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 A study of the geoelectrical structure of the central part of Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Réunion, Indian Ocean) was made using direct current electrical (DC) and transient electromagnetic soundings (TEM). Piton de la Fournaise is a highly active oceanic basaltic shield and has been active for more than half a million years. Joint interpretation of the DC and TEM data allows us to obtain reliable 1D models of the resistivity distribution. The depth of investigation is of the order of 1.5 km but varies with the resistivity pattern encountered at each sounding. Two-dimensional resistivity cross sections were constructed by interpolation between the soundings of the 1D interpreted models. Conductors with resistivities less than 100 ohm-m are present at depth beneath all of the soundings and are located high in the volcanic edifice at elevations between 2000 and 1200 m. The deepest conductor has a resistivity less than 20 ohm-m for soundings located inside the Enclos and less than 60–100 ohm-m for soundings outside the Enclos. From the resistivity distributions, two zones are distinguished: (a) the central zone of the Enclos; and (b) the outer zone beyond the Enclos. Beneath the highly active summit area, the conductor rises to within a few hundred meters of the surface. This bulge coincides with a 2000-mV self-potential anomaly. Low-resistivity zones are inferred to show the presence of a hydrothermal system where alteration by steam and hot water has lowered the resistivity of the rocks. Farther from the summit, but inside the Enclos, the depth to the conductive layers increases to approximately 1 km and is inferred to be a deepening of the hydrothermally altered zone. Outside of the Enclos, the nature of the deep, conductive layers is not established. The observed resistivities suggest the presence of hydrated minerals, which could be found in landslide breccias, in hydrothermally altered zones, or in thick pyroclastic layers. Such formations often create perched water tables. The known occurrence of large eastward-moving landslides in the evolution of Piton de la Fournaise strongly suggests that large volumes of breccias should exist in the interior of the volcano; however, extensive breccia deposits are not observed at the bottom of the deep valleys that incise the volcano to elevations lower than those determined for the top of the conductors. The presence of the center of Piton de la Fournaise beneath the Plaine des Sables area during earlier volcanic stages (ca. 0.5 to 0.150 Ma) may have resulted in broad hydrothermal alteration of this zone. However, this interpretation cannot account for the low resistivities in peripheral zones. It is not presently possible to discriminate between these general interpretations. In addition, the nature of the deep conductors may be different in each zone. Whatever the geologic nature of these conductive layers, their presence indicates a major change of lithology at depth, unexpected for a shield volcano such as Piton de la Fournaise. Received: 3 November 1999 / Accepted: 15 September 1999  相似文献   

Barite, an important component of offshore drilling muds, is shown to adversely affect the ctenidia of the suspension feeding bivalve, Cerastoderma edule and the deposit feeder, Macoma balthica. SEM observations showed that exposure to barite caused cilia to shorten and coagulate, and, in some extreme cases, cause the disintegration of the gill structure itself. Using a simple ciliary condition index (CCI) the impact of the barite was quantified and damage rates expressed. The bivalves were treated with daily doses of 1, 2, and 3-mm depth equivalents of barite. In all treatments significant damage to the gills was recorded although, in the case of the 1-mm dose rate, this did not occur for 4 days. In the other two treatments, damage was apparent within a day of exposure with 100% mortality occurring within 12 days. Macoma balthica appeared slightly more tolerant of exposure to barite than C. edule.  相似文献   


The study of the Continental Intercalaire aquifer system of southern Tunisia, based on the interpretation of geochemical (major elements) and isotopic (18O, 2H, 13C and 14C) data, has aided the understanding of the hydrodynamics of this multi-layer aquifer system, which is greatly influenced by tectonics. The determination of the origin of groundwater salinization and the understanding of the hydrogeological and geochemical behaviour of this aquifer were achieved by studying the correlation between the major elements and total mineralization (TDS). By using isotopic tools, it was shown that the water of this aquifer has been recharged under cooler, palaeoclimatic conditions. The technique also made it possible to better understand the hydrodynamic functioning of the aquifer system: it showed that the relatively recent recharge of the aquifer has been by direct infiltration from carbonate and sandy outcrops of the Cretaceous and Miocene, respectively, located in the eastern and northeastern parts of the aquifer. The 18O content was used to calculate the altitude of recharge basins. The isotopic gradient defined in this study is ?0.5 δ18O ‰/100 m.  相似文献   

In April 2007, a caldera collapsed at the Dolomieu summit crater of Piton de La Fournaise (La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean) revealing new outcrops up to 340?m high along the crater walls. The lithostratigraphic interpretation of these new exposures allows us to investigate the most recent building history of a basaltic shield volcano. We present the history of the Piton de La Fournaise terminal cone, from the building of a juvenile cone during which periods of explosive activity dominated, to the most recent effusive period. The changes in eruptive dynamics are the cause of successive summit crater/pit–crater collapses. In April 2007, such an event occurred during rapid emptying of the shallow plumbing system feeding a large effusive lateral eruption. During the most recent effusive period, an eastward migration of the eruptive crater was observed and was linked to the successive destructions of the shallow magma reservoir during each collapse. The resulting changes in the local stress field favor the formation of a new reservoir and thus the migration of activity. Internal structures reveal that the building of the upper part of the terminal cone was predominantly by exogenous growth and that the hydrothermal system is confined at a depth >?350?m. These observations on Piton de La Fournaise provide new insights into construction of the summits of other basaltic shield volcanoes.  相似文献   

La majorité des surfaces mises en valeur dans les zones arides et semi-arides de l’Algérie reposent sur des nappes phréatiques très minéralisées dont le niveau est proche de la surface du sol (0–1,5 m). En présence de conditions climatiques très sévères, le processus d’évaporation de ces nappes contribue en grande partie à la salinisation des terres et la dégradation du milieu. Les résultats de l’étude de l’évaporation de la nappe phréatique de la région de Ouargla montre que l’évaporation diminue au fur et à mesure que le niveau de la nappe s’éloigne de la surface du sol. L’évaporation de la nappe est maximale et égale à l’évaporation du plan d’eau lorsque le niveau de cette nappe est situé dans la couche 0–0,6 m et devient minimale au dessous de 1,7 m. Pour une meilleure mise en valeur des terres et une production agricole élevée, il est nécessaire de connaître la profondeur critique de la nappe phréatique, profondeur pour laquelle l’évaporation est faible et par conséquent le dépôt de sels est faible dans les sols à texture sableuse de la région aride de Ouargla.  相似文献   


Cette étude est basée sur l'analyse des données gravimétriques; elle a pour but d'améliorer la connaissance de la structure de la plaine de Mornag. La carte de l'anomalie résiduelle a d'abord été calculée à partir de la carte de l'anomalie de Bouguer en enlevant un gradient régional. La résiduelle calculée fournit des informations sur la variation de la densité dans le bassin de Mornag. Afin de mettre en évidence les différentes structures dans le bassin, nous avons calculé la magnitude du gradient horizontal (MGH). Cette technique a permis de déterminer des linéaments gravimétriques représentant l'emplacement des contrastes de densité, et de déduire une carte structurale de la zone d'étude. Cette carte constitue un document très utile pour orienter l'exploration des ressources en eau dans la plaine de Mornag.

Citation Farhat, B., Benassi, R., Jallouli, C. & Ben Mammou, A. (2010) Contribution de la gravimétrie à l'étude de la structure de la plaine de Mornag (nord est de la Tunisie): implications hydrogéologiques. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(8), 1396–1404.  相似文献   


Monthly shallow water-table depths can be predicted from climate forcings on a large scale by the combination of a transfer-function noise (TFN) model with a parameter regionalization scheme. To investigate the sensitivity of regionalized transfer-function noise (RTFN) models, simulations with different input series and parameter regionalization methods, combined with topographic external drifts, are presented. The input series include the precipitation, precipitation surplus or infiltration calculated by the variable infiltration capacity (VIC) land surface model, and the regionalization methods include those based on a combination of the principal component analysis (PCA) classification or Gaussian mixture model (GMM) clustering, with the external drifts, such as the elevation or terrain slope, generated from digital elevation models (DEM). Verification and cross-validation show that the infiltration series reduces the errors for regionalization by 12.5–18.8%, but cannot improve the calibration. The PCA method outperforms its alternative GMM method for the input series and the external drifts. The combination of the infiltration series and the regionalization method based on PCA classification and elevation produces the best results with respect to the mean absolute error and root mean squared error. The spatial and temporal variations of water-table depths at a macro-scale in continental China are predicted by the combination.  相似文献   


Suspended sediment dynamics influenced by rainstorms and factors controlling changes in suspended sediment concentrations, were investigated during hydrological events in a small scale, since small agricultural drainage basins can be considered as one of the most important sediment sources. Suspended sediment concentrations were measured during discharge waves in the years 1987–1990, 1992, 2000 and 2001. Positive and anti-clockwise hysteresis was observed at Rybárik basin. A procedure of isolating factors controlling suspended sediment concentrations and dynamics has given a more realistic view on production and transport of suspended sediment. It is confirmed that spatial and temporal variability of sediment availability and suspended sediment dilution by the baseflow, mainly in the case of two or more waves immediately following one after another, significantly control suspended sediment concentrations and dynamics.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to propose a general model of Piton de la Fournaise volcano using information from geological and geophysical studies. Firstly, we make a graphical compilation of all available geophysical information along a W–E profile. Secondly, we construct a geological section that integrates both the geophysical information and the geological information. The lithosphere beneath Piton de la Fournaise is not significantly flexed, and the crust is underlain by an underplating body, which might represent the deep magma reservoir for La Réunion volcanism. Piton de la Fournaise is a relatively thin volcano lying on a huge volcanic construction attributed mostly to Les Alizés volcano. Indeed, if the differentiated rocks observed at the bottom of the Rivière des Remparts are the top of Les Alizés volcano, the interface with Piton de La Fournaise may be located at about sea level beneath the summit area. The endogenous constructions (intrusive complexes) related to Les Alizés and Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes represent a large volume. The huge intrusive complex of Les Alizés volcano probably rests on the top of the oceanic crust and appears to have a buttressing effect for the present eastern volcano-tectonic activity of Piton de la Fournaise. The early Piton de la Fournaise edifice was built around a focus located beneath the Plaine des Sables area. The center subsequently moved 5–6?km eastward to its current location. The dense, high-velocity body beneath the Plaines des Sables and the western part of the Enclos probably corresponds to the hypovolcanic intrusive complex that developed before the volcanic center shifted to its present-day position. Magma reservoirs may have existed, and may still exist, as illustrated by the March 1998 crisis, at the mechanical and density interface between the oceanic crust and the Les Alizés edifice. Strong evidence also exists for the presence of a shallower magma reservoir located near sea level beneath the summit. The March 1998 pre-eruptive seismic pattern (location and upward migration) seems to be evidence for a transfer of magma between the two reservoirs. The dominant structural feature of the central zone is a collapse structure beneath the summit craters, above the inferred magma reservoir near sea level. The collapsed column constitutes a major mechanical heterogeneity and concentrates most of the seismic, intrusive, and hydrothermal activity because of its higher permeability and weaker mechanical strength.  相似文献   


Surface water resources, although abundant, are unevenly distributed in the tropical Dominican Republic. Despite large surface water regulation schemes, some of the semiarid regions remain deficient in water resources. A preliminary appraisal of the aquifer systems of the country, with emphasis on the three major regional aquifers, suggests how these deficiencies may be compensated.  相似文献   


Les rejets sulfurés de la mine abandonnée de Kettara, située à 30 km au Nord-Nord-Ouest de Marrakech, sont directement entreposés sur un substratum schisto-gréseux fracturé. D'une superficie d'environ 16 ha, ils constituent une réelle source de pollution pour l'écosystème local en particulier à cause du Drainage Minier Acide (DMA) vers les eaux de surface et de la nappe phréatique. Le projet de réhabilitation du site minier de Kettara prévoit dans l'un de ses axes de minimiser l'effet DMA par neutralisation à l'aide de dépôts stériles riches en carbonates issus de l'extraction des phosphates de la mine de Youssoufia voisine. Ces derniers seront utilisés à la fois comme amendement des rejets miniers acides et comme couverture évapo-transpirante (barrière capillaire). Notre étude a permis d'une part, de mieux appréhender la nature et la structure du parc à résidus et de son substratum et d'autre part, de caractériser l'impact de ces résidus sur la qualité des ressources en eau souterraine. Les résultats issus de cette étude vont contribuer à la réussite du projet de réhabilitation du site.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Lghoul, M., Kchikach, A., Hakkou, R., Zouhri, L., Guerin, R., Bendjoudi, H., Teíxido, T., Antonio Penã, J., Enriqué, L., Jaffal, M. et Hanich, L., 2012. Etude géophysique et hydrogéologique du site minier abandonné de Kettara (région de Marrakech, Maroc): contribution au projet de réhabilitation. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (2), 370–381.  相似文献   


During dry weather periods of the year with long rainless intervals, streams slacken to what is generally termed “low flow”. This work presents an analysis of the influence of hydrogeology on low flows, using multiple linear regression, in natural medium and small streams in hilly and mountainous regions of Serbia. The study cases encompass 61 gauged catchments south of the rivers Sava and Danube. Characteristic relevant minimum mean 30-day flows of 80- or 95-percentile exceedence (Q 80%, Q 95%) are taken as dependent variables. Independent variables are the observable hydrogeological quantities: catchment area upstream of a gauging station; surface area of a hydrogeological soil category in a catchment; number of perennial springs of minimum flow higher than or equal to 1 L/s in a gauged catchment; number of perennial springs, each of minimum flow higher than or equal to 1 L/s, in a given hydrogeological soil category of the catchment; cumulative perennial spring flow of minimum single flow higher than or equal to 1 L/s in a catchment; and cumulative perennial spring flow of minimum single flow higher than or equal to 1 L/s in a hydrogeological soil category of a catchment. Through multiple linear regression between the characteristic relevant low flow and the hydrogeological elements, 16 models are developed and analysed, each based on a different combination of hydrogeological elements and characteristic low flow. The regional relationships developed for the minimum mean 30-day flows of 80- and 95-percentile exceedences are evaluated. The statistical tests of the representation quality of each multiple regression relationship show that the models justify the use of hydrogeological elements.  相似文献   


La plaine de Segui-Zograta est une cuvette synclinale à remplissage Mio-Plio-Quaternaire où la nappe du Plio-Quaternaire constitue la principale source d’approvisionnement en eau pour l’abreuvement du chaptel et pour l’agriculture. Cette zone présente une hétérogénéité de répartition de la minéralisation des eaux souterraines. L’investigation des outils géochimiques basée sur l’étude des éléments majeurs, des isotopes stables (18O, 2H) et radioactifs (3H, 14C) indique la combinaison de différents processus contrôlant la minéralisation de ces eaux. Dans la partie Ouest, les eaux du Plio-Quaternaire présentent un facies de type sulfato-calco-sodique et des salinités élevées. Elles subissent l’effet de la dissolution des minéraux évaporitiques et résultent du mélange par drainance ascendante des eaux fossi des aquifères les plus profonds, à salinité élevée et à faciès chloruro-sulfato-sodique, à travers la faille d’Om Ali où leur contribution peut atteindre 96%. Dans la partie Est, ces eaux sont de type sulfato-calcique, considérées relativement moins minéralisées que celles de la partie Ouest. Elles sont issues de l’infiltration des eaux de pluie récentes et qui ont subi l’effet de l’évaporation.
Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   


De nombreux travaux de recherche pétrolière par sismique réflexion et sondages profonds ont été réalisés en Tunisie méridionale. La présente étude concerne la réinterprétation de ces données dans le secteur du Jérid en vue d'appréhender la géométrie et le fonctionnement de l'aquifère du Continental Intercalaire (CI), cible potentielle pour l'alimentation en eau. Pour ce faire, nous avons identifié sur les différentes sections sismiques le réflecteur correspondant à la dolomie aptienne qui marque le toit de l'aquifère. Elaborée en conséquence, la carte des isochrones de cet horizon montre l'influence de la tectonique sur la géométrie du CI dans le Jérid. Le plissement des séries du Crétacé inférieur, la réactivation des accidents NE–SO et E–O en failles inverses et le jeu normal des accidents NO–SE sont à l'origine d'un aquifère compartimenté en blocs soulevés et affaissés. Les coupes géosismiques révèlent que cette structuration a des implications sur la profondeur des réservoirs et la circulation des eaux souterraines. Les résultats obtenus permettent de rationaliser les travaux de recherche hydrogéologique qui seront ultérieurement menés dans le secteur du Jérid.

Citation Guellala, R., Ben Marzoug, H., Inoubli, M. H. & Moumni, L. (2011) Apports de la sismique réflexion à l'étude de l'aquifère du Continental Intercalaire du Jérid (Tunisie). Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 1040–1052.  相似文献   


Dans ce travail, des modèles de prévision de l’érosion spécifique des bassins versants en insuffisance voire en absence de jaugeages ont été élaborés, en fonction des paramètres climatiques, hydromorphométriques et de la couverture végétale, au droit des sites de barrages et retenues collinaires dans le bassin très érodé qu’est l’Algérois-Hodna-Soummam. Les paramètres régissant l’érosion ont été soigneusement sélectionnés sur la base d’une recherche bibliographique et regroupés en deux catégories distinctes par le biais de l’analyse en composantes principales. Deux méthodes statistiques ont été appliquées: la première, basée sur la régression multiple et la deuxième sur les réseaux de neurones artificiels. Des résultats très satisfaisants sont obtenus en testant, par validation croisée, la validité du modèle neuronal composé de: lame écoulée, densité de drainage, pente moyenne du bassin et précipitation moyenne annuelle comme variables d’entrées avec un coefficient de détermination de 0,81 et une erreur quadratique moyenne de 0,19.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz; Editeur associé G. Mahé

Citation Salhi, C., Touaibia, B., et Zeroual, A., 2013. Les réseaux de neurones et la régression multiple en prédiction de l’érosion spécifique: cas du bassin hydrographique Algérois-Hodna-Soummam (Algérie). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (7), 1573–1580.  相似文献   


Flat areas are a critical issue for the characterization of drainage patterns using digital elevation models (DEM). In this work, flat area removal and flow direction algorithms are implemented, and also a physically-based DEM correction model is introduced, for investigating their influence on the topological properties of the channel network, the Hortonian parameters and the hillslope width function. Differences of results, as compared to the standard procedures implemented in widely-used GIS-based hydrological packages, show the importance for hydrogeomorphic modellers to consider the use of more detailed approaches.  相似文献   

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