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Lydia Kiroff 《Urban geography》2017,38(10):1573-1602
Auckland is New Zealand’s largest city with the largest concentration of creative sector employment and businesses in the country. This paper examines the spatial distribution of firms in the design creative subsector across the Auckland Region and in inner Auckland and ascertains the key determinants of firm location. The macrolevel findings indicate that the architectural and specialized design firms have similar spatial distribution patterns across the Auckland Region, while the advertising subsector demonstrates an extreme tendency toward spatial concentration only in inner Auckland. All three subsectors have a strong propensity to clustering within inner Auckland; however, one CBD (Central Business District) fringe area, Parnell outperforms the rest. The microlevel findings reveal hybridized creative clusters of uneven density. Parnell’s unique brand and place-specific characteristics were the key determinants of firm location which led to the spontaneous collocation of firms. These location decisions had the unintended consequence of creating agglomeration economies.  相似文献   

欠发达地区发展小企业集群的模式必须坚持因地制宜,走多样化和特色化的发展道路,主要做法可归纳为:大力发展贴近区域工业化发展水平要求的小企业集群;大力发展具有区域经济特色的小企业集群;大力发展体现区位环境优势的小企业集群;大力发展提升本地产业结构水平的技术密集型的小企业集群;大力发展与区域内大中型国有企业产业配套能力强的小企业集群。  相似文献   

基于中国工业企业数据库和阿里巴巴平台数据,从企业和行业两个层面考察“互联网+”对中国制造业就业增长的影响。结果显示,就企业层面而言,“互联网+”阻碍了制造业企业的就业增长。具体分企业规模来看,“互联网+”能够促进大型企业就业增长,但对小微企业起到一定抑制作用。就行业层面而言,“互联网+”程度加深对行业就业增长产生负面影响。从产业集聚来看,地方专业化、产业多样化和产业内竞争三类集聚动态外部性显著促进企业就业增长和行业就业增长,但地方专业化和产业内竞争会阻碍“互联网+”对行业就业带动作用的发挥。此外,“互联网+”和产业集聚的就业影响具有地区差异性。  相似文献   

The locations of Korean firms in Los Angeles reflect spatial segmentation in markets and the provision of labor, in that the ethnic neighborhoods facilitate positive business environments for ethnic small firms. While Korean small businesses serve both community needs and broader local markets, firm locations are closely associated with the residential patterns of some ethnic populations. To address the specificity of firm locations, this paper examines Koreatown using historical sources and recent property development, identifies changes in the locational patterns of Korean firms between 1975 and 1986, and analyzes relationships between business density and density of ethnic populations for zip code areas. The findings of this study indicate that both the development of Koreatown and the presence of ethnic neighborhoods are important influences on the location of Korean businesses.  相似文献   

符文颖 《地理科学》2016,36(5):715-723
在辨析地方创业概念和内涵的基础上,分析地方创业在集群发展不同阶段的作用和方式,并借鉴演化经济地理中最新的复杂理论,重点辨析在集群非线性发展过程中地方创业主体与集群结构的反馈过程,其中通过整合经济地理学中制度和关系转向的研究进展,提出必须特别关注在集群转型阶段地方创业主体的能动性,把地方创业过程看作创业家与集群内其他主体之间关系网络的制度-权力实践过程,这个实践过程的目的是为了使得新产业的技术范式和组织范式获得社会合理性,从而提高集群弹性,并促进集群转型和更新。  相似文献   

区域制造业集群的辨识——以北京市制造业为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
贺灿飞  梁进社  张华 《地理科学》2005,25(5):521-528
辨识产业集群的定性方法,过于依赖专家的主观判断,存在诸多局限性。基于投入产出表构建一个反映产业之间功能联系的矩阵,采用主成分分析定量辨识基于经济技术联系的区域产业集群。此外,设计了几个衡量集群内产业联系强度的系数来判定被辨识集群的合理性,并通过相关系数衡量集群内产业的空间集聚特性。以北京市1997年投入产出表上74个制造业行业为例,采用主成分分析方法辨别出14个产业集群,包括钢压延加工集群、有机化学制品集群、电子元器件集群以及棉毛纺织集群等。集群内产业功能联系紧密,相关产业内的企业在空间上集聚,符合产业集群的理论定义。  相似文献   

分析沪宁城铁南京站乘客的出行距离特性,初步确定高铁站区圈层范围为3 000 m。以南京站周边3 000m范围内6 145个企业的地址、行业隶属、成立时间等为研究数据,运用空间分析方法,探讨高铁站区产业的分布与空间集聚特征。①从总体看,高铁站区产业的空间分布具有明显的圈层结构,以车站为中心,以500 m为缓冲半径,在1 500~2 000 m范围企业密度最大,2 000 m以外企业密度陡然降低。②各行业空间集聚趋势类似,随着距离增大集聚程度降低。但空间尺度上存在差异,交通运输业和房地产业集聚现象更为明显,交通指向性显著;批发和零售业集聚峰值相对最大,在大范围上有分散分布的趋势。③各行业空间分异特征显著,整体呈现"东低西高",空间分异特征大致存在以下三种模式,即"小分散、大集聚"、"大分散、大集聚"、"大分散、小集聚"。  相似文献   

近年来, 信息技术的广泛应用正在对产业集群的形成和发展产生着深刻的影响。基于现 代信息技术所形成的网络联系逐渐成为产业集群关系网络的主要内容之一, 是深刻理解产业集 群演化和升级机制的重要方面。特别是, 信息技术可以使产业集群内中小企业空间联系的范围扩 大、时间成本下降, 为其走向全球市场提供便利的条件。本文首先回顾了我国企业信息技术应用 的发展过程与具体形式, 并在此基础上阐述了影响中小企业集群中信息技术应用的主要因素, 最 后以浙江省温岭市鞋业集群为案例分析了这些因素的具体作用。  相似文献   

近年来, 信息技术的广泛应用正在对产业集群的形成和发展产生着深刻的影响。基于现 代信息技术所形成的网络联系逐渐成为产业集群关系网络的主要内容之一, 是深刻理解产业集 群演化和升级机制的重要方面。特别是, 信息技术可以使产业集群内中小企业空间联系的范围扩 大、时间成本下降, 为其走向全球市场提供便利的条件。本文首先回顾了我国企业信息技术应用 的发展过程与具体形式, 并在此基础上阐述了影响中小企业集群中信息技术应用的主要因素, 最 后以浙江省温岭市鞋业集群为案例分析了这些因素的具体作用。  相似文献   

中国互联网企业生存的时空格局及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“双创”政策引导下中国创业进入黄金时代,互联网日益成为地区竞争优势的新动能。论文基于1994—2019年中国互联网创业企业数据,利用空间计量和生存分析探究其时空格局及影响因素。研究发现:① 中国互联网创业企业的数量增长呈现前缓后陡的“S”型特征,不同代际的企业生存能力存在差异,但年轻企业的高生存风险在各个世代普遍存在。② 互联网创业企业的生存能力在区域间形成差异化格局:从现存数量看,大城市明显占据优势;从生存时间看,高值区主要集中在东部地区,但随着产业发展与进入数量激增,东部的资源优势与竞争压力并重,中部城市的生存优势反而有所显现。③ 个体、世代与环境因素对企业生存均有显著影响,企业规模与生命周期表现为稳定的保护作用,规模越大、获投轮次越高越有利于生存;较早进入的创业企业生存质量明显较高,创业环境对企业生存整体表现为风险因素。④ 随世代推移,企业规模与周期特征的保护作用下降,区域的孵化环境由激励效应转变为竞争效应,基础设施的保护作用逐渐减弱。研究可为中国互联网创新创业浪潮的纵贯解读提供实证支持,并为创业地理研究提供有益案例。  相似文献   

作为一种新的城市功能地域形态,都市圈是城镇化发展到一定阶段的产物。论文以东京都市圈为研究对象,借助人口密集地区(Densely Inhabited District,DID)、人口净迁入率、产业区位商、空间基尼系数等指标,系统梳理20世纪60年代以来东京都市圈人口集疏格局演化、人口流动时空变迁以及产业结构转换和空间重组特征。研究表明,从人口集疏格局来看,东京都市圈人口分布逐渐从“孤岛式集聚”走向“连绵式展开”,但核心辐射范围仍集中于50 km半径内,此外,DID人口集聚趋势持续强化。从人口流动格局来看,东京都市圈始终表现出强大的人口集聚态势,成为日本人口困境中的一枝独秀,内部大规模郊区化基本结束,“都心回归”趋势明显。从产业结构调整来看,东京都市圈三产比重持续上升、二产比重大幅下滑、第一产业持续萎缩,已逐步实现从工业主导向服务业主导转变。从产业空间重组来看,东京都市圈逐步形成梯度发展、阶层趋于固化的产业空间结构,服务业和高附加值轻工业中心集聚,技术密集型重工业外围布局。  相似文献   

This paper examines the Malaysian Chinese firms that have expanded into Vietnam. Based on research and qualitative personal interviews with Malaysian Chinese firms that have invested in Vietnam, the paper unpacks the entry modes that these firms have undertaken. It argues that the Malaysian Chinese firms prefer joint ventures in their Vietnamese businesses to wholly‐owned subsidiaries and personal direct investments. This paper also argues that such investments are often embedded in social and intraethnic ties, which connect Malaysian Chinese firms with Vietnam's ethnic Chinese businessmen. To this end, these firms tend to rely on informal ties and nonmarket institutions in the form of the ethnic Chinese business networks. Nevertheless, the Malaysian Chinese firms are not averse to collaborating with nonethnic Chinese firms that enjoy a good relationship with the Vietnamese state. This observation is especially marked in the property and construction, and finance sectors.  相似文献   

单双 《世界地理研究》2015,24(2):115-122
由于可以有效避免永久性产业集群面临的知识锁定困境,较好地解析流动空间的价值,临时性产业集群正日益成为国际经济地理学研究的新热点。本文在临时性产业集群概念辨析的基础上,对其代表性文献从地理临近与面对面交流、知识流动与关系平台、区位选择、临时性产业集群与永久性产业集群的关系等四方面进行了梳理。最后针对临时性产业集群研究与实践方面出现的一些问题与薄弱环节进行反思,并在此基础上展望临时性产业集群未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Canada's adoption of international climate commitments, national emissions standards, and incentive programs drove expansion of biofuel production using available first-generation technologies in feedstock-rich regions. Market saturation and the emergence of second-generation technologies shifted government support away from first-generation technologies, placing pressure on regional production clusters. This article analyzes how Canadian biofuel firms restructured their value-chain activities in response to those technological and policy changes. The ability to access technologies and navigate multiscalar policy contexts shapes restructuring. Geographic patterns of cellulosic innovation are identified, and the role of firms and policy in regional industrial reorganization is discussed.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades information technology (IT) outsourcing has grown dramatically, and has emerged as a strategic choice for firms searching for ways to control their costs and maintain a competitive edge. The mechanisms driving its growth are not fully understood though. In this research, we employ an approach that focuses on geographic, temporal, and industrial proximity in a mechanism that identifies the process underlying the diffusion of IT outsourcing across firms within the U.S from 2000 to 2010. We focus on the role that firm location plays in the diffusion process, and use space-time clustering techniques from the epidemiology literature to understand the diffusion process. We identify 38 space-time clusters based on IT outsourcing announcement data and the locations of firm headquarters among U.S.-based firms. When supplemented with additional information, such as type of services outsourced, the metropolitan area of the headquarters, and related industry information; the results offer insights into various types of diffusion processes that have been identified in the literature but have not been documented to date in the empirical manner that we have been able to do.  相似文献   

This research explores the factors that shape the evolving geographic distribution of business headquarters (HQ) activity. We address an understudied influence on HQ geographies: metropolitan HQ changes driven by the process of small, rapidly expanding businesses growing into mature companies. This investigation focuses on the developmental paths followed by fast-growing firms (FGFs) and the geographic distinctions that can be observed in a FGF tracking study of Canada’s metropolitan regions from 1987 to 2005. Our research findings indicate that geography plays an important role in this development, as FGF tracking records throughout Canada’s metropolitan areas diverge sharply. We find that most FGFs that emerged in Vancouver and Toronto continued as ongoing businesses following their rapid growth phase, while a high proportion of FGFs based in Montréal and Calgary did not. These results contribute to a greater understanding of metropolitan economies, business development, and HQ location in Canada  相似文献   

基于互联网技术在产业领域全面渗透的发展形势,部分学者提出“网络空间邻近性将取代地理空间邻近性”的论断,而另一部分研究结论坚持认为网络信息技术与平台是线下产业转型升级的“催化剂”,同时提出线下实体产业自身及其关联产业之间的地理要素对线上虚拟平台的构建与发展具有重要意义。据此,文章从地理空间的视角,试图阐释体育场馆虚拟集群构建的地理学研究基础和关注重点,分析体育场馆地理聚集效应无法形成的原因,总结归纳产业虚拟集群具有促进产业聚集形态、提高规模经济效益、建立分工协作关系、带动合作与竞争氛围、形成柔性化创新模式等作用,提出构建虚拟集群是未来体育场馆产业发展的重要形式之一。目前,中国体育场馆产业虚拟集群是横向各成员间合作与竞争的利益价值链,纵向是供需两端线上下产销价值链,共同构成了集群基本的结构体系;根据集群产业的主体规模、地理位置、产权属性和网络化程度等,场馆产业虚拟集群可分为单体型、连锁型、联盟型;而根据场馆产业集群的结构体系和功能特征,其发展过程需历经技术融合、产品改造、结构优化3个升级阶段。最终,建议通过正确认识场馆虚拟集群构建的地理性涵义,持续提升线下场馆服务的核心竞争力,发挥政府的政策支持和牵头结盟作用,建立场馆虚拟集群成员准入监督机制,为虚拟产业集群的创新发展提供理论与实践指导。  相似文献   

全球商品链中的地方产业群--以东莞的"商圈"现象为例   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
分析全球商品链与地方产业群之间的关系,特别强调产业群在发展中国家外资政策中的意义,并结合对东莞“商圈”现象的实地调查,分析了“生产者主导”和“订户主导”两种动力学在我国沿海出口加工地方产业群发展中所扮演的角色。文章认为原有基于土地和劳动力成本优势起来的沿海外向型出口加工业产业群,随着国内市场的进一步开放和成长,既存在新的发展机遇,也面临既成的制度瓶颈,因此,提出要从三方面实现政策侧重点的转变,以充分发挥地方产业群的竞争优势。  相似文献   

Forty percent of all firms in the United States are owned and operated by women. At current growth rates, women could own 50% of the nation's businesses by the turn of the century. Women have been prompted to start their businesses for many reasons, including the desire to avoid gender-based discrimination in the workplace. But female entrepreneurs who venture out on their own must still contend with gender discrimination. This study examines female entrepreneurship in Illinois through rural versus urban comparisons of male and female business owners. We surveyed 4,200 business owners to test the hypothesis that gender and geographic location combined to hinder the entrepreneurial success of women. Business owners were asked about personal attributes including gender, work experience, education, training, and prior career status. Entrepreneurs were also asked about firm characteristics such as financing sources, number of employees, revenues, problems encountered during startup, sector of new firm, geographic location, and the importance of selected community characteristics. Our results show that rural female entrepreneurs face more obstacles to business success than their male or urban female counterparts.  相似文献   

Forty percent of all firms in the United States are owned and operated by women. At current growth rates, women could own 50% of the nation's businesses by the turn of the century. Women have been prompted to start their businesses for many reasons, including the desire to avoid gender‐based discrimination in the workplace. But female entrepreneurs who venture out on their own must still contend with gender discrimination. This study examines female entrepreneurship in Illinois through rural versus urban comparisons of male and female business owners. We surveyed 4,200 business owners to test the hypothesis that gender and geographic location combined to hinder the entrepreneurial success of women. Business owners were asked about personal attributes including gender, work experience, education, training, and prior career status. Entrepreneurs were also asked about firm characteristics such as financing sources, number of employees, revenues, problems encountered during startup, sector of new firm, geographic location, and the importance of selected community characteristics. Our results show that rural female entrepreneurs face more obstacles to business success than their male or urban female counterparts.  相似文献   

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