic development measures, such as GNP per capita, and human welfare measures, such as the PQLI, has been well documented in the literature. We devised and analyzed an economic development-welfare disparity measure, and found considerable geographic variability, with actual levels of human welfare much less than expected in many Middle Eastern and African countries, given the level of economic development. Exploratory correlation and regression analysis revealed that inequalities in the distribution of economic power and governmental expenditures contributed to the geographic variability. More importantly, each region improved its standing on the development-welfare disparity measure when relevant factors were controlled via multivariate regression.  相似文献   

FDI对我国劳动力就业的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自上世纪90年代起,我国劳动就业问题日趋严重。劳动力总量供大于求,隐性失业和显性失业并存,结构性和区域性就业矛盾突出。积极有效地治理和解决就业问题已成为政府的当务之急。本文把FDI作为应对严峻的就业问题的有效措施之一,探讨了我国城乡严峻的劳动力就业压力,FDI的飞速发展及其对劳动力就业的重要贡献,加入WTO后FDI对我国劳动力就业可能产生的影响。  相似文献   

世界大都会区城际轨道交通的发展规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过选取世界255 个大都会区城际轨道交通样本,对城际轨道交通的发展历程、空间分布和网络特征进行了规律性总结;在此基础上,进一步分析城际轨道交通规模与大都会区人口、用地、经济规模之间的相关关系,构建多个回归模型;最后,应用于珠江三角洲区域,对其城际轨道交通的规模和布局进行预测。模型显示,世界大都会区城际轨道交通的规模与经济的相关程度最高,其次是人口和用地,而人均城际轨道规模与人均GDP和人口密度呈指数相关,其中,与人均GDP正相关,与人口密度负相关。应用模型得到,珠三角城际轨道交通的规划规模超前于现有经济发展水平,但低于人口发展水平。近期应重点建设广州、佛山、深圳、东莞4 个城市重要节点的城际轨道交通,构建广佛和广深两条走廊,并联系珠海、中山、肇庆、惠州、江门的中心城区,形成以广州为中心的放射状布局;远期则需要进一步加大广州、深圳、佛山、东莞、珠海、中山的线网密度,扩大线网的覆盖范围,并对外围的肇庆、惠州和江门适当增加联系的节点,最终形成网络状布局。  相似文献   

为掌握单位居住区职住关系,采用问卷调查法和GIS空间分析方法对西宁市的4个单位居住区的510户居民进行基本通勤特征的问卷调查,分析就职单位空间密度分布,揭示西宁市不同单位类型居民的就职空间演变。结果表明:传统的、重组的、破产的和易地搬迁等多种类型的单位居住区共存,西宁市单位居住区就职空间发生了显著的空间分化,单位居住区就业空间演变受到居住区聚集度增加、居住区功能独立化、居民来源多样化、离城市商服中心的距离和单位运营结构稳定性等因素的影响,居住空间趋向于规模化和聚集化,就业空间由高聚集的单中心向多中心演变,职住分离显著。  相似文献   

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