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Despite growing interest in urbanization and its social and ecological impacts on formerly rural areas, empirical research remains limited. Extant studies largely focus either on issues of social exclusion and enclosure or ecological change. This article uses the case of sweetgrass basketmaking in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, to explore the implications of urbanization, including gentrification, for the distribution and accessibility of sweetgrass, an economically important nontimber forest product (NTFP) for historically African American communities, in this rapidly growing area. We explore the usefulness of grounded visualization for research efforts that are examining the existence of “fringe ecologies” associated with NTFP. Our findings highlight the importance of integrated qualitative and quantitative analyses for revealing the complex social and ecological changes that accompany both urbanization and rural gentrification.  相似文献   

欧美国家绅士化问题的城市地理学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧洲和北美地区的绅士化研究代表着世界绅士化研究的主流与方向。在介绍绅士化的传统与衍生概念的基础上,对绅士化概念问世以来的主要理论解释派系进行分析总结,特别是从生产端和消费端进行解释的两大阵营。本文对欧美绅士化的三波发展浪潮进行介绍,并将半个世纪以来的绅士化研究划分为4 个发展阶段:绅士化现象描述阶段、两大阵营的激烈论战阶段、两种理论的相互融合阶段与绅士化政策应对研究阶段。在对绅士化作为全球城市发展战略和绅士化的主要社会空间效应做出简单评价以后,展望了世界范围内绅士化问题的研究前景;绅士化研究虽然已经走过了很长的一段路,但依然存在着巨大的研究空间。  相似文献   

国外商业绅士化研究进展及其对本土研究的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙洁  宋伟轩 《世界地理研究》2021,30(5):1096-1105
商业是城市中最活跃,并且对城市发展和空间重构产生重要影响的功能之一。近20年来,随着产业转型与城市更新实践,日益突出的商业绅士化现象愈发引起国外学术界关注。同时,多源数据和定量分析方法的利用,促进了商业绅士化专题研究逐渐增多。商业绅士化的发生背景、表现特征、推动主体与形成机制,以及商业绅士化导致阶层置换、加深种族隔离等社会空间效应是主要的研究内容。通过对国外商业绅士化研究文献的梳理,以期展示城市商业高档化重构的机理以及绅士化演进的复杂性。基于当前我国城市转型和消费转型的特征与趋势,尝试提出对商业绅士化本土研究方向和方法的启示。  相似文献   

边艳  周春山 《热带地理》2014,34(1):108-115
中国市场经济的改革伴随着社会阶层的分化和社会空间的重构,社会空间异质性增加。以中产阶层为主流大军的中产阶层化已成为一个全球化的社会空间现象。文章在地理学、规划学和社会学视角下,基于对1980年以来中国中产阶层空间分异相关研究成果的数据统计,将其划分为3个时期:1)1980―1989年,以西方社会阶层理论引入及国内社会阶层定性讨论的萌芽期;2)1990―2004年,为西方城市社会空间理论引进及中国城市社会空间结构研究的探索期;3)2005年至今,为城市社会空间结构实证研究及城市社会空间分异研究的发展期。文章总结了主要研究内容和研究方法,提出未来中国中产阶层空间分异研究的重点应集中于:转型期中产阶层研究的理论构建、全球化与中产阶层生活方式以及中产阶层聚居区研究等方面。  相似文献   

In this paper, I develop the concept of “bio-gentrification” as a way to broaden critical theoretical debates on the relationship between gentrification and “social mixing” policies. Bio-gentrification weds urban Marxist political economic insights to the neo-Foucauldian notion of biopower. The former stresses spatial tactics of removal and displacement and value generated through land and property. The latter assesses a wider terrain of spatial tactics, their relationship to knowledge produced about humans as living beings, and their alignment with capitalist urbanization. The Vancouver example illuminates how social mixing “truths” and practices to which they are tied generate value by naturalizing human insecurity in situ and transforming the biological existence of disadvantaged peoples into raw material for profit through a process that can be conceptualized as a “vulnerability bio-value chain.” Bio-gentrification refers to the tension between removal and embedding of disadvantaged peoples and points to the need for a bio-gentrification politics to confront this dynamic.  相似文献   

张清源  叶超 《地理研究》2022,41(6):1778-1795
绅士化已经成为全球城乡发展研究的前沿问题。探究绅士化的理论及其对中国城乡治理的启示,对贯彻落实新型城镇化和乡村振兴的国家战略具有重要意义。通过理论分析和案例比较可见,星球绅士化突破了传统绅士化研究的本体论、认识论和方法论,全球北方与全球南方的差异凸显了中国绅士化研究的价值。结合中国独特的城乡关系、央地关系及其多尺度交互作用,可进行星球绅士化的理论创新。未来中国城乡治理应重视治理模式转型、区域战略转型和城乡关系转型,全球经验、区域差异、城乡融合是治理现代化转型的关键点。对绅士化现象须采取批判性的价值论立场,关注城乡中低收入者权利,为维护空间正义和实现共同富裕做出积极贡献。中国绅士化研究需要加强与国际的对话与对接,并提供本土化经验。  相似文献   

南京内城商业绅士化发育特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
商业绅士化是指城市中传统商业、居住或工业被更高价值商业取代和置换的现象,与居住绅士化互为因果。由于城市发展阶段、模式和管制环境不同,不同国家和地区商业绅士化社会空间特征表现出显著差异。20世纪末以来,在城市社会空间转型语境下,具有异域风情的餐厅、酒吧、咖啡馆、健身房等高档消费场所置换传统住宅或社区商业并在城市特定空间中集聚,是中国最典型的商业绅士化现象。遴选出符合商业绅士化特征的六类高端商娱场所,采用空间核密度等方法,对2008年和2018年南京内城上述商娱场所空间集聚、演进模式和机理效应进行分析。研究发现:① 商业绅士化“热点区”首先出现在城市传统商业中心和文化历史街区,随后向商业中心周边和新兴商业地段跳跃式扩散;② 根据实践路径差异,可将南京内城商业绅士化分为整体植入式、侵入演替式和转型升级式三种模式,分别以1912街区、南京大学—南京师范大学(南大—南师大)片区和新街口地区为代表;③ 经济和文化力量在推动商业绅士化的发生演化中均发挥重要作用,其中地方政府、资本联手对“商业租差”的追逐,以及年轻、高收入绅士化群体日益增长的时尚、高端文化消费需求,从供需两端驱动着商业绅士化过程;④ 商业绅士化在提升城市商业活力和经济效益的同时,也在一定程度上产生对原住居民和低端商业的排挤和置换效应。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):118-129
This article explores the historical, economic, and social factors that shape the recent migration of middle-class Blacks to low-income, urban, Black neighborhoods. It focuses on the meanings associated with this pattern of Black gentrification and the extent to which this residential pattern is consistent with previous models of urban gentrification. Using three years of ethnographic data from a low-income neighborhood in Philadelphia that has experienced an increase in Black middle-class residents, I conclude that this pattern of neighborhood change is distinct from previous models of urban gentrification. In this article, I argue that Black gentrification represents a unique set of opportunities and constraints that produce a group of middleclass African Americans willing to invest their social, economic, and cultural capital into improving the quality of life for low-income Black neighborhoods and their residents.  相似文献   

综合采用质性和定量方法,从社会阶层、物质环境和消费方式等层面研究佛山岭南天地的旅游绅士化现象,并分析原住民在绅士化过程中的情感特征。结果发现,物质环境改造加速了地方社会阶层的更替,原住民大多被游客、中产阶级和房产投资者所替代,空间利用方式呈现出高度商业化特征。旅游绅士化虽有力地推动了地方的环境改造和经济发展,却衍生出阶层更替、社会排斥和空间隔离等副产品,使传统的本地化生活空间转变为“资本空间”与“消费空间”。城市历史街区改造不同于一般城市更新,街区更新应以地方性为落脚点,尊重原住民的情感与历史记忆,不应简单通过商业化手段推进历史街区更新。  相似文献   

黄幸  谷浩  石美施 《地理研究》2022,41(10):2726-2741
以成都市大慈寺社区商业绅士化为例,基于布迪厄的场域理论,从不同行为主体的视角出发,分别分析了地方政府、开发商、绅士化群体、原住居民、周边商户及周边小区各自的利益诉求与资本获取,探寻商业绅士化空间对周边老旧住区的影响。研究发现:商业绅士化空间及其周边住区共同构成了一个绅士化场域,不同的行为主体在场域中获取和积累各自资本从而确立其社会实践地位。特别地,绅士化核心场域由地方政府、开发商和绅士化群体共同构成的利益联合体推动形成,体现一种至上而下的全球化资本逻辑运作;边缘场域由原住居民、周边商户和周边租户在周边小区构建而成,其受到了核心场域的支配和影响,与核心场域内的三类主体形成了动态互哺关系,从而逐渐产生新一轮绅士化进程,呈现一种至下而上的本土化资本发展逻辑。大慈寺社区商业绅士化中的核心场域与边缘场域之间存在着既相互分异又相互融合的复杂特征,构建了两者之间的循环发展路径,带动了中心城区的整体更新发展。研究填补了中国商业绅士化对于周边住区影响的理论空白,同时也对城市中心商业空间更新的良性改造提供一定参考价值。  相似文献   

黄逸恒  朱竑  尹铎 《地理科学进展》2021,40(12):2153-2162
随着全球生态环境问题的日益凸显,政治生态学以关注造成环境问题的政治因素为研究内核,成为不同学科共同探索的研究领域。地理学以人地关系为立足点,深化政治生态学研究的空间性和政治性。论文首先通过对西方政治生态学理论脉络进行梳理,发现政治生态学根源于早期环境批判思想、西方马克思主义、后结构主义以及后人类主义理论,并与地理学的发展相辅相成。其次,对近30年西方地理学与政治生态学的相关研究成果进行分析发现,现有的研究议题主要聚焦于生态经济与绿色发展、生态治理与环境保育、生态身份与微观政治及生态客体与能动性4个方面。在此基础上,论文总结了相关研究对中国地理学进行政治生态学研究的借鉴意义,并进一步提出立足中国本土进行政治生态学研究未来需要关注的方向。  相似文献   

The Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, British Columbia, remains one of the poorest neighborhoods in Canada, yet is also a site of rapid gentrification. Both new and revitalized restaurants have created new spaces of consumption, transforming the neighborhood into a dining destination. Site visits and an analysis of the discourses used in newspaper articles and magazine features, as well as on blogs and in other online spaces, indicate that the presence of poor and marginalized residents of the Downtown Eastside is one of the reasons for some consumers’ decisions to visit new upscale establishments in the area. Analysis of advertisements and other primary documents indicates that the presence of poor and marginalized residents has become a competitive niche for the promotion of distinctive and authentic culinary adventures. This trend toward poverty tourism signals a shift from the simple displacement of low-income residents to a more complex form of gentrification in which residents face spatial management and control while their poverty is commodified.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):276-298
This paper analyzes the relationship between postwar urban redevelopment and the more recent transition that fused subsequent gentrification with tourism strategies in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). First, it examines the long endeavor of local government to foster neighborhood change in coalition with tourism and commercial development planning, and documents the intimate connection between gentrification and displacement. Second, it sheds light on the entwined effects of gentrification and tourism in the transformation of this urban outpost of the European Union.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):101-125
The purpose of this paper is to identify of the gentrification frontier. The gentrification frontier represents a divide between gentrified and ungentrified areas of the city. Based on a case study of Portland, Maine, field research is combined with an analysis of census-derived variables to delineate the gentrification frontier in three time periods 1980-1990, 1990-2000, and 1980-2000. This paper suggests that the existence of an amenity, a revitalized urban waterfront can act as a catalyst for gentrification of the adjacent urban space, thereby creating a gentrification frontier associated with reinvestment in the waterfront. The results of the analysis show that because of low levels of gentrification before 1990 it is only possible to identify the gentrification frontier in the period from 1990-2000. As expected, the gentrification frontier is fragmented and discontinuous. It is located adjacent to an almost continuous area of gentrification that extends along Portland's waterfront.  相似文献   

绅士化是一个基于社会阶层向上变化与演替的社会空间重构过程,以城市拆除建新为主要形式的新建绅士化是中国各大城市最主要的绅士化模式。当前对新建绅士化的研究大多从政府主导的生产端进行解析,而基于居民行为动机的消费端解析则相对较少。因此,论文以北京市宣武门新建绅士化为例,从消费端出发,分析居民的住房选择和社会空间效应,以期更好地理解中国绅士化及城市更新的多元动力和影响机制。研究发现,新建绅士化在中西方存在较大差异,这主要源于中国城市的发展背景、特殊的土地制度以及特定的社会文化环境。在绅士化群体特征方面,中国新建绅士化在社会经济特征上虽然与西方基本趋同,但在年龄和家庭结构上呈现多样化和复杂化;在住房选择上,中国绅士化群体的住房选择比较务实,都集中在追求生活便利、子女教育、改善居住环境等,这与西方追求文化要素的结果有很大不同。在社会空间效应方面,低收入阶层的原住居民在绅士化过程中被置换与动迁,虽然住房条件得到一定改善,但动迁使原住居民在日常生活和情感等方面都遭受了负面影响。文章最后呼吁,深入探讨和研究中国绅士化“本土”理论框架的建立是今后应该重点关注的主要课题。  相似文献   

“学生化”的城中村社区——基于广州下渡村的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
何深静  钱俊希  吴敏华 《地理研究》2011,30(8):1508-1519
学生化作为绅士化现象的一种类型,是高等教育规模扩张背景下学生群体对于城市空间进行重构的现象。起因于学生群体的居住偏好,以及投资者与房屋所有者的寻租行为,面向学生群体的居住空间开始产生并聚集,形成独特的学生化社区,并由此产生一系列的社会,经济与文化影响。基于对学生化现象相关研究的综述,本文对于广州市中山大学邻近的下渡村学...  相似文献   

In this paper, we critically examine the role of artistic locational choices and practices in the context of gentrification processes in urban renewal contexts. We characterize gentrification as a form of domestication of space, and explore the extent to which artistic choices and practices relate to such process with reference to the deontological dilemma of legitimization within the art system vs. responsible empowerment of vulnerable local constituencies. We illustrate our argument with an analysis of the High Line Art project, and show how this can be considered as a textbook example of art-driven space domestication leading to brutal forms of gentrification. We comment on the threat that this provides to the social credibility of artistic practices as an agency of responsible social change.  相似文献   

教育绅士化社区:形成机制及其社会空间效应研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
胡述聚  李诚固  张婧  马佐澎  刘伟 《地理研究》2019,38(5):1175-1188
教育绅士化现象已成为深刻影响我国城市居住空间分异的重要因素,以长春市郊区出现的教育绅士化社区为例,对其形成机制及社会空间效应进行深入研究。结果表明:① 在优质教育资源空间分布不均及教育体制改革背景下,私立学校与房地产开发活动在郊区的结合催生出一种新的教育绅士化现象,其实质是由教育资源引发的绅士化现象。② 教育绅士化社区采用“房地产+名校”的模式进行开发,涉及地方政府、房地产开发商、学校以及绅士阶层四大主体。教育绅士化缘于地方政府的征地行为,开发商是物质景观改造的主体,学校则是吸引绅士阶层集聚的关键。③ 教育绅士化社区一方面引导了资本、中产阶层和优质教育资源向郊区的迁移,促进了郊区物质景观及人口、社会经济的升级,并在一定程度上有利于教育公平。另一方面又不可避免地引起了城市人口、社会经济空间的分层和极化。本研究在一定程度上丰富了教育绅士化的研究内容和研究视野,同时对教育、住房以及城市发展政策的制定具有一定启示。  相似文献   

The concerns of political ecology since its beginnings as a field have been predominantly set in rural areas with limited focus on urban industrial risks. Further, debates on the global South (often from Anglo‐American perspectives) have not fully appreciated the divergent and differentiated perceptions of urban risks and, therefore, everyday forms of resistance within civil society. Instead, work has mainly focused on civil society power relations against the state and industry that are driven by coherent populist political agendas. Against this setting, this paper's contribution aims to better contextualize ‘other’ third world localities in political ecology through a case study of urban industrial risks in the upper/middle income (as opposed to rural, low/lower middle income) country, South Africa. In doing so, the paper sheds light on the derelict aspect of civil society contestation, especially along class and ethnic lines, over urban landfill infrastructure as a livelihood resource or a health hazard. The paper draws upon frameworks of self‐reflexivity and reflexive localism as complementary to the mainstream political ecology to illuminate differentiated civil society reflexiveness and therefore, aims to advance the discussion of other political ecologies. The case study of the largest formal landfill site in Africa, the Bisasar landfill situated in Durban, highlights differences underlying power relations and constraints within civil society (in leadership, social networking, resources and mistrust) that have implications for mainstream political ecology notions of civil society coherence.  相似文献   

Knowledge-intensive economic resurgence and social restratification are evidently reshaping the intra-urban space of Los Angeles .In particular, the expansion of white-collar employment is inducing marked readjustments in the geography of housing for these workers, and is promoting significant gentrification of inner-city neighborhoods. Existing accounts of gentrification in the United States are briefly adjudged in relation to (a) the recent historical record of urban change and (b) the theory of land redevelopment. A cartographic and statistical analysis of white-collar residential change in Los Angeles County is then undertaken. The analysis points to the evolving spatial structure of pertinent job opportunities together with related land redevelopment dynamics as the dominant factors underlying recent shifts in white-collar residential activity in the County. Further investigation suggests that gentrification trends in Los Angeles represent a special and problematical case of this broad process of white-collar residential change. .  相似文献   

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