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Résumé Les moyennes mensuelles des débits mesurés à 229 stations de jaugeage des cours d'eau italiens ont permis le calcul de la composante annuelle et de la composante semi-annuelle par la méthode des combinaisons linéaires d'ordonnées de M. et MmeH. Labrouste. L'examen de la répartition géographique de la phase de chacune de ces composantes fait ressortir les différentes influences du relief continental et de la forme des côtes sur la mise en place dans le temps de ces deux fractions permanentes de l'écoulement.
Summary The monthly average values of the run-off of italian rivers, measured in 229 gauging stations enabled the autors to calculate the annual component and the semi-annual component by the linear combinations of ordinates method (established by M. and MmeH. Labrouste). The geographical repartition of the phase of each component shows the different bearings of continental relief and coast outline on the time-distribution of these two permanent fractions of the flow.


Le présent article montre l'intérêt des simulations mathématiques dans la compréhension des aquifères complexes et hétérogènes. Le réservoir côtier du Maroc occidental est un exemple qui traduit une répartition spatiale des corps perméables et imperméables, d'où la nécessité d'approfondir la connaissance de son fonctionnement hydrogéologique en termes de modélisation numérique. Le modèle hydrodynamique proposé repose sur la résolution du problème direct et inverse. La simulation de l'écoulement (problème direct) en régime permanent a montré la persistance de grands écarts entre la piézométrie mesurée et calculée. Cette anomalie de calage est expliquée principalement par le caractère hétérogène et fissuré, incompatible avec la dérivation de l'équation de diffusivité qui présuppose un milieu continu et un régime laminaire plutôt que turbulent. Deux cartes principales ont été obtenues: (a) une carte des polygones de la conductivité hydraulique dont les valeurs varient entre 50 × 10?4 et 80 × 10?4 m/s; et (b) une carte des polygones de recharge avec des valeurs comprises entre 4.5 × 10?9 et 5 × 10?14 m/s. Le calage du modèle d'écoulement recherché dans la résolution du problème inverse consiste à identifier les paramètres de l'aquifère à partir de la piézométrie connue. Le code d'inversion PEST (Parameter ESTimation) a été utilisé pour créer des cartes montrant des polygones de la conductivité hydraulique et de la recharge avec des valeurs très similaires aux résultats du modèle conceptuel.  相似文献   


The “optimal” model complexity is defined as the minimum watershed model structure required for realistic representation of runoff processes. This paper examines the effects of model complexity at different time scales, daily and hourly. Two watershed models with different levels of complexity were constructed and their capability to simulate runoff from a watershed was evaluated. Both models were tested on the same watershed using identical meteorological input, thereby assuring that any difference between model outputs is due only to their model structure. It is demonstrated that, at a daily time scale, a simple model gives good results. For the mountain situation, in which snowmelt is a dominant influence, the nonlinearity of the runoff processes is moderate, and therefore a simple model works well. The model produced good results over a period of 28 years of continuous simulation. However, this simpler model was inadequate when tested on an hourly time scale due to greater nonlinear effects, especially when modelling high-intensity rainfall events. Therefore, the hourly simulation benefited from the more complex model structure. These model results show that optimal watershed model complexity depends on temporal resolution, namely the simulation period and the computational time step. It was shown that certain process representations and model parameters that appeared unimportant during the long-term simulation had significant effects on the short-term extreme event model simulation.  相似文献   

In the Senegal River valley and Niger Inner Delta, the annual floods inundate a wide floodplain consisting of a complex network of lakes and channels, where topographic information needed by standard hydraulic models is difficult to obtain. To represent the flood propagation between mainstream and floodplain, we use a model designed for flood propagation in river mainstreams with flat bed and large overflow and without topographic data. Depending on the water level in the riverbed, the model calibrated on the levels observed at two stations gives the level in the floodplains and propagation time between stations. Several cases are tested for various types of hydraulic connections between mainstream and floodplain. The model could correctly reproduce the flood rise and fall in the floodplain, even for a lake connected by a single channel to the riverbed or in the case of a strong attenuation of the flood between very distant stations.  相似文献   

Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - Нафняодения высокого...  相似文献   


En zones semi-arides, l'irrégularité temporelle des écoulements pose de sérieux problèmes aux ingénieurs chargés d'évaluer le transport solide dans les bassins versants. Ainsi, pour décider d'une méthodologie d'estimation de l'érosion spécifique, les écoulements au droit de deux stations hydrométriques contrôlant des sous-bassins adjacents sont examinés, dont les apports se rejoignent à quelques kilomètres à l'aval, dans un barrage en exploitation. Vingt deux années de mesures de concentrations en éléments fins en suspension (1973/74-1994/95) sont étudiées; l'approche statistique consiste à les homogénéiser par la recherche d'un modèle régressif significatif reliant le débit solide au débit liquide, à différentes échelles temporelles, permettant ainsi de quantifier d'une part l'érosion et de dégager d'autre part la saison productive en sédiments. L'approche mensuelle avec un modèle en loi de puissance reste la plus significative, expliquant en moyenne 80% de la variation totale. L'automne constitue une saison particulièrement productive en sédiments, véhiculant en moyenne plus de 50% de l'apport solide moyen interannuel.  相似文献   


Event-based runoff coefficients can provide information on watershed response. They are useful for catchment comparison to understand how different landscapes “filter” rainfall into event-based runoff and to explain the observed differences with catchment characteristics and related runoff mechanisms. However, the big drawback of this important parameter is the lack of a standard hydrograph separation method preceding its calculation. Event-based runoff coefficients determined with four well-established separation methods, as well as a newly developed separation method, are compared and are shown to differ considerably. This signifies that runoff coefficients reported in the literature often convey less information than required to allow for catchment classification. The new separation technique (constant-k method) is based on the theory of linear storage. Its advantages are that it is theoretically based in determining the end point of an event and that it can also be applied to events with multiple peaks. Furthermore, it is shown that event-based runoff coefficients in combination with simple statistical models improve our understanding of rainfall—runoff response of catchments with sparse data.  相似文献   


The study describes an experimental site installed in an arid region for the study of spatial variations in rainfall, runoff and erosion processes along slopes. Data obtained indicate that despite the frequent development of universal overland flow, due to excess rainfall, runoff generated at the upper part of slopes, 60–70m in length, has little or no chance of reaching the slope base during most rainstorms and thus does not contribute to channel flow. The spatial distribution of areas contributing to channel storm flow was found to be similar to that observed in the humid regions. In both cases the contributing area is limited to a belt extending at the base of the slope area. An analysis of the factors affecting the spatial pattern of runoff development in the arid zone is presented. Suspended sediment data collected indicate that no correlation exists between observed sediment concentrations and runoff rates.  相似文献   

Résumé Il résulte de l'ensemble des analyses faites que l'eau de la nappe phréatique de l'alluvion ancienne mérite pleinement, au point de vue bactériologique, le qualificatif d'eau potable de très bonne qualité.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans l'article est examinée la question de l'analogie du niveau moyen mensuel de la mer pour un nombre de stations marégraphiques sur les côtes italiennes ct françaises de la Méditerranean. On peut constater que la variation de la quantité de l'eau dans la mer est le facteur principal à ce rapport, mais qu'on doit aussi tenir compte de la distance reciproque entre les stations, de l'influence de la force de Coriolis et de l'effet des éléments météorologiques.
Summary In the paper it is studied the question of the analogy between the average monthly sea-levels for a few tide gauge stations on the Italian and French coasts of the Mediterranean. It could be established that the variation of the water amount in the sea is the principal factor in this regard, but that the distance between the stations, the influence of the Coriolis force and the effect of meteorological elements must be considered, too.


Some commonly used statistical distributions have been compared to find their applicability for describing minimum flows of the Tigris River at Baghdad gauging station. Drought flows with given return period have, thereafter, been predicted by these techniques. The mean of the estimated flows by the various distributions has been calculated to represent a design drought; upper and lower values estimated have been used to give an idea of variation in drought flow estimation. The methodology suggested herein may avoid the dilemma as to which distribution to select for drought flow estimation.  相似文献   


Steep topography and land-use transformations in Himalayan watersheds have a major impact on hydrological characteristics and flow regimes, and greatly affect the perenniality and sustainability of water resources in the region. To identify the appropriate conservation measures in a watershed properly, and, in particular, to augment flow during lean periods, accurate estimation of streamflow is essential. Due to the complexity of rainfall—runoff relationships in hilly watersheds and non-availability of reliable data, process-based models have limited applicability. In this study, data-driven models, based upon the Multiple Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) technique, were employed to predict streamflow (surface runoff, baseflow and total runoff) in three mid-Himalayan micro-watersheds. In addition, the effect of length of historical records on the performance of MARS models was critically evaluated. Though acceptable MARS models could be developed with a 2-year data set, their performance improved considerably with a 3-year data set. Various indicators of model performance, such as correlation coefficient, average deviation, average absolute deviation and modelling efficiency, showed significant improvement for simulation of surface runoff, baseflow and total flow. To further analyse the versatility and general applicability of the MARS approach, 2-year data sets were used to develop the model and test it on a third-year data set to assess its performance. The models simulated the surface runoff, baseflow and total flow reasonably well and can be reliably applied in ungauged small watersheds under identical agro-climatic settings.  相似文献   


Forest growth unfavourably reduces low flows and annual runoff in a basin in Japan. Annual precipitation and runoff of the watershed are summarized from observed daily rainfall and discharge, and annual evapotranspiration is estimated from the annual water balance. The water balance analysis shows obvious trends: reduced annual runoff and increased evapotranspiration over a 36-year period when forest growth increased the leaf area index. Between two periods, 1960–1969 and 1983–1992, mean annual runoff decreased 11%, from 1258 to 1118 mm, due to a 37% increase in evapotranspiration (precipitation minus runoff) from 464 to 637 mm. This increase in evapotranspiration cannot be attributed to changed evaporative demand, based on climatic variability over the 36-year period of record. Flow duration curves show reduced flows in response to forest growth. In particular, they suggest stronger absolute changes for higher flows but stronger proportional changes for medium and lower flows. A distributed model is applied to simulate the influences of five scenarios based on a 30% change in leaf area index and 5% change in soil storage capacity. From the simulation results, canopy growth appears to contribute much more to flow reduction than changes in soil storage capacity.  相似文献   

Summary An X-Band Radar is operating since 1949 at the «Musée Océanographique». It has been used extensively for the observation of meteorological echoes and of sea echoes. Many photographical records have been made. Echoes have been observed without any cloud reporting to.  相似文献   


Periodicity of the runoff and the sediment load, and possible impacts from human activities and climatic changes, in the Yangtze River basin during 1963–2004 are discussed based on the monthly sediment and runoff data, and using the wavelet approach. Research results indicated that: (a) Sediment load changes are severely impacted by the different types of human activity (e.g. construction of water reservoirs, deforestation/afforestation); and the runoff variability is the direct result of climatic changes, e.g. the precipitation changes. (b) The impacts of human activity and climatic changes on the sediment load and runoff changes are greater in smaller river basins (e.g. the Jialingjiang River basin) than in larger river basins. The response of sediment load and runoff changes to the impacts of human activities and climatic changes are prompt and prominent in the Jialingjiang River basin relative to those in the mainstem of the Yangtze River basin. (c) Construction of the Three Gorges Dam has already had obvious impacts on the sediment transport process in the middle and lower Yangtze River basin, but shows no obvious influence on the runoff changes. Construction of the Three Gorges Dam will result in further re-adjustment of the scouring/filling process within the river channel in the middle and lower Yangtze River basin, and have corresponding effects on the altered sediment load because of the Dam's operation for the river channel, ecology, sustainable social economy and even the development of the Yangtze Delta. This will be of concern to local governments and policy makers.  相似文献   

Résumé L'amplitude relativeA de la marée de l'écorce se déduit du rapport entre les variations de pesanteur théorique et observée. La comparaison directe de leurs valeurs horaires permet de déterminer ce rapport, mais cette méthode néglige le déphasage éventuel de la marée de l'écorce par rapport aux forces génératrices. L'erreur (négative) qui en résulte sur les valeurs habituelles deA est d'environ 11% (en supposant un déphasage de 1 h), si l'on compare uniquement les amplitudes extrêmes; elle atteint 14% si l'on tient compte de l'ensemble des valeurs horaires.Si l'effet du déphasage se fait peu ressentir aux heures où la marée est importante, on conçoit qu'il introduise une erreur relative considérable sur les valeurs horaires correspondant à une marée faible. Le calcul montre cependant qu'on n'améliore guère lè résultat global en éliminant systématiquement ces dernières.
Summary The relative amplitudeA of the earth tide is deduced from the ratio of the theoretical variations of gravity to the observed. The direct comparison of their hourly values allows the determination of this ratio, but this method neglects the eventual dephasing of the earth tide over the generating forces. The resulting (negative) error on the usual values ofA is about 11% (supposing a dephasing of 1 hour), if only extreme amplitudes are compared; it reaches 14% if the totality of the hourly values is taken into account.If the effect of the dephasing is slight at the hours when the tide has a great value, it is conceivable that it introduces a noticeable relative error on the hourly readings corresponding to a low value. The computation shows nevertheless that the total result is little improved by systematic elimination of the latter.

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