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ABSTRACT. Recent work on Asian ethnic minority immigrants to cities in the Anglophone Pacific Rim argues that their settlement patterns do not conform to those of earlier migrant streams. Instead of concentrating in high‐density, low‐quality, inner‐city housing, these new residents are moving directly to suburban areas where they form much less intensive concentrations—ethnoburbs—than has been typical of other culturally distinct migrant groups. We evaluate this thesis for Asian migrants in the Auckland metropolitan area, whose numbers more than quadrupled between 1991 and 2006. Their residential pattern is compared with that of Pacific Islanders also resident there, providing supporting evidence for the ethnoburb hypothesis.  相似文献   

This essay suggests a new analytical framework for the study of residential segregation in the early twentieth century. Labor segmentation under corporate capitalism forms the basis for understanding the division of labor in the workplace among southern and eastern European immigrants. Social characteristics of the industrial workplace and the nature of European immigration are crucial factors in the formation of the immigrant working-class residential community.  相似文献   

Hispanics are an internally diverse population, yet residential segregation within census-defined groups is often overlooked. Census data are used to examine evenness and exposure segregation among Hispanics in Chicago, Miami, and Phoenix along the lines of national origin, race, year of arrival, and income. Results suggest that segregation exists in Miami where there is more national origin diversity, between white and black Hispanics in Chicago, in all three cities for foreign-born Hispanic recent arrivals, and especially between high- and low-income Hispanics. Attempts to theorize immigration, social capital and solidarity, and the future of democratic society have inadequately conceptualized “diversity”; our work critically employs quantitative analysis to suggest an enriched and more nuanced socio-spatial understanding of the term.  相似文献   

Ethnic entrepreneurs often benefit from reciprocal relationships, such as buyer–supplier linkages, among co-ethnic businesses. The present study extends this insight, analyzing census data on the relationship between ethnic enterprise in the retail trade and co-ethnic enterprise in the wholesale trade in urban centers of core and peripheral regions of the late-nineteenth-century United States. As expected, this relationship varied markedly by ethnicity and region. For some groups (e.g., Russians), co-ethnic retail and wholesale enterprises were positively related on the periphery but not in the core; conversely, for other groups (e.g., Irish), co-ethnic retail and wholesale enterprises were positively related in the core but not on the periphery. The results imply that reciprocal relationships among co-ethnic businesses are significantly affected by variation in the characteristics of local opportunity structures across urban-regional locations.  相似文献   

Spatial Patterns of Immigrant Assimilation*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research compares the contemporary areal patterning of cultural and economic assimilation with patterns expected from a model of urban spatial assimilation described by Massey and modified by us. Using 1990 census data (PUMS) for 12 immigrant groups in the greater Los Angeles area, we locate the ethnic concentrations of each group and identify two additional zones based on distance from the concentration. The zones represent varying degrees of spatial assimilation. This method allows us to compare the distribution of immigrant cohorts over time and the degree of cultural and economic assimilation of residents of the different zones. Our findings confirm most geographical aspects of the modified model. Zonal differentiation occurs in the expected direction and is statistically significant although not strong for most groups. More recently arrived immigrant groups and those with higher incomes tend to show greater differences in assimilation between zones.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a geographically explicit agent-based model (ABM), loosely coupled with vector geographical information systems (GISs), which explicitly captures and uses geometric data and socioeconomic attributes in the simulation process. The ability to represent the urban environment as a series of points, lines, and polygons not only allows one to represent a range of different-sized features such as buildings or larger areas portrayed as the urban environment but is a move away from many ABMs utilizing GIS that are rooted in grid-based structures. We apply this model to the study of residential segregation, specifically creating a Schelling (1971 Schelling, T.C. 1971. Dynamic models of segregation. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 1(1): 143186. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) type of model within a hypothetical cityscape, thus demonstrating how this approach can be used for linking vector-based GIS and agent-based modeling. A selection of simulation experiments are presented, highlighting the inner workings of the model and how aggregate patterns of segregation can emerge from the mild tastes and preferences of individual agents interacting locally over time. Furthermore, the article suggests how this model could be extended and demonstrates the importance of explicit geographical space in the modeling process.  相似文献   

吴蓉  潘卓林  刘晔  李志刚 《热带地理》2019,39(5):721-731
基于第六次全国人口普査数据,通过计算分异指数、隔离指数和区位爛,分析了深圳这一典型移民城市的新移民社会空间格局及其分异状况,并采用线性回归模型深入探讨新移民空间分异的影响因素,在此基础上与广州市进行对比。研究表明:1)深圳的社会空间存在5类人口因子,出现精英阶层聚居区、工薪阶层聚居区、离退休人口聚居区、本地村镇人口聚居区和新移民聚居区5类社会阶层聚居区。2)新移民在空间分布总体上表现出“差序格局”:由关内(福田区、罗湖区、南山区和盐田区)到关外(宝安区、龙岗区、光明新区、龙华新区、坪山新区和大鹏新区),“省内新移民”减少而“省外新移民”增加。3)深圳新移民与本地常住人口的分异指数为0.47,隔离指数为0.64,与广州新移民的指数相比,深圳新移民的隔离程度较高。4)制度因素(户口属性)对深圳新移民聚居区的影响减弱,市场因素的作用正不断增强,符合“市场转型论”的假设。同时人口和家庭因素对新移民聚居有一定影响,其中年龄结构和教育水平是影响新移民聚居的重要因素。5)对比广州市,广州新移民聚居同时受到制度因素和市场因素的双重影响,户籍制度影响依然具有一定的历史延续性,同时年龄结构与婚姻状况也具有显著影响。由此可见,新移民的空间分异及其影响机制具有异质性,深圳市作为改革开放的窗口,体现T中国社会主义市场转型对社会空间的影响效应。  相似文献   

Paradoxically, Johannesburg is a quintessentially migrant city and also ranks among the least immigrant-friendly cities in the world. Over the past 20 years, inner-city Johannesburg has been vacated and then reconstituted as a hive of informal trade networks and migration circuits that extends well beyond national borders. Research on immigrants in Johannesburg has contributed significantly to understandings of xenophobic sentiments and immigrant identities, but there remains a large gap in knowledge about immigrant entrepreneurship, economic enclaves and economic mobility. Our research is based on extensive fieldwork, discussions with immigrant organizations and in-depth interviews with immigrants and South Africans engaged in business in three prominent inner-city immigrant business enclaves: Jeppe/Delvers, Eighth Avenue and Raleigh Street. Our research shows that these immigrant business zones each operate differently and vary in the degree to which they connect to urban and national economic grids; some retain stronger ties to transnational networks that link dispersed spaces to Johannesburg, creating specific local milieus. We advocate for a more geographically sensitive and nuanced understanding of immigrant entrepreneurs and a reconsideration of their rights to the city.  相似文献   

To understand residential clustering of contemporary immigrants and other ethnic minorities in urban areas, it is important to first identify where they are clustered. In recent years, increasing attention has been given to the use of local statistics as a tool for finding the location of racial/ethnic residential clusters. However, since many existing local statistics are primarily developed for epidemiological studies where clustering is associated with relatively rare events, its application in studies of residential segregation may not always yield satisfactory results. This article proposes an optimisation clustering method for delineating the boundaries of ethnic residential clusters. The proposed approach uses a modified greedy algorithm to find the most likely extent of clusters and employs total within-group absolute deviations as a clustering criterion. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, we applied it to a set of synthetic landscapes and to two empirical data sets in Auckland, New Zealand. The results show that the proposed method can detect ethnic residential clusters effectively and that it has potential for use in other disciplines as it offers an ability to detect large, arbitrarily shaped clusters.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that self-defined mixed-race persons live in residentially mixed areas in the largest metropolitan areas in California. The hypothesis is tested by examining the distribution of mixed-race persons among ethnically and racially diverse and nondiverse neighborhoods in the San Francisco and Los Angeles Metropolitan Areas. The research confirmed that mixed-race individuals are more likely to live in areas with ethnic diversity and that the tendency is greater for the mixed-race population in the San Francisco–Oakland Metropolitan Areas than in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Mixed-race individuals live in neighborhoods which are diverse with mixes of all four major ethnic and racial groups, and in “well-off” (but not the most affluent) neighborhoods. The study also shows that the mixed-race population is youthful. The association of mixed-race individuals and racially integrated neighborhoods will have important implications for the evolving nature of spatial integration in California specifically, and the United States more generally.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):528-559
This paper examines employment concentrations (commonly called niches) in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Concentration ratios (created from 1990 5% Public Use Microdata Samples) reveal niches characterized by gender, race, and ethnicity. White workers of both sexes commonly hold niches in white-collar occupations and non-Whites (Blacks, Mexicans, Koreans, Chinese, and Asian Indians) primarily occupy niches as blue-collar, or secondary service workers. Chinese, Korean and Asian Indian males are the only groups of non-Whites to hold jobs in a significant number of white-collar employment niches. Generally, non-White niches pay very little and for women, especially, niche employment is generally not very lucrative. Logistic regression models explore predictors of niche employment and indicate that the social constructs of ethnicity and race have the most substantial impact upon an individual's odds for niche employment. Human capital measures alone do not sufficiently account for niche employment, and segmentation theory best explains the phenomenon.  相似文献   

基于多智能体的居住区位空间选择模型   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
多智能体系统(Multi-Agent system, MAS) 是一种进行复杂系统分析与模拟的强有力工具,尤其在社会科学领域得到了广泛的应用。本文提出了基于多智能体的居住区位选择模型(Agent-Based Model of Residential Location-ABMRL),将多智能体建模的方法应用于居民居住区位决策行为和地价动态变化的研究中,旨在探索与模拟居民在居住选择过程中的复杂空间决策行为,以及居民之间、居民与地理环境的相互作用而导致城市居住空间分异的演化过程。ABMRL模型由表征各类居民的多智能体层和表征地理环境的元胞自动层组成,对应人地关系中的两个基本要素--人类与自然环境。该模型认为居民迁居的动力源于内部的经济社会压力和外部的居住环境刺激。利用ABMRL模型模拟和验证了居住空间分异、圈层城市空间结构、城市绅士化等经典城市理论,并以广州市海珠区为实验区,模拟了该区域居民居住空间分异的演化过程和地价的动态变化。  相似文献   

广东省就业空间的性别化及权力特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林耿 《地理学报》2010,65(4):427-442
采用2000年第五次人口普查的数据,以市辖区(县、市)为基本地理单元,对广东省的21个地级市133个样本进行性别与就业空间的实证研究。通过分别对男性和女性6类就业区的比较分析发现,①广东省不同性别的就业整体同构与一定程度的性别隔离并存。整体同构来自互补性的就业角色,两性关系是平等的;性别隔离来自于隔离性的就业角色,两性之间存在着控制与被控制的权力关系。女性就业在与男性总体平等的同时,也存在被边缘化的现象。②在经济全球化和世界制造业转移的大背景下,不同性别的就业空间形成了中心-边缘结构。高度集聚的就业活动分布在环珠江口的珠江三角洲的经济中心区,与珠三角以外的其他就业区在空间上形成了核心-边缘结构。③不同性别的就业空间具有权力特征,具有生产性。中心-边缘结构构建了一种以广州和深圳为极点的就业空间秩序,这种结构制约着区域就业空间新秩序的出现,也体现为区域就业秩序下一种社会经济关系的生成。④在地域文化的深刻影响下,除粤东部分传统地区之外,广东不同性别的就业差异并未构成整体的就业空间性别化。  相似文献   

梁璐 《热带地理》2020,40(5):786-794
近年来,女性主义地理学的研究内容转向身体、身份认同和象征空间等微观地理,消费空间的性别研究成为关注热点。文章基于女性主义视角,借助对典型消费空间的实证调查,考察空间性别化特征以及性别因素决定下的空间之权力隐喻关系,总结了人—地互动模式中的性别建构特征。研究发现,消费空间为女性提供了参与城市公共空间的场所,见证了女性空间权的觉醒与实践,但女性仍受男性规训与控制;现代女性在消费空间中的行为延续了传统的角色定位,公共空间参与度并未显著改变她们的性别角色和在家务上的性别化分工;消费空间再现和建构的性别关系、性别地位是一种典型的隐形歧视,女性处于实际上的不平等地位。因此,空间和性别不可分割且互为构成,两性在消费空间中的表现实质上是性别权力关系的投射,折射出这一地理空间中两性的宰控关系。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):560-581
The initial releases of data from the 2000 U.S. Census allow exploration of the extent of change, if any, in residential segregation in four major cities, where substantial population growth has continued to generate increased ethnic diversity. Using a recently established method of classifying residential areas according to their ethnic composition which facilitates comparative study over time and space, this paper examines segregation trends in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Miami over the period 1980-2000 in the context of recent discussions of the nature of residential patterns there. It finds that though there has been some reduction in the extent of extreme segregation areas that are predominantly either White or African American with consequent greater ethnic mixing at the census tract level, nevertheless cores of extreme segregation remain, and these are being extended with greater segregation of the Hispanic population. Ethnic residential segregation in United States' metropolitan areas attracted much research throughout the 20th century, with each census providing new impetus for mapping and analysis. The 2000 census will be no exception, providing data with which the extent of change can be assessed after a further decade in which discrimination on the grounds of race and color was illegal. This paper provides an initial exploration for four metropolitan areas that have experienced substantial recent multi-ethnic in-migration. Using a method for classifying residential areas designed to facilitate comparative studies over space and time, it explores the extent of desegregation during the previous 20 years for each of the four main census ethnic groups.  相似文献   

随着近年的经济高速增长,中国已成为仅次于美国、日本的第三大韩国人移居地。在此背景下,运用实地调查和访谈方法,以北京望京为例,分析在华韩国人居住区及其族裔经济的形成与发展演变过程。北京望京是迄今为止在华韩国人聚集规模最大的社区,其以1998 年、2003 年为节点,经历了从花家地北移到望京西园,进而以望京西园为中心向外扩张的发展扩散过程。伴随着韩国人居住范围的扩大,面向韩国人的族裔经济也应运而生。当地的韩国人族裔经济多为韩国人和中国朝鲜族共同经营,以自我服务为主,已形成覆盖生产生活各方面的经济体系。相比中国国内的其他族裔聚居区,望京韩国人聚居区由于中国朝鲜族的参与,形成了主动融入、隐性隔离的特征,而这也为北京的移民管理和国际化城市建设带来了新挑战。  相似文献   

居住融合是社会群体混合分布程度的表现,对认识城市内部民族融合结构和互动关系具有重要的意义。以典型多民族聚居城市呼和浩特市为例,基于2000-2015年人口统计数据,采用融合指数法和反距离加权插值法,分析居住融合在城市、市辖区和街区三个尺度的演变过程,并运用双变量相关分析和多元线性回归模型,从城市居民的个体属性方面考察对居住融合的影响作用。分析结果表明,呼和浩特城市内部少数民族同汉族之间的混居程度持续加深,居住空间视角下的民族融合程度逐渐强化;居住融合程度最高的区域集中在汉族长期居住的玉泉区,随着时间推移,融合程度最高区域快速向整个市区扩散,居住融合空间向均匀化方向发展;城市中心区域存在三个点状分布的教育型和生活型民族聚居街区,但两类街区融合指数在考察期内上升趋势显著;个体属性中的年龄、性别、婚姻、教育、家庭、户籍、职业等要素对呼和浩特城市内部民族间居住融合具有显著影响。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):531-567
Scholars have often discounted social class as a substantial contributor to residential segregation by race, in part as a result of using the dissimilarity index, which is likely to show high levels of uneven group distribution regardless of socioeconomic status (SES), and in part as a result of using limited categories of SES. This study expands on prior research by examining residential segregation between black-alone and white-alone households in 36 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) with 2000 decennial census data, using both spatial unevenness (dissimilarity) and two types of experiential indicators (exposure indices), measuring SES across income levels and accounting for the presence of other races. Findings show that black households with higher incomes live in neighborhoods with greater exposure and lower isolation than do black households with lower incomes. Additionally, while the dissimilarity of black households decreases with income, unevenness is not as strongly connected to income as are the experiential measures. While race remains a primary determinant of residential segregation, results indicate substantial class differences.  相似文献   

Youths have increasingly experienced labor market problems over the last several decades. One fruitful line of explanation focuses on structural changes in the demand for labor stemming from deindustrialization, changing skill requirements for employees, and increasing supply competition from women and recent immigrants. While these explanations merit attention, they have not adequately considered facts that condition their impact. This paper considers the argument that intra-metropolitan residential location conditions the effects of metropolitan labor market structure on black and white male youths' employment probabilities. Using a sample of individual-level data drawn from the 1990 census combined with metropolitan-level indicators of economic structure, it was found that some structural effects varied between central-city and suburban male youths. The conditioning role of residential location, and the subsequent nature of the structural effects, varied considerably between black and white male youths. Interpretations of the conditioning role of residential location include a variety of social and institutional effects on individual residents and the stigmatizing effects of some neighborhoods, especially on black male youths.  相似文献   

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