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The recent growth in the U.S. brewing industry is remarkable, and the prevailing number of breweries has not been seen since the late nineteenth century. Several studies have shown that beer-producing facilities are spatially uneven across the United States. These previous studies used spatial units, however, such as metropolitan statistical areas, that might bias conclusions. Using a multiscale core-cluster approach, we explicitly identify where significant agglomerations of brewers are located. Our approach offers two refinements to standard cluster detection methods. First, instead of using fixed spatial boundaries, our method allows us to measure the concentration of brewery point locations across a spectrum of spatial scales. Additionally, our approach enables us to account for important underlying factors that influence the location of beer production. We use point data for all U.S. breweries in 2014. Our results show that the localization of beer production is significant and strongest at small spatial scales and diminishes rapidly with increasing distance, after controlling for population. We map the results to show the spatial variation in brewery agglomeration across the United States.  相似文献   

First, central to our analysis is the argument that human movement within and across borders fundamentally challenges the view of geopolitics based upon fixed territorial states, inter-state relations, national identities and citizenship; indeed the whole idea of "national geographic". Using the examples of the Karen and Shan peoples, we explore the processes and patterns of forced relocation, displacement and migration in the border regions of Myanmar and Thailand. Our main concern is with forced displacement as a result of political and ethnic conflict; specifically, how the Burmese military regime's desire for "national unity" within Myanmar's "national space" has influenced the militarily inspired displacements of hundreds of thousands of villagers and civilians within the border zones inhabited mostly by so-called "national minorities". We examine the particular problems of the so-called "internally displaced persons" within "national" boundaries compared with the "refugees" and "undocumented migrants" who make it across "international" space into Thailand. We illustrate the ways displaced people are represented by state agencies and the media as "threats" and "transgressors". We consider some of the "long term" aspects of the displacement problem along the Myanmar-Thai border and the vital contribution geographers can make to the study of displacement.  相似文献   

This essay traces the evolution of children's geographies as a concept through three phases. First, in the early 1970s as a beginning impression influenced heavily by developmental and environmental psychology. Second, beginning around 1990, children's geographies cohered politically as geographers focused on young people's identity through feminism and Marxism, and global policy initiatives on children's rights. The third phase, covering the last couple of decades, coming from issues of political identity, challenges what we think we know about young people and their geographies, and also advocates a set of loose theories about the ways young people create and re‐create spaces and themselves. Cognate disciplines coming to geography for insights about children and their worlds characterize this current phase. To offset this seeming linear progression the essay also notes an involution of the concept that defies clear categories and sequences, but suggests the fluidity of tensions and accommodations that comprises children's geographies.  相似文献   

More than half of Australia's lands and coastal regions are now encompassed within the boundaries of native title claims. The claims and the 'native title communities' who have lodged them are shaping a new geography of Australia's lands and seascapes. These communities derive from traditional ownership and thus have a different, and more fundamentally authoritative, basis to the indigenous 'residential communities' whose representative organisations are the mechanism through which governments have promoted indigenous self-management and which dominate in public affairs. Recognition of native title provides some opportunities for indigenous people to negotiate for benefits which will address their marginalised and economically dependent status but these are limited by the protection given to non-indigenous interests and are often proving they can be very difficult to realise. Overcoming indigenous marginalisation, promoting co-existence between indigenous and other Australians, and securing sustainability in rural regions requires that institutional reform goes beyond legally bounded interpretations of where native title does and does not still exist. Rebuilding indigenous institutions for governance of country is fundamental to achieving necessary change but political will and resources to support the process are critically lacking.  相似文献   

西方教育地理学研究评述与本土反思   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
袁振杰  陈晓亮 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1938-1945
近20 a来,西方教育地理学受马克思主义地理学以及社会文化地理学思想的影响,重新审视教育空间与社会结构的关联,从多维度进一步认识教育空间建构过程中的政治经济与社会文化机制。对西方教育地理学的产生和发展演变进行分析,并尝试从政治经济和社会文化两大视角,总结和归纳当前西方教育地理学研究的主要成果和内容。教育地理学是一门新兴而又发展迅猛的人文地理学分支,但该学科的理论和实证发展尚处于以西方为主导的阶段,强势的西方话语体系还未充分涉及和理解非西方国家背景下的教育现象。当前是非西方国家建构自身教育地理学理论特色,并与西方教育地理学研究展开理论和实践对话的重要机遇和窗口。中国拥有世界规模最大的教育群体,当前社会经济发展的转型和人口结构的改变也进一步塑造了教育空间的多样性和特殊性。总之,加深教育与空间关系的研究,增强教育地理学研究的中西对话,构建中国化的教育地理学研究体系,使教育空间成为考察中国社会经济转型的重要视角,是中国教育地理学研究未来应努力的方向。  相似文献   

顾维玮  朱诚 《地理科学》2005,25(2):239-243
苏北地区7000-6500aB.P.青莲岗文化时期重要新石器遗址有18处,主要分布在苏北废黄河泗阳至涟水段南北两岸。6000-5200aB.P.刘林文化时期重要遗址有9处,主要分布在涟水、邳县和高邮等地。6300-4400aB.P.大汶口文化时期主要遗址有8处,4100-3800aB.P.龙山文化时期主要遗址有23处,这两个时期遗址主要分布于连云港-沭阳-泗洪一线以西。以上遗址分布与气候和海面变化密切相关:7000aB.P.前的全新世最大海侵使江苏沿海普遍遭到海侵,故本区未发现7000aB.P.前的新石器遗址;青莲岗文化遗址多分布在基本未受海侵影响的陆相环境区;刘林文化遗址的锐减预示着5500aB.P.前后苏北全新世高海面的到来;龙山文化时期苏北大部分成陆,使得遗址数量增加更为显著。  相似文献   

安徽淮河流域全新世环境演变对新石器遗址分布的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
黄润  朱诚  郑朝贵 《地理学报》2005,60(5):742-750
安徽淮河流域是我国自然条件多重过渡地带和古代文化交汇地区,新石器时代演绎了多期古文化,石山子文化时期以渔猎为主,大汶口文化时期渔猎与农耕并重,而龙山文化时期以农耕为主,渔猎为辅。利用野外考古资料和已有考古研究成果,系统地梳理本区新石器文化发展进程,利用钻孔孢粉、年代数据等恢复本区全新世自然环境演变过程,并将考古资料和环境演变研究有机地结合起来,探讨该地区全新世环境演变和古文化发展的关系。研究表明,随着全新世大暖期的开始,新石器早期出现石山子文化,地方特征明显。6.5 kaBP~ 5.5 kaBP气候暖湿,受高海面和洪涝灾害等的影响,地表环境恶劣,导致文化发展中断、考古遗址缺失,5.5 kaBP~4.0 kaBP气候趋干,自然条件有利于人类生存,大汶口、龙山文化逐渐繁荣。与中原、山东地区相比,本区在新石器文化发展阶段、遗址数量和分布变化等方面存在较明显差异。  相似文献   

In recent years, social scientists have turned increasing scholarly focus to the ‘post-colonial city’, as it relates to the lived experiences and socio-cultural worlds of urban-dwelling Indigenous peoples. In Australia, this literature is concerned primarily with issues of identity, power and representation in big cities. More conventional geographic analyses regarding socio-spatial, economic and demographic aspects of urban Indigenous experience have been mostly absent from this discourse. In this paper, we begin to address this gap within the literature by identifying notable socio-spatial, economic, and demographic features of urban Indigenous experience in regional Australian cities. We draw on census and administrative data to empirically examine Indigenous residency, presence, and uneven housing market access in regional urban centres. The analysis builds a national comparative picture regarding population change, tenure type, crowding and housing affordability in these localities. At the same time, it ‘drills down’ to explore some of the drivers and implications of change against these indicators in one case study locality: Geraldton Western Australian. This case study analysis, based on recent fieldwork, grounds the broad identified trends in a localised narrative, illuminating some of general and specific socio-economic and socio-spatial dynamics that shape urban life for Indigenous peoples in regional Australia and the implications of these dynamics for broader questions of co-existence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):20-44
Debates about the causes of segregation continue to consider the role that own-race preferences have in understanding the persistence of racial residential segregation in American cities. In this paper, I offer an alternative to the own-race preference model. I argue that segregation of low-income Black households from Whites persists in Buffalo, New York, because the spatial rootedness of Blacks' survival strategies leads households to choose housing in the central city, where their social networks and most Black households live. I illustrate this argument by exploring the multiple reasons for why a group of African American households, who were prompted to move through the settlement of a high-profile housing discrimination lawsuit, chose to relocate to neighborhoods in the central city in Buffalo. I adopt a context-sensitive perspective in making the argument and further argue that such approaches are ultimately useful in capturing the complex reasons that underlie the persistence of segregation.  相似文献   

在哈大齐工业走廊用地总体规划中,大庆市共开发340.9 km2,其中,盐碱地达320 km2.利用ArcGIS的空间分析模块建立选址模型,以地图代数为分析语言,在栅格数据的环境下用层次分析法来确定权重,对大庆地区的工业用地选址情况进行模拟;当适宜度value≥8.38时,已获得的土地面积达到362.07km2.结果表明:在栅格数据的环境下,以GIS空间分析功能进行用地选址,科学性强,易于在计算机上实现,具有良好的效果.  相似文献   

蔺雪芹  郭一鸣  王岱 《地理科学》2019,39(3):377-386
利用混合方向性距离函数构建工业资源和环境效率评价模型,并基于空间效应构建工业资源和环境效率影响因素分析模型,分析了2006年和2015年中国工业资源和环境效率的空间演化特征,剖析了工业资源和环境效率的影响因素及其作用机制。研究表明:中国工业资源效率总体较低且多年来有所下降,空间分异由“均衡分布”向“西高东低”转化,资源效率在空间上具有正相关性,且空间相关性有所提升。中国工业环境效率总体偏低且多年来略有下降,空间分异总体呈“H”型格局,环境效率具有显著的空间正相关性。工业化水平和环境规制与资源效率呈显著负相关;对外开放与资源效率呈显著正相关,但作用逐渐变得不显著;劳动生产水平与资源效率显著正相关。对外开放与环境效率显著正相关,但作用逐渐变得不显著;环境规制与环境效率提升呈显著负相关,但这种负向作用逐渐不显著;劳动生产水平与环境效率显著正相关;工业企业尤其是大中型企业数量的增多与环境效率显著负相关。  相似文献   

Forest fires in Algeria in the 1850s and 1860s suggest a link between environmentally induced catastrophes and the geographies of property and territory in the colony. In eastern Algeria, these fires helped fuel a discussion over the security and reliability of European settlers’ property rights and of the colonial state's ability to guarantee them. Following a brief analysis of forestry policy in France and Algeria, this paper analyzes some of the correspondence and official reports that emerged in the wake of major conflagrations. By the early 1860s, settlers and private forestry companies were calling the colonial state's credibility into question and demanding far‐reaching changes to the property law and land‐use regimes in place in the colony. Eventually, colonial authorities moved to help cement settlers’ property claims, eliminating enclaves and imposing new rules on “native” Algerians’ rights to use the forest. This essay concludes by suggesting that the process of making property private, in Algeria and elsewhere, is informed by perceptions of risk and by the modes of awareness inspired by environmentally induced catastrophic events.  相似文献   

甘青地区齐家文化较前期的马家窑分布北界南缩,整体海拔变低,是对4 ka B.P.事件中气候干旱和气温降低的响应。齐家遗址较马家窑分布更为稀疏,遗址最短距离变大,对河流的依赖性降低,这一变化与齐家文化时期畜牧业比重的增加相关。密度分析表明4 ka B.P.前后,马家窑聚落的单核心凝聚模式演变为齐家的多核心模式,极端气候事件使得农业生产能力和资源状况恶化,部落间战争频发,战争可能对父权制度的形成和冶炼技术的进步产生了一定的促进作用,在一定程度上导致甘青史前社会向复杂化发展。  相似文献   

在世界遗产地旅游产业发展的动态背景下,运用偏离份额分析法和向量夹角法分别从产业结构的合理化和高级化两个视角衡量山东省曲阜市2006—2015年旅游产业结构的时序变化,测度曲阜市旅游产业结构变动对旅游经济发展的贡献。研究表明:曲阜市旅游产业有一定的结构优势但竞争力相对较弱,合理化水平有待提高;旅游产业结构的高级化水平虽然有升有降,但平均水平一直较高,表现出高位震荡的特征;旅游产业结构变动对旅游经济增长贡献度的均值为0.03,周期性震荡呈现收敛趋势,反映出曲阜市旅游经济发展趋于成熟。  相似文献   

This study addresses the current status of U.S. water resource management adaptation at the river basin scale. Four large basins, the Colorado, Platte, and Delaware rivers, as well as the Everglades Basin were examined to gain a diverse national perspective. The research program utilized qualitative methods, including observation, interviews, and questionnaires, to survey diverse basin management participants. Fifty-four participants in the case basins were interviewed on their perceptions and actions concerning the effects of climate variability and change. The research objective was to compare the cases in an adaptation assessment. Water decision makers in the United States make basin resource decisions based on a local physical and sociocultural environment. Therefore, although climate change is a global hazard, the characteristic local responses are unique for each of the study basins. The most employed adaptation method currently cited is a paradigm shift from command and control of basin resources to adaptable, flexible, no-regrets strategies, effective as responses to a wide array of potential effects from global environmental change.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to provide a comparative analysis of the role of labour movements in democratisation during two very different political transitions in Nigeria and South Africa and in the context of globalisation and neoliberal hegemony. First, Nigeria is examined as an example of authoritarian rollback and containment of pro-democracy movements in an economy heavily conditioned by interventions from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Second, South Africa is discussed as a case of home-grown structural adjustment or gradual neoliberal shift in macroeconomic policies without relevant external interventions. The paper compares the failure of past Nigerian democratisation with the problems and issues arising after the first successful democratic electoral change in South Africa. Labour is analysed by focusing on its relationships with a set of organisations, institutions and regulated behaviours, and the broader concept of labour movement in its plurality of forms of identity, militancy and organisation. The argument of this paper is that the neoliberal discourse, with or without overt political authoritarianism, involves a narrowing of spaces for institutionalising the progressive role of labour in civil society. In the Nigerian case, this process leads to grassroots' demand for a significant radicalisation of trade union strategies, while the possibilities and constraints for such an outcome in the South African case are explored in relation to the crisis of corporatist solutions. The paper concludes that the impact of labour is the single most important factor in the establishment of democracy through alliance with other social forces. At the same time, this conclusion cautions with the contradictory nature of pressures placed on organised labour.  相似文献   

前苏联是世界上铁路运输利用率最高的国家。本文从其铁路发展的背景条件出发,分析了铁路成为前苏联最主要运输方式的原因,并进一步探讨了前苏联铁路网的建设、发展和分布特点,对我国正在进行的大规模铁路建设有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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