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由南疆罗布泊地区台特玛湖沉积物多种地质记录的综合分析表明,近25.0kaBP以来此地区气候与环境演化的过程和特征与新疆其它地区基本一致。多手段的综合研究,揭示了近25.0kaBP以来台特玛湖气候与环境的变化经历了7次相对暖干、5次相对冷湿和1次相对暖湿变化,而且全新世期间历次的气候变化与具有高分辨率的敦德冰芯记录以及北半球气候变化的过程上基本一致,所记录的气候与环境演化过程呈现出明显的西风型环境演变特征。唯一在7.0~6.0kaBP期间出现的相对暖湿的环境特征应该是真正意义上的全新世大暖期最盛期的体现,可能与此时增强的西南夏季风势力影响到本地区有关。 相似文献
民勤盆地位于石羊河下游,现今大面积地区已被风沙覆盖.前人的研究报道了在民勤盆地的东部曾经发育过一个面积巨大的"腾格里古大湖",然而尚不明确民勤盆地是否也曾被湖水覆盖.为此,本文收集整理了民勤盆地中8个水文地质钻孔的地层资料,利用GIS技术重现了研究区地表以下50 m深度内的湖相地层的空间分布特征.分析发现,在盆地的不同地区普遍发育了2~3层深湖亚相地层,部分地区甚至多达4层,各湖相层厚度介于0.5~32 m.区域地层对比结果显示,在某个时段研究区大范围地区普遍发育了深水湖泊,而其他时段则在不同地区零星发育了小湖泊.结合研究区已有的测年资料,本文认为在晚第四纪某个时段(倒数第二层深湖亚相发育阶段),整个研究区内曾经存在一个规模较大的连通湖泊;但民勤盆地晚第四纪不同阶段深湖亚相地层差异明显的空间分布特征,可能反映了湖盆沉积中心自东向西、再向北东的迁移过程. 相似文献
全新世共和盆地沙地时空演化及其驱动机制 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
通过分析青藏高原东北部共和盆地现代固定沙丘、半固定-半流动沙丘和流动沙丘的粒度与地球化学元素特征,建立了不同类型沙丘沉积物的理化指标体系,并尝试性地将其用于地质时期沙漠演化研究。同时,结合区域典型风成砂-古土壤剖面的相变特征,探讨了全新世共和盆地沙地的时空演化过程及其驱动机制。结果表明:全新世共和盆地沙地存在多次活化、扩张和固定、缩小,除11.8~10.1 ka为流动沙地以外,其余阶段多在半流动-半固定沙地和固定沙地之间频繁转换,这一变化特征与其相邻的柴达木盆地沙地和青海湖地区环境变化具有良好的可比性。此外,发现沙地环境变化对湿度状况十分敏感,而湿度又受控于区域冬,夏季风的强度,也就是说全新世共和盆地沙地演化是气候变化的产物。 相似文献
Soils buried by alluvial fan deposits in southwest Nebraska record several intervals of increased sediment yield from small watersheds during the Holocene. These intervals, which began at ca. 9000, 5800, 4000, 3000, and 1000 14C yrs. B.P., were probably caused by some sort of change in regional climatic conditions. Existing evidence of Holocene climate change suggests that increased sediment yields were caused by periodic shifts toward drier climatic conditions, except for the intervals that began at 5800 and 4000 14C yrs. B.P. The cause of increased sediment yields at those times is unclear, although an increased frequency of large intense storms may have been a contributing factor. The record of soil burial exhibits considerable spatial variability both within individual fans and between fans. This is partly due to practical limitations on the number of buried soils that could be sampled on each fan. But it is also due to the inherent spatial variability of depositional processes and to differences in the geomorphic development of the four fans. Thus, researchers who use data from fans to reconstruct sediment-yield histories need to investigate several sites on several fans in order to obtain as complete a record as possible of changing sediment yields. 相似文献
Birgitta Schütt 《Journal of Paleolimnology》1998,20(3):217-234
The paper involves detailed geochemical and mineralogical analysis of lacustrine sediments from a 95 cm core profile collected in the closed lake basin of the Laguna de Gallocanta, central Iberian Chain. The environmental and depositional changes are confirmed by: (1) variations in concentrations of SiO2, CaO and P2O5, (2) Fe2O3:MnO-ratios, (3) (CaO,MgO):SiO2-ratio, (4) statistical relationship of silica and phosphate content to metallic oxide content, (5) the Mg:Ca-ratio of protodolomites in relation to the position of the diffraction angle of dolomite's major diffraction peak (dol100, and (6) changes in mineralogical composition.Three sedimentary units were identifyed and characterized by their mineralogical and geochemical composition. The deposition of the underlying strata (section 1) occurred under sub-arid conditions. The environment changed to sub-humid conditions during deposition of the sediments in section 2 (post Middle Ages). Increasing aridity influenced the accumulation of the upper sediments (section 3).It is also proven that mineralogical analyses of lacustrine sediments allows mostly conclusions on the limnic environments during deposition. In contrast to this, geochemical features of lacustrine sediments indicate weathering and soil forming processes during deposition and the overall geomorphological system. 相似文献
Two seismic facies were recognized in the sedimentary sequence overlying acoustic basement in Lake Winnipeg. The upper facies, which overlies a regional unconformity, is termed the Lake Winnipeg Sequence. Based on the seismostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, and radiocarbon dates of approximately 4000 and 7000 yr BP from material collected directly over the unconformity in the southern and northern parts of the lake, respectively, this facies has been interpreted as representing Holocene sedimentation. Results of compositional and textural analyses of the Holocene sediment (Winnipeg sediment) from thirteen long (>2 m) cores indicate a transgressional sequence throughout the basin. In the South Basin, the generally fining upward sequence is characterized at the base by silt-sized detrital carbonate minerals, quartz and feldspar which decrease in concentration upward. In this basin, the high carbonate content and V/Al and Zn/Al ratios are indicative of a Paleozoic and Cretaceous provenance for sediment derived from glacial deposits through shoreline erosion and fluvial transport, via the Red River. Sedimentation in the central part of the lake and the North Basin is attributed to shoreline erosion of sand and gravel beaches. Consequently, the texture of these sediments is generally coarser than in the South Basin, and the composition primarily reflects a Paleozoic and Precambrian provenance. The basin-wide decrease in Ca, total carbonate minerals, dolomite and calcite concentrations upward in the cores is reflected by a decrease in the detrital carbonate component in all but the most northern cores. Other basin-wide trends show an upward increase in organic content in all cores. An increase in grain size near the top of most cores suggests a major, basin-wide change in sedimentation within the last, approximately 900 years in the South Basin. 相似文献
柴达木盆地中部与西南部古沙丘的光释光年代学研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
青藏高原东北部的柴达木盆地广泛分布着风成沉积,其中古沙丘主要分布在盆地东部、中部三湖区和西南缘。柴达木盆地中部和西南部两处古沙丘集中分布区靠近柴达木盆地盐湖区,与盐湖的演化有着密不可分的联系,但是这些古沙丘的形成时代至今没有具体研究。本文应用光释光定年的单片再生剂量法对这两个区域典型的古沙丘进行了风成砂沉积年代测定。结果显示研究区古沙丘的堆积开始于约4~3 ka,并延续至0.5 ka之后被固定,其形成与柴达木盆地晚全新世气候的干旱和盆地内湖泊退缩引起的砂源增加有关;古沙丘下伏的河流相沉积物形成于末次冰消期(12.6±0.8 ka)。古沙丘的固定事件对应青藏高原东北部的冰川前进期,冰川前进期的低温条件可以引起盆地内蒸发量下降和有效湿度相对增加,从而促使植被条件改善并最终使沙丘固定。 相似文献
Distribution and land use characteristics of alluvial fans in the Lhasa River Basin,Tibet 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
CHEN Tongde JIAO Juying CHEN Yixian LIN Hong WANG Haolin BAI Leichao 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(10):1437-1452
In Lhasa River Basin (LRB),land suitable for settlement or living is experiencing a shortage of resources.Alluvial fans have the potential to alleviate this problem.However,basic information,such as the distribution and land use types of alluvial fans,is rarely studied.In this study,Google Earth,ArcGIS and visual interpretation were used to obtain the outlines,areas,quantities and distribution of alluvial fans.Meanwhile,to show the utilisation potential of alluvial fans,we analysed the land use,their distance from the roads,places (town and village) and rivers.The results showed 826 alluvial fans exist in LRB,with a total area of 1166.03 km2.The number of alluvial fans with areas between 0.1 and 1 km2 is 517,ac-counting for 62.59% of the total number of alluvial fans.Grassland is the dominant land use type,accounting for 68.70% of the total area of alluvial fans.The cropland area accounted for 2.16% of alluvial fans and accounted for 18.98% of the total cropland area in LRB.Exactly 93.70%,53.63% and 61.86% of the total number of alluvial fans were located within 5 km from the tertiary road,village,and river,respectively.To sum up,our survey results showed that alluvial fans are important land resources in LRB and may have huge utilisation potential. 相似文献
近8ka来云南洱海湖泊沉积记录的气候变化与夏季印度季风强弱变化的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据洱海湖泊沉积物有机碳稳定同位素、元素、磁化率记录,近8ka来西南季风区洱海古气候演化可以分为9个阶段,气候变化以暖干-冷湿交替为主,暖干气候阶段西太平洋副热带高压控制西南地区的频率增加,夏季印度季风路径偏向西亚、中亚和青藏高原西部,包括洱海在内在云南高原气候暖干明显;冷湿气候阶段,副热带高压偏弱向东撤退,印度季风路径移向中国西南地区,降水增加,造成气候冷湿.湖泊沉积物记录的洱海流域人类耕作农业历史最早出现在5ka BP左右. 相似文献
F. Manalt C. Beck J.-R. Disnar J.-F. Deconinck P. Recourt 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2001,25(2):179-192
The basin fill of Lake Annecy was investigated from a 44 m core which reached down to glacial sediments of the last glaciation (called Würm in the alpine areas). We analyzed three main parameters: sediment texture (optical microscopy and laser microgranulometry), clay mineral assemblages (CMA by XRD), and organic matter (OM by Rock-Eval pyrolysis). Settling of suspended load, under variable hydrodynamic conditions is the main depositional process. Both CMA and OM provenances can be recognized for the different sedimentary and igneous-metamorphic formations (Carboniferous to Quaternary, and older crystalline basement) and corresponding areas, in the surrounding region of Lake Annecy. Oligocene-Miocene molasses, Early Cretaceous marls, and Early-Middle Jurassic marls and shales are the main sedimentary sources. Two distinct processes were operating: destruction of glacial sediments (till sensu largo) and reworking, or direct erosion and run-off from ice-free catchment areas. Clay minerals related to pedogenesis, and non-reworked terrestrial and lacustrine OM, were progessively added to these primary sources during the Late Würmian/Holocene transition to warmer climatic conditions. Rapid modifications of CMA and OM sources during the earlier phase of sedimentary infilling (Unit 2) suggest that valley glaciers connected to the lake basin almost completely disappeared within a few centuries. 相似文献
在位于河套盆地内部的西山咀凸起区发现了典型的湖滩岩、湖蚀平台和一套较完整的湖相沉积地层。基于海拔高程的推断,地貌和地层沉积记录指示西山咀地区曾经存在过一个海拔达到1080 m上下的古湖面。完整的沉积地层反映西山咀凸起区经历了深湖相-滨湖相-冲洪积相-风成堆积的演变过程。光释光测年结果表明,在距今65 ka 前后,“吉兰泰-河套”古大湖在西山咀地区曾经连通;但在距今约50~30 ka 湖面再没有上涨。这一研究表明:在MIS 3 阶段某一时期,该地区的古湖面发生衰退。随后,再没有发育高于“吉兰泰-河套”古大湖最高湖面的湖泊。 相似文献
安徽巢湖全新世湖泊沉积物磁化率与粒度组合的变化特征及其环境意义 总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23
通过对获取的巢湖湖泊沉积岩芯的磁化率与粒度组合特征的分析,结合孢粉及相邻其它区域的环境考古资料,得出该岩芯柱样所反映的环境变化信息。结果表明:(1)巢湖湖泊沉积物磁化率曲线在117 cm以下总体上比较平稳而略有下降,117 cm以上人类活动所导致的侵蚀作用加剧使得磁化率值异常升高;(2)本岩芯柱样117 cm以下样品的磁化率强度与粘土的百分比含量呈正相关,而与粉砂组分的百分比含量成负相关;(3)根据磁化率与粒度组合变化特征,结合孢粉分析及全新世以来区域气候变化背景,9 870 Cal a B.P.以来的巢湖流域古气候环境演变可以划分6个不同的时期:9 870~7 000 Cal a B.P.,气候呈温和略干的特点;7 000~4 750 Cal a B.P.,气候温暖湿润;4 750~2 170 Cal a B.P.,流域气候温和干燥,巢湖湖盆局部地区可能出露水面以上;2 170~1 040 Cal a B.P.,气候总体上温和湿润,但是冷暖波动明显;1 040~2 00 Cal a B.P.流域处在温凉稍湿的时期,人类活动逐渐加强;200 Cal a B.P.至今,流域总体上处于相对温暖湿润阶段。 相似文献
渭河流域全新世环境演变对人类文化发展的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对渭河流域10000 多年来环境资源演变的高分辨率实验数据资料和考古文献资料的分析, 探讨了全 新世以来, 渭河流域人类文化的演进与环境演变之间的耦合关系。分析表明:在8 500~3 100 a B.P.全新世大暖期, 渭河流域水、土、生物资源条件优越, 人类逐步形成了原始定居旱作农业类型文化, 从而奠定了渭河流域农业文明 的基础; 其间4 000~3 000 a B.P., 渭河流域北部的农牧交错带, 由于气候的逐渐冷干化, 导致水、土、生物资源退化, 造成旱作农业土地利用方式由游牧业取而代之; 在3 100 a B.P, 由于季风格局的突变, 整个渭河流域进入了一个相 对干旱缺雨、成壤环境的恶化时期, 环境的恶化导致了水土资源的退化, 大大动摇了旱作农业和游牧业的经济基 础, 影响了先周和西周社会的发展。 相似文献
Sergey R. Verkulich Martin Melles Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten Zinaida V. Pushina 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2002,28(2):253-267
The lithology, radiocarbon chronology, granulometry, geochemistry and distribution of diatoms were investigated in three sediment cores from fresh-water Figurnoye Lake in the southern Bunger Hills, East Antarctica. Our paleolimnological data provide a record of Holocene environmental changes for this region. In the early Holocene (prior to 9.0 ± 0.5 kyr BP), warm climate conditions caused intensive melting of either the floating glacier ice mass or glaciers in the immediate lake surroundings, leading to the accumulation of terrigenous clastic sediments and limiting biogenic production in the lake. From ca. 9.0 ± 0.5 to 5.5 ± 0.5 kyr BP, highly biogenic sediments dominated by benthic mosses formed, indicating more distal glaciers or snowfields. A relatively cold and dry climate during this period caused weaker lake-water circulation and, likely, occurrence of lake ice conditions were more severe than present. The distribution of marine diatoms in the cores shows that, sometime between 8 and 5 kyr BP, limited amounts of marine water episodically penetrated to the lake, requiring a relative sea-level rise exceeding 10–11 m. During the last ca. 5.5 ± 0.5 kyr BP, sedimentation of mainly biogenic matter with a dominance of laminated microbial mats occurred in the lake under warm climatic conditions, interrupted by relative coolings: the first one around 2 kyr BP and then shortly before recent time. Between ca. 5.5 and 4 kyr BP, the drainage of numerous ice-dammed lakes took place in the southern Bunger Hills and, as a result, drier landscapes have existed here from about 4 kyr BP. 相似文献
Several sand flats located on the northern shores of the Late Pleistocene palaeolake of the Konya plain (inner Anatolia, Turkey), are related to changes in lake levels. In this paper, the two main dune systems are mapped according to their geomorphological, sedimentological and dynamic characteristics, and their significance is discussed with regard to the environmental changes since the Late Pleistocene, both at time of the former lake and during the drier periods of the Holocene. Cross-sections show the relationship of the dunes to the topography of the basement. Analyses of the sand fraction show distinct characteristics in size distribution, quartz and shell contents, wind erosion effects on the quartz grains and petrographic composition. Interpretation of the results, coupled with information provided by the geomorphology of the dune systems studied in the field and from aerial photographs and satellite images, highlights the importance and variations in time of local factors such as prevailing winds, sand sources, changes in lake levels and vegetation. A chronology of the main sand fields is proposed, based on the evidence of three main droughts during the Upper Pleistocene. The older one, much eroded (maximum height=3 m), covers a limestone surface at +50 m above the bottom of the dried lake. An Optical Scanning Luminescence (OSL) date shows a last period of accumulation at 14,328±3220 years. The younger one (maximum height=12 m) has moved over the emerged Late Pleistocene lacustrine marls. An OSL date gives an age of 5674±988 years for the last accumulation period. Evidence of very recent activation of this younger dune system is apparent as a result of overgrazing and excessive land reclamation. A third period of dominant wind action and dune construction is responsible for the installation of a younger and thin dune field over the Mid-Holocene lacustrine deposits of the Karapinar lake. The success of the stabilization programme of the dunes over the last 30 years shows that the last period of dune movement is not related to climate change but to overpressure on the land due to the needs and activities of an increasing population. 相似文献
Based on the comprehensive analyses of 18 core profiles’sedimentary sequences and lithological characteristics in Jianghan-Dongting Basin of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the spatial-temporal distribution of archeological sites in this area,we reconstructed the Holocene hydro-environmental evolution,and its relationship with human occupation.The comparison reveals:11.5–5.5 ka BP,the water level of rivers and lakes in the middle Yangtze River appeared a rising trend,concurrently,under the development of Neolithic culture and rice agricultural activities,human occupation extended from piedmont plain to inner basin plain in the study area.The water level fell in 5.5–4.0 ka BP,meanwhile,the number of human settlements of Qujialing-Shijiahe culture rapidly increased,especially in the inner basin plain.The water level rose again around 4.0 ka BP,floods spread massively in this period,which led to the decline of Shijiahe culture.The main causes for hydro-environmental evolution in the study area are the fluctuation of sea level and the aggradation of fluvio-lacustrine sediments. 相似文献
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Alluvial fans are an important land resource in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with the expansion of human activities. However, the factors of alluvial fan development... 相似文献
OSL chronology and paleoclimatic implications of paleodunes in
the middle and southwestern Qaidam Basin,
Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Aeolian sediments are widely distributed in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). The paleodunes are mainly located at the southeastern, middle and southwestern Qaidam Basin. However, ages of paleodunes in the middle and southwestern Qaidam Basin have not been well studied, although they are close to and might connect to the evolution of salt lakes in the central basin. In this study, we use single aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocol of Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) to date the dune sand in these two regions. The results show that: (1) Sand accumulation in these regions started at ca. 4-3 ka and lasted to ca. 0.5 ka when they were stabilized, due to the arid climate in the late Holocene. (2) The underlying fluvial sand was formed during deglaciation at 12.6±0.8 ka. (3) The stabilization periods of the paleodunes correspond to stages of glacier advance in the northeastern QTP, during which lower temperatures caused the decrease of evaporation and increase of the effective moisture, leading to an increase of vegetation cover and stabilization of the dunes. 相似文献
David W. Kelley Stefanie A. Brachfeld Edward A. Nater Herbert E. Wright Jr. 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2006,35(1):193-206
Sediments from Lake Pepin on the Mississippi River, southeastern Minnesota, are used as provenance tracers to assess variations
in hydrology and sediment-transport during the middle Holocene. Three rivers contribute sediment to Lake Pepin, and each catchment
is characterized by a distinctly different geologic terrain. The geochemical fingerprint for each drainage basin was determined
from the elemental composition of heavy minerals in the silt-sized fraction of modern sediment samples. Down-core elemental
abundances were compared with these fingerprints by use of a chemical-mass-balance model that apportions sediment to the source
areas. We observed a decreased contribution from the Minnesota River during the interval ~6700–5500 14C yr BP, which we attribute to decreased discharge of the Minnesota River, likely controlled by a combination of precipitation,
snow melt, and groundwater input to the river. This hydrologic condition coincides with the mid-Holocene prairie period recorded
by fossil pollen data. The occurrence of this feature in a proxy record for hydrologic variations supports the hypothesis
that the mid-Holocene prairie period reflects drier conditions than before or after in midwestern North America. 相似文献