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《Urban geography》2013,34(4):434-452
Principal components analysis of small-area data provided by China's 2000 Population Census shows that major new economic and social forces largely shape the spatial composition of housing in Guangzhou. This is generally manifested in a series of concentric rings: the old urban core, the middle zone of reform housing, and the outer ring of new commodity housing. In addition, urban villages punctuate the metropolitan landscape. Corresponding analysis of sociodemographic attributes depict a metropolis in transition, with market elements and choice-based housing decisions beginning to impinge on the urban fabric. However, the deeply entrenched socialist institutions established during the early years of the People's Republic ensure the continuing dominance of the workplace and occupational attributes as factors structuring China's metropolitan space.  相似文献   

Can a sense of ownership over constantly changing urban places be generated through pedestrian exploration and everyday digital media practice? This paper begins with the author’s visit to the city of Adelaide, where a chance encounter – an intriguing sign painted on the wall of a city building – led to a hunt through the city for ghost signs, the remnants of old hand-painted advertisements. This spontaneous activity, combined with the online exploration and image sharing that followed, generated a renewed feeling of connection to, and ownership over, an erstwhile familiar locale. The experience is analysed through the work of theorists investigating change and belonging in modern cities including Guy Debord, Doreen Massey, Michel de Certeau, Andreas Huyssen, and Mark Crinson, as well as the contemporary growth in both politically inspired urban exploring (“Urbex” or “place hacking”) and the digital documentation and sharing of ghost signs and other urban ephemera.  相似文献   

中国大都市新移民的住房模式与影响机制   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
李志刚 《地理学报》2012,67(2):189-200
利用在广州、东莞、沈阳、成都、杭州、郑州6 市进行配额抽样调查(2008-2009 年) 所获得的3168 份问卷,采用Logistic 回归分析等计量方法,研究快速城市化下中国大都市“新移民”的住房状况、模式与机制。研究表明,城市新移民已经成为一个日趋分化的复合群体,可分为劳力型移民、智力型移民、投资型移民三类,三类新移民住房状况存在较大差异。总体上,新移民人均住房面积为20.69 m2,其中智力型新移民的人均住房面积最高(24.87 m2/人),劳力型新移民的最低(16.26 m2/人)。就住房设施条件而言,新移民的设施指数为0.35,水平较低;其中投资型新移民的设施条件最好,智力型新移民的设施条件次之,劳力型新移民最差。经过多年市场化和户籍制度改革,社会经济要素对于新移民住房模式(购房或租房)的影响越来越大,但当前各类新移民的住房模式主要由制度因素(户口) 所决定,职业因素对新移民住房模式的影响尚不显著。不过,职业对新移民租房的类型选择具有较大影响。此外,影响新移民住房设施水平的主要因素包括户口、收入水平、教育水平、婚姻状况、年龄和新移民类型等多个方面,其中户口仍是决定性因素。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1080-1099
This study examines the current role of ideology in maintaining and reproducing consumer demand for residential suburban spaces in the outer ring of American metropolitan regions. It highlights the contradiction between the promises that are made through the ideology and discourse of the American Dream and the inherent limits of those promises within the realities of a highly dynamic capitalist society. It is argued that this powerful discursive formation has evolved through recent neoliberal times, and is manifest in the suburban landscape in new ways. It must continue to produce simulated images that signify mythologized narratives of the past that cater to sentiments of hope and a better life in the future. At the same time, it works through existing fears and anxieties in order to secure the progressive accumulation of capital in the suburban built environment. Evidence will be provided from the ongoing suburbanization of Kendall County, Illinois at the southwestern edge of metropolitan Chicago.  相似文献   

Graffiti is a ubiquitous feature of the urban landscape commonly perceived to be a symptom of disorder, deprivation, and violence. Broken windows theory asserts that it is also a cause. To examine this, we conduct a geographic correlation study of graffiti and violence using geographic information systems. A strong spatial covariation is observed, with spatially dependent residual clusters suggesting that the graffiti–violence relationship is context dependent and varied. Ferrell and Weide's spot theory provides a lens for situating hot spots and facilitating a more nuanced interrogation of graffiti and violence in several Vancouver neighborhoods. We advocate for situated spatial analyses of interpersonal violence to inform public health interventions and advance policymaking beyond the popular aesthetic symbolism of urban space.  相似文献   

This article presents an extensive comparative review of the emergence and application of geodemographics in both the United States and United Kingdom, situating them as an extension of earlier empirically driven models of urban socio-spatial structure. The empirical and theoretical basis for this generalization technique is also considered. Findings demonstrate critical differences in both the application and development of geodemographics between the United States and United Kingdom resulting from their diverging histories, variable data economies, and availability of academic or free classifications. Finally, current methodological research is reviewed, linking this discussion prospectively to the changing spatial data economy in both the United States and United Kingdom.  相似文献   

以佛山市“岭南天地”(祖庙-东华里历史文化街区)的“三旧”改造为案例,讨论历史文化名城核心区改造中城市更新概念的衍生、想象及认知局限性.尤其侧重于概念运用在历史文化名城老城核心区更新中的作用、价值及其在更新实践中的推动或限制因素.研究显示,“三旧”改造概念作为城市更新理念与佛山城市旧区改造的现实问题相互结合而衍生的“应景”产物,在运用中凝练了更新主体(地方政府)对旧区改造发展的愿望、想象和认知倾向.这使得“三旧”改造概念在历史文化名城城市更新中的应用存在部分的局限性.另一方面,“三旧”改造发展模式及其想象展望也可能只是地方政府及开发商谋求城市、产业发展和城市综合竞争力提升的一种手段.此外,研究显示,“三旧”改造概念只被地方政府和投资人用作组织与寻求他们各自关注点的一种达到目的的手段或技术,从本质上来说,这个概念对他们的吸引力在于与之相关联的资源,以及一种供使用、阐释、替换的语言.至于这个概念对历史文化名城城市更新的实用性,则似乎关注不够.  相似文献   

在全球化和新型城镇化大背景下,城市群是辐射面最广、潜力最大、活力最强的核心增长极,但其高速成长背后是各类要素的大量投入,客观评估城市群经济绩效对于推动中国城镇化持续健康发展意义深远。在总结既有研究的基础上,选取中国13个典型城市群为样本,以2000-2013年为研究时段,采用资本、土地、劳动、科技和经济五大要素长时间序列数据,在全要素生产率(TFP)分析框架下,通过数据包络分析方法(DEA)静态评价时间截面的城市群投入产出效率,进而运用Malmquist生产率指数法动态分析城市群TFP年际变化,探讨其时空格局和内在演化机制。研究发现:城市群经济绩效进步明显,但空间分布仍不均衡;科技进步贡献的滞后在一定程度上抵消了通过规模扩张和资源配置优化带来的正效应,只有长三角、珠三角和京津冀三大城市群初步实现依靠科技进步促进发展,表明各城市群所处发展阶段和动力机制差异显著。据此,提出针对不同地区、不同发展阶段城市群的发展策略。  相似文献   

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