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Grazing changes plant species composition of grassland ecosystems by selective removal and trampling. Grazing also alters soil physical and biogeochemical properties and can dramatically change hydrologic processes that can impact water budgets and quality. For these reasons, practical means are needed to assess grazing management practices and its impacts upon the land. This study examines whether a grazing intensity and range condition gradient can be detected in spectral reflectance characteristics of grasslands in northeastern Kansas. Multitemporal Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and field data collected concurrent with the TM overpasses, were used in the analysis. Correlation analysis was used to examine relationships between spectral data and biophysical data. Next, the study sites within each grassland type were classified into three spectrally similar clusters. Grazing intensity, range condition, and biophysical characteristics were summarized for each spectral cluster and compared.

The results suggest that NDVI may be used as a surrogate for living biomass for both grassland types and may be useful for predicting grazing intensity in native warm season grasslands. And while there appeared to be relationships between total living and non‐living cover, and TM NIR and MIR bands, there were no direct relationships between spectral characteristics and grazing intensity or range condition.  相似文献   


Coastal wetland is a major part of wetlands in the world. Land cover and vegetation mapping in a deltaic lowland environment is complicated by the rapid and significant changes of geomorphic forms. Remote sensing provides an important tool for coastal land cover classification and landscape analysis. The study site in this paper is the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve (YRDNR) at the Yellow River mouth in Shangdong province, China. Yellow River Delta is one of the fastest growing deltas in the world. YRDNR was listed as a national level nature reserve in 1992. The objectives of this paper are two fold: to study the land cover status of YRDNR, and to examine the land cover change since it was declared as a nature reserve. Land cover and vegetation mapping in YRDNR was developed using multi‐spectral Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery acquired in 1995. Land cover and landscape characteristics were analyzed with the help of ancillary GIS. Land use investigation data in 1991 were used for comparison with Landsat classification map. Our results show that YRDNR has experienced significant landscape change and environmental improvement after 1992.  相似文献   

Mapping the surficial extent of oolitic iron ore deposits hosted in the Oligo–Miocene sedimentary rocks of the Ashumaysi Formation, western Saudi Arabia, was carried out using Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data. Ore samples were collected from four various locations in the study area, and were studied in the laboratory using the GER 3700 Spectroradiometer (0.4–2.5 µm) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Principal component analysis (PCA), minimum noise fraction (MNF), and minimum distance classification were used and assessed to map mineralization zones in the study area. Good correspondences were observed between the results obtained from the above mentioned techniques, spectral reflectance analyses, and XRD. The confusion matrix results revealed that mapping of iron ores using MNF is better and more accurate than using PCA. Good matching was also observed between the spectral reflectance curves of the collected samples and the corresponding pixels from Landsat 7 ETM+. The results demonstrated the usefulness of the image processing and interpretation of Landsat 7 ETM+ data for the detection and delineation iron ore deposits in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

在遥感、地理信息系统和全球定位系统技术综合应用于山区土地资源动态监测领域的研究工作中,探讨采用以图像差值法为主,分类后比较法为辅提取土地利用信息的基本思路和方法,提出采用定量统计分析的方法来选择合适的差值计算波段和相应的变化阈值。在数据分析过程中,GPS测量数据发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

This research explored the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and radar (i.e., ALOS PALSAR L-band and RADARSAT-2 C-band) data for mapping impervious surface distribution to examine the roles of radar data with different spatial resolutions and wavelengths. The wavelet-merging technique was used to merge TM and radar data to generate a new dataset. A constrained least-squares solution was used to unmix TM multispectral data and multisensor fusion images to four fraction images (high-albedo, low-albedo, vegetation, and soil). The impervious surface image was then extracted from the high-albedo and low-albedo fraction images. QuickBird imagery was used to develop an impervious surface image for use as reference data to evaluate the results from TM and fusion images. This research indicated that increasing spatial resolution by multisensor fusion improved spatial patterns of impervious surface distribution, but cannot significantly improve the statistical area accuracy. This research also indicated that the fusion image with 10-m spatial resolution was suitable for mapping impervious surface spatial distribution, but TM multispectral image with 30 m was too coarse in a complex urban–rural landscape. On the other hand, this research showed that no significant difference in improving impervious surface mapping performance by using either PALSAR L-band or RADARSAT C-band data with the same spatial resolution when they were used for multi-sensor fusion with the wavelet-based method.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the environmental impacts of forest fires on part of the Mediterranean basin. The study area is on the Kassandra peninsula, prefecture of Halkidiki, Greece. A maximum likelihood supervised classification was applied to a post-fire Landsat TM image for mapping the exact burned area. Land-cover types that had been affected by fire were identified with the aid of a CORINE land-cover type layer. Results showed an overall classification accuracy of 95%, and 83% of the total burned area was ‘forest areas’. A normalized difference vegetation index threshold technique was applied to a post-fire Quickbird image which had been recorded six years after the fire event to assess the vegetation recovery and to identify the vegetation species that were dominant in burned areas. Four classes were identified: ‘bare soil’, ‘sparse shrubs’, ‘dense shrubs’ and ‘tree and shrub communities’. Results showed that ‘shrublands’ is the main vegetation type which has prevailed (65%) and that vegetation recovery is homogeneous in burned areas.  相似文献   

Saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima), an invasive shrub species, has successfully invaded large extents of several riparian zones in the western United States and northern Mexico. Mapping the distribution and abundance of saltcedar over these large areas through a multi-seasonal, cost-effective monitoring approach using satellite remote sensing is very essential. Ground truth surveys were conducted at 79 locations where the spectral reflectance measurements of vegetation, type of plant species, plant heights, soil samples and GPS co-ordinates were recorded. All the sampling was designed to coincide with the satellite overpass period. The Landsat TM colour-composite spectral ratio image (normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI), R 1,5 and R 1,7 as green, blue and red) can clearly identify and map the areas infested with saltcedar. The Landsat image analysis shows that these spectral ratios can be applied to multiple satellite overpasses for monitoring the seasonal progression of the saltcedar growth over time.  相似文献   

The remote sensing of Case 2 water has been far less successful than that of Case 1 water, due mainly to the complex interactions among optically active substances (e.g., phytoplankton, suspended sediments, colored dissolved organic matter, and water) in the former. To address this problem, we developed a spectral decomposition algorithm (SDA), based on a spectral linear mixture modeling approach. Through a tank experiment, we found that the SDA-based models were superior to conventional empirical models (e.g. using single band, band ratio, or arithmetic calculation of band) for accurate estimates of water quality parameters. In this paper, we develop a method for applying the SDA to Landsat-5 TM data on Lake Kasumigaura, a eutrophic lake in Japan characterized by high concentrations of suspended sediment, for mapping chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and non-phytoplankton suspended sediment (NPSS) distributions. The results show that the SDA-based estimation model can be obtained by a tank experiment. Moreover, by combining this estimation model with satellite-SRSs (standard reflectance spectra: i.e., spectral end-members) derived from bio-optical modeling, we can directly apply the model to a satellite image. The same SDA-based estimation model for Chl-a concentration was applied to two Landsat-5 TM images, one acquired in April 1994 and the other in February 2006. The average Chl-a estimation error between the two was 9.9%, a result that indicates the potential robustness of the SDA-based estimation model. The average estimation error of NPSS concentration from the 2006 Landsat-5 TM image was 15.9%. The key point for successfully applying the SDA-based estimation model to satellite data is the method used to obtain a suitable satellite-SRS for each end-member.  相似文献   

LANDSAT-TM has been evaluated for forest cover type and landuse classification in subtropical forests of Kumaon Himalaya (U.P.) Comparative evaluation of false colour composite generated by using various band combinations has been made. Digital image processing of Landsat-TM data on VIPS-32 RRSSC computer system has been carried out to stratify vegetation types. Conventional band combination in false colour composite is Bands 2, 3 and 4 in Red/Green/Blue sequence of Landsat TM for landuse classification. The present study however suggests that false colour combination using Landsat TM bands viz., 4, 5 and 3 in Red/Green/Blue sequence is the most suitable for visual interpretation of various forest cover types and landuse classes. It is felt that to extract full information from increased spatial and spectral resolution of Landsat TM, it is necessary to process the data digitally to classify land cover features like vegetation. Supervised classification using maximum likelihood algorithm has been attemped to stratify the forest vegetation. Only four bands are sufficient enough to classify vegetaton types. These bands are 2,3,4 and 5. The classification results were smoothed digitaly to increase the readiability of the map. Finally, the classification carred out using digital technique were evaluated using systematic sampling design. It is observed that forest cover type mapping can be achieved upto 80% overall mapping accuracy. Monospecies stand Chirpine can be mapped in two density classes viz., dense pine (<40%) with more than 90% accuracy. Poor accuracy (66%) was observed while mapping pine medium dense areas. The digital smoothening reduced the overall mapping accuracy. Conclusively, Landsat-TM can be used as operatonal sensor for forest cover type mapping even in complex landuse-terrain of Kumaon Himalaya (U.P.)  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of analysis of the data obtained by the method of computer-aided visual interpretation of satellite images used for identification of changes in land cover within the framework of the Image and CORINE Land Cover 2000 (I&CLC2000) Project (jointly managed by the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy). These data are also relevant in cartography. Land cover changes identified by the method mentioned may contain mistakes caused by over- or underestimation. The paper describes these mistakes. Overestimation (technical change) of the extent of land cover change is caused by adding the residual polygons (smaller than 25 ha) to neighbouring polygons. Underestimation is caused by the fact that discernible changes concerning areas larger than 5 ha which showed up in objects with areas smaller than 25 ha were not identified and, consequently, not included in either CLC90 or CLC2000 data layers; e.g. Dutch CLC_change database users' accuracy indicates an overestimation of 8.8% whereas the comparison of net change indicates a small, insignificant underestimation. In spite of the problems referred to, caused by overestimation or underestimation, the datasets on land cover changes in Europe for the 1990s and the year 2000 (± one year) can also be used for the compilation of land cover change maps at the regional, national and European levels.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between three field-based fire severity indices (Composite Burn Index-CBI, Geometrically structure CBI, weighted CBI) and spectral indices derived from Sentinel 2A and Landsat-8 OLI imagery on a recent large fire in Thasos, Greece. We employed remotely sensed indices previously used from the remote sensing fire community (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), differenced NDVI, differenced NBR, relative differenced NBR, Relativized Burn Ratio) and seven Sentinel 2A-specific indices considering the availability of spectral information recorded in the red-edge spectral region. The statistical correlation indicated a slightly stronger relationship between the differenced NBR and the GeoCBI for both Sentinel 2A (r = 0.872) and Landsat-8 OLI (r = 0.845) imagery. Predictive local thresholds of dNBR values showed slightly higher classification accuracy for Sentinel 2A (73.33%) than Landsat-8 OLI (71.11%), suggesting the adequacy of Sentinel 2A for forest fire severity assessment and mapping in Mediterranean pine ecosystems. The evaluation of the classification thresholds calculated in this study over other fires with similar pre-fire conditions could contribute in the operational mapping and reconstruction of the historical patterns of fire severity over the Eastern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

孙立娥  王进  崔廷伟  郝艳玲  张杰 《遥感学报》2012,16(6):1262-1271
基于同步的TAO (Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project) 浮标实测数据和FY-3B 微波成像仪(MWRI) 亮温数据,建立了FY-3B MWRI 海表面温度SST(Sea Surface Temperature) 和海面风速SSW(Sea Surface Wind) 统计反演算法,并利用实测数据进行了检验.根据检验结果,FY-3B MWRI 全通道亮温的SST 反演模型均方根误差为0.81 ℃,相关系数为0.77; SSW 反演模型均方根误差为0.91 m/s ,相关系数为0.78 .  相似文献   

The detection of buried archaeological remains using satellite remote sensing is still an open question in archaeological research. This research investigates how the phenological stages of crops can be used support the detection of buried archaeological remains. Ground remote sensing data using the GER-1500 spectroradiometer were obtained from two sites. One site was the Neolithic settlements in central Greece and the other was in Alampra village in Cyprus. For the latter, an archaeological environment was simulated and ground spectroradiometric measurements were systematically acquired over the different phases of the phenological cycle of barley crops. The acquired in situ reflectance measurements have been converted to "in-band" reflectance values of the Landsat TM/ETM+ using the satellite relative spectral responses filters (RSR). Based on the proposed methodology, 97 Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM+ satellite images were acquired (covering a period from 1983 to 2011), for the Thessalian (Greek) site. It has been found that phenological-cycle observations can provide valuable information for identifying buried archaeological remains. Such observations may be used in cases where the spatial resolution of satellite imagery is not high and therefore cannot help support the detection of archaeological remains using standard interpretation techniques.  相似文献   

The study examined the capability of dual-polarization SAR data for forest cover mapping and change assessment in the Brazilian Amazon Forest regions. Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR)-C and Advanced Land Observing Satellite Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (ALOS PALSAR) data were analysed to map and quantify deforestation. The images were classified using hybrid classifier, where each land cover was grouped in various spectral sub-classes interpreted on the imagery and later merged together to generate the desired land cover classes. The classification accuracy for forest was reasonably high (>90%). The technique applied in this study can be extended for operational mapping and monitoring of deforestation in the tropics, particularly for those regions which are often covered by cloud.  相似文献   

Plague is a zoonotic infectious disease present in great gerbil populations in Kazakhstan. Infectious disease dynamics are influenced by the spatial distribution of the carriers (hosts) of the disease. The great gerbil, the main host in our study area, lives in burrows, which can be recognized on high resolution satellite imagery. In this study, using earth observation data at various spatial scales, we map the spatial distribution of burrows in a semi-desert landscape.The study area consists of various landscape types. To evaluate whether identification of burrows by classification is possible in these landscape types, the study area was subdivided into eight landscape units, on the basis of Landsat 7 ETM+ derived Tasselled Cap Greenness and Brightness, and SRTM derived standard deviation in elevation.In the field, 904 burrows were mapped. Using two segmented 2.5 m resolution SPOT-5 XS satellite scenes, reference object sets were created. Random Forests were built for both SPOT scenes and used to classify the images. Additionally, a stratified classification was carried out, by building separate Random Forests per landscape unit.Burrows were successfully classified in all landscape units. In the ‘steppe on floodplain’ areas, classification worked best: producer's and user's accuracy in those areas reached 88% and 100%, respectively. In the ‘floodplain’ areas with a more heterogeneous vegetation cover, classification worked least well; there, accuracies were 86 and 58% respectively. Stratified classification improved the results in all landscape units where comparison was possible (four), increasing kappa coefficients by 13, 10, 9 and 1%, respectively.In this study, an innovative stratification method using high- and medium resolution imagery was applied in order to map host distribution on a large spatial scale. The burrow maps we developed will help to detect changes in the distribution of great gerbil populations and, moreover, serve as a unique empirical data set which can be used as input for epidemiological plague models. This is an important step in understanding the dynamics of plague.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new drought assessment method by spatially and temporally integrating temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI) with regional water stress index (RWSI) based on a synergistic approach. With the aid of LANDSAT TM/ETM data, we were able to retrieve the land-use and land-cover (LULC), vegetation indices (VIs), and land surface temperature (LST), leading to the derivation of three types of modified TVDI, including TVDI_SAVI, TVDI_ANDVI and TVDI_MSAVI, for drought assessment in a fast growing coastal area, Northern China. The categorical classification of four drought impact levels associated with the RWSI values enables us to refine the spatiotemporal relationship between the LST and the VIs. Holistic drought impact assessment between 1987 and 2000 was carried out by linking RWSI with TVDIs group wise. Research findings indicate that: (1) LST and VIs were negatively correlated in most cases of low, medium, and high vegetation cover except the case of high density vegetation cover in 2000 due to the effect of urban heat island (UHI) effect; (2) the shortage of water in 1987 was more salient than that that in 2000 based on all indices of TVDI and RWSI; and (3) TVDIs are more suitable for monitoring mild drought, normal and wet conditions when RWSI is smaller than 0.752; but they are not suitable for monitoring moderate and severe drought conditions.  相似文献   

The development of cost-effective, reliable and easy to implement crop condition monitoring methods is urgently required for perennial tree crops such as coffee (Coffea arabica), as they are grown over large areas and represent long term and higher levels of investment. These monitoring methods are useful in identifying farm areas that experience poor crop growth, pest infestation, diseases outbreaks and/or to monitor response to management interventions. This study compares field level coffee mean NDVI and LSWI anomalies and age-adjusted coffee mean NDVI and LSWI anomalies in identifying and mapping incongruous patches across perennial coffee plantations. To achieve this objective, we first derived deviation of coffee pixels from the global coffee mean NDVI and LSWI values of nine sequential Landsat 8 OLI image scenes. We then evaluated the influence of coffee age class (young, mature and old) on Landsat-scale NDVI and LSWI values using a one-way ANOVA and since results showed significant differences, we adjusted NDVI and LSWI anomalies for age-class. We then used the cumulative inverse distribution function (α  0.05) to identify fields and within field areas with excessive deviation of NDVI and LSWI from the global and the age-expected mean for each of the Landsat 8 OLI scene dates spanning three seasons. Results from accuracy assessment indicated that it was possible to separate incongruous and healthy patches using these anomalies and that using NDVI performed better than using LSWI for both global and age-adjusted mean anomalies. Using the age-adjusted anomalies performed better in separating incongruous and healthy patches than using the global mean for both NDVI (Overall accuracy = 80.9% and 68.1% respectively) and for LSWI (Overall accuracy = 68.1% and 48.9% respectively). When applied to other Landsat 8 OLI scenes, the results showed that the proportions of coffee fields that were modelled incongruent decreased with time for the young age category and while it increased for the mature and old age classes with time. We concluded that the method could be useful for the identification of anomalous patches using Landsat scale time series data to monitor large coffee plantations and provide an indication of areas requiring particular field attention.  相似文献   

都江堰震后土地利用/覆被变化信息提取方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
快速和精确评估"5·12"汶川地震后的土地利用/覆被变化对科学减灾、灾后重建及生态环境恢复具有重要意义。常规方法从遥感图像上提取土地利用/覆被变化信息时,多以研究区整体为处理对象,直接对全图像进行分类提取,容易忽略地形地貌和地质构造等背景因素对分类结果的影响。本文以都江堰为试验区,根据地质构造展布特征及地形地貌发育形态将其分成平原区(Ⅰ区)、低山区(Ⅱ区)、中高山区(Ⅲ区)和高山区(Ⅳ区)。对Ⅰ区采用ISODATA方法进行非监督分类;对Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区分别采用最大似然(ML)分类法进行监督分类;对Ⅳ区采用人机交互解译方法进行分类。试验结果表明,基于地理地质环境的分块分类方法是高效、精确的。  相似文献   

This study contributes to the quality assessment of atmospherically corrected Landsat surface reflectance data that are routinely generated by the Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System (LEDAPS). This dataset, named Landsat Surface Reflectance Climate Data Record (Landsat CDR), is available at global scale and offers unprecedented opportunities to land monitoring and management services that require atmospherically corrected Earth observation (EO) data. Our assessment is based on the comparison of the Landsat CDR data against a set of Landsat and DEIMOS-1 images processed to a high degree of accuracy using an industry-standard atmospheric correction algorithm (ATCOR-2). The software package has been used for many years and its correction procedures can be considered consolidated and well-established. The dataset of Landsat and DEIMOS-1 images was acquired over a semi-arid agricultural area located in Lower Austria and was independently corrected by using a manual fine-tuning of ATCOR-2 parameters to reach the highest possible accuracy. Results show a very good correspondence of the surface reflectance in each of the six reflective spectral channels as well as for the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). An additional comparison against a NDVI time series from MODIS revealed also a good correspondence. Coefficients of determination (R2) between the two multi-year and multi-seasonal Landsat/DEIMOS datasets range between 0.91 (blue band) and 0.98 (nIR, SWIR-1 and SWIR-2). The results obtained for our semi-arid test site in Austria confirm previous findings and suggest that automatic atmospheric procedures, such as the one implemented by LEDAPS are accurate enough to be used in land monitoring services that require consistent multi-temporal surface reflectance data.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover (LULC) changes in northern Nayarit, Mexico were estimated using post-classification change detection methods and a Markov chain model. Three thematic maps were generated by classifying Landsat images from 1973, 1900, and 2000, which were then overlaid to generate three change-detection matrices to assess the intensity and direction of changes. Between 25% and 30% of the region displayed LULC changes, attributable to a stochastic behavior that can be modeled with a first-order Markov chain. The steady-state distribution estimates indicate that the LULC patterns in the region have not yet reached equilibrium and predict the expansion of the agricultural boundaries.  相似文献   

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