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The altitudinal treeline ecotone is a windy environment where wind velocities and directions are controlled by local mountain topography and also by the distribution pattern and structures of tree stands. Wind may override the role of heat deficiency in determining treeline position, spatial pattern, ecological conditions, and tree growth. Regular strong permanent winds restrict tree height and usually cause asymmetric and suppressed growth forms that are common in the treeline ecotone. Apart from direct physiological and mechanical effects on trees and ground vegetation, wind also disperses seeds, relocates snow, and locally erodes soils in the treeline ecotone. Wind effects must be considered an important factor that may delay or even preclude establishment of seedling trees on wind-swept terrain. Discussions of a potential climatically driven upward shift of the treeline at the landscape and smaller scales should give greater attention to the varying wind effects because warming cannot compensate for these other factors. The relative importance of microsite facilitation providing shelter from the wind will increase in parallel with the upslope migration of the tree limit into a much windier environment.  相似文献   

This research investigates whether abrupt changes indicative of a threshold response occurred in the spatial and temporal patterns of tree establishment within upper treeline ecotones in the Bighorn Mountains of north-central Wyoming, with a particular focus on assessing whether treeline advance occurred. Dendroecological techniques were used to reconstruct the spatiotemporal patterns of tree establishment at multiple spatial scales (local and landscape). Increases in the elevational extent of treeline and tree density above timberline were reconstructed for each decade of the 20th century. Regime-shift analysis was used to detect threshold changes in tree establishment. Marked increases in tree establishment and density occurred at local and landscape scales during the 20th century, particularly during the post-1970 period and in areas above timberline. Varying degrees of treeline advance occurred during this time, yet establishment upslope from timberline was often contingent on the availability of sheltered microsites in the lee of boulders. This highlights the importance of both broad-scale climate inputs and fine-scale site conditions in governing the rate and pattern of tree establishment in high-elevation treeline environments. Overall, the abrupt changes in tree establishment over time and space since 1970 suggest that bioclimatic thresholds can strongly influence ecotonal dynamics at upper treeline.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the processes of tree uprooting, examines the classification of pit and mound microtopography and assesses the effects of tree uprooting on soil mixing and genesis. The processes by which soil-horizon clasts are mixed as they slump off the root plate, and the ultimate patterns of soil horizonation within mounds, are primary foci of the paper. Longevity of treethrow mounds can exceed 2000 years, making these landforms more lasting features than is often assumed. Because of their great longevity, the pits and mounds formed by uprooting have lasting effects on soil morphology. Soils of these microsites often classify in different soil orders or suborders than do adjacent, less disturbed soils. The importance of tree uprooting to mass movement processes is examined. In some areas uprooting may be the primary mass wasting mechanism. Nonetheless, estimates of the amount of sediment moved and the net distance of transport vary greatly and may in some cases be overestimated. [Key words: pedoturbation, microtopography, pit/mound topography, mass wasting, geomorphology.]  相似文献   

On Niwot Ridge, alpine climatic factors dominate today within the upper part of the forest-alpine tundra ecotone on the east slope of the Colorado Front Range. This study provides evidence that the climatic conditions controlling the distribution of the upper limit of tree species and growth forms within the ecotone have changed through time. It appears that much of the present forest-alpine tundra ecotone is a relict of past warm climate episodes. There is much evidence that, in the past, tree forms were more symmetrical and less deformed, tree trunks with larger diameters existed, and the trees were more extensive in areal coverage. However, no evidence exists to show that the upper limit of tree species growth was more than marginally higher in the past than today. The treeline appears to be stable to historical and Holocene climatic fluctuations, but the altitudinal limits of seedling establishment and survival are not stable. The liming of climatic changes in the Front Range and their possible influence on the distribution of the trees within the ecotone are reviewed. Because of its extreme easterly location, slight but significant climatic variations may be observed within the forest-alpine tundra ecotone of Niwot Ridge, but are not observed elsewhere.  相似文献   

高山林线交错带是亚高山森林与苔原之间、亚高山森林与无树草原之间的过渡带状区域,是生物多样性热点区域,具有营养物质输入源和低海拔生态系统的碳固存等不可替代的生态功能,提供着各种生态系统服务。与高山林线交错带相关的三种树线是树种线、林线和木材线。由于高山林线交错带占据了树种耐受温度极限的极端区域,对气候变化非常敏感,经常被用作植被对全球变暖响应的指标。随着全球气候变暖的加剧和不同气候区海拔梯度的变化,高山林线交错带中的树高和生物量也会发生显著变化。同时分布在全球不同气候带上的林线变化也表现出不同的规律,其中的原因包括温度升高程度的不一致、优势种和植物群落的不同、人为干扰程度的不同等。另外,关于林线推进的驱动因素也无一致的研究结果,不同气候区之间的研究结果可能会相互矛盾。然而,目前在气候变化下的高山林线发展领域,缺乏全面的综述。因此,本文从以下四个方面对此前的研究进行了总结,并探讨了高山林线动态变化的理论基础和挑战:(1)高山林线动态变化的生态功能和生态问题;(2)监测高山林线动态变化的研究方法;(3)全球不同气候区的林线迁移;(4)林线向上迁移的驱动因素。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of surface geomorphic features in tree establishment at the alpine treeline in Glacier National Park, Montana, through the presentation of a multiscale, conceptual model of biogeomorphic relationships at alpine treeline. Empirical observations gathered through a multiscale field methodology over three summers serve as a base for the model. The model highlights the importance of surface geomorphic features, specifically boulders and terrace risers, in creating favorable local site conditions, largely by protecting seedlings from wind. The sheltering effect of surface features enables initial seedling establishment, and in some cases survival, above current treeline locations, thereby initiating a positive feedback effect that encourages subsequent tree establishment. Geomorphic features are therefore important in linking scales of pattern and process at the alpine treeline ecotone.  相似文献   

Aiming to analyze the site conditions of treeline trees at the highest elevations, we investigated 360 km of treelines in the Upper Valtellina, Italian Alps. We analyzed approximately five trees per km and determined the environmental factors limiting treeline elevation by distinguishing between geomorphologic constraints (mean elevation 2355 m), climatic constraints (2530 m), and human impacts (2335 m). Up to 82% of the 1814 analyzed treeline trees were influenced by geomorphological constraints, whereas human impacts influenced only 3% of the trees. Climatic treelines (15% of trees) were most common in the western sector. Moreover we analyzed the frequency distributions of elevation, slope, and aspect. Elevation was the most important variable that was also strongly associated with climatic treelines. The slope variable was more strongly associated with treelines limited by geomorphology than by climate. By reconstructing the altitudinal dynamics at the Mt. Confinale study site, we found rates of an ongoing treeline upward shift of up to 2.6 m/y in the period 2000–2009. Our results indicate that climatic conditions related to the ongoing air temperature rise in this region will likely enhance the treeline shift, especially at high elevations (>2400 m a.s.l.) and on non-extreme slopes (<45°).  相似文献   


This study examines the role of surface geomorphic features in tree establishment at the alpine treeline in Glacier National Park, Montana, through the presentation of a multiscale, conceptual model of biogeomorphic relationships at alpine treeline. Empirical observations gathered through a multiscale field methodology over three summers serve as a base for the model. The model highlights the importance of surface geomorphic features, specifically boulders and terrace risers, in creating favorable local site conditions, largely by protecting seedlings from wind. The sheltering effect of surface features enables initial seedling establishment, and in some cases survival, above current treeline locations, thereby initiating a positive feedback effect that encourages subsequent tree establishment. Geomorphic features are therefore important in linking scales of pattern and process at the alpine treeline ecotone.  相似文献   

We suggest methods for the analysis of the spatial distribution of plant species in a research area divided into a quadrat lattice. In particular, information about the topography and the spaces without plants is used for the analysis. At sites with a homogeneous substratum, we classify the topography by whether a target grid is concave or convex with respect to a standard surface of altitude. At other sites, we classify the topography according to whether the grid is located at the edge of rock and/or at a water pool. Information about the topography and the plant existence is used for constructing 2 × 2 contingency tables. In order to determine the strength of dependence between the topography and plant existence, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) is used. The methods are applied to data of the microtopography and distribution of mosses in continental Antarctica.  相似文献   

The perfect landscape   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The “perfect storm” metaphor describes the improbable coincidence of several different forces or factors to produce an unusual outcome. The perfect landscape is conceptualized as a result of the combined, interacting effects of multiple environmental controls and forcings to produce an outcome that is highly improbable, in the sense of the likelihood of duplication at any other place or time. Geomorphic systems have multiple environmental controls and forcings, and degrees of freedom in responding to them. This allows for many possible landscapes and system states. Further, some controls and forcings are causally contingent. These contingencies are specific to time and place. Dynamical instability in many geomorphic systems creates and enhances some of this contingency by causing the effects of minor initial variations and small disturbances to persist, and grow disproportionately large, over time. The joint probability of any particular set of global controls is low, as the individual probabilities are < 1, and the probability of any set of local, contingent controls is even lower. Thus, the probability of existence of any landscape or earth surface system state at a particular place and time is negligibly small: all landscapes are perfect. Recognition of the perfection of landscapes leads away from a worldview holding that landforms and landscapes are the inevitable outcomes of deterministic laws, such that only one outcome is possible for a given set of laws and initial conditions. A perfect landscape perspective leads toward a worldview that landforms and landscapes are circumstantial, contingent results of deterministic laws operating in a specific environmental context, such that multiple outcomes are possible.  相似文献   

Complex topography buffers forests against deforestation in mountainous regions. However, it is unknown if terrain also shapes forest distribution in lowlands where human impacts are likely to be less constrained by terrain. In such regions, if important at all, to- pographic effects will depend on cultural-historical factors and thus be human-driven (an- thropogenic) rather than natural, except in regions where the general climate or extreme soils limit the occurrence of forests. We used spatial regression modeling to assess the extent to which topographic factors explain forest distribution (presence-absence at a 48x48 m resolu- tion) in a lowland agricultural region (Denmark, 43,075 km2) at regional and landscape scales (whole study area and 10x10 km grid cells, respectively), how landscape-scale for- est-topography relationships vary geographically, and which potential drivers (topographic heterogeneity, forest cover, clay content, coastal/inland location) determine this geographic heterogeneity. Given a moist temperate climate and non-extreme soils all landscapes in Denmark would naturally be largely forest covered, and any topographic relationships will be totally or primarily human-driven. At regional scale, topographic predictors explained only 5% of the distribution of forest. In contrast, the explanatory power of topography varied from 0%-61% at landscape scale, with clear geographic patterning. Explanatory power of topog- raphy at landscape scale was moderately dependent on the potential drivers, with topog- raphic control being strongest in areas with high topographic heterogeneity and little forest cover. However, these conditioning effects were themselves geographically variable. Our findings show that topography by shaping human land-use can affect forest distribution even in flat, lowland regions, but especially via localized, geographically variable effects.  相似文献   

Present granite landform characteristics and distribution are the integrated result of climate, tectonics and lithology. Various types of granite landforms in China signify climate zonality and differential vertical movement of earth surface, while published research results on Chinese granite landforms are very rare, especially in international journals. Based on the process analysis of chemical weathering and physical disintegration, four granite landform regions in China are classified according to the present climate regime. On the Tibetan Plateau, the cold and freezing climate induced periglacial landscapes; the northeast region is characterized by physical disintegration and low round mounds are widespread; in the northwest region controlled by arid climate, wind-carved minor landscapes are extremely prominent. The most spectacular granite landscapes in China are presented in southeast as a result of longtime chemical weathering under humid and warm conditions, as well as the differential uplift after Neogene. Correlating the weathering crust in southern China, Tibetan Plateau and India, a possible unified planation surface in Neogene is proposed. With corestones as indicators of original weathering front, the differential uplift extent of dissected planation surfaces can be estimated. At least three landforms implying uplift can be identified in southeastern China, with elevations of 300–400 m, 2000 m and 3600 m above the sea level respectively.  相似文献   

Present granite landform characteristics and distribution are the integrated result of climate, tectonics and lithology. Various types of granite landforms in China signify climate zonality and differential vertical movement of earth surface, while published research results on Chinese granite landforms are very rare, especially in international journals. Based on the process analysis of chemical weathering and physical disintegration, four granite landform regions in China are classified according to the present climate regime. On the Tibetan Plateau, the cold and freezing climate induced periglacial landscapes; the northeast region is characterized by physical disintegration and low round mounds are widespread; in the northwest region controlled by arid climate, wind-carved minor landscapes are extremely prominent. The most spectacular granite landscapes in China are presented in southeast as a result of longtime chemical weathering under humid and warm conditions, as well as the differential uplift after Neogene. Correlating the weathering crust in southern China, Tibetan Plateau and India, a possible unified planation surface in Neogene is proposed. With corestones as indicators of original weathering front, the differential uplift extent of dissected planation surfaces can be estimated. At least three landforms implying uplift can be identified in southeastern China, with elevations of 300–400 m, 2000 m and 3600 m above the sea level respectively.  相似文献   

A treeline can respond to climate change by shifting position, infilling, increasing recruitment, and increasing radial growth. More studies from understudied areas and their associated species are needed to understand treeline structure and dynamics. We established two transects of 20 m width and 120 m length (100 m above and 20 m below the forestline) in the Betula utilis subalpine forest of the Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve in Western Nepal. All individuals of B. utilis within the transects were classified into three height classes – trees (>2 m), saplings (0.5–2 m), and seedlings (<0.5 m) – and measured for morphometric features. Tree-ring cores were collected for age structure analysis. B. utilis forms an abrupt treeline in the region, and the mean forestline and treeline elevations were 3893 and 3898 m, respectively. The average age (57 yr) of trees at the treeline ecotone suggests a young stand. Poor regeneration was observed above the forestline in both transects when compared to below the forestline. Low regeneration at the treeline ecotone suggests site-specific biotic and abiotic controlling factors. Seedling and sapling establishment above the forestline is limited by a lack of moisture, absence of suitable microsites, and presence of herbivores.  相似文献   

Landform classification is one of the most important procedures in recognizing and dividing earth surface landforms. However, topographical homogeneity and differences in regional-scale landforms are often ignored by traditional pixel- and object-based landform classification methods based on digital elevation models (DEMs). In this work, a drainage basin object-based method for classifying regional-scale landforms is proposed. Drainage basins with least critical areas are first delineated from DEMs. Then, terrain derivatives of mean elevation, mean slope, drainage density, drainage depth, and terrain texture are employed to characterize the morphology of the drainage basins. Finally, a decision tree based on the topographical characteristics of the drainage basins is constructed and employed to determine the landform classification law. The experiment is validated in the landform classification of regional-scale loess areas in China. Results show that clear boundaries exist in different landforms at the regional scale. Landform type in a specific region shows significant topographical homogeneity under its specific regional geomorphological process. Classification accuracies are 87.3 and 86.3% for the field investigation and model validation, respectively. Spatial patterns of classified landforms and their proximity to sediment sources and other factors can be regarded as indicators of the evolutionary process of loess landform formation.  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑 《地理学报》2012,67(8):1057-1068
全球化是当今世界最重要的特征之一。有关跨国移民对城市景观的感知和跨文化认同研究也得到越来越多的关注。在文献回顾的基础上, 以广州高星级酒店外籍管理者作为研究对象, 通过定性研究进行数据的收集和分析, 构建了外籍管理者对城市地方景观感知和跨文化认同的形成演变机制, 并得出以下结论:① 在职业影响下, 外籍管理者对迁入城市产生了被动的地方认同, 进而形成了被迫同化的跨文化认同模式;② 外籍管理者基于身份构建对城市地方景观进行感知, 对反映“他者”、“我者”和“世界人”身份的景观感知度较高, 反映出他们对故乡和迁入城市的地方认同, 从而产生了同时具有整合和边缘特征的跨文化认同模式;③ 外籍管理者通过迁入城市的地方景观感知而产生地方意义的解读, 基于对迁入城市正面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方认同和整合的跨文化认同模式, 基于对迁入城市负面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方不认同和分隔的跨文化模式。研究结论丰富了城市景观研究和跨文化认同研究的相关理论成果, 并为中国跨国移民政策和国际化城市建设提供了可供借鉴的实践参考。  相似文献   

高山树线交错带的景观格局与生态过程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
由于对气候变化的敏感性, 近年来高山树线交错带成为全球变化研究中的热点问题。高 山树线交错带所指示的是一个复杂生态系统的特征, 反映出了由低处植被向高山植被的转化, 其 景观格局是综合了种子定居, 树木生长以及树木繁殖等多个树木生态过程和特定高山环境下的 地理特征格局的适应结果。一方面, 树木通过自身生理生态学上的调整对高山极端环境进行适 应。一方面, 高山特定地理环境特征对树线的景观格局进行影响, 因而高山树线交错带成为研究 景观格局- 生态过程相互关系的一个重要载体。通过运用3S 技术, 可以将高山树线交错带研究中 的树线景观结构和生理生态过程结合在一起, 并验证在其景观格局形成过程中地理特征和人为 因子的相对重要性。  相似文献   

以长白山北坡林线长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)和岳桦(Betula ermanii)为研究对象,通过野外样方调查、树轮技术分析,采用趋势线模型拟和、单因素方差等统计方法从各种参数分析长白落叶松和岳桦径向树高生长的对比关系并揭示2个种群动态对环境适应性的对比差异。结果显示:垫状生长形的长白落叶松海拔最高(均值:2 017 m),其次为旗形树(2 005 m),正常形态的海拔最低(1 992 m),所在生境差异显著(p < 0.05)。正常形态的长白落叶松生长速度大于岳桦(树高方程斜率:长白落叶松0.750 9>岳桦0.253 6),随着旗形树的出现,速度相似(斜率:长白落叶松0.375 4>岳桦0.253 6),变成垫状后,岳桦占优。长白落叶松受到压制种群扩张速度不如岳桦,长白山林线上侵表现为以岳桦种群为主力,长白落叶松仍是岳桦主要的伴生树种。  相似文献   

Based on geographical and hydrological extents delimited, four principles are identified, as the bases for delineating the ranges of the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers in the paper. According to the comprehensive analysis of topographical characteristics, climate conditions, vegetation distribution and hydrological features, the source region ranges for eco-environmental study are defined. The eastern boundary point is Dari hydrological station in the upper reach of the Yellow River. The watershed above Dari hydrological station is the source region of the Yellow River which drains an area of 4.49×104 km2. Natural environment is characterized by the major topographical types of plateau lakes and marshland, gentle landforms, alpine cold semi-arid climate, and steppe and meadow vegetation in the source region of the Yellow River. The eastern boundary point is the convergent site of the Nieqiaqu and the Tongtian River in the upstream of the Yangtze River. The watershed above the convergent site is the source region of the Yangtze River, with a watershed area of 12.24×104 km2. Hills and alpine plain topography, gentle terrain, alpine cold arid and semi-arid climate, and alpine cold grassland and meadow are natural conditions in the source region of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

Only a few very young landforms are the result of currently operating geomorphic processes. Because the time scale for landscape evolution is much longer than the time scale for late Cenozoic climate changes, almost all landscapes are palimpsests, written over repeatedly by various combinations of climate-determined processes. Relict glacial and periglacial landforms are widely identified in mid-latitude regions that have been traditionally described as having been shaped by the “normal” processes of fluvial erosion. Less confidently, deeply weathered regolith and associated relict landforms in the middle and high latitudes are attributed to early Tertiary warmth. However, assemblages of geomorphic processes specific to certain climatic regions, like faunal and floral assemblages, cannot be translated across latitude, so in spite of the many books about the geomorphology of specific modern climate regions, there are few sources that discuss former warm high-latitude, or cold low-latitude, low-altitude geomorphic processes that have no modern analogs. Students and teachers alike who attempt to interpret landforms by extrapolating modern climatic conditions to other latitudinal zones will find their outlook broadened, and they become better prepared to consider the geomorphic impacts of global climate change.  相似文献   

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