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Satellite remote sensing images play an important role in environmental monitoring for mining industry. There are a number of environmental variables, soil and surface variables, associated with mineral activities, that are to some extent detectable easily with satellite earth observation data. The aim of this paper is to detect the quarrying-mining activities are located in seismically active regions of Turkey using satellite images. Because mining-quarrying blasts have been observed and listed as earthquakes in the seismicity catalogue by seismic networks. The presence of mines-quarries in an active seismic zone can cause errors during the analysis of the distribution of microseismicity and the editing of seismic catalogs. Therefore, this study is a meaningful analysis for seismic networks interested in tectonic researches, because it highlights areas where need to pay careful attention is advisable for identification of mining-quarrying blasts. The new digital database was created using the satellite images of mining and quarrying areas taken from the Google Earth program (http://maps.google.com). In the study, approximately 721 known and illegal mining-quarrying sources have been detected. That were organized in an informational atlas includes information on locations, geographic coordinates and satellite images of the mining-quarrying sources in Turkey which can be distributed as a CD or on the WEB. Kekovali et al. (International Journal of the Physical Sciences 6(15), 3784–3794, 2011) estimated potential mining and quarry areas of Turkey from the Kandilli Observatory Earthquake Research Institute & National Earthquake Monitoring Center (KOERI-NEMC) seismic catalogs using daytime to nighttime ratio analysis (Qm). In this study, the correlation between the estimated satellite locations of the mining and quarrying activities and the areas with Qm?≥?2.0 values taken from the previous study was examinated. The result of the study, the important potential mining-quarrying sources were estimated for Turkey includes: Kütahya, Mu?la, Manisa, Bal?kesir, ?stanbul, ?zmit, Edirne, Bursa, Bilecik, Tekirda?, Ankara, Konya, Eski?ehir, Malatya, Yozgat, K?r?kkale, Malatya, ?anl?urfa, Sinop, Trabzon. Monitoring and controlling mining-quarrying activities through traditional methods is quite difficult due to high costs and lengthy time in obtaining accurate and updated maps. The use of satellite images is an inexpensive and effective tool for mapping large mining-quarrying activity areas that can be also used to supplement data from environmental studies. In the future work, the satellite database can be processed and analyzed in order to produce a proper GIS database that includes important mining-quarrying sources of Turkey.  相似文献   

This paper describes an initial assessment of human-induced nighttime lights acquired by the Defence Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) with respect to its applicability in monitoring settlement patterns, population, electricity consumption, gross domestic product (GDP), and carbon dioxide emissions at different spatial levels in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The results revealed the suitability of DMSP-OLS data to detect both urban expansion and contraction over last two decades caused by the new economic situation following the independence of Kazakhstan in 1991. Relationships between DMSP-OLS urban lit area and the socioeconomic parameters were quantified. The DMSP-OLS data proved to be an effective tool in the monitoring of both the spatial and temporal variability of the examined socioeconomic parameters.  相似文献   

When assessing remote sensing data, nighttime light data have shortcomings that can be attributed to sensor limitations and the influence of the natural environment. Signal leakage errors in nighttime light data were identified in this study. A regression model was created to reduce signal leakage error by selecting sampling points in coastal area. Lighting variations in Edogawa between 2008 and 2013 were compared based on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program’s nighttime light data. The lighting variation characteristics in Edogawa from 1992 to 2012 at 5-year intervals were also analyzed. The results show that the 2002 FIFA World Cup held in Japan led Edogawa’s light digital number values to peak in 2002. The annual Edogawa lighting changes from 2007 to 2013 were also explored. The 2008 global financial crisis led to the lowest compounded night light index and average digital number in Edogawa during these 7 years.  相似文献   

Classification and extraction of spatial features are investigated in urban areas from high spatial resolution multispectral imagery. The proposed approach consists of three steps. First, as an extension of our previous work [pixel shape index (PSI)], a structural feature set (SFS) is proposed to extract the statistical features of the direction-lines histogram. Second, some methods of dimension reduction, including independent component analysis, decision boundary feature extraction, and the similarity-index feature selection, are implemented for the proposed SFS to reduce information redundancy. Third, four classifiers, the maximum-likelihood classifier, backpropagation neural network, probability neural network based on expectation-maximization training, and support vector machine, are compared to assess SFS and other spatial feature sets. We evaluate the proposed approach on two QuickBird datasets, and the results show that the new set of reduced spatial features has better performance than the existing length-width extraction algorithm and PSI  相似文献   

Eight-day composite Terra-MODIS cumulative LST and NDVI timeseries data were used to analyze the responses of crop and grassland cover types to drought in Nebraska. Four hundred ninety 1 km pixels that included irrigated and non-irrigated corn and soybeans and three grassland cover types were selected across the state of Nebraska. Statistical analyses revealed that the majority of the land cover pixels experienced significantly higher daytime and nighttime LSTs and lower NDVI during the drought-year growing season (p < 0.01). Among the land cover types analyzed, grassland experienced the highest increase in daytime LST and decrease in NDVI.  相似文献   

基于纹理边缘与感知编组的居民地外轮廓提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种在高分辨率遥感影像上提取居民地外轮廓的方法。该方法通过计算边缘点的角度提取居民地外轮廓,并利用感知编组连接提取轮廓点,形成闭合外轮廓。实验证明,本方法提取居民地外轮廓位置准确且完整闭合。  相似文献   

One of the key impacts of rapid urbanization on the environment is the effect of urban heat island (UHI). By using the Landsat TM/ETM+ thermal infrared remote sensing data of 1993, 2001 and 2011 to retrieve the land surface temperature (LST) of Lanzhou City, and by adopting object-oriented fractal net evolution approach (FNEA) to make image segmentation of the LST, the UHI elements were extracted. The G* index spatial aggregation analysis was made to calculate the urban heat island ratio index (URI), and the landscape metrics were used to quantify the changes of the spatial pattern of the UHI from the aspects of quantity, shape and structure. The impervious surface distribution and vegetation coverage were extracted by a constrained linear spectral mixture model to explore the relationships of the impervious surface distribution and vegetation coverage with the UHI. The information of urban built-up area was extracted by using UBI (NDBI-NDVI) index, and the effects of urban expansion on city thermal environment were quantitatively analyzed, with the URI and the LST grade maps built. In recent 20 years, the UHI effect in Lanzhou City was strengthened, with the URI increased by 1.4 times. The urban expansion had a spatiotemporal consistency with the UHI expansion. The patch number and density of the UHI landscape were increased, the patch shape and the whole landscape tended to be complex, the landscape became more fragmented, and the landscape connectivity was decreased. The heat island strength had a negative linear correlation with the urban vegetation coverage, and a positive logarithmic correlation with the urban impervious surface coverage.  相似文献   

针对小尺度区域难以准确获取空间完整、时间连续的经济格网数据问题.以广西南宁市为例,第一产值基于土地利用数据采用面积权重法建模;第二、三产值基于热点(point of interest,POI)数据空间关系权重建模;最后构建2019年南宁市1 km×1 km的GDP空间化密度图.研究结果表明:①城市POI数据与第二、三产...  相似文献   

遥感图像自动解译面临的问题与解决的途径   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
秦其明 《测绘科学》2000,25(2):21-24
遥感图像自动解译的目的是为了满足人们从海量遥感数据中快速识别与获取不同专题信息的需要。目前图像自动解译主要依赖地物光谱特征 ,其解译精度不高。解决这一问题的主要途径包括 :抽取遥感图像多种特征并综合利用这些特征 ,利用遥感图像解译背景数据库 ,在地理信息系统支持下实现背景数据与遥感信息覆合 ,采用专家系统完成遥感图像自动解译。  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) shows negative correlation with the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). Variability in the degree of correlation between LST and NDWI is ascribed to the physical character of specific geological material. Northwest India exhibits various landforms with different geological materials and has been broadly classified into four zones. Structural ridges of Aravalli Mountain of different rock compositions show strong variability both in NDWI (range 1.154, SD?=?0.0599) and in LST (range 24 °C and SD?=?2.54). Negative LST–NDWI correlation in this sector is partially linear. Western Thar Desert, having homogenous silica sand of lower emissivity shows least variability in its NDWI (range 0.88, SD?=?0.027) and moderate variability in its LST (20 °C, SD?=?2.389). Strong negative correlation of LST with NDWI is exhibited here. Band ratio Silica map in this sector shows strong positive correlation with LST. The eastern part of the Thar desert with mixed rocky knobs, and wind-blown sand shows low variability in NDWI (range 0.85) as well as LST (range 15 °C). Area in Indus–Bias–Sutlej River basin, dominated with fluvial sediments with lesser amount of windblown sediments, show low variability of NDWI (0.85) and moderate variability of LST (range 23 °C). In the areas, around Luni river higher NDWI trend is recorded, which is unrelated to present drainage trends indicating presence of palaeo-drainage. In addition, high NDWI and high LST bearing linear zones at places are interpreted as structural lineaments/faults based on pattern, moisture content and thermal high.  相似文献   

结合Arc GIS与Corel DRAW两大制图软件平台,通过《五指山市影像图》设计与编制的实践工作,介绍了该影像图的设计以及制作流程,结合制图过程中的设计与操作实践经验,分析地图设计编制过程中应该注意的若干问题,从而为地图编制人员提供参考。  相似文献   

Satellite sensors have provided new datasets for monitoring regional and urban air quality. Satellite sensors provide comprehensive geospatial information on air quality with both qualitative remotely sensed imagery and quantitative data, such as aerosol optical depth which is the basic unknown parameter for any atmospheric correction method in the pre‐processing of satellite imagery. This article presents a new method for retrieving aerosol optical thickness directly from satellite remotely sensed imagery for short wavelength bands in which atmospheric scattering is the dominant contribution to the at‐satellite recorded signal. The method is based on the determination of the aerosol optical thickness through the application of the contrast tool (maximum contrast value), the radiative transfer calculations and the ‘tracking’ of the suitable darkest pixel in the scene. The proposed method that needs no a‐priori information has been applied to LANDSAT‐5 TM, LANDSAT‐7 ETM+, SPOT‐5 and IKONOS data of two different geographical areas: West London and Cyprus. The retrieved aerosol optical thickness values show high correlations with in‐situ visibility data acquired during the satellite overpass. Indeed, for the West London area a logarithmic regression was fitted for relating the determined aerosol optical thickness with the in‐situ visibility values. A high correlation coefficient (r2= 0.82; p= 0.2) was found. Plots obtained from Tanre et al. (1979, 1990) and Forster (1984 ) were reproduced and estimates for these areas were generated with the proposed method so as to compare the results. The author's results show good agreement with Forster's aerosol optical thickness vs. visibility results and a small deviation from Tanre's model estimates.  相似文献   

基于1993~2012年长时间序列夜光遥感数据,利用空间统计、空间标准差椭圆和位序-规模分布方法研究“一带一路”(the Belt and Road Initiative,B & R)沿线国家的城市体系空间结构和时空演化趋势。结果表明:“一带一路”沿线各国城市夜间灯光增长最快的是进行经济改革的发展中国家和战后重建的国家,城市夜间灯光锐减主要发生在社会经济动荡地区。“一带一路”区域内城市夜间灯光的规模分布总体呈现空间扩张趋势,夜间灯光重心向东南亚方向移动。“一带一路”区域内城市夜光规模前2 000位的城市夜间灯光符合位序-规模准则,高位序城市夜间灯光规模不够突出而中小城市发育相对较好,集中趋势大于分散趋势。  相似文献   

The regional temporal and spatial multi-temporal land surface temperature (LST) MODIS dataset and elevation data are used to compute the day and night temperature variation in Greece in 2008. Clustering was applied and eight cluster centroids captured the temporal pattern of near-diurnal temperature (01:30 a.m. and 01:30 p.m.) variability while elevation statistics were computed per cluster. The spatial distribution of the clusters indicate that mean elevation, elevation variability, proximity to the sea, and the major inland water bodies were the key factors controlling the near-diurnal LST variability in Greece.  相似文献   

深圳河河口红树林变化的多时相遥感分析   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
李天宏  赵智杰  韩鹏 《遥感学报》2002,6(5):364-369
通过对深圳河河口地区6个时相卫星遥感图像的分析,得到了该地区10多年来红树林湿地面积的变化.通过对多时相红树林分布信息进行二进制编码,分析了不同时期红树林在空间上的消长,通过计算和对比各个时相红树林覆盖区域的植被指数,间接反映了红树林的生长状况的空间分布特征,并结合成像时刻的潮位数据进行了分析.结果表明:从1989年到1996年,深圳河河口红树林湿地面积总体上呈增长趋势,在1996年以后面积变化不明显而在空间分布上有变化.植被指数大的区域主要分布在多年被红树林占据的部位,深圳福田一侧的红树林空间消长化不显著,而主要的变化部分集中于香港米埔红树林保护区靠近深圳河河口的南侧.  相似文献   

利用遥感与地理信息系统技术,提取1987,1998,2003和2008年4个时段洞庭湖"冬陆夏水"区域.运用改进归一化差异水体指数(MNDWI)的方法,提取丰水期和枯水期遥感图像的水体并相减,获得"冬陆夏水"区域,并对20年的"冬陆夏水"变化的面积进行监督分类.分析发现,研究区的"冬陆夏水"面积,从1987年到2008...  相似文献   

南极地区冰川融化与全球气候变暖的关系是目前气候研究的重点方向之一,但是由于缺乏20世纪60年代及之前相关的遥感及实测数据,因此,20世纪60年代南极地区的光学影像DISP(Declassified intelligence satellite photography)对于研究当时南极地区的物质变化和质量平衡具有重要的参考价值。本文通过选取几种常用的图像处理方法对DISP影像进行增强和去噪处理,同时,采用一种主观和客观相结合的图像质量评价标准对处理结果进行分析和评价。  相似文献   

在我国工业化和城市化迅速发展的背景下,细小颗粒物PM2.5污染已经成为当前主要空气污染物。本文使用基于Python编程语言的网络爬虫技术获取了中国京津冀、长三角、珠三角3个重点区域的PM2.5日均值数据,分别基于Excel软件和ArcGIS软件进行PM2.5时空变化特征分析。最后,通过建立分数阶累加灰色预测模型对北京市2018年PM2.5月均值浓度进行预测。结果显示:1)时间上,我国PM2.5浓度表现为“冬高夏低”的“U”形变化趋势;2)空间上,我国PM2.5浓度整体表现为由南北地区向中部地区PM2.5浓度逐渐增加;3)分数阶GM(1,1)模型对PM2.5月均值浓度数据的预测精确度较高,结合预测结果可从长期或短期提出PM2.5污染治理的措施建议。  相似文献   

《城市地下管线探测技术规程》颁布实施以来,一直被视为探测工作的"基本法"。但是随着管线敷设技术、物联网技术、三维GIS、移动服务技术和互联网技术的发展和实际应用的推广,《城市地下管线探测技术规程》亟需进行相应的修改,以在管线探测领域继续发挥指导和规范的作用。  相似文献   

Geographic information has a great potential to be re-used when supported by mechanisms for its discovery. Above all, the quality of a catalogue service is the key feature supporting users in the discovery process. So far, there have been in existence various methodologies dealing with the normalized evaluation of quality with respect to catalogue services. Their biggest weakness seems to be in the depth of quality testing, i.e. some influences are beyond the scope of evaluation of these methodologies with respect to quality in catalogue services. In this study, the quality of 45 catalogue services across Europe was verified with the proposed normalized evaluation methodology originating from documents within the INfrastruture for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe (INSPIRE) framework. This paper discusses the (statistical) influence of factors that may significantly change the results of catalogue service testing. The proposals for improving the existing INSPIRE normalized evaluation procedure are applicable for any spatial data infrastructure and/or Digital Earth component using the Open Geospatial Consortium Catalogue Service for the Web as a basis.  相似文献   

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