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Soil erosion which occurs at spatially varying rate is a widespread threat to sustainable resource management at watershed scale. Thus estimation of soil loss and identification of critical area for implementation of best management practice is central to success of soil conservation programme. The present study focuses application of most widely used Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) to determine soil erosion and prioritization of micro-watersheds of Upper Damodar Valley Catchment (UDVC) of India. Annual average soil loss for the entire basin is 23.17 t/ha/yr; for micro-watersheds. High soil loss is observed in 345 micro-watersheds, medium in 159 micro-watersheds and low soil loss is observed in 201 micro-watersheds. It is found that, out of 705 micro-watersheds of UDVC, 453 micro-watersheds are in agreement with AISLUS suggested priority which is based on observed sediment yield, 116 micro-watersheds under predict and 136 micro-watersheds over predict the priority. Geographic Information System (GIS) is applied to prepare various layers of USLE parameters which interactively estimate soil erosion at micro-watershed level. The main advantage of the GIS methodology is in providing quick information on the estimated value of soil loss for any part of the investigated area.  相似文献   

Flash flood assessment and management are necessary for municipal, urban growth planning and emergency action plans. By using the Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System software, we can model flash flood events and calculate water surface profiles over the length of the modeled stream. After collecting elevation points by using GPS method, the digital elevation model can be calculated for the study area. Najran city has main flood stream passes beside King Abdullah Road based on facts and previous works. A small study area including the mainstream of Wady Najran and King Abdullah Road has chosen as test site. The used methodology has also been proved efficiently for identifying flood inundation maps. Water extent area overlapped by 52–86% for both used methods. At discharge Q = 15 m3/s, the road needs to be protected from the flood.  相似文献   

以1975年MSS、2000年TM/ETM和2007年SPOT 5共3个时相卫星遥感数据为主要数据源,利用遥感图像处理和信息提取技术,结合土地利用和地形图等资料,提取张家界市水土流失状况信息,分析近32 a水土流失动态变化特征和规律,并提出治理水土流失措施的建议.  相似文献   

Based on remote sensing and GIS, this study models the spatial variations of urban growth patterns with a logistic geographically weighted regression (GWR) technique. Through a case study of Springfield, Missouri, the research employs both global and local logistic regression to model the probability of urban land expansion against a set of spatial and socioeconomic variables. The logistic GWR model significantly improves the global logistic regression model in three ways: (1) the local model has higher PCP (percentage correctly predicted) than the global model; (2) the local model has a smaller residual than the global model; and (3) residuals of the local model have less spatial dependence. More importantly, the local estimates of parameters enable us to investigate spatial variations in the influences of driving factors on urban growth. Based on parameter estimates of logistic GWR and using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method, we generate a set of parameter surfaces to reveal the spatial variations of urban land expansion. The geographically weighted local analysis correctly reveals that urban growth in Springfield, Missouri is more a result of infrastructure construction, and an urban sprawl trend is observed from 1992 to 2005.  相似文献   

水土流失是地理环境多因子综合作用的结果,本文基于通用RUSLE土壤流失方程,综合采用ASTER GDEM数据、LandSat/TM 影像、气象数据、土壤数据等,以ArcGIS为处理平台,对忻州窑矿区的水土流失进行了评估。本文研究表明,忻州窑矿区约有20%左右的地区水土流失较严重,本文研究结果可为区域内土壤侵蚀状况的宏观把握和水土保持的政策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Digha coastal region in the northeastern part of the Bay of Bengal is potentially vulnerable to erosional hazard. The present study assessed the coastal erosion vulnerability along this 65 km long coastal stretch located between Rasulpur (Midnapur) and Subarnarekha (Balasore) estuarine complex, which had been subjected to anthropogenic intervention. Multi-resolution Landsat satellite imagery were used for shoreline change study from 1972 to 2010. During this period, accretion was recorded updrift of artificial structures, viz, seawall, groin, pylons and jetties; while, extensive erosion was recorded in downdrift areas of these structures. Assessment was subsequently divided into four categories ranging from “high erosion” to “accretion”. Data from several sources were compiled to map landuse and human activities in the coastal zone. This map was divided into four categories, ranging from “very high capital” to “no capital” landuse. Population density map of the surrounding coastal villages was generated using census data, and divided into four categories ranging from “high density area” to “very low density area”. Subsequently, coastal erosion vulnerability was assessed by combining coastal retreat with landuse type and population density in this study area using simple vector algebraic technique. Zones of vulnerability of different magnitude (viz., very high, high, moderate, and low) have been identified. Furthermore, calculation of “imminent collapse zone (ICZ)” shows that maximum values are around artificial structures and anthropogenic activities. The coastal erosion vulnerability map prepared from this study can be used for proper planning and management of this coastal region.  相似文献   

Water harvesting works had been conducted at Jamka micro-watershed of Saurashtra region of Gujarat in India for augmenting artificial groundwater recharge in hard rock aquifers of the semi arid region. In present study groundwater recharge of Jamka micro-watershed was estimated. The natural groundwater recharge through rainfall in the study area was estimated using empirical equations and the artificial groundwater recharge through water harvesting structures which was estimated using remote sensing and GIS. The area under submergence due to water harvesting structures is estimated using remote sensing images. The groundwater recharge in study area was also estimated using water table fluctuation method and compared with total recharge through rainfall and water harvesting structures. The natural groundwater recharge through rainfall in the study area was found varying from 11 to 16 per cent of annual rainfall. The total groundwater recharge in the study area was estimated 390.29?ha?m, in which the contribution of recharge through water harvesting structures was about 38.53%; this revealed that the water harvesting structures played an important role in increasing the groundwater recharge in the region.  相似文献   

利用GPS反射信号遥感土地湿度变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了GPS信号经过较平滑土地反射后信号特性的变化,建立起反射信号功率与土地湿度的对应关系,阐述了GPS—R接收机的构成,完成了在草地和裸地条件下的反射信号实时处理显示并存储。数据处理结果表明,利用所设计的GPS—R接收机处理出的归一化反射信号功率变化能够反映土地湿度变化的趋势。  相似文献   

Landscape assessment of soil moisture is critical to understanding the hydrological cycle at the regional scale and in broad-scale studies of biophysical processes affected by global climate changes in temperature and precipitation. Traditional efforts to measure soil moisture have been principally restricted to in situ measurements, so remote sensing techniques are often employed. Hyperspectral sensors with finer spatial resolution and narrow band widths may offer an alternative to traditional multispectral analysis of soil moisture, particularly in landscapes with high spatial heterogeneity. This preliminary research evaluates the ability of remotely sensed hyperspectral data to quantify soil moisture for the Little River Experimental Watershed (LREW), Georgia. An airborne hyperspectral instrument with a short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) sensor was flown in 2005 and 2007 and the results were correlated to in situ soil moisture values. A significant statistical correlation (R 2 value above 0.7 for both sampling dates) for the hyperspectral instrument data and the soil moisture probe data at 5.08 cm (2 inches) was determined. While models for the 20.32 cm (8 inches) and 30.48 cm (12 inches) depths were tested, they were not able to estimate soil moisture to the same degree.  相似文献   

基于GIS和遥感技术的生态系统服务价值评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统能否得到科学、高效、健康的管理,关系到整个人类生活环境的长期稳定发展。随着人们对生态系统管理的过程研究和探讨的加深,其中生态系统服务价值评估已经成为了生态系统管理中的重点。本文主要探讨了基于GIS和遥感技术的生态系统服务价值评估研究在生态系统中的应用,通过以甘肃省草地生态系统为分析案例,建立相关评估系统模型,找到基于GIS和遥感技术的生态系统服务价值评估中更好的应用。  相似文献   

土壤水分的遥感监测方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文讨论了用雷达图像散射系数法、NOAA-AVHRR数字图像热惯量法和作物缺水指数法监测土壤水分的结果,并将这些方法与常规气象方法、绿度指数法和温差法监测土壤水分的效果进行了比较和评价。结果表明,微波遥感监测土壤水分有广阔的应用前景,但必须深入开展基础研究。在我国目前情况下,采用NOAA-AVHRR数字图像及有关气象数据计算热惯量、作物蒸散和缺水指数,从而估算土壤水分的方法是一种比较切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化量化的遥感与GIS实验   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
彭望琭 《遥感学报》1997,1(3):237-240
为对土壤盐渍化程度做更为科学的定量分析,该文重点研究了地下水埋深,地下水矿化度和地貌因子对土壤盐渍化影响以及这种影响的定量化,研究区为吉林省长岭县实验区。利用地理信息系统作为支持工具,结合遥感数据和专家经验,建立数学模型,进行综合分析,获得了较好的结果,这种方法为分析土壤盐渍化问题的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

基于GIS的土壤遥感制图及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙晋明 《测绘学报》2002,31(2):187-187
通过遥感技术获取土壤资源类型的分布是实现土地资源遥感监测快捷有效途径的关键技术.本论文进行了以下一些内容的研究:  相似文献   

Land is one of the prime natural resources. A city grows not only by population but also by changes in spatial dimensions. Urban population growth and urban sprawl induced land use changes and land transformation. The land transformation is a natural process and cannot be stopped but it can be regulated. Many geographical changes at the urban periphery are associated with the transfer of land from rural to urban purpose. There is an urgent need for fast growing areas like Delhi, which can be easily done by high-resolution remote sensing data. Land use/land cover of North West of Delhi has been analyzed for the time period of 1972?C2003. The remote sensing data used in study is Aster image of 2003 with a spatial resolution of 15?m and other data of 1972 Survey of India (SOI) toposheet at the scale of 1:50,000. Supervised digital classification using maximum likelihood classifier was applied for preparing land use/land cover. A change detection model was applied in ERDAS Imagine to find out the land use/land cover during 1972 to 2003. Eight land use classes was identified but main dominated classes were built up and agricultural land. A drastic change has been recorded during 30 years of time i. e. (1972-2003). In 1972, 92.06% of the land was under agricultural practice, which reduced to 64.71% in 2003. This shows 27.35% decrease in agricultural land in three decades. On the other hand built up area was 6.31% in 1972, which increased to 34% in 2003. One of the main cause of this land use change is the population growth due to the migration in the district from small cities and rural areas of Delhi.  相似文献   

Detailed inventory of glacial lakes in a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) prone area is vital for disaster mitigation. Availability of cheaper high resolution satellite data from Indian remote sensing satellites enables us to create up-to-date inventory for use in prioritisation of glacial lakes for GLOF risk assessment. Earlier inventories show presence of more glacial lakes in Brahmaputra basin in Indian Himalaya. Teesta River is one of the tributary of Brahmaputra and previous studies have shown that the inventory of glacial lakes in Teesta basin varies from 143 to 320. In the present study, the inventory carried out using satellite data of years 2000, 2007 and 2014 show presence of 301 (25.789 km2), 302 (26.081 km2) and 644 (29.706 km2) glacial lakes in Teesta basin respectively. The steep increase in number of lakes in the latest inventory is primarily due to the finer spatial resolution of satellite data used. Analysis of water spread area of glacial lakes at different altitudes shows that most of the lakes in the higher altitudes are small in size. It is observed that more than 66% of lakes are in the altitude beyond 4500 m and of size less than 50,000 sqm (5 ha). Out of 301 glacial lakes inventoried during 2000, water spread area of 6 lakes have decreased in 2014 and 31 lakes have shown increase in area. Out of these 31 lakes, 17 lakes are classified as end moraine dammed lakes and among them, 14 are located in Upper Teesta sub-basin and in higher altitudes (beyond 5000 m). The prioritisation of these lakes for GLOF risk needs to be carried out with detailed field investigation.  相似文献   

The present study is focussing on that how Landsat 7 ETM+ can be effectively used for estimation of Trophic State Index for Sukhna Lake. Sukhna Lake in Chandigarh has undergone lot of changes in last few decades. The depth and area both reduced tremendously. The shrinkage of the lake is due to the siltation and inadequate water volumes flowing to it. The Trophic State Index has been estimated by using secchi disk transparency and Landsat 7 ETM+ data. The in situ observations for parameters like pH, DO were measured by using multiparameter water quality instrument TROLL 9500. The best tested interpolation technique has been used to generate in situ images. The results have shown that the lake is in Hypereutrophic condition since 2000.  相似文献   

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