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Understanding of the relationship between precipitation and the associated sources of moisture is essential to the improvement of our comprehension of the global water cycle. The observation of precipitation is one of the major challenges in the study of climate, as is the proper assignment of the sources of moisture that account for that precipitation. A stark contrast in the amounts of available information on precipitation may be seen in the cases of Central America and the northern part of South America. The main areas of precipitation in tropical America are described, and the moisture sources for these areas are identified by means of a Lagrangian approach presented with an example application. A strong relationship exists between the identified sources of moisture and the distribution of precipitation in the locations in question. The Caribbean Sea and the tropical Atlantic are highlighted as the main sources of moisture for the regions of highest precipitation in tropical America. Regional low-level winds play a major role in transport of moisture from the adjacent oceanic regions.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Durán-Quesada, A.M., Reboita, M. and Gimeno, L., 2012. Precipitation in tropical America and the associated sources of moisture: a short review. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (4), 612–624.  相似文献   

Inundation patterns in two of the largest savanna floodplains of South America were studied by analysis of the 37‐GHz polarization difference observed by the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (Nimbus‐7 satellite). Flooded area was estimated at monthly intervals for January 1979 through to August 1987 using mixing models that account for the major landscape units with distinctive microwave emission characteristics. Results are presented separately for five subregions in each of the two floodplain regions to show the spatial as well as temporal variability in inundation patterns. The total area inundated during the 9 years varied between 2069 and 78 460 km2 in the Llanos de Moxos (also spelled as Mojos; median area, 23 383 km2) and 1278 and 105 454 km2 in the Llanos del Orinoco (median, 25 374 km2), not including the open‐water area of permanent lakes and river channels. The correlation between flooded area and river stage was used to extend the inundation records over a 30‐year period in the Moxos (1967–97) and a 58‐year period (1927–85) in the Orinoco. Interannual variability in inundation is greater in the Moxos than the Orinoco. Comparison of these data, however, with a previously published analysis of the Pantanal wetland shows that inundation patterns in these two floodplain regions are not as variable across years as they are in the Pantanal. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

奥里诺科重油带构造成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
奥里诺科重油带是目前世界上唯一一个还基本未开发的大规模重油富集带,它位于东委内瑞拉盆地边缘隆起带,总体是一北倾单斜,其上主要发育E-W向、NEE向和NE-SW向三组断裂,且以张性断裂为主,其中有一条北东向区域性大断裂将奥里诺科重油带在平面上划分为两大构造区,其各自的构造特征不同.奥里诺科重油带之所以有这样的构造特征是与其所处的大地构造背景和加勒比板块与南美板块发生斜撞等一系列作用有关的.本文在总结奥里诺科重油带构造特征同时,对其成因进行了深入分析,以便对奥里诺科重油带构造解释和油气藏的控制因素分析起到指导作用.  相似文献   

Monthly analyses of pH, conductance, alkalinity, total suspended solids, dissolved major cations (Na, K, Ca and Mg), and selected dissolved trace elements (Fe, Al, Mn, Cu, Zn and Cr) were conducted on waters of the lower Orinoco River from February 2004 to May 2006. The data show strong seasonal variability. Major cations had maximum concentrations at low water, and were correlated with pH, conductance and alkalinity because of the tributaries coming from the Andean zones, where the weathering of evaporites and carbonate shales controls water chemistry. K concentrations did not show any relation with evaporite weathering, probably because large amounts of K come from the Guayana Shield rivers as a consequence of feldspar weathering. The concentrations of dissolved Fe, Mn and Cu were highest during the high water stage. Concentrations of the elements K, Cr, Zn and Cu are correlated with each other but not with dissolved Fe and Al, which probably are complexed with humic and fulvic substances. Mn concentrations did not show relationships with other variables. Inter‐annual variability of dissolved elements is explained by temporal changes in precipitation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes in precipitation are useful tracers to strengthen understanding of climate change and hydrological processes. In this study, the moisture sources of 190 precipitation events in Beijing were analysed using the Hybrid Single‐particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model, based on which we studied the relation between variations in precipitation δ18O and dynamics in moisture sources and atmospheric circulation in seasonal and interannual timescales. Categorization of 7 groups of moisture sources was performed, among which oceanic moisture sources presented lower δ18O in precipitation than continental moisture sources. The results show that seasonal variations of precipitation δ18O were caused by changes of moisture sources. In summer, moisture from proximal oceans dominated vapour transport to Beijing due to increasing monsoon strength and resulted in a relatively small variation of precipitation δ18O. At the interannual timescale, the variations of δ18O in summer precipitation were related to dynamics in oceanic moistures, showing depleted values when the contribution of oceanic moistures, especially the proportion of long‐distance oceanic moisture, was high. Further analysis indicated that changes of oceanic moisture sources were controlled by the strength of summer monsoons. These findings address the complexity of moisture sources in midlatitude monsoon areas and suggest that isotopic signals in precipitation have the potential to deduce changes in moisture sources and atmospheric circulation and can therefore serve for palaeoclimate reconstruction.  相似文献   

The Mendoza River is mainly dependent on the melting of snow and ice in the Upper Andes. Since predicted changes in climate would modify snow accumulation and glacial melting, it is important to understand the relative contributions of various water sources to river discharge. The two main mountain ranges in the basin, Cordillera Principal and Cordillera Frontal, present differences in geology and receive differing proportions of precipitation from Atlantic and Pacific moisture sources. We propose that differences in the origin of precipitation, geology and sediment contact times across the basin generate ionic and stable isotopic signatures in the water, allowing the differentiation of water sources. Waters from the Cordillera Principal had higher salinity and were more isotopically depleted than those from the Cordillera Frontal. Stable isotope composition and salinity differed among different water sources. The chemical temporal evolution of rivers and streams indicated changes in the relative contributions of different sources, pointing to the importance of glacier melting and groundwater in the river discharge.  相似文献   


Soil moisture estimates obtained over large spatial areas will become increasingly available through current and upcoming satellite missions and from numerous land surface parameterization schemes run at global- and continental-scale resolutions. The goal of this research was to evaluate the potential for using macroscale estimates of soil moisture for enhancing streamflow forecasts. Towards this research objective, monthly streamflow estimates were obtained from over 50 gauge locations within the Nelson basin, Canada, for the period 1979–1999. For each streamflow record, multiple linear regression models were used to remove components of the streamflow signal related to previous streamflow, climate teleconnections (e.g. ENSO and AO) and snow water equivalence. Correlations were then assessed between the macroscale soil moisture estimates and the residuals of the multiple linear regression analysis over lead times of one, two and three months. At the one- and two-month lead time, statistically significant relationships between soil moisture and the residuals of streamflow are observed over a large proportion of the gauging locations. The number of catchments with statistically significant relationships decreases significantly after two months and particularly in the months of April—June. This study demonstrates that available macroscale estimates of soil moisture have the potential to enhance streamflow prediction, although further study is suggested to improve upon the soil moisture estimates and their application in a forecast system.  相似文献   

This study addresses the changes in dissolved major and trace element concentrations along the Orinoco River, including the mixing zone between the Orinoco and Apure Rivers. Water samples from the Apure and Orinoco Rivers were collected monthly in four sectors over a period of 15 months. Auxiliary parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and temperature), total suspended sediments, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and major (Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Si) and trace (Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Cr) element concentrations were measured in all sectors. The relative contribution of both rivers after the Apure–Orinoco confluence was determined using Ca as a tracer. Moreover, a mixing model was developed to determine whether dissolved species exhibit a conservative behavior during mixing. The results indicate that DOC is removed from waters during the Apure–Orinoco mixing, probably due to absorption of DOC on mineral phases supplied by the Apure River. Dissolved Na, Ca, and Mg behave conservatively during the mixing processes, and their concentrations are controlled by a dilution process. The anomaly in the temporal pattern of K in the Orinoco is caused by the input of biogenic K originating from the Apure River during the high‐water stage. The loss of dissolved Si during the low‐water stage can be explained by the uptake of Si by diatoms. Dissolved Mn, Zn, Al, and Fe showed a non‐conservative behavior during the Apure–Orinoco mixing. The removal of Mn and Zn from the dissolved phase can be explained by the formation of Mn‐oxyhydroxides and the scavenging of Zn onto Mn oxides. Dissolved Fe is controlled by redox processes, although the removals of Fe and Al due to the preferential adsorption of large organometallic complexes by mineral surfaces after the Apure–Orinoco confluence can affect the mobility of both elements during transport. The conservative behavior shown by Cu and Cr can be related to the tendency of both elements to be complexed with small organic colloids, which are not preferentially adsorbed by clays.  相似文献   

针对南美西北部前陆盆地斜坡带低幅度构造-岩性复合圈闭隐蔽性强、识别难度大、油藏边界难以准确描述等技术难点,开展了围绕油气藏特征及分布规律、层序地层及沉积微相、地震资料精细处理和解释的综合勘探方法研究.在厄瓜多尔奥连特盆地的研究成功指导了中方区块的勘探实践,并在开发区加密井的优选和部署中发挥了关键作用.形成了一套适用于南美前陆盆地斜坡带复合型隐蔽油气藏的勘探方法和识别技术.  相似文献   

沈丹丹  包为民  江鹏  张阳  费如君 《湖泊科学》2017,29(6):1510-1519
本文旨在将实时监测得到的土壤墒情转化为流域水文模型可以直接使用的土壤含水量,论证将实时土壤墒情资料用于实时预报的可行性;利用实时监测土壤墒情,改进传统的模型结构,设计基于实测土壤墒情的降雨径流水文预报模型.采用土壤含水量误差抗差估计技术以抵御观测资料粗差的影响,提高系统的稳定性;并在此基础上提出了土壤含水量系统响应修正方法,以提高模型计算精度.将该模型应用于实验流域——宝盖洞流域进行应用检验,洪水模拟合格率达到92.3%,整体模拟精度达到甲级.  相似文献   

Pollen and spores form a significant part of the suspended organic load of a New Forest stream. Flood concentrations reach 230 grains ml?1 while baseflow carries under one grain ml?1. Hydrographs from different seasons show differing hysteretic loops for pollen and spore concentrations against discharge and suspended sediment. These variations reflect not only factors of production, but the type and distance of the contributing sources. This investigation suggests that variations in flood pollen and spore concentrations may be used to trace such suspended sediment sources as: eroding bedrock, channel banks, or hillslopes under specific vegetation covers.  相似文献   

A 7-year sediment transport monitoring on the Upper Niger rivers was used to study the relationship between suspended sediment concentration and river discharge. During annual floods, these relationships show positive hysteresis. This paper presents the results of two models that estimate the time evolution of suspended sediment concentration using water discharge data only. The first model is based on a statistical approach using two relationships, one for the rising stage period of the flood and one for the recession period of the annual flood; the second model is a lumped conceptual one; it supposes that the sediment flux observed in the river comes from two different sources of sediment and that these two sources may be regarded as two different reservoirs. The erosion of the first reservoir represents hillslope erosion observed during the runoff season. Sediment supply from this ‘reservoir’ is limited in time because depletion occurs during the runoff season. The second reservoir is unlimited in time and quantity and its erosion represents contributions coming from bank erosion and mobilisation of deposits in the channel network.

Both of the models are compared with a simple rating curve based model. The model results show that the conceptual model has the highest efficiency to reproduce from weekly discharge only the time evolution of weekly suspended sediment concentrations, the time evolution of weekly sediment fluxes, and the global annual sediment yields.  相似文献   

通过两个径流场的对比试验,研究了华南坡地氮素在某场降雨下的迁移特征和来源,结果表明,在没有施肥的情况下,氮素的迁移形态以铵氮、硝氮为主,总氮、硝氮和亚硝氮的迁移以地下下渗迁移为主,铵氮的迁移以地表迁移为主;在施放尿素的情况下,氮素的迁移形态以溶解态的尿素、铵氮和硝氮为主,总氮、溶解态尿素和铵氮的迁移以地表径流迁移为主,...  相似文献   

The data reflecting the change in density are obtained, with computer tomograph scanning through the sample of freezing soil section by section at intervals without destruction. Combined with the changing characteristics of water content along the sample during test, the dynamic coupled process of moisture and density fields under the effect of temperature gradient on the freezing soil in closed system is discussed. The result reflects the internal process of frost heave improvement resulting from the transfer of mass and heat. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49401003).  相似文献   

Modeling of sediment transport in relation to changing land-surface conditions against a background of considerable natural variability is a challenging area in hydrology. Bayesian dynamic linear models (DLMs) however, offer opportunities to account for non-stationarity in relationships between hydrologic input and basin response variables. Hydrologic data are from a 40 years long record (1951–1990) from the 5905 km2 Yadkin River basin in North Carolina, USA. DLM regressions were estimated between log-transformed volume-weighted sediment concentration as a response and log-transformed rainfall erosivity and river flow, respectively, as input variables. A similar regression between log-transformed river flow and log-transformed basin averaged rainfall was also analyzed. The dynamic regression coefficient which reflects the erodibility of the basin decreased significantly between 1951 and 1970, followed by a slowly rising trend. These trends are consistent with observed land-use shifts in the basin. Bayesian DLMs represent a substantial improvement over traditional monotonic trend analysis. Extensions to incorporate multiple regression and seasonality are recommended for future applications in hydrology.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that fish assemblages are structured by habitat features, most of them have proposed that there is a positive relationship between habitat structural complexity and species diversity. In this study, we aimed to test this positive-relationship idea in three habitats types (creeks, oxbow lakes and river sandbanks) distributed along the Bita River Basin in South America. Standardized surveys were conducted during January and February of 2016 (low water period) in 30 sites distributed along the entire basin. We recorded 23,092 individuals representing 191 species. To investigate possible relationships between habitat structural complexity and species diversity, we calculated the first three Hill’s numbers, and performed a Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS), a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Our results showed that river sandbanks and creeks had the highest species richness. Results from the NMDS analysis (stress = 0.19) showed that fish community composition was different in the assessed habitats (ANOSIM < p = 0.001). According to the results of the principal component analysis, sand percentage, dissolved oxygen, and vegetation width separated river sandbanks from the other habitats. Results from the Hill’s numbers, forward selection procedure, and canonical correspondence analysis suggested that species composition and diversity were significantly influenced by the habitat structural complexity index and conductivity.  相似文献   

Hu Liu  Wenzhi Zhao  Zhibin He  Jintao Liu 《水文研究》2015,29(15):3328-3341
A combination of field measurements, continuous monitoring and numerical modelling was used to evaluate soil moisture regimes at four sites across a landscape gradient of the Heihe River Basin. Recorded data of precipitation, irrigation and floods were used to build the model, and an optimization technique was employed to calibrate the parameters. Based on the optimized parameters and estimates of future scenarios, the modelling structure was employed to predict the changes in the growing season soil moisture regimes due to climate change and intensive management. The results suggest that the upper‐reach Yeniugou and Xishui sites will become wetter because of alterations in the precipitation regime, and this trend could be strengthened by the expected amplified interannual variability. Precipitation features at middle‐reach Linze and lower‐reach Ejina, however, are not expected to change in the future. We assumed that a more water‐saving irrigation system will replace the current traditional one, and hence, the soil moisture probability density function at the Linze site would tend to be narrowed to ranges around either the wilting point or the point of incipient water stress, depending on how the intervention point and target level are settled. Ejina is expected to experience the most extreme ecological conversion effects in the future, and soil moisture would be more frequently recharged by water delivery. However, the soil moisture regime would not change much because of the poor water‐holding capacity and intensive evaporation. The revealed patterns and predicted shifts in soil moisture dynamics could provide a useful reference for identifying robust long‐term water resource management strategies for the Heihe River Basin. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The behaviour of suspended sediment in rivers is often a function of energy conditions, i.e. sediment is stored at low flow and transported under high discharge conditions. The timing of maximum sediment transport can, however, also be related to mixing and routing of water and sediment from different sources. In this study suspended sediment transport was studied in the River Rhine between Kaub and the German–Dutch border. As concentrations decrease over a runoff season and as the relationship between water discharge and suspended sediment concentrations during most floods is characterized by clockwise hysteresis, it is concluded that sediment depletion occurs during a hydrological year and during individual floods. However, analyses of the sediment contribution from the River Mosel indicate that clockwise hysteresis may result from sediment depletion as well as from early sediment supply from a tributary. Thus, although the suspended sediment behaviour in the downstream part of the River Rhine is partly a transport phenomenon related to energy conditions, mixing and routing of water from different sources also plays an important role. Suspended sediment transport during floods was modelled using a ‘supply‐based’ model. Addition of a sediment supply term to the sediment rating curve leads to a model that produces better estimates of instantaneous suspended sediment concentrations during high discharge events. A major constriction of the model is that it cannot be used to predict suspended sediment concentrations as long as the amount of sediment in storage and the timing of sediment supply are unknown. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Precipitation δ 18O at Yushu, eastern Tibetan Plateau, shows strong fluctuation and lack of clear seasonality. The seasonal pattern of precipitation stable isotope at Yushu is apparently different from either that of the southwest monsoon region to the south or that of the inland region to the north. This different seasonal pattern probably reflects the shift of different moisture sources. In this paper, we present the spatial comparison of the seasonal patterns of precipitation δ 18O, and calculate the moisture transport flux by using the NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data. This allows us to discuss the relation between moisture transport flux and precipitation δ 18O. This study shows that both the southwest monsoon from south and inland air mass transport from north affected the seasonal precipitation δ 18O at Yushu, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Southwest monsoon brings the main part of the moisture, but southwest transport flux is weaker than in the southern part of the Tibetan Plateau. However, contribution of the inland moisture from north or local evaporation moisture is enhanced. The combined effect is the strong fluctuation of summer precipitation δ 18O at Yushu and comparatively poor seasonality.  相似文献   

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