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The Himalayan environment has, until recently, been perceived to be in a critical state of environmental decline, resulting from rapid population growth and associated land‐use change. Recent research, however, has emphasized the difficulty of developing an objective appraisal of the state of the environment in a region where empirical data are scarce and unstructured and where an understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of natural environmental processes remains highly uncertain. This paper presents results from an intensive three‐year project designed to help address the regional empirical deficit, establish detailed baseline environmental data and to gain an insight into storm period and seasonal suspended sediment dynamics. The instrumentation, calibration and analysis of high‐frequency infrared turbidimetric records from a number of small subcatchments in the Nepal Middle Hills are reported. Storm period and seasonal variation in turbidity and suspended sediment are examined and hysteresis patterns explored and explained. A variety of methods to estimate seasonal suspended sediment yield in a mixed land‐use catchment are examined, and found to vary by up to a factor of five. Despite the inherent uncertainty, all estimates of catchment sediment yield are found to be high with respect to erosion plot studies from the local area, and this suggests the importance of riparian and channel erosion as major sediment sources, a finding consistent with other regional studies. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


In this study, we used an energy balance model and two simple methods based on readily available data to identify the processes driving the point-scale energy and mass balance of the snowpack. Data were provided from an experimental site located at 3200 m. All models were evaluated by comparing observed and modelled snow water equivalents. Performances are variable from one season to the next and the energy balance model gives better results (mean of root mean square error, RMSE = 25 mm and r2 = 0.90) than the two simplified approaches (mean of RMSE = 54 mm and r2 = 0.70). There are significant amounts of snow sublimation but they are highly variable from season to season, depending on wind conditions (between 7 and 20% of the total). While the main source of energy for melting is net radiation, the amount of heat brought by sensible heat flux is significant for two of the most windy snow seasons.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   


Four models of increasing complexity were tested and compared to simulate snow water equivalent at the local scale in the Moroccan High Atlas range. A classical temperature index model (TI) and three enhanced temperature index models that respectively include the potential clear-sky direct radiation (HTI), the incoming solar radiation (ETI-A) and net solar radiation (ETI-B), were subjected to annual and multi-annual calibration and cross-validated over the period 2003–2010. When calibrated yearly, the ETI models could be better transferred to other years, whereas all models, including the simple TI model, showed good transferability when calibrated over a longer period that includes inter-annual climate variability. No strong and recurrent relationships emerged between yearly calibrated model parameters and annual climate conditions. However, strong parameter compensation was observed for the enhanced models, which can be explained partly by the collinearity of air temperature and solar radiation causing equifinality of model parameters.  相似文献   

We present results of a geomorphological and morphotectonic analysis of the northeastern part of the Rif. We show that the present day kinematics of the Rif is characterized by active deformation along the Trougout and Nekor faults in the North-East. Digital Elevation Models of offset drainage features (streams, fluvial terraces) allow determining a normal-left-lateral motion along the Trougout fault and a left-lateral strike-slip motion along the Nekor fault. Preliminary 3He cosmogenic dates of tectonic markers yield vertical and horizontal slip rates of ∼0.9 mm/yr and ∼0.5 mm/yr, respectively along the Trougout fault. The present-day localized transtension seen in the north-eastern Rif morphology (Ras Tarf) is coeval with uplifted marine terraces near the Al Hoceima Bay. U/Th dating of shells yield an average uplift rate of ∼0.2 mm/yr during the past 500 ka. These data show that active transtension in the northeastern Rif is also associated with uplift. These new morphotectonic constraints are consistent with the GPS measurements showing southwestward overall motion of most of the Rif belt with respect to stable Africa.  相似文献   

The southern Rif cordillera front, between Fes and Meknes, is formed by the Prerif Ridges, which constitute a thrust and fold belt, in contact with the Saïss foreland basin. Geological evidence and regional GPS network data support recent and active tectonics of this Alpine cordillera, with a top-to-the-S-SW motion with respect to stable Africa. A local non-permanent GPS network was installed in 2007 around Fes to constrain the present-day activity of the mountain front. Six GPS sites are located in the Prerif mountain front (jbel Thratt and jbel Zalarh), the Saïss basin and the foreland constituted by the tabular Middle Atlas. Measurements of the GPS network in 2007, 2009 and 2012, over a five year span, seem to indicate that this region is tectonically active and is subjected to significant horizontal motions: (i) a regional displacement toward the SW with respect to stable Africa, showing an average rate of 2 mm/yr; (ii) a southwestward convergent motion between the jbel Thratt with respect to the Saïss basin and the eastern Zalarh ridge, with an average rate of about 4 mm/yr; and (iii) moderate NNE–SSW divergent dextral motion between the Saïss basin and the northern front of the tabular Middle Atlas with an average rate of about 1–2 mm/yr. The regional southwestward motion is related to the activity of the NE–SW sinistral North Middle Atlas-Kert fault zone, which follows the Moroccan Hot Line. Convergence between the Prerif ridges, located at the southern edge of the Rif, and the Saïss basin is accommodated by ENE–WSW striking northward dipping reverse sinistral faults and south vergent folds. In addition, increasing deformation toward the western ridges is in agreement with the stepped mountain front and the development of the arched structures of the Prerif ridges. Normal faults located south of the Saïss basin are responsible for local extension. Whereas the most active deformation occurs in the southern front of the jbel Thratt near Fes, the Saïss foreland basin and the Middle Atlas foreland have only moderate to low tectonic activity, as evidenced by geological and GPS data.  相似文献   

Despite numerous investigations and theoretical models, tafoni weathering is still not fully understood largely because of limited data available on temperature, moisture and salt regimes. We investigated tafoni developed in granite in the Tafraoute region, Morocco, through an exploratory, two‐week multi‐method field campaign. Temperatures were measured with iButtons and by means of infrared thermography; moisture distribution and progress were captured with handheld moisture sensors and with drilled‐in iButtons. Salts were analysed in drill dust samples from different positions and rock depths. The results derived from very different techniques mutually support one another. Salts and moisture are concentrated near the base of the investigated tafoni, probably due to a saturated pore water body around the base of rock tors. Salts are accumulated close to the rock surface in tafoni, but not on the surrounding rock surfaces. A clear correlation was found between moisture and salt contents. Within a tafone, areas of higher humidity also display increased salt concentration near the surface. The temperature/humidity records allied with ionic analyses suggest that sodium sulfate dominates and is likely to undergo frequent phase changes from thenardite to mirabilite and vice versa. Two pathways of salt transport in and around tafoni are assumed based on the data: infiltration with rainfall on the top and around tors and boulders, and capillary rise from saturated pore water bodies to the surface. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lahcen Zouhri 《水文研究》2010,24(10):1308-1317
An electrical prospecting survey is conducted in the Rharb basin, a semi‐arid region in the southern part of the Rifean Cordillera (Morocco) to delineate characteristics of the aquifer and the groundwater affected by the marine intrusion related to Atlantic Ocean. Analysis and interpretations of electrical soundings, bi‐logarithmic diagrams and the geoelectrical sections highlight a monolayer aquifer in the southern part, a multilayer system in the northern part of the Rharb basin and lenticular semi‐permeable formations. Several electrical layers have been deduced from the analysis of bi‐logarithmic diagrams: resistant superficial level (R0), conducting superficial level (C0), resistant level (R), intermediary resistant level (R′), conducting level (Cp) and intermediary layer of resistivity (AT). Spatial distribution of the resistivity deduced from the interpretation of apparent resistivity maps (AB = 400 and 1000 m) and the decreasing of resistivity values (35–10 Ωm), in particular in the coastal zone show that this heterogeneity is related to several anomalies identified in the coastal area, which result from hydraulic and geological processes: (i) heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity in particular in the southern part of the Rharb; (ii) lateral facies and synsedimentary faulting and (iii) the relationship between the electrical conductivity and chloride concentration of groundwater shows that salinity is the most important factor controlling resistivity. The distribution of fresh/salt‐water zones and their variations in space along geoelectrical sections are established through converting subsurface depth‐resistivity models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal discharge regime and its effects on benthic communities were studied in two small temporary karstic stream systems of the Paderborner Hochfläche (East Westphalia, Germany). Both streams are characterized by very small perennial springbrook sections. Benthic invertebrates were sampled three times at 12 sites and discharge was measured monthly from March to September 2000. The spatial extension of streamflow was observed regularly to evaluate the duration of drought. Both streams showed a longitudinal gradient of hydrological intermittency from very small perennial reaches with low intermittency to an extremely harsh hydrological situation. The benthic communities displayed a decreasing species richness at increasing intermittency. The different hydrological stream sections were colonized by different lotic communities, characterized by typical species of temporary streams and by several typical species of springs. Particularly the perennial springs and springbrooks are very important for the species richness in these karstic stream systems.  相似文献   

— The aim of this study is to conduct a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for the eastern Rif area in northern Morocco. The source zones were established on the basis of the seismicity database, the fracturing analysis deduced from Landsat7 ETM digital enhancement and marine seismic reflection profiles. By the use of this information together with the selected attenuation relationship, the peak ground acceleration contour maps are produced for specific return periods. The map has been divided into intervals of 0.1 degrees in both latitude and longitude to calculate the values at each grid point and draw the seismic hazard curves. The results of seismic hazard assessment are displayed as iso-acceleration contours expected to be exceeded during typical economic life times of structures.  相似文献   

The prehistoric site of Ifri n'Ammar is situated in northeastern Morocco, in the northern prolongation of the Middle Atlas Mountains. It is a key location in unravelling the history of anatomically modern humans (AMH) in northern Africa as it reveals Middle and Late Palaeolithic occupation phases since ∼170 ka. Whilst the archaeological sequence within the rock shelter has been well studied, the timing of landscape dynamics around Ifri n'Ammar is still poorly understood. This study therefore aims to establish a detailed chronology of the Wadi Selloum profile at the apron of the shelter, based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of ephemeral stream deposits. Coarse-grain quartz was used for single-grain and multiple-grain dating procedures to investigate the luminescence properties of these deposits and to get more accurate age information concerning the phases of human occupation. Continuous wave OSL (CW-OSL) revealed a dominant fast component for all quartz samples. The dose distribution of the uppermost samples showed overdispersion values >25% and significant positive skewness. We identified partial bleaching as the main source of scatter in the equivalent dose (De) distribution. The lowermost sample appeared to be close to signal saturation. The shapes of the dose response curve varied widely between aliquots and coarse quartz grains exhibited therefore very different dose saturation behaviours among aliquots. With fully saturated dose response curves (DRCs), meaningful D0 values were assumed for De estimation.The eight OSL samples yielded stratigraphically consistent ages ranging from 1.3 ± 0.2 ka to 76 ± 5 ka, thus reaching the Middle Palaeolithic period. Moreover, a pottery shard dated to 7.4 ± 0.6 ka (Early Neolithic period) by thermoluminescence (TL), perfectly matched the Holocene OSL samples extracted at the same depth of the profile. In summary, our results point to fluvial aggradation during OIS 5.1, the late glacial period, and the Holocene.  相似文献   

江南古陆中元古代地层的划分与对比   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江南古陆是扬子板块与华夏板块长期活动拼贴而成,构造极为复杂,地层的划分与对比也是众说纷纭。通过对江南古陆的变质岩的研究,认为江南古陆大地构造可划分三个Ⅰ级构造地层区:扬子地层区、江南古陆地层区及华夏地层区。江南古陆地层区又可进一步划分Ⅱ级构造地层区5个(宜丰-景德镇-歙县构造地层分区、万年构造地层分区、赣东北构造地层分区、怀玉构造地层分区及丰城-鹰潭-龙游构造地层分区);各构造地层分区之间以构造(蛇绿)混杂岩亚带或韧性剪切带相拼接。双桥山群及周潭岩群仅分别分布在扬子地层区修水-祁门分区及华夏地层区北武夷地层分区内,而且是一套史密斯地层。而江南古陆内则发育非史密斯地层。  相似文献   

The spectral method is based on the assumption of exponential forms of autocorrelation functions of the input and output time series. The results of practical applications of the spectral method on several karst springs in Croatia show that this assumption cannot always be reliably applied to the time series of rainfall and spring discharge, especially if short time periods are analysed. For this reason, the method is modified. The scale factor between the transfer function of total rainfall and the transfer function of groundwater recharge is considered as an additional model parameter which is determined in the optimization procedure. In addition to the theoretical background, this paper also presents the results of application of the modified spectral method on the springs Jadro and ?rnovnica located in the Dinaric karst area in Croatia. The parameters of groundwater recharge model are determined separately for both the springs and the obtained values are discussed and compared with the results of previous investigations. The values of the scale factors determined in the optimization procedure are compared to the values calculated using the theoretical equation. The comparison shows that the theoretical equation underestimates the optimal values of the scale factor. The underestimations are especially evident for periods of one year. Finally, the characteristics of rainfall–runoff relations of two springs are compared using the identified transfer functions and the results of simulations of the periodogram of observed discharge by the parametric periodogram. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The National Park of Toubkal is located in the High Moroccan Atlas Mountains, one of the regions sheltering the highest summits of North Africa (Mount Toubkal with an elevation of 4167 m). The park is characterized by very important water resources, including Ifni Lake, which is the highest natural lake in Morocco (with an elevation of 2320 m). This lake is located on the southern side of Mt. Toubkal. This area has never been the object of an environmental or hydrological study. The objective of the current study was the characterization of Ifni Lake and the spring waters located in this area, as the basis of a framework to protect natural resources in northern Africa. The hydrochemical composition of water determines its origin and relationship with its catchment. Hydrochemical studies were carried out to assess the ions water composition, and processes governing the hydrochemistry of Ifni Lake water and the springs in the study area. A total of 20 water samples were collected in 2013 and analyzed for various parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, and major ions. The physico-chemical analysis of the Ifni Lake water showed that this is the least mineralized water studied in this region, having a bicarbonate, calcium, and magnesium as dominate ions. Also there is a relationship between the hydrochemical composition of Ifni Lake and spring waters.  相似文献   

This study aimed to quantify possible climate change impacts on runoff for the Rheraya catchment (225 km2) located in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, south of Marrakech city. Two monthly water balance models, including a snow module, were considered to reproduce the monthly surface runoff for the period 1989?2009. Additionally, an ensemble of five regional climate models from the Med-CORDEX initiative was considered to evaluate future changes in precipitation and temperature, according to the two emissions scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The future projections for the period 2049?2065 under the two scenarios indicate higher temperatures (+1.4°C to +2.6°C) and a decrease in total precipitation (?22% to ?31%). The hydrological projections under these climate scenarios indicate a significant decrease in surface runoff (?19% to ?63%, depending on the scenario and hydrological model) mainly caused by a significant decline in snow amounts, related to reduced precipitation and increased temperature. Changes in potential evapotranspiration were not considered here, since its estimation over long periods remains a challenge in such data-sparse mountainous catchments. Further work is required to compare the results obtained with different downscaling methods and different hydrological model structures, to better reproduce the hydro-climatic behaviour of the catchment.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman

ASSOCIATE EDITOR R. Hirsch  相似文献   

Seismicity in the Eastern Tellian Atlas of Algeria is active of moderate to low magnitude. The direct identification of active fault is often a difficult task. In fact, in this region, despite the intense seismicity, only the Constantine earthquake of 27 October, 1985 ( M s = 5.7) and the Kherrata earthquake of 17 February, 1949 ( M s = 4.7), have generated surface ruptures. Hence, the integration of both geological, historical and instrumental seismic data are important in order to characterise the most important seismogenic structures. This paper presents a preliminary overview of the identified neotectonic faults that we consider active in the Eastern Tellian Atlas of Algeria. Thus, seismicity and neotectonic maps are presented and the faults which are active or potentially active from a neotectonic point of view are shown in relation with the main seismic groupings. This study based mainly on available seismic and bibliographic data and several unpublished marine seismic data enable us to suspect a fault as the eventual source of the Jijeli earthquake of 21 August 1856 that destroyed the Jijeli town and its surroundings. The results inferred from this work represent a starting point for more detailed studies in seismogenic areas.  相似文献   

The Sidi Messaoud site provides a 40 m thick sedimentary infilling of great importance for the study of environmental changes and landscape evolution during the Upper Pleistocene in the Western Sahara. In this study, chronological results obtained by the 14C, U-series and optical dating techniques are compared. Each individual age, depositional environment and post-deposition history of the various samples are evaluated, in order to explain the methodological reasons for discordances and concordances. Stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implications for the last 120 ka history in southwestern Morocco are also inferred: the wadi Noun gorges had been incised before MIS 5, and later, during MIS 3, the valley has been filled in with a mean sedimentation rate of 1 m/ka.  相似文献   

The Lake Tahoe basin is experiencing an environmental decline that is partly due to sediment intakes from its tributaries. Many studies have estimated suspended sediment loads in these streams with a discrete sampling programme by collecting water samples and using a rating technique. However, the relationship between stream discharge and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in these tributaries is known to differ during the rising and falling limbs of the snowmelt‐dominated hydrograph. Because of this hysteresis effect, sediment rating curves are poor predictors of suspended sediment dynamics in the stream. In this study, suspended sediment transport was investigated using a turbidity meter to provide a continuous record of sediment concentration during the snowmelt period. Hysteresis in suspended sediment transport was also investigated and is quantified with an H index, which is the ratio of the areas under the curve at different stages of the hydrograph. The temporal lag between the peak of SSC and the peak of stream discharge was quantified using cross‐correlation analysis. For almost all events, SSCs were higher during the rising limb of the hydrograph for a given discharge, with SSC peaks occurring before discharge peaks, resulting in clockwise hysteresis (H > 1). The H indices increased (looser hysteresis loop) as the availability of sediments increased and as the lag between peaks in SSC and discharge was larger. A restriction of the proposed H index was that it could only be computed when stream discharge increased by more than 30% during a melt event. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three new species of fossil Palaeontinidae are described from Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China: Daohugoucossus shii sp. nov., D. parallelivenius sp. nov., D. lii sp. nov. The diagnosis of Dao- hugoucossus Wang, Zhang and Fang, 2006 is revised. These materials are the first complete fossil palaeontinids in the Middle Jurassic of the world. Based on observation of these new specimens, Sc of this new genus has the following combined characters: joined with R at base, diverged near M separa- tion, coalesced with R before the nodal line, extended beyond the nodal line and fused with R1 before distal end. Due to the Sc characteristics mentioned above, the genus Liaocossus Ren, Yin and Dou, 1998 can be well distinguished from “Ilerdocossus-complex”.  相似文献   

石希  夏军强  周美蓉  辛沛 《湖泊科学》2024,36(2):562-574
植物是大型河流生态系统的重要成分。但受气候变化和人类活动影响,洲滩禾本科植物高度不断发生调整,进而影响洲滩生境和河道防洪安全,故需长期监测。近年来,伴随着星载激光雷达(LiDAR)技术的发展,应用LiDAR卫星数据反演洲滩禾本科植物高度成为一种可能。本文融合新一代星载LiDAR系统GEDI数据与Sentinel-2影像,基于XGBoost算法构建了考虑物候、累积温度与光合有效辐射指标的洲滩典型禾本科植物高度外推模型,同时利用Attention-UNet算法搭建了洪淹区域识别模型。随后以长江中游洲滩为例,探明了星载LiDAR技术在获取洲滩植株高度方面的性能,分析了各指标对模型精度的影响,并初步得出了洲滩典型禾本科植物高度对不同淹没条件的响应模式。主要结论包括:(1)星载LiDAR系统GEDI具有准确探测洲滩植物高度的能力,与无人机航测数据相比RMSE=0.43 m;(2)运用GEDI数据构建禾本科植物高度外推模型时,考虑物候和累积温度等指标可有效提升模型精度,提升幅度为6.8%~10.7%;(3)利用无人机航测数据对模型外推植物高度进行评价,RMSE=0.80m。同时从模型外推结果中可知...  相似文献   

This paper provides the structural analysis of the Chefchaouen area in the northern Rif. Here the Dorsale Calcaire superposes, by means of an excellently exposed thrust fault, onto the Predorsalian succession in turn tectonically covering the Massylian Unit. Hanging wall carbonates of the Dorsale Calcaire Unit form a WSW-verging regional fold with several parasitic structures, deformed by late reverse faults in places indicating an ENE vergence. A 200 m thick shear zone characterizes the upper part of the Predorsalian succession, located at footwall of the Dorsale Calcaire Unit. Here the dominantly pelitic levels are highly deformed by (i) C′ type shear bands indicating a mean WSW tectonic transport and (ii) conjugate extensional shear planes marking an extension both orthogonal and parallel to the shear direction. The Massylian Unit is characterized by a strain gradient increasing toward the tectonic contact with the overlying Predorsalian succession, where the dominantly pelitic levels are so highly deformed so as appearing as a broken formation. Such as the previous succession, conjugate extensional shear bands and normal faults indicate a horizontal extension parallel to the thrust front synchronous with the mainly WSW-directed overthrusting. The whole thrust sheet pile recorded a further shortening, characterized by a NW–SE direction, expressed by several reverse and thrust faults and related folds. Finally strike-slip and normal faults were the last deformation structures recorded in the analyzed rocks. A possible tectonic evolution for these successions is provided. In the late Burdigalian, the Dorsale Calcaire Unit tectonically covered the Predorsalian succession and together the Massylian Unit. The latter two successions were completely detached from their basement and accreted in the orogenic wedge within a general NE–SW shortening for the analyzed sector of the northern Rif. At lithosphere scale the thrust front migration was driven by roll back and slab tear mechanisms producing a synchronous arching and related counterclockwise rotation of the tectonic prism along the African margin. Radial displacement involved extension parallel to the thrust front well-recorded in the analyzed rocks. The NE–SW shortening, probably acting in the Tortonian–Pliocene interval, was related to the final compression of the Rif Chain resulting in out-of-sequence thrusts affecting the whole orogenic belt.  相似文献   

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