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Conventional studies of “Third World multinationals” tend to focus on their recent origins. This paper argues that the transnational operations of Hong Kong firms have had a long tradition originating in its Overseas Chinese networks and in the colonial experience of many Southeast Asian countries. Based on secondary and primary data, this paper takes a historical view to describe how the ASEAN operations of Hong Kong transnational corporations (HKTNCs) and their foreign direct investment (HKFDI) have evolved over more than a century to become one of the most important economic players in the ASEAN region. Four phases of their historical development are benchmarked in this paper. Before World War II, HKTNCs in the commercial and banking sectors had a notable presence in the region. It was, however, in the post-war period that HKTNCs and their FDI flows flourished. During the period 1945–69, industrialisation took off in Hong Kong and this led to the expansion of manufacturing HKTNCs into the ASEAN region. The real zenith of outward investment from Hong Kong was the 1970s and 1980s so that in the 1990s Hong Kong has become one of the largest investors in Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.  相似文献   

廖晓勇  张先婉 《山地学报》2000,18(3):200-206
本研究旨在为坡坎资源的开发利用寻求理论和实践依据 ,以川中丘陵区为典型调查区域 ,从地层岩性、地面坡度、坡长、坡向及土壤侵蚀等特征入手 ,探讨了区域坡坎的地理过程特征。  相似文献   

Ground-level ozone has become a problem of major concern in urban airsheds in Canada, owing to its adverse effects on humans and crops. As a secondary pollutant, its formation is dependent on the presence of certain precursor gases in conjunction with appropriate meteorological conditions. Several studies have examined the relationship between maximum concentrations and key meteorological variables at the regional scale during episodic conditions. This study sought to understand this relationship at the local scale using surface and upper-air meteorological data for the Niagara Region. In the methodological approach, factor analysis and linear regression methods were used to determine the best combination of variables that would explain the highest percentage of variance in daily maximum ground-level ozone associated with different event categories. Each event category had a combination of unique meteorological characteristics. Factor analysis yielded seven factors that together constituted 20 of the original 59 variables in the data set. In the application of a series of regression analyses, the thermal factors of the lower atmosphere emerged as the most important variables, followed by variables related to persistence and advection characteristics. The daily maximum temperature was the single most important variable and accounted for the largest percentage of the variance explained, whereas the persistence factor was of secondary importance. The overall results suggest that a small number of surface variables based on the local meteorology of the Niagara Region can be used to estimate daily maximum ground-level ozone.  相似文献   

Distance decay is one of geography's core concepts, yet its own spatial properties have been largely neglected. We illustrate the use of the expansion method in assessing the spatial variation of distance-decay parameters within the general context of gravity models. The approach enables the portrayal of “space warping,” said to occur when equivalent distances have spatially uneven effects on interaction. The concepts are examined empirically through the estimation of a competing destination model for out-migration from five State Economic Areas over the 1965–70 period. Four of the five origins are found to have spatially unstable frictions of distance. We conclude by suggesting that distance decay is a contextual, rather than a universal, effect.  相似文献   

This overview of human geographic studies of sub Saharan Africa begins with the contributions made by West European geographers to the colonial service, and the growing interest in post-war ‘development’ and to the anti-imperial movements in the late colonial period (1945–60). The paper provides an intellectual map of the contributions by European and African geographers to the broad array of development problems which emerged after 1960. North American geographers made significant contributions to the debate somewhat later, particularly in association with the growing involvement of U.S. development agencies in the 1970s. Particular emphasis is given to geographic studies in fields such as agrarian change, ecological degradation, industrialization, human mobility and patterns of urbanization and settlement.  相似文献   

本文从分析鄂境秦巴山区农业自然条件着手,着重论述光、热、水、土等农业自然条件对发展立体农业的有利因素和限制因素。在揭示自然结构分异特征的基础上,探讨划分山区农业自然资源地带,从而进行山区农业布局的宏观立体设计。  相似文献   

Geographers have become increasingly interested in who receives grants for basic research and why. Northeastern U.S. universities, and especially private universities in the Northeast, dominated those of all other regions in the number of proposals submitted to the Geography and Regional Science Program of the National Science Foundation as well as the number of funded projects and total awarded funds during the period 1979–1981. Successful grant applicants submitted proposals that demonstrated excellent potential to make a significant contribution towards improving the theoretical and methodological foundations of geography.  相似文献   

暴雨是一种影响力极其严重的灾害性天气之一,连降的暴雨或大暴雨、特大暴雨,常导致山洪爆发,危及人们的生命和财产安全。利用1961~2007年百色12个县(区)的降水实测资料,采用统计分析方法,对百色市暴雨进行分析,得出暴雨时空分布的特征,为该区域暴雨预报起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

基于淮海经济区1995、2000、2005年的县域经济发展数据和图形数据,以县域为研究单元,对淮海经济区近10年的经济发展特征进行综合分析。分析了淮海经济区近十年的经济发展出现的趋势,表明淮海经济区各县域经济不断发展,但是区域内部出现了极化现象,贫富差距不断拉大;低发展水平县域的数量占县域总数的66%,且大部分位于西部地区,区域出现了东西分化现象;区域发展核心轴线逐步形成,成为区域经济发展的带动力量。区域内部交通干线对经济区经济发展起到了带动作用,交通网络的形成可以促进区域差异的缩小。  相似文献   

在西部干旱地区,人类活动对自然环境的影响,人在自然环境的演变过程中所发挥的作用是这门学科研究的关键问题。西部大开发为历史地理学的发展提供新的契机。新疆是西部干旱地区环境最敏感的地带,研究其历史时期人与区域环境发展演变的关系、人文地理等现象,能够为我国的西部大开发提供理论依据,最终实现西部资源环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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