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Miguel Kanai 《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1111-1117
In this paper, I problematize the connections between global tourism, urban redevelopment and cultural policy in Buenos Aires. Market-oriented approaches to urban growth have continued after Argentina’s economic collapse of 2001–2002. Devaluation produced unprecedented international affordability, which triggered a tourism boom. City government capitalized on this through cultural initiatives. Yet tourist-oriented cultural entrepreneurialism promoted forms of disjointed redevelopment that exacerbate socio-spatial inequality and fragmentation. Moreover, Mayor Macri has been advancing a cultural politics of scale that recasts Buenos Aires as a world-class city, while mobilizing localist identities to oppose national efforts towards income redistribution and intercultural recognition. Particularly important have been the recent appropriations of tango as a cultural commodity. Deployed for city marketing and selective reinvestment, tango also emboldens Eurocentric narratives of cosmopolitan urbanity that legitimize racialized exclusion and geographical elitism. Concluding remarks suggest that socio-political uses of tango are not the exclusive domain of neoliberal urbanism, and research implications are discussed beyond Buenos Aires.  相似文献   

Canine faecal contamination contributes to environmental degradation and increases the exposure of humans – mainly children – to helminth infections. We studied the magnitude and spatial distribution of faecal contamination on the pavements of two neighbourhoods representative of Buenos Aires suburbs. The pavements of a low-income neighbourhood (LIN) and a middle-income neighbourhood (MIN) were selected at random. Field maps including all substrates and objects observed on each pavement were drawn, viewed from above, on millimetre paper at 1:100 scale. Data were then loaded into a geographic information system (GIS) Arc View 3.1 with a digitiser board. The spatial distribution of faeces and its association with substrates or standing elements were analysed at three scales: substrate, pavement and neighbourhood.
Permeable substrate cover was higher in LIN (75%) than in MIN (35%). The faeces were not homogeneously distributed on the substrates. In both neighbourhoods, the substrates with >50 per cent grass cover showed a significantly higher proportion of faeces than those with <50 per cent grass cover, bare soil and tile. At pavement scale, the number of faeces on pavements was not related to either the number of trees, posts and domiciled dogs in the block, or with the number of faeces and percentage cover of each substrate. At patch scale, substrate patches with faeces were larger than those without faeces. Patches with faeces did not differ in shape between neighbourhoods and were more regularly shaped than patches without faeces.
The spatial distribution of faeces relative to each other was almost random, even when analysed in relation to trees or standing objects. Strategies for the sustainable control of this problem are suggested.  相似文献   

A right to the city, understood as a conjoint claim to a right to inhabit urban space well, can be an effective starting point from which diverse urban movements can begin to build broad counterhegemonic coalitions for alternative urban futures. In this article, I argue that the right to the city supports the project of establishing relations of equivalence among members of coalitions––balancing relations of sameness/difference and interdependence/autonomy.  相似文献   

Artemia populations were sampled in four hypersaline ecosystems in continental evaporitic basins from the Argentinean provinces of La Pampa and Buenos Aires. Biometrics of cysts and nauplii were performed. The morphometrics of adult females under standard culture conditions, studied by multivariate discriminant analysis, provided evidence that these populations belonged to the speciesA. persimilis; this was further supported by cross-breeding tests established between one of these populations (Salinas Grandes de Hidalgo, province of La Pampa) and a population ofA. franciscana from San Francisco Bay (California, USA), which showed reproductive isolation and barriers to gene flow between both populations.  相似文献   

基于社会地图的东莞市社会空间研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘云刚  苏海宇 《地理学报》2016,71(8):1283-1301
既有社会空间研究以社会区研究居多,主要基于社会区理论和因子生态分析方法,较多考虑分析对象的社会属性而非空间特征,对社会空间的空间侧面刻画不足,其分析结果也常常被聚类人口的数据特征所左右。本文尝试基于社会地图方法,以人口普查数据和社会设施机构POI数据首先进行社会空间属性的归纳,制作社会地图,并以此为基础,采用归纳的方法渐进探索中国城市社会空间的特征。具体以东莞市为例,通过社会地图归纳方法将东莞市划分为3大类、11小类社会空间,并具体解析了多种社会空间要素组合类型。和既有基于社会区的分析结果相比,本文对各类社会要素在城市空间上的分布及其组合特征描述更为精细,其结果对认识中国社会空间特质及其后的社会空间政策制定更具参考意义。本文认为,基于社会地图的社会空间研究,有助于自下而上地发现有别于西方的中国城市社会空间特征和结构,也有助于建立基于中国的社会空间理论,值得进一步推广和尝试。  相似文献   

Quantitative and cartographic methods are today often associated with absolute, Newtonian conceptions of space. We argue that some such methods have not always been and need not be so allied. Present geographic approaches to relational space have been largely advanced through radical political economic and feminist thought. Yet we identify quantitative and cartographic methods (taking as exemplars a range of thinkers, some of whom were most prominent in the 1960s and 1970s) that can contribute to these approaches to relational space. We suggest neglected methods to revisit, new alliances to be forged with critical human geography and cultural critique, and possible paths to enliven geographical imaginations.  相似文献   

Postcolonialising Geography: Tactics and Pitfalls   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
The moves within postcolonial theory to "provincialise Europe" encourage an acknowledgement of the parochial nature of much of what still passes for universal theory in the western academy. Within geography, postcolonialism has generated a strong interest in colonial histories and contemporary postcolonial politics, but this has not displaced the dominant parochial forms of theorising in the discipline. The paper argues for a more cosmopolitan theoretical project within geography, one whose routes through a range of intellectual traditions and contexts might encourage a broader scope to conversations about space and nature, and produce more lively and creative insights into some of the urgent political issues facing the world today. A geography whose intellectual vision is limited to the concerns and perspectives of the richest countries in the world has little hope of effectively participating in the debates that will matter in the twenty-first century. Within the frame of this long-term intellectual project, this paper will suggest some initial practical steps which researchers, writers, teachers and students in geography might take to start to decentre the predominant Euro-Americanism of the discipline. The specific sources of inspiration for this argument are drawn from comparative urbanism and Southern African geography.  相似文献   

焦华富  许吉黎 《地理科学》2016,36(11):1670-1678
在生态文明建设与服务经济转型的背景下,作为中国工业化阶段能源基地的资源型城市,正面临着经济、社会与生态环境多位一体的全面转型。选取成熟型煤炭资源城市淮南为案例,基于社会空间视角划分城市地域功能结构,构建社会-经济-空间多维因素的互动框架推进资源型城市的科学转型。研究发现:淮南市社会空间包括6个主因子,各主因子的空间集聚和街区分布均具有显著的异质性。基于不同街区的功能属性划分出5个空间功能组团,包括:政府机关、企事业单位组团;居住、商业、生活服务组团; 煤炭开采与加工工业组团; 非矿点区域、乡村区域组团;经济新增长点培育、转型发展组团。城市地域功能结构特征表现为:“城”、“矿”功能的隔离与排斥,连绵型低收入农业空间的嵌入,城市服务功能空间的紧缩,煤炭开采与初加工的空间共位,城市转型尚未形成规模与联动效应。在此基础上,进一步剖析了地域结构的形成原因及优化路径。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):92-119
What makes places different from one another in the context of globalization? An analysis of 17 emblematic practices in two global cities, Los Angeles and Sydney, provides the empirical basis for answering this question. Evidence from the built environment, the social geography, and the patterns of disorder in the inner cities of these two global places shows that these cities were more alike in the late 1960s than they are today. The differentiation of the two places has increased as the effects of globalization have become more pervasive. The evidence presented in this paper suggests that there is nothing inherent in contemporary globalization that requires global cities to have inner city slums, ghettoes, massive homelessness, residential disinvestment, White flight, relict or suboptimally-utilized brownfields, illegal prostitution, a war on drugs, public spaces awash with guns, and so forth. Places are viewed here as constellations of distinctive practices configured in particular geographical settings at the intersection of specific conjunctures of historical change. Places matter in the epoch of globalization as differentially embedded, bounded particularities consisting of a mixed assortment of human practices forming causally consequential fields of effects.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,提供良好优质的公共产品服务,加快推进社会主义和谐社会建设,是当今政府的题中应有之义.其中,空间可达性是公共产品服务的核心内容之一,而这正是地理学最具优势的研究领域.本文基于所开发的公共产品空间布局决策支持系统,以仪征医院空间布局为例,从定量角度深入探讨了不同布局方案所产生的空间效应,为优化公共产品的空间布局提供了非常有说服力的科学依据,同时也从方法论角度进行了公共产品空间布局量化研究的有益尝试.  相似文献   


The paper is about the political life of a building: the Abasto. Located in what was called the “most porteño” neighborhood in the first part of the 20th century (“porteño” is someone from central Buenos Aires) when it functioned as the city's main food market, the Abasto became a massive shopping mall in 1998 amid rapid neoliberal restructuring. This paper charts the political life of this building in two steps. First, by drawing on theories of socio-spatial dialectics, this paper charts the history of the Abasto as an urban object in a wider political landscape of porteño modernity. Second, by incorporating recent theories of affect and presenting findings from field work carried out at the mall in 2010 and 2011, this paper develops a framework for understanding the politics of consumption in a “post-neoliberal” urban landscape.  相似文献   

韩国首尔拥有2000多年历史,建都600余年。在历经"汉江奇迹"、"IT奇迹"、"设计奇迹"的发展过程中,推出一系列鼓励设计的城市政策,提升城市设计标准,推进设计教育实践,以先进的IT产业以及基础设施建设为驱动,大力发展设计产业,逐步奠定了其在世界设计领域的独特地位,是一个具有典型性的设计之都案例。本文通过分析韩国首尔发展的战略研究,探讨其推进设计之都建设的实践和经验。  相似文献   

广州市社会空间景观形态演化初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
相对于形体空间而言 ,社会空间是一个更深层面的城市空间领域 ,在城市形体空间日新月异的嬗变中 ,社会空间内涵的演化显得更为缓慢和深刻。以广州市为例 ,探讨这种景观形态演化的特性及其对现代城市形象建设和个性塑造的意义。  相似文献   

The city of Denver, Colorado recently outlawed camping in all open space. Part of a broad effort to accelerate the profit potential of prime urban land through real estate speculation and commerce, the camping ban has dislocated homeless people from the city’s marginal spaces. Based on ethnographic fieldwork and archival research in Denver, this article develops a tripartite approach to public space—prime, everyday, and marginal—to analyze challenging ways in which people who are homeless in Denver must now manage their exposure to others in everyday public spaces. In addition to eliminating places of hard-won safety and security, this singular new code disrupts hygiene, mobility, and sociability routines, thus throwing already precarious lives into further disarray by rendering housing status visible. To demonstrate how everyday social justice springs from interaction between different people co-present in public space, we foreground the voices of Denver’s homeless people, those most impacted by quality of life laws. Evicting individuals from marginal spaces and rendering them visibly homeless in everyday and prime spaces, the ban deprives them of a fundamental right to the city: anonymity.  相似文献   

城市广场在现代城市开放空间体系中具有公共性、艺术性、活力性,是人们生活居住重要的休闲场所.文章使用CiteSpace信息可视化工具,梳理国内外研究内容,对Web of Science和CNKI数据库城市广场与城市人居环境重要文献进行关键词聚类分析,结合整理城市广场"人居环境"崭新视角.结果表明:①城市广场的研究作为城市...  相似文献   

信息时代的地理学与人文地理学创新   总被引:33,自引:9,他引:24  
在分析信息技术与地理学相关研究的基础上,重点讨论了中国人文地理学的发展与创新问题,包括基于大数据应用的方法革新、流动空间分析的框架、人地关系理论体系与应用研究等内容。未来中国人文地理学的发展,一方面要打破传统的学科框架,积极吸纳相关学科理论、方法和技术方面的创新成果,构建信息时代人文地理学理论与方法体系;另一方面,要立足中国国情与特色,紧扣国家战略,增强人文地理解决问题的能力,加强面向问题的综合应用研究。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):530-533

Great strides have occurred in geographic education resulting in the development of new geographic teaching strategies and geography materials. Despite these developments, many social studies methods professors are still using outdated geographic materials, methods, and techniques. In 1992, the Missouri Geographic Alliance established a unique relationship with social studies methods professors in Missouri. This partnership was established at a four-day, intensive geography/social studies conference that used an innovative model for its development. The outcome of this conference was a strong partnership between social studies methods professors and geographers in Missouri. A result of this partnership has been an increase in the number of beginning teachers involved in the alliance movement, and ultimately, the use of up-to-date geographic teaching strategies, methods, and materials in their classrooms.  相似文献   

Beyond Edge City: Office Geography in the New Metropolis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Urban geography》2013,34(7):726-755

Feminism and Social Theory in Geography: An Introduction*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This essay introduces a collection of articles based on papers developed for a Fall 2004 speaker series at the University of Minnesota. The articles address the continued relevance of feminist geography and the unique contributions of feminist perspectives in various areas of geographic research. They also point out directions for needed future research. This introduction briefly reviews the successes of and remaining challenges to feminist geography, including material inequities yet unresolved in two other (nonresearch) “places” of academic life: teaching and the workplace. We discuss the ongoing underrepresentation of women and people of color on our faculties and in the front of classrooms.  相似文献   

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